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b. 4
1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ as a voltage controlled
c. 2
d. 1
a. TTL
13. In CMOS inverter circuit we prefer the pull-down
b. DTL
transistor in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
c. RTL
a. Depletion mode PMOS
d. MOS
2. Fabrication of components on a single chip
b. Enhancement mode PMOS
a. Differentiated circuit
c. Depletion mode NMOS
b. Integrated circuit
d. Enhancement mode _MOS
c. Multiplexer circuit
14. When Vin of 0.0V is applied to CMOS circuit
d. Logic circuit
PMOS is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _MOS is _ _ _ _ _ _
3. ``MOS`` is usually spoken as ``MOSS`` and
``CMOS`` has always been spoken as
a. Off, On
b. On, Off
b. See Moss
c. Off, Off
c. Sea Moss
d. On, On
d. Cea Moss
15. When Vin of 5V is applied to the CMOS circuit
4. First logic family came into picture
PMOS is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and _MOS is _ _ _ _
a. TTL
a. Off, On
b. On, Off
c. Off, Off
5. State 0 representing bit CMOS logic
d. On, On
a. 0 - 1.5V
16. In _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ transistors act as a
b. 3.5 - 5V
voltage controlled resistance.
c. 0 - 0.8V
d. 2.0 - 5.0V
6. `0` state representing bit in relay logic.
a. 0 to 1.5V
b. 3.5 to 5V
17. In CMOS logic `1` represents
c. Circuit open
a. 0 - 1.5V
d. Circuit close
b. 3.5 - 5V
7. `1` state representing bit in fibre optics
c. 1.5 - 3.5V
a. Circuit open
d. 0- 0.8V
b. Circuit closed
18. In PMOS transistor Vgs decreased then Rds is
c. Light off
a. Increased
d. Light on
b. Decreased
c. Constant
d. Infinity
a. Capacitor discharged
19. In _MOS transistor Vgs increased then Rds is
b. Capacitor charged
a. Increased
c. Fuse blown
b. Decreased
d. Fuse intact
c. Insulator
9. First integrated circuit logic familes in year.
d. Constant
a. 1933
20. In _MOS transistor has a very high impedance
b. 1947
because the gate separates source and
c. 1960
drain by an material with a very high resistance.
d. 1969
a. Semiconductor
10. Beginning in the mid _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , CMOS vastly
b. Conductor
increased their Performance and
c. Insulator
d. Wood
a. 1960
21. Output loading for HC series cmos with a 5V
b. 1980
supply find Maximum low state output
c. 1970
current (mA)
d. 2000
a. 0.1
11. In 2 i/p CMOS _A_D gate, no. of _MOS transistors
b. 0.02
used are _ _ _ _ _ _
c. -0.02
a. 3
d. 4.4
b. 4
22. Output loading for HC series CMOS with a 5V
c. 2
supply find the Maximum high state output
d. 1
current (mA) Ioh maxc
12. In 2 i/p CMOS A_D gate, no. of PMOS transistors
a. 0.1
used are _ _ _ _ _ _
b. 0.02
a. 3
c. -0.02
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d. 4.4
23. The range of Vih min in cmos is
a. of Vcc
b. of Vcc
c. of Vcc
d. of Vcc
24. When the current flows from the power supply
through the load and through the device
output to ground.
a. sourcing current
b. sinking current
c. conventional current
d. of Icc
25. When current flows from the power supply out of
the device output and through the load
to ground.
a. sourcing current
b. sinking current
c. conventional current
d. of Icc.
26. Low state dc noise margin between `
a. V ,V
b. V ,V
c. V ,V
d. V , V
27. .When Vdd=5V define a cmos low input level
under _ _ _ voltage.
a. 1.6V
b. 1.4V
c. 2.4V
d. 2V
28. The range of Voh min in cmos circuit is
a. Vcc-0.7V
b. Vcc-0.1V
c. Vcc-0.6V
d. Vcc-0.2V
29. The range of Vil max in cmos is
a. of Vcc
b. of Vcc
c. of Vcc
d. of Vcc
30. The range of pull up transistor resistance is
a. >1Mohm
b. >1Kohm
c. >10ohm
d. >100 ohm
31. Total dynamic power dissipation of a CMOS
circuit is the sum of Pt and Pl
a. Pd= (Cpd-C_L).Vc.f
b. (Cpd/C_L).Vc.f
c. Pd= (Cpd+C_L).Vc.f
d. Pd= (Cpd.C_L)V2cc.f
32. Obtain the rise time of CMOS output as Vout=
a. t1.5=24.08ns
b. t1.5=7.13ns
c. t1.5=71.3ns
d. t1.5=2.408ns
33. Due to the rise time of CMOS output Vout = _ _ _
34. Due to fall time of CMOS output Vout = _ _ _ _ _ _
a. vdd.e
b. vdd.e
35. Internal power dissipation due to output
a. Pt= Cpd.Vc.f
b. Pt= Cpd.Vcc.f
c. Pt= Cpd.Vc/f
d. Pt= Cpd/Vc.f
36. In CMOS loading effects out voltage may _ _ _ _ _
_ _ beyond Vo Lmax
a. decrease
b. increase
c. constant
d. zero
37. In CMOS loading effects propagation delay to the
output may _ _ _ _ beyond
a. decrease
b. increase
c. constant
d. zero
38. The amount of time that the output of a logic
circuit takes to change from one state to
another is called the
a. delay time
b. propagation time
c. transition time
d. diffusion time
39. In CMOS output takes change from low to high
a. rise time
b. fall time
c. propagation delay time
d. constant time
40. In CMOS output takes change from high to low
a. fall time
b. rise time
c. constant time
d. propagation delay time
41. In CMOS load what is low level output current in
VHC family
a. 0.02
b. 0.05
c. 0.2
d. 0.5
42. AB_ORMAL region in CMOS devices as follows
a. HC less,HCT more
b. HC more,HCT less
c. HC constant,HCT constant
d. HC zero,HCT zero
43. In HC/HCT,VHC/VHCT outputs have symmetric
output drive ie.,an output can _ _ _ _ _ _
a. sink current=source current
b. sink current > source current
c. sink current < source current
d. constant current
44. Typical propagation delay (ns)in VHC series is
a. 9
b. 10
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c. 5.2
d. 5.5
45. 74series is used for commercial devices .Its
temperature range is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0C
a. 0 to 85
b. 55 to 125
c. 0 to 70
d. 0 to 10
46. `` 74FAMnn`` form of CMOS device nn represents
a. AC
b. HC
c. HCT
d. 30
47. CMOS high speed represents
a. 74ACT30
b. 74AHC30
c. 74HC30
d. 74AC30
48. The prefix '54' is used for identical parts that are
specified for operation over a wider
range of temperature use in _ _ _ _ _ _ application
a. commercial
b. military
c. industrial
d. instrument
49. In 74HC30 series Vihmin= _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and
a. 1.5 V
b. 3.5V
c. 3.84V
d. 0.33V
50. In 74HCT30 series Vilmax= _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
and Vcc=5.0V
a. 0.33V
b. 2.0V
c. 0.8V
d. 3.84V
51. Low output of TTL is in between
a. 2.0 to 5.0
b. 2.0 to 3.0
c. 0 to 0.8
d. 0 to 2
52. TTL output stage is called _ _ _ _ _ _ _
a. totem pole
b. push back
c. pull back
d. pull down
53. In bipolar logic family _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ type of
transistor operates fastly
a. npn
b. pnp
c. schottky transistor
d. CCtransistor
54. Vγ voltage of schottky transistor
a. 0.25V
b. 0.6V
c. 0.3V
d. 0.4V
55. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ combination will give fastest
a. CE &CB
b. CE & Schottky
c. CE &CC
d. CC &CB
56. The negative leakage current flow in diode when
it is
a. forward biased
b. reversed bias
c. short circuited
d. constant
57. Logic levels in a simple diode logic system when
signal level 2-3volts
a. low
b. high
c. noise margin
d. 1
58. In transistor logic family _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ region
works as binary `1`
a. cut off region
b. active region
c. saturation region
d. break down region
59. We can also call transistor as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Diodes
a. back to front
b. back to back
c. front to back
d. front to front
60. Basically the single stage CE transistor act as _ _
_ _ _ _ _ logic circuit
a. multiplexer
b. inverter
c. differentiator
d. decoder
61. The 74F family is positioned between _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the
speed/powertrade off
a. 74S,74LS
b. 74LS,74AS
c. 74S,74AS
d. 74AS,74ALS
62. The original TTL family of logic gates was
introduced by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in 1963
a. paul
b. leach
c. Sylvania
d. goutham saha
63. Speed power product units used in 74ALS family
a. ns
b. mw
c. pj
d. v
64. Power consumption per gate units used in 74F
a. ns
b. mw
c. pj
d. watts
65. More power consumption present from following
a. 74LS
b. 74AS
c. 74ALS
d. 74S
66. Low state dc noise margin for popular TTL
a. 0-0.5
b. 0.5-0.8
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c. 0.8-2
d. 2.0-2.7
67. High state dc noise margin for popular TTL
a. 0-0.5V
b. 0.5-0.8V
c. 0.8-2.0V
d. 2.0-2.7V
68. The value of IoL(max) for typical LS-TTL output is
exactly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ times the absolute
value of I
a. 10
b. 5
c. 20
d. 40
69. The absolute value of IoH(max) is exactly _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ times I in LS-TTL
a. 10
b. 20
c. 5
d. 40
70. The overall fanouts of low state and high state
fanout in LS-TTL is
a. <10
b. >40
c. <20
d. >20
71. Best family of following according to speedpower product
a. 74S
b. 74LS
c. 74AS
d. 74ALS
72. Best family of following according to power
consumption per gate
a. 74S
b. 74LS
c. 74AS
d. 74ALS
73. The V of 3.3V LVTTL family is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
a. 3.3V
b. 2.4V
c. 2.0V
d. 1.5V
74. The V of 2.5V CMOS family
a. 0.7V
b. 1.7V
c. 1.2V
d. 0.4V
75. The transtition from 3.3V to 2.5V logic in CMOS
families _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ circuit is
a. inverter
b. pushpull
c. level translator
d. amplifier
76. The low state dc noise noise margin equal to _ _
77. The V of 5V TTL family
a. 2.4V
b. 0.4V
c. 0.8V
d. 2.0V
78. The high state dc noise margin equal to _ _ _ _ _
a. V
b. V
c. V
d. V
79. The external input and output circuits also called
a. core logic
b. pad logic
c. pad ring
d. core ring
80. The V of 5v CMOS family
a. 5.0V
b. 4.4V
c. 3.5V
d. 2.5V
81. JEDEC stands _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
a. Joint Electrical Device Engineering Council
b. Joint Electronic Device Engineering Council
c. Joint Electronic Device and Electrical Components
d. Joint Electric Device and Electronic Components.
82. In ECL propagation delay is
a. shorter
b. long
c. constant
d. zero
83. For basic CML inverter/buffer circuit applied
inputs are Vin=3.6V, Vbb=4.0V, Vcc=5.0V.
Find outputs when R1=R2=300ohms, R3=1.5Kohms
a. 5.0,4.8V
b. 4.8,4.2V
c. 5.0,4.2V
d. 5.0,4.8V
84. In ECL 100k family shorter propagation delay
typically is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
a. 0.85ns
b. 0.95ns
c. 0.65ns
d. 0.75ns
85. In PECL, `P` represents
a. pulse
b. propagation
c. positive
d. p channel
86. ECL belongs to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ family.
a. bipolar-saturated
b. bipolar- non-saturated
c. unipolar- saturated
d. unipolar-non saturated
87. ECL is also called as
a. TTL
c. CML
d. CPL
88. ECL concept was soon refined initially by
a. Texas Instruments
b. Motorola
c. Intel
d. Philips
89. Very poor speed-power product is for
a. TTL
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c. HTL
d. ECL
90. In few applications like fiber optic transreceiver
interfaces for gigabit Ethernet, from the
following _ _ _ _ _ _ logic family is used
a. TTL
c. HTL
d. ECL
91. Units of dynamic power dissipation in CMOS
a. PJ
b. ns
c. mw
d. mv/MHz.
92. From following standard TTL IC,Quad 2 input _OR
a. 7408
b. 7400
c. 7432
d. 7402
93. Logic family that gives totempole output
a. TTL
b. ECL
c. RTL
d. DTL
94. Fastest logic family from the following.
a. TTL
b. Schottky TTL
c. RTL
d. DTL
95. Typical propagation delay of 74HCnn series is
a. 9 or 18
b. 10 or 20
c. 5.2 or 7.2
d. 5.2 or 8.
96. Fastest logic family from the following.
a. ECL
b. TTL
d. PMOS.
97. Logic Family that dissipates more power.
a. TTL
b. ECL
d. DTL
98. Highest noise margin is present in which of the
following logic families.
a. HTL
b. DTL
c. RTL
d. TTL
99. Which one of the following belongs to nonsaturated logic family.
a. TTL
b. HTL
c. CML
d. RTL
100.Which one of the following belongs to unipolar
logic family.
a. TTL
c. CML
d. HTL
101.A VHDL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ allows you to define and
apply inputs to your desired and to
obsevreits outputs
a. synthesis
b. timing verification
c. compilation
d. simulator
102.VERILOG was introduced by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in
1984 as a proprietary hardware
description and simulation language
a. gate way digital automation
b. gateway Design application
c. gateway design automation
d. gateway digital application
103.VHDL gives you ability to create _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ that automatically apply inputs &
compare them with expected outputs
a. compiler
b. interrupt
c. test benches
d. verification
104._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ converting the VHDL description
into set of primitives /components that
can be assembled in the target technology
a. compilation
b. verification
c. coding
d. synthesis
105.In the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Step maps the synthesized
primitives/components on to
available device resources
a. verification
b. coding
c. fitting
d. synthesis
106.From the following select the odd one
a. Vhdl
b. Verilog
c. System c
d. Unix
107.In VHDL ``V`` stands for
c. VIC
d. VHS
108.In VHDL is specialized with _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for
a. operating system
b. help manual
c. text editor
d. windows
109.In design flow after computation next stage is _ _
a. coding
b. simulation /verification
c. place & routing
d. fitting
110.In backend design flow after synthesis next
stage is.
a. coding
b. fitting/place & route
c. compilation
d. timing verification
111.Port is used in following syntax
a. architecture
b. entity
c. concurrent statements
d. sequential statements
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112.From the following symbol compulsory to
complete syntax or statement
a. :
b. =
c. ;
d. &
113.In VHDL architecture syntax
a. architecture entityname of architecture name is
b. architecture architecturename of entity name is
c. architecture name architecture of entity name is
d. entity name architecture of architecture name is
114.In VHDL variable declarations syntax
a. variable variable-name : variable-type;
b. variable name variable : variable type;
c. variable type variable : variable name;
d. variable name variable type : variable;
115.One of the follwing is not used for mode(specify
the signal direction)
a. in
b. out
c. inout
d. variable
116.A VHDL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is simply a declaration of a
module inputs and outputs.
a. architecture
b. dataflow
c. entity
d. behavioral model
117.A VHDL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a detailed description of
the module`s internal structure or
a. architecture
b. dataflow
c. entity
d. behavioral model
118.In VHDL language comments are begined with _
a. //
c. - .
d. . 119.In VHDL signal declaration
a. signal signal name => signal type;
b. signal name signal => signal type;
c. signal name signal : signal type;
d. signal signal name : signal type;
120.Below one of the definition present between
architecture begin and end _ _ _ _
a. type declarations
b. signal declarations
c. component declarations
d. concurrent statements
121.From the following find the odd one
a. type type _ name is array(start to end) of element type;
b. type type _ name is array(start down to end) of
element type;
c. constant type _ name is array (range _ type) of
element type;
d. type type _ name is array(range _ type range start to
end) of element type;
122.VHDL language only 1 and 0 are used in port by
following predefined type.
a. bit
b. integer
c. real
d. boolean
123.Total number of values present in std _ logic.
a. 8
b. 6
c. 7
d. 9
124.From the following find odd
a. and
b. or
c. nand
d. abs
125.Constant syntax from following
a. Constant constant _ name:value:=type _ name;
b. Constant constant _ name:type _ name:=type;
c. Constant constant _ name:type _ name:=value;
d. Constant type _ name:constantname:=value;
126.From the following select integer operators.
a. U
b. +
c. and
d. L
127.From following select integer operators.
a. U
b. and
c. H
d. abs
128.From following forcing unknown value is
represented by.
a. U
b. X
c. 0
d. 1
129.From following don't care is represented by
a. b. -c. -,
d. ;
130.From following concatenation operator.
a. &
b. & &
131.A VHDL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is similar to a
function , except it does not return a result
a. attribute
b. process
c. procedure
d. exit
132.In procedure syntax : procedure procedure name
(parameter _ list) following is not
comes under the parameter-list
a. bit
b. integer
c. clause
d. std _ logic
133.When a standard operator symbol is made to
behave differently based on the type of its
operands , it is called
a. program overloaded
b. operator overloaded
c. syntax over loading
d. no loading
134.``Do nothing``represents _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
a. exit
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b. null
c. wait
d. for
135.Where the single quote after a signal name
means _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and range is built
in identifier
a. attribute
b. null
c. wait
d. exit
136.In function at end of function _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
type is preferred. .
a. Exit
b. Wait
c. Return
d. Null
137.Syntax of function.
a. Function function-name(parameter-list).
Return return-type;
b. Function function-name(sequential statements).
Function function-name(parameter-list).
Return return-type;
c. Function function-name (concurrent statements)
Function function-name(parameter-list).
Return return-type;
d. Function function-name(parameter list)
Function function-name(parameter-list).
Return exit;
138.A function executes in minimum _ _ _ _ _ _ _
simulation time.
a. Zero
b. Infinity
c. Negative infinity
d. Finite.
139.A _ _ _ _ _ _ may or may not execute in zero
simulation time depending on whether it
has a wait statement or not.
a. Function.
b. Architecture.
c. Procedure.
d. Process.
140.If the same name is used for function with
different data types at that function is
a. Over loaded
b. Under loaded
c. No loading.
d. Exit.
141.Which of the following does not come under type
std _ logic?
a. `U`
b. `X`
c. `0`
d. `Y`
142.IEEE. Std _ logic _ 1164, 1164 represents
standard logic _ _ _ _
a. function
b. procedure
c. package
d. memory
143.Library and use clause comes under _ _ _ _ _ _
a. implicit
b. explicit
c. over
d. under
144.VHDL source design file is divided into primary
and secondary unit; under secondary unit
which of the following is not present
a. Architecture bodies
b. package bodies
c. function calling
d. entity declarations
145.Syntax for use clause is
a. use library ieee.std _ logic _ 1164.all;
b. use ieee.all.std _ logic _ 1164.all;
c. use ieee.std _ logic _ 1164.all;
d. use ieee.std _ logic.all;
146.A VHDL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a place where VHDL
compiler stores information about a
particular design project, including intermediate
a. function
b. procedure
c. exit
d. library
147.In VHDL library clause, the beginning of design
file is with
a. library isse;
b. library use;
c. library ieee;
d. library std _ logic;
148.A VHD L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is file containing definitions
of objects that can be used in other
programs ( signal, type, constant)
a. exit
b. null
c. wait
d. package
149.From the following, the package declaration that
is wrong is
a. package package-name is sub program declaration;
end [package] [package-name];
b. package package-name is type declaration; end
[package] [package-name];
c. package package-name is constant declaration; end
[package] [package-name];
d. package package-name is null declaration; end
[package] [package-name];
150.Intermediate files that are not used in VHDL are
a. analysis
b. simulation
c. synthesis
d. operating system
151.Block syntax
a. Block label :block
end block;
b. Block : block label
end block;
c. Block label: block
end Block label;
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d. Block :block label
end block label ;
152.Generic map clause is the same style as the _ _ _
_ _ clause.
a. block
b. package
c. port
d. generic.
153.For generate loop syntax
a. label: for identifier in range generate
concurrent _ statement
end generate;
b. label: range identifier in for generate
concurrent _ statement
end generate;
c. label: generate identifier in range generate
concurrent _ statement
end generate;
d. label: for identifier in range generate
concurrent _ statement
end for;
154.Generic syntax
a. generic(constant _ name: constant _ type;
constant _ name : constant _ type);
b. generic (constant _ name: constant _ type;
constant _ name : constant _ type;)
c. generic ( constant _ type: constant name;
constant _ t ype: constant name);
d. port (constant _ type: constant name);
155.Component declaration syntax
a. component component _ name
port (< port _ declaration>);
end component;
b. component _ name component
port (<port _ declaration>);
end component;
c. component _ name component
port (<port _ declaration>);
end component _ name;
d. component _ name component
port (<port _ declaration>);
end port;
156.Port map is used in following model
a. data flow
b. behavioural
c. structural
d. constant
157.Port map syntax
a. label: component _ _ name port map(signal
1,signal 2,.....signal n);
b. label: port map component _ name (signal 1,signal 2,.
signal n);
c. component _ name: label port map (signal 1,signal
2,.signal n);
d. port map(signal 1,signal 2,.......signal n): label
component _ name;
158.Component is used in following model
a. data flow
b. structural
c. behavioral
d. constant.
159.Component declaration is used in following
a. data flow
b. structural
c. behavioral
d. constant
160.Generic constants are declared in
a. function
b. entity
c. architecture
d. procedure
161.simple assigned programme of synthesized data
flow model
a. Y <= A and B
b. Y= A and B;
c. Y/ =A and B;
d. Y < =A and B;
162.simple assigned programme of synthesized data
flow model
a. Y <= A +B
b. Y= A +B;
c. Y/ =A +B;
d. Y < =A +B;
163.case-statement syntax
a. case <expression> is
when <choices> =>statements;
when others=>statements;
End case;
b. case <expression> is
when others =>statements;
when choices =>statements;
end case;
c. case <expression> is
when statements=>choices;
end case;
d. case <expression> is
when choices=>when others;
end case;
164.component instantiation syntax A and B inputs
and Y output
a. label:component _ name port map(A,B,Y);
b. label:port map component name(A,B,Y);
c. label:component name port map(Y,A,B);
d. label:component name port map(A,Y,B);
165.Assigning operator is used as
a. <
b. < =
c. > =
d. / =
166._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ statement preferred in data flow
a. concurrent
b. sequential
c. process
d. procedure
167.concurrent assignments is as follows
a. signal name <=expression;
b. if Boolean expression then statement ;
else statement;
end if;
c. exit label1 when condition;
d. constant constant _ name : type-spec : = value;
168.conditional form of the concurrent signal
assignment statement using keywords
a. if else
b. if else if else
c. when else
d. when else if else
169.``with select`` syntax
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a. with expression select
signal name<=signal value when choices;
b. with signal name select
expression<=signal value when choices;
c. with signal name select
signal _ value <=expression when choices;
d. with signalvalue select
signal name<=expression when choices;
170.keyword ``others`` used in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
a. with select
b. if else
c. if else if else
d. process
171.Functional statement in Behavioral Model
a. process (variable)
----------------------Functional statement;
-------End process
b. Begin
Functional statement;
---------------------End process;
c. Begin
Functional statement;
------------------------End process;
d. Begin
Process (variable)
-------. ------------End process;
Functional statement;
172.Procedure statement in Behavioral Model
a. Process (variable)
--------------------------Procedure statement;
----------End process
b. Begin
Procedure statement;
Process (variable)
-------------------End process;
c. Begin
Process (variable)
Procedure statement;
------------------End process;
d. Begin
Process (variable)
------------. -------End process;
Procedure statement;
173.Sequential statements is not following syntax's
a. Case
b. for loop
c. loop
d. with select
174.while loop syntax in behavior model
a. Wile Boolean expression loop
Concurrent statement
End loop;
b. while Boolean expression loop
Sequential statement
End loop;
c. While loop Boolean expression
Sequential statement
End loop;
d. While loop Boolean expression
Concurrent statement
End loop;
175._ull statement in Behavioral Model
a. Process (variable)
-----------------------_ull statement;
----------End process ;
b. Begin
Null statement;
-------------End process;
c. Begin
Process (variable)
Null statement;
---------------End process;
d. begin
---------. ---------End process;
Null statement;
176._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ statements are preferred in
the Behavioral
a. Concurrent
b. Sequential
c. Constant
d. Exit
177._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is present in between process
begin and end process
a. Type Declarations
b. Variable Declarations
c. Constant Declarations
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d. Sequential Statements
178.Applying inputs to A, B not applied to Y in the
program write process
a. Process (A, B, Y)
b. Process (A, B)
c. Process (A, Y)
d. Process (B, Y)
179.Assignment operator in Behavioral
a. :=
b. =:
180.Loop Syntax
a. Sequential statement;
end loop;
b. loop
sequential statements;
end loop;
c. loop
concurrent statement;
end loop;
d. concurrent statement;
end loop;
181.The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mechanism ensures
correct operation even through a processes
or set of processes may require multiple execution
a. delta delay
b. event list
c. case
d. while
182.Following statement is incorrect time dimension
a. wait on data;
b. wait for 0ns;
c. wait until clock =`1`;
d. wait until A, B, C;
183.Simulator initializes all signals to a default
values when simulator operation begins at
simulation time of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
a. Zero ns
b. 10 ns;
c. 15 ns;
d. 20 ns;
184.Signal Assignment statement of time dimension
a. signal _ object <= expression [after delay value]
b. signal _ object <= [after delay value] expression
c. signal _ object [after delay value] <= expression
d. signal _ object [after delay value] / = expression
185.Following statement is incorrect time dimension
a. counter <= counter + "0010";
b. PAR <= PAR XOR DIN after 12sec;
c. Z<= (A0 and A1) OR (B0 and B1) or (C0 and C1) after
d. PAR after 12ns <= PAR XOR DI_;
186.Following keyword not used for time dimensions
a. after
b. wait on
c. wait until
d. case
187.Following statement is incorrect time dimension
a. wait on clock for 20ns;
b. wait until sum>100 for 50ns;
c. wait on clock or 20ns;
d. wait on clock until sum>100ns;
188.The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mechanism makes it
possible to simulate the operation of
concurrent processes even through the simulator
runs on a single computer with a single
thread of execution
a. delta delay
b. event list
c. case
d. while
189.Following statement incorrect time dimension
a. wait on sensitivity _ list;
b. wait or sensitivity _ list;
c. wait until Boolean _ expression;
d. wait for time expression;
190.Following statement incorrect time dimension
a. wait on A, B, C;
b. wait until A=B;
c. wait for 10ns;
d. wait or A, B, C;
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