p-n junction under forward bias q (Vbi- VR) q VR q VF =qV qV bi o qV qVoq(V - qV-V ) bi F V>0: the bias is called POSITIVE or Forward, if the polarity is opposite to the built-in barrier. Typical notation: VF. Forward bias REDUCES the potential barrier V<0: the bias is called NEGATIVE or Reverse if the polarity is the same as the built-in barrier. Typical notation: VR. Reverse bias INCREASES the potential barrier 1 Electron injection q (Vbi- VR) q VR q VF =qV qV bi o qV qVoq(V - qV-V ) bi F V =0; The electron concentration on the p-side: n p = nn e − qVbi kT Also, n p = n p0 (equilibrium electron concentration on the p-side) because the junction is in equilibrium V >0; New barrier height = qVbi - qV. n p = nn e − qVbi − qV kT = n p0 qV e kT 2 Hole injection In the equilibrium pn0 − qVbi / kT =e p p0 (1) Under forward bias VF, the barrier decreases by qVF: pn = e− q(Vbi −V ) / kT p p0 (2) Dividing (2) by (1): pn = e qV / kT pn 0 (3) pn = pn0 eqV / kT The concentration of injected holes exponentially increases with the forward voltage 3 Summary of carrier injection under forward bias Injected electron and hole concentrations: =qVo qV n p = n p 0× eqV / kT qVo - qV -xp0 xn0 pn = pn0× eqV / kT The change in the electron concentration in the p-region: ∆n p = n p − n p0 = n p0 (eqV / kT − 1) The change in the hole concentration in the n-region: ∆pn = pn − pn0 = pn0 (eqV / kT − 1) 4 Carrier injection and forward current mechanism in p-n junction =qV qV bi o qV q VF qVo - qV Forward bias is applied: VF>0. As compared to equilibrium conditions, much more electrons can overcome the barrier. Electrons are injected into the p-side. Injected electrons recombine with holes. To compensate the loss, more electrons and holes are pulled from the n- and p-contacts correspondingly. 5 Injected carrier spatial distribution (1) =qVo qV Note that the carrier injection takes place OUTSIDE the spacecharge region of the p-n junction. qVo - qV -xp0 xn0 We assume that the space charge region is thin so that hot carriers quickly drift through the depletion region due to high initial velocity. Outside the depletion region the field is low. Therefore the electron and hole transport can only be due to diffusion. 6 Injected carrier spatial distribution (2) The injected carriers diffuse into n- and p-portions of the junctions and RECOMBINE along with DIFFUSION; SpaceCharge region SpaceCharge region 7 Injected carrier spatial distribution (3) The steady-state distribution of the injected holes can be obtained from the following balance equation: ∂p ={Income} −{Outcome} = 0 , or ∂t pn − pn0 ∂ 2 pn − + Dp =0 2 τp ∂x The solution is: δ pn ( x ) = δ pn (0) e − x / Lp where Lp = τ p D p is the diffusion length of the holes. 8 Injected carrier spatial distribution (4) This solution describes non-uniform spatial distribution of the injected carriers: δ pn ( x ) = δ pn (0) e − x / Lp The solution applies to the regions that begin at the space-charge region edges. Thus, pn(0) is measured at x = xn 9 Injected carrier voltage and distance dependences As a function of distance from the depletion region edges, the injected carrier concentration can be found as n p ( x p ) ≈ n p0× eqV / kT × e pn ( xn ) ≈ pn0× eqV / kT × e − x p / Ln (for np >> np0) − xn / L p (for pn>> pn0) Injected (excessive) electron and hole concentrations: ∆n p ( x p ) = n p 0 × (eqV / kT − 1) × e ∆pn ( xn ) = pn0 (eqV / kT − 1) ⋅ e xp xn − x p / Ln − xn / L p xn and xp are the absolute distances counted from the edges of the space charge regions on the n- and p- sides correspondingly. We assume that xn0 << Ln, xp0 << Lp 10 Recombination current of the forward biased p-n junction Injected (excessive) electron and hole concentrations in the p-n junction: ∆n p ( x p ) = n p 0 × (eqV / kT − 1) × e ∆pn ( xn ) = pn0 (eqV / kT − 1) ⋅ e − x p / Ln − xn / L p Total excessive injected charges (A=junction area): ( ) ∞ ∆Q p = q×A×∫ ∆pn ( x ) dx = q×A×pn0 × ( eqV / kT − 1)×L p 0 ∞ ∆Qn = q×A×∫ ∆n p ( x ) dx = q×A×n p 0 × eqV / kT − 1 ×Ln 0 The charge ∆Qn dissolves at the rate of ∆Qn/τn The charge ∆Qp dissolves at the rate of ∆Qp/τp The current supplied from the contacts to compensate the recombination: I =∆Qn/τn+ ∆Qp/τp Total injected electrons per unit area Total injected holes per unit area 11 I Recombination current of the forward biased p-n junction (2) ( ) ( ∆Qn = q×A×n p 0 × eqV / kT − 1 ×Ln ) ∆Q p = q×A×pn0 × eqV / kT − 1 ×L p The compensating current: I =∆Qn/τn+ ∆Qp/τp ( ) ( ) I = q×A×n p 0 × eqV / kT − 1 ×Ln / τ n + q×A×pn0 × eqV / kT − 1 ×L p / τ p Electron current ( I = q×A× e qV / kT Hole current ⎛ Lp Ln − 1 × ⎜ n p 0 × + pn0 × ⎜ τn τp ⎝ ) Ln, p = Dn, p τ n, p ( I = q×A× e qV / kT > τ n, p = L2n, p / Dn, p ⎛ Dp Dn − 1 ×⎜ n p0 × + pn0 × ⎜ Ln Lp ⎝ ) ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ 12 Total p-n junction current ( I = q×A× e qV / kT ⎛ Dp Dn − 1 ×⎜ n p0 × + pn0 × ⎜ Ln Lp ⎝ ) ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ This current can be re-written as: ⎡ ⎛ qV ⎞ ⎤ I = IS ⎢exp ⎜ ⎟ −1⎥ ⎣ ⎝ kT ⎠ ⎦ where ⎛ Dp pn0 Dnn p0 ⎞ ⎟ + IS = q A⎜ ⎜ Lp Ln ⎟⎠ ⎝ 13 P-n junction current – voltage characteristic (I-V) ⎡ ⎛ qV I = I S ⎢exp⎜ ⎣ ⎝ kT ⎞ ⎤ ⎟ − 1⎥ ⎠ ⎦ Forward current 14 p-n junction under reverse bias q (Vbi- VR) =qV qV bi o q VR qV F qVo - qV V<0, the reverse bias. The external voltage increases the built-in barrier. As compared to the equilibrium, even less electrons and holes can overcome the barrier 15 The concentrations of holes in the n-region and electrons in the p-region: pn = pn0 eqV / kT << pn0 n p = n p 0 eqV / kT << n p 0 (V < 0) (V < 0) The concentrations of injected electrons and holes exponentially decrease with the reverse voltage 16 Reverse current of the p-n junction Using the same expression as for the forward current ⎡ ⎛ qV ⎞ ⎤ I = IS ⎢exp ⎜ ⎟ −1⎥ ⎣ ⎝ kT ⎠ ⎦ note that ⎛ qV ⎞ exp ⎜ ⎟ →0 ⎝ kT ⎠ when V<0 and |V| >> kT/q Note that kT/q = 0.026 V. Typical reverse bias, |VR| >> kT/q From this: I ≈− IS ⎛ Dp pn0 Dnn p0 ⎞ ⎟ IS = q A⎜ + ⎜ Lp ⎟ L n ⎝ ⎠ 17 Reverse current of the p-n junction ⎡ ⎛ qV I = I S ⎢exp⎜ ⎣ ⎝ kT ⎞ ⎤ ⎟ − 1⎥ ⎠ ⎦ I ≈− IS at negative V Reverse current 18 The origin of the p-n junction reverse current ⎡ ⎛ qV I = I S ⎢exp⎜ ⎣ ⎝ kT ⎞ ⎤ ⎟ − 1⎥ ⎠ ⎦ IS 1. 2. 3. Zero bias: the thermo-generated current of minority carriers is compensated by the diffusion of “hot” carriers. Positive (forward) bias: thermo generated current the same as at zero bias; the diffusion current increases due to lower barrier. Total current ~ the diffusion current Negative (reverse) bias: thermo generated current the same as at zero bias; the diffusion current decreases due to higher barrier. Total current ~ the thermo-generated current 19 Electron – hole flow balance in p-n junction 20