Ambient Temperature Operation and Matching MAN B&W Two-stroke Engines Content Introduction ................................................................................................. 5 Standard ambient temperature matched engine............................................. 5 Operating at high seawater temperature with standard matched engine..... 6 Non-standard ambient temperature matched engine...................................... 7 Engine matching for non-standard air temperature conditions................... 7 Engine matching for high tropical seawater temperature conditions........... 8 Design recommendations for operation at extremely low air temperature....... 10 Main precautions for extreme low air temperature operation................... 10 Other low temperature precautions........................................................ 11 Ships with ice class notation.................................................................. 11 Increased steam production in wintertime............................................... 11 Closing remarks.......................................................................................... 12 Ambient Temperature Operation and Matching MAN B&W Two-stroke Engines Introduction All diesel engines that are used as Standard ambient temperature matched engine prime movers on ships are exposed Standard unrestricted service demands to the varying local climatic conditions For a standard main engine, the en- MAN Diesel has never measured levels that prevail throughout the world. gine layout is based on the ambient above 50% at 45ºC, and humidity le- reference conditions of the Interna- vels above standard tropical ambient tional Standard Organization (ISO): conditions will never occur. be extremely high. Likewise in arc- ISO 3046-1:2002(E) and When applying the central cooling wa- tic areas, the temperatures can be ISO 15550:2002(E): ter system which, today, is more com- very low. Under both extreme tem- ISO ambient reference conditions monly used than the seawater system, perature conditions some engine de- Barometric pressure: 1,000 mbar the corresponding central cooling wa- sign precautions might be necessary to enable the engine to operate in unre- Turbocharger air intake temperature: 25ºC 4ºC higher than the seawater tempera- stricted service. Charge air coolant temperature: 25ºC ture, i.e. equal to 36ºC. Relative air humidity: 30% In some areas, the ambient sea and for humans to survive. The corresponding wet bulb temperature is 36.8ºC. air temperatures can, occasionally, This paper will outline operation possi- ter/scavenge air coolant temperature is bilities with a standard matched engine The winter ambient reference conditions used as standard for MAN B&W in any extreme temperature environ- With this layout basis, the engine ment and describe the possibilities for must be able to operate in unrestrict- special matching of engines for more ed service, i.e. up to 100% Specified permanent operation under such con- Maximum Continuous Rating (SMCR), Winter ambient reference conditions ditions. within the typical ambient temperature Barometric pressure: range that the ship is exposed to, oper- Turbocharger air intake temperature: ating from tropical to low winter ambi- two-stroke engines are as follows: 1,000 mbar 10ºC ent conditions. Cooling water temperature: (minimum for lub. oil cooler) 10ºC According to the International Associa- Relative air humidity: 60% tion of Classification Societies (IACS) rule M28, the upper requirement, nor- Shipyards often specify a constant mally referred to as tropical ambient ref- (maximum) central cooling water tem- erence conditions, is as follows: perature of 36°C, not only for tropical ambient conditions, but also for winter ambient conditions. The purpose is to IACS M28 (1978): reduce the seawater pump flow rate Tropical ambient reference conditions when possible, and thereby to reduce Barometric pressure: 1,000 mbar the electric power consumption, and/or Air temperature: 45ºC to reduce the water condensation in the Seawater temperature 32ºC: air coolers. Relative air humidity: 60% However, when operating with 36°C The above tropical ambient relative hu- cooling water instead of for example midity of 60% at 45ºC is theoretically 10°C (to the scavenge air cooler), the the absolute limit at which it is possible specific fuel oil consumption (SFOC) will increase by approx. 2 g/kWh, see Ambient Temperature Operation and Matching – MAN B&W Two-stroke Engines 5 SFOC g/kWh Turbocharger air intake temperature: 10°C 36°C C.W 10°C C.W 2 g/kWh of the engine room components. The Nevertheless, the engine’s obtainable 55ºC is the temperature used when load level will in all cases be much approving engine room components. higher than required to ensure a safe This, however, must not be mistaken manoeuvrability (46 knots) of the ship for the above air intake temperature of even at an extreme seawater tempera- 45ºC specified when related to the ca- ture of for example 42°C. pacity or effect of the machinery. 40 50 60 70 80 100% SMCR 90 Engine shaft power Fig. 1: Influence on SFOC of the cooling water (scavenge air coolant) temperature When sailing in, for example, the harIn recent years, owners/shipyards have bour area during manoeuvring, the en- sometimes required unrestricted ser- gine load will normally be relatively low vice on special maximum ambient tem- (1530% SMCR), and the correspond- peratures higher than the tropical am- ing scavenge air temperature will then bient temperatures specified by IACS only be slightly higher than the scav- Fig. 1. Any obtained gain in reduced M28. In such cases, the main engine enge air coolant temperature. There- electric power consumption, therefore, has to be special high temperature fore, a seawater temperature as high will be more than lost in additional fuel matched, as described later in this pa- as for example 42°C in harbour areas costs of the main engine. per. is not considered a problem for the main engine, and a special temperature The above ISO, tropical and win- Furthermore, operation in arctic areas with matching is not needed under these ter ambient reference conditions are extremely low air temperatures has also operating conditions used by MAN Diesel for ships, and sometimes been required by owners/ MAN B&W two-stroke engines com- shipyards, and the measures to be taken In general, when sailing in areas with a ply with the above rules. MAN B&W are also described later in this paper. high seawater temperature, it is pos- engines matched according to the sible to operate the standard ambient above rules are able to operate con- Operating at high seawater tempera- temperature matched main engine at tinuously up to 100% SMCR in the ture with standard matched engine any load as long as the scavenge air air temperature range between about An increase of the seawater tempera- temperature alarm limit is not reached. -10 and 45ºC. ture and, thereby, the scavenge air If the alarm is activated, the engine load temperature has a negative impact on has to be reduced. Often the engine room temperature is mi- the heat load conditions in the combus- staken for being equal to the turbocharger tion chamber. Therefore, all MAN B&W air intake temperature. However, since the twostroke engines for marine applica- air ventilation duct outlets for a normal tions have an alarm set point of 55°C air intake system are placed near the for the scavenge air temperature for pro- turbochargers, the air inlet temperature tection of the engine, as described later. to the turbochargers will be very close to the ambient outside air temperature. For a standard ambient temperature Under normal air temperature condi- matched engine operating at an in- tions, the air inlet temperature to the creased seawater temperature existing turbocharger is only 13°C higher than in some inland, gulf, bay and harbour the ambient outside air temperature. areas, the maximum power output of the engine should be reduced to an The classification society rules often engine load resulting in a scavenge specify an engine room air temperature air temperature below the level of the of 0-55ºC as the basis for the design scavenge air temperature alarm. 6 Ambient Temperature Operation and Matching – MAN B&W Two-stroke Engines Non-standard ambient temperature matched engine Engine matching for non-standard An increase of, for example, 5ºC of the air temperature conditions tropical air temperature from standard If unrestricted loads are desired in a Usually, higher or lower turbocharger 45ºC to special 50ºC will result in a too temperature range different from the air intake temperatures may result in low scavenge air pressure at 50ºC. standard, different matching possibili- lower or higher scavenge air pressures, ties are available. respectively, and vice versa. Turbocharger air intake temperature 65 60 Standard ISO temperature matched engine 55 50 45 Special Low temperature matched engine 40 35 Max. Special tropical temperature 30 25 20 15 Special design temperature Standard design Temperature ISO 25 °C ISO based design layout 0 -5 Min. -10 °C -15 -25 -30 -35 Min. Lowest ambient air temperature Max. Special tropical temperature Special design temperature ISO design layout For engine loads higher than 30% SMCR a low scavenge air coolant temperature is recommended (Giving low SFOC and low scav. air press.) 5 -10 Normal tropical temperature Max. 45 °C 10 -20 Special High temperature matched engine Normal min. ambient air temperature Possible low ambient air temperature exhaust gas bypass for operation under extremely low ambient temperature conditions Min. ISO based design layout Lowest ambient air temperature Low ambient air temperature exhaust gas bypass will be needed below min. temperature -40 -45 -50 Up to 100% SMCR running is not allowed Up to 100% SMCR running is allowed Up to 100% SMCR running only allowed when low ambient temperature exhaust gas bypass (C1+2) is installed Fig. 2: Principles for standard and special high (or low) ambient air temperature matched engines Ambient Temperature Operation and Matching – MAN B&W Two-stroke Engines 7 However, the pressure reduction can At the other end of the air temperature This involves that the exhaust gas tem- be compensated for by specifying a range, the increase of 5ºC of the de- perature will increase by about 16ºC correspondingly higher (turbocharger) sign air intake temperature will involve compared with a standard ISO tem- scavenge air pressure at ISO ambient a too high scavenge air pressure when perature matched engine, whereas the reference conditions. This involves that operating at -10ºC. Operation below SFOC will increase. the engine, instead of being matched -10 + 5 = -5ºC will then only be pos- for the ISO-based design air tempera- sible when installing a variable exhaust Engine matching for high tropical ture of 25ºC, has to be matched for the gas bypass valve system for low air seawater temperature conditions 25 + 5 = 30ºC turbocharger air intake temperatures, as described later. For long time operation in an area with high tropical seawater temperatures, temperature. Fig. 2 may in a similar way also be used the following should be observed. The original ISO-based heat load con- to explain a special low temperature ditions will then almost be obtained for matched engine. For example, if the An increase in the seawater tempera- this higher design air temperature. The standard tropical air temperature need- ture and, thereby, of the scavenge air principles for standard and special high ed is reduced by 10ºC, from 45ºC to coolant temperature will involve a simi- ambient air temperature matched en- 35ºC, the engine matching design air lar increase in the scavenge air tem- temperature can be reduced to 25 -10 perature, which has a negative impact = 15ºC. on the combustion chamber tempera- gines are shown in Fig. 2. tures. Therefore, for all marine applica- Temperature °C Standard 55 °C 56 Standard ISO temperature matched engine Special high temperature matched engine Standard air cooler design Special air cooler design Scavenge air temperature limit Scavenge air temperature limit Max. 55 °C 54 52 50 Standard 48 °C 48 46 Maximum scavenge air temperature at 100% SMCR Maximum scavenge air temperature at 100% SMCR Max. 48 °C High tropical scavenge air coolant temperature Max. 40 °C High tropical seawater temperature Max. 36 °C 44 42 40 38 Standard 36 °C 36 34 Standard 32 °C 32 30 Standard tropical scavenge air coolant temperature Up to 100% SMCR running is allowed (scavenge air) Standard tropical seawater temperature High scavenge air coolant temperature 28 Standard basis 25 °C 26 24 ISO based scavenge air coolant temperature Up to 100% SMCR running is not allowed (scavenge air) ISO design layout ISO based design layout Max. 29 °C Up to 100% SMCR running is allowed (scavenge air coolant/central cooling water) Up to 100% SMCR running is allowed (seawater) 22 Fig. 3: Principles for layout of scavenge air cooler for standard and special high scavenge air coolant temperature (illustrated for a central cooling water system) 8 Ambient Temperature Operation and Matching – MAN B&W Two-stroke Engines tions, an alarm set point of 55ºC for the scavenge air temperature is applied for protection of the engine. The standard marine scavenge air cooler is specified with a maximum 12ºC temperature difference between the cooling water inlet and the scavenge air outlet at 100% SMCR, which gives a maximum scavenge air temperature of 36 + 12 = 48ºC for the scavenge air cooler layout and, accordingly, a margin of 7ºC to the scavenge air temperature alarm limit of 55ºC. A temperature difference of 8ºC is considered to be the lowest possible temperature difference to be used for a realistic specification of a scavenge air cooler. Accordingly, the 48 - 8 = 40ºC is the maximum acceptable scavenge air coolant temperature for a central cooling water system, see the principles for layout of the scavenge air cooler in Fig. 3. The demand for an increased tropical scavenge air coolant (central cooling water) temperature of up to 40ºC, therefore, can be compensated for by a reduced design temperature difference of the scavenge air cooler. This can be obtained by means of an increased water flow and/or a bigger scavenge air cooler. Ambient Temperature Operation and Matching – MAN B&W Two-stroke Engines 9 Design recommendations for operation at extremely low air temperature Furthermore, the scavenge air cool- compressor, thus reducing the air sup- ant (cooling water) temperature ply and scavenge air pressure to the When a standard ambient temperature should be kept as low as possible engine. matched main engine on a ship occa- and/or the engine power in service sionally operates under arctic condi- should be reduced. For the electronically controlled ME tions with low turbocharger air intake engine (ME/ME-C/ME-B), the load-de- temperatures, the density of the air will However, for an inlet air temperature pendent bypass control can be incor- be too high. As a result, the scavenge below approx. -10ºC, some engine de- porated in the Engine Control System air pressure, the compression pressure sign precautions have to be taken. (ECS) as an add-on. Main precautions for extreme low Engine load, fuel index and scavenge air temperature operation air pressure signals are already availa- In order to prevent such excessive pres- With a load-dependent exhaust gas by- ble for the ME software and, therefore, sures under low ambient air tempera- pass system (standard MAN Diesel rec- additional measuring devices are not ture conditions, the turbocharger air in- ommendation for extreme low air tem- needed for ME engines. let temperature should be kept as high perature operation), as shown in Fig. 4, and the maximum firing pressure will be too high. as possible (by heating, if possible). part of the exhaust gas bypasses the tur- In general, a turbocharger with a nor- bocharger turbine, giving less energy to mal layout can be used in connection Air intake casing Exhaust gas bypass Exhaust gas system Exhaust gas receiver B Turbine 1 C1+2 Turbocharger D1 2 Scavenge air receiver D2 Diesel engine B Scavenge air cooler Compressor Exhaust gas bypass valve Controlled by the scavenge air pressure D D1 D2 Required electric measuring device Scavenge air pressure Engine speed and engine load C1+2 Control device Ensures that the load dependent scavenge air pressure does not exceed the corresponding ISO-based pressure Fig. 4: Standard load-dependent low ambient air temperature exhaust gas bypass system 10 Ambient Temperature Operation and Matching – MAN B&W Two-stroke Engines the with an exhaust gas bypass. However, in a few cases a turbocharger modifica- The following additional modifications Ships with ice class notation tion may be needed. of the standard design practice should For ships with the FinnishSwedish ice be considered as well: class notation 1C, 1B, 1A and even The exhaust gas bypass system ensures that when the engine is running at part 1A super or similar, all MAN B&W load at low ambient air temperatures, the load-dependent scavenge air pressure is close to the corresponding pres- sure on the scavenge air pressure curve which is valid for ISO ambient condi- tions. When the scavenge air pressure exceeds the read-in ISO-based sca- venge air pressure curve, the bypass valve will variably open and, irrespec- Larger electric heaters for the cylin- twostroke diesel engines meet the der lubricators or other cylinder oil ice class demands, i.e. there will be no ancillary equipment changes to the main engines. Cylinder oil pipes to be further heat traced/insulated However, if the ship is with ice class Upgraded steam tracing of fuel oil notation 1A super and the main engine pipes has to be reversed for going astern Increased preheater capacity for (Fixed Pitch Propeller), the starting air jacket water during standstill compressors must be able to charge Different grades of lubricating oil for the starting air receivers within half an turbochargers hour, instead of one hour, i.e. the com- that the engine is not overloaded. At the Space heaters for electric motors pressors must be the double in size same time, it will keep the exhaust gas Sea chests must be arranged so that compared to normal. tive of the ambient conditions, will ensure temperature relatively high. blocking with ice is avoided. For other special ice class notations, The latest generations of turbochargers the engines need to be checked indi- with variable flow, e.g. the VTA (Variable vidually. Turbine Area) system from MAN Diesel, can replace the variable bypass and The exhaust gas bypass system to be ensure, the same scavenge air pressu- applied is independent of the ice class- re control. es, and only depends on how low the specified ambient air temperature is Other low temperature precautions expected to be. However, if the ship is Low ambient air temperature and low specified with a high ice class like 1A seawater temperature conditions come super, it is advisable to make prepara- together. The cooling water inlet tem- tions for, or install, an exhaust gas by- perature to the lube oil cooler should pass system. not be lower than 10°C, as otherwise the viscosity of the oil in the cooler will Increased steam production in win- be too high, and the heat transfer in- tertime adequate. This means that some of the During normal operation at low am- cooling water should be recirculated to bient temperatures, the exhaust gas keep up the temperature. temperature after the turbochargers will decrease by about 1.6ºC for each 1.0ºC Furthermore, to keep the lube oil vis- reduction of the intake air temperature. cosity low enough to ensure proper The load-dependent exhaust gas by- suction conditions in the lube oil pump, pass system will ensure that the exhaust it may be advisable to install heating gas temperature after the turbochargers coils near the suction pipe in the lube will fall by only about 0.3ºC per 1.0ºC oil bottom tank. drop in the intake air temperature, thus enabling the exhaust gas boiler to pro- Ambient Temperature Operation and Matching – MAN B&W Two-stroke Engines 11 duce more steam under cold ambient Closing remarks The use of the standard loaddependent temperature conditions. Diesel engines installed on oceangoing low ambient air temperature exhaust ships are exposed to different clima- gas bypass system may – as an additi- Irrespective of whether a bypass sys- tic temperature conditions because of onal benefit – also improve the exhaust tem is installed or not, the exhaust gas the ship’s trading pattern. Because the gas heat utilisation when running at low boiler steam production at ISO ambient temperature variations on the sea sur- ambient air temperatures. conditions (25ºC air and 25ºC C.W.) or face are relatively limited, the engines higher ambient temperature conditions, will normally be able to operate world- Furthermore, at the other end of the will be the same, whereas in wintertime wide in unrestricted service without any temperature scale, if the ship should the steam production may be relatively precautions being taken. need to sail in unrestricted service in increased, as the scavenge air pressure is controlled by the bypass valve. areas with very high ambient air tempeEven if the ship has to sail in very cold ratures, higher than 45°C, this will also areas, the MAN B&W two-stroke en- be possible provided a high tempera- As an example, Fig. 5 shows the influ- gines can, as this paper illustrates, also ture matching of the engine is applied. ence of the load-dependent exhaust gas operate under such conditions without Even when sailing should be needed at bypass system on the steam production any problems as long as some low very high seawater temperatures, this when the engine is operated in winter- temperature precautions are taken. will be possible provided a specially de- time, with an ambient air temperature of signed scavenge air cooler is installed 0ºC and a scavenge air cooling water on the diesel engine. temperature of 10ºC. Steam production The calculations have been made for a 6S60MC-C7/ME-C7 engine equipped kg/h 6S60MC-C7/ME-C7 SMCR = 13,560 kW at 105 r/min 2,500 with a high-efficiency turbocharger, i.e. Air intake temperature: 0 °C Cooling water temperature: 10°C having an exhaust gas temperature of 245ºC at SMCR and ISO ambient con- Total steam production, with exhaust gas bypass 2,000 ditions. Surplus steam Total steam production, without bypass Fig. 5 shows that in wintertime, it is questionable whether an engine with- 1,500 Steam consumption out a bypass will meet the ship's steam demand for heating purposes (indicated for bulk carrier or tanker), whereas with a load-dependent exhaust gas by- Extra steam needed 1,000 pass system, the engine can meet the steam demand. 500 0 40 50 60 70 80 90 100% SMCR Engine shaft power Fig. 5: Expected steam production by exhaust gas boiler at winter ambient conditions (0 °C air) for main engine 6S60MC-C7/ME-C7 with/without a load-dependent low air temperature exhaust gas bypass system 12 Ambient Temperature Operation and Matching – MAN B&W Two-stroke Engines Ambient Temperature Operation and Matching – MAN B&W Two-stroke Engines 13 All data provided in this document is non-binding. This data serves informational purposes only and is especially not guaranteed in any way. Depending on the subsequent specific individual projects, the relevant data may be subject to changes and will be assessed and determined individually for each project. This will depend on the particular characteristics of each individual project, especially specific site and operational conditions. Copyright © MAN Diesel & Turbo. 5510-0069-02ppr Aug 2014 Printed in Denmark MAN Diesel & Turbo Teglholmsgade 41 2450 Copenhagen SV, Denmark Phone +45 33 85 11 00 Fax +45 33 85 10 30 MAN Diesel & Turbo – a member of the MAN Group