Chapter 2 Higher Education in Science and Engineering Highlights.....................................................................................................................................2-4 Undergraduate Education, Enrollment, and Degrees ...............................................................2-4 Graduate Education, Enrollment, and Degrees.........................................................................2-4 Postdoctoral Education .............................................................................................................2-5 International S&E Higher Education ........................................................................................2-5 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................2-7 Chapter Overview .....................................................................................................................2-7 Chapter Organization ................................................................................................................2-7 The U.S. Higher Education System .............................................................................................2-7 Institutions Providing S&E Education......................................................................................2-7 Online and Distance Education ................................................................................................2-9 For-Profit Institutions .............................................................................................................2-10 Cost of Higher Education .......................................................................................................2-10 Undergraduate Education, Enrollment, and Degrees in the United States ................................2-11 Curricular Reform ...................................................................................................................2-11 Remedial Education ................................................................................................................2-11 Undergraduate Enrollment in the United States .....................................................................2-12 Undergraduate Degree Awards...............................................................................................2-15 Graduate Education, Enrollment, and Degrees in the United States .........................................2-17 Graduate Enrollment in S&E ..................................................................................................2-17 Financial Support for S&E Graduate Education ....................................................................2-19 Interdisciplinary Education .....................................................................................................2-21 S&E Master’s Degrees ...........................................................................................................2-21 S&E Doctoral Degrees ...........................................................................................................2-24 Postdoctoral Education ..............................................................................................................2-30 International S&E Higher Education .........................................................................................2-31 Higher Education Expenditures ..............................................................................................2-31 Educational Attainment ..........................................................................................................2-33 First University Degrees in S&E Fields .................................................................................2-33 Global Comparison of S&E Doctoral Degrees .......................................................................2-35 Global Student Mobility .........................................................................................................2-36 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................2-37 Notes ..........................................................................................................................................2-38 Glossary .....................................................................................................................................2-38 References ..................................................................................................................................2-39 List of Sidebars Carnegie Classification of Academic Institutions........................................................................2-8 Baccalaureate Origins of S&E Doctorate Recipients ..................................................................2-9 Interdisciplinary Dissertation Research .....................................................................................2-22 Professional Science Master’s Degrees .....................................................................................2-22 Doctoral Completion and Attrition ............................................................................................2-25 Globalization and Doctoral Education .......................................................................................2-32 2-1 2-2 Chapter 2. Higher Education in Science and Engineering International Changes in the Ratio of Natural Science and Engineering Degrees to the College-Age Population ........................................................................................................2-34 Changes in European Higher Education Since the Bologna Process .......................................2-35 List of Tables Table 2-1. Postsecondary 2- and 4-year Title IV degree-granting institutions offering distance education courses and enrollments in college-level credit-granting distance education courses, by level of education and institution type: 2006–07...............................2-10 Table 2-2. Top 10 colleges and universities awarding degrees in computer sciences and psychology, by level of degree: 2007 ...................................................................................2-11 Table 2-3. Primary support mechanisms for S&E doctorate recipients, by Carnegie classification of doctorate-granting institution: 2007 ...........................................................2-21 Table 2-4. Median number of years from S&E doctorate recipients’ entry to graduate school to receipt of doctorate, by Carnegie classification of doctorate-granting institution: 1993–2007 ..........................................................................................................2-26 Table 2-5. Foreign recipients of U.S. S&E doctorates, by country/economy of origin: 1987–2007 .............................................................................................................................2-27 Table 2-6. Asian recipients of U.S. S&E doctorates, by field and country/economy of origin: 1987–2007 .................................................................................................................2-27 Table 2-7. European and North American recipients of U.S. S&E doctorates, by field and region/country of origin: 1987–2007 .............................................................................2-28 Table 2-8. Source of funding of S&E postdoctoral students: 1993–2006 .................................2-32 List of Figures Figure 2-1. Enrollment and degrees per thousand population and per billion dollars GDP: 1970–2006...................................................................................................................2-12 Figure 2-2. Freshmen intending S&E major, by race/ethnicity: 1993–2008 .............................2-14 Figure 2-3. Foreign undergraduate student enrollment in U.S. universities, by top 10 places of origin and field: April 2009 ...................................................................................2-14 Figure 2-4. Engineering enrollment, by level: 1979–2007 ........................................................2-15 Figure 2-5. S&E bachelor’s degrees, by field: 1993–2007 ........................................................2-16 Figure 2-6. Female share of S&E bachelor’s degrees, by field: 1993–2007 .............................2-16 Figure 2-7. Minority share of S&E bachelor’s degrees, by race/ethnicity: 1995–2007 ............2-17 Figure 2-8. S&E graduate enrollment, by citizenship and race/ethnicity: 1993–2006 ..............2-18 Figure 2-9. Full-time S&E graduate students, by field and mechanism of primary support: 2006.........................................................................................................................2-19 Figure 2-10. Full-time S&E graduate students with primary support from federal government, by field: 1996 and 2006 ...................................................................................2-20 Figure 2-11. S&E master’s degrees, by field: 1993–2007 .........................................................2-23 Figure 2-12. S&E master’s degrees, by sex: 1993–2007 ...........................................................2-23 Figure 2-13. S&E master’s degrees, by race/ethnicity and citizenship: 1995–2007 .................2-23 Figure 2-14. S&E doctoral degrees earned in U.S. universities, by field: 1993–2007 ..............2-24 Figure 2-15. S&E doctoral degrees earned by U.S. citizen and permanent resident underrepresented minorities, by race/ethnicity: 1995–2007 .................................................2-26 Figure 2-16. S&E doctoral degrees, by sex, race/ethnicity, and citizenship: 1995–2007 .........2-26 Figure 2-17. U.S. S&E doctoral degree recipients, by selected Asian country/economy of origin: 1987–2007 .............................................................................................................2-28 Figure 2-18. U.S. S&E doctoral degree recipients, by selected Western European country: 1987–2007 ..............................................................................................................2-29 Figure 2-19. U.S. S&E doctoral degree recipients from Europe, by region: 1987–2007 ..........2-29 Figure 2-20. U.S. S&E doctoral degree recipients from Canada and Mexico: 1987–2007 .......2-29 Figure 2-21. Plans of foreign recipients of U.S. S&E doctorates to stay in United States: 1987–2007 .................................................................................................................2-30 Figure 2-22. Short-term stay rates of foreign recipients of U.S. S&E doctorates, by place of origin: 1996–99 and 2004–07.............................................................................2-30 Science and Engineering Indicators 2010 2-3 Figure 2-23. Postdoctoral students at U.S. universities, by field: 1993–2006 ...........................2-31 Figure 2-24. Postdoctoral students at U.S. universities, by field and citizenship status: 1993–2006 .............................................................................................................................2-31 Figure 2-25. Attainment of tertiary-type A and advanced research programs, by country and age group: 2006 .................................................................................................2-33 Figure 2-26. First university natural sciences and engineering degrees, by selected countries: 1998–2006 ............................................................................................................2-34 Figure 2-27. Natural sciences and engineering doctoral degrees, by selected country: 1993–2006 .............................................................................................................................2-35 Figure 2-28. Foreign students enrolled in tertiary education, by country: 2006........................2-36 2-4 Chapter 2. Higher Education in Science and Engineering Highlights Undergraduate Education, Enrollment, and Degrees Enrollment in U.S. higher education is projected to continue rising because of increases in the U.S. college-age population. Reflecting changes in the population of 18-year-olds, the number of high school graduates is expected to increase 6% between 2004–05 and 2017–18, a slower rate of growth than between 1992–93 and 2004–05 (25%). Postsecondary enrollment rose from 14.5 million in fall 1993 to 18.7 million in fall 2006, and is projected to increase to 20.1 million students in 2017. Postsecondary enrollment of all racial/ethnic groups is projected to increase, but the percentage that is white is projected to decrease to 61% in 2017, whereas the percentages that are black and Hispanic are projected to increase. The number of S&E bachelor’s degrees has risen steadily over the past 15 years. The number of S&E bachelor’s degrees awarded reached a new peak of 485,800 in 2007. Most S&E fields (except computer sciences) experienced increases in the number of degrees awarded in 2007. In computer sciences, the number of bachelor’s and master’s degrees increased sharply from 1998 to 2004 but has decreased since then. S&E bachelor’s degrees have consistently accounted for roughly one-third of all bachelor’s degrees for the past 15 years. The share of bachelor’s degrees awarded to women increased in many major S&E fields from 1993 to 2007. Women have earned 58% of all bachelor’s degrees since 2002; they have earned about half of all S&E bachelor’s degrees since 2000, but major variations persist among fields. In 2007, men earned a majority of bachelor’s degrees awarded in engineering, computer sciences, and physics (81%, 81%, and 79%, respectively). Women earned half or more of bachelor’s degrees in psychology (77%), biological sciences (60%), social sciences (54%), agricultural sciences (50%), and chemistry (50%). Among fields with notable increases in the proportion of bachelor’s degrees awarded to women are earth, atmospheric, and ocean sciences (from 30% to 41%); agricultural sciences (from 37% to 50%); and chemistry (from 41% to 50%). Women’s share of bachelor’s degrees in computer sciences, mathematics, and engineering has declined in recent years. The racial/ethnic composition of those earning S&E bachelor’s degrees is changing, reflecting both population change and increasing college attendance by members of minority groups. For all racial/ethnic groups except white, the total number of bachelor’s degrees, the number of S&E bachelor’s degrees, and the number of bachelor’s degrees in most S&E fields has generally increased since 1995. Between 1995 and 2007, the proportion of S&E bachelor’s degrees awarded to Asians/Pacific Islanders increased from 8% to 9%; to black students, from 7% to 8%; to Hispanic students, from 6% to 8%; and to American Indian/Alaska Native students, from 0.5% to 0.7%, although the shares to black and American Indian/Alaska Native students have remained fairly flat since 2000. The proportion of S&E degrees awarded to white students declined from 73% to 64%. For white students, the total number of bachelor’s degrees, the number of S&E bachelor’s degrees, and the number of bachelor’s degrees in most S&E fields remained fairly flat from 1995 through 2001 as their numbers in the collegeage population dropped but rose again through 2007. Students in the United States on temporary visas earned only a small share (4%) of S&E bachelor’s degrees in 2007. The number of S&E bachelor’s degrees awarded to students on temporary visas increased from about 14,700 in 1995 to 18,800 in 2004 before declining to 17,400 in 2007. Students on temporary visas earned larger shares of bachelor’s degrees in certain fields in 2007: 9% of those awarded in economics and about 10% of those awarded in electrical and industrial engineering. Graduate Education, Enrollment, and Degrees S&E graduate enrollment in the United States continued to rise, reaching a new peak of almost 600,000 in fall 2006. Following a long period of growth, graduate enrollment in S&E declined in the latter half of the 1990s but has increased steadily since 1999. First-time full-time enrollment, an indicator of future trends in enrollment, has also increased since the late 1990s. Graduate enrollment in computer sciences and engineering has decreased in recent years, although first-time full-time enrollment in these fields increased in 2005 and 2006. 2-5 Science and Engineering Indicators 2010 Foreign S&E graduate students in U.S. institutions increased in fall 2006 after 2 years of decline. ported they planned to stay in the United States and about half had accepted firm offers of employment. S&E graduate students on temporary visas increased from 22% to 25% of all S&E graduate students from 1993 to 2006. More than 90% of 2004–07 U.S. S&E doctorate recipients from China and 89% of those from India reported plans to stay in the United States, and 59% and 62%, respectively, reported accepting firm offers of employment or postdoctoral research in the United States. The number of first-time full-time S&E graduate students with temporary visas increased in fall 2005 and fall 2006 after declining 18% from 2001 to 2004. The increases (and previous declines) were mainly in computer sciences and engineering. Master’s degrees awarded in S&E fields increased from 86,400 in 1993 to 121,000 in 2006 but declined in 2007. Between 2000–03 and 2004–07, the percentage reporting definite plans to stay in the United States decreased among U.S. S&E doctorate recipients from all of the top five countries/economies of origin (China, India, South Korea, Taiwan, and Canada). However, for all but Taiwan, increases in the number of doctorate recipients more than offset declines in the percentage staying. Increases occurred in most major science fields, although the number of master’s degrees awarded in engineering and computer sciences has dropped since 2004. Postdoctoral Education The number and percentage of master’s degrees awarded to women in most major S&E fields have increased since 1993. The number of doctorate recipients with S&E postdoctoral appointments at U.S. universities increased to almost 50,000 in fall 2006. The number of S&E master’s degrees awarded increased for all racial/ethnic groups from 1995 to 2007, and the percentage awarded to Asians/Pacific Islanders, blacks, Hispanics, and American Indians/Alaska Natives increased during that time period. More than two-thirds of academic postdoctoral appointments were in biological and medical/other life sciences. The number of S&E doctorates awarded by U.S. academic institutions reached a new peak of almost 41,000 in 2007. The number of U.S. citizen and permanent resident S&E postdocs at these institutions increased more modestly, from approximately 16,700 in 1993 to 21,100 in 2006. After rising from the mid-1980s through 1998, the number of S&E doctorates declined through 2002 but has increased in recent years. The largest increases were in engineering and biological/agricultural and medical/other life sciences. The recent growth through 2007 occurred among both U.S. citizens/permanent residents and temporary residents. Foreign students make up a much higher proportion of S&E master’s and doctoral degree recipients than of bachelor’s degree recipients. Foreign students received 24% of S&E master’s degrees, 33% of S&E doctoral degrees, and 4% of S&E bachelor’s degrees in 2007. The number of S&E master’s degrees earned by temporary residents rose from 1995 to 2004 and then dropped through 2007. The number of S&E doctorates earned by temporary residents rose to a new peak of 13,700 in 2007. Most foreign recipients of U.S. S&E doctorates plan to stay in the United States after graduation. Among 2004–07 graduates, more than three-quarters of foreign S&E doctorate recipients with known plans re- Temporary visa holders accounted for 57% of S&E postdocs in 2006. They accounted for much of the increase in the number of S&E postdocs, especially in biological and medical sciences. An increasing share of academic S&E postdocs are funded through federal research grants. In fall 2006, 56% of S&E postdocs at U.S. universities were funded through this mechanism, up from 52% in 1993. Federal fellowships and traineeships funded a declining share of S&E postdocs. International S&E Higher Education Students in China earned about 21%, those in the European Union earned about 19%, and those in the United States earned about 11% of the more than 4 million first university degrees awarded in S&E in 2006. The number of S&E first university degrees awarded in China, Poland, and Taiwan more than doubled between 1998 and 2006, and those in the United States and many other countries generally increased. Those awarded in Japan decreased in recent years. In China, the number of first university degrees awarded in natural sciences and engineering has risen particularly sharply since 2002. In comparison, those awarded in Germany, Japan, United Kingdom, and the United States have remained relatively flat. 2-6 In the United States, S&E degrees are about one-third of bachelor’s degrees and have been for a long time. More than half of first degrees were awarded in S&E fields in Japan (63%), China (53%), and Singapore (51%). In the United States, about 5% of all bachelor’s degrees are in engineering. In Asia about 20% are in engineering, and in China about one-third are in engineering (although the percentage has declined in recent years). In 2006, the United States awarded the largest number of S&E doctoral degrees of any individual country, followed by China, Russia, Germany, and the United Kingdom. The numbers of S&E doctoral degrees awarded in China, Italy, and the United States have risen substantially in recent years. The numbers of S&E doctoral degrees in India, Japan, South Korea, and many European countries have risen more modestly. Women earned 40% of S&E doctoral degrees awarded in the United States in 2006, about the same as the percentages earned by women in Australia, Canada, the European Union, and Mexico. The percentage of S&E doctoral degrees earned by women ranged from less than 20% in some countries to 50% or more in others. Chapter 2. Higher Education in Science and Engineering International migration of students and highly skilled workers expanded over the past two decades, and countries are increasingly competing for foreign students. In particular, migration of students occurred from developing countries to the more developed countries and from Europe and Asia to the United States. Some countries expanded recruitment of foreign students as their own populations of college-age students decreased, both to attract highly skilled workers and increase revenue for colleges and universities. The United States remains the destination of the largest number of foreign students worldwide (undergraduate and graduate), although its share of foreign students worldwide decreased from 25% in 2000 to 20% in 2006. In addition to the United States, other countries that are among the top destinations for foreign students include the United Kingdom (11%), Germany (9%), and France (8%). 2-7 Science and Engineering Indicators 2010 Introduction Chapter Overview Higher education performs a number of societal functions, including developing human capital, building the knowledge base (through research and knowledge development), and disseminating, using, and maintaining knowledge (OECD 2008). S&E higher education provides the advanced skills needed for a competitive workforce and, particularly in the case of graduate S&E education, the research capability necessary for innovation. This chapter focuses on the development of human capital by higher education; chapter 5 focuses on S&E research. Indicators presented in this chapter are discussed in the context of national and global events, including changing demographics, increasing foreign student mobility, and global competition in higher education. After declining in the 1990s, the U.S. college-age population is currently increasing and is projected to increase for the next decade. The composition of the college-age population is also changing, with Asians and Hispanics becoming an increasing share of the population. Recent enrollment and degree trends, to some extent, reflect these changes. Increases in foreign students contributed to most of the growth in overall S&E graduate enrollment in recent years, but after 11 September 2001, the number of foreign students coming to the United States for graduate education dropped. In 2006 the number of foreign S&E graduate students increased (although they have not yet regained earlier levels). Finally, although the United States has historically been a world leader in providing broad access to higher education and in attracting foreign students, many other countries are expanding their own higher education systems, providing expanded educational access to their own population, and attracting growing numbers of foreign students. The effects of these trends, as well as the effects of the recent global financial crisis on domestic and foreign student enrollment in U.S. institutions, remain to be seen. This chapter does not address the issues of quality of higher education or demand for S&E-educated personnel. Although the quality of higher education and especially the quality of learning outcomes are important, adequate national quantitative measures of quality do not yet exist. This chapter makes no attempt to determine whether current or future trends in degrees are adequate for the expected short- or long-term needs of the labor market. For information on labor market conditions for recent S&E graduates, see chapter 3, “Labor Market Conditions for Recent S&E Graduates,” particularly the sidebar “Projected Growth of Employment in S&E Occupations.” Chapter 5, “Trends in Academic Employment of Doctoral Scientists and Engineers,” contains information on academic employment. Chapter Organization This chapter describes characteristics of the U.S. higher education system and trends in higher education worldwide. It begins with characteristics of U.S. higher educational institutions providing S&E education, followed by characteristics of undergraduate education, enrollment, and degrees; graduate education, enrollment, and degrees; and postdoctoral education. Trends are discussed by field and demographic group. The chapter highlights the flow of foreign students into the United States by country and their intentions to remain in this country. The chapter then presents various international higher education indicators, including comparative S&E degree production in several world regions and the growing dependence of all industrialized countries on foreign S&E students. The data in this chapter come from a variety of federal and nonfederal sources, primarily from surveys conducted by the National Science Foundation’s (NSF’s) Division of Science Resources Statistics and the National Center for Education Statistics. Most of the data in the chapter are from censuses of the population—for example, all students receiving degrees from U.S. academic institutions—and are not subject to sampling variability. When sample data are used, differences are discussed only if they are statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. The U.S. Higher Education System Higher education in S&E is important, because it produces an educated S&E workforce and an informed citizenry. It has also been receiving increased attention as an important component of U.S. economic competitiveness. In his 24 February 2009 address to a joint session of Congress, President Obama called for every American to commit to at least 1 year of postsecondary education. This section discusses the characteristics of U.S. higher education institutions providing S&E education as well as trends in and the characteristics of students and degree recipients. Institutions Providing S&E Education The U.S. higher education system consists of a large number of diverse academic institutions that vary in their missions, learning environments, selectivity, religious affiliation, types of students served, types of degrees offered, and whether public or private and for-profit or nonprofit (NCES 2008a). The number of these degree-granting institutions (including branch campuses) has increased from about 3,000 in 1975 to about 4,300 in 2007, with most of the growth in the 1970s and 1980s, and again from 2000 to 2007. The latter growth occurred largely because of growth in the number of for-profit institutions (NCES 2009b). In 2007, U.S. academic institutions awarded more than 2.9 million associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees; 23% of these degrees were in S&E (appendix table 2-1). 2-8 Research institutions are the leading producers of S&E degrees at the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels. In 2007, research institutions (i.e., doctorate-granting institutions with very high research activity) awarded 70% of S&E doctoral degrees, 40% of master’s degrees, and 36% of bachelor’s degrees in S&E fields. (See sidebar “Carnegie Classification of Academic Institutions.”) Master’s colleges and universities awarded another 28% of S&E bachelor’s degrees and 25% of S&E master’s degrees in 2007. Baccalaureate colleges were the source of relatively few S&E bachelor’s degrees (13%) (appendix table 2-1). (See sidebar “Baccalaureate-Origins of S&E Doctorate Recipients.”) Community colleges (also known as 2-year colleges or associate’s colleges) are important in preparing students to enter the workforce with certificates or associate’s degrees and in preparing students to transition to 4-year colleges or universities (Karp 2008). Thus, they provide the education needed for S&E or S&E-related occupations that require less than a bachelor’s degree, and they provide the first 2 years of many students’ education before they transfer to an S&E program at a 4-year college or university. Community colleges serve diverse groups of students and offer a more affordable means of participating in postsecondary education. Compared with 4-year colleges, community colleges enroll greater concentrations of low-income, first-generation, minority, immigrant, part-time, older, and academically underprepared students. The more than 1,000 U.S. community colleges enrolled more than 6 million students, or about a third of all postsecondary students in the 2006–07 academic year, more than half of whom were enrolled part time (NCES 2008a). Community colleges also act as a bridge between high school and college. Dual enrollment programs, which enable high school students to take courses that can earn them college credit, are one way to make this link. In 2002–03, 71% of U.S. public high schools offered dual credit courses, and 57% of U.S. postsecondary institutions had high school students taking courses for college credit (NCES 2005a, b). In 2006, 42 states had dual enrollment policies (WICHE 2006). Historically, dual enrollment opportunities were offered to high-achieving, academically oriented students. However, dual enrollment programs are increasingly viewed as means to support postsecondary achievement by averageachieving students and students in career and technical education programs. Students enrolled in dual enrollment programs can take college courses on a college campus or courses taught by high school teachers certified as college adjuncts. Courses vary in their eligibility requirements and target populations. Dual enrollment programs are presumed to have many positive outcomes, including early acclimation to postsecondary education, increased high school graduation, decreased need for remediation, and success in postsecondary education. Dual enrollment helps to upgrade career and technical education curricula with high-level academic and technical experiences (Karp et al. 2008). Chapter 2. Higher Education in Science and Engineering Carnegie Classification of Academic Institutions The Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education is widely used in higher education research to characterize and control for differences in academic institutions. The 2005 version of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching’s basic classification scheme for colleges and universities is more complex than previous versions and includes subcategories, new names, and new criteria for categories. Academic institutions are categorized primarily on the basis of highest degree conferred, level of degree production, and research activity.* In this report, several categories have been aggregated for statistical purposes. The characteristics of those aggregated groups are as follows: Doctorate-granting universities include institutions that award at least 20 doctoral degrees per year. They include three subgroups based on level of research activity: very high research activity (96 institutions), high research activity (103 institutions), and doctoral/research universities (84 institutions). Master’s colleges and universities include the 663 institutions that award at least 50 master’s degrees and fewer than 20 doctoral degrees per year. Baccalaureate colleges include the 767 institutions for which baccalaureate degrees represent at least 10% of all undergraduate degrees and that award fewer than 50 master’s degrees or 20 doctoral degrees per year. Associate’s colleges include the 1,814 institutions in which all degrees are associate’s degrees or bachelor’s degrees account for less than 10% of all undergraduate degrees. Special-focus institutions are the 806 institutions in which at least 75% of degrees are concentrated in a single field or a set of related fields. Tribal colleges are the 32 colleges and universities that are members of the American Indian Higher Education Consortium. * Research activity is based on two indices (aggregate level of research and per capita research activity) derived from a principal components analysis of data on R&D expenditures, S&E research staff, and field of doctoral degree. See for more information on the classification system and on the methodology used in defining the categories. 2-9 Science and Engineering Indicators 2010 Baccalaureate Origins of S&E Doctorate Recipients Although baccalaureate colleges produce relatively small numbers of undergraduate S&E degree holders compared with doctorate- and master’s-granting institutions, they are important contributors to producing future S&E doctorate recipients (NSF/SRS 2008). When adjusted by the number of bachelor’s degrees awarded in all fields, baccalaureate colleges as a group yield more future S&E doctorates per hundred bachelor’s degrees awarded than other types of institutions, except research universities. Private institutions, whether research universities or baccalaureate colleges, outperform public institutions in the proportion of their bachelor’s degree recipients who go on to receive S&E doctorates. The number of 1997–2006 S&E doctorate recipients per hundred bachelor’s degrees awarded in all fields 9 years earlier is higher among private research universities and a subset of baccalaureate schools, the Oberlin 50 liberal arts schools.* The Oberlin 50 colleges have a higher yield in the social and behavioral sciences and about the same yield in the natural sciences but a far lower yield in engineering than the private research universities. In engineering, the research universities, both public and private, yield more future doctorates than either public or private baccalaureate colleges. The yield of future doctorate recipients is only partly related to the range of fields that the various types of institutions offer. Research institutions (both public and private) and the Oberlin 50 schools award more than half of their bachelor’s degrees in S&E fields. Baccalaureate and master’s institutions (both public and private) award approximately one-third of their bachelor’s degrees in S&E fields. Online and Distance Education Online education and distance education enable institutions of higher education to reach a wider audience by expanding access to students in remote geographic locations and providing greater flexibility for students who have time constraints. Online education is a relatively new phenomenon and online enrollment has grown substantially over the past 5 years. Institutions believe that higher fuel costs and rising unemployment will drive increased demand for online courses in coming years (Allen and Seaman 2008). About two-thirds of 2-year and 4-year colleges and universities offer distance education courses (table 2-1). Distance education is prevalent in public 2-year colleges (97%) and public 4-year colleges and universities (88%). A little more than half of private not-for-profit 4-year institutions offered online courses. Public 2-year colleges account for most of the enrollment (4.8 million), followed by public 4-year colleges (3.5 million). Private not-for-profit and Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) are important baccalaureate-origin institutions of black S&E doctorate recipients. In 2006, about one-third of black S&E doctorate recipients received their baccalaureate degrees from HBCUs. When the data were adjusted for the number of bachelor’s degrees awarded, HBCUs as a group yielded about as many future S&E doctorates per thousand bachelor’s degrees awarded as non-HBCU institutions. The Oberlin 50 colleges and the private research universities yielded the most S&E doctorate recipients per thousand black recipients of bachelor’s degrees, but private HBCUs as a group have a yield similar to private baccalaureate colleges and public research universities. Similarly, Hispanic-serving institutions are important baccalaureate-origin institutions of Hispanic S&E doctorate-recipients. Because few tribal colleges or universities award bachelor’s degrees in S&E, tribal colleges are not a major source of American Indian S&E doctorate recipients (NSF/SRS 2009d). * The Oberlin 50 institutions are Albion College, Alma College, Amherst College, Antioch University, Barnard College, Bates College, Beloit College, Bowdoin College, Bryn Mawr College, Bucknell University, Carleton College, Colgate University, Colorado College, Davidson College, Denison University, DePauw University, Earlham College, Franklin and Marshall College, Grinnell College, Hamilton College, Hampton University, Harvey Mudd College, Haverford College, College of the Holy Cross, Hope College, Kalamazoo College, Kenyon College, Lafayette College, Macalester College, Manhattan College, Middlebury College, Mount Holyoke College, Oberlin College, Occidental College, Ohio Wesleyan University, Pomona College, Reed College, Smith College, St. Olaf College, Swarthmore College, Trinity College (CT), Union College (NY), Vassar College, Wabash College, Wellesley College, Wesleyan University, Wheaton College (IL), Whitman College, Williams College, and College of Wooster. Two of these institutions (Hampton University and Manhattan College) are now Carnegie master’s-granting institutions. private for-profit 4-year institutions both accounted for a little more than 1.8 million enrollments in 2006–07. Most (more than 80%) of the 3.9 million students who took at least one online course in fall 2007 were undergraduates (Allen and Seaman 2008). Colleges and universities’ most prevalent reasons for offering online courses are meeting students’ need for flexible schedules (68%); offering courses to those who would not have access because of geographic, family, or work-related reasons (about two thirds); making more courses available (46%); and seeking to increase student enrollment (45%) (NCES 2009b). A smaller percentage of institutions offering programs in engineering (16%) than those offering programs in other major disciplines (psychology; social sciences and history; computer and information sciences; education; health and related sciences; business; and liberal arts and sciences, general studies, humanities) (from 24% to 33%) offered fully online programs in 2007 (Allen and Seaman 2008). 2-10 Chapter 2. Higher Education in Science and Engineering Table 2-1 Postsecondary 2- and 4-year Title IV degree-granting institutions offering distance education courses and enrollments in college-level credit-granting distance education courses, by level of education and institution type: 2006–07 Institution type All institutions ....................... Public 2-year ..................... Private for-profit 2-year ..... Public 4-year ..................... Private not-for-profit 4-year ............................ Private for-profit 4-year ..... Institutions (n) Institutions offering college-level creditgranting distance education courses (%) Enrollments in college-level creditgranting distance education courses Graduate/ first Either level Undergraduatea professionala Graduate/ first Either level Undergraduate professional 4,200 1,000 500 600 65 97 16 88 66 97 16 87 60 na na 82 12,153,000 4,844,000 72,000 3,502,000 9,803,000 4,840,000 72,000 2,611,000 2,349,900 3,700 na 890,900 1,500 300 53 70 51 70 46 S 1,854,000 1,869,000 1,124,000 1,144,000 730,400 724,800 na = not applicable, 2-year institutions do not offer graduate degrees, although they sometimes offer individual graduate courses; S = suppressed, reporting standards not met a Based on number of institutions that had undergraduate or graduate/first professional programs in 2006–07. NOTES: Total includes private not-for-profit 2-year institutions not reported separately. Institutions may offer both undergraduate and graduate/first professional courses. Figures rounded to nearest 100. Detail may not add to total because of rounding. Standard errors for data available in source publication. SOURCE: National Center for Education Statistics, Distance Education at Degree-Granting Postsecondary Institutions: 2006-07, NCES 2009-044 (2009). Science and Engineering Indicators 2010 For-Profit Institutions Cost of Higher Education The rapid growth of for-profit institutions has been seen by some as a competitive threat to public and nonprofit colleges and universities in the United States (Bailey, Badway, and Gumport 2001). Over the past 10 years, the number of for-profit institutions has grown and the number of degrees that they have awarded has more than doubled (NCES 2009a; appendix table 2-2). In 2007, about 2,800 academic institutions in the United States operated on a for-profit basis. More than half of these institutions offer less-than-2-year programs and less than half are degree-granting institutions. Of the degree-granting institutions, close to half award associate’s degrees as their highest degree (NCES 2008b). For-profit academic institutions awarded 2%–3% of S&E degrees at the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels and 29% of those at the associate’s level in 2007. Computer sciences accounted for 97% of the associate’s degrees and 86% of the bachelor’s degrees awarded by for-profit institutions in science and engineering fields in 2007 (appendix table 2-3). For-profit institutions award relatively few S&E master’s and doctoral degrees; those they do award are mainly in psychology. For-profit institutions are among the top institutions awarding master’s and doctoral degrees in psychology. In addition, a for-profit institution, the University of Phoenix Online Campus, awarded more computer sciences bachelor’s degrees than any other academic institution in the United States in 2007 (table 2-2). Affordability and access to U.S. higher education institutions are perennial concerns (NCPPHE 2008; NSB 2003). In the 2008–09 academic year, average tuition and fees at 4-year colleges rose at a rate greater than inflation. Compared with the previous academic year, average tuition and fees rose 6.4% for in-state students at public 4-year colleges, 5.9% for students in private 4-year colleges, and 4.7% for students at public 2-year colleges, while the Consumer Price Index increased by 5.6% between July 2007 and July 2008 (College Board 2008). Another inflation index, the Higher Education Price Index, which measures the average relative level in the price of a fixed-market basket of goods and services purchased by colleges and universities each year, rose 3.6% in that year (Commonfund Institute 2008). For students at public 4-year colleges, tuition and fee increases over the past decade have been larger than in previous decades and the net price (that is, the published price minus grant aid and tax benefits) has risen since 2003–04 (College Board 2008). In the coming years, greater tuition increases may occur in response to state reductions in higher education funding as a result of the financial downturn that began in 2008. 2-11 Science and Engineering Indicators 2010 Table 2-2 Top 10 colleges and universities awarding degrees in computer sciences and psychology, by level of degree: 2007 Degree/academic institution Degrees (n) Degree/academic institution Degrees (n) Computer sciences associate’s All institutions............................................................ ECPI College of Technology ................................. Full Sail Real World Education .............................. American Intercontinental University Online ......... Kaplan University .................................................. Anthem College ..................................................... Keiser University (Ft. Lauderdale campus)............ ECPI Technical College (Richmond, VA) ............... Western International University ........................... Technical Career Institutes.................................... Coleman College ................................................... 27,680 769 333 300 226 222 214 209 187 177 162 Computer sciences bachelor’s All institutions........................................................... University of Phoenix Online Campus.................. American Intercontinental University Online ........ Strayer University ................................................. University of Maryland University College ........... Pennsylvania State University (main campus) ..... Colorado Technical University Online .................. DeVry University–Illinois ....................................... Rochester Institute of Technology ....................... University of Maryland Baltimore County ............ Full Sail Real World Education ............................. 42,596 1,993 867 668 646 486 468 362 355 351 330 Psychology master’s All institutions............................................................ Webster University ................................................ Teachers College at Columbia University ............. Troy University ...................................................... Pepperdine University ........................................... Chicago School of Professional Psychology ........ Prairie View A&M University .................................. Nova Southeastern University............................... National University ................................................ Alliant International University (San Diego, CA) .... Capella University ................................................. 18,594 622 365 316 313 303 279 258 246 239 220 Psychology doctorates All institutions........................................................... Alliant International University (San Diego, CA) ... Capella University ................................................ Nova Southeastern University.............................. Carlos Albizu University ....................................... Pacific Graduate School of Psychology............... Argosy University Chicago ................................... Chicago School of Professional Psychology ....... Argosy University Sarasota .................................. Rutgers University New Brunswick ...................... California Institute of Integral Studies .................. 4,696 249 131 91 85 67 59 58 56 55 54 SOURCES: National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, Completions Survey; and National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics, Integrated Science and Engineering Resources Data System (WebCASPAR), Science and Engineering Indicators 2010 Undergraduate Education, Enrollment, and Degrees in the United States Undergraduate education in S&E courses prepares students majoring in S&E for the workforce. It also prepares nonmajors to become knowledgeable citizens with a basic understanding of science and mathematics concepts. This section includes indicators related to enrollment and intentions to major in S&E fields, the need for remediation at the college level, and recent trends in the number of earned degrees in S&E fields. Curricular Reform Research on how students learn, as well as concern for the number of young people entering S&E, have driven numerous efforts to improve instructional materials and practices and to assess the effectiveness of curricular reforms (Fortenberry et al. 2007; Lewis and Lewis 2008; Quitadamo et al. 2008). Education innovators in all S&E fields are examining problems in student learning and designing ways to address them through integration of disciplinary knowledge and education research. Many of these newer methods involve more interaction between students and faculty, improved technology, teamwork, and applications to real-world problems (Brainard 2007). Although research indicates that many of the newer methods are effective in improving student understanding of the scientific process and fundamental concepts, they are not widely adopted. Universities and departments are often unaware of or resistant to new models of instruction, and strong incentives to improve teaching are often lacking (Brainard 2007). Remedial Education Remedial education (also known as developmental education) offers below-college-level courses or instruction to students who enter college without skills in reading, writing, or mathematics adequate for college-level courses. In recent years, state university systems have moved remedial education out of 4-year colleges and universities and into community colleges. In the 2003–04 academic year, about 29% of community college students had taken at least one remedial course in their first year of study (NCES 2008a), and nearly 60% of students take at least one remedial course at some point during their college education (Attewell et al. 2006). Mathematics was the most common remedial course taken in 2004 (NCES 2008a). Although more than half of students pass remedial writing and reading courses, less 2-12 than half pass their remedial mathematics courses (Attewell et al. 2006). (For information on the relationship between achievement in science and mathematics courses and postsecondary remediation rates, see chapter 1, “Relationship of High School Courses Taken to Postsecondary Success.”) Some have recently begun to question the effectiveness of remedial education (Bailey 2009; Calcagno and Long 2008). Fewer than half of students in all remedial classes complete the required sequence of remedial courses and few of these students go on to college-level courses (Bailey 2009). States and individual colleges and universities lack consensus on the criteria and cutoff points used for assessing college readiness and on the best strategies to address poor skills. Efforts in some colleges are more effective than others. Although some students may make progress, they still may not reach college-level skills and knowledge. Various efforts have attempted to bridge the gaps in expectations between K–12 and higher education expectations for achievement (Cohen et al. 2006), and several states are currently developing initiatives to improve remedial education. Chapter 1, “Transition to Higher Education,” provides more information on the transition from high school to college as well as information specifically on states’ efforts to establish standards for transitioning into higher education. Chapter 2. Higher Education in Science and Engineering Figure 2-1 Enrollment and degrees per thousand population and per billion dollars GDP: 1970–2006 Population ages 20–24 and 25–29 years Thousands 25 20–24 years old 25–29 years old 20 15 10 5 0 1970 1974 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 Ratio 100 80 Enrollment and degrees Undergraduate enrollment (all fields) per hundred 20–24 year-olds 60 40 Graduate S&E enrollment per thousand 25–29-year-olds 20 Undergraduate Enrollment in the United States Recent trends in higher education enrollment reflect the expanding U.S. college-age population. This section examines trends in undergraduate enrollment by type of institution, field, and demographic characteristics. For information on enrollment rates of high school seniors, see chapter 1, “Transition to Higher Education.” Trends in Enrollment and Degrees in Light of Population and Economic Trends and World Events Trends in the college-age population, economic trends, and world events have influenced recent trends in college enrollment and degrees. Population trends and, to a lesser extent, economic factors are also used in projections of future enrollment and degree trends. Undergraduate enrollment, S&E bachelor’s degrees, and graduate S&E enrollment have generally risen over time at a faster rate than population growth, reflecting increases in the percentage of the population participating in higher education. The greatest gains in higher education relative to the population occurred in the 1980s (figure 2-1). The college-age (20–24-year-old) population in the United States declined through the mid1990s, especially for whites (NSF/SRS 2007). Undergraduate enrollment in all fields and bachelor’s degrees in some fields declined in that period, and graduate S&E enrollment and S&E doctoral degrees declined a few years later. In contrast to population trends, the economy has generally grown faster than higher education enrollment and degrees. That is, enrollment and degrees have generally declined over time S&E bachelor’s degrees per thousand 20–24-year-olds 0 1970 1974 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 Enrollment and degrees per billion dollars GDP Graduate enrollment and bachelor’s degrees (thousands) Undergraduate enrollment (thousands) 250 Graduate S&E enrollment 200 150 80 Undergraduate enrollment (all fields) 60 S&E bachelor’s degrees 40 100 20 50 0 0 1970 1974 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 GDP = gross domestic product NOTES: Data on graduate enrollment not available before 1975. Data on undergraduate enrollment and bachelor's degrees not available for 1999. SOURCES: Population: Census Bureau, Current Population Reports, Series P-25, Nos. 1000, 1022, 1045, 1057, 1059, 1092, and 1095, and 2000 through 2008 Population Estimates; and National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Digest of Education Statistics 2008 (NCES 2009-020), tables/dt08_015.asp, accessed 19 May 2009; Undergraduate enrollment and S&E bachelor’s degrees: NCES, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, Completions Survey; and National Science Foundation/Division of Science Resources Statistics, WebCASPAR database,; Graduate S&E enrollment: NSF/SRS, Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering, and WebCASPAR database, See appendix tables 2-12, 2-14, and 4-1. Science and Engineering Indicators 2010 Science and Engineering Indicators 2010 relative to the U.S. economy as measured by gross domestic product (GDP). This pattern reverses, however, in economic recessions. Upturns in enrollment and degrees relative to GDP occurred during recession periods in 1973–75, 1980– 82, 1990–91, and 2001 (figure 2-1). Finally, higher education enrollment and degrees are affected by world events in very specific ways. For example the dot-com bust in the early 2000s was followed by a precipitous decline in enrollment and degrees in computer sciences, and the 9/11 attacks on the United States were followed by a steep drop in international student enrollment through 2004. (See “S&E Bachelor’s Degrees” and “Foreign Undergraduate Enrollment.”) Overall Enrollment Enrollment in U.S. institutions of higher education at all levels rose from 14.5 million students in fall 1993 to 18.5 million in fall 2007 (appendix table 2-4). More than 7 million students (about 38% of all students enrolled in higher education institutions in the United States) were enrolled in associate’s colleges in 2007. Research universities (doctorate-granting universities with very high research activity) accounted for 13% and master’s-granting universities accounted for 22% of all students enrolled (appendix table 2-4). (See sidebar “Carnegie Classification of Academic Institutions” for definitions of the types of academic institutions.) These trends are expected to continue in the near future. Projections of High School Graduation and College Enrollment Trends Because of increases in the population of 18-year-olds (rather than changes in graduation rates), the number of high school graduates is expected to increase through 2017, although at a lower rate than in the recent past. The number of high school graduates is projected to increase 6% between 2004–05 and 2017–18 to 3.3 million graduates. From 1992–93 to 2004–05, the number of high school graduates increased 25% (NCES 2008c). (See chapter 1 for more information on high school graduation rates, course taking, and transition from secondary to postsecondary education.) Among public schools, the number of high school graduates is projected to increase 8% nationally, but large variations exist among the states, with increases projected in 27 states (mainly in the South and West) and the District of Columbia and decreases projected in 23 states (mainly in the Midwest and Northeast) (NCES 2008c). Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Texas, and Utah are projected to have the largest percentage increases. Louisiana, Maine, North Dakota, Rhode Island, and Vermont are projected to have the largest percentage decreases in public high school graduates. Similarly, enrollment in higher education is projected to increase through 2017. These projections are based primarily on population projections but also incorporate information about household income (a measure of ability to pay) and age-specific unemployment rates (a measure of opportunity costs).1 According to Census Bureau projections, the number of college-age (ages 20–24) individuals is expected 2-13 to grow from 21.8 million in 2010 to 28.2 million by 2050 (appendix table 2-5). From 2010 to 2050, Asians are projected to increase from 4% to 6% and Hispanics are projected to increase from 18% to 37% of the college-age population, whereas blacks are projected to decrease from 15% to 12% and whites are projected to decrease from 60% to 40% of the college-age population (NCES 2008c). Largely because of these demographic changes, postsecondary enrollment is expected to increase 13%, to 20.1 million students, in 2017 (NCES 2008c). Increased enrollment in higher education is projected to come mainly from minority groups, particularly Hispanics. Enrollment of all racial/ethnic groups is projected to increase, but the percentage that is white is projected to decrease from 65% in 2006 to 61% in 2017, whereas the percentages that are black and Hispanic are projected to increase from 13% and 11%, respectively, to 14% for both groups. (For further information on assumptions underlying these projections, see “Projection Methodology” in Projections of Education Statistics to 2017 [NCES 2008c], programs/projections/projections2017/app_a.asp, accessed 23 June 2009.) Undergraduate Enrollment in S&E Freshmen Intentions to Major in S&E. Since 1972, the annual Survey of the American Freshman, National Norms, administered by the Higher Education Research Institute at the University of California at Los Angeles, has asked freshmen at a large number of universities and colleges about their intended majors.2 The data provided a broadly accurate picture of degree fields several years later.3 For at least the past two decades, about one-third of all freshmen planned to study S&E. In 2008, about one-third of white, black, Hispanic, and American Indian freshmen and 47% of Asian freshmen reported that they intended to major in S&E (figure 2-2). The proportions planning to major in S&E were higher for men than for women in every racial/ethnic group, with the exception of blacks. In 2007 and 2008, similar percentages of black men and black women planned to major in S&E (appendix table 2-6). For most racial/ethnic groups, about 10%–16% planned to major in social/behavioral sciences, about 6%–10% in engineering, about 8%–10% in biological/agricultural sciences, 1%–2% in computer sciences, 2%–3% in physical sciences,4 and 1% in mathematics or statistics. Higher proportions of Asian freshmen than of those from other racial/ethnic groups planned to major in biological/agricultural sciences (18%) and engineering (14%). The percentage of all freshmen intending to major in computer sciences has dropped in recent years, whereas the percentage intending to major in biological/agricultural sciences has increased. (See appendix table 2-13 and “S&E Bachelor’s Degrees” for trends in bachelor’s degrees.) Generally, the percentages earning bachelor’s degrees in particular S&E fields are similar to the percentages planning to major in those fields, with the exception of engineering and social/ behavioral sciences. The percentage earning bachelor’s degrees in engineering is smaller than, and the percentage 2-14 Chapter 2. Higher Education in Science and Engineering earning bachelor’s degrees in social/behavioral sciences is larger than, previous years’ percentages planning to major in those fields. (See NSB 2008, pages 2-24 and 2-25, for a discussion of longitudinal data on undergraduate attrition in S&E.) The demographic composition of students planning S&E majors has become more diverse over time. Women increased from 44% of freshmen planning S&E majors in 1993 to 47% in 2008. White students declined from 79% in 1993 to 69% in 2008. On the other hand, the proportion of Asian students increased from 6% to 12% and the proportion of Hispanic students increased from 4% to 12%. American Indian students were roughly 2% and black students were roughly 11% of freshmen intending to major in S&E in both 1993 and 2008 (appendix table 2-7). Foreign Undergraduate Enrollment. The number of foreign students enrolled in bachelor’s degree programs in U.S. academic institutions rose 5% in the 2007–08 academic year to approximately 178,000 (IIE 2008). The increase was the second in a row after 4 years of decline, but the number of foreign undergraduates in 2007–08 was still 7% below the peak in 2001–02. Among new foreign undergraduates, enrollment increased 7% in 2007–08, the fourth increase in a row, suggesting that enrollment increases are likely to continue. South Korea (almost 33,000), Japan (almost 21,000), China (16,500), Canada (13,600), and India (13,600) accounted for the largest numbers of foreign undergraduates in the United States in 2007–08. The number of Chinese undergraduates increased 65% over the previous year and the numbers of South Korean and Indian undergraduates increased 17% and 8%, respectively. Among all foreign students (undergraduate and graduate) in 2007–08, the number of those studying the physical and life sciences increased 2%; agricultural sciences, 20%; engineering, 7%; and computer sciences, 4%, compared with the preceding year (IIE 2008). The number of foreign students studying mathematics decreased 9%. More recent data from the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services show an 11% increase in undergraduate enrollment of foreign students in science and engineering from April 2008 to April 2009, mostly in engineering. South Korea, China, Japan, Canada, and India were among the top countries sending foreign undergraduates in spring 2009 and were also among the top countries sending foreign S&E undergraduates (figure 2-3; appendix table 2-8). Nepal and Saudi Arabia, which accounted for fewer total undergraduates in the United States, were also among the top countries sending foreign undergraduates in S&E fields, sending more than Canada and Japan. Engineering Enrollment. For the most part, undergraduate enrollment data are not available by field. Students often do not declare majors until their sophomore year; thus, -PN\YL -VYLPNU\UKLYNYHK\H[LZ[\KLU[LUYVSSTLU[PU<: \UP]LYZP[PLZI`[VWWSHJLZVMVYPNPUHUKMPLSK! (WYPS :V\[O2VYLH *OPUH -PN\YL -YLZOTLUPU[LUKPUN:,THQVYI`YHJLL[OUPJP[`! ¶ 0UKPH :, (SSMPLSKZ :H\KP(YHIPH 7LYJLU[ 5LWHS 1HWHU *HUHKH 4HSH`ZPH =PL[UHT (ZPHU(TLYPJHU Black Mexican American/Chicano/Puerto Rican/ other Latino >OP[L American Indian/Alaska Native 5PNLYPH :6<9*,!/PNOLY,K\JH[PVU9LZLHYJO0UZ[P[\[L<UP]LYZP[`VM *HSPMVYUPHH[3VZ(UNLSLZ:\Y]L`VM[OL(TLYPJHU-YLZOTHU! 5H[PVUHS5VYTZZWLJPHS[HI\SH[PVUZ :JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN0UKPJH[VYZ ;OV\ZHUKZ :6<9*,!)\YLH\VM*P[PaLUZOPWHUK0TTPNYH[PVU:LY]PJLZ:[\KLU[ HUK,_JOHUNL=PZP[VY0UMVYTH[PVU:`Z[LTKH[HIHZLZWLJPHS [HI\SH[PVUZ :LLHWWLUKP_[HISL :JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN0UKPJH[VYZ 2-15 Science and Engineering Indicators 2010 data by field would include a large proportion of missing data. However, because engineering programs generally require students to declare a major in the first year of college, engineering enrollment data can serve as early indicators of both future undergraduate engineering degrees and student interest in engineering careers. The Engineering Workforce Commission administers an annual fall survey that tracks enrollment in undergraduate and graduate engineering programs (EWC 2008). Undergraduate engineering enrollment declined through most of the 1980s and 1990s, rose from 2000 to 2003, declined slightly through 2006, and rose to 431,900 in 2007 (figure 2-4; appendix table 2-9). The number of undergraduate engineering students in 2007 was the highest it has been since the early 1980s. Full-time freshman enrollment followed a similar pattern, reaching 110,600 in 2007, the highest since 1982. These trends correspond with declines in the college-age population through the mid-1990s, particularly the drop in white 20–24-year-olds, who account for the majority of engineering enrollment (NSF/SRS 2007). Similar trends in undergraduate engineering enrollment are reported by the American Society for Engineering Education (Gibbons 2008). Undergraduate Degree Awards The number of degrees awarded by U.S. academic institutions has been increasing over the past two decades both in S&E and non-S&E fields. These trends are expected to continue at least through 2017 (NCES 2008c). -PN\YL ,UNPULLYPUNLUYVSSTLU[I`SL]LS! ¶ ;OV\ZHUKZ <UKLYNYHK\H[L .YHK\H[L 56;,!,UYVSSTLU[KH[HPUJS\KLM\SSHUKWHY[[PTLZ[\KLU[Z :6<9*,!,UNPULLYPUN>VYRMVYJL*VTTPZZPVU,UNPULLYPUN ;LJOUVSVN`,UYVSSTLU[Z]HYPV\Z`LHYZ(TLYPJHU(ZZVJPH[PVUVM ,UNPULLYPUN:VJPL[PLZ:LLHWWLUKP_[HISL :JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN0UKPJH[VYZ S&E Associate’s Degrees Community colleges often are an important and relatively inexpensive gateway for students entering higher education. Associate’s degrees, largely offered by 2-year programs at community colleges, are the terminal degree for some people, but others continue their education at 4-year colleges or universities and subsequently earn higher degrees.5 Many who transfer to baccalaureate granting institutions do not earn associate’s degrees before transferring. Associate’s degrees in S&E and engineering technology accounted for about 11% of all associate’s degrees in 2007 (appendix table 2-10). S&E associate’s degrees from all types of academic institutions rose from 23,400 in 1993 to 62,800 in 2003, before declining to 47,500 in 2007. Most of the increase through 2003, and the subsequent decrease, are attributable to computer sciences, which peaked in 2003. Associate’s degrees earned in engineering technology (not included in S&E degree totals because of their applied focus) declined from more than 40,000 in the early 1990s to 30,100 in 2007 (appendix table 2-10). Women earned 62% of all associate’s degrees in 2007, up from 59% in 1993. They earned a smaller and decreasing share of associate’s degrees in S&E: 39% in 2007, down from 48% in 1993. Most of the decline is attributable to a decrease in women’s share of computer sciences degrees, from 51% in 1993 to 26% in 2007 (appendix table 2-10). Students from underrepresented groups (blacks, Hispanics, and American Indians) earn a higher proportion of associate’s degrees than of bachelor’s or more advanced degrees.6 (See “S&E Bachelor’s Degrees by Race/Ethnicity” and “Doctoral Degrees by Race/Ethnicity.”) In 2007, they earned 27% of S&E associate’s degrees, more than onethird of all associate’s degrees in social and behavioral sciences, and more than one-quarter of all associate’s degrees in biological sciences, computer sciences, and mathematics (appendix table 2-11). Since 1995, the number of S&E associate’s degrees earned by these students doubled. S&E Bachelor’s Degrees The baccalaureate is the most prevalent S&E degree, accounting for more than 70% of all S&E degrees awarded. S&E bachelor’s degrees have consistently accounted for roughly one-third of all bachelor’s degrees for the past 15 years. The number of S&E bachelor’s degrees rose steadily from 366,000 in 1993 to 485,800 in 2007 (appendix table 2-12). Trends in the number of S&E bachelor’s degrees vary widely among fields (figure 2-5). The number of bachelor’s degrees earned in social and behavioral sciences plateaued for much of the 1990s, before rising again through 2007. In engineering, mathematics, and physical sciences, the number of bachelor’s degrees dropped in the late 1990s, but 2-16 Chapter 2. Higher Education in Science and Engineering then rose through 2007. In computer sciences, the number of bachelor’s degrees increased sharply from 1998 to 2004, then dropped sharply through 2007. Except for declines from 2000 to 2002, bachelor’s degrees in biological sciences have been generally increasing, reaching a new peak in 2007 (appendix table 2-12). S&E Bachelor’s Degrees by Sex. Since 1982, women have outnumbered men in undergraduate education and have earned relatively constant fractions of all bachelor’s and S&E bachelor’s degrees for several years. Since 2002, women have earned about 58% of all bachelor’s degrees; since 2000, they have earned about half of all S&E bachelor’s degrees. Within S&E, men and women tend to study different fields. In 2007, men earned a majority of bachelor’s degrees awarded in engineering, computer sciences, and physics (81%, 81%, and 79%, respectively). Women earned half or more of bachelor’s degrees in psychology (77%), agricultural sciences (50%), biological sciences (60%), chemistry (50%), and social sciences (54%) (appendix table 2-12). Although gains in recent years have been more modest or nonexistent, the share of bachelor’s degrees awarded to women in many major S&E fields has increased (except computer sciences and mathematics) over the past 15 years (figure 2-6). Among fields with notable increases in the proportion of bachelor’s degrees awarded to women are earth, atmospheric, and ocean sciences (from 30% to 41%); -PN\YL :,IHJOLSVY»ZKLNYLLZI`MPLSK! agricultural sciences (from 37% to 50%); and chemistry (from 41% to 50%) (appendix table 2-12). The number of bachelor’s degrees awarded to women in S&E and in all fields rose from 1993 through 2007. In contrast, the number of bachelor’s degrees awarded to men in S&E and in all fields remained fairly flat in the 1990s but increased from 2001 through 2007.7 S&E Bachelor’s Degrees by Race/Ethnicity. The racial/ethnic composition of S&E bachelor’s degree recipients has changed over time, reflecting population changes and increasing college attendance by members of minority groups.8 Between 1995 and 2007, the proportion of S&E degrees awarded to white students declined from 73% to 64% (appendix table 2-13). The proportion awarded to Asians/ Pacific Islanders increased from 8% to 9%; to black students, from 7% to 8%; to Hispanic students, from 6% to 8%; and to American Indian/Alaska Native students, from 0.5% to 0.7%, although the shares to black and American Indian/ Alaska Native students have remained fairly flat since 2000 (figure 2-7). The number of S&E bachelor’s degrees earned by white students decreased in the 1990s as their numbers in the college-age population dropped but then rose again through 2007. The number of S&E bachelor’s degrees earned by students of unknown race/ethnicity also increased (appendix table 2-13). (See sidebar “Increase in Student Nonreporting of Race/Ethnicity” in Science and Engineering Indicators 2008 [NSB 2008].) -PN\YL -LTHSLZOHYLVM:,IHJOLSVY»ZKLNYLLZI`MPLSK! ¶ ¶ ;OV\ZHUKZ 7LYJLU[ :VJPHSILOH]PVYHSZJPLUJLZ 7Z`JOVSVN` )PVSVNPJHSHNYPJ\S[\YHSZJPLUJLZ :VJPHSZJPLUJLZ ,UNPULLYPUN *VTW\[LYZJPLUJLZ 7O`ZPJHSZJPLUJLZ *VTW\[LYZJPLUJLZ 7O`ZPJHSZJPLUJLZ 4H[OLTH[PJZ 4H[OLTH[PJZ )PVSVNPJHSHNYPJ\S[\YHSZJPLUJLZ ,UNPULLYPUN 56;,:!7O`ZPJHSZJPLUJLZPUJS\KLLHY[OH[TVZWOLYPJHUKVJLHU ZJPLUJLZ+H[HUV[H]HPSHISLMVY :6<9*,:!5H[PVUHS*LU[LYMVY,K\JH[PVU:[H[PZ[PJZ0U[LNYH[LK 7VZ[ZLJVUKHY`,K\JH[PVU+H[H:`Z[LT*VTWSL[PVUZ:\Y]L`"HUK 5H[PVUHS:JPLUJL-V\UKH[PVU+P]PZPVUVM:JPLUJL9LZV\YJLZ :[H[PZ[PJZ>LI*(:7(9KH[HIHZLO[[W!^LIJHZWHYUZMNV]:LL HWWLUKP_[HISL :JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN0UKPJH[VYZ 56;,:!7O`ZPJHSZJPLUJLZPUJS\KLLHY[OH[TVZWOLYPJHUKVJLHU ZJPLUJLZ+H[HUV[H]HPSHISLMVY :6<9*,:!5H[PVUHS*LU[LYMVY,K\JH[PVU:[H[PZ[PJZ0U[LNYH[LK 7VZ[ZLJVUKHY`,K\JH[PVU+H[H:`Z[LT*VTWSL[PVUZ:\Y]L`"HUK 5H[PVUHS:JPLUJL-V\UKH[PVU+P]PZPVUVM:JPLUJL9LZV\YJLZ :[H[PZ[PJZ>LI*(:7(9KH[HIHZLO[[W!^LIJHZWHYUZMNV]:LL HWWLUKP_[HISL :JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN0UKPJH[VYZ 2-17 Science and Engineering Indicators 2010 Despite considerable progress over the past couple of decades for underrepresented minority groups earning bachelor’s degrees in any field, the gap in educational attainment between young minorities and whites continues to be wide. The percentage of the population ages 25–29 with bachelor’s or higher degrees was 20% for blacks, 12% for Hispanics, and 36% for whites in 2007, up from 12%, 9%, and 25%, respectively, in 1987 (NCES 2008a). Differences in completion of bachelor’s degrees in S&E by race/ethnicity reflect differences in high school completion rates, college enrollment rates, and college persistence and attainment rates. In general, blacks and Hispanics are less likely than whites and Asians/Pacific Islanders to graduate from high school, to enroll in college, and to graduate from college. (For information on immediate post-high school college enrollment rates, see chapter 1, “Transition to Higher Education.”) Among those who do enroll in or graduate from college, blacks, Hispanics, and American Indians/Alaska Natives are about as likely as whites to choose S&E fields; Asians/Pacific Islanders are more likely than members of other racial/ethnic groups to choose these fields. For Asians/Pacific Islanders, almost half of all bachelor’s degrees received are in S&E, compared with about one-third of all bachelor’s degrees earned by each of the other racial/ethnic groups (appendix table 2-13). The contrast in field distribution among whites, blacks, Hispanics, and American Indians/Alaska Natives on the one hand and Asians/Pacific Islanders on the other is apparent -PN\YL 4PUVYP[`ZOHYLVM:,IHJOLSVY»ZKLNYLLZI`YHJL L[OUPJP[`! ¶ 7LYJLU[ (ZPHU7HJPMPJ0ZSHUKLY Bachelor’s Degrees by Citizenship. Since 1995, students on temporary visas in the United States have consistently earned a small share (4%) of S&E degrees at the bachelor’s level. These students earned 9% of bachelor’s degrees awarded in economics in 2007 and about 10% of degrees awarded in electrical and industrial engineering. The number of S&E bachelor’s degrees awarded to students on temporary visas increased from about 14,700 in 1995 to about 18,800 in 2004 before declining to 17,400 in 2007 (appendix table 2-13). Graduate Education, Enrollment, and Degrees in the United States Graduate S&E educational institutions are a major source of both the highly skilled workers of the future and the research needed for a knowledge-based economy. This section includes indicators related to graduate enrollment, financial support for graduate education, recent trends in the number of earned degrees in S&E fields, and participation by women, minorities, and foreign students in graduate education in U.S. academic institutions. )SHJR /PZWHUPJ Graduate Enrollment in S&E (TLYPJHU0UKPHU(SHZRH5H[P]L within S&E fields as well. White, black, Hispanic, and American Indian/Alaska Native S&E baccalaureate recipients share a similar distribution across broad S&E fields. In 2007, between 9% and 11% of all baccalaureate recipients in each of these racial/ethnic groups earned their degrees in the natural sciences,9 2% to 4% in engineering, and 15% to 18% in the social and behavioral sciences. Asian/Pacific Islander baccalaureate recipients earned 19% of their bachelor’s degrees in natural sciences and 9% in engineering (appendix table 2-13). For all racial/ethnic groups (except white), the total number of bachelor’s degrees, the number of S&E bachelor’s degrees, and the number of bachelor’s degrees in most S&E fields (except computer sciences) has generally increased since 1995. For white students, the total number of bachelor’s degrees, the number of S&E bachelor’s degrees, and the number of bachelor’s degrees in most S&E fields remained fairly flat from 1995 through 2001 but have increased since then (appendix table 2-13). 56;,:!+H[HUV[H]HPSHISLMVY +H[HI`KL[HPSLKMPLSKHUK YHJLL[OUPJP[`UV[H]HPSHISLILMVYL :6<9*,:!5H[PVUHS*LU[LYMVY,K\JH[PVU:[H[PZ[PJZ0U[LNYH[LK 7VZ[ZLJVUKHY`,K\JH[PVU+H[H:`Z[LT*VTWSL[PVUZ:\Y]L`"HUK 5H[PVUHS:JPLUJL-V\UKH[PVU+P]PZPVUVM:JPLUJL9LZV\YJLZ :[H[PZ[PJZ>LI*(:7(9KH[HIHZLO[[W!^LIJHZWHYUZMNV]:LL HWWLUKP_[HISL :JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN0UKPJH[VYZ S&E graduate enrollment in the United States reached a new peak of 597,600 in fall 2006. Following a long period of growth that began in the 1970s (NSB 2008), graduate enrollment in S&E declined in the latter half of the 1990s, then increased steadily through 2006 (appendix table 2-14). Growth occurred through 2006 in most major science and engineering fields except agricultural sciences (which remained fairly flat) and computer sciences (which has been declining for several years). In engineering, enrollment dropped in recent years but rose in 2006. According to more recent data from the Engineering Workforce Commission 2-18 and the American Society for Engineering Education (Gibbons 2008), graduate engineering enrollment continued to rise in 2007. Moreover, the number of full-time engineering students reached a new peak in 2007 of 104,900 (figure 2-4; appendix table 2-15). The number of full-time students enrolled for the first time in S&E graduate departments offers a good indicator of developing trends. The number of first-time full-time S&E graduate students also reached a new peak (116,500) in 2006. It declined in the mid-1990s in all major S&E fields but increased in most fields through 2006 (appendix table 2-16). Growth was greatest in biological sciences, medical/other life sciences, and social and behavioral sciences. After declines in recent years, first-time full-time graduate enrollment in engineering and computer sciences increased in 2005 and 2006. Enrollment by Sex The increase in S&E graduate enrollment occurred across all major U.S. citizen and permanent resident demographic groups. The number of women enrolled in S&E graduate programs has increased steadily since 1993. In contrast, the number of men enrolled in S&E graduate programs declined from 1993 through the end of that decade before increasing through 2003 and remaining more or less at that level through 2006 (appendix table 2-14). Women’s rising percentages in S&E fields also continued. Women made up 42% of S&E graduate students in 1993 and 50% in 2006, although large variations among fields persist. In 2006, women constituted the majority of graduate students in psychology (76%), medical/other life sciences (78%), biological sciences (56%), and social sciences (54%). They constituted close to half of graduate students in earth, atmospheric, and ocean sciences (47%) and agricultural sciences (48%) and more than one-third of graduate students in mathematics (37%), chemistry (40%), and astronomy (34%). Their percentages in computer sciences (25%), engineering (23%), and physics (20%) were low in 2006, although higher than in 1993 (23%, 15%, and 14%, respectively) (appendix table 2-14). Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity The proportion of underrepresented minority (black, Hispanic, and American Indian/Alaska Native) students in graduate S&E programs increased from about 8% in 1993 to about 11% in 2006.10 Increases occurred in all major science fields and in engineering during that period (appendix table 2-17). In 2006, blacks, Hispanics, and American Indians/Alaska Natives as a group made up 6%–7% of graduate enrollment in many S&E fields (engineering; mathematics; physical sciences; earth, atmospheric, and ocean sciences; and computer sciences), 8%–10% of graduate enrollment in agricultural and biological sciences, 15% in medical/other life sciences, 17% in social sciences, and 19% in psychology. Asians/Pacific Islanders accounted for about 6% of S&E graduate enrollment in 2006, up from 5% in 1993. Chapter 2. Higher Education in Science and Engineering The number of white S&E graduate students decreased from 1994 to 2001 and then increased through 2006, whereas the numbers of Asian, black, Hispanic, and American Indian/Alaska Native students increased almost every year from 1993 through 2006 (figure 2-8). The rise in the numbers of black, Hispanic, and American Indian/Alaska Native graduate students occurred in most S&E fields. The number of Asian students increased in most science fields but decreased in engineering and in computer sciences in the past 3 or 4 years (appendix table 2-17). Foreign Student Enrollment Foreign graduate student enrollment in S&E grew from 110,300 in 1993 to 155,000 in 2003, declined for 2 years, and increased slightly in 2006 to 151,000. Foreign students increased from 22% to 25% of all S&E graduate students from 1993 to 2006 (appendix table 2-17). The concentration of foreign enrollment was highest in engineering (45%), computer sciences (44%), physical sciences (40%), mathematics (36%), and economics (52%).11 First-time full-time enrollment of foreign S&E graduate students increased in fall 2005 and fall 2006 after declining 18% from 2001 through 2004. The numbers still remain slightly below those of 2001 (appendix table 2-18). Declines and subsequent increases were concentrated mainly in engineering and computer sciences, fields heavily favored by -PN\YL :,NYHK\H[LLUYVSSTLU[I`JP[PaLUZOPWHUKYHJL L[OUPJP[`! ¶ ;OV\ZHUKZ >OP[L ;LTWVYHY`YLZPKLU[ (ZPHU7HJPMPJ0ZSHUKLY )SHJR 6[OLY\URUV^UYHJLL[OUPJP[` /PZWHUPJ (TLYPJHU0UKPHU(SHZRH5H[P]L :6<9*,!5H[PVUHS:JPLUJL-V\UKH[PVU+P]PZPVUVM:JPLUJL 9LZV\YJLZ:[H[PZ[PJZ:\Y]L`VM.YHK\H[L:[\KLU[ZHUK7VZ[ KVJ[VYH[LZPU:JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN>LI*(:7(9KH[HIHZL O[[W!^LIJHZWHYUZMNV]:LLHWWLUKP_[HISL :JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN0UKPJH[VYZ 2-19 Science and Engineering Indicators 2010 foreign students. Foreign students’ share of first-time fulltime S&E graduate enrollment dropped from 35% in fall 2000 to 30% in fall 2006, with most of the decrease in computer sciences (from 71% to 62%) and engineering (from 61% to 55%) (appendix table 2-18). According to data collected by the Institute of International Education (IIE 2009), the overall number of foreign graduate students in all fields increased 5% from academic year 2006–07 to 2007–08, with almost all of the increase occurring among master’s degree students. The number of foreign doctoral students increased 0.9% to approximately 109,000, and the number of foreign master’s students increased 9% to approximately 133,700. The number of new foreign graduate students rose 8%. India, China, South Korea, Taiwan, and Canada are the top places of origin for foreign graduate students. More than half of all foreign graduate students are studying S&E. More recent data from the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services show a continuing increase in foreign graduate students from April 2008 to April 2009, with foreign enrollment in S&E fields growing 8% (appendix table 2-19). As in the recent past, most of the growth was in computer sciences (up 13%) and engineering (up 11%). Two countries—India, with 56,680 foreign S&E graduate students, and China, with 36,890—accounted for more than half of the foreign S&E graduates in the United States in April 2009. South Korea, Taiwan, and Turkey also sent large numbers of S&E graduate students, although South Korea and Taiwan sent far larger numbers of graduate students in non-S&E fields (primarily business and humanities). Financial Support for S&E Graduate Education More than one-third of all S&E graduate students are self-supporting; that is, they rely primarily on loans, their own funds, or family funds for financial support. The other approximately two-thirds receive primary financial support from a variety of sources, including the federal government, university sources, employers, nonprofit organizations, and foreign governments. Support mechanisms include research assistantships (RAs), teaching assistantships (TAs), fellowships, and traineeships. Sources of funding include federal agency support, nonfederal support, and self-support. Nonfederal support includes state funds, particularly in the large public university systems; these funds are affected by the condition of overall state budgets. Most graduate students, especially those who pursue doctoral degrees, are supported by more than one source or mechanism during their time in graduate school, and some receive support from several different sources and mechanisms in any given academic year. Other than self-support, RAs are the most prevalent primary mechanism of financial support for S&E graduate students. In 2006, a little more than one-fourth of full-time S&E graduate students were supported primarily by RAs, 18% were primarily supported through TAs, and 12% relied primarily on fellowships or traineeships (appendix table 2-20). Primary mechanisms of support differ widely by S&E field of study (appendix table 2-21). For example, in fall 2006 full-time students in physical sciences were financially supported mainly through RAs (42%) and TAs (38%) (figure 2-9). RAs also were important in agricultural sciences (57%); biological sciences (42%); earth, atmospheric, and ocean sciences (41%); and engineering (40%). In mathematics, more than half (53%) of full-time students were supported primarily through TAs and another 21% were self-supported. Full-time students in the social and behavioral sciences were mainly self-supporting (46%) or received TAs (20%), and students in medical/other life sciences were mainly self-supporting (60%). The federal government served as the primary source of financial support for one-fifth of full-time S&E graduate students in 2006 (appendix table 2-22). The federal government plays a substantial role in supporting S&E graduate students through some mechanisms and in some fields, and a smaller role in others. For example, in 2006 the federal government -PN\YL -\SS[PTL:,NYHK\H[LZ[\KLU[ZI`MPLSKHUK TLJOHUPZTVMWYPTHY`Z\WWVY[! 9LZLHYJO HZZPZ[HU[ZOPW -LSSV^ZOPW 6[OLY :LSMZ\WWVY[ ;YHPULLZOPW ;LHJOPUN HZZPZ[HU[ZOPW :, ,UNPULLYPUN (NYPJ\S[\YHSZJPLUJLZ )PVSVNPJHSZJPLUJLZ ,HY[OH[TVZWOLYPJ HUKVJLHUZJPLUJLZ *VTW\[LYZJPLUJLZ 4H[OLTH[PJZZ[H[PZ[PJZ 4LKPJHSV[OLY SPMLZJPLUJLZ 7O`ZPJHSZJPLUJLZ 7Z`JOVSVN` :VJPHSZJPLUJLZ 7LYJLU[ 56;,!:LSMZ\WWVY[PUJS\KLZHU`SVHUZPUJS\KPUNMLKLYHSHUK Z\WWVY[MYVTWLYZVUHSVYMHTPS`MPUHUJPHSJVU[YPI\[PVUZ :6<9*,!5H[PVUHS:JPLUJL-V\UKH[PVU+P]PZPVUVM:JPLUJL 9LZV\YJLZ:[H[PZ[PJZ:\Y]L`VM.YHK\H[L:[\KLU[ZHUK 7VZ[KVJ[VYH[LZPU:JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN>LI*(:7(9KH[HIHZL O[[W!^LIJHZWHYUZMNV]:LLHWWLUKP_[HISL :JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN0UKPJH[VYZ 2-20 Chapter 2. Higher Education in Science and Engineering funded 67% of S&E graduate students on traineeships, 50% of those with RAs, and 23% of those with fellowships. Federal financial support for graduate education reaches relatively more students in the biological sciences; the physical sciences; the earth, atmospheric, and ocean sciences; and engineering. Relatively fewer students in computer sciences, mathematics, other life sciences, psychology, and social sciences receive federal support (figure 2-10). Appendix table 2-22 provides detailed information by field and mechanism. (For information on federal academic R&D funding by discipline, see chapter 5, “Expenditures by Field and Funding Source.”) Most federal financial support for graduate education is in the form of RAs funded through grants to universities for academic research. RAs are the primary mechanism of support for 69% of federally supported full-time S&E graduate students, up from 66% in 1993. Fellowships and traineeships are the means of funding for 21% of the federally funded full-time S&E graduate students. The share of federally supported S&E graduate students receiving traineeships declined from 15% in 1993 to 12% in 2006, and the share receiving fellowships declined from 11% to 10%. For students supported through nonfederal sources in 2006, TAs were the -PN\YL -\SS[PTL:,NYHK\H[LZ[\KLU[Z^P[OWYPTHY` Z\WWVY[MYVTMLKLYHSNV]LYUTLU[I`MPLSK! HUK (SS:, )PVSVNPJHSZJPLUJLZ 7O`ZPJHSZJPLUJLZ ,HY[OH[TVZWOLYPJ HUKVJLHUZJPLUJLZ ,UNPULLYPUN (NYPJ\S[\YHS ZJPLUJLZ 4LKPJHSZJPLUJLZ *VTW\[LYZJPLUJL 4H[OLTH[PJZ Z[H[PZ[PJZ 6[OLYSPMLZJPLUJLZ 7Z`JOVSVN` :VJPHSZJPLUJLZ 7LYJLU[ :6<9*,!5H[PVUHS:JPLUJL-V\UKH[PVU+P]PZPVUVM:JPLUJL 9LZV\YJLZ:[H[PZ[PJZ:\Y]L`VM.YHK\H[L:[\KLU[ZHUK7VZ[ KVJ[VYH[LZPU:JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN>LI*(:7(9KH[HIHZL O[[W!^LIJHZWHYUZMNV]:LLHWWLUKP_[HISL :JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN0UKPJH[VYZ most prominent mechanism (39%), followed by RAs (30%) (appendix table 2-20). The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and NSF support most of the full-time S&E graduate students whose primary support comes from the federal government. In 2006, they supported about 27,600 and 20,300 students, respectively. Trends in federal agency support of graduate students show considerable increases from 1993 to 2006 in the proportion of students funded (NIH, from 27% to 33%; NSF, from 20% to 24%). Support from the U.S. Department of Defense declined from 14% to 11% of federally supported graduate students (appendix table 2-23). For doctoral degree students, notable differences exist in primary support mechanisms by type of doctorate-granting institution. In 2007, the primary support mechanism for S&E doctorate recipients from research universities (i.e., doctorategranting institutions with very high research activity, which receive the most federal funding) was RAs. For those from medical schools, which are heavily funded by NIH, the primary support mechanism was fellowships or traineeships, and for those from doctoral/research universities, which receive less federal funding, the primary support mechanism was personal funds (table 2-3). These differences by type of institution hold for all S&E fields (NSF/SRS 2000). As noted earlier in this chapter, about 70% of S&E doctorate recipients received their doctorate from research universities with very high research activity. Notable differences also exist for doctoral degree students in primary support mechanisms by sex, race/ethnicity, and citizenship. Among U.S. citizens and permanent residents in 2007, men were more likely than women to be supported by RAs (29% compared with 21%) and women were more likely than men to support themselves from personal sources (21% compared with 13%). Also, among U.S. citizens and permanent residents, whites and Asians were more likely than other racial/ethnic groups to receive primary support from RAs (26% and 32%, respectively), whereas underrepresented minorities depended more on fellowships or traineeships (35%). The primary source of support for doctoral degree students with temporary visas was an RA (54%) (appendix table 2-24). White and Asian men, as well as foreign doctoral degree students, are more likely than white and Asian women and underrepresented minority doctoral degree students of both sexes to receive doctorates in engineering and physical sciences, fields largely supported by RAs. Women and underrepresented minorities are more likely than other groups to receive doctorates in social sciences and psychology, fields in which self-support is prevalent. Differences in type of support by sex, race/ethnicity, or citizenship remain, however, even accounting for doctorate field (NSF/SRS 2000). Although remaining differences in self-support are small (2–3 percentage points) in some fields, differences between men and women in self-support remain substantial (13–25 percentage points) in computer and health sciences, and differences between underrepresented minorities and whites in RA support remain substantial (15–31 percentage points) in 2-21 Science and Engineering Indicators 2010 agricultural sciences; computer sciences; earth, atmospheric, and ocean sciences; physical sciences; and engineering. At the time of doctoral degree conferral, 44% of S&E doctorate recipients have debt related to their undergraduate or graduate education. More than one-fourth have some undergraduate debt and about one-third owe money directly related to graduate education. In 2007, 27% of S&E doctorate recipients reported having undergraduate debt and 30% reported having graduate debt. For some, debt levels were high, especially for graduate debt: 0.3% reported more than $70,000 of undergraduate debt and 4% reported more than $70,000 of graduate debt (appendix table 2-25). Levels of debt vary widely by doctorate fields. In 2007, high levels of graduate debt were most common among doctorate recipients in psychology, social sciences, and medical/other health sciences. Psychology doctorate recipients were most likely to report having graduate debt and also high levels of debt.12 In 2007, 16% of psychology doctoral degree recipients reported graduate debt of more than $70,000. Doctorate recipients in engineering; biological sciences; computer sciences; earth, atmospheric, and ocean sciences; mathematics; and physical sciences were least likely to report graduate debt. A higher percentage of doctorate recipients in non-S&E fields than those in S&E fields reported graduate debt. Interdisciplinary Education The scientific community increasingly views interdisciplinary research as critical to innovation and scientific advance and as a means to respond to emerging complex problems (COSEPUP 1995, 2004; NSF/DGE 2009). Over the past decade, academic institutions and federal funding agencies have made efforts to promote interdisciplinary education and research. Although new programs and efforts have arisen, academic institutions and funding agencies remain for the most part organized around disciplines; thus, university structures, evaluation and promotion practices, and funding opportunities often do not facilitate interdisciplinary research (NSF/DGE 2009). Measurement of interdisciplinary enrollment and degree attainment also remains a challenge, as students often are assigned to only one department or program to avoid duplication in records, and schools are asked to report the enrollment or degree in only one department or program. As interdisciplinary degree programs become established and award degrees, measurement becomes easier. For example, the number of doctoral degrees increased in interdisciplinary fields such as neuroscience (from 117 in 1982 to 737 in 2006), materials science (from 147 in 1982 to 582 in 2006), and bioengineering (from 59 in 1982 to 525 in 2006) (NSF/SRS 1993, 2009c). For information based on students’ own reports of their research, see the sidebar “Interdisciplinary Dissertation Research.” S&E Master’s Degrees In some fields, such as engineering and geology, a master’s degree is often the terminal degree for students. In other fields, master’s degrees are a step toward doctoral degrees, and in certain others, master’s degrees are awarded when students fail to advance to the doctoral level. Professional master’s degree programs, which stress interdisciplinary Table 2-3 Primary support mechanisms for S&E doctorate recipients, by Carnegie classification of doctorate-granting institution: 2007 (Percent distribution) All institutions Research universities (very high research activity) Doctorate recipients (n) .................. 33,826 24,860 6,045 1,118 1,110 693 All mechanisms .............................. Fellowship or traineeship ............ Grant ........................................... Teaching assistantship................ Research assistantship ............... Other assistantship ..................... Personal ...................................... Other ........................................... Unknown ..................................... 100.0 19.4 6.2 14.5 33.9 0.6 10.4 3.6 11.5 100.0 20.8 6.4 14.6 37.8 0.4 6.6 2.9 10.5 100.0 13.2 3.9 18.6 27.1 1.2 17.9 5.9 12.2 100.0 11.3 3.0 7.8 10.3 0.8 36.2 4.8 25.8 100.0 32.3 16.8 1.7 22.1 0.4 15.6 3.1 8.0 100.0 15.6 5.5 5.9 10.4 0.6 30.7 7.9 23.4 Mechanism Research universities Medical schools (high research Doctoral/research and medical Other/not activity) universities centers classified NOTES: Personal support mechanisms include personal savings, other personal earnings, other family earnings or savings, and loans. Traineeships include internships and residency. Other support mechanisms include employer reimbursement or assistance, foreign support, and other sources. Percents may not add to 100% because of rounding. SOURCE: National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics, Survey of Earned Doctorates, special tabulations (2009). Science and Engineering Indicators 2010 2-22 Chapter 2. Higher Education in Science and Engineering training, are a relatively new direction in graduate education. (See sidebar “Professional Science Master’s Degrees.”) Master’s degrees in S&E fields increased from 86,400 in 1993 to 121,000 in 2006 before dropping slightly in 2007 (appendix table 2-26). Increases occurred in most major science fields. Master’s degrees in engineering and computer sciences have dropped since 2004 (figure 2-11). Master’s Degrees by Sex The number of S&E master’s degrees earned by women rose from about 31,000 in 1993 to about 54,900 in 2007 (figure 2-12). The number of master’s degrees earned by men grew more slowly, from about 55,500 in 1993 to about 65,400 in 2007, with most of the growth between 2002 and 2004. The number of S&E master’s degrees earned by men declined between 2005 and 2007. As a result, the Interdisciplinary Dissertation Research One indicator of interdisciplinary research is the number of doctorate recipients reporting two or more dissertation fields. A recent analysis from the Survey of Earned Doctorates shows that during the period 2004–07, the share of doctorate recipients reporting more than one dissertation research field fluctuated between 28% and 30% (NSF/SRS 2009a). The report found that interdisciplinary research at the dissertation research level occurred mostly within the same knowledge domain, whether science (80.2%), engineering (58.5%), or non-science and engineering (non-S&E, 69.3%). Respondents who reported a primary dissertation field in the sciences most frequently reported a secondary research field within the same broad field in the sciences. However, this varied considerably by field of primary dissertation research, from the biological sciences (81.2%) to computer sciences (11.2%). About half of the doctorate recipients who reported a primary dissertation research field in the earth, atmospheric, and ocean sciences; the physical sciences; psychology; or the social sciences reported a secondary dissertation research field within the same broad field. The biological sciences were also the most frequent secondary dissertation research field across all the other sciences except the social sciences. About 29% of mathematics and 11% of computer sciences doctorate holders listed a secondary field within the same respective major field. Dissertations in which the primary research field was computer sciences most frequently had engineering (24.9%) or a non-S&E field (20.1%) as the secondary dissertation research field. Dissertations with mathematics as the primary research field most often had biological sciences (24.6%) or engineering (11.7%) as the secondary field. percentage of women earning master’s degrees rose steadily during that time period. In 1993, women earned 36% of all S&E master’s degrees; by 2007, they earned 46% (appendix table 2-26). Professional Science Master’s Degrees Partially in response to the call for more realistic programs to serve the nation’s S&E needs and students’ professional goals, a number of universities have developed Professional Science Master’s (PSM) programs (CGS 2008d; Colwell 2009; NAS 2008; NPSMA 2009). These programs are designed to prepare people to work primarily in nonacademic sectors as laboratory administrators or project directors in, for example, large government or industrial laboratories or in small startup companies. They serve people who need advanced technical training (beyond the bachelor’s degree) within an S&E field combined with knowledge of and skills in business fundamentals, management, team building, and communication. Prospective students include people already working as S&E professionals and others who feel the “strictly research” approach does not appeal to them. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5) includes funds specifically for support of such programs.* Starting from a handful of PSM programs in 1997, there are now more than 125 such programs in more than 60 institutions in 25 states and the District of Columbia in disciplines such as mathematics, physics, biological sciences, computational science, forensics, chemistry, and geographical information systems. Most PSM programs are interdisciplinary in nature. About 2,500 students are enrolled annually, and these numbers are increasing. Student enrollment is highest in the biological sciences and biotechnology disciplines. More than 2,100 PSM students have graduated thus far, and 65% of these graduates have found employment in industry or government (NPSMA 2009). Many PSM programs were initiated with startup funds from the Sloan Foundation and the Council of Graduate Schools with the intent that they become self-supporting as their value to industry and their students’ professional aspirations become apparent. Also of note are the growing number of such programs abroad, as other nations see the value of preparing an S&Etrained managerial workforce, and the growing interest in them of professional societies and journals (CGS 2008a; Teitelbaum and Cox 2007). * See the Joint Explanatory Statement–Division A of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, http://www.rules., accessed 12 June 2009. 2-23 Science and Engineering Indicators 2010 Women’s share of S&E master’s degrees varies by field. In 2007, women earned a majority of master’s degrees in psychology (79%), biological sciences (60%), social -PN\YL :,THZ[LY»ZKLNYLLZI`MPLSK! ¶ ;OV\ZHUKZ ,UNPULLYPUN :VJPHSZJPLUJLZ *VTW\[LYZJPLUJLZ 7Z`JOVSVN` )PVSVNPJHSHNYPJ\S[\YHSZJPLUJLZ 7O`ZPJHSZJPLUJLZ 4H[OLTH[PJZ 56;,:!7O`ZPJHSZJPLUJLZPUJS\KLLHY[OH[TVZWOLYPJHUKVJLHU ZJPLUJLZ+H[HUV[H]HPSHISLMVY :6<9*,:!5H[PVUHS*LU[LYMVY,K\JH[PVU:[H[PZ[PJZ0U[LNYH[LK 7VZ[ZLJVUKHY`,K\JH[PVU+H[H:`Z[LT*VTWSL[PVUZ:\Y]L`"HUK 5H[PVUHS:JPLUJL-V\UKH[PVU+P]PZPVUVM:JPLUJL9LZV\YJLZ :[H[PZ[PJZ>LI*(:7(9KH[HIHZLO[[W!^LIJHZWHYUZMNV]:LL HWWLUKP_[HISL :JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN0UKPJH[VYZ sciences (56%), and agricultural sciences (55%). Women earned a small share of master’s degrees in engineering, although their share in 2007 (23%) was higher than their share in 1993 (15%) (appendix table 2-26). The number of master’s degrees awarded to women in most major S&E fields increased through 2005 but has flattened or declined since then. Master’s Degrees by Race/Ethnicity The number of S&E master’s degrees awarded to U.S. citizens and permanent residents increased for all racial/ ethnic groups between 1995 and 2007, although degrees to white students dropped from 1997 to 2002 before increasing again (figure 2-13; appendix table 2-27).13 The proportion of master’s degrees in S&E fields earned by U.S. citizen and permanent resident racial and ethnic minorities increased over the past two decades. Asians/ Pacific Islanders accounted for 8% of S&E master’s degrees in 2007, up from 6% in 1995. Blacks, Hispanics, and American Indians/Alaska Natives also registered gains during this period (from 4% to 7% for blacks, from 3% to 5% for Hispanics, and from 0.3% to 0.5% for American Indians/ Alaska Natives). The percentage of S&E master’s degrees earned by white students fell from 58% in 1995 to 49% in 2007 as the percentage of degrees earned by minorities and temporary residents increased (appendix table 2-27). -PN\YL :,THZ[LY»ZKLNYLLZI`YHJLL[OUPJP[`HUK JP[PaLUZOPW! ¶ ;OV\ZHUKZ -PN\YL :,THZ[LY»ZKLNYLLZI`ZL_! ¶ >OP[L (ZPHU7HJPMPJ0ZSHUKLY )SHJR /PZWHUPJ (TLYPJHU0UKPHU (SHZRH5H[P]L ;LTWVYHY`YLZPKLU[ ;OV\ZHUKZ 4HSL -LTHSL 56;,!+H[HUV[H]HPSHISLMVY :6<9*,:!5H[PVUHS*LU[LYMVY,K\JH[PVU:[H[PZ[PJZ0U[LNYH[LK 7VZ[ZLJVUKHY`,K\JH[PVU+H[H:`Z[LT*VTWSL[PVUZ:\Y]L`"HUK 5H[PVUHS:JPLUJL-V\UKH[PVU+P]PZPVUVM:JPLUJL9LZV\YJLZ :[H[PZ[PJZ>LI*(:7(9KH[HIHZLO[[W!^LIJHZWHYUZMNV]:LL HWWLUKP_[HISL :JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN0UKPJH[VYZ 56;,:!9HJLL[OUPJP[`PUJS\KLZ<:JP[PaLUZHUKWLYTHULU[ YLZPKLU[Z+H[HUV[H]HPSHISLMVY :6<9*,:!5H[PVUHS*LU[LYMVY,K\JH[PVU:[H[PZ[PJZ0U[LNYH[LK 7VZ[ZLJVUKHY`,K\JH[PVU+H[H:`Z[LT*VTWSL[PVUZ:\Y]L`"HUK 5H[PVUHS:JPLUJL-V\UKH[PVU+P]PZPVUVM:JPLUJL9LZV\YJLZ :[H[PZ[PJZ>LI*(:7(9KH[HIHZLO[[W!^LIJHZWHYUZMNV]:LL HWWLUKP_[HISL :JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN0UKPJH[VYZ 2-24 Master’s Degrees by Citizenship Foreign students make up a much higher proportion of S&E master’s degree recipients than of bachelor’s or associate’s degree recipients. In 2007, foreign students earned 24% of S&E master’s degrees. Their degrees are heavily concentrated in computer sciences and engineering, where they earned 39% and 38%, respectively, of all master’s degrees awarded in 2007 (appendix table 2-27). Within engineering, students on temporary visas earned half of the master’s degrees in electrical engineering. S&E master’s degrees awarded to students on temporary visas rose from approximately 22,200 in 1995 to about 35,500 in 2004, then declined to 28,700 in 2007. Most of the decline in recent years is accounted for by declines in computer sciences and engineering. S&E Doctoral Degrees Doctoral education in the United States prepares a new generation of faculty and researchers in academia, as well as a high-skilled workforce for other sectors of the economy. It also generates new knowledge important for the society as a whole and for U.S. competitiveness in a global knowledgebased economy. After rising from the mid-1980s through 1998, the number of S&E doctorates conferred annually by U.S. universities declined through 2002 but increased in recent years, reaching a new peak of almost 41,000 in 2007 (NSB 2008; appendix table 2-28). The recent growth through 2007 occurred among both U.S. citizens/permanent residents and temporary residents. The largest increases were in engineering, biological/agricultural sciences, and medical/other life sciences (figure 2-14). Time to Doctoral Degree Completion The time required to earn a doctoral degree and the success rates of those entering doctoral programs are concerns for those pursuing a degree, the universities awarding the degree, and the agencies and organizations funding graduate study (NORC 2007). (See sidebar “Doctoral Completion and Attrition.”) Time to degree (as measured by time from graduate school entry to doctorate receipt) increased through the mid-1990s but since then has decreased for S&E fields as a whole and for each field (appendix table 2-29). The physical sciences, mathematics, biological sciences, and engineering had the shortest time to degree, while the social sciences and medical/other life sciences had the longest. In 2007, the median time to doctorate receipt was 6.4 years in physical sciences, 6.9 years in mathematics and biological sciences, 7.0 years in engineering, 8.9 years in social sciences, and 9.7 years in medical/other life sciences. From 1995 to 2007, time to degree shortened in each of these fields. In science and engineering as a whole, median time to degree decreased from 8.0 to 7.2 years during this period. Time to degree for doctorate recipients decreased in each of the Carnegie types of academic institutions awarding doctoral degrees from 1993 to 2007. (See sidebar “Carnegie Chapter 2. Higher Education in Science and Engineering Classification of Academic Institutions.”) The majority of S&E doctorates are earned at research universities (i.e., doctorate-granting institutions with very high research activity). Time to degree is shortest at these universities: 7.0 years for 2007, down from 7.8 in 1993. Doctorate recipients at medical schools also finish quickly (7.1 years in 2007). Time to degree is longer at research universities with high research activity (7.9 years) and longest at doctoral/research universities (9.0 years) (table 2-4). Doctoral Degrees by Sex Among U.S. citizens and permanent residents, the proportion of S&E doctoral degrees earned by women has risen considerably since 1993, reaching a record high of 55% in 2007 (appendix table 2-28). During this period, women made gains in most major fields, but considerable differences by field continue. In 2007, women earned half or more of doctorates in non-S&E fields, in social/behavioral sciences, and in medical/other life sciences, but they earned considerably less than half of doctorates in physical sciences (31%), mathematics/computer sciences (26%), and engineering (23%) (appendix table 2-28). Although the percentages of degrees earned by women in physical sciences and engineer- -PN\YL :,KVJ[VYHSKLNYLLZLHYULKPU<:\UP]LYZP[PLZ I`MPLSK! ¶ ;OV\ZHUKZ :VJPHSILOH]PVYHSZJPLUJLZ )PVSVNPJHS HNYPJ\S[\YHS ZJPLUJLZ ,UNPULLYPUN 7O`ZPJHSZJPLUJLZ 4LKPJHSV[OLYSPMLZJPLUJLZ 4H[OLTH[PJZ *VTW\[LYZJPLUJLZ 56;,:!+H[HUV[H]HPSHISLMVY 7O`ZPJHSZJPLUJLZPUJS\KLLHY[O H[TVZWOLYPJHUKVJLHUZJPLUJLZ+H[HPU[OPZMPN\YLKPMMLYMYVT KVJ[VYHSKLNYLLKH[HPUV[OLY[HISLZHUKMPN\YLZPU[OPZYLWVY[[OH[HYL IHZLKVU5:-:\Y]L`VM,HYULK+VJ[VYH[LZHUK[OH[YLMLY[V YLZLHYJOKVJ[VYH[LZVUS`.YLH[LZ[KPMMLYLUJLZHYLPUWZ`JOVSVN`HUK TLKPJHSV[OLYSPMLZJPLUJLZ :6<9*,:!5H[PVUHS*LU[LYMVY,K\JH[PVU:[H[PZ[PJZ0U[LNYH[LK 7VZ[ZLJVUKHY`,K\JH[PVU+H[H:`Z[LT*VTWSL[PVUZ:\Y]L`"HUK 5H[PVUHS:JPLUJL-V\UKH[PVU+P]PZPVUVM:JPLUJL9LZV\YJLZ :[H[PZ[PJZ0U[LNYH[LK:JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN9LZV\YJLZ+H[H :`Z[LT>LI*(:7(9O[[W!^LIJHZWHYUZMNV] :JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN0UKPJH[VYZ Science and Engineering Indicators 2010 ing are low, they are substantially higher than in 1993 (23% and 13%, respectively). The increase in the proportion of S&E doctoral degrees earned by women resulted from both an increase in the number of women and a decrease in the number of men earning these degrees. The number of U.S. citizen and permanent resident women earning doctorates in S&E increased from 6,800 in 1993 to 15,000 in 2007 (appendix table 2-28). Meanwhile, the number of S&E doctorates earned by U.S. citizen or permanent resident men increased from 10,900 Doctoral Completion and Attrition An ongoing study by the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS 2008c) collected data on doctoral completion and attrition of doctoral students from the 1992–93 academic year to the 2003–04 academic year from about 30 academic institutions for 5 broad fields: engineering, mathematics and physical sciences, the life sciences, the social sciences, and the humanities. The study, which focused on 10-year completion and attrition rates, revealed that 57% of doctoral students complete their degrees within 10 years (and some are likely to complete after that). Completion rates varied by field, with higher percentages of students in engineering and the life sciences and lower percentages of students in mathematics and the physical sciences, social sciences, and humanities completing within 10 years. Ten-year completion rates varied by subdisciplines within the broader disciplines (e.g., within engineering, 10-year completion rates were higher for civil engineering and lower for electrical engineering) and also differed between men and women and among racial and ethnic groups. Ten-year completion rates were higher for men than for women in most fields (except the social sciences and humanities) and were higher for whites than for all other racial/ethnic groups (CGS 2008b). Exit surveys of doctorate completers conducted as part of the study found that financial support, mentoring/advising, and family (nonfinancial) support headed the factors reported as influencing doctorate completion, with more than half of the respondents reporting each of these as factors in their ability to complete their doctoral programs. The relative prevalence of these factors varied by field, although differences by broad field of study may reflect differences in the demographics of students in the fields (CGS 2009). The study found that most students who leave doctoral programs leave within the first 4 years. Attrition rates have improved over time, with rates of attrition lower for later cohorts than for earlier cohorts of students. Attrition was highest in mathematics and the physical sciences (CGS 2008a). 2-25 in 1993 to 12,300 in 2007. The increase in the number of S&E doctorates earned by women occurred in most major S&E fields. For example, the number of engineering doctorates earned by U.S. citizen and permanent resident women increased from approximately 300 in 1993 to 700 in 2007; biological sciences doctorates, from 1,300 to 2,300; physical sciences doctorates, from 600 to 700; and social/behavioral sciences doctorates, from 3,300 to 4,700. A decrease in the number of doctorates earned by men after the mid-1990s and through about 2002 to 2004 occurred in non-S&E fields as well as in engineering and in most science fields (except for biological sciences and medical/other life sciences). In recent years, the number of doctorates earned by U.S. citizen and permanent resident men increased in biological sciences; earth, atmospheric, and ocean sciences; computer sciences; physical sciences; mathematics; and engineering. Doctoral Degrees by Race/Ethnicity The number and proportion of doctoral degrees in S&E fields earned by U.S. citizen and permanent resident underrepresented minorities has also increased since 1995. Blacks earned 1,287, Hispanics earned 1,301, and American Indians/Alaska Natives earned 128 S&E doctorates in 2007, together accounting for 7% of all S&E doctoral degrees earned that year, up from 4% in 1995 (appendix table 2-30). Their share of S&E doctoral degrees earned by U.S. citizens and permanent residents rose from 6% to 10% in the same period. Gains by all groups contributed to this rise, although the number of S&E degrees earned by blacks and Hispanics rose considerably more than the number earned by American Indians/Alaska Natives (figure 2-15). Asian/Pacific Islander U.S. citizens and permanent residents earned 6% of all S&E doctorates in 2007, down from 7% in 1995. The number of S&E doctorates earned by white U.S. citizens and permanent residents declined from the mid-1990s to 2002, with most of the decrease among white men. The number of S&E doctoral degrees earned by white U.S. citizen and permanent resident men declined in the late 1990s through 2003, then gradually increased (figure 2-16). The number of degrees earned by white U.S. citizen and permanent resident women dropped briefly in 1996 and has increased since then. As the number of S&E doctorates awarded to minorities and temporary residents increased, the proportion of S&E doctoral degrees earned by white U.S. citizens and permanent residents decreased from 54% in 1995 to 49% in 2007 (appendix table 2-30). Foreign S&E Doctorate Recipients Temporary residents earned approximately 13,700 S&E doctorates in 2007, up from 8,700 in 1995. Foreign students on temporary visas earn a larger proportion of doctoral degrees than master’s, bachelor’s, or associate’s degrees (appendix tables 2-11, 2-13, 2-27, and 2-30). The temporary resident share of S&E doctorates rose from 31% in 1995 to 33% in 2007. Foreign students earn considerable shares of doctoral degrees in some fields. In 2007, foreign students 2-26 Chapter 2. Higher Education in Science and Engineering Table 2-4 Median number of years from S&E doctorate recipients’ entry to graduate school to receipt of doctorate, by Carnegie classification of doctorate-granting institution: 1993–2007 Year of doctorate All institutions 1993.......... 1994.......... 1995.......... 1996.......... 1997.......... 1998.......... 1999.......... 2000.......... 2001.......... 2002.......... 2003.......... 2004.......... 2005.......... 2006.......... 2007.......... Research universities Research universities (very high research (high research activity) activity) 7.9 8.0 8.0 7.9 7.7 7.6 7.6 7.7 7.6 7.7 7.7 7.3 7.4 7.3 7.2 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.7 7.5 7.4 7.4 7.5 7.4 7.5 7.5 7.1 7.3 7.1 7.0 8.4 8.6 8.6 8.7 8.6 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.4 8.3 8.0 8.0 8.0 7.9 Doctoral/ research universities Medical schools and medical centers 10.0 9.9 10.2 9.7 10.0 9.8 9.2 9.2 9.9 10.0 10.0 9.3 9.6 8.7 9.0 7.9 8.0 7.9 8.0 7.9 7.2 7.0 7.2 7.3 7.1 7.1 7.0 7.1 7.0 7.1 Other/ not classified 8.5 8.6 8.9 8.8 8.4 8.3 7.8 8.3 8.0 8.4 9.0 7.8 8.4 8.0 8.0 SOURCE: National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics, Survey of Earned Doctorates, special tabulations (2009). Science and Engineering Indicators 2010 -PN\YL :,KVJ[VYHSKLNYLLZLHYULKI`<:JP[PaLUHUK WLYTHULU[YLZPKLU[\UKLYYLWYLZLU[LKTPUVYP[PLZ I`YHJLL[OUPJP[`! ¶ -PN\YL :,KVJ[VYHSKLNYLLZI`ZL_YHJLL[OUPJP[`HUK JP[PaLUZOPW! ¶ ;OV\ZHUKZ 5\TILY /PZWHUPJ <:JP[PaLUWLYTHULU[ YLZPKLU[^OP[LTHSL )SHJR <:JP[PaLUWLYTHULU[ YLZPKLU[^OP[LMLTHSL ;LTWVYHY`YLZPKLU[ <:JP[PaLUWLYTHULU[YLZPKLU[TPUVYP[` (TLYPJHU0UKPHU(SHZRH5H[P]L 56;,:!+H[HUV[H]HPSHISLMVY +L[HPSLKMPLSKUV[JVSSLJ[LKI` JP[PaLUZOPWVYYHJLL[OUPJP[`WYPVY[V +H[HPU[OPZMPN\YLKPMMLY MYVTKVJ[VYHSKLNYLLKH[HPUV[OLY[HISLZHUKMPN\YLZPU[OPZYLWVY[ [OH[HYLIHZLKVU5:-:\Y]L`VM,HYULK+VJ[VYH[LZHUK[OH[YLMLY[V YLZLHYJOKVJ[VYH[LZVUS`.YLH[LZ[KPMMLYLUJLZHYLPUWZ`JOVSVN`HUK TLKPJHSV[OLYSPMLZJPLUJLZ :6<9*,:!5H[PVUHS*LU[LYMVY,K\JH[PVU:[H[PZ[PJZ0U[LNYH[LK 7VZ[ZLJVUKHY`,K\JH[PVU+H[H:`Z[LT*VTWSL[PVUZ:\Y]L`"HUK 5H[PVUHS:JPLUJL-V\UKH[PVU+P]PZPVUVM:JPLUJL9LZV\YJLZ :[H[PZ[PJZ0U[LNYH[LK:JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN9LZV\YJLZ+H[H :`Z[LT>LI*(:7(9O[[W!^LIJHZWHYUZMNV] :JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN0UKPJH[VYZ <:JP[PaLUWLYTHULU[YLZPKLU[V[OLY \URUV^UYHJLL[OUPJP[` 56;,:!+H[HUV[H]HPSHISLMVY +L[HPSLKMPLSKUV[JVSSLJ[LKI` JP[PaLUZOPWVYYHJLL[OUPJP[`WYPVY[V 4PUVYP[`PUJS\KLZ(ZPHU 7HJPMPJ0ZSHUKLYISHJR/PZWHUPJHUK(TLYPJHU0UKPHU(SHZRH5H[P]L +H[HPU[OPZMPN\YLKPMMLYMYVTKVJ[VYHSKLNYLLKH[HPUV[OLY[HISLZVY MPN\YLZPU[OPZYLWVY[[OH[HYLIHZLKVU5:-:\Y]L`VM,HYULK +VJ[VYH[LZHUK[OH[YLMLY[VYLZLHYJOKVJ[VYH[LZVUS`.YLH[LZ[ KPMMLYLUJLZHYLPUWZ`JOVSVN`HUKTLKPJHSV[OLYSPMLZJPLUJLZ :6<9*,:!5H[PVUHS*LU[LYMVY,K\JH[PVU:[H[PZ[PJZ0U[LNYH[LK 7VZ[ZLJVUKHY`,K\JH[PVU+H[H:`Z[LT*VTWSL[PVUZ:\Y]L`"HUK 5H[PVUHS:JPLUJL-V\UKH[PVU+P]PZPVUVM:JPLUJL9LZV\YJLZ :[H[PZ[PJZ0U[LNYH[LK:JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN9LZV\YJLZ+H[H :`Z[LT>LI*(:7(9O[[W!^LIJHZWHYUZMNV] :JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN0UKPJH[VYZ 2-27 Science and Engineering Indicators 2010 on temporary visas earned half or more of doctoral degrees awarded in engineering, physics, mathematics, computer sciences, and economics. They earned considerably lower proportions of doctoral degrees in other S&E fields, for example, 30% in biological sciences, 8% in medical/other life sciences, and 5% in psychology (appendix table 2-30). Countries/Economies of Origin The top 10 foreign countries/economies of origin of foreign S&E doctorate recipients together accounted for 66% of all foreign recipients of U.S. S&E doctoral degrees from 1987 to 2007 (table 2-5). All but 3 of those top 10 countries Table 2-5 Foreign recipients of U.S. S&E doctorates, by country/economy of origin: 1987–2007 Country/economy Number Percent All foreign recipients ........ Top 10 total .................. China ........................ India.......................... South Korea ............. Taiwan ...................... Canada ..................... Turkey ....................... Thailand .................... Germany ................... Japan ....................... Mexico...................... All others ...................... 206,256 136,120 50,220 21,354 20,549 18,523 6,676 4,575 3,707 3,567 3,536 3,413 70,136 100.0 66.0 24.3 10.4 10.0 9.0 3.2 2.2 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 34.0 NOTE: Foreign doctorate recipients include permanent and temporary residents. SOURCE: National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics, Survey of Earned Doctorates, special tabulations (2009). are located in Asia. The major Asian countries/economies sending doctoral degree students to the United States have been, in descending order, China, India, South Korea, and Taiwan. Asia. From 1987 to 2007, students from four Asian countries/economies (China, India, South Korea, and Taiwan) earned more than half of U.S. S&E doctoral degrees awarded to foreign students (110,600 of 206,300), almost four times more than students from Europe (27,900). Most of these degrees were awarded in engineering, biological sciences, and physical sciences (table 2-6). Students from China earned the largest number of U.S. S&E doctorates awarded to foreign students during the 1987–2007 period (50,200), followed by those from India (21,400), South Korea (20,500), and Taiwan (18,500) (table 2-6). The numbers of S&E doctorates earned by students from China and India dropped in the late 1990s but have been increasing since then (figure 2-17). Over the 20-year period, the number of S&E doctorates earned by Chinese nationals increased more than tenfold14 and the number of S&E doctorates earned by students from India more than trebled. The number of S&E doctoral degrees earned by South Korean students also dipped in the late 1990s and then rose, but the number of students did not rise as dramatically as those from China and India. In 1987, students from Taiwan earned more U.S. S&E doctoral degrees than students from China, India, or South Korea. However, as universities in Taiwan increased their capacity for advanced S&E education in the 1990s, the number of students from Taiwan earning S&E doctorates from U.S. universities declined. Europe. European students earned far fewer U.S. S&E doctorates than Asian students between 1987 and 2007, and they tended to focus less on engineering than did their Asian counterparts (table 2-7). Western European countries whose Science and Engineering Indicators 2010 Table 2-6 Asian recipients of U.S. S&E doctorates, by field and country/economy of origin: 1987–2007 Field All fields .................................................................... S&E ....................................................................... Engineering ....................................................... Science ............................................................. Agricultural sciences ..................................... Biological sciences ........................................ Computer sciences........................................ Earth, atmospheric, and ocean sciences ...... Mathematics .................................................. Medical/other life sciences ............................ Physical sciences .......................................... Psychology .................................................... Social sciences .............................................. Non-S&E ............................................................... Asia China India South Korea Taiwan 168,627 143,927 53,621 90,306 5,746 23,637 7,186 2,947 6,888 4,621 21,162 2,198 15,921 24,700 53,665 50,220 16,183 34,037 1,562 11,532 2,166 1,461 3,184 992 10,181 350 2,609 3,445 24,386 21,354 9,419 11,935 534 3,240 1,791 230 641 888 2,606 265 1,740 3,032 26,402 20,549 7,965 12,584 807 2,386 849 367 921 492 2,561 369 3,832 5,853 22,577 18,523 8,332 10,191 727 2,701 959 319 700 819 2,038 308 1,620 4,054 NOTE: Foreign doctorate recipients include permanent and temporary residents. SOURCE: National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics, Survey of Earned Doctorates, special tabulations (2009). Science and Engineering Indicators 2010 2-28 Chapter 2. Higher Education in Science and Engineering students earned the largest number of U.S. S&E doctorates from 1987 to 2007 were Germany, the United Kingdom, Greece, Italy, and France, in that order. From 1987 to 1993, Greece was the primary European country of origin; thereafter, its numbers of doctoral degree recipients declined. The numbers of U.S. S&E doctorate recipients from Italy and France generally increased over the past two decades. The number of U.S. S&E doctorate recipients from the United Kingdom fluctuated mainly between 100 and 150 over the period, and the number of doctorate recipients from Germany declined since 2000 (figure 2-18). The number of Central and Eastern European students earning S&E doctorates at U.S. universities increased from 55 in 1987 to more than 800 in 2007 (about the same number as those from Western Europe) (figure 2-19). A higher proportion of Central and Eastern European U.S. doctorate recipients (88%) than of Western European doctorate recipients (73%) earned their doctorates in S&E fields, particularly in mathematics and physical sciences (table 2-7). -PN\YL <::,KVJ[VYHSKLNYLLYLJPWPLU[ZI`ZLSLJ[LK (ZPHUJV\U[Y`LJVUVT`VMVYPNPU! ¶ 5\TILY North America. The Canadian and Mexican shares of U.S. S&E doctoral degrees were small compared with those from Asia and Europe. The number of U.S. S&E degrees earned by students from Canada increased from about 200 in 1987 to more than 400 in 2007. The number of doctoral degree recipients from Mexico increased from 99 in 1987 to 187 in 2007 (figure 2-20). A higher proportion of Mexican than of Canadian U.S. doctoral degree recipients earned doctorates in science and engineering fields: 85% of Mexican and 64% of Canadian doctoral degree students in U.S. universities earned S&E doctorates (table 2-7). In particular, higher percentages of Mexican than of Canadian U.S. doctoral degrees were in engineering and agricultural sciences. *OPUH :V\[O 2VYLH 0UKPH ;HP^HU 56;,!+LNYLLYLJPWPLU[ZPUJS\KLWLYTHULU[HUK[LTWVYHY`YLZPKLU[Z :6<9*,!5H[PVUHS:JPLUJL-V\UKH[PVU+P]PZPVUVM:JPLUJL9LZV\YJLZ :[H[PZ[PJZ:\Y]L`VM,HYULK+VJ[VYH[LZZWLJPHS[HI\SH[PVUZ :JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN0UKPJH[VYZ Table 2-7 European and North American recipients of U.S. S&E doctorates, by field and region/country of origin: 1987–2007 Europea Field All fields ................................................................. S&E .................................................................... Engineering .................................................... Science .......................................................... Agricultural sciences .................................. Biological sciences ..................................... Computer sciences..................................... Earth, atmospheric, and ocean sciences ... Mathematics ............................................... Medical/other life sciences ......................... Physical sciences ....................................... Psychology ................................................. Social sciences ........................................... Non-S&E ............................................................ All countries Western Scandinavia Central/ Eastern 36,073 27,937 5,563 22,374 802 4,121 1,423 1,053 2,820 630 5,708 1,047 4,770 8,136 23,527 17,168 3,588 13,580 590 2,580 815 720 1,284 488 2,902 803 3,398 6,359 2,083 1,586 286 1,300 61 237 74 83 107 71 221 103 343 497 10,463 9,183 1,689 7,494 151 1,304 534 250 1,429 71 2,585 141 1,029 1,280 North America All countries Canada Mexico 14,443 10,111 1,725 8,386 832 1,951 299 369 498 603 1,106 912 1,816 4,332 10,363 6,676 933 5,743 264 1,378 211 229 313 508 823 822 1,195 3,687 4,028 3,413 792 2,621 568 565 87 138 184 93 281 85 620 615 a See figure 2-19 notes for countries included in Western Europe, Scandinavia, and Central/Eastern Europe. NOTE: Foreign doctorate recipients include permanent and temporary residents. SOURCE: National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics, Survey of Earned Doctorates, special tabulations (2009). Science and Engineering Indicators 2010 2-29 Science and Engineering Indicators 2010 Stay Rates Most foreign U.S. doctorate recipients plan to stay in the United States after graduation, and although the percentage of recipients staying is dropping, the number of recipients staying is increasing (figure 2-21). This section examines data on foreign S&E doctorate recipients’ plans for staying in the United States at the time of doctorate receipt. Chapter 3 provides data based on examination of Social Security records on the percentage of foreign students with U.S. S&E doctorates who remain in the U.S. labor force up to 5 years after graduation. At the time of doctorate receipt, more than three-quarters of foreign recipients of U.S. S&E doctorates plan to stay in the United States and about half have either accepted an offer of postdoctoral study or employment or are continuing employment in the United States (appendix table 2-31). Until the early 1990s, about half of foreign students who earned S&E degrees at U.S. universities reported that they planned to stay in the United States after graduation, and about one-third said they had firm offers for postdoctoral study or employment (NSB 1998). In the 1990s, however, these percentages increased substantially. For example, in the period 1996–99, 71% of foreign S&E doctoral degree recipients reported plans to remain in the United States after receiving their degree and 45% already had firm offers for postdoctoral study or employment. In the 2004–07 period, 77% of foreign doctoral recipients in S&E fields with known plans intended to stay in the United States and 51% had firm offers to do so (appendix table 2-31). Higher percentages of foreign doctorate recipients in physical sciences, biological and agricultural sciences, and mathematics/computer -PN\YL <::,KVJ[VYHSKLNYLLYLJPWPLU[ZI`ZLSLJ[LK >LZ[LYU,\YVWLHUJV\U[Y`! ¶ 5\TILY -PN\YL <::,KVJ[VYHSKLNYLLYLJPWPLU[ZMYVT,\YVWL I`YLNPVU! ¶ 5\TILY >LZ[LYU,\YVWL *LU[YHSHUK,HZ[LYU,\YVWL :JHUKPUH]PH 56;,:!+LNYLLYLJPWPLU[ZPUJS\KLWLYTHULU[HUK[LTWVYHY` YLZPKLU[Z>LZ[LYU,\YVWLPUJS\KLZ(UKVYYH(\Z[YPH)LSNP\T -YHUJL.LYTHU`.YLLJL0YLSHUK0[HS`3PLJO[LUZ[LPU3\_LTIV\YN 4HS[H4VUHJV5L[OLYSHUKZ7VY[\NHS:HU4HYPUV:WHPU :^P[aLYSHUKHUK<UP[LK2PUNKVT*LU[YHSHUK,HZ[LYU,\YVWL PUJS\KLZ(SIHUPH(YTLUPH(aLYIHPQHU)LSHY\Z)VZUPH/LYaLNV]PUH )\SNHYPH*YVH[PH*aLJO9LW\ISPJ,Z[VUPH.LVYNPH/\UNHY` 2HaHROZ[HU2`YN`aZ[HU3H[]PH3P[O\HUPH4HJLKVUPH4VSKV]H 7VSHUK9VTHUPH9\ZZPH:LYIPH4VU[LULNYV:SV]HRPH:SV]LUPH ;HQPRPZ[HU;\YRTLUPZ[HU<RYHPUL<aILRPZ[HUHUK@\NVZSH]PH :JHUKPUH]PHPUJS\KLZ+LUTHYR-PUSHUK0JLSHUK5VY^H`HUK :^LKLU :6<9*,!5H[PVUHS:JPLUJL-V\UKH[PVU+P]PZPVUVM:JPLUJL 9LZV\YJLZ:[H[PZ[PJZ:\Y]L`VM,HYULK+VJ[VYH[LZZWLJPHS [HI\SH[PVUZ :JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN0UKPJH[VYZ -PN\YL <::,KVJ[VYHSKLNYLLYLJPWPLU[ZMYVT*HUHKH HUK4L_PJV! ¶ .LYTHU` 5\TILY .YLLJL <UP[LK2PUNKVT *HUHKH -YHUJL 0[HS` 4L_PJV 56;,!+LNYLLYLJPWPLU[ZPUJS\KLWLYTHULU[HUK[LTWVYHY`YLZPKLU[Z :6<9*,!5H[PVUHS:JPLUJL-V\UKH[PVU+P]PZPVUVM:JPLUJL9LZV\YJLZ :[H[PZ[PJZ:\Y]L`VM,HYULK+VJ[VYH[LZZWLJPHS[HI\SH[PVUZ :JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN0UKPJH[VYZ 56;,!+LNYLLYLJPWPLU[ZPUJS\KLWLYTHULU[HUK[LTWVYHY`YLZPKLU[Z :6<9*,!5H[PVUHS:JPLUJL-V\UKH[PVU+P]PZPVUVM:JPLUJL 9LZV\YJLZ:[H[PZ[PJZ:\Y]L`VM,HYULK+VJ[VYH[LZZWLJPHS [HI\SH[PVUZ :JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN0UKPJH[VYZ 2-30 Chapter 2. Higher Education in Science and Engineering sciences, and lower percentages of foreign doctorate recipients in social/behavioral and health sciences reported definite plans to stay. Stay rates vary by place of origin. In the period 2004–07, more than 90% of U.S. S&E doctoral recipients from China and 89% of those from India reported plans to stay in the United States, and more than half reported accepting firm offers for employment or postdoctoral research in the United States (appendix table 2-31). Doctorate recipients from Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan were less likely than those from China and India to stay in the United States (figure 2-22). Among U.S. S&E doctoral degree recipients from Europe, a relatively high percentage from the United Kingdom planned to stay, whereas smaller percentages from Greece and Spain (compared with other Western European countries) planned to stay after graduation. In North America, the percentage of 2004–07 doctoral degree students who had definite plans to stay in the United States was higher for Canada than for Mexico (appendix table 2-31). Between 2000–03 and 2004–07, the percentage of U.S. S&E doctoral degree recipients from all of the top five countries/economies of origin (China, India, South Korea, Taiwan, and Canada) reporting definite plans to stay in the United States declined. However, for all but Taiwan, increases in the numbers of doctorate recipients more than offset declines in the percentage staying. Thus, the numbers of U.S. S&E doctoral degree recipients from Canada, China, India, and South Korea who had definite plans to stay in the United States were larger in the 2004–07 period than in the 2000–03 period (appendix table 2-31). -PN\YL :OVY[[LYTZ[H`YH[LZVMMVYLPNUYLJPWPLU[ZVM<: :,KVJ[VYH[LZI`WSHJLVMVYPNPU! ¶ HUK ¶ 0UKPH *OPUH <UP[LK2PUNKVT 0YHU (YNLU[PUH (\Z[YHSPH *HUHKH .LYTHU` :V\[O2VYLH ;\YRL` 5PNLYPH 1HWHU ;HP^HU 4L_PJV ¶ )YHaPS ¶ 7LYJLU[ -PN\YL 7SHUZVMMVYLPNUYLJPWPLU[ZVM<::,KVJ[VYH[LZ [VZ[H`PU<UP[LK:[H[LZ! ¶ 5\TILY :6<9*,!5H[PVUHS:JPLUJL-V\UKH[PVU+P]PZPVUVM:JPLUJL 9LZV\YJLZ:[H[PZ[PJZ:\Y]L`VM,HYULK+VJ[VYH[LZZWLJPHS [HI\SH[PVUZ 56;,:!+LNYLLYLJPWPLU[ZPUJS\KLWLYTHULU[HUK[LTWVYHY` YLZPKLU[Z:OVY[[LYTZ[H`YH[LZHYL[OVZL^P[OMPYTJVTTP[TLU[ZVM WVZ[H^HYKVYWVZ[KVJ[VYHSLTWSV`TLU[3VUNLY[LYTZ[H`YH[LZTH` KPMMLY:LLHWWLUKP_[HISLMVYWSHUZ[VZ[H`I`MPLSKVMZ[\K`HUK WSHJLVMVYPNPUPU`LHYPUJYLTLU[Z :JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN0UKPJH[VYZ 9LJPWPLU[Z Postdoctoral Education 7SHUZ[VZ[H` -PYTWSHUZ[VZ[H` 56;,:!+LNYLLYLJPWPLU[ZPUJS\KLWLYTHULU[HUK[LTWVYHY`YLZPKLU[Z :LLHWWLUKP_[HISLMVYWSHUZ[VZ[H`I`MPLSKVMZ[\K`HUKWSHJLVM VYPNPUPU`LHYPUJYLTLU[Z :6<9*,!5H[PVUHS:JPLUJL-V\UKH[PVU+P]PZPVUVM:JPLUJL9LZV\YJLZ :[H[PZ[PJZ:\Y]L`VM,HYULK+VJ[VYH[LZZWLJPHS[HI\SH[PVUZ :JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN0UKPJH[VYZ Typically, postdoctoral fellows (“postdocs”) have temporary appointments involving full-time research or scholarship, the purpose of which is to further their education and training. The titles associated with these positions and the conditions of employment vary widely. The status of postdoctoral fellows within the academic hierarchy is not well defined and varies among institutions, although it is generally accepted that the postdoctoral experience represents the last step of a person’s training for becoming an independent investigator and faculty member (COSEPUP 2000). Postdoctoral fellows also are important contributors to academic research. They bring a new set of techniques and perspectives to the laboratory that broadens research teams’ 2-31 Science and Engineering Indicators 2010 experience and can make them more competitive for additional research funding. Chapter 3 provides more detail on postdoctoral employment, including reasons for and length of postdoc appointments, salaries and subsequent employment. Chapter 5 provides more detail on postdocs in the academic R&D setting. Since 1993, the number of S&E postdocs at U.S. universities increased from 34,300 to 49,300 in fall 2006 (appendix table 2-32). Most of the growth was in biological and medical/other life sciences, accounting for more than two-thirds of S&E postdocs (figure 2-23).15 Noncitizens account for much of the increase in the number of S&E postdocs, especially in biological sciences and medical sciences (figure 2-24). The number of S&E postdocs with temporary visas at U.S. universities increased from approximately 17,600 in 1993 to 28,200 in 2006. The number of U.S. citizen and permanent resident S&E postdocs at these institutions increased more modestly, from approximately 16,700 in 1993 to 21,100 in 2006 (appendix table 2-32). Temporary visa holders accounted for 57% of S&E postdocs in 2006. An increasing share of academic S&E postdocs are funded through federal research grants. In fall 2006, 56% of S&E postdocs at U.S. universities were funded through this mechanism, up from 52% in 1993. Federal fellowships and traineeships funded a declining share of S&E postdocs: 13% in 2006, down from 17% in 1993. In 2006, 31% of S&E postdocs were funded through nonfederal sources (table 2-8). -PN\YL 7VZ[KVJ[VYHSZ[\KLU[ZH[<:\UP]LYZP[PLZI`MPLSK! ¶ International S&E Higher Education In the 1990s, many countries expanded their higher education systems and access to higher education. At the same time, flows of students worldwide increased. More recently, a number of countries adopted policies to encourage the return of students who studied abroad, to attract foreign students, or both. (For information on worldwide trends affecting doctoral education, see sidebar “Globalization and Doctoral Education.”) Higher Education Expenditures Increasingly, governments around the world have come to regard movement toward a knowledge-based economy as key to economic progress. Realizing that this requires a well-trained workforce, they have invested in upgrading and expanding their higher education systems and broadening participation. In most instances, government spending underwrites these developments. One indicator of the importance of higher education is the percentage of resources devoted to higher education, as measured by expenditures on tertiary education (education beyond high school) as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP). The United States, Canada, and Korea spend the highest percentage of GDP on higher education (appendix table 2-33). An indicator of the growing importance of higher education is the change in expenditures for higher education over time. Expenditures for tertiary education rose more in the United States than in other Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries between ;OV\ZHUKZ -PN\YL 7VZ[KVJ[VYHSZ[\KLU[ZH[<:\UP]LYZP[PLZI`MPLSK HUKJP[PaLUZOPWZ[H[\Z! ¶ ;OV\ZHUKZ )PVSVNPJHSZJPLUJLZ 6[OLYMPLSKZMVYLPNU 4LKPJHSV[OLYSPMLZJPLUJLZ )PVTLKPJHSZJPLUJLZMVYLPNU 6[OLYMPLSKZ<:JP[PaLUWLYTHULU[YLZPKLU[ 7O`ZPJHSZJPLUJLZ ,UNPULLYPUN (SSV[OLYZ :VJPHSILOH]PVYHSZJPLUJLZ )PVTLKPJHSZJPLUJLZ<:JP[PaLUWLYTHULU[YLZPKLU[ 56;,:!)PVTLKPJHSZJPLUJLZPUJS\KLIPVSVNPJHSZJPLUJLZHUKTLKPJHS ZJPLUJLZ6[OLYMPLSKZPUJS\KLLUNPULLYPUN"HNYPJ\S[\YHSZJPLUJLZ"LHY[O H[TVZWOLYPJHUKVJLHUZJPLUJLZ"TH[OLTH[PJZ"JVTW\[LYZJPLUJLZ" V[OLYSPMLZJPLUJLZ"WO`ZPJHSZJPLUJLZ"WZ`JOVSVN`"HUKZVJPHSZJPLUJLZ :6<9*,!5H[PVUHS:JPLUJL-V\UKH[PVU+P]PZPVUVM:JPLUJL9LZV\YJLZ :[H[PZ[PJZ:\Y]L`VM.YHK\H[L:[\KLU[ZHUK7VZ[KVJ[VYH[LZPU:JPLUJL HUK,UNPULLYPUN>LI*(:7(9KH[HIHZLO[[W!^LIJHZWHYUZMNV] :LLHWWLUKP_[HISL :6<9*,!5H[PVUHS:JPLUJL-V\UKH[PVU+P]PZPVUVM:JPLUJL9LZV\YJLZ :[H[PZ[PJZ:\Y]L`VM.YHK\H[L:[\KLU[ZHUK7VZ[KVJ[VYH[LZPU:JPLUJL HUK,UNPULLYPUN>LI*(:7(9KH[HIHZLO[[W!^LIJHZWHYUZMNV] :LLHWWLUKP_[HISL :JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN0UKPJH[VYZ :JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN0UKPJH[VYZ 2-32 Chapter 2. Higher Education in Science and Engineering 1995 and 2000, but less in the United States than in other OECD countries between 2000 and 2005. From 1995 to 2000, educational expenditures in the United States increased faster than the OECD average and faster than almost all of the other OECD countries (except Greece, Ireland, and Poland). From 2000 to 2005, educational expenditures in the United States increased more slowly than the OECD average but at a similar or faster rate than many countries. (In 2006, expenditures per student in the U.S. were double the OECD average [OECD 2008].) Several countries, the Czech Republic, Greece, Iceland, Poland, Portugal, the Slovak Republic, and the United Kingdom, far exceeded the OECD average increase in expenditures from 2000 to 2005 (appendix table 2-33). Examination of higher education funding over time is complicated by many things, including changes in measurement, prevalence of public versus private institutions (private institutions are much more prevalent in the United States than in other countries), types and levels of government funding included, and types and levels of education included. Table 2-8 Source of funding of S&E postdoctoral students: 1993–2006 (Percent distribution) Source 1993 All sources ............................ Federal fellowships ........... 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 8.5 8.7 8.8 8.9 9.0 10.2 9.4 9.1 8.3 8.7 7.8 7.9 7.8 7.5 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Federal traineeships.......... 8.5 8.1 7.6 7.4 7.2 7.3 6.6 6.0 5.7 5.9 5.7 5.4 5.8 5.5 Federal research grants .... Nonfederal sources........... 52.1 30.9 51.3 31.9 51.9 31.6 52.0 31.6 51.7 32.1 51.2 31.3 53.2 30.7 54.5 30.3 54.7 31.3 55.9 29.4 56.1 30.4 57.9 28.8 56.6 29.8 55.6 31.4 NOTE: Percents may not add to 100% because of rounding. SOURCE: National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics, Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering, Integrated Science and Engineering Resources Data System (WebCASPAR) database, Science and Engineering Indicators 2010 Globalization and Doctoral Education With increasing student flows and increasing transnational university partnerships and agreements, doctoral education is becoming more global in nature. In addition, doctoral education in many countries around the world is being shaped by common forces in common ways. Globalization of the economy, shifts to a knowledge-based economy, and various policy efforts are transforming doctoral education around the world. Nerad and Heggelund (2008) identified several key interrelated dimensions of these global trends in doctoral education: Across countries, doctoral education is increasingly seen as a commodity with a measurable economic value. The market economy is demanding skills in addition to technical skills, that is, skills such as communication, leadership, and team work, which are increasingly being incorporated into graduate curricula. Private institutions and for-profit institutions are arising where only public institutions used to prevail, and tuition is being charged in countries in which education used to be free. Research has shifted from individual curiositydriven research to team research on marketable proj- ects, and research has become more collaborative and interdisciplinary. Developing countries are losing their doctoral students to more developed countries through “brain drain.” Doctoral education around the world is increasingly conducted in English, and scholarly papers are written in English. Doctoral education is becoming more standardized in terms of common definitions of degrees, common curricular elements, interdisciplinary training, ethics training, relationship between bachelor’s degrees and doctorates, and length of time. Universities are developing and applying quality assurance standards and assessment techniques to compete more effectively in the global marketplace, and new accreditation agencies are being developed. The Bologna Accords in Europe are moving toward harmonization of doctoral education in terms of supervision, length of study, mobility across borders, and collaboration. The nature of the individual university’s responses to these changes and the extent to which universities and countries embrace or resist them vary. 2-33 Science and Engineering Indicators 2010 Educational Attainment Higher education in the United States expanded greatly after World War II, and for several decades the United States led the world in its population’s educational attainment. In the 1990s, many countries in Europe and Asia also began to expand their higher education systems. The United States continues to be among those countries with the highest percentage of the population ages 25–64 with a bachelor’s degree or higher, but several other countries have surpassed the United States in the percentage of the younger (ages 25–34) population with a bachelor’s degree or higher (figure 2-25; appendix table 2-34).16 -PN\YL ([[HPUTLU[VM[LY[PHY`[`WL(HUKHK]HUJLK YLZLHYJOWYVNYHTZI`JV\U[Y`HUKHNLNYV\W! 5VY^H` <UP[LK:[H[LZ 0ZYHLS 5L[OLYSHUKZ +LUTHYR 0JLSHUK *HUHKH (\Z[YHSPH First University Degrees in S&E Fields More than 12 million students worldwide earned first university degrees17 in 2006, with more than 4 million of these in S&E fields (appendix table 2-35). These worldwide totals include only countries for which relatively recent data are available (primarily countries in Asia, Europe, and the Americas) and therefore are likely an underestimation. Asian universities accounted for 1.8 million of the world’s S&E first university degrees in 2006, almost 900,000 of these in engineering. Students across Europe (including Eastern Europe and Russia) earned more than 1 million S&E degrees and students in North and Central America more than 600,000 in 2006. In the United States, S&E degrees are about one-third of U.S. bachelor’s degrees and have been for a long time. In several countries/economies around the world, the proportion of first university degrees in S&E fields, especially engineering, is higher. More than half of first university degrees were in S&E fields in Japan (63%), China (53%), and Singapore (51%). China has traditionally awarded a large proportion of its first university degrees in engineering, although the percentage has declined in recent years (appendix table 2-36). In the United States, about 5% of all bachelor’s degrees are in engineering. However, in Asia, about 20% are in engineering, and in China about one-third are in engineering (appendix table 2-35). About 12% of all bachelor’s degrees in the United States and worldwide are in natural sciences (physical, biological, computer, and agricultural sciences, and mathematics). See the sidebar “International Changes in the Ratio of Natural Science and Engineering Degrees to the College-Age Population.” The number of S&E first university degrees awarded in China, Poland, and Taiwan more than doubled between 1998 and 2006, and those in the United States and many other countries generally increased. Those awarded in Japan decreased in recent years (appendix table 2-36). Natural sciences and engineering (NS&E) degrees account for most of the increase in S&E first university degrees in China. The number of NS&E first university degrees in China rose sharply from 2002 to 2006 and more than trebled between 1998 and 2006 (figure 2-26). In comparison, those awarded in Germany, Japan, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and 2VYLH 5L^ALHSHUK 1HWHU ,Z[VUPH <UP[LK2PUNKVT :^LKLU 9\ZZPHU -LKLYH[PVU :^P[aLYSHUK 0YLSHUK :WHPU -PUSHUK 7VSHUK /\UNHY` 3\_LTIV\YN -YHUJL .YLLJL .LYTHU` 4L_PJV )LSNP\T *aLJO9LW\ISPJ 7VY[\NHS :SV]HR9LW\ISPJ 0[HS` :SV]LUPH ;\YRL` ¶`LHYZVSK *OPSL ¶`LHYZVSK (\Z[YPH 7LYJLU[ 56;,:!;LY[PHY`[`WL(WYVNYHTZ0U[LYUH[PVUHS:[HUKHYK *SHZZPMPJH[PVUVM,K\JH[PVUB0:*,+D(HYLSHYNLS`[OLVY`IHZLKHUK KLZPNULK[VWYV]PKLZ\MMPJPLU[X\HSPMPJH[PVUZMVYLU[Y`[VHK]HUJLK YLZLHYJOWYVNYHTZHUKWYVMLZZPVUZ^P[OOPNOZRPSSYLX\PYLTLU[ZZ\JO HZTLKPJPULKLU[PZ[Y`VYHYJOP[LJ[\YLHUKOH]LHTPUPT\TK\YH[PVU VM`LHYZ»M\SS[PTLLX\P]HSLU[HS[OV\NO[`WPJHSS`SHZ[`LHYZ0U <UP[LK:[H[LZJVYYLZWVUK[VIHJOLSVY»ZHUKTHZ[LY»ZKLNYLLZ (K]HUJLKYLZLHYJOWYVNYHTZHYL[LY[PHY`WYVNYHTZSLHKPUNKPYLJ[S` [VH^HYKVMHUHK]HUJLKYLZLHYJOX\HSPMPJH[PVULNKVJ[VYH[L:LL HWWLUKP_[HISL :6<9*,!6YNHUPZH[PVUMVY,JVUVTPJ*VVWLYH[PVUHUK+L]LSVW TLU[6,*+,K\JH[PVUH[H.SHUJL!6,*+0UKPJH[VYZ :JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN0UKPJH[VYZ 2-34 Chapter 2. Higher Education in Science and Engineering the United States remained relatively flat. (For information on reforms affecting degree awards in Europe, see sidebar “Changes in European Higher Education Since the Bologna Process.”) International Changes in the Ratio of Natural Science and Engineering Degrees to the College-Age Population The ratio of natural sciences and engineering (NS&E) degrees to the college-age population is one measure of the technical skill level of those entering the workforce. Over time, the United States has fallen from one of the top countries in terms of its ratio of NS&E degrees to the college-age population to near the bottom of the 23 countries for which data are available. The ratios of first university degrees in NS&E to the college-age population increased substantially in recent decades in these 23 countries. In 1975, only Japan had a higher ratio than the United States of NS&E degrees per hundred 20–24-year-olds (the college-age population). By 1990, a few other countries/economies had surpassed the U.S. ratio, and by 2005 nearly all had done so. A recent NSF report (NSF/SRS 2009b) examined the relative influence on this ratio of increased university degree completion relative to the college-age population and NS&E degrees as an increasing share of all degrees. This study examined increases in the ratio of NS&E first university degrees to the college-age population in the United States and 22 other countries/economies for two periods: 1975–90 and 1990–2005. The study found that the rising ratio of NS&E degrees to the college-age population in the locations compared with the United States can primarily be attributed to increased university degree completion, not to an increased emphasis on NS&E education; however, the relative importance of these components varies substantially by location. In both the 1975–90 and the 1990–2005 periods, the university degree completion component was either the only component or the larger component for the majority of countries/ economies for which such data were available. That is not to say that increased emphasis on NS&E was not an important factor in some countries. The NS&E share component was either the only component or the larger component for five countries in the 1975–90 period but for no countries in the 1990–2005 period. In another eight countries in which the university degree completion component was larger, the NS&E share component and/or the interaction component was substantial in one or the other period. S&E First University Degrees by Sex Women earned half or more of first university degrees in S&E in many countries around the world in 2006, including Algeria, Argentina, Canada, Greece, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, the United States, and a number of smaller countries. Several countries in Europe are not far behind, with more than 40% of first university S&E degrees earned by women. In many Asian and African countries, women generally earn about one-third or less of the first university degrees awarded in S&E fields (appendix table 2-37). In Canada, Japan, the United States, and many smaller countries, more than half of the S&E first university degrees earned by women are in the social and behavioral sciences. In South Korea, 45% of the S&E first university degrees earned by women are in engineering; in Europe, more than 20% are in engineering. In the United Kingdom and the United States, 6% of S&E first university degrees earned by women are in engineering. -PN\YL -PYZ[\UP]LYZP[`UH[\YHSZJPLUJLZHUKLUNPULLYPUN KLNYLLZI`ZLSLJ[LKJV\U[YPLZ! ¶ ;OV\ZHUKZ *OPUH <UP[LK:[H[LZ 1HWHU :V\[O2VYLH <2 .LYTHU` <2$<UP[LK2PUNKVT 56;,:!5H[\YHSZJPLUJLZPUJS\KLWO`ZPJHSIPVSVNPJHSLHY[O H[TVZWOLYPJVJLHUHUKHNYPJ\S[\YHSZJPLUJLZ"JVTW\[LYZJPLUJLZ" HUKTH[OLTH[PJZ+H[HMVY<UP[LK:[H[LZUV[H]HPSHISLMVY :6<9*,:!*OPUH·5H[PVUHS)\YLH\VM:[H[PZ[PJZVM*OPUH*OPUH :[H[PZ[PJHS@LHYIVVRHUU\HSZLYPLZ)LPQPUN]HYPV\Z`LHYZ" 1HWHU·.V]LYUTLU[VM1HWHU4PUPZ[Y`VM,K\JH[PVU*\S[\YL:WVY[Z :JPLUJLHUK;LJOUVSVN`/PNOLY,K\JH[PVU)\YLH\4VUI\ZOV :\Y]L`VM,K\JH[PVU":V\[O2VYLHHUK.LYTHU`·6YNHUPZH[PVUMVY ,JVUVTPJ*VVWLYH[PVUHUK+L]LSVWTLU[6,*+:[H[,_[YHJ[Z O[[W!Z[H[ZVLJKVYN>)6:PUKL_HZW_"<UP[LK2PUNKVT·/PNOLY ,K\JH[PVU:[H[PZ[PJZ(NLUJ`"HUK<UP[LK:[H[LZ·5H[PVUHS*LU[LYMVY ,K\JH[PVU:[H[PZ[PJZ0U[LNYH[LK7VZ[ZLJVUKHY`,K\JH[PVU+H[H :`Z[LT*VTWSL[PVUZ:\Y]L`"HUK5H[PVUHS:JPLUJL-V\UKH[PVU +P]PZPVUVM:JPLUJL9LZV\YJLZ:[H[PZ[PJZ>LI*(:7(9KH[HIHZL O[[W!^LIJHZWHYUZMNV]:LLHWWLUKP_[HISL :JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN0UKPJH[VYZ 2-35 Science and Engineering Indicators 2010 Global Comparison of S&E Doctoral Degrees Almost 174,000 S&E doctoral degrees were earned worldwide in 2006. The United States awarded the largest number of S&E doctoral degrees of any country (about 30,000),18 followed by China (about 23,000), Russia (almost 20,000), and Germany and the United Kingdom (about 10,000 each) (appendix table 2-38). More than 52,000 S&E doctoral degrees were earned in the European Union. Changes in European Higher Education Since the Bologna Process In 1999, 29 European countries, through the Bologna Declaration, initiated a system of reforms in higher education in Europe. The goal of the Bologna Process is to harmonize certain aspects of higher education within participating countries by the year 2010 so that degrees are comparable, credits are transferable, and students, teachers, and researchers can move freely from institution to institution across national borders. Its aim is to replace the varied degree programs in existence, which typically have taken 5 or more years to complete, with a standard 3-year bachelor’s degree and a 2-year master’s degree and with a standardized credit system. Implementation of these reforms has implications for graduate admissions to U.S. academic institutions: Will U.S. academic institutions see these 3-year bachelor’s degrees as equivalent to U.S. 4-year bachelor’s degrees? (IIE 2009). The Bologna Process is also stimulating discussion about reform of the U.S. higher education system (Adelman 2008). By 2008, higher education reform in Europe had been extended to more than 45 countries, but it is still in process in many countries and in many fields, and the impact is still uncertain. Many countries have established regulations for reform, but implementation of changes is ongoing, particularly in some disciplines. In many European countries, law and medicine have not moved to the 2-cycle (bachelor’s and master’s) structure. One of the major difficulties countries are experiencing in the shift to the 2-cycle structure, particularly in law and medicine, is with the bachelorlevel degree’s relevance to the labor market (Huisman, Witte, and File 2006). In a few countries, the impact of the change on degree trends is already apparent. In 2001, Italy introduced a 3-year bachelor’s degree in accordance with the Bologna guidelines, and the number of students completing an undergraduate degree has since increased, particularly from 2004 on (appendix table 2-36). In Germany, implementation was later, but evidence of the change is apparent in the number of first university degrees in 2006. Women earned 40% of S&E doctoral degrees awarded in the United States in 2006, about the same as the percentage earned by women in Australia, Canada, the European Union, and Mexico. They earned more than half of S&E doctoral degrees in Portugal and less than one-quarter of S&E doctoral degrees in the Netherlands, Poland, South Korea, and Taiwan (appendix table 2-39). The number of S&E doctoral degrees awarded in China, Italy, and the United States has risen steeply in recent years (appendix tables 2-40 and 2-41). The United States awarded the largest number of natural sciences and engineering doctoral degrees, but China (as of 2006) was rapidly catching up (figure 2-27) and may have since surpassed the United States. In the United States, as well as in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, the largest numbers of S&E doctoral degrees are in the physical and biological sciences. The number of doctoral degrees in those -PN\YL 5H[\YHSZJPLUJLZHUKLUNPULLYPUNKVJ[VYHSKLNYLLZ I`ZLSLJ[LKJV\U[Y`! ¶ ;OV\ZHUKZ <UP[LK:[H[LZ .LYTHU` <2 1HWHU 0UKPH *OPUH :V\[O2VYLH <2$<UP[LK2PUNKVT 56;,:!5H[\YHSZJPLUJLZHUKLUNPULLYPUNPUJS\KLWO`ZPJHS IPVSVNPJHSLHY[OH[TVZWOLYPJVJLHUHUKHNYPJ\S[\YHSZJPLUJLZ" JVTW\[LYZJPLUJLZ"TH[OLTH[PJZ"HUKLUNPULLYPUN+H[HMVY<UP[LK :[H[LZUV[H]HPSHISLMVY :6<9*,:!*OPUH·5H[PVUHS)\YLH\VM:[H[PZ[PJZVM*OPUH" 1HWHU·.V]LYUTLU[VM1HWHU4PUPZ[Y`VM,K\JH[PVU*\S[\YL :WVY[Z:JPLUJLHUK;LJOUVSVN`/PNOLY,K\JH[PVU)\YLH\ 4VUI\ZOV:\Y]L`VM,K\JH[PVU":V\[O2VYLH·6YNHUPZH[PVUMVY ,JVUVTPJ*VVWLYH[PVUHUK+L]LSVWTLU[6,*+:[H[,_[YHJ[Z O[[W!Z[H[ZVLJKVYN>)6:PUKL_HZW_"<UP[LK2PUNKVT·/PNOLY ,K\JH[PVU:[H[PZ[PJZ(NLUJ`"HUK.LYTHU`·-LKLYHS:[H[PZ[PJHS 6MMPJL7Y M\UNLUHU/VJOZJO\SLUHUK6YNHUPZH[PVUMVY,JVUVTPJ *VVWLYH[PVUHUK+L]LSVWTLU[6,*+:[H[,_[YHJ[ZO[[W!Z[H[Z VLJKVYN>)6:PUKL_HZW_"HUK<UP[LK:[H[LZ·5H[PVUHS*LU[LY MVY,K\JH[PVU:[H[PZ[PJZ0U[LNYH[LK7VZ[ZLJVUKHY`,K\JH[PVU+H[H :`Z[LT*VTWSL[PVUZ:\Y]L`"HUK5H[PVUHS:JPLUJL-V\UKH[PVU +P]PZPVUVM:JPLUJL9LZV\YJLZ:[H[PZ[PJZ0U[LNYH[LK:JPLUJLHUK ,UNPULLYPUN9LZV\YJLZ+H[H:`Z[LT>LI*(:7(9 O[[W!^LIJHZWHYUZMNV]:LLHWWLUKP_[HISLZHUK :JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN0UKPJH[VYZ 2-36 fields stagnated or declined in many of these countries from the late 1990s through 2006, although the number of these degrees in Italy, Switzerland, and the United States increased in recent years. The number of S&E doctoral degrees in Germany has declined slightly since 2000 (appendix table 2-40). In Asia, China was the largest producer of S&E doctoral degrees. The number of S&E doctorates awarded in China rose from about 1,900 in 1993 to almost 23,000 in 2006 (appendix table 2-41). Recently, the Chinese State Council Academic Degrees Committee announced that China would begin to limit admissions growth in doctoral programs and would focus more on quality of graduates (Mooney 2008). The number of S&E doctorates awarded in India, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan also rose from 1993 to 2006, but at a lower rate. In China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, more than half of S&E doctorates were awarded in engineering. In India, most doctorates were awarded in the physical and biological sciences (appendix table 2-41). Global Student Mobility International migration of students and highly skilled workers expanded in the past two decades, and countries are increasingly competing for foreign students. In particular, students migrated from developing countries to the more developed countries, and from Europe and Asia to the United States. Some migrate temporarily for education, whereas others remain permanently. Some factors influencing the decision to migrate are economic opportunities, research opportunities, research funding, and climate for innovation in the country of destination (OECD 2004). In recent years, many countries, particularly Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States, have expanded their provision of transnational education, that is, programs for foreign students in their home countries (NSB 2008). The rise in transnational education, however, has not had much impact on foreign student flows (De Wit 2008). The influence of the worldwide economic and monetary crises beginning in 2008 on international flows of students in the future is uncertain. Some countries expanded recruitment of foreign students as their own populations of college-age students decreased, both to attract highly skilled workers and increase revenue for colleges and universities (OECD 2008). The population of individuals ages 20–24 (a proxy for the college-age population) decreased in China, Europe, Japan, and the United States in the 1990s and is projected to continue decreasing in China, Europe (mainly Eastern Europe), Japan, and South Korea (appendix table 2-42). The U.S. population of 20–24-year-olds is projected to increase. The U.S. share of foreign students worldwide declined in recent years, although the United States remains the destination of the largest number of foreign students worldwide (both undergraduate and graduate) of all OECD countries (figure 2-28). In 2006, the United States received 20% of foreign students worldwide, down from 25% in 2000 Chapter 2. Higher Education in Science and Engineering -PN\YL -VYLPNUZ[\KLU[ZLUYVSSLKPU[LY[PHY`LK\JH[PVU I`JV\U[Y`! <UP[LK:[H[LZ <UP[LK 2PUNKVT .LYTHU` -YHUJL (\Z[YHSPH *HUHKH 1HWHU 9\ZZPHU -LKLYH[PVU 5L^ALHSHUK :WHPU 0[HS` )LSNP\T :^LKLU :^P[aLYSHUK (\Z[YPH 5L[OLYSHUKZ 2VYLH *aLJO 9LW\ISPJ +LUTHYR ;\YRL` 7VY[\NHS .YLLJL /\UNHY` 5VY^H` 0YLSHUK 7VSHUK -PUSHUK ,Z[VUPH *OPSL 4L_PJV :SV]HR 9LW\ISPJ :SV]LUPH 3\_LTIV\YN 0JLSHUK ;OV\ZHUKZ 56;,:!+H[HMVY*HUHKHHYLMVYHUKL_JS\KLWYP]H[L PUZ[P[\[PVUZHUK[LY[PHY`[`WL)WYVNYHTZLNHZZVJPH[L»Z+H[HMVY (\Z[YPHL_JS\KL[LY[PHY`[`WL)WYVNYHTZLNHZZVJPH[L»Z+H[HMVY 5L[OLYSHUKZHUK.LYTHU`L_JS\KLHK]HUJLKYLZLHYJOWYVNYHTZ LNKVJ[VYH[L+H[HMVY0YLSHUKHYLIHZLKVUJV\U[Y`VMWYPVY LK\JH[PVUHUKL_JS\KLWHY[[PTLZ[\KLU[Z+H[HMVY<UP[LK2PUNKVT <UP[LK:[H[LZHUK(\Z[YHSPHIHZLKVUJV\U[Y`VMYLZPKLUJL+H[HMVY )LSNP\TL_JS\KLZVJPHSHK]HUJLTLU[LK\JH[PVU+H[HMVY9\ZZPH L_JS\KLWYP]H[LPUZ[P[\[PVUZHUKHK]HUJLKYLZLHYJOWYVNYHTZPL KVJ[VYH[L :6<9*,!6YNHUPZH[PVUMVY,JVUVTPJ*VVWLYH[PVUHUK+L]LSVW TLU[6,*+,K\JH[PVUH[H.SHUJL!6,*+0UKPJH[VYZ :JPLUJLHUK,UNPULLYPUN0UKPJH[VYZ 2-37 Science and Engineering Indicators 2010 (OECD 2008). Other countries that are among the top destinations for foreign students include the United Kingdom (11%), Germany (9%), and France (8%). Although Australia has a higher percentage of higher education students (undergraduate and graduate) who are foreign (18%) than the United States (3%), it has a lower share (6%) of foreign students worldwide. Other countries with relatively high percentages of higher education students who are foreign include New Zealand (16%), Switzerland and the United Kingdom (14%), and Austria (12%). A number of countries, including Belgium, Canada, New Zealand, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States, have relatively high percentages (more than 20%) of doctoral students who are foreign (OECD 2008). The United Kingdom has been actively expanding its position in international education, both by recruiting foreign students to study in the country and expanding its provision of transnational education (British Council 2007). Foreign student enrollment in the United Kingdom is increasing, especially at the graduate level, with increasing flows of students from China and India (appendix table 2-43). In just 5 years, from 2001 to 2006, foreign students increased from 35% to 45% of all graduate students studying S&E in the United Kingdom. Foreign students now account for more than half of graduate students in mathematics/computer sciences and engineering. Students from China and India accounted for most of the increase, but the number of graduate students from France, Germany, Ireland, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, and the United States also increased. The number of foreign undergraduate students also increased, but not as dramatically. Foreign undergraduates accounted for 10% of S&E enrollment in the United Kingdom in 2001 and 11% in 2006. Japan has increased its enrollment of foreign students in recent years and in 2008 announced plans to triple foreign enrollment in 12 years (McNeil 2008). Almost 60,000 foreign students were enrolled in S&E programs in Japanese universities in 2008, up from 42,000 in 2001. Foreign S&E student enrollment in Japan is concentrated at the undergraduate level, accounting for 68% of all foreign S&E students. Foreign undergraduates account for 3% of undergraduate and 14% of graduate S&E students in Japan. Most of the foreign students were from Asian countries. China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, South Korea, Thailand, and Vietnam were among the top 10 countries of origin for both undergraduates and graduate students. Chinese students accounted for more than half of foreign undergraduate (68%) and graduate (54%) S&E students in Japan in 2008 (appendix table 2-44). Foreign students are an increasing share of enrollment in Canadian universities. Foreign S&E students accounted for about 6% of undergraduate and 20% of graduate S&E enrollment in Canada in 2006, up from 3% and 17% in 1996, although the foreign shares in 2006 were down slightly from recent years (NSB 2008). In 2005–06, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, the highest percentages of foreign S&E students were in mathematics/computer sciences and engineering. Asian countries/economies were the top places of origin of foreign S&E graduate and undergraduate students in Canada. China alone accounted for 18% of foreign S&E graduate and undergraduate students in Canada. The United States was also among the top countries of origin of foreign students, accounting for 6% of foreign S&E graduate students and 12% of foreign S&E undergraduate students in Canada (appendix table 2-45). Although foreign students are a large share of U.S. higher education, U.S. students are a relatively small share of foreign students worldwide. About 49,000 U.S. students (in all fields) were reported as foreign students by OECD and OECD partner countries in 2006, far fewer than the numbers of foreign students from China, France, Germany, India, Japan, or South Korea. The main destinations of U.S. students were the United Kingdom (14,800), Canada (9,500), Germany (3,300), Australia (2,900), France (2,800), Ireland (2,100), and New Zealand (2,100)—mainly English speaking countries (OECD 2008). Approximately 242,000 U.S. students from U.S. universities enrolled in study-abroad programs in the 2006–07 academic year, up 8.5% from 2005–06 (IIE 2008). A little more than one-third were in programs lasting one semester, and more than half were in short-term programs (2–8 weeks). About 5% were graduate students; the rest were undergraduates, primarily juniors or seniors. About one-third were studying in S&E fields: 21% in social sciences, 7% in physical or life sciences, 3% in engineering, 2% in math or computer sciences, and 1% in agricultural sciences. Conclusion S&E higher education in the United States is attracting growing numbers of students. The number of bachelor’s and doctoral degrees awarded in all fields and in S&E fields continues to rise, having reached new peaks in 2007. Graduate enrollment in S&E fields is also increasing. Most of the growth in undergraduate S&E education occurred in science fields. In engineering, bachelor’s degrees increased since 2001 but have not yet attained the levels of the 1980s. Computer sciences degrees dropped precipitously in recent years. In doctoral degrees, growth occurred in both science and engineering fields. Foreign graduate student enrollment in S&E increased in 2006 after declines in 2004 and 2005. The number of entering foreign students dropped after 11 September 2001 but partially rebounded in 2005 and 2006. Students on temporary visas earned 33% of S&E doctorates in the United States in 2007 and half or more of doctoral degrees awarded in engineering, physics, mathematics, computer sciences, and economics. A large fraction of these students stay in the United States: more than three-quarters of foreign doctoral degree recipients in 2007 planned to stay in the United States after graduation. 2-38 Chapter 2. Higher Education in Science and Engineering Globalization of higher education continues to expand. Although the United States continues to attract the largest number and fraction of foreign students worldwide, its share of foreign students has decreased in recent years. Universities in several other countries (e.g., Canada, Japan, and the United Kingdom) have expanded their enrollment of foreign S&E students. Notes 1. Based on previous projections, NCES has estimated that the mean absolute percentage error for bachelor’s degrees projected 9 years out was 8.0 (NCES 2008c). 2. These data are from sample surveys and are subject to sampling error. Information on estimated standard errors can be found in appendix E of the annual report “The American Freshman: National Norms for Fall 2008” published by The Cooperative Institutional Research Program of the Higher Education Research Institute, University of California–Los Angeles (, accessed 23 June 2009). Data reported here are significant at the .05 level. 3. The number of S&E degrees awarded to a particular freshmen cohort is lower than the number of students reporting such intentions and reflects losses of students from S&E, gains of students from non-S&E fields after their freshman year, and general attrition from bachelor’s degree programs. 4. The physical sciences include earth, atmospheric, and ocean sciences. 5. About 17% of 2001 and 2002 S&E bachelor’s degree recipients had previously earned an associate’s degree (NSF/ SRS 2006). 6. Data for racial/ethnic groups are for U.S. citizens and permanent residents only. 7. For longer trends in degrees, see the NSF report series “Science and Engineering Degrees,” statistics/degrees/, accessed 12 June 2009. For more detail on enrollment and degrees by sex and by race/ethnicity, see Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering: 2009 (NSF/SRS 2009d). 8. Data for racial/ethnic groups are for U.S. citizens and permanent residents only. 9. The natural sciences include agricultural; biological; computer; earth, atmospheric, and ocean; and physical sciences and mathematics. 10. Data for racial/ethnic groups are for U.S. citizens and permanent residents only. 11. See Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering: 2009 (NSF/SRS 2009d) for more detail on enrollment of foreign students by sex. 12. Clinical psychology programs and programs that emphasize professional practice (professional schools and Psy.D. programs) are associated with higher debt, but even in the more research-focused subfields of psychology, lower percentages of doctorate recipients were debt free and higher percentages had high levels of debt than those in other S&E fields. For information on debt levels of clinical versus nonclinical psychology doctorates in 1993–96, see “Psychology Doctorate Recipients: How Much Financial Debt at Graduation?” (NSF 00-321) at sib00321.htm (accessed 12 June 2009). 13. Data for racial/ethnic groups are for U.S. citizens and permanent residents only. 14. The number of S&E doctoral degrees earned by students in Chinese universities continued to increase throughout this period, from 1,894 in 1993 to 22,953 in 2006. 15. For more information about the distribution of postdoc positions according to sex, see Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering: 2009 (NSF/SRS 2009d). 16. These data are based on national labor force surveys and are subject to sampling error; therefore, small differences between countries may not be meaningful. The standard error for the U.S. percentage of 25–64-year-olds with a bachelor’s or higher degree is roughly 0.1, and the standard error for the U.S. percentage of 25–34-year-olds with a bachelor’s or higher degree is roughly 0.4. 17. A first university degree refers to the completion of a terminal undergraduate degree program. These degrees are classified as level 5A in the International Standard Classification of Education, although individual countries use different names for the first terminal degree (e.g., laureata in Italy, diplome in Germany, maîtrise in France, bachelor’s degree in the United States and Asian countries). 18. In international comparisons, S&E fields do not include medical or health fields. Glossary Baccalaureate-origin institution: The college or university from which an S&E doctorate recipient earned a bachelor’s degree. Distance education: Formal education process in which the student and instructor are not in the same place. First university degree: A terminal undergraduate degree program; these degrees are classified as level 5A in the International Standard Classification of Education, although individual countries use different names for the first terminal degree (e.g., laureata in Italy, diplome in Germany, maîtrise in France, and bachelor’s degree in the United States and in Asian countries). Internationally mobile students: Those individuals who are not citizens of the country in which they study. Net price: The published price of an undergraduate college education minus the average grant aid and tax benefits that students receive. Online education: A type of distance education where the medium of instruction is computer technology via the Internet. Science and Engineering Indicators 2010 Stay rate: The proportion of students on temporary visas who have plans to stay in the United States immediately after degree conferral. Tertiary type A programs: Higher education programs that are largely theory based and designed to provide sufficient qualifications for entry to advanced research programs and to professions with high skill requirements, such as medicine, dentistry, or architecture, and have a minimum duration of 3 years, although they typically last 4 or more years. These correspond to bachelor’s or master’s degrees in the United States. Tertiary type B programs: Higher education programs that focus on practical, technical, or occupational skills for direct entry into the labor market and have a minimum duration of 2 years. These correspond to associate’s degrees in the United States. 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