ELECTROTEHNICĂ, ELECTRONICĂ, AUTOMATICĂ, 59 (2011), nr. 1 1 Accurate Computation of the Prospective Short Circuit Currents in Low Voltage Electric Installations Emil CAZACU, Iosif Vasile NEMOIANU, Maria-Cristina CONSTANTIN∗ Abstract Short circuit is an abnormal operating regime of electric installations and, by its consequences, represents the most serious malfunction that can occur in an electric network. Thus, the prospective short circuit current is taken as reference for a series of electric equipment tests and based on its value the right choice for electric switching devices are accomplished. This paper accurately predict the maximal prospective short circuit current in a particular electric system. The analytical and numerical approach relays on the exact solutions of the time differential equations which model the dynamic process. Keywords: prospective short-circuit value, baking-capacity, coefficient of impact 1. Introduction The paper presents the method of calculating the short circuit current values and the short circuit regime parameters using an analytical and numerical approach and also underlying the importance of knowing these values. The analytical and numerical calculus will be accomplished through a computer program which computes the result of the differential equations that model this process (MAPLE® or MATLAB®). Also, this paper follows the analysis of short circuit mode parameter variation, depending on the initial phase ϕ , the power generator voltage and also the line parameters, expressed quantitatively by the time constant Ta . The final purpose of this paper is to link certain characteristics of automatic breakers (meant to protect the installation from short circuit and overload) to the electric parameters of the short circuit regime, thus establishing a better selectivity in the installation of these parameters. 2. Modeling the short circuit regime For this paper, we will study the mono phase short circuit, which takes place due to an insulation flaw, an accidental maneuver in the network or when a conductor in a mono phase network is grounded [1, 2] – Figure 1. ∗ Emil CAZACU, reader; Iosif-Vasile NEMOIANU, lecturer; Maria-Cristina CONSTANTIN, student; „Politehnica” University of Bucharest. Figure 1. Modeling the short circuit phenomenon Next, in order to be able to present some physical and technical aspects of short circuits, we will consider that the current is supplied by a power source of infinite electric power [3, 4]. A power source of an infinite electric power is hypothetical and is characterized by the fact that its own impedance is considered approximately null. Thus, at constant frequency, the voltage at the terminals has constant amplitude. In these conditions, the phenomena determined by the magnetic coupling between the circuits of the stator and the rotor of the generating machine, and the demagnetization effect of the machine, caused by the constant reaction to the short circuit, are negligible [1]. Because of this, the transient process in the damaged circuit will be characterized by a short circuit current with two components: a periodic component ip(t), of constant amplitude, at the circuit’s constant parameters, which represent a sinusoidal alternating current with its actual value depending only on the damaged area’s impedance, and an aperiodic component ia (t ) that damps with the time constant ELECTROTEHNICĂ, ELECTRONICĂ, AUTOMATICĂ, 59 (2011), nr. 1 2 corresponding to the damaged Thereby, ik (t ) = i p (t ) + ia (t ) . circuit. In the case of short circuiting a mono phase line with sinusoidal voltage: u = U 2 sin(ωt + ϕ) , according to Figure 1, by applying Kirchhoff’s second theorem we get the following expression of the voltage di , equation: u = U 2 sin(ωt + ϕ) = Rl i + Ll dt which has the following general solution: −R t U 2 (1) i( t ) = sin( ωt + ϕ − ψ k ) + Ke L Zk where 2 2 represents the short circuit impedance of the network, in absolute value, relative to the short circuit area, − ϕ voltage initial phase angle, ωL − ψ k = arctan short circuit impedance R argument, in complex form, − K integration constant which is calculated using the initial conditions of the short circuit. The first term − Z k = R + ( ωL ) ip( t ) = U 2 2 R + ( ωL ) 2 sin( ωt + ϕ − ψ k ) (2) corresponds to the periodic component of the short circuit current and represents the particular solution for the differential equation; its amplitude is constant, because of the fact that the voltage at the terminals of the power source that provides current for the short circuit remains at a constant value even after the effect has occurred. The second term in the equation is −R −R t L − = I a0 e t Ta (3) where K = I a 0 is the initial value, at the moment the short circuit occurs (t = 0) for this L component, and Ta = is the time constant R of the damping, whose value is determined (4) i0 =i k 0 = i p 0 + I a 0 where: − i0 = Iˆ sin(ϕ − ψ ) , and − i = Iˆ sin(ϕ − ψ ) . p0 p k Under these conditions, we get: I a 0 = io − i p 0 = Iˆ sin(ϕ − ψ ) − Iˆ p sin(ϕ − ψ k ) and i = Iˆ p sin( ω t + ϕ − ψ k ) + + [ Iˆ sin( ϕ − ψ ) − Iˆ p sin( ϕ − ψ k )] e − t Ta (5) . The equations indicate that the aperiodic component as well as the total short circuit current value depend on the following two factors: the moment of the short circuit occurrence, i.e. the instantaneous value of the current in the permanent regime at the moment t = 0, and the connection phase ϕ of the voltage. Admitting the case, when the moment of the short circuit occurrence coincides with the moment that the permanent regime current value passes through zero, i.e.: i0 = Iˆ sin(ωt + ϕ − ψ ) = 0 we have: t ia (t ) = Ke L and represents the aperiodic component of the short circuit current, which dampens after the following exponential equation: ia ( t ) = Ke by the short circuited circuit’s parameters. The initial value of the aperiodic component is calculated by considering the fact that in an inductance circuit, the current remains unmodified when a disturbance occurs in the functioning regime. Considering this physical aspect and the fact that in a permanent regime, the current in the damaged circuit has the following value: i = Iˆ sin(ωt + ϕ − ψ ) , results in the following equality for an initial moment t = 0 of the occurrance of the short circuit: − ia = I a 0 e t Ta (6) I a 0 = − Iˆ p sin(ϕ − ψ k ) = Iˆp sin α = Iˆp sin α ⋅ e − t Ta , and i = Iˆp [sin(ωt − α)] + sin α ⋅ e − t Ta (7) where α = ψ k − ϕ . In order to highlight the waveform of the short circuit current and its aperiodic and periodic component, we consider a circuit in which the line impedance up to the point of short circuit is given by the following parameters: Rl = 3.425 mΩ and Ll = 0.123 mH (general low voltage cable [2]). The temporal ELECTROTEHNICĂ, ELECTRONICĂ, AUTOMATICĂ, 59 (2011), nr. 1 3 variation of these functions is presented in Figure 2 for ϕ = 0 . ϕ= 3π 4 Figure 2. Graphical representation of the short circuit current (1), the aperiodic component (3) and the periodic component (2) at ϕ = 0 In Figure 3, these waveforms are represented for different values of the initial phase φ for the circuit’s power source. ϕ=π Figure 3. Graphical representations of ik(t), ip(t) and ia(t) for different values of the initial phase φ for the circuit’s power source In Figure 4, we can see the 3D variation of the short circuit current value and its dependence on the φ parameter and time. ϕ= π 4 Figure 4. 3D representation of the short circuit current If α = 0 , i.e. ϕ= π 2 , we get: i a = 0 , and i k = i p = Iˆ p sin ω t . This means that the aperiodic component disappears. If α = ψ k − ϕ = π , we get the following equaϕ = ψ k 2 tions: I a0 = Iˆp and π i p = Iˆ p sin( ω t − ) = − Iˆ p cos ω t 2 . ELECTROTEHNICĂ, ELECTRONICĂ, AUTOMATICĂ, 59 (2011), nr. 1 4 Thus, the short circuit current has a value of: i k = Iˆ p (e t − Ta − cos ω t ) . This means that the aperiodic component disappears. If α = ψk − ϕ = π , we get the following equa2 ˆ tions: I a 0 = I p and i p = Iˆ p sin(ωt − π ) = − Iˆ p cos ωt . 2 Thus, the short circuit current has a value of: i k = Iˆ p ( e t Ta − cos ω t ) . 3. Specific properties of the short circuit regime We will study the case where α = imax = (ishock )scc = Iˆp [1 + e − 0 , 01 Ta − 0 , 01 Ta π , 2 I p = I k∞ = U med (11) Rk2 + X k2 where − I k ∞ is the permanent short circuit current, − U med median intake voltage of the transformer related to the damaged area, impedance in absolute value. In Figure 5, we can see the variation of the coefficient of impact, depending on the time constant of the damaged electric current portion. − cos ω ⋅ 0,01] = (8) ]. The maximum value of the short circuit current appears after a semi period (t = 0,01 s) after the malfunction occurs. In the technical language, this value is called short circuit shock current, which is taken into consideration for testing the electrodynamic stress of the collector rods, isolators, breakers, separators, etc. The equation, that can be written: (ishock )scc periodic component of the short circuit current, whose value is calculated with the following equation: − Z k = Rk2 + X k2 , the short circuit area because, in these conditions, the highest current intensity values appear, that stress the electric installations mechanically, electro-dynamically and thermally. It’s because of this, that we have to determine the maximum amplitude of the short circuit current and its actual value: = Iˆp [e (10) where I p represents the actual value of the If α = 0 , i.e. ϕ = ψ k , we get: ia = 0 and ik = i p = Iˆ p sin ωt . − (ishock ) = 1,6 Iˆ p = kshock Iˆp and kshock = [1 + e − 0, 01 Ta ] (9) is called the shock factor at short circuit or coefficient of impact [3,5]. The value of the shock factor at short circuit depends on the time constant of the damaged circuit, i.e. Ta . For a normal low voltage network structure, the time constant varies around the 0.05 s value, to which a shock factor of approximately 1.6 corresponds. This results in a current of: Figure 5. Variation of the coefficient of impact, depending on the time constant of the damaged electric current portion The actual value of the short circuit shock current is used in practical calculations for testing the thermal stress of the current lines and electric equipments and corresponds to the first semi period. Usually, it can be computed with the following equation: t+ Ik = 1 T T 2 ∫i 2 k ⋅dt (12) T t− 2 In this case, the short circuit current ik represents a complicated function. Because of this, to simplify, we consider that in the ELECTROTEHNICĂ, ELECTRONICĂ, AUTOMATICĂ, 59 (2011), nr. 1 semi period for which the calculation is made, both components remain constant. This is valid only in the case of the periodic component, whose amplitude remains, in the given conditions, permanently constant, as a consequence of the fact that the voltage at the power source terminals is constant. The aperiodic component is not constant, but for the considered time values and a time constant Ta = 0,05 s, it varies from Iˆ p to Iˆ p e − 0 , 01 0 , 05 = 0,82 Iˆ p , i.e. it decreases less than 20 % of its initial value. Taking the arithmetic average of the two values, during the first semi period, we can consider the aperiodic component as I a = 0 , 91 I p . In these conditions, for every moment within the first semi period, the actual values of the short circuit current are: I pt = Iˆ p 2 = Ip; 5 industrial type CBs according to related standards, notably IEC 609472 [6]. For the latter circuit-breakers, there exists a wide variety of tripping devices which allow a user to adapt the protective performance of the circuit-breaker to the particular requirements of a load. The protective scheme performance curve comparison in the case of a clasical thermal magnetic protective breaker and an electronic one are shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7, respectively, where the following terms were used [6]: • Ir - overload (thermal or long-delay) relay trip-current setting, • Im - short circuit (magnetic or shortdelay) relay trip-current setting, • Ii - short circuit instantaneous relay trip-current setting, • Icu - breaking capacity. iat = I at , and the actual value of the current is I kt = I pt2 + I at2 = I p 1 + 2 ⋅ 0,82 ≈ 1,60 I p , where I p is calculated using the following equation: I p = U med R k2 + X k2 . 4. The correlation of equipment with the parameters of short circuit current In the next section of this paper, we will also describe some of the fundamental parameters of automatic circuit-breakers. Figure 6. Performance curve of a circuit-breaker thermal-magnetic protective scheme [6] 4.1 Rated current ( I n ) This is the maximum value of the current that a circuit-breaker, fitted with a specified overcurrent tripping relay, can indefinitely carry at an ambient temperature stated by the manufacturer, without exceeding the specified temperature limits of the current carrying parts. Another parameter is the short circuit relay trip-current setting ( I m ). The short circuit tripping relays (instantaneous or slightly time-delayed) are intended to trip the circuit-breaker rapidly on the occurrence of high values of fault current. Their tripping threshold I m is: — either fixed by standards for domestic type CBs, e.g. IEC 60898, or — indicated by the manufacturer for Figure 7. Performance curve of a circuit-breaker electronic protective scheme [6] 4.2 Rated short circuit breaking capacity ( I cu or I cn ) The short circuit current-breaking rating of a CB is the highest (prospective) value of current that the CB is capable of breaking without being damaged. The value of current ELECTROTEHNICĂ, ELECTRONICĂ, AUTOMATICĂ, 59 (2011), nr. 1 6 quoted in the standards is the rms value of the AC component of the fault current, i.e. the DC transient component (which is always present in the worst possible case of short circuit) is assumed to be zero for calculating the standardized value. This rated value ( I cu ) for industrial CBs and ( I cn ) for domestic-type CBs is normally given in kA rms. Currents I cu (rated ultimate s.c. breaking capacity) and I cs (rated service s.c. breaking capacity) are defined in IEC 60947-2 together with a table relating I cs with I cu for different categories of utilization A (instantaneous tripping) and B (time-delayed tripping). Tests for proving the rated s.c. breaking capacities of CBs are governed by standards, and include: — operating sequences, comprising a succession of operations, i.e. closing and opening on short circuit; — current and voltage phase displacement. When the current is in phase with the supply voltage ( cos ϕ for the circuit = 1), interruption of the current is easier than that at any other power factor. Breaking a current at low lagging values of cos ϕ is considerably more difficult to achieve; a zero power-factor circuit being (theoretically) the most onerous case. In practice, all power-system short circuit fault currents are (more or less) at lagging power factors, and standards are based on values commonly considered to be representative of the majority of power systems. In general, the greater the level of fault current (at a given voltage), the lower the power factor of the fault-current loop, for example, close to generators or large transformers. The table below (Table 1) extracted from IEC 60947-2 relates standardized values of cos ϕ to industrial circuit-breakers according Following an open-time delay-close/open sequence to test the I cu capacity of a CB, further tests are made to ensure that: — the dielectric withstand capability, — the disconnection (isolation) performance and — the correct operation of the overload protection have not been impaired by the test. 4.3 Category (A or B) and rated short time withstand current ( I cw ) There are two categories of LV industrial switchgear, A and B, according to IEC 60947-2: − those of A category, for which there is no deliberate delay in the operation of the “instantaneous” short circuit magnetic tripping device (see Figure 8), are generally moulded-case type circuit-breakers, and Figure 8. The A Category circuit-breaker [6] − those of B category for which, in order to discriminate with other circuitbreakers on a time basis, it is possible to delay the tripping of the CB, where the fault-current level is lower than that of the short-time withstand current rating ( I cw ) of the CB (see Figure 9). to their rated I cu . Table 1. Icu related to power factor (cos φ) of faultcurrent circuit (IEC 60947-2) [6] Icu 6 kA < Icu ≤10 kA 10 kA < Icu ≤20 kA 20 kA < Icu ≤50 kA 50 kA ≤ Icu cos ϕ 0,5 0,3 0,25 0,2 Figure 9. The B Category circuit-breaker [6] ELECTROTEHNICĂ, ELECTRONICĂ, AUTOMATICĂ, 59 (2011), nr. 1 This is generally applied to large opentype circuit-breakers and to certain heavyduty moulded-case types. I cw is the maximum current that the B category CB can withstand, thermally and electro-dynamically, without sustaining damage, for a period of time given by the manufacturer. 4.4 Rated making capacity (Icm) Icm is the highest instantaneous value of current that the circuit-breaker can establish at rated voltage in specified conditions. In AC systems, this instantaneous peak value is related to Icu (i.e. to the rated breaking current) by the factor k, which depends on the power factor ( cos ϕ ) of the short circuit current loop (see Table 2). Table 2. Relation between rated breaking capacity and the rated making capacity at different power-factor values of short circuit current, as standardized in IEC 60947-2 [6] Icm cos ϕ Icm = kIcu 6 kA < Icu ≤10 kA 10 kA < Icu ≤20 kA 0,5 1,7 x Icu 0,3 2 20 kA < Icu ≤50 kA 50 kA ≤ Icu 0,25 2,1 x Icu 0,2 2,2 x Icu x Icu 4.5 Rated service short circuit breaking capacity ( I cs ) The rated breaking capacity ( I cu ) or ( I cn ) is the maximum fault-current a circuitbreaker can successfully interrupt without being damaged. The probability of such a current occurring is extremely low, and in normal circumstances the fault-currents are considerably less than the rated breaking capacity ( I cu ) of the CB. On the other hand, it is important that high currents (of low probability) be interrupted under good conditions, so that the CB is immediately available for reclosure, after the faulty circuit has been repaired. It is for these reasons, that a new characteristic ( I cs ) has been created, expressed as a percentage of I cu , as follows: 25, 50, 75, and 100 % for industrial circuit-breakers [7]. In Europe, it is the industrial practice to use a k factor of 100 %, so that I cs = I cu . 5. Conclusions The paper has accomplished a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the main electric parameters of short circuit phenomena that 7 occur in low voltage electric networks. Thereby, this document proposed a circuit model of the network where the analyzed malfunction appears. This model allowed an analytic preset, starting with the differential equation that describes the variation in time of the electric current intensity, of its maximum and actual values, and also of the transient components in case of a malfunction. These parameters prove to be extremely useful, both in appreciation of the network electro-dynamical and thermal stresses in the point where the short circuit occurs, as well as in the selection of the protection devices, that are meant to isolate the damage related to the upstream circuit. In this sense, the correlation between data from various manufacturers of electric protection equipment and the value of short circuit current parameters calculated for a network with known parameters was analyzed. To know in detail the characteristics of these devices and to correctly interpret them, compared with the analytically pre-evaluated short circuit parameters, allow a better choice of these devices, resulting in a better protection of the network. The study has taken into consideration the current European rules and standards (CEI) that regulate the operation of low voltage devices. References [1] HORTOPAN, G., Aparate electrice de comutaţie, vol.1+2, Editura Tehnică, Bucureşti, 2000. 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