2288 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, VOL. 49, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2002 Direct-Tunneling Gate Leakage Current in Double-Gate and Ultrathin Body MOSFETs Leland Chang, Student Member, IEEE, Kevin J. Yang, Member, IEEE, Yee-Chia Yeo, Member, IEEE, Igor Polishchuk, Member, IEEE, Tsu-Jae King, Senior Member, IEEE, and Chenming Hu, Fellow, IEEE Abstract—The impact of energy quantization on gate tunneling current is studied for double-gate and ultrathin body MOSFETs. Reduced vertical electric field and quantum confinement in the channel of these thin-body devices causes a decrease in gate leakage by as much as an order of magnitude. The effects of body thickness scaling and channel crystallographic orientation are studied. The impact of threshold voltage control solutions, including doped channel and asymmetric double-gate structures is also investigated. Future gate dielectric thickness scaling and the use of high- gate dielectrics are discussed. Index Terms—Direct tunneling, double-gate MOSFET, energy quantization, gate leakage current, high- dielectrics, threshold voltage control, ultrathin body MOSFET, wavefunction penetration. I. INTRODUCTION A S BULK MOSFETs are scaled to below 50 nm in gate length, traditional methods of scaling begin to approach physical fundamental limitations [1]. Continued scaling may require the adoption of novel device structures [2] such as the double-gate (DG) or ultrathin body (UTB) MOSFET [3] (Fig. 1). Such devices rely on the thickness of the silicon channel to control short-channel effects by eliminating any leakage paths far from the gate electrode. This may relax requirements on gate oxide thickness scaling, shallow junction formation, and channel engineering, thus allowing for gate length scaling beyond the limitations of the standard bulk MOSFET design. Based on estimates of off-state drain leakage current, these advanced device structures could be scalable down to an ultimate limit of 10 nm in gate length [4]. While continued gate length scaling may be the primary benefit of thin-body device structures, additional advantages may be apparent. Manuscript received March 12, 2002; revised November 1, 2002. This work was supported by the MARCO Focused Research Center on Materials, Structures, and Devices, via the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in part by MARCO under Contract 2001-MT-887, and DARPA under Grant MDA972-01-1-0035. The review of this paper was arranged by Editor C.-Y. Lu. L. Chang, K. J. Yang, T.-J. King, and C. Hu are with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA (e-mail: leland@eecs.berkeley.edu). K. J. Yang was with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA. He is now with T-RAM, Inc., San Jose, CA 95134 USA (e-mail: leland@eecs.berkeley.edu). Y.-C. Yeo was with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA. He is now with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation, Hsinchu, Taiwan. R.O.C. I. Polishchuk was with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA. He is now with Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, San Jose, CA 95134 USA. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TED.2002.807446 Fig. 1. (a) Bulk, (b) double-gate (DG), and (c) ultrathin-body (UTB) MOSFET structure cross-sections and energy band diagrams. The bulk substrate doping is 4 10 cm . The channel is assumed to be undoped for DG and UTB devices. A broader inversion charge distribution and reduced electric field away from the dielectric interface reduces gate leakage current. 2 In double-gate and ultrathin body devices, control of short channel effects and threshold voltage is ideally achieved without the use of channel dopants. This eliminates statistical dopant fluctuation concerns and minimizes impurity scattering. In addition, depletion charge cannot exist because there are no impurities in the channel. From [5], the average vertical electric field in the channel inversion layer is where and are the inversion and depletion charge is the dielectric constant for silicon, and is an densities, , carexperimentally derived fitting parameter. Since riers in the inversion layer thus encounter a smaller average vertical electric field in thin-body devices than in standard bulk de- 0018-9383/02$17.00 © 2002 IEEE CHANG et al.: DIRECT-TUNNELING GATE LEAKAGE CURRENT Fig. 2. For DG and UTB, carriers are confined by a square well for a gate biases V below V . Above V , a triangular well forms. vices with heavy channel doping. This can be seen in Fig. 1, in which the slope of the potential in the silicon channel is dramatically reduced, particularly at points further away from the silicon/dielectric interface. This reduction in vertical field is expected to improve carrier mobility, especially as gate dielectric thicknesses are scaled and surface scattering mechanisms become dominant. Additional benefits may be apparent in gate tunneling current [6] and device reliability. In this work, the impact of this reduced vertical field on gate tunneling current is studied for thin-body SOI MOSFETs. The effect of energy quantization due to carrier confinement in the thin body of these devices is first examined using a coupled Schrödinger–Poisson solver [7], [8]. Reduction of the effective directly results in a lowering of vertical electric field due to reduced carrier confinethe ground state energy ment. These effects are applied to explain the reduction of direct-tunneling gate leakage current in thin-body devices. The impacts of body thickness, channel crystallographic orientation, channel doping concentration, asymmetric dual-gate work functions, and gate dielectric material are then investigated. Results for NMOS devices at room temperature are presented. Gate current in PMOS devices will be different due primarily to changes in the carrier effective mass and tunneling barrier height; however, a similar decrease in the gate tunneling current is expected in thin-body PMOSFETs as the vertical electric field should similarly be reduced. II. IMPACT OF ENERGY QUANTIZATION The behavior of the ground state energy at low and high gate bias (referenced to the quasi-Fermi level of the conduction band in the source and drain [9]) is depicted in Figs. 2 and 3. Below threshold, band bending is negligible, and the structure can be approximated as a square well. As expected, the ground state energy increases as the body is thinned due to increased confinement from the smaller width potential well. This effectively increases the device threshold voltage [10] as carriers must now populate a higher energy subband. In strong inversion, however, the inversion charge induces a semi-triangular potential well. As the body is initially thinned, the confining electric field and the depth of the potential well are reduced (Fig. 2) as the in- 2289 Fig. 3. Below threshold, thinning T reduces the width of the square potential well, which further confines carriers and raises the eigenenergies. In inversion, the triangular well becomes shallower, thus pushing the energies downward. This effect is more significant in the DG case due to merging of the two inversion layers. Energies are referenced to the quasi-Fermi level of the conduction band in the source and drain. version charge becomes distributed throughout the entire body thickness. Because the resultant potential well decreases carrier confinement, the energies of the eigenstates in the well are lowered. This effect is more pronounced in the double-gate case because merging of the two inversion layers more dramatically decreases the depth of the potential well. When the body thickness becomes very small (below 3 nm), the depth of the potential well drops below the ground state energy of the four-fold valley. This subband is no longer bound by the semi-triangular well created by the inversion layer and is instead confined by the square well determined by the body thickness. Thus, the four-fold valley ground state energy reaches a minimum and begins to increase with additional body thickness reduction, further splitting the twofold and four-fold valleys. In finding the self-consistent Schrödinger–Poisson solution to the potential profile, an approximate boundary condition that is commonly used is that the electron wavefunction falls to zero at the silicon–dielectric interface. Inclusion of wavefunction penetration into the gate dielectric, however, can lower the eigenenergies because carriers are no longer perfectly contained inside the potential well. The eigenenergy difference obtained with and without consideration of wavefunction penetration can amount to as much as 10–20 mV (Fig. 4). This difference increases with gate bias as the subband energies move closer to the conduction band edge in the dielectric, thus pushing more of the wavefunction into the insulator. The amount of wavefunction penetration is influenced by the silicon–dielectric barrier height and carrier effective mass in the dielectric. Reduction of the barrier height allows for more of the electron wavefunction to exist in the dielectric region, which further depresses the eigenenergies. However, due to the imposed boundary conditions at the interface (continuity of the wavefunction, , and the slope of wavefunction divided by the ), less wavefunction penetration is observed when mass, the effective mass in the dielectric is lowered. These boundary conditions follow directly from the well-known form of the kinetic energy operator [11]. Thus, the actual eigenenergies are dependent upon the choice of the gate dielectric material (Fig. 5), which determines both the barrier height and effective mass. 2290 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, VOL. 49, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2002 Fig. 4. Electron wavefunction penetration into the gate dielectric is important as it reduces carrier confinement and lowers the eigenenergies. The difference in energy between cases with and without consideration of wavefunction penetration grows as gate bias is increased. Fig. 6. Gate current in an ultrathin body device can be reduced by up to 3 compared with the standard bulk structure. 2 as carrier eigenenergies, . The imaginary part of the eigenenergy, , is related to the lifetime of the quasibound state by Planck’s constant This can then be translated to gate tunneling current Fig. 5. Inclusion of wavefunction penetration into the gate dielectric pushes the eigenenergies downward because of broadening of the wavefunction profile. Due to a difference in barrier height and effective mass, changing the dielectric material can change the magnitude of this effect. Material parameters used are taken from [21] and [22] and adjusted slightly for SiO to match experimental data [13]: m = 0:42, = 3:1 eV, m = 0:50, = 2:1 eV, and m = 0:11, = 1:5 eV. III. REDUCED GATE TUNNELING CURRENT Previous experimental results have shown that the gate leakage current in SOI devices is affected by the electric field distribution in the body [12]. Gate current was observed to decrease when a large positive voltage was applied to the substrate—essentially biasing the backside of the SOI in inversion and reducing the vertical electric field in the channel. Using potential profiles from a Schrödinger–Poisson solver [7], [8], the transverse resonance method [13], [14] was used to investigate the physical mechanisms for this same effect in double-gate and ultrathin body devices. By using a transmission line analogy, matching of the impedances seen by a carrier in the potential well yields complex values of the where is the carrier population in the quasibound state. Summation of the current components over each carrier subband and valley yields the total gate current. Because this method considers the entire domain of the device structure, wavefunction penetration into the gate dielectric is allowed. The Schrödinger–Poisson solvers used to generate the potential profile used in calculation of the gate tunneling current, however, do not consider this effect. Nevertheless, this inconsistency is expected to have but a minor impact on the potential distribution [15] as it is only a small perturbation, thereby upholding the validity of this method. In double-gate and ultrathin body MOSFETs, gate current can be suppressed due to the reduced vertical electric field. In particular, the electric field near the bottom of the inversion layer is dramatically reduced, as can be seen in Fig. 1. This reduces the depth of the potential well, which lowers the bound state energy and broadens the inversion charge distribution, thus resulting in a lower tunneling probability and an increased lifetime of each quasibound state. This effectively reduces the both the tunneling probability and the impingement frequency at which electrons are directed toward the silicon–dielectric interface. Depending on device dimensions, gate current in an ultrathin body MOSFET can be reduced by up to 3 when compared with that of a bulk device at a constant inversion charge density (Fig. 6). Gate current in a double-gate MOSFET can be reduced by up to 4 (Fig. 7). Results for a constant inversion charge density are summarized in Fig. 8. The improvement is enhanced in the double-gate device because the inherent symmetry of the two gate electrodes further decreases the effective vertical electric field. In both thin-body device structures, the improvement CHANG et al.: DIRECT-TUNNELING GATE LEAKAGE CURRENT 2291 2 Fig. 7. Gate current in a double-gate device can be reduced by up to 4 as compared with the standard bulk structure. Gate current and inversion charge density are divided by a factor of two in the double-gate device to account for both conducting channels. Q Fig. 9. By artificially shifting the bulk curve from Figs. 6 and 7 by , the impact of the reduced electric field is, to the first order, removed. This shifted bulk curve closely approximates the gate tunneling current for a UTB device. For a DG device, however, an additional decrease in gate current is observed. This is due to the symmetric nature of the device structure, which flattens the , bottom of the potential well, thus reducing quantum confinement. At low the curves intersect, which is likely an artifact of the horizontal shift applied to the bulk curve. Q Fig. 8. The factor by which gate current is reduced for DG and UTB devices decreases when the dielectric is thinned. Values are taken at a constant inversion charge density (2 10 cm ). 2 is less pronounced at thinner physical dielectric thicknesses because the quasibound state lifetime is more strongly affected by thin dielectric barrier than the shape of the potential well. Using an analytical gate current expression derived using the WKB approximation [16], this phenomenon can be explained by comparing the tunneling current ratio for thin-body and bulk MOSFETs at constant inversion charge density and oxide voltage drop - - - where and are lumped constants incorporating experimentally derived values from [16]. This ratio approaches unity as the dielectric thickness is reduced. For UTB devices, the reduction in gate tunneling current is caused primarily by the decreased electric field. Fig. 9 shows that a bulk curve artificially shifted by the amount of deplecan closely approximate the tunneling curtion charge rent for the UTB case. A noticeable difference, however, is observed between the artificially shifted bulk curve and the DG case. This means that simple consideration of the electric field is not enough to explain the change in gate tunneling current for double-gate devices. The additional shift is caused by the symmetric nature of the device, which imposes a strict boundary condition such that no electric field exists in the center of the silicon body. This flattens out the center of the potential well [as in Fig. 1(b)]. The change is subtle, but results in a lowering of all the energy eigenstates in the DG case, especially those energy levels situated right around the bottom of the well. This effect is important even when the body thickness is large since it is the depth of the potential well that is affected. Initial scaling of the body thickness can somewhat decrease the gate leakage current because the potential well becomes shallower, as is seen in the UTB case (Fig. 10). However, excessive scaling increases the gate current because the width of the potential well is reduced, thus forcing the inversion charge closer to the gate oxide interface, increasing energy eigenstates due to carrier confinement, and decreasing carrier lifetime. The gate current dependence on the body thickness emphasizes the importance of considering not only the simple concept of the average vertical electric field, but also the exact bound state energy, which is determined both by this field and by the width of the potential well (the body thickness). This is because adjustment of the body thickness does not, to the first order, impact as earlier defined. However, quantum confinement can be affected, which changes the bound-state energies and, as shown in Fig. 10, can significantly affect gate leakage current. This effect is enhanced in the double-gate structure due to merging of the two inversion layers. Below approximately 5 nm in body thickness, gate current is seen to increase noticeably in both DG 2292 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, VOL. 49, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2002 Fig. 10. Dependence of gate current on body thickness for DG and UTB devices. Excessive thinning of the body (below a body thickness of 5 nm) increases confinement of carriers toward the gate oxide interface, and the gate current approaches that of bulk. Fig. 11. Crystallographic orientation of the thin-body does not dramatically affect gate tunneling current. Only a minor difference is observed between the (100), (110), and (111) directions. and UTB devices. However, this value is close to the practical limit of body thickness scaling [17], so this effect may not be of concern in actual device technologies. Because of difficulties in the fabrication of planar double-gate MOSFETs with self-aligned gate electrodes, device structures that lie outside of the standard (100) crystallographic plane have been proposed. For example, depending on rotation of the device layout on the wafer, the silicon channel in a FinFET [18], [19] may lie in the (110) plane. A change in the crystalline orientation of the channel alters the carrier effective mass in the silicon for both tunneling and density of states calculation [20]. Although this affects the inversion charge distribution and centroid, Fig. 11 shows that there should be no significant difference in gate tunneling current between devices oriented in the (100), (110), and (111) planes, which is in agreement with [21]. IV. IMPACT OF THRESHOLD VOLTAGE CONTROL Because threshold voltage control by adjustment of the gate work function remains a challenge, double-gate and ultrathin body devices may need to depend on channel dopants to Fig. 12. If channel doping is used to control V , the electric field in the body is altered. For an NMOSFET, a p-type body raises the electric field due to formation of a depletion region, thus increasing gate current. An n-type body can change the potential distribution and reduce the gate current at very high doping concentrations. achieve appropriate values of the device threshold voltage [4]. Depending on the doping concentration, the electric field distribution in the body can be affected as a significant amount of depletion charge can be formed when the channel doping is large. This, in turn, impacts the gate current (Fig. 12). With a p-type body (as needed to raise the threshold voltage for an NMOS device with an N poly-silicon gate), a nonnegligible depletion region forms beyond 10 cm , thus raising the electric field and increasing gate current. This threshold doping level is increased with a smaller body thickness because there is physically less space available to form a depletion region. It should be noted, however, that a higher doping concentration is necessary for small body thicknesses in order to achieve the appropriate threshold voltage. An n-type body (as needed to lower the threshold voltage for an NMOS device with a mid-gap work function gate), however, can reduce the gate current when the doping concentration is extremely high. This occurs because the depth of the potential well is reduced, thus reducing the effective vertical electric field. An alternate method of controlling the threshold voltage in double-gate MOSFETs is to use the asymmetric double-gate structure, in which the two gates are of different work functions (e.g., N and P poly-silicon) [4]. By choosing the dielectric and body thicknesses, the threshold voltage can be adjusted to the appropriate value. The difference in the gate work functions, however, creates a built-in vertical electric field in the channel, which can increase the gate tunneling current over symmetric double-gate MOSFETs (Fig. 13). Thus, the advantage of the double-gate device structure in gate tunneling current will be diminished if an asymmetric structure is used. V. GATE DIELECTRIC SCALING In future technologies, high- materials may be used as the gate dielectric [2] to allow for an increased physical thickness to reduce gate tunneling current. Gate leakage in the double-gate device structure with alternative gate dielectrics was investigated by the use of suitable values for the dielectric constant, dielectric–silicon barrier height, and effective mass in the dielectric [22], [23] (Fig. 14). The increased physical thickness of the gate dielectric barrier makes the quasibound state lifetime CHANG et al.: DIRECT-TUNNELING GATE LEAKAGE CURRENT Fig. 13. If the asymmetric double-gate structure is used to control V , a built-in vertical electric field is created in the body. This additional field increases the gate tunneling current and can counteract the advantage of the double-gate structure. Gate current and inversion charge density are divided by a factor of two in both asymmetric and symmetric double-gate devices to account for the two conducting channels. 2293 Fig. 15. The reduction in gate current in DG and UTB devices means that the equivalent oxide thickness (EOT) of the gate dielectric can be thinner than for a bulk MOSFET. Si N is assumed as the dielectric material for 70 nm gate-length technologies and below [21]. bulk design (Fig. 15). Assuming that Si N will be the dielectric of choice for 25–70 nm gate length technologies [22], switching to a double-gate MOSFET device structure can allow for up to an additional 0.8 Å reduction in the effective oxide thickness. This amount remains at approximately 5% of the total equivalent oxide thickness across future device technologies down to 25 nm gate lengths. With the advent of high- dielectrics, this value will only be enhanced. VI. SUMMARY Fig. 14. With the projected shift to alternative gate dielectrics, the gate current improvement from bulk to double-gate can be larger. The thicker physical thickness of the dielectric makes the carrier lifetime a stronger function of the electric field distribution, which is lower in DG and UTB. more dependent upon the shape of the channel potential well. Since a larger physical will increase this ratio and augment the improvement in gate current observed in thin-body devices. With a dielectric such as HfO , the reduction in gate current in the double-gate structure as compared with a bulk device can Å. It is thus preexceed an order of magnitude at T dicted that the advantage of the DG and UTB structures is not only maintained, but also enhanced as device technology migrates to higher- gate-dielectric materials. A reduction in gate current means that the gate dielectric can be more aggressively scaled with double-gate and ultrathin body devices at a given technology node than would be possible with a Gate tunneling currents in bulk, double-gate, and ultrathin body MOSFETs have been compared. Lower gate current for double-gate and ultrathin body devices is attributed to reduced vertical electric field and quantum confinement effects. The amount of improvement is affected by the body thickness, the crystallographic orientation of the device, and the channel doping concentration. The asymmetric double-gate structure introduces an additional vertical electric field component, which can counteract this effect. With the introduction of high- dielectrics, the reduction in gate leakage current will be enhanced. The gate dielectric can thus be more aggressively scaled in ultrathin body and symmetric double-gate MOSFETs. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank Y.-K. Choi for the experimental data used to validate simulated results. REFERENCES [1] P. Packan, “Pushing the limits,” Science, vol. 285, no. 5436, pp. 2079–2081, 1999. [2] (2000) International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors. [Online]. Available: http://public.itrs.net. [3] H.-S. P. Wong, D. J. Frank, and P. M. Solomon, “Device design considerations for double-gate, ground-plane, and single-gated ultra-thin SOI MOSFETs at the 25nm channel length generation,” in IEDM Tech. Dig., Dec. 1998, pp. 407–410. [4] L. Chang, S. Tang, T.-J. King, J. Bokor, and C. Hu, “Gate-length scaling and threshold voltage control of double-gate MOSFETs,” in IEDM Tech. Dig., Dec. 2000, pp. 719–722. 2294 [5] A. G. Sabnis and J. T. 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IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, VOL. 49, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2002 Kevin J. Yang (S’94–M’03) received the B.S. degree (with highest honors) in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign in 1997 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering and computer sciences from the University of California, Berkeley, in 2000 and 2002, respectively. His research interests include characterization and modeling of MOS devices with alternative gate dielectrics and numerical simulation of carrier confinement effects in thin-body SOI MOSFETs. He is now with T-RAM, Inc. in San Jose, CA. Dr. Yang received the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship in 1997 and the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) Graduate Fellowship in 2000. Yee-Chia Yeo (M’03) received the B.Eng (first class honors) and M.Eng degrees from the National University of Singapore (NUS), and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of California, Berkeley, all in electrical engineering. He had worked on optoelectronic devices at the British Telecommunications Laboratories, U.K., and on electronic band structure calculations and strained quantum well lasers at NUS, Singapore. At Berkeley, his research involved sub-100 nm MOS transistor design and fabrication, strained channel MOS transistors, alternative gate dielectrics, and process integration of dual-metal gates for CMOS technology. In 2001–2002, he was with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C., where he led a team of engineers on strained-channel transistor research and development. He has authored or coauthored more than 35 journal and conference papers in the above areas, and has written a book chapter on MOS transistor gate oxide reliability with Chenming Hu. Dr. Yeo was awarded the 1995 IEE Prize from the Institution of Electrical Engineers, U.K. In 1996, he received the Lee Kuan Yew Gold Medal and the Institution of Engineers, Singapore Gold Medal for being the best graduate in Electrical Engineering at NUS. He is also the recipient of the 1997–2001 NUS Overseas Graduate Scholarship Award and the 2001 IEEE Electron Device Society Graduate Student Fellowship Award. Igor Polishchuk (M’03) received his B.S. degree in physics with honors from the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, in 1997 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1999 and 2002, respectively. The topics of his doctoral research included reliability of ultrathin gate oxides and high- dielectrics, metal gate CMOS technology, and carrier transport modeling in MOS devices. he is currently a Senior Technology Development Engineer at Cypress Semiconductor, San Jose, CA, responsible for high-performance 90-nm CMOS transistor development. Dr. Polishchuk has held the California Fellowship in Microelectronics in 1997, and the SRC/NIST Graduate Fellowship from 1999 to 2002. He is a member of the MRS and Tau Beta Pi. Tsu-Jae King (S’89–M’91–SM’01) received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Stanford University. At Stanford University, her research involved the seminal study of polycrystalline silicon–germanium films and their applications in metal–oxide–semiconductor technologies. She joined the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center as a Member of Research Staff in 1992, to research and develop polycrystalline-silicon thin-film transistor technologies for high-performance flat-panel display and imaging applications. In August 1996, she joined the faculty of the University of California at Berkeley, where she is now an Associate Professor of electrical engineering and computer sciences and the Director of the UC Berkeley Microfabrication Laboratory. Her research activities are presently in sub-50 nm Si devices and technology, and thin-film materials and devices for integrated microsystems and large-area electronics. She has authored or coauthored over 150 publications and holds six U.S. patents. CHANG et al.: DIRECT-TUNNELING GATE LEAKAGE CURRENT Chenming Hu (S’71–M’76–SM’83–F’90) received the B.S. degree from the National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley. He is the CTO of the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation, on leave from UC Berkeley. He has authored or coauthored five books and over 700 research papers. He is a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Semiconductor Science and Technology and of the Journal of Microelectronics Reliability. Dr. Hu leads the development of the industry standard MOSFET model for IC simulation, BSIM, and received the 2002 IEEE Solid State Circuits Award for it. He also received the 1997 IEEE Jack A. Morton Award for contributions to the physics of MOSFET reliability. He is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering, a fellow of the Institute of Physics, and a Life Honorary Professor of the Chinese Academy of Science. He has received UC Berkeley’s highest honor for teaching – the Distinguished Teaching Award, the Monie A. Ferst Award of Sigma Xi, the W. Y. Pan Foundation Award, and DARPA Most Significant Technological Accomplishment Award for co-developing the FinFET transistor structure. 2295