Solution of the RC circuit differential equation ODE: ansatz: dq(t) q(t) Em + = sin(ωt) dt RC R q(t) = Q cos(ωt − φ) (1) (2) where the Q and φ are adjustable parameters that will depend (in ways to be uncovered) upon R, C, ω, and Em . Plug the ansatz into the ODE, giving −Qω sin(ωt − φ) + Q Em cos(ωt − φ) = sin(ωt). RC R (3) If this equation is to hold for all times, it must hold for the time t = 0: −Qω sin(−φ) + Define XC ≡ Q cos(−φ) RC = 0 tan φ = − (4) 1 ωRC (5) 1 and call it the “reactance” or “impedance” of the capacitor (dimensions: ohm). Then ωC tan φ = − XC . R (6) R XXXφ −XC XXX p XX X R2 + XC2 XXX If the ansatz is to hold for all times, then it must also hold for the time when ωt = φ, at which time equation (3) becomes Q RC = Em sin φ R Q = Em C sin φ = Em C (7) −p XC R2 + XC2 ! (8) So we’ve shown that if ansatz (2) is a solution to ODE (1), then the parameters Q and φ must take on the values given in equations (6) and (8). But we’ve not yet shown that ansatz (2) is really a solution. To do so, plug equations (6) and (8) into (3) Em C sin φ cos(ωt − φ) = RC −ωRC sin φ sin(ωt − φ) + sin φ cos(ωt − φ) = −ωEm C sin φ sin(ωt − φ) + Em sin ωt R sin ωt (9) (10) and use the dreaded (at least, dreaded by me) sum angle formulas sin(ωt − φ) = sin ωt cos φ − cos ωt sin φ (11) cos(ωt − φ) = cos ωt cos φ + sin ωt sin φ. (12) This gives (using ωRC = R/XC ) [− R R sin φ cos φ + sin2 φ] sin ωt + [ sin2 φ + sin φ cos φ] cos ωt = sin ωt. XC XC (13) But from equation (6) sin φ = − p sin2 φ = XC + XC2 XC2 R2 + XC2 R2 ; ; cos φ = p R + XC2 RXC sin φ cos φ = − 2 R + XC2 R2 (14) (15) whence (13) becomes [1] sin ωt + [0] cos ωt = sin ωt. Which is manifestly true! (16)