t,/ ,tUiit h rv :---- Physics48 (Full201I) Chupter26: Currentund Resistance " Keep in mind that neither successnor failure is everfinal." - Roger Ward Babson " Our greatestglory is not in neverfailing, but in rising up every)time we fail. " Ralph Waldo Emerson "If you continueto do what you've always done,you'll continueto get v,hatyou've alwaysgol." Yogi Berra " Defeat is not defeatunlessacceptedas a reality in your own mind. " - Btuce Lee Reading: pages682 698 Outline: 3 electriccunent definition current conventional = currentdensity drift speed andresistivity = resistance variationswith temperatue = Ohm'sLaw = microscopicview of Ohm'sLaw (readon your own) + powerin electriccircuits (readon your own) andsuperconductors = semiconductors Problem Solving Techniques You should know the definitions of cunent and current density,their relationshipto eachother, and the relationshipbetweencunent density and drift velocity. Ifnet charge Aq passesthrough an areain time At then the currentthrough the areais i = Aq/At. Ifarea A is perpendicularto the chargeflow then the magnitudeofthe cunent density is J: i/A, where i is the current through the area.If positive chargeis flowing the currentdensity is in the direction of its velocity; ifnegative chargeis flowing the currentdensity is oppositeits velocity. The magnitudeofthe current density is relatedto the drift speedv6 by J = nev6,where n is the number ofcharge carriers per unit volume in the cunent. You should know the definition of resistanceand be able to computethe resistanceR of a wire, given its resistivity p, length L, and cross-sectionalareaA. The relationship 1, B = pLlA. tiat resistivity is determinedto a largeextentby the meantime between You shouldr.rnderstand collisionsandthat this quantityis temperaturedependentbecausethe averagevelocity ofthe electronsis temperaturedependent.The relationshipbetweenthe resistivity p andmeantime t betweencollision is p = m/e2nr,wherem is the massof a chmgecarrierandn is the numberof chargecarriersper unit volume in the current. Chargecarrierslosekinetic energyin collisionswith the atomsof a resistor.You shouldknow how to computethe rateof energydissipation,giventhe resistanceandeitherthe currentin the resistoror the potential differencealongthe length ofthe resistor.use P = i2R or P = V2lR, wherei is the currenlin the resistorandV is the potentialdifferenceacrossit. Questionsand ExampleProblemsfrom Chapter 26 ProblemI During the 4.0 min a 5.0 A cunent is setup in a wire, how many(a) coulombsand @) electronspass throughany crosssectionacrossthe wire's width? (".) t = a%/at - 4=5"oA At = 4.o^"^^ = aqos a7," u"oi A b : CE.oft)(;.ros) = ]x losc n = %/" = l. (!) %=ne -? t .t o ) . ' l 0 'c ----> n = ?.5' loar Problem2 The magnitudeJ of the currentdensityin a certainwire with a circular crosssectionofradius per squ e meterandradialdistancer with J in amperes R = 2.00mm is givenby J: (3.00x 108)12, : in meters.What is the currenttbroughthe outersectionboundedby r : 0.900Randr R? ; = !J.rR \--l $=(:'oo:1orV.') JA= 0'n.dr 5=Br' RR co-to'= An B ( atJ. i" = <( \ - -Bc")1ancJ.) l\ / ) ' = -L:E rl / / o'9oo8 o'i66 - ^.r -n(3.oo^ro?*A:]La-pdollcs"qe 7^ '/ J---=--T!08 f l_[o"qo..,rrJ'^ Problem3 = A fusein an electriccircuit is a wire that is designedto melt, andtherebyopenthe circuit, if the piQlAl currentexceedsa predeterminedvalue. Supposethat the materialto be usedin a fusemelts whenthgr-currentdensityrisis to 440 A,/cm2.What diameterof cylindrical wire shouldbe usedto makea fuse that will limit the currentto 0.50A? - TB/^ t' = L -r-''*'t) [ Rq/o.9oo1)11 -= J -Ln = 4'lo"l)' hfn^ [ = o.soq = i/A = i/rc^ T (ffj. {= 4tov.,.,* \- +3 f-= J.q^lo1r., ,61:"a'"ot, = 3r = Problem 4 A small but measurablecurrent of 1.2 x 10-10A exists in a copper wire whose diameteris 2.5 mm. The number of chargecarriersper unit volume is 8.48 x 1028m-3.Assuming the current is uniform, calculatethe (a) current density and (b) electron drift speed. ''A ;-- 1'1x 1o = a = | , 4 5 m r . ,t . a 5 ^l d ' - /\ -a\ 'l : !.rexlo".nu p1 5= i/n,') = t/a "r-= J - / f=? .,,$c".^ru^JttAl",&.,,r-, :F,#"lo--E #:#. \-:--------:-1 Problems lVa= l'8o'.lo-'-r"' I (a nickel--chromium-iron alioy commonlyusedin heatingelements)is 1.0m A wire of Nicbro^me area.It carriesa currentof 4.0 A whena 2.0 V potential longand 1.0mm' in cross-sectional differenceis appliedbetweenits ends.Calcuiatethe conductivityo ofNichrome. / = l.o* ft = l.o -'3 = Lo * lo-"".ru t = 4-oA V = e-ov A=QL/a l n=v/; 6-= Y/r'QLA= ) /P= CL AV (=ry ( t . o xt c b " , r ){ ? . o v ) 6 = I,o*-lo"JL-n-, Problem6 A commonflashlightbulb is ratedat 0.30A and2.9 V (thevaluesof the currentandvoltageunder (20'C) is 1.1O, operatingconditions).If the resistance of the bulb filamentat room temperature what is the temperatureof the filament whenthe bulb is on?The filament is madeof tunssten. - o lolJl- 1.r>funa1 --: B=Y; - a .9V -- 1.t",1sto.jh F-.Arfu\ -t = ?"5 x lo=./c" A- B"=R "* (-r-r.) T-t -- xB" B-4 T= To. A- A" 4"a' -l-= ? . o " C+ ( i . r , " r r - 1 . t n ) (r,ro-)(+-s^lt%, l-= l?5t"c Problem7 An unknownresistoris connectedbetweenthe terminalsofa 3.00 V battery.Energyis dissipatedin the resistorat the rate of 0.540W. The sameresistoris then connectedbetweentle terminalsof a 1.50V battery.At what rate is enerry now dissipated? .\,r != ?=;'B="7n--' A'+ 3'ooV P - o"5qaw D.59ovV B = ib"?-l P= ? ,rqrr "/= t'soV ..-, ?, u7r.= O. )35 \^/ Problem8 A 1250W radiantheateris constuctedto operateat 115V. (a) What will be the currentin the heater?(b) What is the resistanceof the heatingcoil? (c) How mubhthermalenergyis producedin 1.0 h by the heater? (") f =;V---,t =?/v- 'j3y =ltoTA] P= l?'5otn/ v=lr5v (b) .c,a/e,u^{A=Y/; A= (.) P = JtAt =E/t? *t* -. +^1*n P-v/n -- h =uh -1f'"'q A = uti,: =llD.b-n- / l?.5ow E =?t = ( t>sow)(aaoo.; E= 4.5x lo 55 Problem9 A 100W light bulb is pluggedinto a standard120V oullet.(a) How muchdoesit costper 3l-day month to leavethe light tumed on continuously?Assumeelectricenergycosts6llkW'h. (b) What is the resistaaceof the bulb? (c) What is the cunent in the bulb? ) ,,^* ^t"d l" &"r!-t -"J-tr-", ^-.-,,,g KW.h -|nar looWru.vnnvng 8q3l)^Xa ( roow)(!N*.*) (.l",.r,) (at*./;*nS = ?c.1 K\i h " (4J 6nrt = (?t.qKw"h)( 6%r.n.) = 4I(o.,iu =Fitlq ( b) ?=Y/r (.) ? = tV g=Y/p = t,rou{oo, =7*;1 ) -) t=w= iaov lOoW n ?ae a