Pin Name Abbreviations In certain instances, it may be desirable to abbreviate the pin names of schematic symbols. The following list contains commonly used abbreviations found in the Altium libraries. Summary Due to specific restraints and considerations, these mnemonics are not applied universally to every library component. Library Standard LS0001 (v1.2) March 19, 2004 Explanatory Notes * Abbreviation from appendix A of ANSI/IEEE Std. 991 - 1986 (Current Nov 1996). ** Abbreviation conjoined as a prefix or postfix to an existing pin name. Pin Abbreviations Name Abbrev. Access Acknowledge * Acquistion Activate * Activation Adder Address * Address Latch Enable Address Strobe Adjust Adjustment Alarm Alarm Inhibit * Alternate Amplifier Analog Analog Ground Analog Supply Analog Vcc Analog Vee Angle Anode ACC ACK ACQ ACT ACT ADD ADR ALE AS ADJ ADJ ALM ALI ALT AMP ANLG AGND AVCC AVCC AVEE ANG A LS0001 (v1.2) March 19, 2004 ** A# A Name Abbrev. Antenna Application Arbitration Asynchronous * Asynchronous Preset-Enable Asynchronous/Synchronous Audio Auto Reset Auto Zero Auxiliary ANT APPL ARB ASYNC APE A/S AUD AR AZ AUX Back Balance Band Pass Band Pass Filter Bandwidth Basic Bass Battery Bias Voltage Bin/Dec Binary * BCK BAL BP BPF BW BSC . BAT VB B/D BIN ** B 1 Schematic Components – Pin Name Abbreviations Binary/Decade Bipolar Offset Bit * Bit Counter * Blank Blanker Blanking Blanking Input Blend Block * Blue Booster Bootstrap Borrow Borrow Output * Brake Breakpoint Bridge Brightness Buffer * Buffered * Burst Buzzer Bypass Byte * Byte Enable B/D BIPO BIT BCTR BNK BNK BNK BI BLE BLK . BST BOOT BRW BO BRK BKPT BRG BRT BUF BUF BUR BZ BYP BYT BE Carrier Detect Carrier Sensed Carrier Tuning Carry * Carry Input * Carry Output * Cascade CAL CAN CAP Cext Cint Cn Cn+1 CRD CRS CTUN CRY CI CO CASC Cathode Channel Channel Guard Character Charge Charge Pump Check * Chip Address Chip Enable * Chip Select * Chrominance Circuit Clamp Clamping Clear * Clear To Send Clock * Clock Down Clock Enable Clock In Clock Out Clock Up Clockwise Coefficient Coincidence Collector Collision Collision Detected Column * Command * Common Commutate Comparator Compare * Compensation Compensation Capacitor Complement Composite Compressor Configuration Constant K CH CG CHAR CHG CP CHK CA CE CS CHROMA CCT CLM CLM CLR CTS CLK CPD CKEN CLKI CLKO CPU CW COEF COIN COLL CLSN CDT COL CMD COM CMUT CMPR COMP CMPEN CC COMPL CMPOS CMPRS CFGN CONST Calibration Cancel Capacitor Cassette CASS Content-Addressable Memory CAM 2 B# B LS0001 (v1.2) March 19, 2004 CK C Schematic Components – Pin Name Abbreviations Contrast Control * Control Input Control Output Conversion Convert Converters Coprocessor Corrected * Correction Count * Counter * Counter Clockwise Crystal Crystal In Crystal Out Current Current Boost Current Limit Current Reference Current Sense Current Sensing Cycle * CNAST CNTL CTLI CTLO CVS CONV CONV COPROC CORR CORR CNT CTR CCW XTAL XTI XTO CURR IBST ILIM IREF ISEN ISEN CYC Darlington Drive Data * Data Available Data Clock Data Input Data Memory Data Output Data Ready Data Set Ready Data Strobe Data Terminal Ready Data Transfer Acknowledge Data Valid Deadtime Decimal * Decoder Decouple DD D DAV DCLK DI DM DO DR DSR DAS DTR DTACK DV DT DEC DECO DCPL Decoupling DCPL LS0001 (v1.2) March 19, 2004 I D# Deemphasis Define Delay * Delete Demagnetization Demodulator Demultiplexer Designation Detect Detector Device * Diagnostic Diameter Differential Dig Gnd Digital Digital Ground Digital Supply Digital Vee Diode Direct Direct-Current Direction Disable * Discharge Disconnect Display Display Frequency Divide Divider Down * Down/Up Drive Driver * Driving Dummy Duration Dynamic DEEM DEF DLY DEL DEMAG DMD DX or DMUX DES DET DET DEV DIAGN DIA DIFF DGND DIG D DGND DVCC DVEE . D DIR DC DIR DIS DISC DISCT DPY DF DIV DIV DWN U/D DRV DRV DRV DUM DUR DYN Earphone Emitter EAR EMIT Emphasis EMP EM 3 Schematic Components – Pin Name Abbreviations Enable * Enable Output Encode(r) End Of Conversion Enquiry Erase * Error * Excitation Expand Expander Expansion External * External Clock External Crystal Oscillator EN EO ENC EOC ENQ ERS ERR EXC EXP EXP EXP EXT EC EXTAL Fail Safe Fast/Trickle Fault * Fault Ground Feed Forward Feedback Feedthrough Field * Figure Filter Fine Adjust Fine Tuning First-In First-Out Memory Flyback Force Forced Format Frame Frame Sync Frame Synchronization Frequency Frequency Clamp Frequency Compensation Frequency Reference Function * FLS F/T FLT FGND FF FB FT FLD FIG FILT FADJ FTUN FIFO FLY FRC FCD FMT FRM FS FS FREQ FC FCOMP FREF FNC Gain GN 4 F G Gain Control Gain Reference Gate Generate * Generator Global Global Write * Good Green Ground * Guard Guard Hi-Z GC GREF GT GEN GEN . GW GD . GND GUD ZGUD Handshake Heat Sink Height High High Pass High Pass Filter Hold Holding * Hook Horizontal * Hysteresis HSHK HSNK HGT . HP HPF HLD HLD HK HORZ HYS Identification * Identity Ignition Increment Index Indicator Information Inhibit * Initialization Input * Input/Output * Interface * Intergrator Intermediate Frequency Internal * Interrupt * ID ID IGN INCR . IND INFO INH INIT IN IO INTFC INTG IF INT INTRPT Interrupt Acknowledge IACK LS0001 (v1.2) March 19, 2004 G G HI H X Schematic Components – Pin Name Abbreviations Interrupt Request * Invert Inverter Inverting Input Isolated IRQ INV INVR INISO Jam Junction . JN Kelvin Keyboard * Keystone Kill/Killer K KYBD KEY KL Lamp Lamp Test Latch * Latch Enable Latched * Leak Leakage Least Significant Bit * Least Significant Byte * Left * Level Library Limit Limitation Limiter Line Fault Line Signal Detect Linearity Load * Local Local Oscillator Location * Lock Lock Detector Locked Loudspeaker Low LMP LT LCH LE LCH LK LKG LSB LSBYT LFT LEV LIB LIM LIM LIM LF LSD LIN LD . LO LOC LCK LDE LCK LS . Low Line LL LS0001 (v1.2) March 19, 2004 J# L LO Low Pass Low Pass Filter Low Voltage Low Voltage Comparator Out Lower Byte LP LPF LV LVCO LB Magnitude Mask * Master * Master Reset Max/Min Maximum Memory * Memory Enable Microcontroller Power Supply Microphone Middle Minimum Mixer Mode Mode Select Model Modulator Monitor Monitoring Most Significant Bit * Most Significant Byte * Motor * Multiplex * Multiplexed Multiplexer Multiplexer/Demultipler Multiplier * Multiply * Mute MAG MSK MSTR MR MA/MI MAX MEM ME VMC MIC MID MIN MIX MD MS MDL MOD MON MON MSB MSBYT MTR MPX MPX MPX MDX MULT MULT MUT Negative * Negative Acknowledge Network No Connect Noise Reduction NEG NACK NTWK NC NR Non-Inverting Input IN+ MX M# 5 Schematic Components – Pin Name Abbreviations Normal Not Connected Not To Be Connected Number NORM NC DNU NUM Octal Offset Off-Time Op Amp Operating Organization Oscillator Oscillator In Oscillator Out Output * Output Control Output Enable Over Flow * Over Range Overhead Overload Overvoltage Overvoltage Protection OCT OS TOFF OPA OP ORG OSC OSCI OSCO OUT OC OE OVF OVR OVH OL OV OVP Parabola Parallel Parallel Enable Parallel Load Parallel/Serial Parameter Parity * Parity Error * Pattern Peak Phase Phase Detector Phone Physical Picture Pilot Pipeline PARO P . PLD P/S PARAM PAR PE PAT PK PH . PHON PHY PIC PIL PL Pixel PX 6 O Playback Point Polarity Position Power * Power Fail Input Power Fail Output Power Ground Power On Reset Power Output Power Up Powerdown Predistortion Control Preset Preset Enable Processor * Program * Programmable Read-Only Memory Protection Pull Pump Capacitor Push PB PT POL POS PWR PFI PFO PGND POR POUT PRUP PDN PDC PRE PSE PROC PRGM PROM PROT PUL CP PSH Quadrature Quiescent Quotient QUAD QUIESC QUOT Radio Ramp Random-Access Memory Range Read * Read/Write Read-Only Memory Ready * Ready/Busy Receive Receive Clock Receive Data Recirculation Record RAD RMP RAM RNG RD R/W ROM RDY RY/BY RX RXC RXD RECIRC REC Recording REC LS0001 (v1.2) March 19, 2004 P R Schematic Components – Pin Name Abbreviations Recovered Audio Rectification Rectifier Red Reference Reference Current Reference Voltage Refresh * Register Select Register/Counter Regulated Regulation Regulator Regulator Voltage Reject * Remote Report Request * Request To Send Reserved Reset Resistor . . Resolution Response Time Retain Return * Reversal Reverse Right Ringing Ripple Counter Ripple-Blanking Input Ripple-Blanking Output Rise Roll-Off Row * RA RECT RECT . REF IREF VREF RFSH RS R/C REG REG REG VREG REJ REM RPT REQ RTS RESV RST RES Rext Rint RESOL RSPT RTAN RTN RVS RVS . RING RCTR RBI RBO RIS RO ROW Σ Sample SUM SMPL Sample/Hold S/H LS0001 (v1.2) March 19, 2004 R R R# R R# S Sandcastle Saturation Sawtooth Search Segment Select * Select Enable Sense Sensitivity Sensor Separator Sequence Sequencer Serial Serial Clock Serial Data Serial Data In Serial Data Out Serial Input Serial Mode Select Serial Output Service Request Servo Servo Amplifier Set Shape Factor Shield Shift * Shift Left Shift Register Shift Right Shift/Load Short Circuit Shut Down Shutdown Sign Extend Signal Signal Ground Silence Simulation * Skew SAND SAT SAWTH SRCH SEG SEL SE SEN SEN SENR SEP SEQ SEQ SER SCK SDA SDI SDO SI SMS SO SRQ SRV SRVA . SF SHLD SFT SL SRG SR S/L SC SD SD SNEX SIG SGND SLN SIM SKW Slave * SLV S S 7 Schematic Components – Pin Name Abbreviations Sleep Slew Rate Slope Soft Start Soft-Start Sound Source Speaker Spindle Square Square Wave Squelch Stabilized Stack * Stage Standard Standby Start Status Stereo Streaming Stretch Strobe Substrate Summing Summing Junction Supply Supply Voltage Sustaining Switch * Switched Switching Syllabic Synchro Synchronization * Synchronize Synchronous Synchronous Preset-Enable Synthesizer System * System Clock 8 SLE SLWR SLP SS SS SND SRC SPK SPN SQ SQW SQEL STAB STK STG STD SBY STA STAT ST STR STRCH STB SUB SUM SJ VS VS SUS SW SW SW SYL SYNC SYNC SYNC SYNC SPE SYN SYS SYSCLK Tachometer Temperature Terminal * Terminate * Termination Terminations Test * Test Point Thermal Thermal Shutdown Threshold Time Constant Timing Timing Capacitor Timing Resistor Toggle * Tolerance Torque Transceiver * Transient Transmission Transmit Transmit Clock Transmit Data Transmit Sync Transmitter Enable Transparent Treble Triangle Trigger * Triggering True Complement Tuner Tunning Twisted Pair Typical TACH TEMP TERM TERM TERM TERM TST TP THERM TS THR TC TIM CT RT TG TOL TRQ XCVR TRAN TRANS TX TXC TXD TSYNC TEN TRN TR TRI TRIG TRIG T/C TUN TUN TWP TYP Undervoltage Up/Down Upper Byte Utility * UV U/D UB UTIL LS0001 (v1.2) March 19, 2004 Schematic Components – Pin Name Abbreviations Valid * Varactor Vari Cap Variable Vboot Vertical * Video * Virtual * Voltage Voltage Regulator Volume VLD VARAC VCAP VAR BOOT VERT VID VIRT VOLT VREG VOL V Watch Dog Watch Dog Input Watch Dog Output Waveshape Word Word Select Write * Write Control Write Enable WDG WDI WDO WVSH WD WS WR WC WE Zener Zero Adjust Zero Current Zero-Detect ZEN ZADJ ZC ZD Revision History Date Version No. Revision 16-May-2000 1.1 Addition and removal of abbreviations. 19-Mar-2004 1.2 Reformatted document. Software, hardware, documentation and related materials: Copyright © 2004 Altium Limited. All rights reserved. You are permitted to print this document provided that (1) the use of such is for personal use only and will not be copied or posted on any network computer or broadcast in any media, and (2) no modifications of the document is made. Unauthorized duplication, in whole or part, of this document by any means, mechanical or electronic, including translation into another language, except for brief excerpts in published reviews, is prohibited without the express written permission of Altium Limited. Unauthorized duplication of this work may also be prohibited by local statute. Violators may be subject to both criminal and civil penalties, including fines and/or imprisonment. Altium, CAMtastic, Design Explorer, DXP, LiveDesign, NanoBoard, NanoTalk, Nexar, nVisage, CircuitStudio, P-CAD, Protel, Situs, TASKING, and Topological Autorouting and their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Altium Limited or its subsidiaries. All other registered or unregistered trademarks referenced herein are the property of their respective owners and no trademark rights to the same are claimed. LS0001 (v1.2) March 19, 2004 9