Temporal receptive fields, spikes, and Hebbian delay selection

Neural Networks 14 (2001) 805±813
2001 Special issue
Temporal receptive ®elds, spikes, and Hebbian delay selection
Christian Leibold, J. Leo van Hemmen*
Physik Department, Technische UniversitaÈt MuÈnchen, D-85747 Garching bei MuÈnchen, Germany
Accepted 9 April 2001
The intriguing concept of a receptive ®eld evolving through Hebbian learning, mostly during ontogeny, has been discussed extensively in
the context of the visual cortex receiving spatial input from the retina. Here, we analyze an extension of this idea to the temporal domain. In
doing so, we indicate how a particular spike-based learning rule can be described by means of a mean-®eld learning equation and present a
solution for a couple of illustrative examples. We argue that the success of the learning procedure strongly depends on an interplay of, in
particular, the temporal parameters of neuron (model) and learning window, and show under what conditions the noisy synaptic dynamics
can be regarded as a diffusion process. q 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Spike-based learning; Hebbian learning; Delay selection; Temporal receptive ®eld
1. Introduction
A receptive ®eld is de®ned classically as the set of stimuli
that alters a nerve cell's response (Hartline, 1940). The
receptive-®eld description of neuronal responses to an
external stimulus has since been a very successful approach
to understanding the brain's function from a neurophysiologist's point of view (e.g.Aertsen & Johannesma, 1980;
DeAngelis, Ohzawa & Freeman, 1995; Eckhorn, Krause
& Nelson, 1993; Kowalski, Depireux & Shamma, 1996;
Theunissen, Sen & Doupe, 1999). From a modeler's
perspective, however, the notion of a receptive ®eld
includes a severe problem. Almost none of the neurons in
the brain are directly exposed to an external stimulus.
Instead, they are part of a high-dimensional and strongly
interacting dynamical system. A neuron's receptive ®eld
is, consequently, no inherent property to the cell under
consideration. It is a projection of the network's topology
and dynamical state upon a speci®c cell's activity. A model
of the local topology surrounding a single cell is, therefore,
unable to explain its classical receptive ®eld. Since almost
every neuronal model is a local one, the notion of a receptive ®eld has undergone a reinterpretation (MacKay &
Miller, 1990; Roberts, 1999; Wimbauer, Wenisch, Miller
& van Hemmen, 1997). A modeler's receptive ®eld is the
set of spike trains, or the set of neurons behind them, that
serves as input to a subsystem of the brain. Different classes
of spike trains are then related to different stimuli, which
* Corresponding author.
leads to an effective model of the sensory periphery. This is
what we mean by `receptive ®eld' in this paper.
One popular approach towards an explanation of how a
local receptive ®eld emerges is the analysis of Hebbian-type
learning rules in a feed-forward synaptic topology as
proposed by Linsker (1986) for the visual pathway. A
synaptic weight Jmn between input cell n and output cell m
is assumed to change according to the dynamic equation
J ˆ w5 1 w4 vm 1 w3 vn 1 w2 Cmn ;
dt mn
where vm/n is interpreted as the respective cell's spike rate,
Cmn is a measure of the correlation between the activities of
cell m and n, and the wi are constants. Eq. (1) is called
Hebbian-type since the w2 term on the right combines preand postsynaptic activity.
In spite of the considerable success of rate-based learning
equations in explaining orientation selectivity (Erwin &
Miller, 1998; Linsker, 1986; MacKay & Miller, 1990),
ocular dominance (Miller, Keller & Stryker, 1989), and
even directional selectivity (Wimbauer et al., 1997), these
learning rules fail whenever a temporal aspect of a receptive
®eld has to be learned at a neuronal timescale as in e.g. the
auditory system (Carr, 1993). This failure has been remedied by spike-timing dependent learning equations (Bartsch
& van Hemmen, 2001; Eurich, Pawelzik, Ernst, Cowan &
Milton, 1999; Gerstner, Kempter, van Hemmen & Wagner,
1996; Kempter, Leibold, Wagner & van Hemmen, 2001;
Kempter, Gerstner & van Hemmen, 1999; Kistler & van
Hemmen, 2000; Roberts, 1999; Ruf & Schmitt, 1997;
0893-6080/01/$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0893-608 0(01)00081-8
C. Leibold, J.L. van Hemmen / Neural Networks 14 (2001) 805±813
Senn, Markram & Tsodyks, 2001; Song, Miller & Abbott,
2000; van Hemmen, 2000).
In analogy to Eq. (1), the change of synaptic weights
under the in¯uence of spikes can be derived as a function
of pre- and postsynaptic rates and the time-averaged correlation function Cmn …t; t 1 s†;
J ˆ h w vn 1 w vm 1
dsCmn …t; t 1 s†W…s†
dt mn
where the integral kernel W is called the learning window. For
a detailed explanation we refer to Section 2; Kempter et al.
(1999); van Hemmen (2000). Experimental evidence for the
existence of W is steadily growing; see e.g. Bell, Han, Sugawara and Grant (1997); Bi and Poo (1998, 1999); Debanne,
GaÈhwiler and Thompson (1998); Feldman (2000); Levy and
Stewart (1983); Markram, LuÈbke, Frotscher & Sakmann,
1997, and Zhang, Tao, Holt, Harris & Poo (1998), reviewed
in Bi and Poo (2001); Linden (1999); and Paulsen and
Sejnowski (2000).
The present paper gives a brief derivation of Eq. (2) from
a learning algorithm based on spike timing. We then indicate a strategy of how such a learning rule can be treated
analytically and apply our results to a number of standard
2. Self-averaging learning equations
Since Eq. (2) comprises only temporally averaged quantities, it is insensitive to the exact temporal location in an
averaging interval of length T but not to time differences of
pre- and postsynaptic spikes that induce the actual modi®cation of the synapse, provided they occur within the learning window. We therefore suppose that each pre- and
postsynaptic spike gives rise to an immediate change of
the synaptic weight Jmn ; say a pre-synaptic spike at time
tn… f † alters Jmn by h w in, a postsynaptic spike at time tm… f † by
h w out and, additionally, for every pair of pre- and postsynaptic spikes the weight is changed by an amount hW…tn… f † 2
tm… f † † where h is assumed to be very `small' in the sense that
0 , h wt ! 1 for all occurring rates w and all neuronal time
constants t . After a time T, we then ®nd the change of the
synaptic weight between input cell n and output cell m to be
DJmn …t† ˆ Jmn …t† 2 Jmn …t 2 T†
ˆ h4
t 2 T#tn… f † ,t
win 1
t 2 T#tm… f † ,t
wout 1
t 2 T#tn… f † ;tm… f † ,t
W…tn… f † 2 tm… f † †5:
Since h is small, we can assume Jmn to be approximately
constant in [t 2 T, t], and, taking single spike events to be
independent, we apply the strong law of large numbers
(Lamperti, 1996), i.e. we replace DJmn …t† by its expectation
value. Exploiting once more the fact that h R
is small, we
introduce the temporal average f…t† :ˆ …1=T† tt2T dt 0 f …t 0 †
and assume T to greatly exceed the width of the learning
window so as to obtain to fair approximation (Sanders &
Verhulst, 1985)
kDJmn l
ˆ h win kSn …t†l 1 wout kSm …t†l
dsW…s†kSm …t†Sn …t 1 s 2 Dmn †l ;
where the spike trains
P S(t) can be written as sequences of
delta pulses S…t† ˆ t… f † d…t 2 t… f † †; cf. Gerstner and van
Hemmen (1994). Since we are interested in weight changes
on a time scale beyond T, we place DJmn =T ! dJmn =dt and
end up with Eq. (2); cf. Kempter et al. (1999). As a result,
we have found a spike-based interpretation of the quantities
v and C in Eq. (2). We note that Eqs. (1) and (2) are equivalent as long as the time-averaged correlation function C is
constant in time, which quite often does not hold. This is
what we now focus on.
3. Poisson neurons
The learning equation (2) depends on statistical properties of pre- and postsynaptic spike trains. They can be calculated in explicit form for Poisson neurons (Kempter et al.,
1999; van Hemmen, 2000), whose ®ring-probability density
pF is a function of the instantaneous membrane potential
y (t), so that we can write pF[y (t)] for the density at time t.
The probability that a neuron ®res once during [t, t 1 Dt) is
pF[y (t)]Dt, ®ring twice or more has a probability o(Dt) while
the events in disjoint intervals are taken to be independent.
For a straightforward introduction to inhomogeneous Poisson processes and mathematical details and derivations of
results used below, the reader may consult Appendix A of
Kempter, Gerstner, van Hemmen and Wagner (1998); the
`inhomogeneity' of the process stems from an explicit
dependence of pF[y (t)] upon t.
Probability theory (Kempter et al., 1999, 1998; van
Hemmen, 2000) now leads us to an explicit expression for
the correlation function
C mn …t 1 r; t† ˆ kpF …vm …t 1 r††lun;t pin
n …t†:
In order to calculate the time-averaged quantities vm and Cmn
in Eq. (2), we have to ®nd an expression for the mean
kpF …y m …t††l and the average k¼llun;t under the condition of
an input spike of cell n at time t. [If we are precise, a Poisson
process assigns probability zero to an event at time t. What is
meant is a spike occurring during the interval [t, t 1 Dt)
where the limit Dt ! 0 is taken afterwards.] Both expressions
can be calculated for a Poissonian probability measure m on
the set of Poissonian input spike trains V ˆ < F1 ;¼;FN V F1 ¼FN ,
where V F1 ¼FN denotes the set of all spike trains with axon 1
conducting F1 spikes, axon 2 conducting F2 spikes, and so on;
C. Leibold, J.L. van Hemmen / Neural Networks 14 (2001) 805±813
all this is to happen during a period of duration T. Since the
subsets V F1 ¼FN are disjoint, we can write
dm p F …vm † ˆ
dm pF …y m †: …6†
kpF …y m †l ˆ
F1 ;¼;FN
Though their occurrence is correlated through pF, the individual spike events of a Poisson process are independent and,
hence, the probability measure m can be restricted to the
subsets V F1 ¼FN so as to give
dm pF …y m …t††
Fn Zt
nˆ1 f ˆ1
dtj… f † AP{Fn } …t; {tj… f † }†pF …vm …t††;
where, given the individual Poisson intensities pnin,
P Rt
…f† A
P{FN } …t; {tj… f † }† ˆ e n
n …tj †
f ˆ1
is the probability density for N Poissonian input spike trains
with {Fn} spikes at times {tn… f † }. If we model the membrane
potential vm as a linear superposition of response kernels e
triggered by input spikes at time tn… f † and delayed by Dmn (cf.
Gerstner & van Hemmen, 1994), we get
vm …t† ˆ
Jmn e…t 2 tn… f † 2 Dmn †:
ntn… f †
pF …y† ˆ v 0 exp…by†
kp F …y m …t††l ˆ v0 exp
N Z1
n …t
2 s 2 Dmn †‰e
bJmn e…s†
2 1Š :
The calculation of the conditional mean can be performed
analogously. We ®nd
kpF …y m …t 1 r††lun;t ˆ kpF …y m …t 1 r††lebJmn e…r2Dmn †
so that we end up with an explicit expression for the learning
equation (2).
4. Linearization of the learning equation
By means of an expansion of the exponentials in Eq. (11)
it is easy to see that a small b accounts for a learning
equation that is approximately linear in Jmn, whereas a
steep pF, i.e. large b , yields a nonlinear dynamics. In
other words, there is a nonlinear N so that Eq. (2) reads
uJl ˆ NuJl:
rather general conditions, Eq. (13) has the ®xed point
J fix u1l, where u1l is the constant unit vector with
uJfix l ˆ P
k1uJl ˆ n Jmn . Second, we will give the linear differential
equation for the deviations uil ˆ uJl ˆ uJfix l from the ®xed
uil ˆ DNuil:
Linear equations can be solved exactly. We therefore only
need to determine the eigenspaces of DN,
DNuF l l ˆ luF l l;
and, assuming a diagonable DN, we can stick to expanding
the solution to Eq. (14) in terms of eigenvectors,
al uF l l:
uil ˆ
Here, the time dependence of al (t) is given by Eq. (19).
Since every basis uF l l has a reciprocal basis kF l u, here of
eigenvectors of the hermitian adjoint operator (DN) p with
eigenvalues l p, satisfying
kF l uF l 0 l ˆ dll 0 ;
we ®nd that the coef®cients al evolve independently of each
other according to
D d
a ˆ lal ;
F l ii ˆ
dt l
and thus
The particular choice of the `gain function'
then yields
Our strategy is as follows. First, we will show that under
al …t† ˆ exp…tl† al …0†:
In conclusion, the emerging synaptic structure re¯ects the
eigenvectors with largest positive real part of l , at least as
long as the growth of the coef®cients al …t† is unlimited.
Since in the real synapse resources are restricted, synaptic
growth saturates. In other words, if the initial conditions are
such that one al has too much of a head start it dominates
structure formation, even if there is another eigenvalue with
larger real part. That is to say, both the spectral properties of
DN and the initial conditions have to be checked in order to
make predictions concerning the resulting structure; cf.
MacKay and Miller (1990); van Hemmen (2000).
4.1. Fixed point of the nonlinear dynamics
In order that the ensuing theory unfolds, we introduce a
few biophysically motivated and highly plausible postulates.
Postulate 1. The distribution of latencies is broad in the
sense that, to excellent approximation, the average
membrane potential for uJl :ˆ uJfix l ˆ J fix u1l is constant.
This holds, for example, in the barn owl (Kempter et al.,
2001). We can, therefore, take
X in
pn …t 2 Dmn † ˆ vin ;
N 21
C. Leibold, J.L. van Hemmen / Neural Networks 14 (2001) 805±813
meaning that the delay distribution totally smears out the
temporal structure of the input process. Since we have
announced a discussion of paradigms of delay selection,
we refrain here from a more general analysis and, additionally, restrict the input processes to those having identical
input rate vin
n ˆv :
Application of Postulate 1 to Eq. (11) yields the temporally constant output rate
bJ fix e…s†
; …21†
F m
where the constants k2 and k3 are given by
in out
k2 ˆ hbvout
m v w ;
k3 ˆ hbvout
m v
dse…2s†W eff …s; bJ fix †:
The Hebbian matrix reads
Qnn 0 ˆ hbvout
dsW eff …s; bJ fix †
ds 0 eeff …s; bJ fix †pin
n …t 2 Dmn 1 s†pn 0 …t 2 Dmn 0 2 s †:
with v0 stemming from Eq. (10), and correlation function
Cmn …t 1 r; t† ˆ pin…t†
n kpF …y m …t 1 r††lun;t
ˆ vout
m v exp‰bJ e…r 2 Dmn †Š:
If we insert Eqs. (21) and (22) into Eq. (2) the ®xed point
condition NuJfix l ˆ 0 is an implicit equation for bJ fix ,
g :ˆ
dsW…s†exp‰e…2s†bJ fix Š 1 wout
5. Examples 1. No delay section
We have gvin =v0 ˆ vout
m =v0 . 1:
Postulates 2 and 3 are more a restriction for reasonable
model parameters than real biological constraints. They
enable us to combine Eqs. (21) and (23) so as to get
ln…gvin =v0 †=…Nvin † ˆ
2 1Š ˆ: c…bJ fix †;
where the left-hand-side is a positive number and c is a
monotonically increasing positive function of bJ fix . 0
with c (0) ˆ 0. Consequently, c is invertible and bJ fix is
4.2. Linearized dynamics
In this section we specify the Hebbian matrix Q for the
case of two simple Poissonian input processes in order to
discuss the nature of Eq. (26) and uJfix l. Both subsections
can also be discussed in rate description (1), i.e. they do not
provide examples of delay selection as present in, say, the
barn owl (Carr, 1993) and discussed in Section 6.
5.1. Homogeneous Poissonian input
The simplest Poisson process is a homogeneous process
with intensity v in. From Eq. (28) we see that Qnn 0 ˆ Q0 is
merely a constant so that the dynamics is given by
2 k3 uil ˆ u1l…k2 1 Q0 †k1uil:
In this case, the operator is highly degenerate. It has eigenvectors
exp…2pimn=N†uemn l
uF m l ˆ N 21=2
The total differential DN of Eq. (14) contains partial
derivatives of rate and correlation function. De®ning an
effective learning window and response kernel,
W eff …s; x† :ˆ W…s†exp‰xe…2s†Š;
De®ning a basis uemn l by the property that it singles out
components, viz., kemn uil ˆ imn we can write Eq. (26) in a
more sophisticated and, thus, mathematically more meaningful way,
2 k3 uil ˆ ‰u1lk2 k1u 1
uemn lQnn 0 kemn uŠuil:
nn 0
Postulate 2. The learning parameters w in, w out as well as
the learning window W and the response kernel e are such
that the fraction g given by Eq. (23) is positive.
Postulate 3.
eeff …s; x† :ˆ e…s†exp‰xe…s†Š
we ®nd
imn ˆ
‰k2 1 dnn 0 k3 1 Qnn 0 Šimn 0 ;
lm ˆ N dm0 …k2 1 Q0 † 1 k3 ,
0 # m , N. That is to say, there are N 2 1 eigenvectors
(m ± 0) with the same eigenvalue k3 and there is only one
eigenvector uF 0 l ˆ u1l with a different eigenvalue
l0 ˆ N…Q0 1 k2 † 1 k3 .
Two points ought to be stressed. First, if the system
should be capable of selecting delays, N has to be quite
large; in reality it nearly always is. Then, the absolute
value uk3 u is negligibly small compared to Nu…Q0 1
P k2 †u.
Second, we ®nd that the coef®cient kF 0 uil ˆ N 21=2 n imn
represents the dynamics of the mean synaptic weight.
C. Leibold, J.L. van Hemmen / Neural Networks 14 (2001) 805±813
Because of
kF uil…t† ˆ exp…tl†kF uil…0†;
a positive eigenvalue l 0 . 0 means that the learning rule
gives rise to an alteration of the mean synaptic weight on the
time scale ‰N…Q 1 k2 †Š21 .
If, in contrast, l0 ˆ N…Q0 1 k2 † , 0 and k3 . 0, Eq. (32)
shows that the average synaptic weight N 21=2 kF 0 uJl stays
constant asymptotically, and coef®cients am ˆ kF m uil with
m ± 0, change at the same rate k321. Then Eq. (31) tells us
we end up with plane waves and random phases giving an
uncoordinated development of the individual synaptic
weights: some grow, others decrease.
We conclude that in the present situation the ®xed point
uJfix l is in general a saddle point having Jacobian eigenvalues with negative and positive real parts. Eigenvectors with
positive real parts are degrees of freedom for structure
formation, though without any delay selection, negative
real parts give limt!1 kF l uil…t† ˆ 0.
5.2. Correlated subpopulations
with Q1 . 0. There are four subclasses of eigenvectors,
@ a^
uF ^;0 l ˆ
N=2…a2^ 1 1†
uemn l 1
uemn lA
exp‰2pimn=N^ Šuemn l;
m ± 0 …35†
with eigenvalues
l^;0 ˆ dm0 ‰N=2…k2 1 Q0 †…1 1 a^ †Š 1 k3 ;
a^ ˆ
2…k2 1 Q0 †
6. Examples II. Delay selection
We now turn to input regimes that allow selection of
synapses according to their transmission delays Dmn. From
now on, as a consequence of Section 5.1, we put k3 ˆ 0 and
N…Q0 1 k2 † , 0.
2…k2 1 Q0 †
A Hebbian matrix Q that depends on transmission delays
Dmn requires that the temporal average of the correlation
function does so too. For instance, we could take a kind of
`low-pass ®ltered white noise'. This is an inhomogeneous
Poisson process; cf. Appendix A of Kempter et al. (1998). It
is constructed as follows. We start with a homogeneous
Poisson process P that has rate constant v in . 0 and, thus,
generates a series of random event times tn. We then take
such a series, ®x it once and for all, and de®ne the rate
X 21
tc exp‰2…t 2 tn †=tc Š:
p{tn } …t† ˆ
tn ,t
uF ^;m l ˆ N^
case of negative Q0 1 k2, the corresponding eigenvalues
l^;0 _ 0 have different signs, so that the importance of
the eigenstate uF 2;0 l of structure formation increases and
that of uF 1;0 l decreases. In the case of positive Q0 1 k2, both
eigenvalues are positive and a growing coef®cient kF 1;0 uil
leads to a trivial saturation.
To summarize, in a regime of Hebbian plasticity depending on spike timing, temporal correlations in a subpopulation of input cells give rise to a coherent synaptic
development among synapses of this subset, if
Q0 1 k2 , 0; cf. Kempter et al. (1999); van Hemmen
6.1. Temporally correlated input
A more exciting situation originates if we divide the set of
input cells I into two subpopulations I1 and I2 with
N1 < N2 < N/2 neurons, respectively. We assume that the
former group behaves in a more coherent way than the
latter. In terms of the matrix Q this situation is described by
Q0 1 Q1 for n; n 0 [ I1
Qnn ˆ
Again, k3 can be neglected if N2 < N1 ˆ N/2 is large. The
two eigenvectors uF ^;0 l with non-zero eigenvalue represent
mixtures of the averageP
synaptic weights
P in either subpopulation, kF ^;0 uil / …a^ n[I1 imn 1 n[I2 imn †: Since Q1
was assumed to be positive, Eq. (37) yields a^ _ 0 for
any choice of Q0 1 k2. In terms of the eigenvectors,
uF 2;0 l represents changes of the mean synaptic weights of
both subpopulations into different directions, whereas
uF 1;0 l represents changes into the same direction. In the
The above sum is over all n with tn , t: The resulting rate
function p{tn } of our new process depends on a speci®c
realization {tn } of the underlying stationary Poisson process
P. We call our new process `time-correlated Poisson'
(TCP). It is very convenient for doing explicit calculations
and grasps part of the stochasticity of the biophysics
involved. It is easy to see why. Each time a new tn appears,
p{tn } …tn † makes a jump 11/t c, inducing more `spikes' than
before in dependence upon the correlation time t c. Because
the rate constant v in of the underlying Poisson process P is
de facto a constant rate, we get little groups of TCP spikes
each time a tn appears; it is doing so at a rate v in.
For a TCP process with rate constant v in . 0 and correlation time t c we obtain
n …t 2 Dmn 1 s†pn 0 …t 2 Dmn 0 2 s †
ˆ …vin †2 1 vin =…2tc †exp‰2us 1 s 0 1 Dmn 0 2 Dmn u=tc Š: …39†
Due to Eq. (28), this leads to
Qnn 0 ˆ Q0 1 Q1 …Dmn 0 2 Dmn †
C. Leibold, J.L. van Hemmen / Neural Networks 14 (2001) 805±813
Fig. 1. A learning window (a) with exponential decay t W and a response kernel e (b) with rise and decay time t E ˆ t W/5 (see the Appendix for details) yield
eigenvalues N Q^ 1 , which have been plotted for b J ®x < 0 (c) and b J ®x ˆ 0.5 (d); real parts are shown as solid lines, imaginary parts as dashed lines.
given by
in 2
Q0 ˆ hvout
m …v †
Q1 …D† ˆ
uF m l ˆ N 21=2
dsW eff …s† ds 0 eeff …s 0 †;
m v =…2tc †
0 eff
…s† ds e …s †
exp…2us 1 s 0 1 Du=tc †:
exp‰2pimn=NŠuemn l;
lm ˆ N‰dm0 …k2 1 Q0 † 1 Q^ 1 …m†Š;
where Q^ 1 …m† ˆ dsQ1 …s†exp‰22pims=LŠ denotes an ordinary Fourier transform.
We now discuss synaptic structure formation by means of
Q^ 1 …m†; see Fig. 1c and d. Because
If t c is far beyond the maximal delay D and the width of
W eff, say t W, Q1 is nearly constant and we have arrived at the
case of Section 5. If, on the other hand, t c is small enough,
Q1 varies distinctly with D and so does DN in Eq. (14), i.e.
the learning dynamics depends on the delay coordinate D.
Consequently, we are in a regime that is capable of delay
selection in that synaptic weights are strengthened or
weakened depending on their delay D. The most accurate
temporal resolution of delay selection is restricted to the
width of W so that, for t c ! 0, the resolution of delay selection is O(t W).
To discuss structure formation on the set of delays Dmn,
we introduce an ordered discrete topology. The simplest
and, nevertheless, in many cases realistic (Carr, 1993)
manner to do this is
real parts quantify the growth rate of the spectral component
2pm /L whereas imaginary parts measure its drifting velocity. A positive I(l (m )) for m . 0 yields a drift toward
shorter delays (smaller n), a negative I(l (m )) results in a
phase drift toward longer delays (larger n).
The real part R(l (m )) shows band-pass character (Fig. 1c
and d) as a function of 2pm /N. As a consequence, it gives
rise to a coordinated development of synaptic weights on the
domain of transmission delays Dmn and it does so in such a
way that the eigenvector with largest real part dominates
structure formation; cf. Song et al. (2000).
Dmn ˆ n…L=N†
6.2. Periodic input processes
for positive integers 0 # n , N. Here, L denotes the maximal latency present. Because of Eq. (42), the matrix Q is a
circulant (Bellman, 1970) and, hence, its eigenspaces are
kemn uF m lkF m uil…t† ˆ exp{tR…l…m†† 1 i‰tI…l…m††
1 2pmn=NŠ}kF m uil…0†;
We now turn to an input regime that is biologically relevant especially in early auditory brainstem processing. Since
the auditory system is tonotopically organized, i.e. different
C. Leibold, J.L. van Hemmen / Neural Networks 14 (2001) 805±813
locations process different frequency components, each cell is
exposed to spike input with a predominant periodicity. The
idea behind this isÐsimply statedÐthat the cochlea is a kind
of `inverse piano'. Input correlation functions have temporal
correlation lengths of a couple of periods. If the memory time
scale t W of the Hebbian learning rule (2) does not exceed the
input correlation width, the input spikes can be modeled by a
strictly periodic Poisson process. If we then focus on a period
Tp, we obtain
response kernels has to be adapted to the shift sPeak of the
positive peak of the learning window in such a way that
short response kernels come along with short sPeak; cf. Fig.
2f. In conclusion, periodic-structure formation is a result of
an intricate cooperation of the temporal features of a neuron
(model) and the synaptic learning window. Nonlinearities
generally improve structure formation.
n …t 2 Dmn 1 s†pn 0 …t 2 Dmn 0 2 s †
ˆ …vin †2
ug^ m u exp‰2pim…Dmn 2 Dmn 0 †=tp Š;
7. Noise
and, hence,
^ m†
Qnn 0 ˆ
exp‰2pim…Dmn 2 Dmn 0 †=Tp ŠQ…
in 2
^ m† ˆ hvout
^m u2 W^ eff …m†e^ eff …m†:
m …v † ug
For the discrete delay topology Dmn ˆ n=NTp , we obtain
eigenspaces and eigenvalues of the form
uF m l ˆ N 21=2
exp‰2pim=NŠuemn l;
lm ˆ ‰dm0 …k2 1 Q0 † 1 Q^ 1 …m†Š:
^ m†
Q^ 1 …m† ˆ …1 2 dm0 †
Q0 ˆ m 0 [NZ Q…
^ m†. A glance at Fig. 1c and d suf®ces to reveal
£ m 0 [m1NZ Q…
that, for a suf®ciently small period Tp, the largest real part
belongs to m ˆ 1 and, thus, structure formation re¯ects the
periodicity of the input.
In view of the above periodic-delay selection, it is handy
to introduce a quality measure for quantifying a particular
parameter's capability to generate the required delay selectivity. Using the Heaviside step function Q (x) ( ˆ 1 for
x . 0 and ˆ 0 for x # 0), we call
Zv 1
M…v 0 ; v1 † :ˆ …v1 2 v0 †21
Eq. (2) is an ensemble-averaged mean-®eld equation. Its
solution describes the mean trajectory of a noisy system.
The mean-®eld description is valid, if the variance is
small enough so as to avoid disturbing the mean trajectory
`too much'. It has been shown by Kempter et al. (1999) that
this is indeed the case, if h is small enough. The reason is
that the variance scales with h 2, whereas structure formation, i.e. the eigenvalues, scale with h .
We now present an alternative noise model. If we knew
the eigensystems uF l l of the linear operator DN in Eq.
(14), we could write down an effective stochastic dynamics
for the coef®cients al ˆ kF l uil,
a ˆ lal 1 j l ;
dt l
where j l denotes the ¯uctuations of the coef®cients, and, as
a result,
P al are now stochastic variables. Using the identity
1 ˆ n ue mn lkemn u, we then calculate the average variance
of the synaptic weights,
Var…J† :ˆ N 21
n;ll 0
the average periodic momentum (APM) between v 0 and
v 1. It is the average ratio of positive real part and total
length of the leading eigenvalue for input signals with
periods between 2p/v 1 and 2p/v 0. For each period 2p/
v , the ratio Q…R‰l…v†Š†R‰l…v†Š=ul…v†u quanti®es the
fraction of synaptic modi®cation that is responsible for
an increase of the leading eigenvectorÐand not for its
In Fig. 2, we show the dependence of M…p=t W ; 4p=tW †
upon the shift sPeak of the positive peak of the learning
window (see Fig. 2a), the time constant of the response
kernel e (Fig. 1b) and steepness b of the gain function pF.
Two features are evident. First, the APM increases with b ;
see Fig. 2e. Second, the time constant t E of the membrane
l 2 kJmn l2 †
…kal apl 0 l 2 kal lkapl 0 l†kF l uemn lkemn uF l 0 l
…kualu l 2 ukal lu † ˆ
ds 0 exp‰2l…s 1 s 0 †Škj l …s†j l …s 0 †l:
Synaptic growth is often thought of as random walk, an
approximation of a diffusion process (Lamperti, 1996).
We therefore postulate j l to be white noise with
kj l …s†j l …s 0 †l ˆ s l2 d…s 2 s 0 † and obtain for the average
Var…J† ˆ
X s l2 2tl
…e 2 1†:
For small l t, Eq. (52) yields Var…J† ˆ t l s l2 ‰1 1 O…lt†Š
and, thus, on the time scale of minR…l.0† ‰1=R…l†Š spikebased learning is, indeed, a diffusion process.
C. Leibold, J.L. van Hemmen / Neural Networks 14 (2001) 805±813
Fig. 2. Average periodic momentum (AMP) is a measure of the quality of periodic-structure formation and quanti®ed by M. It depends on the interplay
between learning window W, membrane response kernel e , and the gain function pF. We de®ne sPeak to be the shift of the positive peak of W (a) and plot M(p/
t W, 4p/t W) for different values of t E as a function of sPeak for b J ®x < 0 (b), b J ®x ˆ 0.2 (c), and b J ®x ˆ 0.4 (d): black lines from large to small peaks denote r
t E ˆ 0.2t W, 0.3t W, 0.4t W [thick line], 0.5t W, 0.6t W, 0.8t W, t W. All graphs have a local maximal value of approximately 20:75tW and another one for sPeak .
2 t W/2. The former is more signi®cant for small b and large t E, whereas the latter increases with smaller t E and larger b . (e) Shows the dependence of the
global maximum M max of the APM on the membrane time constant t E. Diamonds denote b J ®x ˆ 0.5, circles b J ®x ˆ 0, while the other lines are obtained with
b J ®x ˆ 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and show a monotonic increase of M max. In the same way, (f) shows a monotonically decreasing dependence of the shift sPeak
at M max
upon t E. A sharp decrease re¯ects a transition (arrows) of M max from the short-t E (right) to the long-t E (left) peak in (b)±(d).
8. Discussion
Delay selection by means of Hebbian learning (Gerstner et
al., 1996; Roberts, 1999; Song et al., 2000) can account for
the emergence of temporal receptive ®elds on a time scale t W
and, hence, for temporal maps (Kempter et al., 2001) on the
very same time scale set by the width t W of the learning
window W. We have shown that synaptic structure formation
is a result of an interplay between neuron (model) and learning window. So, the following, natural, question comes up:
how, then, are learning window and neuron properties
adjusted to each other in the real brain? As far as we know,
there are as yet mere speculations only. Amongst those are
ideas of meta-plasticity, i.e. the learning parameters somehow tune themselves by means of second-order `meta' learn-
ing rules. Disregarding the lack of experimental evidence,
meta-plasticity simply postpones the key question: how is a
meta learning rule adapted to ®t physiological reality?
A second way of looking at the above problem may be
more promising. Learning parameters as well as spike
generation are both results of the electrophysiological properties of one and the same nerve cell. Fast cells should be
fast in spike generation as well as in learning. It would,
therefore, be fruitful to ®nd out whether and to what extent
both timescales re¯ect a common physiological origin.
Learning window W and membrane response kernel e
C. Leibold, J.L. van Hemmen / Neural Networks 14 (2001) 805±813
that have been used in Figs. 1 and 2 are given by
W…s† ˆ
exp‰2…s 2 sTrough †=tW Š
s . sTrough
a{exp‰2…s 2 sTrough †=tW Š 2 exp‰2…s 2 sTrough †=tW Š} sPeak , s # sTrough
exp‰2…s 2 sPeak †=tW Š
s # sPeak
e…s† ˆ
s=…tE †2 exp…2s=tE † s . 0
for sTrough ˆ t W/5 and sPeak ˆ 0 unless mentioned otherwise.
The factor a ˆ 1={1 2 exp‰2…sTrough 2 sPeak †=tW Š} is
chosen so that W is a continuous function.
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