Aero2 Signals & Systems (Part 2) Notes on BJT and transistor circuits Bipolar Junction Transistors • Physical Structure & Symbols • NPN Emitter (E) n-type Emitter region p-type Base region Base (B) Emitter-base junction (EBJ) C n-type Collector region Collector (C) B Collector-base junction (CBJ) E (a) (b) • PNP - similar, but: • N- and P-type regions interchanged • Arrow on symbol reversed • Operating Modes Operating mode EBJ CBJ Cut-off Reverse Reverse Active Forward Reverse Saturation Forward Forward Reverse-active Reverse Forward • Active Mode - voltage polarities for NPN IC VCB > 0 C B IB VBE > 0 E IE (Based on Dr Holmes’ notes for EE1/ISE1 course) 1 Aero2 Signals & Systems (Part 2) Notes on BJT and transistor circuits BJT - Operation in Active Mode p n { E IE IEn electrons IEp holes n C IC recombination IB B • IEn , IEp both proportional to exp(VBE/VT) • IC ≈ IEn ⇒ IC ≈ IS exp(VBE/VT) (1.1) • IB ≈ IEp << IEn IC = β IB where β large ⇒ can write • IS = SATURATION CURRENT (typ 10 -15 to 10 (1.2) -12 A) • VT = THERMAL VOLTAGE = kT/e ≈ 25 mV at 25 °C • β = COMMON-EMITTER CURRENT GAIN (typ 50 to 250) • Active Mode Circuit Model IB IC B C β IB IE = IB + I C E (Based on Dr Holmes’ notes for EE1/ISE1 course) 2 Aero2 Signals & Systems (Part 2) Notes on BJT and transistor circuits BJT Operating Curves - 1 IC vs VBE • INPUT-OUTPUT (for IS = 10 -13 A) IC (mA) 100 IC 80 V CB > 0 ACTIVE CUT-OFF 60 C B 40 VBE E 20 VBE (V) 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 • ACTIVE REGION: • IC ≈ 0 for VBE < ≈ 0.5 V • IC rises very steeply for VBE > ≈ 0.5 V • VBE ≈ 0.7 V over most of useful IC range • IB vs VBE similar, but current reduced by factor β • CUT-OFF REGION: • IC ≈ 0 • Also IB , IE ≈ 0 (Based on Dr Holmes’ notes for EE1/ISE1 course) 3 Aero2 Signals & Systems (Part 2) Notes on BJT and transistor circuits BJT Operating Curves - 2 (for β = 50) IC vs VCE • OUTPUT IC (mA) 12 SAT ACTIVE 10 IB = 200 µA IC C IB = 160 µA 8 IB = 120 µA 6 IB = 80 µA 4 B IB VCE E IB = 40 µA 2 VCE (V) 0 0 1 2 • ACTIVE REGION (VCE > VBE): • IC = β IB , regardless of VCE i.e. CONTROLLED CURRENT SOURCE • SATURATION REGION (VCE < VBE): • IC falls off as VCE → 0 • VCEsat ≈ 0.2 V on steep part of each curve • In both cases: • VBE ≈ 0.7 V if IB non-negligible (Based on Dr Holmes’ notes for EE1/ISE1 course) 4 Aero2 Signals & Systems (Part 2) Notes on BJT and transistor circuits Summary of BJT Characteristics VCB > 0 CUT-OFF ACTIVE • IC ≈ 0 • IC = IS exp(VBE /VT) • IB ≈ 0 • IC = β IB • VBE ≈ 0.7 V if I C non-negligible VBE < 0 VBE > 0 REVERSE-ACTIVE SATURATION • IC < β IB • VBE ≈ 0.7 V if I B non-negligible • VCE < VBE (by definition) VCB < 0 • Also IE = IB + IC (always) • THIS TABLE IS IMPORTANT - GET TO KNOW IT ! • For PNP table: • Reverse order of suffices on all voltages in table i.e. VCB → VBC etc • Reverse arrows on currents in circuit i.e. arrows on IB, IC point out of PNP device, while arrow on IE points in. (Based on Dr Holmes’ notes for EE1/ISE1 course) 5 Aero2 Signals & Systems (Part 2) Notes on BJT and transistor circuits Common-Emitter Amplifier Conceptual Circuit RC IC V CC VOUT V IN • Assume active mode: IC = IS exp(VIN/VT) • Apply Ohm’s Law and KVL to output side: VOUT = VCC - RCIC (1.3) = VCC - RCIS exp(VIN/VT) NOTE: Called ‘common-emitter’ because emitter is connected to reference point for both input and output circuits. Common-Base and Common-Collector also important. (Based on Dr Holmes’ notes for EE1/ISE1 course) 6 Aero2 Signals & Systems (Part 2) Notes on BJT and transistor circuits C-E Amplifier Input-Output Relationship • e.g. VCC = 20 V, RC = 10 kΩ, IS = 10-14 A, VT = 25 mV. VOUT (V) 20 ΔVIN ΔVOUT 15 10 Operating Point 5 0 0.50 VIN (V) 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 • Plenty of voltage gain i.e. ΔVOUT >> ΔVIN BUT: • Highly non-linear ⇒ Output distorted unless input signal very small ⇒ Need to BIAS transistor to operate in correct region of graph to get high gain without distortion (Based on Dr Holmes’ notes for EE1/ISE1 course) 7 Aero2 Signals & Systems (Part 2) Notes on BJT and transistor circuits C-E Amplifier Small-Signal Response - 1 Aim: to get quantitative information about the small-signal voltage gain and the linearity of a C-E amplifier • Start with the large signal equations: VOUT = VCC - RCIC = VCC - RC IS exp(VIN/VT) • Suppose we add to VIN a small input signal voltage vin, resulting in a corresponding signal vout at the output. We can relate vout to vin by expanding the above as a Taylor series: VOUT + vout = VCC - RC IC [1 + vin/VT + (vin/VT)2/2 + ..] (1.5) • Assuming vin << VT, we can neglect quadratic and higher terms, giving: VOUT + vout ≈ VCC - RCIC - RC(IC/VT)vin vin << VT This is a LINEAR APPROXIMATION, valid only when vin is small Cont’d . . (Based on Dr Holmes’ notes for EE1/ISE1 course) 8 Aero2 Signals & Systems (Part 2) Notes on BJT and transistor circuits C-E Amplifier Small-Signal Response - 2 • Using (1.3), we can separate the output voltage into BIAS and SIGNAL components: VOUT = VCC - RCIC vout ≈ - RC(IC /VT)vin Quiescent O/P Voltage Output Signal • SMALL-SIGNAL VOLTAGE GAIN: Av = vout/vin = - RCIC /VT = - RC gm (1.10) e.g. If quiescent O/P voltage lies roughly mid-way between the supply rails then RCIC ≈ VCC /2. In this case Av = -VCC /(2VT), so for VCC = 20 V we get AV = -400. The quantity gm= IC/VT is known as the TRANSCONDUCTANCE of the transistor. • LINEARITY Include higher order terms from Equation 1.5: vout ≈ - Rc gm [ vin + vin 2/2 VT + . . . . ] Ratio of unwanted quadratic term to linear term is vin/2VT, 10 % distortion when vin/2VT ≈ 0.1, or vin ≈ 5 mV. so expect ⇒ Amplifier is linear only for very small signals (Based on Dr Holmes’ notes for EE1/ISE1 course) 9 Aero2 Signals & Systems (Part 2) Notes on BJT and transistor circuits Bias Stabilisation - 1 • Biasing at constant VBE is a bad idea, because IS and VT both vary with temperature, and we require constant IC (or IE) for stable operation. Also, IS is not a well-defined transistor parameter. • We can obtain approximately constant IE as follows: VCC RC VBIAS VOUT + vout vin L RE (a) • KVL in loop L (with no signal) gives: IE = (VBIAS - VBE) /RE ≈ (VBIAS - 0.7 V) /RE (1.11) if VBIAS >> VBE ⇒ IE relatively insensitive to exact value of VBE • Get IC from IC = α IE where α = β/(1 + β) ≈ 1 • α is the COMMON-BASE CURRENT GAIN (Based on Dr Holmes’ notes for EE1/ISE1 course) 10 Aero2 Signals & Systems (Part 2) Notes on BJT and transistor circuits Bias Stabilisation - 2 • RE provides NEGATIVE FEEDBACK i.e. if the emitter current starts to rise as a result of some change in the transistor’s characteristics, then the voltage across RE rises accordingly. This in turn lowers the base-emitter voltage of the transistor, tending to bring the emitter current back down towards its original value. ⇒ STABILISATION BUT RE also: • Reduces small-signal voltage gain: Av = - RC gm /(1 + IERE/VT) (1.12) ≈ - α RC/RE • Reduces output swing (Based on Dr Holmes’ notes for EE1/ISE1 course) 11 Aero2 Signals & Systems (Part 2) Notes on BJT and transistor circuits Bias Stabilisation - 3 Recovery of Small-Signal Voltage Gain • We can recover the original value of Av for AC signals by using a BYPASS CAPACITOR: VCC RC V BIAS vin VOUT + vout RE CE (b) • Now we have: Av = - RC gm /(1 + IEZE/VT) (1.12b) where ZE is the combined impedance of RE and CE: ZE = RE /(1 + jωRECE) By making CE large enough, we can make the parallel combination appear like a short circuit (i.e. | ZE | ≈ 0) at all AC frequencies of interest, so that Equation 1.12b reduces to Av ≈ - RCgm as for our original common-emitter amplifier. On the other hand, the capacitor has no effect on biasing, because it passes no DC current. NB Technique only really relevant to discrete circuits (no big capacitors inside IC’s!) (Based on Dr Holmes’ notes for EE1/ISE1 course) 12 Aero2 Signals & Systems (Part 2) Notes on BJT and transistor circuits Example 1 Analyze the circuit below to determine the voltages at all nodes and the currents in all branches. Assume β = 100. 1. VBE is around 0.7V 2. 3. 4. 5. (Based on Dr Holmes’ notes for EE1/ISE1 course) 13 Aero2 Signals & Systems (Part 2) Notes on BJT and transistor circuits Example 2 Analyze the circuit below to determine the voltages at all nodes and the currents in all branches. Assume β = 100. (Based on Dr Holmes’ notes for EE1/ISE1 course) 14 Aero2 Signals & Systems (Part 2) Notes on BJT and transistor circuits Step 1: Simplify base circuit using Thévenin’s theorem. Step 2: Evaluate the base or emitter current by writing a loop equation around the loop marked L. • Step 3: Now evaluate all the voltages. VB = VBE + I E RE = 0.7 + 1.29 × 3 = 4.57V IC = ( β 1+ β ) I E = 0.99 × 1.29 = 1.28mA VC = +15 − I C RC = 15 − 1.28 × 5 = 8.6V (Based on Dr Holmes’ notes for EE1/ISE1 course) 15