What do voltmeters measure? Alain Bossavit LGEP, 11 Rue Joliot-Curie, 91192 Gif-sur-Yvette CEDEX, France Bossavit@lgep.supelec.fr Abstract–We show that a voltmeter's reading is the electromotive force, as it existed before branching it, along the path γ traced out by the connectors between the contact points. So, remarkably, a device which largely perturbs the electric field is still able to give accurate information on this very field as it were before the device was installed. We give first a rough analysis, based on Faraday's law, which is enough to make the result plausible, then a more detailed asymptotic analysis, with the radius of the leads (assumed perfectly conductive) as small parameter Should the question in the title sound preposterous, let us stress its legitimacy by discussing the following idealization. In otherwise empty 3D Euclidean space E, we have a massive conductor C (Fig. 1) and a coil Cs, that is the support of a known source current j s (AC at some angular frequency ω , and complex-valued). With σ > 0 inside C and σ = 0 outside, the eddy current equations, rot H = J = σE + Js, iω B + rot (1) E = 0, B = µ0 H, uniquely determine H (subject to the finite energy condition ∫E µ0 |H|2 < ∞) and determine E up to some curl-free field supported outside C. For definiteness, we assume that electric charge q = div(ε 0 E) is specified outside C (yet not on the air-conductor interface ∂C, the boundary of C), which lifts the ambiguity, again under the reasonable energy condition ∫E ε 0 |E|2 < ∞. V B J s C A s C Fig. 1. The setup. An induction coil C s generates eddy currents in conductor C. What's the meaning of V, as displayed by a voltmeter connected between points A and B of the surface? Suppose now a voltmeter and its two connecting leads are branched between two points A and B of ∂C. Like all real-life voltmeters, that one has an adjustable inner resistance R, which can be made high enough to reduce the current I through the voltmeter to a negligible value. The reading is then V, equal to RI. How does V relate to the physical situation without the measuring device? Is it correct to say that "V is the voltage drop between A and B"? (The short answer is: No.) Is "voltage drop", for that matter, a well defined notion? (Not always.) And even if so, does that make the reading dependent on the position of points A and B only (No) or is the position of the leads relevant? (Yes—definitely.) These conclusions can be found in the literature [1–6], but the underlying rationales are not always convincing, and the very fact that the problem is raised again and again (cf. [7], and the 2004 Web debate, http://www.physicsforums.com/archive/index. php/t-24022.html) betrays some persistent uneasiness. The paper is in two parts. First, we assume a "negligible" current through the voltmeter, which means that the magnetic field in presence of the connected voltmeter and its threads is about the same as it was before their introduction. (Note, immediately, that no such assumption can be made about the electric field, which is widely changed by the fact of connecting the voltmeter, thin as the leads may be.) Under this hypothesis, we establish the rule quoted in the Abstract. A second part addresses the "negligible" proviso: Assuming the leads are perfect conductors, but with a nonzero radius r, problem (1) is embedded in a family of problems, indexed by the small non-dimensional parameter α = r/<size of the device>. It is then proved that the corresponding magnetic induction bα converges, in a mathematically definite sense, towards a limit b 0. We'll see in conclusion how this results validates the rough analysis, thus making the intended point. A word on notation: Although we use vector fields E, etc., according to tradition, we put emphasis on the physical entities they are meant to represent, such as electromotive forces, fluxes, etc., i.e. to the differential forms e, b, etc., they "stand proxy" for. Hence notations such as " ∫γ e", " ∫S b", etc., meaning "the circulation of E along γ ", "the flux of B embraced by surface S", etc., leaving unmentioned the tangent and/or normal vector fields, dot product, etc., that would be necessary for mathematical definiteness (better achieved, anyway, if e, b, etc., are conceived as differential forms). B, I. ROUGH ANALYSIS Call γ the path, oriented, from A to B, along the leads and through the voltmeter, and ζ some path, from B to A, entirely contained in the surface ∂C of the conductor. Let S be any (oriented) surface the boundary of which be γ + ζ. Consider the situation before (Fig. 2, left) and after (Fig. 2, right) connecting the voltmeter, all other things unchanged. The induction flux Φ = ∫S b is the same in both cases, since currents do not change. By Faraday's law, (2) iω Φ + ∫γ e + ∫ζ e = 0 always holds. Thanks to Ohm's law, the electric field e in the conductor, and hence its tangential component on the conductor's surface, doesn't change either. Therefore, ∫γ e is the same before and after, though e did change. Since, as we assumed, the leads are perfect conductors, where e vanishes, this circulation is the one that exists inside the voltmeter, between its two ports, whose value it's what the voltmeter is engineered to show on its dial, as generally agreed (cf. [4]). We conclude that the voltmeter's reading is the electromotive force, as it existed before branching it, along the circuit γ traced out between contact points A and B by the leads and voltmeter. It is fairly remarkable that a property of the electric field can thus be measured in spite of the considerable modification of this very field brought in by the measuring apparatus. γ B ζ S V B plane, containing both points A and B, with respect to which (vectorial) values of B are mirrored; then, placing γ in this plane will do the trick [5], since Φ = 0 in this case, and W = – V [4]. Or else, the flux Φ can be negligible for the same reasons the flux through ∂C is, just because only a weak, negligible magnetic field exists in the region where A and B lie, and where one branches the voltmeter. Note that, if so, E is approximately curl-free in this region, hence E = – grad v there, so that V = ∫γ e = v(A) – v(B) is effectively the voltage drop one wished to measure. There is another way to make Φ vanish, thus radically lifting the uncertainty about its value, as suggested by Fig. 3. If a part of γ , lying in the air but near the surface of the conductor, closely follows ζ, and if the other part, joining the voltmeter's terminals, is properly intertwined, Φ will be zero. Any preassigned path ζ can thus be followed, which takes care of case (b). This applies, a fortiori, to case (a), too: If the conductor's surface lets no induction flux leak through,3 V does equal the surface voltage drop between A and B, whatever the path ζ followed on the surface. Beware of loops in such reasoning, though (Fig. 3, right). A A V B ζ Fig. 2. V is equal to the emf along γ as it existed before branching the voltmeter—the same as after branching it. The effect of the measuring device is, so to speak, to lump this emf between the voltmeter's terminals. So the naive preconception that V would be "the voltage 'between' A and B" is refuted: V does depend on the path γ , and hence, on how the voltmeter is connected. Anyway, does this "voltage between" notion make any sense? Only in two cases can this be asserted: (a) When the electric field, or at least, its tangential part on ∂C, derives from a potential, so we are talking of a potential difference, (b) When one has a specific path ζ in mind, so that by "voltage" one really means the electromotive force, i.e., the integral of e (or circulation1 of its proxy field E), along ζ. Let's review both possibilities. Case (a): It may happen, in special circumstances, that no induction flux crosses ∂C, or only a negligible amount of it, in which case the curl of the tangential part of E vanishes. Then, an electric potential v can be defined, up to some additive constant, on ∂C — locally,2 at least, and the voltage drop W, relative to the surface, between A and B (that is, – ∫ζ e) is well defined. Since W = V – iω Φ, one can get W if information about Φ is available. This may happen: For instance, when there is some symmetry 1 Which seems to be the right way to understand "voltage" [8][2]. "Voltage drop", on the other hand [5], evokes a difference in potential values (also measured in volts), but such a potential may fail to exist. 2 If C presents "loops", v may be multi-valued. Then W depends on the so-called "homology class" of ζ on the surface, according to around which loops (embracing nonzero flux, as a rule) ζ goes (cf. Fig. 3, right). ζ '' B V ζ' ζ A A Fig. 3. Left: How to effectively measure W = – ∫ζ e. Right: How non-trivial topology can affect the issue, even when no flux crosses the conductor's surface; ∫ζ' e = ∫ζ e, but ∫ζ'' e ≠ ∫ζ e, owing to the loop (cf. Note 1), because ζ", contrary to ζ', is not homologous to ζ. So what to do when a specific voltage is one of the quantities a numerical simulation is supposed to deliver? Modelling the whole situation, including voltmeter and wires with their precise geometry, would most often be overkilling. One will rather ignore them, and just compute the electric field where required, that is, along path γ (some chain of edges of the mesh, in practice). Yet, this means E must be computed in the air, which some popular eddy-current methods (based on H, or on J ) avoid to do. With such methods, a complementary computation in the air will be needed (a problem of the form rot E = – iω B , D = ε 0E, div D = q, outside C, with B and the tangential part of E on ∂C coming from the first computation). One may therefore prefer an "e-oriented" method (over a large enough computational domain—this also incurs some cost, and is part of the trade-off), in terms of either e directly or of some a–v combination. In the latter case, remind that V = – ∫γ (iω a + grad v), the circulation of the total electric field, not only the so-called "Coulomb voltage" v(A) – v(B). (The latter, gauge3 See [9] for an interesting application where this assumption is not warranted. dependent, is not physically observable anyway, so its determination may fail to serve any useful purpose.) Let's now turn a critical eye to the main part of our argument: that "Φ = ∫S b is 'about the same' in both cases [with or without wires and voltmeter]". To turn this into a dignified mathematical assertion, we must parameterize the situation by a real α > 0, meant to tend to 0, and prove that the corresponding induction b α tends to b 0, the one that exists without wires and voltmeter, which entails that ∫S bα tend to ∫S b0, and if so we are done. As such a parameterization involves lots of details (size of the voltmeter, its inner resistance, shape of the wires, contact resistances at A and B, etc.), not all relevant to the same degree, we shall rather introduce a clearcut auxiliary problem, of interest in its own right, discuss its relevance, and prove the needed convergence result. II. DETAILED ANALYSIS Our model problem in this part is magnetostatics in all space, (3) rot H = J, H = ν 0 B , div B = 0, with J as data and ν 0 = 1/µ0, under the constraint that B = 0 in M α, owing to the presence of a perfectly diamagnetic material in M α. Let's call B the functional space {B ∈ L2(E) : div B = 0} and set Bα = {B ∈ B : B = 0 in Mα}. The weak form of (3) consists in finding B Α in B α such that (4) ∫E ν 0 Bα · B ' = ∫E Hj · B ' for all B' in Bα, where HJ is some "source field", so chosen that rot HJ = J. (Alternatively, this is (3) outside the perfect diamagnet, with n · B = 0 on its boundary ∂Bα.) There is a unique solution B α, and we investigate its convergence, in the sense of the L2-norm (or rather, || B || = (∫E ν 0 | B |2)1/2) towards some limit B 0 when α → 0. In that case, fluxes ∫S bα tend to ∫S b0, by well known trace theorems, for any well-behaved surface S. x uα (x) Mα y uα (y) α z uα (z) M0 Fig. 4. The mapping u α, shrinking the diamagnetic region Mα onto the subset M0 (meant to represent the path γ, or part of it, of the previous section). The set M α is a regular domain intended to model one of the leads,4 and B = 0 stems from the assumed perfect conductivity of this wire (zero skin depth, layer of 4 So we need two of them, one on each side of the voltmeter. The latter is also in need of a similar asymptotic study, under hypotheses that factor in its "smallness" (in size) and its high internal resistance. We omit this, which would not bring in new ideas, from the present paper. surface currents which screens out the magnetic field). To account for the "small radius" of the wire, we introduce a closed set M 0 ⊂ Mα with empty interior (for definiteness, imagine M0 as a smooth curve segment—it will be the above path γ , or rather, a half of it) and a family u α of smooth mappings from E to itself, depending smoothly on α, with the following properties: (H1) uα(Mα) = M 0, (H2) u0 is the identity. (Figure 4 illustrates the idea.) Moreover: (H3) the restriction of u α to E – Mα is a diffeomorphism (so the derivative Duα(x) is an invertible linear map, from 3D vectors to 3D vectors, at each point), (H4) limα = 0 Duα(x) is the identity, (H5) As a map on L2(E – M0), (Duα)–1 is uniformly bounded. Some clarifications are needed: Imagine M0 (meant to model a part of the above path γ ) cut out from space, and the rest of space "retracted" to E – M α, so that the "buttonhole" M0 "opens up" to a three-dimensional elongated domain Mα: this describes the (restriction to E – M0 of the) inverse mapping u α–1. On the other hand, the direct map uα "stitches up the cut", and retracts Mα to M0. The actual thread, with its effective dimensions, is Mα, filled by perfectly diamagnetic stuff, for some definite value of α. The asymptotic analysis is meant to justify the approximation consisting in substituting M 0 to Mα. Hypotheses (H3) to (H5) are technical requirements. Let's recall that, if b is a 2-form (with proxy vector in L2(E)), its "pullback" u α* b is the 2-form defined by 〈(uα* b)(x) ; v, w〉 = 〈b(x) ; (Duα(x))v, (Duα(x))w〉, where v and w are two vectors at x. Abusing the notation, we shall denote the proxy vector of uα* b by uα* B . Pullback and exterior derivative d commute, so if div B = 0, i.e., db = 0, the proxy uα* B is also divergence-free. We note that uα* B (x) is well-defined for x in M α, but null in the case we consider: For if v and w are two vectors anchored at x ∈ Mα, their images under u α are collinear.5 We conclude that if B 0 is the solution, in B, of B (5) ∫E ν 0 B · B ' = ∫E Hj · B ' for all B' in B (i.e., the magnetic field without any dimagnetic inclusion present), then u α* B 0 belongs to the above-defined space B α. Now compare (4) and (5), setting B ' = B – B α in (5) and B ' = B α – uα* B in (4), which results in ∫E ν 0 |Bα – B |2 = ∫E (Hj + ν 0 B α )· (B α – uα* B ). Thanks to hypotheses (H4) and (H5)—made for that purpose—the right-hand side tends to 0, therefore B α tends to B 0, as announced, in L2(E). To sum up: Proposition 1. Under hypotheses (H1–5), and assuming uα* bα vanishes in Mα, fluxes ∫S b α tend to ∫S b0 for regular surfaces S. It remains to show that hypotheses (H1–5) are reasonable. Let's begin with the (not yet realistic) case where M 0 is a single point in space E, which we can take as origin. Define then Mα = {x ∈ E : |x| ≤ α}, and uα(x) = x – α x/|x|, i.e., "draw all points outside Mα towards the 5 Because M 0 is a curve, one-dimensional, here. In different contexts, if M0 was a flat disk, for instance, a weaker conclusion would follow: that uα* B is orthogonal to the surface of Mα. origin by the same amount", and shrink M0 to the origin. Call this "spherical stitching": it clearly satisfies our hypotheses. Second case, an infinite straight line l, and Mα is the tube of radius α around this line: use the previous transformation in planes orthogonal to l, call that "cylindrical stitching". Next, in the more realistic case of a finite segment from point A to point B: If x projects to line AB between points A and B, bring it closer to its projection by cylindrical stitching, otherwise push it towards A or B, whichever is closer, by spherical stitching. (Then, Mα is a cylinder of radius α with rounded ends.) Last, in the case of a smooth curve from A to B, first build an isotopy (a "good" map from E to itself) to rectify the curve, then compose with the previous transformation. And so on: Whatever the shape of the wire (non-uniform radius, varying cross-section, etc.), a suitable family uα that shrinks it to a curve γ can be found, such that Prop. 1 hold—in other words, when the perfectly conducting wire reduces to a curve, the magnetic field tends to what it would have been, had this curve not been there. Remark. Therefore, "line defects", and a fortiori, "point defects", with perfect diamagnetism, can be ignored in magnetostatics. This conclusion cannot be drawn for surface defects, however, because the property "uα* B 0 ∈ Bα" does not hold. This is intuitively obvious: A perfectly diamagnetic surface, however thin, will make a barrier to magnetic flux, and "force flux lines to turn around it". ◊ Remark. It may be instructive to interpret our technique of proof in this spirit: The homotopy uα is constructed in order to "warp the flux tubes" of the induction field B 0 to push them out of the diamagnetic region. When the latter shrinks to a curve, the "no defect" situation is recovered, but not when the residual defect is a surface. ◊ III. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION What precedes should be enough to support the main thesis: What a voltmeter measures is the voltage, as it existed before branching the device, along the path traced out by the two wires and the voltmeter itself between the two measurement points. We have proved the main asymptotic theorem on which to base this conclusion. A lot of details should be dealt with, however, using similar techniques. First, treating the problem as one in magnetostatics, instead of eddy currents, as we did, is justified by the fact that placing the voltmeter does not modify the currents in the main conductor C. Of course, this is not rigorously true, and a limit analysis of this effect (a second order perturbation) should be done. Also, to assume perfect conductivity, and hence perfect diamagnetism, is abusive, and again, a limit analysis (with a second small parameter, resistivity of the wires, subordinate to the above α) should take care of that. The voltmeter itself ("small and highly resistive") should receive similar attention. What happens at the contact points A and B is also matter for investigation. And beyond convergence results, one might very well push further the Taylor expansions of the fields involved, in terms of the small parameter(s), in order to reach estimates of the errors incurred. Let us just mention these directions of research, and express the hope that this subject, modelling asymptotics, will be developed as a more rigorous substitute to the intuition-based procedures we use nowadays in modelling. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] D.R. 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