Section 3 Transformations [Translation, Rotation and Scaling]

Graphics & Image Processing
Section 3
[Translation, Rotation and Scaling]
3D: X3D
2D: Canvas
3D Translation
 To translate a 3D point, modify each dimension
x' = x + a1
y' = y + a2
z' = z + a3
 Or in Matrix format:
3D Rotation: axis of rotation
 In 3D, we need to specify not only
the angle (or amount) of rotation,
but also the axis of rotation
 The “Right Hand Rule” for
rotations: grasp axis with right hand
with thumb oriented in positive
direction of axis
 Your fingers will then curl in the
direction of positive rotation for
that axis
Rotation about the Principle
 These matrices define
rotations by angle 
about the principle
 As a point rotates
about the x axis, its x
component remains
 To use one of these
matrices, multiply
your [x y z] matrix by
it, e.g.
[x' y' z'] = [x y z] RX
Transformations in X3D
 A 3D coordinate system is a set of X, Y and Z axes that cross
at an origin. Positions within a coordinate system are
specified by X, Y and Z distances measured along each of the
 In X3D, translation, rotation and scaling of shapes are all
accomplished using the Transform node
 A Transform node defines a child or nested coordinate
system: any shapes contained within it will be centred on the
origin of its own coordinate system
 The top-most coordinate system is called the root or world
coordinate system
Nested Coordinate Systems
 (Top): a nested coordinate
system defined as a translation
relative to the world coordinate
system by -3.0 units along the X
axis, 2.0 units along the Y axis,
and 2.0 units along the Z axis
 (Bottom): A box shape
contained in this nested coordinate system
Why Nested Coordinate
Systems are Useful
 Consider the steps required to build a room with a table and a lamp on it:
Build a lamp, with each component relative to a lamp coordinate system
Build a table, with each component relative to a table coordinate system
Place the lamp on the table by nesting the lamp coordinate system in the
table coordinate system
Build a room, with each component relative to a room coordinate system
Place the table (and its lamp) by nesting the table coordinate system in the
room coordinate system
 This approach has allowed us to build each piece of the world
independently: the structure of the lamp, for example, is independent of
where it is placed on the table.
 This helps manage complexity as well as promote reusability and
simplify the transformations of objects composed of multiple primitive
The X3D Transform Node
 The Transform node provides the functionality of translation, rotation
and scaling
 Its children are typically Shape nodes and further Transform nodes
 By putting a Transform node inside (as a child of) another transform
node, you are creating a child/nested coordinate system
< Transform
bboxCenter='0 0 0'
bboxSize='-1 -1 -1'
center='0 0 0'
rotation='0 0 1 0'
scale='1 1 1'
translation='0 0 0'
(These are the default values
for the fields)
X3D Translation Example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE X3D PUBLIC "ISO//Web3D//DTD X3D 3.0//EN" "">
<X3D xmlns:xsd='' profile='Full' version='3.0'
<Scene DEF='scene'>
<Transform translation='2 1 -2'>
X3D Nested Coordinate
System Example – a hut
<Scene DEF='scene'>
<Material diffuseColor='0.7 0.0 0.2'/>
<Cylinder radius='2'/>
<Transform translation='0 2 0'>
<Material diffuseColor='0.7 0.0 0.7'/>
<Cone bottomRadius='2.5'/>
X3D Example – Two
archways on the ground
<Scene DEF='scene'>
<Appearance DEF='White'>
<Box size='25 0.1 25'/>
<Transform DEF='LeftColumn'
translation='-2 3 0'>
<Shape DEF='Column'>
<Appearance USE='White'/>
<Cylinder height='6' radius='0.3'/>
<Transform DEF='RightColumn'
translation='2 3 0'>
<Shape USE='Column'/>
<Transform DEF='ArchwaySpan'
translation='0 6.05 0'>
<Appearance USE='White'/>
<Box size='4.6 0.4 0.6'/>
<Transform translation='0 0 -2'>
<Transform USE='LeftColumn'/>
<Transform USE='RightColumn'/>
<Transform USE='ArchwaySpan'/>
X/Y/Z Rotations: Pitch, Yaw,
 Rotation about the x axis is often
called ‘pitch’
 Rotation about the y axis is often
called ‘yaw’
 Rotation about the z axis is often
called ‘roll’
 Since all components of this
aeroplane are inside its coordinate
system, transformations of that
coordinate system will preserve the
relative positions of the components
Rotation using the
Transform Node
 In X3D, you can rotate about any line, not just the principal
 You specify a 3D co-ordinate, and the axis of rotation is
defined as the line that joins the origin to this point.
e.g. a toy spinning top will rotate about the Y axis, defined as (0.0,
1.0, 0.0)
 You must also specify the amount to rotate by: this is
measured as an angle in Radians
 Hence, rotations are defined using 4 numbers: the first 3
define the axis and the 4th defines the angle (amount)
 the centre of rotation is, by default, the origin of the
coordinate system. To change this, specify a 3D co-ordinate
in the transform node's center field
Rotation Example
<Scene DEF='scene'>
<Transform rotation='1 0 0 -0.785'>
<Scene DEF='scene'>
<Shape DEF='Arm1'>
<Cylinder height='1' radius='0.1'/>
<Transform rotation='0 0 1 1.047'>
<Shape USE='Arm1'/>
<Transform rotation='0 0 1 2.094'>
<Shape USE='Arm1'/>
Another Example
<Scene DEF='scene'>
<Shape DEF='Arm1'>
<Cylinder height='1' radius='0.1'/>
<Transform DEF='Arm2' rotation='0 0 1 1.047'>
<Shape USE='Arm1'/>
<Transform DEF='Arm3' rotation='0 0 1 2.094'>
<Shape USE='Arm1'/>
<Transform rotation='0 1 0 1.785'>
<Transform USE='Arm2'/>
<Transform USE='Arm3'/>
Example using centre of
<Scene DEF='scene'>
<Appearance DEF='White'>
<Cylinder height='0.01' radius='0.1'/>
<Transform center='0 -0.15 0' rotation='1 0 0 -0.7' translation='0 0.15 0'>
<Shape DEF='LampArm'>
<Appearance USE='White'/>
<Cylinder height='0.3' radius='0.01'/>
<Transform center='0 -0.15 0' rotation='1 0 0 1.9' translation='0 0.3 0'>
<Shape USE='LampArm'/>
Scaling in X3D
 The Transform node allows you to scale a co-ordinate system's
size relative to its parent co-ordinate system
 The scale is specified as a multiplication factor: to make
something half of its original size, its scale factor is 0.5, while to
make it triple its original size, its scale factor is 3.0
 The Transform node's scale field uses three scale factors: one for
each axis. By using different numbers here, you will scale a coordinate system by different amounts in the different directions.
 The transform node's scaleOrientation field allows you to specify
a rotation prior to scaling, thereby enabling you to stretch a shape
in any direction, not just along the principal axes
 The transform node's center field defines the centre point for
scaling (as well as rotation). This allows you to scale a shape
without moving it (e.g. a growing tree)
Scaling Example
<Scene DEF='scene'>
<Transform DEF='Wing' scale='0.5 1 1.5'>
<Appearance DEF='White'>
<Cylinder height='0.025'/>
<Transform DEF='Fuselage' scale='2 0.2 0.5'>
<Appearance USE='White'/>
<Transform scale='0.3 2 0.75'>
<Transform USE='Wing'/>
<Transform USE='Fuselage'/>
2D Translations with Canvas
function draw() {
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');; // save the default (root) co-ord system
context.fillStyle="#CC00FF"; // purple
// translates from the origin, producing a nested co-ordinate system
context.fillStyle="#FFFF00"; // yellow
// transforms further, to produce another nested co-ord system
context.fillStyle="#0000FF"; // blue
context.restore(); // recover the default (root) co-ord system
context.fillStyle="#00FF00"; // green
These coordinate systems are
<body onload="draw();">
<canvas id="canvas" width="600" height="600"></canvas>
Order of Transformations
 Rotation by 45 degrees
 Then Translation 2 units
along the red axis
 Translation 2 units along the
red axis
 Then Rotation by 45 degrees
Order of Transforms example
function draw() {
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');; // save the default (root) co-ord system
context.fillStyle="#CC00FF"; // purple
context.fillRect(0,0,100,100); // positioned with TL corner at 0,0
// translate then rotate
context.fillStyle="#FF0000"; // red
context.fillRect(0,0,100,100); // positioned with TL corner at 0,0
// recover the root co-ord system
// rotate then translate
context.fillStyle="#FFFF00"; // yellow
context.fillRect(0,0,100,100); // positioned with TL corner at 0,0
<body onload="draw();">
<canvas id="canvas" width="600" height="600"></canvas>
Canvas scale example
function draw() {
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.fillStyle="#CC00FF"; // purple
context.fillRect(0,0,100,100); // positioned with TL corner at 0,0
context.fillStyle="#FF0000"; // red
context.fillRect(0,0,100,100); // positioned with TL corner at 0,0
<body onload="draw();">
<canvas id="canvas" width="600" height="600"></canvas>
Canvas: programmatic
graphics example
function draw() {
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
for (i=0;i<15;i++) {
context.fillStyle = "rgb("+(i*255/15)+",0,0)";
<body onload="draw();">
<canvas id="canvas" width="600" height="600"></canvas>
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