Course Syllabus - - Virginia Commonwealth University

EGRE 427
Spring 2001
Advanced Digital Design
4 (3 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory)
EGRE 426 Computer Organization and Design
Dr. Robert Klenke, Course Director
Phone: 827-7007 Email:
Office Hours: T,R 1:00 – 2:00
Course Web Page:
Course Text:
Michael John Sebastian Smith : Application-Specific Integrated Circuits;
Addison-Wesley, 1997.
Course Description:
This is an elective course in the computer engineering sequence that provides students
with practical foundations for the design, implementation, and testing of digital
systems. It expands on the digital and computer system theory presented in prerequisite
Topics covered include, microcontrollers and embedded processors, application specific
IC (ASIC) architectures and implementing digital systems with ASICs, logic synthesis,
design methodologies, hardware/software codesign, production testing and design for
testability, and construction, testing, and debugging of digital system prototypes. In the
laboratory, the students will design, construct, test and debug a multidisciplinary,
computer-based, hardware/software system for their senior design project. In order to
master the material being covered during the semester, drill problems will be assigned
in addition to the presented lecture material. The drill problems should be completed
concurrently with the lecture material. The problems will be graded, and solutions will
be made available.
Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Understand the typical features of an embedded microcontroller and how they are
applied in controling real-time systems.
Write synthesizable behavioral VHDL descriptions of combinational and
sequential logic and map them to a gate-level implementation using automatic
synthesis tools
Understand the types of Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) devices
available, including PLDs and FPGAs, what their internal architecture is, and how
that influences their use in implementing digital systems
Understand the goals of production testing of digital devices and some of the tools
and techniques used to perform it.
Understand what hardware/software partitioning and codesign is and some of the
tools and techniques used to perform it.
Design, construct, test and debug a computer-based hardware/software system.
The course laboratory exercises involve becoming familiar with the use of Mentor
Graphics and Actel commercial EDA tools used for designing and implementing a
digital system in an FPGA, the use of the Microchip tools for developing software for a
PIC microcontroller, and other tools such as the Tektronix TLA 714 logic analyzer used
to actually build and test a digital system. Much of the laboratory time will be devoted
to working on the student’s capstone design project in the computer engineering area.
A course syllabus detailing the course plan, topical contents, and assignments is
Laboratory Exercises
As stated above, the lab exercises are designed to help you learn the tools that will be
used to design and implement you senior design project. Attendance at the laboratory
periods is mandatory and a class/lab participation grade will be give that will be
partially based on attendance. Successful completion of all lab exercises is
required to pass this course.
Each formal lab exercise will be documented by the student with a lab write-up. The lab
write-up should include the following items: 1) a brief description of lab objective and
process, 2) a printout of all schematics and plots of the lab results, 3) a brief analysis of
the results of the lab, 4) a description of any problems encountered, recommendations
for changes, or improvements to the lab exercise. All lab exercises must be typeset and
submitted in hardcopy.
Course Grading Policy
Final course grades will be determined as follows:
Class Participation
Design Project
Final exam
There is a 10%/day “penalty” on the grade for late assignments. Class participation
grade will be determined from lecture and lab attendance and the student’s participation
in the in-class discussions.
Engineering Portfolios
As part of the ABET accreditation process, each student is required to maintain a
portfolio of major assignments in each of their classes. For this course, the portfolio
must contain, at a minimum, one of the lab write-ups and the final design project writeup.
University Policy on Cheating and Plagiarism
It is imperative that all graded assignments that you turn in during the course reflect
your own understanding of the material. Copying answers from another person impedes
the learning process and compromises your integrity. Students are encouraged to
discuss homework problems and laboratory assignments with others, but submitted
solutions must involve only an individual’s effort. Any student who copies from
another student’s homework, quiz, exam, report, etc., or any student who knowingly
allows another student to copy his or her work, or any student who submits someone
else’s work as his or her own, will be deemed guilty of cheating. Cheating is an
extremely serious offense. Each student is expected to have read and understood the
VCU Honor System Policy, as set forth in the 1998-99 VCU Resource Guide published
by the Division of Student Affairs.
For this course, the following standards for each assignment will be used:
1. Quizzes and the Final Exam will be in-class and completely pledged as your
own work.
2. Homework must be completely pledged as your own work. Any assistance on
the homework must be obtained from the instructor only.
3. Laboratory write-ups must be your own work and all references must be
correctly cited. All schematics and simulations must be your own work and
stored in your directory. However, if you require help in using the tools,
interpreting the function of the components, or debugging your design, you
may obtain help from fellow students.
4. The final design project must be ONLY the work of you and your project
partners. No help from any other group may be obtained.
Americans with Disabilities Act
"Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act
of 1990 require Virginia Commonwealth University to provide academic adjustments or
accommodations for students with documented disabilities. Students seeking academic
adjustments or accommodations must self-identify with the Coordinator of Services for
Students with Disabilities on the appropriate campus. After meeting with the
Coordinator, students are encouraged to meet with their instructors to discuss their
needs, and, if applicable, any lab safety concerns related to their disabilities."
EGRE 427
Spring 2000
Advanced Digital Design
Course Syllabus – subject to change if necessary.
Note that the withdrawal date is March 9th according to the Academic Calendar published in the 20002001 VCU Bulletin.
Tuesday, Jan. 16th
Class overview
Microchip PIC17C4X
Data Sheet
Thursday, Jan. 18th
Lab 1
Tuesday, Jan. 23rd
Thursday, Jan. 25th
Lab 2
Tuesday, Jan. 30th
VHDL Synthesis
Thursday, Feb. 1st
VHDL Synthesis
Chapter 12 except
section 12.5
Lab 3
Tuesday, Feb. 6th
VHDL Synthesis
Thursday, Feb. 8th
VHDL Synthesis
Lab 4
Tuesday, Feb. 13th
Introduction to ASICS
Chapter 1
Thursday, Feb. 15th
Complex ASIC Design
Lecture Slides
Lab 5
Tuesday, Feb. 20th
CMOS Logic
Thursday, Feb. 22nd
CMOS Logic
Chapter 2
Lab 6
Tuesday, Feb 27th
Quiz #1
Thursday, March 1st
ASIC Library Design
Chapter 3
Tuesday, March 6th
Programmable ASICs
Chapter 4
Thursday, March 8th
Programmable ASIC
Logic Cells
Chapter 5
Lab 7
Lab 8
Tuesday, March 20th
Critical Design Reviews
MUST be scheduled
this week
Programmable ASIC
Logic Cells
Programmable ASIC
I/O Cells
Design Project
Work Groups
Programmable ASIC
I/O Cells
Programmable ASIC
Design Project
Work Groups
Programmable ASIC
Lecture Slides
Tuesday, April 10th
Design Project
Work Groups
Verilog HDL
Chapter 11
Thursday, April 12th
Verilog HDL
Lab 12
Design Project
Work Groups
Thursday, March 22nd
Lab 9
Tuesday, March 27st
Thursday, March 29th
Lab 10
Tuesday, April 3rd
Thursday, April 5th
Lab 11
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Project Specification
Tuesday, April 17th
Thursday, April 19th
Lab 13
Tuesday, April 24th
Design Project
Work Groups
Thursday, April 26th
HW/SW Codesign
Lab 14
Design Project
Work Groups
Design Project
Comp Time
Design Project
Work Groups
Tuesday, May 1st
Lab 15
Chapter 14
Lecture slides
Design Project
Reports Due