Third World Network of Scientific Organizations

Third World Network of
Scientific Organizations
Grants to Institutions in the South
for Joint Research Projects
Application Form
Please read the information overleaf carefully before completing the form.
Applications should be submitted by a minimum of two and a maximum of three institutions in different
countries in the South. At least one institution should be located in one of the least developed countries
(LDCs); see list overleaf.
Applications should be clearly typewritten.
The closing date for receipt of applications is 1 December of each year.
Completed application forms should be sent to:
Third World Network of Scientific Organizations (TWNSO)
c/o The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)
Strada Costiera 11 — 34014 Trieste – Italy
Phone: +39 040 2240-683 Fax: +39 040 2240-689 E-mail:
The Third World Network of Scientific Organizations (TWNSO)
Grants to Institutions in the South for Joint Research Projects
With financial support from the OPEC Fund for
International Development, the Third World Network of
Scientific Organizations (TWNSO) has established a competitive Research Grants scheme designed to encourage
and support joint research projects involving 2-3 competent research and training institutions from different countries in the South. The aim of the scheme is to encourage
and foster cooperation between the best research centres
in the South in areas of science and technology of critical
importance to Third World development and to facilitate
permanent links between the institutions concerned.
New Materials
Information Technology
Space Technology
New and Renewable Energies
Soil Erosion and Desertification
Floods and Earthquakes
Atmospheric Pollution
Toxic and Chemical Waste
Fresh Water Resources
The programme awards grants to joint research
projects with well-defined objectives to be undertaken
jointly by two to three research institutions from
developing countries. To ensure maximum benefit to
the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), it is required that at
least one of the cooperating institutions in any proposed
project should be in the LDCs*. Only joint projects involving institutions with well-established expertise and adequate basic equipment will be considered for the grants.
The selection of projects for the grants will be based on
scientific merit and on the benefits of the project to the
industrial and socio-economic development of the countries concerned.
A Research Grant will amount to a maximum of
US$ 30,000 and will be provided for up to 2 years.
Requests for an additional grant to allow for an extension
of a successful project will be considered.
The Research Grant can be utilized for purchasing
scientific apparatus, consumable materials, specialized
literature and any other items needed for the joint project
by any of the cooperating institutions, especially those from
the LDCs. Part of the grant can be allocated for exchange
visits of personnel and for organizing small research and
training workshops at any of the institutes involved. Local
expenses, such as staff salaries and routine expenses, will
not be covered by the grant.
Joint research proposals submitted to TWNSO by two
or three institutions in the South will be sent for peer review
to international experts. A panel of advisors will then meet
to examine the peer reviews and decide on the awards.
Selection of joint research proposals shall be made on the
basis of their innovative value and their potential to stimulate permanent cooperative linkages between the institutions involved. Cooperating institutions must all give their
approval to the joint project and must undertake to administer the grant awarded in accordance with the terms of a
formal agreement between them and TWNSO.
Upon completion of the joint project any equipment,
expendables or literature will remain the property of the
institution for which these are purchased. These can then
be used by the scientists of the institution in further
research carried out locally.
Research Fields
The programme will provide support for research
projects in both basic and applied fields. These include:
* The group of LDCs currently comprises 49 countries: Afghanistan,
Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo [formerly Zaire], Djibouti, Equatorial
Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti,
Kiribati, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Myanmar,
Nepal, Niger, Rwanda, Samoa, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal,
Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Sudan, Togo, Tuvalu,
Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Vanuatu, Yemen, Zambia.
Source: UNCTAD.
Third World Network of Scientific Organizations (TWNSO)
Application Form for Joint Research Projects
Forms should be typewritten in English and returned to the following address by 1 December of each year:
TWNSO Secretariat - c/o The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) - 34014 Trieste - Italy
Phone: +39 040 2240-386; Fax: +39 040 224559; E-Mail:
Title of joint project
Short summary of the project (200 words maximum)
Key words (broad and specific topics)
Starting date and duration
Cooperating Institutions (two or three institutions)
Name of Institution
Institution (a)
Postal Address
Contact Numbers
Institution (b)
Institution (c)
TWNSO Joint Research Projects — Application Form — page 2 of 7
Detailed description of joint project
Title of project
Detailed description
TWNSO Joint Research Projects — Application Form — page 3 of 7
Scientific information about the project
Current state of knowledge in the field
Objectives of the proposed project
Benefits of the project to industrial and socio-economic development in the countries concerned
TWNSO Joint Research Projects — Application Form — page 4 of 7
Tasks of Cooperating Institutions in the execution of the project
Institution (a)
Institution (b)
Institution (c)
TWNSO Joint Research Projects — Application Form — page 5 of 7
Names and titles of scientists participating in the project in each institution
[A short resumé of each of the participating scientists and list of significant publications relevant to the
project produced by each institution should be attached]
Institution (a)
Team leader
Other scientists
Institution (b)
Team leader
Other scientists
Institution (c)
Team leader
Other scientists
TWNSO Joint Research Projects — Application Form — page 6 of 7
Previous and present support given to institutions for the proposed or related project
Organization giving support
Institution (a)
Institution (b)
Institution (c)
Facilities available at each institution for the project
Institution (a)
Institution (b)
Institution (c)
Expendable supplies
Field work
Other (please specify)
Names and addresses of FOUR internationally renowned scientists for the evaluation of the project
TWNSO Joint Research Projects — Application Form — page 7 of 7
Breakdown of costs requested
Please specify clearly the items needed and the cooperating institution requiring them. The total amount should NOT
exceed US$ 30,000.
Institution requiring the item
[specify Institution (a), (b) or (c)]
Equipment (please specify in detail)
Consumable laboratory supplies
(please specify in detail)
Workshops and exchange visits
(travel costs only)
Supporting statements of heads of institutions
This application is approved and the facilities of the institution including personnel, buildings, equipment and financial
resources will be provided to the applicant in accordance with the specifications within this application.
Institution (a)
Institution (b)
Institution (c)
Name of head
Date and signature
The Third World Network of
Scientific Organizations (TWNSO)
The Third World Network of Scientific Organizations (TWNSO)
is a non-governmental organization, founded in 1988 by 15
Ministers of Science and Technology and Higher Education
and 30 Heads of Science Academies and Research Councils
from 36 countries in the South, to promote science-based
economic development in the Third World and cooperation
among the nations of the South in areas of science and technology critical to their sustainable development. In 1990 TWNSO
acquired consultative status with UNESCO.
At present TWNSO has 156 members, including 34
ministries of science and technology and higher education, 45
science academies, 46 research councils and 31 other organizations in 74 countries in the South.
Among the objectives of the Network are:
• To promote the development of collaborative programmes
between research institutions in areas of science, technology
and environment of critical importance to the development of
the South;
• To recognize and encourage scientific and technical innovations of substantial benefits to the economic and social
development in the South;
• To further the South’s contributions to and involvement in
global science projects and frontier science and technology
In addition to the Grants for Joint Research Project s in
the South, TWNSO's activities include:
Awards in Applied Sciences
Every two years, TWNSO awards two prizes of US$10,000 each,
one in Agriculture and one in Technology, to honour distinguished individuals or institutions whose scientific and technical innovations have provided significant and sustainable solutions to certain economic and social problems in the Third
World, and brought benefits to the well-being of the people.
The Celso Furtado Prize
With financial support from the Brazilian government, TWNSO
has recently established an international award in the field of
political economics, aimed at giving recognition, encouragement and support to outstanding work that resulted in substantial benefits to socio-economic development in Third World
countries. The prize, named after the Brazilian economist
Celso Furtado, consists of a plaque and a cash prize of
US$>10,000, to be awarded every two years on a special occasion coinciding with a general meeting of TWNSO.
Network of International Centres in the South
TWNSO is collaborating with COMSATS in an ambitious project
aimed at upgrading a number of competent scientific institutions in the South to international centres of excellence so as to
enable them to provide advanced training and research opportunities to young scientists from the South. Thirteen nodes of
the Network have been established at already existing and
highly competent institutions in Bolivia, Brazil, China, Colombia, Egypt, Ghana, Jamaica, Jordan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Syria,
Tanzania, and Turkey.
Profiles of Science Ministries, Academies and
Research Councils in the South
TWNSO regularly publishes a directory with detailed information about its Members, including their programmes, functions
and budget. The publication is the first of its kind, and provides
useful information to many organizations concerned with the
status and prospects of science and technology in the South.
Profiles of Institutions for Scientific Exchange
and Training in the South
In collaboration with the South Centre, in 1998 TWNSO published the second edition of a book with profiles of world-class
research and training institutions in the South. The new edition
includes 431 institutions in 52 developing countries. It is hoped
that the publication and distribution of these profiles will
promote increased scientific collaboration among centres of
scholarship in the South, as well as between them and similar
institutions in the North.
Further information on the programmes of TWNSO can be obtained via the organization's website at or from:
Third World Network of Scientific Organizations (TWNSO)
c/o The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)
Strada Costiera 11 —>34014 Trieste – Italy
Phone: +39 040 2240-683
Fax: +39 040 2240-689 E-mail:
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