595 Lincoln Avenue in Palo Alto– across from Addison School

595 Lincoln Avenue in Palo Alto–
across from Addison School
Join us at Art Works Studio where…Creativity feeds the soul, builds self-esteem, encourages
critical thinking, engages multiple skills, develops imagination & judgment and where art is just plain fun!
Fall 2015 Kinder Studio
This relaxed and fun fine arts class is designed for Kinders and pre-Kindergarten
students. The class includes time for lunch & relaxing, a chance to sketch (where kids learn to draw what they see), free
exploration, an opportunity to work with different materials, a short talk about our artist of the day, and an Instructional
Project based on the artist of the day. We will meet your little artist outside the Addison Kindergarten classrooms at
noon and deliver him/her to the Studio. Your child's art day may be switched in October to accommodate the
assignment of Addison individual early dismissal days. (11-week session includes one Gift Workshop Dec 1 or 3)
noon -1:45
Ages 5-6
Ages 5-6
Fall 2015 Master Studio
This fine arts class includes a chance to sketch (where kids learn to draw what
they see), free exploration, an opportunity to work with different materials, a short lecture on our artist of the day, and
an Instructional Project based on that artist. We’ll create masterpieces with pastel, watercolor, clay, acrylics and much
more! Art Studio staff will wait outside the AKC for students/parents from 2:20. When class begins, we will walk
together to the Studio. (11-week session includes one Gift Workshop Nov 30 or Dec 1)
Grades 1-3
Grades 1-5
Fall 2015 Senior Studio
This fine arts class for older students continues with a closer investigation of
drawing, painting & art history and time permitting may include: carving & printmaking, kiln firing hand-built clay,
photography and hand-coloring photos and much more! (11-week session includes one Gift Workshop Dec 3)
Grades 4-5
Fall 2015 Special Study Studio
Each week this smaller class will focus on 20 minutes of drawing
skills and will follow-up with an exploration of other materials. (11-week session includes one Gift Workshop Nov 30)
Ages 7+ (by permission)
* No art classes during holiday periods: Nov 10 & 12 and Nov 23-26.
We encourage early registration as classes often fill and we frequently have wait lists beginning in August.
For your convenience and to insure a place in your preferred class, pay by check before Aug 30th for entire
year of classes: 27 weeks of art for $725, receiving 3 weeks for free.
(11-week Fall 2015 session is $335)
(16-week Wint/Spr 2016 session will be $480)
All students welcome from every school, home school, pre-school.
Questions? artworkspaloalto@gmail.com
or call Marci: 650-796-1614
Put a little art in your life… Art Works Studio
Fall 2015
Register Now
Please fill in the information below, attach a check payable to: Marci Lamb
Send registration to the Studio: 595 Lincoln Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301 (corner of Lincoln Ave/Webster St)
Remember - family discounts apply: 2 classes per household per session will receive 10% discount on both classes.
Alternatively, for convenience and to insure a place for your child, you may sign up before Aug 30th and pay by check
for the entire year of art classes: 27 weeks of art for $725 and receive 3 weeks of art for free (“Year Offer” may not be
combined with other discounts).Addison AKC Kids will be picked up from and returned to AKC by Art Works Studio staff.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fall Session 2015: Which classes would you like?
Please circle A - F
(Full year $725_____) or
(Fall only $335_____)
Child’s Name:________________________________________________________________
Date of Birth/Age__________________________ School & Grade Fall ’15_______________
Teacher & Room/School: ______________________________________________________
My Child attends Addison AKC: ____________ if so, Days? ___________________________
Home Address: ______________________________________________________________
Cell Phone: ___________________________ Home Phone: __________________________
Email address: __________________________________ @ _________________________
Your FB Name: ________________________, if interested in Art Works Studio on FaceBook.
Parent/Guardian Names: ______________________________________________________
Alt Emergency Contact: __________________________ phone: ______________________
If chosen class is full, do you have a second choice? ________________________________
Please Read Below and Sign
We often like to post photos of your children’s work and sometimes students may appear in the photos (names
are not posted). If you prefer your child’s photo not be included in postings, check this box: ◻ ️
In consideration for the acceptance of my application for participation in art classes, I hereby waive, release and discharge PAUSD, PTA, Art Works Studio, Marci Lamb and any member of
their staff or families from and against any liability for any loss, personal injury, including death and property damage that may have arisen out of or in any way connected with my (my
child’s) participation in the aforementioned activity. Furthermore, I assume all responsibility and agree to indemnify PAUSD, PTA, Art Works Studio, Marci Lamb and staff for any loss,
damage or injury to myself (my child) which may have been caused by negligence, or any act, of any person connected in any way with the aforementioned event. I have read the above and
understand its meaning and voluntarily sign it.
X____________________________________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian
Art Works Studio Owner, Marci Lamb, has always worked in the arts: In addition to teaching art, she is
a former gallery owner/director, art and design consultant. Marci has a bachelor’s in drawing & painting, sculpture,
design, art history. Marci is a former Addison Parent with two girls pursuing the arts in high school & college.
Registration Notes:
We cannot hold a spot in any class without paid registration/deposit.
Sorry, but classes with enrollment of fewer than 8 children may be subject to cancellation.
We provide scholarships to students in need of financial assistance.
All students welcome from every school, home school, pre-school.