Malls: Digital 6-sheet Technical Specification Guidelines Engage and inspire people through live data feeds, location-based content, mobile interactivity and much more on our Mall Digital 6-sheets. See our Digital Creative Guidelines below for details on how you can enhance your campaign. Supplying your own artwork Digital 6-sheet 1920px Dimensions: 1080px (width) x 1920px (height) Length of creative: 10 seconds Supported content: Static, Dynamic, Animated File type: RGB File format (static): JPG, PNG DPI (static): 72dpi File format (dynamic/animated): H264 MP4, H264 MOV Bit rate (dynamic/animated): 8mbps Frame rate (dynamic/animated): 25 or 30fps 1080px Centre point of mobile platform tag (if applicable) 960px Please note: Screens do not emit sound. Clear Channel supplying artwork If you are paying for Clear Channel to create your design, please supply us with the contents for your advertisment; any text, images* at 300dpi (minimum) / 450dpi (best) and logos. If you want to change the size of an existing design, for example from a 6-sheet to a mall digital 6-sheet, there is an alteration cost. Submitting your artwork - All artwork must be recieved at least three working days before the in-charge - Please send all artwork either as an attachment or as a downloadable link to Clear Channel UK 33 Golden Square, London, W1F 9JT, United Kingdom T 020 7478 2200 F 020 7287 9153 *Please note, any images sent must be your own property or you must have permission from the copyright owner. Malls: Digital 6-sheet Digital Creative Guidelines Digital screens are opening up new and exciting opportunities in out-of-home advertising. They help brands engage with people through stunning, contextual advertising that can be delivered immediately . General limitations on content (must be adhered to) - Adverts must conform to the Advertising Standards Authority Code - All content must comply with our Digital Terms and Conditions Required files Dimensions: 1080px (width) x 1920px (height) Length of creative: 10 seconds File type: RGB File format: SWF version 10.2 or below Frame rate: 25 or 30fps Maximum file size: 10MB Backup creative: JPG, PNG at 72dpi The static image is for backup purposes only and may go live if there is a problem. If you do not provide an image we may take a still from your creative. Lead time and submitting content - - - Please send all static and contrasting adverts (JPG, PNG, MP4 and MOV) three working days in advance of the date All live-data campaigns, including flash-based content must be recieved at least eight working days before the in-charge to allow time for testing Please send all artwork either as an attachment or as a downloadable link to Live data Assets are placed on an external FTP server and are synced to our screens – these are ready for flash content which will display the live data. Files are checked for changes based on sizes and modified dates. Clear Channel UK 33 Golden Square, London, W1F 9JT, United Kingdom T 020 7478 2200 F 020 7287 9153 Advantages: - Large file sizes (a maximum of 10MB per file - if you have larger files please contact us and multiple assets can be sent to each screen, allowing for unlimited creative flexibility) - Refreshes every minute - Only files that have been changed are sent information required: - FTP address - Username & Password - Folder on remote FTP where the assets are, if applicable - Desired local address to load assets from - Size of all files (in MBs) for each push - Average number of files in each payload with file size ranges (e.g. 20-150kb) - Schedule of how often a data push occurs (e.g. 4am, 11am, 3pm, 9pm every weekday) Location-based content You can programme your flash-based creative to read data that’s specific to the individual display it is playing on and use it to modify your creative. The data we can provide ranges from internal IDs to positional, format and orientation information. You can use this to: - - - - Display text within your creative – for example, “Enjoying your day in Westminster?” Act as a conditional trigger to display a call-to-action if the panel is Connect Mobile Platform-enabled Use positional data to fetch a live data feed (e.g. weather) that is tailored to the exact location of the panel Show creative based on location, district or panel orientation Location-based content is only currently available on our Adshel Live, Digital Mall, London Wrap, Storm and Socialite networks. Below is a sample of node names and the data they contain. Currently all nodes are defined as strings as per this schema file, this will change in the future. - XML1 - XML2 - XML3 Please note: - The address field may contain other positional information - please don’t expect a “clean” address as you would expect from a standard postal address - Under Conurbation/District, this may contain the words “CITY OF” If you intend to run a location-based campaign, please make us aware as soon as possible and deliver your content eight working days in advance of the in-charge for testing. Day-part content You can run content that changes according to the time of day or day of the week. To do this, either the advertiser, creative agency or media agency needs to design a flash file (.SWF) that reads the digital unit’s internal clock. Clear Channel UK 33 Golden Square, London, W1F 9JT, United Kingdom T 020 7478 2200 F 020 7287 9153 Please provide: - A series of JPGs of each day part creative for review (if static/image content) - A series of H264 .MOV files of each day part creative for review (if contrasting content Connect Mobile Platform (NFC/QR) We recommend all campaigns utilise the Mobile Platform with a customised, mobile optimised experience for deeper brand engagement. Please click here for more information and see the mobile specifications for creative details. Clear Channel UK 33 Golden Square, London, W1F 9JT, United Kingdom T 020 7478 2200 F 020 7287 9153