Understanding Oscillator Specs Hugo Fruehauf FEI-Zyfer Inc. August 2004 hxf@fei-zyfer.com Agenda • Definitions • The Time and Frequency Domains • Time Domain • Frequency Domain • General Comparisons 2 Frequency and Time Basics • I F= T , where F = frequency (= number of “events” per unit time) T = period (= time between “events”) • The unit for frequency is Hertz (Hz). One event or cycle per second = 1 Hertz, 1000 cycles per second = 1000 Hz, etc. • The unit for time is of course seconds. Since 1967, the second is defined by the cesium atomic oscillator. Total Number of Events Number of Events Per Unit of Time • Accumulated Clock Time = • Frequency Standard + Counting Mechanism = A Clock 3 Definition of Terms as Applied to Oscillators(1) Aging (Implying Frequency Aging) The change in frequency with time due to internal changes in the oscillator. It is the frequency change with time while factors external to the oscillator (environment, power supply, etc.) are kept constant. Generally aging, rather than drift, is what one measures during oscillator evaluation. ∆Τ = 1 2 at 2 ∆Τ = Time Error a = aging t = Elapsed Time Drift (Implying Frequency Drift) The change in frequency with time that one observes in an application. Drift is due to aging plus changes in the environment and other factors external to the oscillator. Accuracy (Of Output Frequency) The degree of conformity of a measured or calculated value to some specified value or definition. In the case of time and frequency, the ultimate frequency accuracy is defined by the 133Cs Atomic Resonance of 9,192,631,770 Hz. Frequency Offset The difference between the realized value and the nominal frequency value. 4 Definition of the ‘SECOND’ • The ‘SECOND’ is the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two (unperturbed) hyperfine levels of the ground state of the 133Cesium atom 5 Accuracy (Precision) and Stability f Accurate but not precise Not accurate and not precise Precise but not accurate f f Accurate and precise f 0 Time Stable but not accurate Time Not stable and not accurate Time Accurate but not stable Time Stable and accurate 6 Time Domain vs. Frequency Domain A f (a) Amplitude - Frequency Amplitude - Time t (c) (b) A(t) A(f) Example (a) shows a sine wave and its second harmonic. A signal consisting of the sum of the two waves is shown in the time domain (b), and in the frequency domain (c). In the time domain, all frequency components of a signal are summed together. In the frequency domain, signals are separated into their frequency components and the power level at each frequency is displayed. 7 Time and Frequency Noise vs. Time Error Time Domain Stability Freq. Aging vs. Time Error (Time Noise) 4 3 1E-11 2 1E-12 1 ~0.5µs 1E-13 10-1 100 101 102 103 104 Averaging Time (Sec.) 1E Ag -11 in g/ M o. 1E-10 T(error) = 1/2 at 2 1 105 Freq. Domain Stability 2 3 4 Time In Days Freq. Offset vs. Time Error -80 dBc ~3µs (Phase Noise) -100 -120 f = 1 Τ O et T(error) = ∆ f/f x t ~1µs -140 -160 1 -1 E 1 ~2µs ffs 0 1 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 2 3 4 Time In Days Hertz From Carrier 8 How Do You Measure Time Domain Noise? 10-9 QUESTION: Why are the Total and Allan deviations (shown on top plot) recommended for time domain noise characterization of oscillators (shown on the bottom plot)? F R E Q U E N C Y S T A B I L I T Y - = Total Deviation Ο = Allan Deviation -10 10 10-11 10-12 ANSWER: The standard deviation applied to the measurement of the frequency of an oscillator implies a false assumption that there exists a true mean frequency. The Total and Allan deviations can estimate frequency stability even if the mean is changing, such as the frequency step that is shown in the figure. F R A C T I O N A L F R E Q U E N C Y 100 101 102 T(s) 103 104 105 8095 8085 8075 8065 8055 0 75 150 225 300 DAY 9 Given the Time Residuals from a Precision Oscillator x(t) yi = τ x(t) y1 y3 y4 x i +1 − x i τ yM Etc. y2 2 1 M (y i − y ) σSTD DEV y (τ ) = ∑ M −1 i =1 Classical Variance Does Not Converge as M Increases yi 2 M1 1 ( σ y (τ ) = yi + 1 − yi ) ∑ 2(M − 1) i = 1 Allan Variance Does Converge as M Increases 10 Allan Variance Concept Difference in Slope = ∆y = y2 - y1 x3 X = Time Difference x2 x1 y2 y1 τ σ 2y (τ ) = τ 1 (∆ y )2 ~ τ µ 2 Time 11 Computing Allan Variance The Two-Sample Deviation or square-root of the Allan Variance is the standard method of describing the shortterm stability of oscillators in the time domain. It is usually described by σy(τ), where: 1 m−1 ∑ y − 2(m − 1) k =1 k +1 ( ) 10-10 yk 2 In the example below: 10-12 10-13 Number of data values available, m=9 Number of differences averaged, m-1=8 Sampling time interval τ=1s Data Values (y) 892 809 823 798 671 644 883 903 677 1st Data Point 10-11 σy(τ) σ2y (τ ) = 10-14 10-1 100 101 102 103 104 (τ) First Differences y k +1 − y k First Differences Squared -83 14 -25 -127 -27 239 20 -226 6889 196 625 16129 729 57121 400 51076 ( ) ∑ (y (y k +1 − m −1 k =1 k +1 − yk ) 2 yk ) = 133165 Based on these data: 2 σ y 2 (τ ) = 133165 = 8322.81 2(8 ) [σ y (τ )] 2 1/ 2 = 8322 . 81 σ y (τ ) = 91.23, τ = 1s In this example, the data values are parts in 1013. 12 Comparison of Qz, Rb, GPS, Cs, & Maser Time Domain Stability 10-10 HP 5061A, Cs Hi-Per Qz HP 5071A, Cs 10-11 GPS-Disciplined Qz/Rb 10-12 VR 1 (AllanVariance) 2, σy (τ ) Symmetricom Cs III, Cs EM Y 10-13 10-14 KV AR ZP CH as s -10 ive 06 Ma Pa KV ssi ser AR ve ZA M ctiv e M aser ase r AV Hi-Per Rb HP 5071A, Cs Hi-Per Option 10-15 1 Day 1 Hr 1 Week 1 Mo. 10 Hrs. 10-16 1 10 102 103 104 Averaging Time, T(Sec.) 105 106 13 -80 dBc/Hz down from REF. Carrier REF. (Osc. Output Amplitude at the Intended Osc. Freq.) Frequency Domain Noise (Phase Noise) -100 f = 1 Τ -120 -140 Measure Energy in 1 Hz Bandwidth -160 10-1 (1 mHz) 100 (1 Hz) 101 (10 Hz) 102 (100 Hz) 103 (1 KHz) 104 (10 KHz) 105 (100 KHz) Hertz From Carrier dBc = Decibels (referenced to the carrier) 14 Phase Noise Under Vibration Vibration Induced Phase Noise Vibration Induced Side Band L(f) (Slope 6 dB/Octave) L(f) Quiescent Oscillator Performance f-From Carrier Acceleration Power Spectral Density Acceleration Power Spectral Density Quiescent Oscillator Performance f-From Carrier f-Vibration Sinusoidal Vibration f-Vibration Random Vibration 15 Typical Specs for the Precision Quartz Oscillators Basic Parameters TCXO OCXO (0.5” High) OCXO (0.75” High) DOCXO (Temp. Comp. XO) (Oven Control XO) (Oven Control XO) (Double Oven XO) 10 MHz, Sine 0.5 Vrms, 50 Ω 1 E-9 5 E-10 5 E-10 1E-11 1E-11 1E-10 5E-12 1E-11 1E-11 - 55 dBc/Hz -115 dBc/Hz -130 dBc/Hz - 80 dBc/Hz -135 dBc/Hz -145 dBc/Hz - 90 dBc/Hz -135 dBc/Hz -145 dBc/Hz - 90 dBc/Hz -135 dBc/Hz -145 dBc/Hz -75 dBc/Hz -125 dBc/Hz -145 dBc/Hz --5E-7/yr 5E-10/day 2E-7/yr 2E-10/day 2E-8/yr 2E-10/day 2E-8/yr 5E-11/day 5E-10/yr Temp Range Frequency Stability 0° to 75°C 5E-7 0° to 75°C 2E-8 0° to 70°C 2E-10 0° to 60°C 3E-10 Power Consumption Warm-up Time 50 miliwatts 50 milisec 2 watts 10 min, 1E-8 3.5 watts 10 min, 1E-8 8 watts 4 min, ~1E-9 --12 Vdc± 10% 1E-9 for +/-10% --12 Vdc± 10% 1E-9 for +/-10% 2E-11/Gauss 15 to 28 Vdc 2E-11 for +/-10% 2.0” x 2.0” x 0.75” H 3 3 in < 0.22 lbs 2.0” x 2.0” x 1.0” H 3 4 in < 0.3 lbs 3.0” x 3.0” x 1.4” H 3 13 in 0.75 lbs Short Term Stab. Phase Noise, 1s 10s 100s 1Hz 100Hz 1000Hz Aging/Day/Month/Year Magnetic Field Sensitivity Input Volts Range Supply Volts Sensitivity --5 Vdc± 0.25% 1E-8 for +/-10% Size Volume Weight 1.0” x 0.7” x 0.22” H 3 0.154 in < 0.1 lbs --12 Vdc± 10% 1E-9 for +/-10% 1.5” x 1.5” x 0.5” H 3 1.125 in < 0.15 lbs 0° to 75°C 2E-9 2.5 watts 10 min, 1E-8 10 MHz, Sine 0.5 Vrms, 50 Ω Rubidium Osc. 10 MHz, Sine 0.5Vrms, 50 Ω Output 10 MHz, Sine 0.5 Vrms, 50 Ω For Reference Only 5E-12 1E-11 1E-11 10 MHz, Sine 0.5 Vrms, 50 Ω 3E-11 7E-12 3E-12 16 1 sec 100 ms 10 ms 1 ms 100 µs 10 µs 1 µs 100 ns 10 ns 1 Hr. O et ffs x -5 x -6 10 -9 -7 10 10 -8 10 x 10 1 et ffs 1 x x 4 1 et ffs O 1 et ffs t1 fse Of 2 O O 30 10 Min. 1 ns Accumulated Time Error 10 sec Frequency Aging and Offset vs. Time Error Dr ift 0 -1 10 10 2 -1 t1 fse 0 x1 3 -1 0 x1 t1 fse Dr ift 1x Dr ift 10 -1 2 1x 10 -1 1 Dr ift Dr ift 1x 10 -1 0 1x 10 -9 1x 1x 1x 10 -7 Dr ift 1x 1x 10 -4 10 -5 10 -6 10 -8 x 4 -1 t1 1 Year 5 -1 10 4 x 1 -1 10 x Of Of fse 1 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 16 Month Week Day 1 Dr ift x 10 -1 5 Of 2 et 10 -1 4 1 1x ffs 1x 10 -1 3 1 Dr ift 1x t fse Of Dr ift Dr ift O Dr ift t fse Of Elapsed Time 8 Dr i ft Note: • Aging Lines Represent “Aging/Day” • Offset Lines are Independent of a Time Period • Add Aging and Expected Offset for ~ Total Time Error 17