www.meckpermit.com Revised 8-3-09 Preliminary Review Application [ ] Upfit [ ] Renovation [ ] New Construction (Full) [ ] New Construction (Shell) [ ] Change of Use [ ] New Construction (Shell/Core) [ ] New Construction (Footing/Foundation) Project Information: Project: _____________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________ Zoning of the Site: ____________________________________ Contact Person Name: _________________________________ Phone # _____________________ Fax # _________________ Date: __________________________ Suite#/Floor:_____________________ Tax Parcel #: __________________ Company: _____________________ Email ______________________ Project Designers of Record shall be in attendance at the time of review: _____________________ Owner Architectural _________________________ Structural ____________________________ ______ Electrical _____________ _____ Plumbing ______________ Mechanical ____________________________ ______ Fire Protection _____________ Site Work (including driveway) ________________ Requested Date/Time: ___________________________________________ Requested Trades: Building Electrical Mechanical Plumbing Zoning Fire Backflow Health Building Occupancy: (New) (circle one) Assembly Business Educational Factory/Industrial Hazardous Institutional Mercantile Residential Storage Other: _________________ (CIRCLE ONE) Previous Building Occupancy: Nature of Business (Previous Tenant)_______________________________________________________ (New Tenant) __________________________________________________________ Code to Reviewed Under: 2009 NC Bldg Code Type of Construction: (circle one) I-A I-B 2009 NC Bldg Code Vol IX II-A II-B III-A III-B NC REHAB Code IV VA V-B Is the building sprinklered? (Circle one) YES NO Type of System: _______________________ Does the building have a standpipe? (Circle one) YES NO Does the building have a fire pump? (Circle one) YES NO if Yes, new or existing? ___________ Square ft. of overall building: ____________________ Square ft. to be reviewed: ____________________ Number of stories of overall building: ____________ Does Building have a Basement? _____________ Description of proposed work: Note: Failure to accurately describe work may lead to expulsion from review:_______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Note: An agenda is required to be attached to this request. FAX Number 704-602-6969 H:\Preliminary Review 8-3-09.doc