HALF-CYCLE CONTROL OF THE PARALLEL RESONANT CONVERTER OPERATED AS A HIGH POWER FACTOR RECTIFIER Jiatian Hong, Dragan MaksimoviC, and Robert Erickson Iftikhar Khan Power Electronics Group Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0425 Technology Development Delco Remy Division General Motors Corp. Anderson, IN 46018-9986 Abstract - A half-cycle control technique for the parallel resonant converter operated as a high power factor rectifier is introduced in this paper. Switching of the bridge power transistors is determined such that the bridge input current averaged over half switching cycle exactly follows the reference proportional to the input voltage. Zero-current switching and belowresonance operation are guaranteed, while control of the input current is the fastest possible, regardless of the operating point. In contrast to conventional regulators, the performance is preserved under both small and large signal variations, and also for large variations of the power-stage parameter values. Fast response, stability and robustness are experimentally verified on a 1.4kW prototype. 1 _I U Q Q Ge+=l Introduction The parallel resonant converter (PRC) shown in Fig. 1 has been successfully applied to low-harmonic rectification [l]. At the power level of several kW, insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) are usually preferred over other types of semiconductor switching devices. When the PRC power stage is operated below resonance, the power switches are turned off a t zero current, so that switching losses associated with the current-tailing phenomenon of the IGBTs are removed. This opens the possibility of operating the bridge with IGBTs a t switching frequencies in the order of 100kHz. Another advantage of the PRC topology is that the single power stage provides transformer isolation, with the transformer leakage absorbed by the resonant tank inductance. When the parallel resonant converter is operated as a unitypower factor rectifier, the controller adjusts the switching frequency such that the input current ig(t) follows a reference proportional t o the input voltage v g ( t ) . The design of a conventional controller based on frequency modulation in the This work was supported in part by Technology Development, Delco Remy Division, General Motors Corporation, Anderson, Indiana. 0-7803-1456-5194 $4.00 01994 IEEE Figure 1: Parallel resonant converter operated as a highpower factor rectifier. feedback loop has been demonstrated in [l]. This paper presents an improved controller for the PRCbased rectifier. The proposed half-cycle control scheme is based on sensing the polarity and evaluating the average of the bridge input current & ( t ) over each half switching cycle. The control concept where switching is initiated upon the condition that the cycle-by-cycle average of a signal is equal to a reference value was described in [2] in a different context. Similar approaches have been recently reported in [3] for the control of PWM DC-DC converters, and in [4] for the control of a PWM flyback high-power factor rectifier. The half-cycle controller described in Section 2 incorporates the cycle-by-cycle integration technique and, in addition, employs a zero-crossing detection of the bridge input current to ensure zero-current switching and the desired belowresonance operation under all operating conditions, including large-signal transients. Stability and input dynamics of the PRC under the half-cycle control are discussed in Section 3. 556 In Section 4, experimental results obtained on a 1.4kW prototype are used t o illustrate the main advantages of the proposed control scheme: the high-power-factor rectification, fast response independent of operating conditions, and robustness against large power-stage parameter variations. Conclusions are given in Section 5 . 2fs TO SWITCH DRIVERS 1.1 N o r m a l i z a t i o n and n o t a t i o n Figure 2: A simplified implementation of the conventional For the PRC-based rectifier application, a convenient normalization scheme was described in [l].The converter equations are normalized with respect t o the dc output voltage V . If n is the transformer turns ratio, the base quantities referred to the primary side are: base voltage: base impedance: base current: V / n, (1) R, , V/nRo, (2) controller. the switching frequency. The toggle flip-flop ( F F ) outputs symmetrical square-wave signals Q and Q - control the bridge power transistors through transistor gate drivers. The conventional frequency modulation scheme has several disadvantages, especially in applications where values of power stage parameters cannot be precisely controlled and the resonant frequency f o is uncertain. If the switching frequency f S exceeds fo, the zero-current switching of the IGBTs is lost and prolonged operation above resonance may result in overheating of the switching devices. Also, the slope of the frequencyto-output characteristic changes polarity close to fs = f,, so that the above-resonance feedback becomes positive and the control is lost. To ensure the desired below-resonance operation, a limit on the allowed frequency range is needed, which is difficult to achieve if the resonant frequency is not precisely known and fixed. (3) where R, = d L r / C r . As usual, switching frequency fs is normalized to the resonant frequency, F = f s / f o , where fo = 1 / 2 x a . Time 1 is replaced by the angle variable 6' = w,t. In particular, the length of one half of the switching period is denoted by y = w0Ts/2 = K I F . All normalized voltages are denoted by m (for instantaneous values) or M (for dc, rms or peak values). For example, the normalized input voltage is m,(t) = M,I sin w i t [ . All normalized currents are denoted by j (for instantaneous values) or J (for dc, rms or peak values). Ideally, the PRC is controlled such that the input current z, is proportional to the input voltage U,, ig(t) = v,(t)/R,, or: 2.2 where Re is the resistance emulated by the rectifier. The desired operating mode where the IGBTs are turned off at zero current is below resonance, i.e., for 0.5 < F < 1, and for operating points in the part of the input plane defined by [l]: 2 Half-cycle control of the PRC Half-cycle c o n t r o l In the PRC, the input bridge current i b ( t ) is pulsating a t twice the switching frequency. A low pass filter L F ~C, F is ~ used to attenuate the high-frequency components in z b ( 1 ) and obtain the input current zg(t). The control scheme proposed in this paper is based on sensing the polarity and evaluating the average of the bridge input current z b ( t ) over each half switching cycle. A simplified implementation of the half-cycle controller is shown in Fig. 3. Inputs to the controller are the signal proportional to the bridge input current, -R,ib, and the reference signal R,I,,j. R , is the equivalent current-sense resistance. Outputs are the signals Q and Q that control the states of the power switches. Signal q ( t ) in the controller is obtained by integrating ib(1)Ire f : In this section, the half-cycle control technique is introduced, after a brief review of the conventional control technique and its deficiencies. 2.1 Conventional control A simplified implementation of the conventional control scheme is shown in Fig. 2 . T h e sensed input current, R,i,, is compared to the reference signal proportional to the input voltage, R,I,,f = R,v,/R,. The error is passed through a linear regulator (error amplifier) A ( s ) . Design of the regulator's transfer function A ( s) in the conventional frequency modulation scheme is based on a small-signal model of the PRC [l]. The regulator output controls the voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). The VCO output is a periodic signal at twice (7) In (7), it is assumed that time t i s reset to zero, and that q ( 0 ) = 0 at the beginning of each half switching cycle. During normal operation, switching occurs a t the zero-crossing of q ( t ) , i.e., upon the condition that the average of the bridge input current i b ( t ) is equal to the average of the reference I,,f, evaluated over one half of the switching period: As a result, the input current z g ( t ) , which is equal to the low-frequency component of i b ( t ) , follows the reference. The 557 reference-to-input current frequency response is determined only by the response of the input low-pass filter. The hardware implementation of (8) is very simple: zerocrossing of q ( t ) is detected and used to initiate the transistor switching. In the circuit of Fig. 3, this function is provided by the comparator COMPl a t the output of the half-cycle integrator. Unfortunately, the nature of the PRC prevents such a straightforward application of the control scheme. The problem is that the solution for T s / 2 in (8) is not unique, and the PRC could get into one of many undesirable operating modes [5]. To ensure the operation in the desired below-resonance o p erating mode, where the transistors turn off a t zero current, the commutation instants are constrained between the first and the second zero-crossing of the bridge input current xb(t). This is accomplished by use of the comparator COMP2 in Fig. 3 , which serves as a zero-crossing detector for ib(t). The controller operation can now be described in more details for the three distinct operating conditions. Normal operation, q(Ts/2)= 0, ib(Ts/2)< 0 Figure 3: Simplified hardware implementation of the halfcycle controller. i-a .... ......... . ... .. ...... ... .... .... .... . ......... . .. ... ........... 0 P '! .... . .. . . .. . .. .... .. . .. .. -1 -2 ' I ' 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -1 I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; : : 1 p -" 0 . 50 I ' Typical controller waveforms for a normal operation, when (8) is satisfied, together with the relevant power-stage waveforms, are shown in Fig. 4. When q ( t ) crosses zero a t t = T,/2, signal S1 goes from low to high. Since ib(Ts/2) < 0, signal s2 is high, and the rising edge of S1 propagates through NAND1 and NAND2 gates. The rising edge of the toggle signal T initiates a pulse S3 from the one-shot circuit OS. Finally, S3 triggers the flip-flop and the power switches are commutated, which initiates the next half switching cycle. The toggle signal T also ensures that the integrator is reset t o zero a t the beginning of the next half cycle. Immediately after the commutation, i b changes polarity, S2 goes to low, and the toggle signal T goes to low. The one-shot circuit is used to prevent false triggering of the flip-flop, which may be induced by the noise generated a t the switching instant. In particular, the switching noise can easily produce spurious oscillations at the output S2 of the zero-crossing detector COMP2, but the circuit operation is not affected because the one-shot circuit disables the access to the output flip-flop immediately after the switching. 0.5 Transient, q(Ts/2)< 0, ib(Ts/2)= 0 0 I ' Q 8 53 n $ s2 g I s1 I n I 1 I I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 WO t Figure 4: Normalized steady-state waveforms during two half switching cycles for the following operating conditions: m, = 0.7, j, = Jrej= 0.5, F = 0.68. Top to bottom: the resonanttank capacitor voltage m,(O) and the resonant-tank inductor current j L ( O ) ; the bridge input current jb(0);logic-level signals in the controller. 558 To show how the controller ensures the desired belowresonance operation, we first consider the case when the reference Jreris abruptly stepped up from the value in Fig. 4. The transient waveforms during the first two half cycles are shown in Fig. 5. At the zero crossing of q ( t ) , i b > 0, 5 2 = 0 and the commutation is disabled. At t = T s / 2 , ab(Ts/2) = 0, and the signal S2 goes from low to high. Since q(Ts/2) < 0, signal S1 is high, so that the rising edge of S2 propagates through the NAND gates and initiates the commutation. Thus, during the transient, the transistor commutation cannot occur before the first zero-crossing of the input bridge current, which prevents the operation above resonance. Note that in the next half switching cycle, commutation occurs a t the zero crossing of q ( t ) , which means that (8) is satisfied and that the exact control over the input current is established again. Transient, q(Ts/2) > 0, cl zb(Ts/2) = 0 n U The opposite transient, when the reference is abruptly stepped down, is illustrated by the waveforms of Fig. 6. We now have that q ( t ) does not cross zero a t all, which would force the controller to extend the length of the half cycle, and eventually take the PRC into an operating point below f0/2. However, the negative-to-positive (second) zero-crossing of z b ( t ) causes the signal S 2 to go from high to low. Since q > 0, S1 is low, so that the falling edge of S2 propagates through the edgedetection circuit C Z ,R2, and the NAND2 gate to initiate the commutation. Again, the power stage is forced to remain in the desired operating mode. It is interesting t o note that in the transient of Fig. 6, the PRC passes through the discontinuous capacitor voltage mode, as evident from the tank capacitor voltage waveform. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1.4 1.2 1 1 ~ 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 0 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 Iil 2.3 Z Practical implementation issues From the description of the controller operation, it is clear that all deficiencies of the conventional controller have been removed. Fast control over the input current is established, and the PRC is forced to operate in the desired operating mode always. Zero-current switching of the IGBTs is ensured. This is all achieved regardless of the power stage parameter values, and with no need for tuning of the controller’s parameters. In a practical implementation, the one-shot pulse width is selected to be smaller than the minimum expected length of one half cycle, but longer than the length of the switching transient when the generated noise can adversely affect the operation. The function of the one shot is similar to the suppression of current spikes immediately after the switching in current-mode controlled PWM converters. The current-sense resistance R, and the integrator time constant RlCl are selected so that signals at the comparator inputs are well above the comparator input offset voltages. The edge-detector time constant R2C2 should be as small as possible, but long enough so that the detection of the falling edge of S 2 through N A N D 2 is reliable. Q $ s3 2 52 I I , s1 0 I 11 I, 2 3 4 I 5 6 1 I Figure 5 : Normalized waveforms during the first two half cycles after the reference is stepped up from J,,r = 0.5 to J,,r = 1. Other operating conditions are the same as in Fig. 4. I 2 , -1 0 2 4 6 8 10 ‘ 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 0 3 I 1 n n I Stability and input dynamics of the half-cycle controlled PRC During the normal operation, switching transitions in the half-cycle controlled PRC are determined by the zero-crossing instants of the state variable y ( t ) . Therefore, a possibility that steady-state trajectories exhibit instabilities observed in other constraint-modulated switching power converters must be investigated. One well-known example of the considered type of instability is the period-doubling in current-mode programmed PWM converters. To investigate local stability properties of the steady-state trajectories of the half-cycle controlled PRC, we start with a given steady-state solution for the normalized, “fast” state variables: the tank capacitor voltage m c ( 0 ) ,the tank inductor current j ~ ( 0 ) and , the integrator output y(0). Using the I 0 g Q ‘n I vi E cl 8 n 53 52 I 51 I 0 1 2 7 4 I 6 8 I I I 10 Figure 6: Normalized waveforms during the first two half cycles after the reference is stepped down from J,,r = 0.5 to J,,f = 0 . 3 . Other operating conditions are the same as in Fig. 4. 559 1. e+ i 0. ,.I .n cl -n -0. ” -11 0 -14 0 8 I I 0.5 1 1.5 1 I l l 2.5 3 3.5 I , I I I I 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 O 3.5 i 3 415 I I 4 4.5 I , , , , I I I I I 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 Figure 8: Input-side, low-frequency model of the half-cycle controlled PRC. For the rectifier application, Ires = ug/Re. The main result is that the eigenvalues of K are inside the unit circle, i.e., that the steady-state trajectories are locally stable for all operating points, in the part of the input plane given by (5,6). Stability established above implies that the perturbed state trajectories asymptotically converge to the steady-state trajectories if the perturbations are sufficiently small. Once the stability above is established, interactions between the “slow” state variables of the input and the output filter, and the “fast” state variables can be studies using the small-signal model of the PRC [l, 71, where the sign$ 8, proportional to the switching frequency perturbation fs becomes a dependent variable found from the condition that i b = &,f. Largesignal stability properties follow from the fact that the half-cycle controller ensures operation of the PRC in the region where the steady-state solution exists and is unique. 3.1 Figure 7: Steady-state and perturbed waveforms of the state variables during one half cycle. Topto-bottom: tank inductor current j ~ j~, j L ; tank capacitor voltage m,, mc h,; half-cycle integrator output q, q 4. Steady-state operating conditions are the same as in Fig. 4. + + + Input d y n a m i c s of the PRC under the half-cycle control Under the half-cycle control, the low-frequency input dynamics of the PRC can be modeled as shown in Fig. 8. From (8), -Eb = s; closed-form steady-state results for the PRC [l, 61, the trajectories can be found a t any given operating point specified by the values of “slow)’ variables: the input voltage mg, the input current j g = Jref, and the output current J. Assuming that the input voltage, reference, and the output current are constant, the “fast” state variables are perturbed at the beginning of the half switching cycle. The perturbations j L , hc are propagated to the end of the half cycle, taking into account that the condition for the end of the half cycle is determined by zero-crossing of the integrator’s output in the one-cycle controller, q(0) = q ( y ) = q ( y 9 ) = 0. This is illustrated in Fig. 7, which shows the steady-state and the perturbed trajectories, as well as the definition of the statevariable perturbations. Small perturbations a t the beginning of a half-cycle are related to the perturbations at the end of the half cycle through lTai2 ia(r)dr = s; I”” I r e f ( r ) d rz5 Irer(t), (10) assuming that the reference current is slowly varying during a half switching cycle. Therefore, the input to the PRC bridge can be modeled simply as an ideal current source controlled by the reference signal Irej. Complicated dynamics of the PRC completely disappear from the input side, so that the reference-to-input current dynamic response is determined entirely by the response of the linear input filter, + (9) where elements of the matrix K can be found in terms of the steady-state operating conditions. 560 In the rectifier application, Irer = v g / R e ,and the model of Fig. 8 can be used to design the input filter. The input-filter damping [l]is necessary in order to supress the oscillatory response in the input current ig(t) at the zero-crossings of the input line voltage. 4 Experimental verification An experimental 1.4kW PRC-based rectifier with the halfcycle controller is shown in Fig. 9. Design of the power stage Q Q L L ', Q LOAD Q iZ Figure 9: Experimental, half-cycle controlled 1.4kW PRCbased rectifier. The half-cycle controller block is shown in Fig. 3. Figure 10: Experimental details of the steady-state operation of the half-cycle controlled PRC. Top to bottom: 1) halfcycle integrator output q ( t ) , 2) tank inductor current i L ( t ) , 20A/div, 3) signal S2, 4) signal SI. Conditions: fb = 55.3kHz, Vg= 12OVdc, I , = 10.9Adc, V = 270Vdc, I = 4.4Adc. has been discussed in detail in [l].The half-cycle controller is shown in Fig. 3. Reference signal R,I,,f is proportional to the input voltage, R,I,,f = R,v,/R,. Emulated resistance R,, and therefore power level, are adjusted in an open-loop manner. Closedloop regulation of the output DC voltage can be added easily. A small current transformer CT in series with the transformer primary is used to sense the tank inductor current ZL. We note that ib= { ZL, -aL when , when Q= 1,Q=0 Q =O,Q= 1 (12) so that the signal -&ib proportional to the bridge input current can be easily reconstructed using four analog switches controlled by the same signals Q and Q that control the main power switches. Compared to the use of a sense resistor in series with the power bridge, this current-sensing technique is preferred for several reasons. First, a sense resistor would inevitably introduce a parasitic series inductance, which would contribute to increased voltage spikes across the bridge, and increased noise in the sensed current. With the current transformer sensing the tank inductor current, a low-esr filtering capacitor CFI can be placed right across the power transistor modules. The noise in the sensed signal is lower, and power loss on the sense resistor is eliminated. 4.1 Experimental results Comprehensive experiments have been performed to evaluate performance of the half-cycle controlled PRC-based rectifier. Fig. 10 shows several periods of the steady-state operation of the controller, when the converter is supplied from a DC Figure 11: Magnitude (10dB/dZv) and phase (45"ldZv) response of i g / i r e f . a) fs = 50kHz, v, = 50Vdc, I , = 2.9Adc, V = SOVdc, I = 1.4Adc; b) f, = 68kHz, V, = 10Vdc, I , = 2.9Adc, V = SOVdc, I = 0.2Adc. 561 line current, when the converter is operated as a high-powerfactor rectifier. In Fig. 12(a), the resonant tank inductor has its nominal inductance value, while in (b) the resonant-tank inductance is reduced t o 70% of its nominal value. Approximately the same performance has been achieved with no adjustments needed in the controller. 1 5 3 L \ f .... / Ll.... .... . u 34 1%mym MS.OGE Line/ l6.7V Conclusions The half-cycle controller for the PRC-based rectifier has several important advantages. Zero-current switching and belowresonance operation are guaranteed, while control of the input current is the fastest possible, regardless of the operating point. The controller adapts automatically t o the parameters of the power stage and is robust against wide parameter variations. Unlike conventional regulators, where regulator parameters must be carefully selected in relation t o the power stage dynamic response, there are essentially no parameters to adjust in the half-cycle controller, yet its performance is preserved under both small and large signal perturbations, up to saturation conditions. The proposed control technique has been experimentally verified on a 1.4kW PRC-based high power factor rectifier. References 2 [l] J. Hong, E. Ismail, R. Erickson, and I. Khan, “Design of the parallel resonant converter as a low harmonic rectifier,” Proceeding of the 1993 IEEE APEC, pp. 833-840, San Diego, March, 1993. [2] F. C. Schwarz, “An improved method of resonant current pulse modulation for power converters,” IEEE PESC, 1975 record, pp. 194-204. 4 [3] K. M. Smedley and S. Cuk, “One-cycle control of switching converters,” IEEE PESC, 1991 Record, pp. 888-896. Ch4 lOOmV Figure 12: Experimental waveforms of the input ac line voltage (top, 100V/div) and the input ac line current (bottom, 10A/div). a ) nominal tank inductance, V, = 119.8Vrms, V = 253.5Vdc, I = 4.3Adc; b) 70% tank inductance, V, = 118.3Vrms, V = 271.9Vdc, I = 4.4Adc. power source. Measured waveforms can be compared to the ideal waveforms of Fig. 4. Figs. l l ( a , b ) show measured magnitude and phase response of the reference-to-input current transfer function i,/i,.,f when the converter is supplied from a DC voltage source, for two different operating points. Note that the response is almost exactly the same, which illustrates the point that the control-loop performance is the same regardless of the operating conditions. Also, one can easily verify that the obtained frequency response is in fact equal to the frequency response of the input filter, H F ( ~ w=) i 9 / i b , which verifies the validity of the model in Fig. 8 for a wide range of frequencies, up to f d / 2 . Figs. 12(a,b) show measured AC line voltage and the AC [4] W. Tang, Y. Jiang, G. Hua, F. C. Lee, and I. Cohen, “Power factor correction with flyback converter employing charge control,’’ Proceeding of the 1993 IEEE APEC, pp. 293-298, San Diego, March, 1993. [5] R. Oruganti, F. C. Lee, “State-plane analysis of parallel resonant converters,” IEEE PESC, 1985 Record, pp. 5673. [6] S. D. Johnson and R. W. Erickson, “Steady-state analysis and design of the parallel resonant converter,” IEEE PESC, 1986 Record, pp. 154-165. [7] A. Witulski, A. Hernandez, and R. Erickson, “Small-signal equivalent circuit modeling of resonant converters,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, January 1991. 562