r INTRODUCTION OHM'S LAW 3-1 3-2 3-3 34 3-5 3-6 ffi Ohm's Law Current Calculating CalculatingVoltage CalculatingResistance of Current, The Relationship Voltage,and Resistance TechnologyTheoryinto Practice (EWB) Electronics Workbench and PSpiceTutorialsavailableat http://www.prenhalLcom/floyd In Chapter 2, you studied the conceptsof voltage, culrent, and resistance.You also were introduced to a basic electric circuit. In this chapter,you will learn how voltage, current, and resistanceare interrelated. You will also learn how to analvze a simole electric circuit. Ohm's law is perhapsthe single most important tool for the analysis of electric circuits. There are many other laws, theorems, and rules-some of which you can live without; however, you must know and be able to apply Ohm's law. In 1826 Georg Simon Ohm found that current, voltage, and resistanceare related in a specific and predictable way. Ohm expressedthis relationship with a formula that is known today as Ohm's law. In this chapter,you will learn Ohm's law and how to use it in solving circuit problems. Ohm's law is one of the basic foundation elementsupon which the rest of your study and work in electronics will be built. In the TECH TIP, Section 3-6, you will see how Ohm's law is applicable to a practical circuit. Visualize the following situation: On the job, you are assignedto test a resistancebox that has been constructed for use in the lab. The resistancebox provides severaldecadesof resistance(10 Q, 100 O, 1.0 kO, etc.) that are switch selectable.This is a rush job and the resistancebox is urgently neededin a product test setup. Checking out the box is simple enough.All you have to do is measurethe resistance between the two terminals for each setting of the selector switch and verify that the resistanceis correct. After connecting the multimeter and selecting the ohmmeter function, you discover that it is not functioning as an ohmmeter.This is the only meter in the lab that is available immediately. The boss wants this done right away, so what do you do? r TECHnology Theory Into Practice r CHAPTER OBfECTIVES a Calculateresistancein a circuit tr Explain the proporlional relationship of cunent, D ExplainOhm's law o Calculate currentin a circuit tl Calculate voltagein a circuit IIIST()RICAI, voltage,and resistance NOTE Georg Simon Ohm 1781-1854 Georg Simon Ohm was a physicist bom in Erlangen, Bavaria, in 1787. After a long struggleto gain recognition for his work in formulating the relationship of current, voltage (electromotive force), and resistance, he becamea professor at Nuremburg from 1833 to 1849 and at Munich from 1849 to 1854. The mathematicalrelationship of the basic electrical quantities that he developed is known today as Ohm's law and the unit of resistance is the ohm (Q). Photo credit: Library of Congress, LC-U5Z62-40943. 70 r OHM'S LAW 3-1 r OHM,S LAW Ohm's law describes msthematically how voltage, current, qnd resistence in a circuit are related. Ohm's law is used in three equivalent forms depending on whi.ch quantity you need to determine. In this section, you will learn each of theseforms. After completing this section, you should be able to r Explain Ohm's law . Describe how % 1, and R are related . Express 1 as a function of Vand R . Express V as a function of 1 and R . Express R as a function of V and 1 Ohm determined experimentally that if the voltage acrossa resistor is increased,the current through the resistor will also increase; and, likewise, if the voltage is decreased,the cuffent will decrease.For example, if the voltage is doubled, the current will double. If the voltage is halved, the current will also be halved. This relationship is illustrated in Figure 3-1, with relative meter indications of voltage and current. (a) Less V, less 1 (b) More V,morc I FIGURE3-1 Effect on the current of changingthe voltagewith the resistanceat a constantvalue. Ohm's law also statesthat if the voltage is kept constant, less resistanceresults in more current, and, also, more resistanceresults in less current. For example, if the resistance is halved, the current doubles. If the resistanceis doubled, the current is halved. This concept is illustrated by the meter indications in Figure 3-2, wherc the resistanceis increasedand the voltage is held constant. ia) Less R, more / ib) More R, less1 FIGURE3-2 Effect on the current of changingthe resistancewith the voltage at a constant value. OHM'S LAW . 71 Formulafor Current Ohm's law can be stated as follows: I=! R (3-1) This formula describeswhat was indicated by the circuits of Figures 3-1 and 3-2. For a constant value of R, if the value of V is increased, the value of 1 increases; if V is decreased,1 decreases.Also notice in Equation (3-1) that if V is constant and R is increased,1 decreases.Similarly, if V is constant and R is decreased,1 increases. Using Equation (3-1), you can calculate the current if the values of voltage and resistanceare known. Formulafor Voltage Ohm's law can also be stated another way. By multiplying both sides of Equation (3-1) by R and transposingterms, you obtain an equivalent form of Ohm's law, as follows: V=IR (3-2) With this equation, you can calculate voltage if the current and resistanceare known. Formulafor Resistance There is a third equivalent way to state Ohm's law. By dividing both sides of Equation (3-2) by 1 and transposingterms, you obtain n = I! (3-3) This form of Ohm's law is used to determine resistanceif voltage and current values are known. Remember,the three formulas-Equations (3-l), (3-2) and (3-3)-are all equivalent. They are simply three different ways of expressingOhm's law. :toN3-1 EW 1. Ohm's law defineshow three basic quantities are related.What are thesequantities? 2. Write the Ohm's law formula for current. 3. Write the Ohm's law formula for voltage. 4. Write the Ohm's law formula for resistance. 5. If the voltage across a fixed-value resistor is tripled, does the current increase or decrease, and by how much? 6. If the voltage across a fixed resistor is cut in half, how much will the current change? 7. There is a fixed voltage across a resistor, and you measure a current of I A. If you replace the resistor with one that has twice the resistance value, how much current will you measure? 8. In a circuit the voltage is doubled and the resistance is cut in half. Would the current increase or decrease. and if so. bv how much? 72 T OHM,S LAW 3_2 . CALCULATING CURRENT In this section,you will leurn to use Ohm'slaw to determinecurrent vqlaeswhenyou know the valaesof voltageand resistance.Youwill ulso seehow to use quuntities expressed with metricprefixesin circuit calcalqtions. you shouldbe able to ffier completingthis secti.on, I Calculatecurrent in a circuit . UseOhm'slaw to find currentwhenvoltageandresistance areknown . Use voltageandresistance valuesexpressed with metricprefixes In the following examples,the formula I = V/R is used. In order to get current in amperes, vou must exDressthe value of voltase in volts and the value of resistancein ohms. EXAMPLE 3-1 How manyamperesof currentarein the circuit of Figure3-3? FIGURE3-3 v 100v Solution Use the formula I = V/R, and substitute 100 V for V and 22 Q for R. .1 = ! = R l o o Y= 4 . 5 5 - { 22o. There are 4.55 A of current in this circuit. Related Problem EXAMPLE 3-2 IfR is changedto 33 f) in Figure 3-3, what is the current? If the resistancein Figure 3-3 is changedto 47 Q and the voltage to 50 V what is the new value of current? Solution Substitute V = 50V and R = 4l Q,into the formula I = V/R. ,- = oV = f5fOi V= 1 . 0 6 A RelatedProblem If V= 5 V andR = 1000f). what is the current? (kcl and MQ) LargerUnitsof Resistance In electronics,resistancevalues of thousandsof ohms or even millions of ohms are common. As you learned in Chapter 1, large values of resistanceare indicated by the metric systemprefixes kilo (k) and mega (M). Thus, thousandsof ohms are expressedin kilohms (kQ), and millions of ohms in megohms (MO). The following examplesillustrate how to use kilohms and megohms when you calculate current. CALCULATINC CURRENT . 73 Calculate the current in Fisure 3-4. + V - Solution Rememberthat 1.0 kQ is the sameas 1 x 103f). Use the formula I =V/R and substitute50 V for V and I x l0r Q for R. 't = ! = R 50v = 50Y =5oxlo-3A=5omA 1.0kO-txt03O- @@@@@@mm Related Problem Calculate the current in Figure 31if R is changed to 10 kfl. In Example 3-3, 50 x l0-'A is expressedas 50 milliamperes(50 mA). This can be used to advantagewhen you divide volts by kilohms. The current will be in milliamperes, as Example 3-4 illustrates. How many milliamperes are in the circuit of Figure 3-5? V: Solution When you divide volts by kilohms, you get cur:rentin milliamperes. I-Y - 39Y =5.36mA R 5.6kO RelatedProblem What is the currentin milliamperesif R is changedto 2.2 kCL? If volts are applied when resistance values are in megohms, the current is in microamperes(pA), as Example 3-5 shows. EXAMPTE 3-5 Determine the amount of cur:rentin the circuit of Fisure 3-6. FIGURE3-6 v 25V R 4.1MA solution Recallthat 43 MQ equals4.7 x l0o f). Substitute25 Y for v and 4.7 x 106Q for R. I=I=#k=#k=5.32x 1 oA - 6= 5 ' 3p2A RelatedProblem what is the currentif v is increasedto 100v in Figure3-6? EXAMPLE3-6 Change the value of R in Figure 3-6 to 1.8 MQ. What is the new value of current? Solution When you divide volts by megohms,you get current in microamperes. -t Related Prohlem of current? 9A = ! = - ' ! - u - == 1 3 . p R 1.8MC) If R is doubled in the circuit of Figure 3-6, what is the new value LargerUnitsof Voltage(kV) Small voltages, usually less than 50 V are common in semiconductor circuits. Occasionally, howeveq large voltages are encountered.For example, the high-voltage supply in a television receiver is around 20,000 V (20 kilovolts, or 20 kV), and transmission voltages generatedby the power companiesmay be as high as 345,000 V (345 kV). The following iwo examples illustrate how to use voltage values in the kilovolt range when you calculate current. EXnA,tpLf g-Z How much current is produced by a voltage of 24 kY across a 12 kC) resistance? Solution Since kilovolts are divided by kilohms, the preflxes cancel; therefore, the current is in amPeres. 24kv 24xl0rv - v t= R= 12ko=-=oo ^^ RelatedProblem Whatis the currentin mA producedby 1 kV acrossa 27 kQ resistance? EXAMpLE 3-S How muchcurrentis therethrougha 100MQ resistorwhen50 kV areapplied? Solution In this case,divide 50 kV by 100 MQ to get the current. Substitute 50 x 103V for 50 kV and 100x 106Q for 100MO. s0kv - sox-lql/=o'5x10-3A=0'5mA ^r-YR- 10ffi=fr ,;i.O Remember that the power of ten in the denominator is subtracted from the power of ten in the numerator.So 50 was divided by 100, giving 0.5, and 6 was subtractedfrom 3, giving 10-3. @wwffiwww@ffiwffi RelatedProblem How muchcurrentis therethrougha 6.8 MQ resistorwhen 10kV are applied? CALCULATING VOLTACE - 75 In Problems l-4. calculate1. l.V=l0VandR=5.6f). 2.V=l00VandR=560O. 3.V=5Vand R=2.2kt|. 4. V = 15 V and R= 4.7 MQ. 5. lf a 4J MQ resistorhas 20 kV acrossit, how much current is there? 6. How much current will l0 kV across2.2kA produce? 3-3 r CALCUTATING VOLTAGE In this section, yoa will learn to use Ohm's law to determine voltage velues when you know the valaes of current end resistance. You will also see how to use quantities expressedwith metric prefixes in circuit calculations. After completing this section, you should be sble to I Calculate voltage in a circuit . Use Ohm's law to find voltage when current and resistanceare known . Use current and resistancevalues expressedwith metric prefixes In the following examples, the formula V = IR is used. To obtain voltage in volts, you must expressthe value of 1in amperesand the value of R in ohms. EXAMPTE 3-9 ln the circuit of Figure 3-7, how much voltage is neededto produce 5 A of current? FICURE3-7 Solution Substitute 5 A for l and 100 ft for R into the formula V = IR. V=IR=(5AX100O)=500V Thus, 500 V are required to produce 5 A of cunent through a 100 O resistor. Related Prohlem current? In Figure 3-7, how much voltage is required to produce 12 A of SmallerUnitsof Current(mA and pA) The following two examplesillustrate how to use current values in the milliampere (mA) and microampere (pA) ranges when you calculate voltage. EXAMPLE 3-10 How muchvoltagewill be measuredacrossthe resistorin Figure3-8? FIGURE3-B Solution Five milliamperes equals 5 x 10-' A. Substitute the values for / and R into theformulaV=IR. V = IR= (5 mA)(56 fi) = (5 x 10-3AX56 O) = 280 x 10-3V = 280 mV When milliamperes are multiplied by ohms, you get millivolts. Related Problem How much voltage is measured across R if R = 33 Q and 1 = 1.5 mA in Fieure 3-8? EXAMPLE 3-11 Supposethat there is a current of 8 pA through a 10 Q resistor. How much voltage is acrossthe resistor? Solution Eight microamperes equals 8 x 10-6 A. Substitute the values for l and R into the formula V = IR. V = I R = ( 8 p A X l 0 O ) = ( 8 x 1 0 - 6 A X l 0 f ) ) = 8 0 x 1 0 - 6V = 8 0 s . V . When microamperesare multiplied by ohms, you get microvolts. Related Problem If there are3.2pA through a47 Qresistor, what is the voltage acrossthe resistor? These examples have shown that when you multiply milliamperes and ohms, you get millivolts. When you multiply microamperesand ohms, you get microvolts. (kQ and MQ) LargerUnitsof Resistance The following two examples illustrate how to use resistancevalues in the kilohm (kQ) and megohm (MQ) ranges when you calculate voltage. 3-12 EXAMPLE The circuit in Figure 3-9 has a current of l0 mA. What is the voltage? FIGURE3_9 solution Tenmilliamperesequals10 x 10-3A and3.3 kQ equals3.3 x 10'.Q. Substitutethesevaluesinto the formulaV = IR. V = IR = (10mAX3.3kO) = (10x 10-3AX3.3x 103O; = 33 V CALCULATINC r 77 RESISTANCE Notice that 10-3 and 103cancel. Therefore, milliamperes cancel kilohms when multiplied, and the result is volts. @@@m@a@a@@@rffil Related Problem EXAMPLE 3-13 If the current in Figure 3*9 is 25 mA, what is the voltase? If there is a current of 50 pA through a 4.1 Mtt resisror,what is the voltage? Solution Fifty microamperes equals 50 x 10-6A and.4.1 MQ is 4.j x 106O. Substitute these values into the formula V = IR. V = IR = (50 pA)(4.7 MO) = (50 x t0-6 A)\4.7 x 106e) = 235 V Notice that 10-6 and 106cancel. Therefore, microamperescancel megohms when multiplied, and the result is volts. Related Prohlem 3-3 If there are 450 prA through a 3.9 MQ resistor,what is the voltase? In Problems l-7. calculate V. r=tAandR= 10f). :. 2. I=SAandR =470Ct. 3. I=3mAandR:I00O. ' 4. I=25 L+AandR=56O. 0 l - n 5 , I = 2 m A a ^n-dl DR- =1 1 .8kQ. 6. I=5 mAardR=100MQ. ;',=;;;;;';=r;il 8. How much voltage is required to produce 100 mA though 4.7 kA? 9. What voltagedo you need to cause3 mA of current in a 3.3 kQ resistance? 10. A battery produces 2 A ofcurent into a 6.8 f2 resistive load. What is the battery voltage? r CALCULATING RESISTANCE In this section, you will leqrn to use Ohm's Isw to determine resistance values when you know the vulues of current and voltage. You will ulso see how to use quantities expressedwith metric prefixes in circuit calculations. After completing this section, you should he uble to I Calculate resistance in a circuit . Use Ohm's law to find resistancewhen voltage and current are known . Use current and voltage values expressedwith metric prefixes In the following examples,the formula R = v/I is used. To get resistancein ohms, you must expressthe value of 1 in amperesand the value of V in volts. 7B T OHM,S LAW EXAMPLE 3-14 is neededto draw3.08A of current In the circuit of Figure3-10, how muchresistance from the battery? F I G U R E3 - 1 0 12v for v and3,08A for l intotheformulaR = v/1. solution Substitute l2v =3.90c) p=!1 3.08A Related Problem 5.45A? In Figure 3-10, to what value must R be changed for a current of SmallerUnitsof Current(mA and pA) The following two examplesillustrate how to use current values in the milliampere (mA) and microampere (pA) ranges when you calculate resistance. 3-15 EXAMPLE Supposethat the ammetef in Figure 3-1 I indicates 4.55 mA of current and the voltmeter reads 150 V. What is the value of R? F I G U R E3 - 1 1 Solution 4.55 mA equals 4.55 x l0-3 A. Substitute the voltage and current values into the formula R = V/1. 15ov- =33x103c)=33ko 15ov o-!= " - I - 4 . 5 5 m A -4 . 5 5 x 1 0 - 3 A When volts are divided by milliamperes, the resistanceis in kilohms. Related Problem If the ammeter indicates 1.10 mA and the voltmeter reads 75 Y what is the value of R? THE RELATIONSHIP . 79 OF CURRENT, VOLTACE, AND RESISTANCE EXAMPLE 3-1 6 Supposethat the value of the resistor in Figure 3-11 is changed.If the battery volrage is still 150 V and the arnmeterreads 68.2 prA, what is the new resistor value? Solution for R. 68.2 y.A equals68.2 x 10-6A. SubstituteV andl valuesinto the equation 1 5 0 v - -= 2 . 2 x 1 0 6 o = R=!=,ttou 2.2MdL I 68.2pA 68.2x 10-6A When volts are divided by microamperes,the resistancehas units of megohms. Related Problem If the resistor is changedin Figure 3-11 so that the ammeterreads 45.5 uA, what is the new resistor value? Assume V = 150 V. 1 sEcTloN3-4 i REVIEW :i g = Y In Problems,1-5, calculateR. l , V = 1 0 V a n dI = 2 . 1 3 A . 2.V=270Vand1= l0A. 3.V=20kVand1=5.13A. 4. V = 15V and1= 2.68mA. 5 . V = 5 V a n dI = 2 . 2 7 p A . 6. You havea resistoracrosswhich you measure25 Y, andyour ammeterindicates 53.2mA of current.What is the resistor'svaluein kilohms?In ohms? 3-5 r THE RELATIONSH|P OF CURRENT, VOLTAGE, AND RESTSTANCE Ohm's lsw describeshow current is related to voltage snd resistance, Current und voltage are linearly proportional; carrent and resistance ure inversely related. Because voltage is the "driving forcel' it is not dependent on the resistsnce when used us & source, When it is a voltuge drop, it is directly proportional to the resistance for a given current. After completing this section, you should be able to I Explain the proportional relationship of current, voltage, and resistance . Show graphically that 1 and V are directly proportional . Show graphically that 1 and R are inversely proportional . Explain why 1 and V are linearly proportional The LinearRelationship of Currentand Voltage Current and voltage are linearly proportional; that is, if one is increasedor decreasedby a certain percentage,the other will increase or decreaseby the same percentage,assuming that the resistanceis constantin value. For example, if the voltage acrossa resistor is tripled, the current will triple. 3-I2 is increasedto three times its presShow that if the voltage in the circuit of Figure ent value, the current will triple in value' EXAMPLE3_17 F I C U R E3 - 1 2 R 4.7ka Solution With 10V, the currentis 'I - Y R lov =2.1.3mA 4.7kf2 If the voltageis increasedto 30 Y the cunentwill be 30v =6.38mA ! =r, = -R 4.7kQ Thecurrentwentfrom2.|3rnAto6.38mAwhenthevoltagewastripledto30V. RelatedProblemlfthevoltageinFigure3-|2isquadrupled,willthecurrentalso quadruple? A Craph of CurrentVersusVoltage 10 Q, and calculate the current for Let,s take a constant value of resistance,for example, to 100 V' The current values obtained are several values of voltage ranging from 10 V values versus the v values is shown in Figshown in Figure 3-13(;). rhe-gr-aphof the 1 This graph tells us that a change in volture 3_13(b). Note that it iru ,tiagrrt Hne graph. current' No matter what value R is' assumug" r"rutt, in a linearly proportiorial changein will always be a straight line' ing that R is constant,the iraph of l versus V 1(A) 10v 20v 30v 40v 50v 60v 70v 80v 90v 100v 1A 3A 5A 6A '7A^ 8A 9A l0A 10 9 8 '7 6 5 A 3 2 1 'r-_ 1v0 c ) (a) 40 (b) F I G U R E3 - 1 3 = Graph of cuftent versusvoltagefor R 10 d2' 50 90 100 v(v) T 81 THE RELATIONSHIP OF CURRENT, VOLTACE, AND RESISTANCE Example 3-18 illustrates a use for the linear relationship between voltage and current in a resistivecircuit. Assume that you are measuringthe current in a circuit that is operating with 25 V. The ammeter reads 50 mA. Later, you notice that the current has dropped to 40 mA. Assuming that the resistance did not change, you must conclude that the voltage source has changed.How much has the voltage changed,and what is its new value? Solution The curent has dropped from 50 mA to 40 mA, which is a decreaseof 207o. Since the voltage is linearly proporlional to the cur:rent,the voltage has decreased by the same percentagethat the current did. Taking 2OVoof 25 V, you get Change in voltage = (0.2)(25 V) = 5 V Subtract this change from the original voltage to get the new voltage. New voltage = 25 Y - 5 V = 20 V Notice that you did not need the resistancevalue in order to find the new voltage. Related Prohlem If the current drops to 0 A under the same conditions statedin the example, what is the voltage? Are InverselyRelated Currentand Resistance As you have seen, current varies inversely with resistanceas expressedby Ohm's law, I = V/R. When the resistance is reduced, the current goes up; when the resistance is increased,the current goes down. For example, if the source voltage is held constant and the resistanceis halved, the current doubles in value; when the resistanceis doubled, the current is reduced by half. Let's take a constant value of voltage, for example, 10 V and calculate the current for several values of resistanceranging from 10 Q to 100 O. The values obtained are shown in Figure 3-14(a). The graph of the 1 values versus the R values is shown in Figure 3-14(b). 1(A) 1.0 0.9 0.8 I 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 (a) 1.000 0.500 0.333 0.250 0.200 0.167 0.t43 0.t25 0.111 0.100 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 (b) F I G U R E3 - 1 4 Graph of current versusresistance for V = 10 V 80 90 100 R( o ) B2 I OHM'S LAW SECTION3-5 REVIEW 1.. What doeslinearly proportional mean? 2. Inacircuit, V=2Y and /= l0 mA. If Vis changedto I V what will lequal? 3. If 1= 3 A at aceftain voltage, what will it be if the voltage is doubled? 4. By how many volts must you increasea 12 Y sourcein order to increasethe current in a circuit by 5OVo? 3-6 r TECHnologyTheory lnto Practice In this TECH TIP, an existing resistance box that is to be used as part of a test setup in the lab is to be checked out and modifi.eil. Your task is to modify the circuit so that it will meet the requirements of the new application. You will have to apply your knowledge of Ohm's law in order to complete this assignment. The specifications are as follows: 1. Euch resistor is switch selectabk and only one resistor is selectedat a time. 2. The lowest resistor value is to be 10 {L 3. Each successivelyhigher resist&nce in the switch sequence must be s decsde (10 times) increase over the previous one. 4. The mqximam resistor value must be 1.0 MQ. 5, The maximum voltage &cross any resistor in the box will be 4 V 6. Two additional resistorsare required, one to limit the current to 10 mA + 70Voand the other to limit the carrent to 5 mA + 10Vowith a 4 V drop. The ExistingResistorCircuit The existing resistancebox is shown in both top and bottom views in Figure 3-15. The switch is a rotary type. (a) Top view F I G U R E3 - 1 5 (b) Bottom view SUMMARY I 83 The Schematic r From Figure 3-15, determine the resistor values and draw the schematic for the existing circuit so that you will know what you have to work with. Determine the resistor numbering from the R labels on the top view. The Schematicfor the New Requirements r Draw the schematicfor a circuit that will accomplish the following: 1. One resistor at a time is to be connectedby the switch between terminals I and 2 of the box. 2. Provide switch selectable resistor values beginning with 10 Q and increasing in decadeincrements to 1.0 MO. 3. Each of the resistors must be selectableby a sequenceof adjacent switch positions in ascendingorder. 4. There must be two switch-selectableresistors,one is in switch position 1 (shown in Figure 3-15, bottom view) and must limit the current to l0 mA + 10vo with a 4 v drop and the other is in switch position 8 and must limit the current to 5 mA + lTTo witha4Vdrop. 5. All the resistors must be standardvalues with l\Vo tolerance. r Determine the modifications that must be made to the existing circuit board to meet the specifications and develop a detailed list of the changes including resistancevalues, wiring, and new components.You should number each point in the schematicfor easy reference. ATest Procedure r After the resistancebox has been modified to meet the new specifications,it must be testedto seeif it is working properly. Determine how you would test the resistancebox and what instruments you would use. Then detail your test procedure in a step-by-step format. Troubleshooting the Circuit r When an ohmmeter is connectedacrossterminals I and 2 of the resistancebox, determine the most likely fault in each of the following cases: l. The ohmmeter shows an infinitely high resistancewhen the switch is in position 3. 2. The ohmmeter shows an infinitely high resistancein all switch positions. 3. The ohmmeter shows an incorrect value of resistancewhen the switch is in position 6. 1. Explain how you applied Ohm's law to this application assignment. 2. Determine the current through each resistor when 4 v is applied acrossit. SUMMARY I Voltage and current are linearly proportional. r Ohm's law gives the relationship of voltage, current, and resistance. r Current is directly proportional to voltage. B4 I OHM,S LAW I Current is inversely proportional to resistance. I A kilohm (kQ) is one thousand ohms. T A megohm (MA) is one million ohms. T A microampere (pA) is one-millionth of an ampere. I A milliampere (mA) is one-thousandthof an ampere. I I Use 1= V/R when calculating the current. Use V = IR when calculating the voltage. I Use R = V/I when calculating the resistance. I Figure 3-16 is a memory aid for the Ohm's law relationships. V=IR ,( ,", -_ Y I F I G U R E3 _ 1 6 r GLOSSARY Theseterms are also in the end-of-book glossary. Linear Characterizedby a straight-line relationship. Ohm (O) The unit of resistance. Ohm's law A law stating that current is directly proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to resistance. r FORMULAS (3-1) I=! Ohm's law for current (3-2) V= IR Ohm's law for voltage (3-3) R=! Ohm's law for resistance r SELF.TEST R I Ohm's law statesthat (a) current equals voltage times resistance (b) voltage equals current times resistance (c) resistanceequals current divided by voltage (d) voltage equals current squaredtimes resistance ) When the voltage acrossa resistor is doubled, the current will (d) not change (b) halve (c) double (a) triple 3. When l0 V are applied across a 20 C) resistor, the current is (a) 10A (b) 0.5A (c) 200.4 (d) 2A 4. When there are 10 mA of current through a 1.0 kO resistor, the voltage acrossthe resistor is (a) 100V (b) O.lV (c) 10kV (d) 10V If 20 V are applied across a resistor and there are 6.06 mA of current, the resistanceis (c) 330 a (d) 3.03 kO (a) 3.3 ka O) 33 kO 6. A curent of 250 p.A through a 4.'7 kQ resistor produces a voltage drop of (a) 53.2V ( b ) 1 . 1 8m V (c) 18.8V (d) 1.18V P R O B L E M ST B 5 7' A resistance of 2.2MQ is connected acrossa 1 kV source.Theresultingcurent is approximately (a) 2.2mA (b) 0.4s5mA (c) 45.5p.A (d) 0.455A 8. How muchresistance is requiredto limit the currentfrom a l0 v batteryto I mA? (a) 100a (b) 1.0kO (c) t0 o (d) 10kC) 9. An electricheaterdraws2.5A from a ilO V source.The resistance of the heatrngelementis (a) 2'75A (b) 22.7me (c) 44 A (d) 440 f,2 10. The currentthrougha flashlightbulb is 20 mA andthe total battery voltage is 4.5 V. The reststance of the bulb is (a) 90 O (b) 22s a PROBLEMS (c) 4.44a (d) 45 o More dfficult problems are indicated by an asrerisk (*) SECTION3-1 Ohm,slaw 1' In a circuit consisting of a voltage source and a resistor, describe what happensto the cunent when (a) the voltage is tripted (b) the voltage is reduced by 75Vo (c) the resistanceis doubled (d) the resistanceis reduced by 35Vo (e) the voltage is doubled and the resistanceis cut rn half (f) the voltage is doubled and the resistanceis doubled 2. State the formula used to find l when the varuesof v and R are known. 3. State the formula used to find v when the values of 1 and R are known. 4. State the fomula used to find R when the values of v and l are known. SECTION3-2 CalculatingCurrent 5. Determine the cunent in each case: ( a )Y = 5 V R = 1 . 0 4 ( b )y = 1 5 V n = 1 0 a (c)Y=50VR=100Q (d)y=30VR=t5ka (e) Y= 250v, R = 5.6 Me 6. Determine the current in each case: (a) Y= 9Y, R =2.7 kA (c) Y= 40 V R = 68 kQ (e)Y=66kyR=l0MO ( b ) y = 5 . 5V R = l 0 k O (d) y= I kV R =2.2ka 7' A 10 Q resistor is connected acrossa l2Y battery.What is the cur:rentthrough the resistor? 8' A certain resistor has the following color code: orange, orange,red, gold. Determine the maximum and minimum curents you should expect to measurewhen a 12 V source is connected acrossthe resistor. 9' A resistor is connected across the terminals of a 25 V source. Determine the current in the resistor if the color code is yellow, violet, orange, silver. *10' The potentiometer connected as a rheostat in Figure 3-17 is used to control the cuffent to a heating element. When the rheostat is adjusted to a value of 8 Q or less, the heating element can bum out' What is the rated value of the fuse needed to protect the circuit if the voltage across the heating element at the point of maximum cuffent is 100 V and the voltage across the rheostat is the difference between the heating element voltage and the source voltage? F I G U R E3 - 1 7 B6 T OHM,S LAW SECTION3-3 CalculatingVoltage 11. Calculatethe voltagefor eachvalueof1 andR: ( a )I = 2 A , R = 1 8 O ( b )1 = 5 A , R = 5 6 Q ( c )I = 2 . 5 A , R = 6 8 0 Q ( d ) 1 = 0 . 6 A , R = 4 7a ( e )1 = 0 . 1 A , R = 5 6 0 4 12. Calculatethe voltagefor eachvalueof 1 andR.' (a)1=1rnA,R=10Q ( b )1 = 5 0 m A , R = 3 3 4 ( d ) 1 = 1 . 6m A ,R = 2 . 2 k Q ( c )1 = 3 A , R = 5 . 6 k o (e)I=250 pA,R=1.0kQ (g) 1: 8s0 pA, R = 10 MQ (f) 1=500mA,R=1.5MO (h) 1= 75 p.A, R = 4'7 a 13. Three amperes of cuffent are measuredthrough a 27 {l resistor connected across a voltage source. How much voltage does the source produce? 14. Assign a voltage value to each source in the circuits of Figure 3-18 to obtain the indicated amounts of current. F I G U R E3 - 1 8 27 kQ t00Mo 47o, (c) 15. A 6 V source is connected to a 100 f) resistor by two 12 ft lengths of 18 gage copper wire. The total resistance is found by adding the resistance of both wires to the 100 Cl resistor. Determine the followine: (a) Current (b) Resistor voltage drop (c) Voltage drop acrosseach length of wire SECTION3-4 CalculatingResistance 16. Calculatethe resistance of a rheostatfor eachvalueof V andI: ( a )V = 1 0 V 1 = 2 A ( b ) V = 9 0 V 1 = 4 5 4 ( c )V = 5 0 V / = 5 A ( d ) Y = 5 . 5 V 1 = 1 0 A ( e )V = 1 5 0 Y 1 = 0 . 5 A 17. Calculatethe resistance of a rheostatfor eachsetof V and1 values: ( a )v = 1 0 k V 1 = 5 A ( b )V = 7 Y , 1 = 2 m A (c)y=500V,1=250mA (d) y=50Y1=500pA ( e )V = l k V 1 = 1 m A 18. Six volts are appliedacrossa resistor.A currentof 2 mA is measured. What is the valueof the resistor? 19. The filamentof a light bulbin the circuitof Figure3-19(a)hasa certainamountof resistance, represented by an equivalentresistance in Figure3-19(b).If thebulb operates with 120V and 0.8 A of current,whatis the resistance of its filamentwhenit is on? F I G U R E3 - 1 9 R (filament) PROBLEMS r 87 20. A ceftain electrical device has an unknown resistance.You have available a 12 V battery and an ammeter. How would you determine the value of the unknown resistance?Draw the necessary circuit connections. 21. By varying the rheostat (variable resistor) in the circuit of Figure 3-20, you can change the amount of current. The setting of the rheostat is such that the current is 750 mA. What is the resistancevalue of this setting?To adjust the current to 1 A, to what resistancevalue must you set the rheostat?What is the problem with this circuit? FIGURE3-20 22. A 120 V lamp-dimming circuit is controlled by a rheostat and protected from excessivecurrent by a 2 A fuse. To what minimum resistancevalue can the rheostat be set without blowing the fuse? Assume a lamp resistanceof 15 Q. Section3-5 The Relationshipof Current,Voltage,and Resistance 23. A variable voltage source is connectedto the circuit of Figure 3-21. Start at 0 V and increase the voltage in 10 V steps up to 100 V. Determine the current at each voltage point, and plot a graph of V versus L Is the graph a straight line? What does the graph indicate? FIGURE3-21 + 100f,) 24. I n a c e r t a i n c i r c u i t1, = 5 m A w h e n V = l V . D e t e r m i n e t h e c u r r e n t f o r e a c h o f t h e f o l l o w i n s voltages in the same circuit: (a)V=1.5V (d) Y=4V (b) V=2v (c)V=3V (e) V=10V 25. Figxe 3-22 is a graph of voltage versus current for three resistancevalues. Determine R1, R2, and R3. FIGURE3-22 v(v) BB I OHM,S LAW 26. Which circuit in Figure 3-23 has the most current? The least cuffent? (aJ (c) FIGURE3_23 *27. Yol are measuring the current in a circuit that is operated on a 10 V battery. The ammeter reads 50 mA. Later, you notice that the current has dropped to 30 mA. Eliminating the possibility of a resistancechange,you must conclude that the voltage has changed.How much has the voltage of the battery changed,and what is its new value? *28. If you wish to increasethe amount of current in a resistor from 100 mA to 150 mA by changing the 20 V source, by how many volts should you change the source? To what new value should you set it? 29. Plot a graph of current versus voltage for voltage values ranging from 10 V to 100 V in l0 V steps for each of the following resistancevalues: (a) 1.0 a (b) s.0 O (c) 20 a (d) 100 C) EWBTroubleshooting and Analysis Theseproblems require your EWB compact disk. 30. Open file PRO03-30.EWB on your EWB disk and determine which one of the three circuits is not working properly? 31. Open file PRO03-31.EWBand measurethe resistancevaluesof the resistors. 32. Open file PRO03-32.EWB and determine the values of the current and voltage. 33. Open file PRO03-33.EWB and determine the value of the source voltage and the resistance. 34. Open file PRO03-34.EWB and find the problem with the circuit. r ANSWERS TO SECTION REVIEWS Section3-1 1. Current,voltage,andresistance 2. I=V/R 3. V=IR 4. R=V/I 5. Whenvoltageis tripled,currentincreases by threetimes. 6. Whenvoltageis halved,curent reducesto one-halfof originalvalue. 7. 0.5A 8. The currentwouldincreaseby four timesif the voltagedoublesandthe resistance is halved. Section 3-2 1 . 1 = 1 0V / 5 . 6O = 1 . 7 9A 2.I=r00V/560O=l79mA 3.1=5V/2.2kQ=2.27mA 4. I = 15V14.7MA = 3.19p.A 5. I = 20 kVl4.7MA = 4.26mA 6. I = 10kvl2.2 kA = 4.55A I 89 ANSWERS TO SELF-TEST Section 3-3 1 . y = ( 1 A ) ( 1 0a ) = 1 0v 2. y = (8 ,{)(470A) = 3.76kV Y= (3 mAX100A) = 396my Y = (25 pAX56Q) = 1.4mV V = (2 mA)(1.8ko) = 3.6y 3. 4. s. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. V= (5 mA)(100MO) = s00kV =22y Y= (10 pA)(2.2l.4A) Y= (100mA)(4.1ka) = 479y Y = (3 mA)(3.3ka) = 9.9y v = (2 A)(6.8A) = 13.6V Section 3-4 1 . R = 1 0 V 1 2 . 1 3 A = 4A. 7 2 . R = 2 ' 7 0V / 1 0 A= 2 ' 7A 3.R=20kV/5.13A=3.9kC2 4. R = 15V/2.68mA = 5.6kA 5. R=5Y12.27 p.A=2.2MQ 6. R = 25 Y 153.2 mA = 0.4'7kA = 470 Q Section 3-5 l. Linearlyproportionalmeansthat the samepercentage changeoccursin two quantities. 2 .I = 5 m A 3 .1 = 6 A 4. LV=6Y Section 3-6 1. For the new resistors,R = V/1. 2 . I = 4 V l 1 0 O = 4 0 0m A ; I = 4 Y l 1 0 0 A = 4 0 m A ; 1 = 4 V l t . } k C )= 4 m A ; I = 4 Y/10 kA = 400 ptA;I = 4 y 1100kQ = 40 p"A;I = 4 VA.0 Me = 4 g.A. ANSWERS TO RETATED PROBLEMS FOR EXAMPI-ES 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9 ANSWERS TOSELF.TEST 1. (b) 9. (c) 3.03A 0.005A 0.005A 13.6mA 21.3p.A 2.66pA 37.0mA 1.47mA 1200V 2. (c) 10. (b) 3-10 49.5mV 3-11 0.150mV 3-12 82.5V 3-13 1755V 3-14 2.20Q 3-15 68.2kO 3-16 3.30MO 3-17 Yes 3-18 0 V 3. (b) 4.(d) 5. (a) 6. (d) 7. (b) 8. (d)