Recent ATLAS Higgs Results and KoRIA 2nd AKPA Physics Symposium January 20, 2012 Dr. Jaehoon Yu Outline • • • • • What is High Energy Physics? Where are we at present with Higgs? What have we seen in Higgs at the LHC? What can we do with KoRIA? Conclusions High Energy Physics • Definition: A field of physics that pursues understanding the fundamental constituents of matter and basic principles of interactions between them. • Known interactions (forces): – Gravitational – Electro-Weak – Strong • Current theory: The Standard Model of Particle Physics – – – – Unified Weak and Electromagnetic: SU(2)xU(1) Strong Interaction: SU(3) Currently:SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1) Meaning: 8+4 mediators for forces Jan. 20, 2012 ATLAS Higgs, HEP and KoRIA Dr. Jaehoon Yu 2 The Standard Model of Particle Physics • Prescribes the following fundamental structure: Discovered in 1995, ~175mp ~0.1mp Directly observed in 2000 Family • Three families of leptons and quarks together with 12 force mediators Simple and elegant!!! • Jan.Tested to a precision ofHEP1andpart million! 20, 2012 ATLAS Higgs, KoRIA per Dr. 3 Jaehoon Yu Good, but still lots we don’t know… • Why are there three families of quarks and leptons? • Why is the mass range so large (0.1mp – 175 mp)? • How do matters acquire mass? – Higgs mechanism but where is the Higgs, the God particle? • Why is the matter in the universe made only of particles? – What happened to anti-particles? Or anti-matters? • Why are there only three apparent forces? • Is the picture we present the real thing? – What makes up the 96% of the universe? – How about extra-dimensions? • How is the universe created? • Are there any other theories that describe the universe better? – Does the super-symmetry exist? Jan. 20, 2012 ATLAS Higgs, HEP and KoRIA Dr. Jaehoon Yu 4 • Fermilab Tevatron and LHC at CERN • World’s Highest Energy p-p collider World’s Highest Energy proton-anti-proton collider – 27km circumference, 100m underground – Design Ecm=14 TeV (=44x10-7J/p 362M Joules on the area smaller than 10-4m2) Equivalent to the kinetic energy of a B727 (80tons) at the speed 193mi/hr 312km/hr – 4km circumference – Ecm=1.96 TeV (=6.3x10-7J/p 13M Joules on the area smaller than 10-4m2) – Equivalent to the kinetic energy of a 20t truck at the speed 81mi/hr 130km/hr • ~100,000 times the energy density at the ground 0 of the Hiroshima atom bomb – Was shut down at 2pm CDT, Sept. 30, 2011 • Other parts of the complex is still running!! Chicago CDF p Tevatron Jan. 20, 2012 • ~3M times the energy density at the ground 0 of the Hiroshima atom bomb First 7TeV collisions on 3/30/10 The highest energy humans ever achieved!! • First collisions in 2012 in mid March, 2012 DØ p ATLAS Higgs, HEP and KoRIA Dr. Jaehoon Yu 5 ATLAS Detector • • • • • Weighs 7000 tons and 10 story tall Can inspect 1,000,000,000 collisions/second Records 200 – 400 collisions/second Records approximately 350,000,000 bytes/second Record 2x1015 (2,000,000,000,000,000) bytes each year (2 PetaByte). 200*Printed material of the US Lib. of Congress Jan. 20, 2012 ATLAS Higgs, HEP and KoRIA Dr. Jaehoon Yu 6 ATLAS Integrated Luminosity in 2011 LHC delivered 2010 - 2011: 5615 pb-1 ATLAS recorded 2010 - 2011: 5252pb-1 ATLAS data taking ε: 94% About 160 times the data taken in 2010!! 1700pb-1 in one month!! 2012 expects close to 10,000pb-1 Jan. 20, 2012 ATLAS Higgs, HEP and KoRIA Dr. Jaehoon Yu 7 Step one: Understanding the ATLAS Detector Cables C-fiber shell Cooling pipe Pixel module Data Simulation Allows detailed understanding of the detector material via location of interactions. Jan. 20, 2012 ATLAS Higgs, HEP and KoRIA Dr. Jaehoon Yu 8 Step two: Verify SM Weak Bosons • Important first steps are the verification of the Standard Model physics at √s = 7 TeV • W/Z weak vector boson are powerful tools to constrain PDF’s and to understand detector Jan. 20, 2012 ATLAS Higgs, HEP and KoRIA Dr. Jaehoon Yu 9 9 Of course, we see Z ee and μμ!! Z μμ candidate Z ee candidate Total efficiency : ~ 30% Main background: QCD S/B ~ 100 Jan. 20, 2012 ATLAS Higgs, HEP and KoRIA Dr. Jaehoon Yu Total efficiency: ~ 40% Main background: tt, Z ττ S/B ~ 400 10 Step 3: Understanding SM background to Higgs!! W+Njet x-sec W x-sec vs CMS Energy Validation of theoretical predictions!! Jan. 20, 2012 ATLAS Higgs, HEP and KoRIA Dr. Jaehoon Yu 11 130GeV Higgs x-sec and Branching Ratio Jan. 20, 2012 ATLAS Higgs, HEP and KoRIA Dr. Jaehoon Yu 12 ATLAS Higgs Search Strategy • Use gg H production – MH<130GeV • H bb dominant decay – High QCD background • H cleanest but low BR • H t t with leptonic decays of t Small branching ratio – 130GeV<MH<2MZ: H WW * , H ZZ * – MH>2MZ: H WW , H ZZ , H tt • Use multi-lepton final state from decays of bosons • tt final state dominated by QCD production of top. • Use WH or ZH production at low mass (MH<120GeV) – Use leptonic decay of bosons with two b-jets. Jan. 20, 2012 ATLAS Higgs, HEP and KoRIA Dr. Jaehoon Yu 13 What do we know on Higgs before LHC? LEPJan. EWWG: 20, 2012 ATLAS Higgs, HEP and KoRIA Jaehoon Yu Dr. 14 114<MH<300+700-186 GeV Golden Channels in Higgs Searches • Higgs boson is a ramification of the mass generation mechanism Highest priority in HEP and the last standing mystery • Higgs decays in to various final states – H ZZ* 4e, 2e2 and 2e2 – Very clean signal w/ modest background – Narrow mass peak e+ (μ+) – High PT electron identification key e- (μ-) e+ e- Jan. 20, 2012 ATLAS Higgs, HEP and KoRIA Dr. Jaehoon Yu 15 After all selections: kinematic cuts, γ identification and isolation 22489 events with 100 < mγγ < 160 GeV observed in the data expected signal efficiency: ~ 35% for mH=125 GeV mγγ spectrum fit with exponential function for background plus Crystal Ball + Gaussian for sign background determined directly from data Systematic uncertainties on signal expectation Main systematic uncertainties Expected signal yield : ~ 20% H γγ mass resolution : ~ 14% H γγ p modeling : ~ 8% 16 T20, 2012 Jan. ATLAS Higgs, HEP and KoRIA Dr. Background modeling : ±0.1-5.6 events Jaehoon Yu Excluded (95% CL): 114 ≤ mH ≤ 115 GeV, 135 ≤ mH≤ 136 GeV Consistency of the data with the background-only expectation Maximum deviation from background-only expectation observed for mH~126 GeV: local p0-value: 0.27% or 2.8σ expected from SM Higgs: ~ 1.4σ local global p0-value: includes probability for such an excess to appear anywhere in the investigated mass range 110-150 GeV (“Look-Elsewhere-Effect”): ~7% (1.5σ) Expected from SM Higgs at given mH Where are we with Higgs searches? LEP ATLAS+CMS Combination Higgs could be discovered this year!! ATLAS today Jan. 20, 2012 ATLAS Higgs, HEP and KoRIA Dr. Jaehoon Yu 18 ATLAS Higgs in 2012?? We could find the Higgs particle at the LHC this year!! Once found, the precision measurement of the Higgs becomes very important!! Jan. 20, 2012 ATLAS Higgs, HEP and KoRIA Dr. Jaehoon Yu 19 A Future Linear Collider • An electron-positron collider on a straight line for precision measurements • CMS Energy: 0.5 – 1 TeV • 10~15 years from now (Japanese PM announced that they would bid for a LC in Japan) • Takes 10 years to build the accelerator and the detector L~31km Circumference ~6.6km ~300 soccer fields Jan. 20, 2012 ATLAS Higgs, HEP and KoRIA Dr. Jaehoon Yu 20 Gas Electron Multipliers (GEM) GEM foil etching 140μm 70μm GEM field and multiplication Gains Jan. CERN-open-2000-344, 20, 2012 Higgs, HEP and KoRIA Dr. From A.ATLAS Sharma Jaehoon Yu 21 100cmx100cm GEM Planes!! CERN GDD Workshop delivered the first 5 of 33cmx100cm GEM foils in 2010 Qualification completed!! Each of the GEM 100cmx100cm planes will consist of three 33cmx100cm unit chambers Sept. 29, 2011 GEM DHCAL, J. Yu 22 GEM Application Potential FAST X-RAY IMAGING Using the lower GEM signal, the readout can be self-triggered with energy discrimination: 9 keV absorption radiography of a small mammal (image size ~ 60 x 30 mm2) A. Bressan et al, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 425(1999)254 F. Sauli, Nucl. Instr. and Meth.A 461(2001)47 Jan. 20, 2012 ATLAS Higgs, HEP and KoRIA Dr. Jaehoon Yu 23 Radioactive Source Run with Internal Trigger Noisy channels masked out! Can you see what the object is? Jan. 20, 2012 ATLAS Higgs, HEP and KoRIA Dr. Jaehoon Yu 24 And in not too distant future, we could do … 25 KoRIA, A World-class Accelerator Facility • Future high priority high energy physics topics will require even higher energy and higher flux – Searching and precisely measuring the properties of SUSY particles, dark matter, dark Energy and extra dimensions – Massive detailed studies of quark-gluon plasma! – Creating and accumulating anti-matters in mass!! • KoRIA is a great starting point for establishing a versatile world-class accelerator facility in Korea • Attract large number of scientists and promote advancement of accelerator related technologies • Advance significantly the understanding the origin of the universe and help the whole human race in the long run Jan. 20, 2012 ATLAS Higgs, HEP and KoRIA Dr. 26 So how can KORIA get there? • The current KoRIA must be solidly established and carry out its mission successfully • A clear vision for the long-term future of KoRIA must be established from the get-go • Phased plan must be established to shape the future of KoRIA even as the current KoRIA is being constructed • Build up manpower through the strong collaboration with existing labs, such as Fermilab and CERN – Train domestically to increase technical manpower • A stage for a historic future is set! • Need to get organized now to make it happen in 30yrs! Jan. 20, 2012 ATLAS Higgs, HEP and KoRIA Dr. 27 Conclusions • The LHC opened up a whole new kinematic regime – – The LHC performed extremely well this year • 1fb-1 expected but obtained over 5fb-1 • Latest results on Higgs show some hints of its existence We expect over 10fb-1 additional data expected 2012 • – We could find the Higgs particle this year or disprove its existence In 2013 – 2014, an 18 month work on the accelerator toward the designed 14TeV • Linear collider and advanced detectors are being developed for future precision measurements of Higgs and other newly discovered particles • Outcome and the bi-product of HEP research impacts our daily lives – WWW came from HEP – GEM will make a large screen low dosage X-ray imaging possible • KoRIA is a fruit of aspiration for excellence in basic sciences – Need to plan now to shape KoRIA to its long term future and to realize the dream • Strong US-Korea collaboration will help this happen Jan. 20, 2012 ATLAS Higgs, HEP and KoRIA Dr. Jaehoon Yu 28 KoRIA in 30 years? 15 kilometers Booster complex Jan. 20, 2012 ATLAS Higgs, HEP and KoRIA Dr. 29