1454 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, VOL. 19, NO. 6, NOVEMBER 2004 Critical Bandwidth for the Load Transient Response of Voltage Regulator Modules Kaiwei Yao, Senior Member, IEEE, Yuancheng Ren, and Fred C. Lee, Fellow, IEEE Abstract—This paper investigates the relationship between the control bandwidth and the load transient response in voltage regulator modules (VRMs), which are designed with multiphase interleaving synchronous buck converters. Both voltage- and currentmode controls are discussed. A critical bandwidth value is discovered, beyond which pushing the bandwidth can no longer reduce the output voltage spike during the load transient response. Also, the critical bandwidths are different according to different kinds of output capacitors. The critical bandwidth concept highlights the trend of high-frequency VRM design that uses ceramic capacitors to achieve smaller size and faster load transient response. Simulation and experimental results prove the theoretical analysis. Index Terms—Load transient analysis, synchronous buck converter, voltage regulator. I. INTRODUCTION I T IS perceived that Moore’s Law will prevail at least for the next decade with the continuous advancement of processing technologies for integrated circuits. According to Intel’s roadmap, by the year 2010, over one billion transistors will be integrated in one processor; the processor’s clock speed will approach 15 GHz; the core static currents will increase up to 200 A; the dynamic current slew rate will rise up to 120 A/ns; and the core voltage will decrease to 0.8 V [1], [2]. The rapid advancement of processor technology has posed stringent challenges to the design of a voltage regulator module (VRM), the special power supply for the microprocessor. One pressing issue is dynamic voltage regulation during the fast load transient change. The VRM must maintain a low output voltage within a tight tolerance range during the operation, which includes a large current step change and high slew rate. For example, Intel’s specification VRM 9.1 % steady-state regulation accuracy and less [3] requires a than 108-mV output voltage spike for an 82-A load current step change. The slew rate of the processor load at the socket is 450 A/ s. Many output capacitors have already been used for current VRM design in order to limit the voltage spikes that occur during the load transient period. Increasing the number of capacitors to meet the more stringent load transient Manuscript received August 20, 2003; revised March 17, 2004. This work was presented at the PESC’02 Conference, Cairns, Australia, June 23-27. This work was supported by Intel, Texas Instruments, National Semiconductors, Intersil, TDK, Hitachi, Hipro, Power-One, Delta Electronics, ERC shared facilities, and the National Science Foundation under Award EEC-9731677. Recommended by Associate Editor F. Blaabjerg. The authors are with the Center for Power Electronics Systems, The Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0179 USA (e-mail: kyao@vt.edu). Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2004.836669 requirement for the future VRM design is no longer a suitable solution because of size and cost issues. As a result, a lot of research has gone into VRM load transient analysis [4]–[12] to determine the best way to minimize the number of output capacitors. However, no paper has considered the relationship between control bandwidth and the load transient response. It is just assumed that the higher the bandwidth, the faster the load transient response. And all of the analysis for the transient voltage spike is based on an ideal control in which the bandwidth is so high that the duty cycle is saturated during the load transient period. This paper investigates the relationship between the control bandwidth and the voltage spike for both the voltage- and current-mode controls during the load transient change. Also, it derives the bandwidth value that will saturate the duty cycle in the load transient period. Section II studies the fundamental reason for the transient voltage spikes. With the help of the average small-signal models, Section III establishes the relationship between the transient voltage spike values and the control bandwidths. A critical bandwidth value is derived, beyond which pushing the bandwidth can no longer reduce the output voltage spike during the transient response. Section IV discusses the validity of the small-signal analysis method, and the critical inductance concept is introduced. Finally, in Section V the simulation and experimental results are shown to prove all of the theoretical analyses. II. TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SPIKE ANALYSIS Currently, the multiphase interleaving synchronous buck converter is widely used in the design of VRMs in order to support the low voltage and high current [13]. Instead of using a single synchronous buck converter with many devices in parallel, we can separate these devices to form many “baby” converters and use these paralleled converters to perform the same function. Then we can phase-shift the control signals (360 divided by phase number) of these miniaturized converters to reduce the input and output current ripples. However, this interleaving effect does not change the average small-signal model of the entire circuit because interleaving only changes the ripple values and there is no ripple information in the average model. Additional supporting analysis can be found in other work [14], [15], which shows that the average small-signal model of a single synchronous buck converter can be used to analyze the multiphase case. Fig. 1 shows a synchronous buck converter with a closed-loop design. For a 12 V-input VRM, since the output filter inductor current increases faster than it decreases, the transient during stepdown is worse than during step-up. As a result, only the step-down transient is analyzed here. For simplicity, the delay effect in the 0885-8993/04$20.00 © 2004 IEEE YAO et al.: CRITICAL BANDWIDTH Fig. 1. 1455 Synchronous buck converter with a closed control loop. Fig. 3. Small-signal blocks: (a) voltage-mode control and (b) current-mode control. transient voltage spike according to (1). So if the relationship can be developed between the control bandwidth and the inductor average current during the transient period, it is easy to investigate the relationship between the transient voltage spike and the control bandwidth. The next section will accomplish this goal based on the average small-signal model. III. SMALL-SIGNAL MODEL ANALYSIS Fig. 2. Key current waveforms during the step-down transient. control loop is ignored. Since the load current slew rate of the microprocessor is much higher than the output filter inductor current slew rate (for example, 450 A/ s for a Pentium 4) [3], the load current transient is simply discussed as an ideal step change. Fig. 2 shows the reason for the output voltage spike that occurs during the load step-down transient. Since the output filter inductor current cannot follow the fast-changing load current , some extra current goes through both the output capacand its equivalent series resistance (ESR). The capacitor charge variation and the voltage drop combine to itor form the output voltage spike that occurs in the transient period. Here, the equivalent series inductor (ESL) of the bulk output capacitor is not considered, since the high-frequency ceramic capacitors in parallel will eliminate the di/dt effect. The output voltage waveform during the step-down transient can be calculated as (1) Fig. 2 shows the inductor current falling-time period from the goes to negafull load current to the light load current. After tive andtheoutputvoltage continuesdecreasing.Asaresult,the voltage spike happens only in the period. The inductor current information obtained during the period can be used to calculate the transient voltage spike. To further simplify the analysis, the current ripples can be ignored. The inductor average current information during the transient period can be used to analyze the Fig. 3 shows the small-signal block of the synchronous buck converter with voltage- and current-mode controls that follows is the power stage the feedback-control model [16], [17]. open-loop output impedance. is the transfer function of to the duty cycle d. is the transfer funcoutput voltage is the transfer tion of inductor current to load current . repfunction of the inductor current to the duty cycle d. resents the comparator effect. is the current loop compenis the voltage loop compensator sator transfer function, and transfer function. The compensator designs here just follow the classic methods outlined in previous work [16], [17]. In the voltage-mode control, the control loop is defined as (2) In the current-mode control, the voltage loop is the same as (2). The current loop is defined as (3) Current-mode control is a multiloop control system. The power stage with current loop closed can be defined as a function block, and then the entire system can be treated as a single-loop control system. The measured system loop gain outside of the closed current loop is referred to as the outer loop gain [16], as (4) In the small-signal blocks, the current transfer function represents the relationship between the inductor current and the load current in the open-loop condition, as (5) (6) 1456 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, VOL. 19, NO. 6, NOVEMBER 2004 where is the ESR zero of the output capacitor, is the power stage double pole, and Q represents the damping effect in the in the second-order system because of the resistance power stage. The ESR of the inductor, the trace resistance, and the turn-on resistance of the power MOSFETs all contribute to [17]. With a closed voltage loop, the closed-loop current transfer function can be derived from the small-signal block diagram of the system in Fig. 3(a) (7) With both the current and voltage loops closed, the closedloop current transfer function can be derived from the smallsignal block diagram of the system in Fig. 3(b), as (8) Further mathematic analysis can simplify (7) and (8) as (9) (10) where is the crossover frequency of the control loop; i.e., it is the voltage loop in voltage-mode control, but is the outer loop in is half of the switching frequency. current-mode control. The In the frequency domain, the normalized load current with step change can be expressed as Fig. 4. Voltage-mode control: (a) current transfer function response inductor current (bottom). G (s) and (b) step G (s) and (b) step (11) Based on all the information in the frequency domain, the average inductor current waveform in the transient period, which is in the time domain, can be easily derived using an inverse Laplace transformation. Fig. 4 shows the current transfer function and the step response inductor current with voltage-mode control. In the open loop, the inductor current responds to the load current step change as a second-order system, in which the oscillation frequency is the power stage double pole. With the loop closed, the oscillation frequency is modified to the level of the control bandwidth, which is much faster than the condition in the open loop. The inductor current rising time is approximately a quarter of the oscillation period. Thus, the average inductor current during the step-down transient is about (12) . where Fig. 5 shows the current transfer function and the step response inductor current with peak-current-mode control. The inductor current with closed loop responds to the load current step change as a first-order system, in which the time constant is the outer-loop control bandwidth. The average inductor current during transient is approximately (13) Fig. 5. Current-mode control: (a) current transfer function response inductor current. Now, the relationship between the control bandwidth and the inductor current in the transient period is shown in (12) and (13). Since the current through the output capacitor is the same as the inductor current during the transient period, it is easy to derive the output voltage spike by calculating the maximum value of YAO et al.: CRITICAL BANDWIDTH 1457 Fig. 8. Relationship between the bandwidth and the transient voltage spike: (a) voltage-mode control and (b) current-mode control. Fig. 6. Transient waveforms with voltage-mode control: (a) . (b) f f f <f and The transient voltage spike is (17) Fig. 8 shows the relationship between the bandwidth and the voltage spike in the transient response. In the low-frequency range, the higher the bandwidth, the smaller the transient voltage spikes. However, the ESR of the output capacitor limits the voltage spike when the bandwidth is higher than the critical value. It is much easier to understand the critical bandwidth based on the output impedance consideration. Following the analysis in [16], [17], the open-loop output impedance of the synchronous buck converter is Fig. 7. (b) Transient waveforms with current-mode control: (a) . f f f <f and (18) (1). It is very interesting that there exists a critical bandwidth for both voltage- and current-mode controls. With a low-bandwidth design, the maximum transient voltage is reached at some point after the load step change. This means that the control of the power stage determines the value of the transient voltage spike. When the bandwidth is higher than the critical value, the maximum transient voltage always occurs at the same time as the load step change. The ESR of the output capacitor determines the voltage spike. Figs. 6 and 7 show the calculated voltage transient waveforms (the voltage value is normalized to the output voltage) in both the voltage-mode and current-mode controls. The waveforms are only effective within the inductor-currentfalling periods. For voltage-mode control, the critical bandwidth is (14) The transient voltage spike is where includes the dc resistance of the inductor L, the conduction resistance of the MOSFETs, and the parasitic . resistance of the traces, and For the current-mode control, a high-bandwidth current-loop design can simplify the synchronous buck converter from a two-order system to a one-order system. When the current loop is closed and the voltage loop is open, the synchronous buck converter operates as an ideal current source, and its output impedance can be approximately represented as (19) When the voltage loop is closed, the closed-loop output impedance can be derived from the small-signal block diagram of the system in Fig. 3, as for voltage-mode control (20) for current-mode control (21) (15) For current-mode control, the critical bandwidth is (16) Fig. 9 shows the relationship between the control bandwidth and the closed-loop output impedance for the current-mode , the corner frequency control. For the output impedance , which is right at the is just at the capacitor ESR zero critical bandwidth. Continuously pushing the bandwidth higher 1458 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, VOL. 19, NO. 6, NOVEMBER 2004 (a) (b) Fig. 9. Closed-loop output impedance with the current-mode control: (a) ! reduces the output impedance maximum value when the bandwidth is within the critical bandwidth range. However, beyond the critical bandwidth, the loop gain can no longer attenuate the impedance in the high-frequency range, which is the ESR value of the output capacitor. As a result, the transient voltage spike is determined by the output capacitor ESR voltage drop. The voltage-mode control follows the same principle. But since there is a double pole in the open-loop output impedance, the critical bandwidth needs to be higher than the ESR zero so that the loop gain can sufficiently attenuate the impedance within the control bandwidth. But the critical bandwidth value in (14) cannot be easily seen using the closed-loop output impedance analysis. IV. CRITICAL INDUCTANCE DESIGN The preceding analysis is based on the small-signal models. If the duty cycle is saturated, the closed-loop current transfer function can no longer be used for transient analysis. Instead, the output filter inductance determines the inductor current during the transient period. The inductor current slew rates during the step-up and step-down are (22) (23) According to (12) and (13), the small-signal model analysis also determines an inductor current slew rate during the transient. For voltage-mode control (24) For current-mode control (25) (26) However, the maximum inductor current slew rates derived from the small-signal models in (24) and (26) cannot exceed the Faraday Law limitations given in (22) and (23). Larger values from (20) and (22) mean that the duty cycles are saturated and the small-signal model is no longer valid. The equivalent points give a critical inductance value. For voltage-mode control (27) <! (c) , (b) ! =! , and (c) ! >! . For current-mode control (28) For the 12 V-input VRMs, D is smaller than (1-D). As a result, (27) and (28) can be further simplified as (29) (30) The critical inductance concept reveals the point at which the duty cycle will go to saturation in a closed-loop controlled converter. The crossover frequency determines the critical inductance value. More detailed analysis is provided in other work [18]. Also, the preceding analysis shows that both the control bandwidth and the inductance impact the speed of the inductor current transient response. With the inductance designed to be smaller than the critical value, the control bandwidth determines the effect. But for an inductance design that is larger than the critical value, the same control bandwidth is over-designed, and the inductor itself determines its current transient response speed. For each inductance design, an effective control bandwidth can be derived from (29), as (31) Any bandwidth design beyond this value saturates the duty cycle but cannot improve the transient response speed. Assuming that the bandwidth design is always higher than the effective value obtained in (31) for different inductance designs, (31) can be substituted into (15), which yields the following relationship between the transient voltage spike and the inductance: (32) where (33) It is clear that reducing the inductance below a certain value can no longer help to reduce the transient voltage spike. YAO et al.: CRITICAL BANDWIDTH Fig. 10. f = Transient voltage spikes with voltage-mode control. (Top) 12:5 KHz. (Middle) f = f = 25 KHz. (Bottom) f = 37:5 KHz. This analysis shows that for the critical bandwidth design, the relative critical inductance value is a good design point in terms of both the transient response speed and the efficiency. There is no need to further reduce the inductance or to push the bandwidth. Of cause, a certain design margin should be considered in real VRM applications. V. SIMULATION AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Pspice software is used to simulate a two-phase interleaving synchronous buck converter with both voltage- and current-mode controls. The dc-dc conversion is from 12 to 1.5 V with 25-A full load current. The switching frequency of each phase is 300 KHz. The output capacitor is modeled with F and m , which represents four Sanyo Oscon capacitors (4SP820M) in parallel. The output filter choke in each phase is 800 nH, which allows as high as 37.5 KHz bandwidth for voltage-mode control and 24-KHz bandwidth for current-mode control without duty cycle saturation, according to (29) and (30). Simulation results shown in Figs. 10 and 11 prove the existence of the critical bandwidth in both control methods. The voltage ripple is not included in the voltage spikes. According to (14) and (16), for the Oscon capacitor 4SP820M, the critical bandwidth is 25 KHz in voltage-mode control and 16 KHz in current-mode control. Bandwidths higher than the critical value can no longer reduce the transient voltage spikes. The ESR of the output capacitor and the step load current value determine the transient voltage spike values, which are 75 mV. A two-phase interleaving synchronous buck converter is developed to verify the results of the theoretical analysis. The design is the same as for the simulation case. The output capacitors are four Sanyo Oscon capacitors (4SP820M) in parallel. The 1459 Fig. 11. f Transient voltage spikes with current-mode control. (Top) = 16 KHz. (Bottom) f = 24 KHz. = 10 KHz. (Middle) f = f output filter choke in each phase is one DELTA DPF146-0R8 (800 nH). Figs. 12 and 13 show the transient waveforms with voltage-mode and current-mode controls. The experimental results agree with the theoretical analysis. Because the output interconnection resistor is also responsible for some of the voltage drop that occurs in the transient period, the real voltage spike limitation is slightly larger than the theoretical result (75 mV). The critical bandwidth is very useful for design. Table I lists the critical bandwidth values with different kinds of capacitors, the size of each capacitor, and the numbers required to meet the VRM 9.1 standard. Currently, the Oscon capacitor is widely used in VRM design. For this kind of capacitor, the critical bandwidths for both the voltage- and current-mode controls are relatively low. A switching frequency of 200–300 KHz is sufficient to achieve the critical bandwidth design. The ESRE series capacitor from Cornell Dubilier has a much smaller size than the Oscon capacitor. However, the switching frequency must reach about 500 KHz to realize the critical bandwidth design. For the ceramic capacitor, it is impossible to push the bandwidth to the critical value; this design must follow the case in which the bandwidth is lower than the critical value. For a specified , the requirements of the output voltage spike requirement capacitance can be derived from (15) and (17). For voltage-mode control (34) For current-mode control (35) 1460 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, VOL. 19, NO. 6, NOVEMBER 2004 = 10 KHz, (b) f =f Fig. 12. Transient voltage spikes with voltage-mode control: (a) f Fig. 13. Transient voltage spikes with current-mode control: (a) f = 8 KHz, (b) f = f TABLE I CRITICAL BANDWIDTH WITH DIFFERENT KINDS OF CAPACITORS VI. CONCLUSION The dynamic output voltage regulation during the fast load transient changes is a severe challenge for VRM design. This paper investigates the relationship between the control bandwidth and the output voltage spike during the load transient change. A critical bandwidth is derived to facilitate the VRM design. In the low-frequency range below the critical bandwidth, the control bandwidth determines the transient voltage spike value, and increasing the control bandwidth can reduce the transient voltage spike. However, pushing the control bandwidth higher than the critical value is unhelpful because the transient voltage drop across the ESR of the output capacitors dominates the transient voltage spike. Since the critical bandwidth is related to the time constant of the output capacitors, the critical bandwidths are different for VRM designs with different kinds of output capacitors. For VRM design, Oscon capacitors are widely used, but their large ESR values yield critical bandwidths of around 20–30 KHz. Further increasing the switching frequency for a higher control bandwidth offers little help for further reducing capacitor numbers. The chance and trend for the design of small, high-frequency VRMs depends on the use of capacitors with smaller ESR values, such as ceramic capacitors. = 25 KHz, and (c) f = 36 KHz. = 16 KHz, and (c) f = 30 KHz. REFERENCES [1] E. Stanford, “Power technology roadmap for microprocessor voltage regulators,” in Proc. PSMA, Feb. 2003. [2] 2001 Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors [Online]. Available: http://www.intel.com/research/silicon/AlanAllanIEEEComputer0102.pdf [3] Intel Corp., “Intel Document,” VRM 9.1 DC-DC converter design guidelines, Jan. 2002. [4] D. Goder and W. R. Pelletier, “V architecture provides ultra-fast transient response in switch mode power supplies,” in Proc. HFPC, 1996, pp. 16–23. [5] J. Xu, X. Cao, and Q. Luo, “The effects of control techniques on the transient response of switching DC-DC converters,” in Proc. IEEE PEDS, 1999, pp. 794–796. [6] P. Wong, F. C. Lee, X. Zhou, and J. Chen, “VRM transient study and output filter design for future processors,” in Proc. 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Yao, “Critical inductance in voltage regulator modules,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 17, pp. 485–492, July 2002. Kaiwei Yao (M’95–SM’04) received the B.S. degree from Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China in 1992, the M.S. degree from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China in 1995, and the Ph.D. degree from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), Blacksburg, 2004, all in electrical engineering. From 1995 to 1998, he was an Engineer for UPS Design, Hwadar Electronics, Shenzhen, China. In 2003, he was Technical Coordinator at the Center for Power Electronics Systems (CPES), Virginia Tech. His research interests include power management, high-frequency high-density power supplies, modeling and control for converters, design for distribute-power systems, and power-factor-correction techniques. Yuancheng Ren received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, in 1997 and 2000, respectively, and is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in power electronics at the Center for Power Electronics Systems (CPES), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg. His research interests include power management, high-frequency high-density power supplies, modeling and control for converters, and design for distribute-power systems. 1461 Fred C. Lee (S’72–M’74–SM’87–F’90) received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, R.O.C., in 1968 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Duke University, Durham, NC, in 1971 and 1974, respectively. He is a University Distinguished Professor with Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), Blacksburg, and prior to that he was the Lewis A. Hester Chair of Engineering at Virginia Tech. He directs the Center for Power Electronics Systems (CPES), a National Science Foundation engineering research center whose participants include five universities and over 100 corporations. In addition to Virginia Tech, participating CPES universities are the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, North Carolina A&T State University, and the University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez. He is also the Founder and Director of the Virginia Power Electronics Center (VPEC), one of the largest university-based power electronics research centers in the country. VPEC’s Industry-University Partnership Program provides an effective mechanism for technology transfer, and an opportunity for industries to profit from VPEC’s research results. VPEC’s programs have been able to attract world-renowned faculty and visiting professors to Virginia Tech who, in turn, attract an excellent cadre of undergraduate and graduate students. Total sponsored research funding secured by him over the last 20 years exceeds $35 million. His research interests include high-frequency power conversion, distributed power systems, space power systems, power factor correction techniques, electronics packaging, high-frequency magnetics, device characterization, and modeling and control of converters. He holds 30 U.S. patents, and has published over 175 journal articles in refereed journals and more than 400 technical papers in conference proceedings. Dr. Lee received the Society of Automotive Engineering’s Ralph R. Teeter Education Award (1985), Virginia Tech’s Alumni Award for Research Excellence (1990), and its College of Engineering Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research (1997), in 1989, the William E. Newell Power Electronics Award, the highest award presented by the IEEE Power Electronics Society for outstanding achievement in the power electronics discipline, the Power Conversion and Intelligent Motion Award for Leadership in Power Electronics Education (1990), the Arthur E. Fury Award for Leadership and Innovation in Advancing Power Electronic Systems Technology (1998), the IEEE Millennium Medal, and honorary professorships from Shanghai University of Technology, Shanghai Railroad and Technology Institute, Nanjing Aeronautical Institute, Zhejiang University, and Tsinghua University. He is an active member in the professional community of power electronics engineers. He chaired the 1995 International Conference on Power Electronics and Drives Systems, which took place in Singapore, and co-chaired the 1994 International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, held in Beijing. During 1993-1994, he served as President of the IEEE Power Electronics Society and, before that, as Program Chair and then Conference Chair of IEEE-sponsored power electronics specialist conferences.