4210 rue Jean-Marchand, Quebec, QC G2C 1Y6, Canada Phone: 418 688 9067 / 800 567 0791 / 810 222 4525 (USA) Fax: 418 843 3444 / Email: info@consulab.com A ConsuLab presentation INTRODUCTION TO THE DIGITAL STORAGE OSCILLOSCOPE (DSO) DICK KRIEGER – JUNE 2016 dkrieger@consulab.com CLASSHANDOUT CLASSHANDOUT CLASSHANDOUT automotive repair industry seems like is always in a state of evolutionary change. Changes in vehicle technology, nges in diagnostic routines, changes in technician training requirements and also changes in diagnostic equipment ATEGORIESOFINFORMATION: ATEGORIESOFINFORMATION: ATEGORIESOFINFORMATION: uirements. Automotive instructors and technicians are often overwhelmed with the amount of information that I N T Rawareness. O D U C T I OSorting N T O itT HallE out D Scan O be somewhat overwhelming. To help with this issue, it often has mes across their heautomotiverepairindustryseemslikeisalwaysinastateofevolutionarychange.Changesinvehicletechnology, eautomotiverepairindustryseemslikeisalwaysinastateofevolutionarychange.Changesinvehicletechnology, heautomotiverepairindustryseemslikeisalwaysinastateofevolutionarychange.Changesinvehicletechnology, n said that all of the information available in the automotive service industry could be divided into categories of: 1angesindiagnosticroutines,changesintechniciantrainingrequirementsandalsochangesindiagnosticequipment angesindiagnosticroutines,changesintechniciantrainingrequirementsandalsochangesindiagnosticequipment hangesindiagnosticroutines,changesintechniciantrainingrequirementsandalsochangesindiagnosticequipment ed to knowCATEGORIES this, 2- Nice know this and 3- Not really necessary to know this. It has also been stated that the amount OFto INFORMATION: quirements.Automotiveinstructorsandtechniciansareoftenoverwhelmedwiththeamountofinformationthat quirements.Automotiveinstructorsandtechniciansareoftenoverwhelmedwiththeamountofinformationthat quirements.Automotiveinstructorsandtechniciansareoftenoverwhelmedwiththeamountofinformationthat material in The theautomotive “need to know” category represents about the total available Whether you agree with repair industry seems like is always in a25% state of of evolutionary change.content. Changes in vehicle techmesacrosstheirawareness.Sortingitalloutcanbesomewhatoverwhelming.Tohelpwiththisissue,itoftenhas mesacrosstheirawareness.Sortingitalloutcanbesomewhatoverwhelming.Tohelpwiththisissue,itoftenhas omesacrosstheirawareness.Sortingitalloutcanbesomewhatoverwhelming.Tohelpwiththisissue,itoftenhas percentage break downinordiagnostic not, theroutines, knowledge of how to setup, use requirements and interpret waveforms is now in the nology, changes changes in technician training andscope also changes in diagnostic eensaidthatalloftheinformationavailableintheautomotiveserviceindustrycouldbedividedintocategoriesof:1ensaidthatalloftheinformationavailableintheautomotiveserviceindustrycouldbedividedintocategoriesof:1- eensaidthatalloftheinformationavailableintheautomotiveserviceindustrycouldbedividedintocategoriesof:1equipment requirements. Automotive instructors and technicians are often overwhelmed with the amount of egory of “need to know”. eedtoknowthis,2-Nicetoknowthisand3-Notreallynecessarytoknowthis.Ithasalsobeenstatedthattheamoun eedtoknowthis,2-Nicetoknowthisand3-Notreallynecessarytoknowthis.Ithasalsobeenstatedthattheamou eedtoknowthis,2-Nicetoknowthisand3-Notreallynecessarytoknowthis.Ithasalsobeenstatedthattheamou information that comes across their awareness. Sorting it all out can be somewhat overwhelming. To help with materialinthe“needtoknow”categoryrepresentsabout25%ofthetotalavailablecontent.Whetheryouagreewi materialinthe“needtoknow”categoryrepresentsabout25%ofthetotalavailablecontent.Whetheryouagreewit materialinthe“needtoknow”categoryrepresentsabout25%ofthetotalavailablecontent.Whetheryouagreewi this issue, it often has been said that all of the information available in the automotive service industry could be vances in electrical and electronic vehicle technology occurring over recent years have in certain cases made the use divided into categories of: 1- Need to know this, 2- Nice to know this and 3- Not really necessary to know this. epercentagebreakdownornot,theknowledgeofhowtosetup,useandinterpretscopewaveformsisnowinthe epercentagebreakdownornot,theknowledgeofhowtosetup,useandinterpretscopewaveformsisnowinthe epercentagebreakdownornot,theknowledgeofhowtosetup,useandinterpretscopewaveformsisnowinthe oscilloscopes in troubleshooting and to diagnose vehicle systems It has also been stated that thediagnosis amount of almost materialmandatory. in the “need toAttempting know” category represents some about 25% of the tegoryof“needtoknow”. tegoryof“needtoknow”. ategoryof“needtoknow”. hout a DSOtotal canavailable often result in guesswork thewith resulting installation unnecessary parts. content. Whether youand agree the percentage breakof down or not, therepair knowledge of how to setup, use and interpret scope waveforms is now in the category of “need to know”. dvancesinelectricalandelectronicvehicletechnologyoccurringoverrecentyearshaveincertaincasesmadetheuse dvancesinelectricalandelectronicvehicletechnologyoccurringoverrecentyearshaveincertaincasesmadetheuse dvancesinelectricalandelectronicvehicletechnologyoccurringoverrecentyearshaveincertaincasesmadetheuse Advances in electrical and electronic vehicle technology occurring over recent years have in certain cases made oscilloscopesintroubleshootinganddiagnosisalmostmandatory.Attemptingtodiagnosesomevehiclesystems oscilloscopesintroubleshootinganddiagnosisalmostmandatory.Attemptingtodiagnosesomevehiclesystems oscilloscopesintroubleshootinganddiagnosisalmostmandatory.Attemptingtodiagnosesomevehiclesystems the use of oscilloscopes in troubleshooting diagnosis almost mandatory. TOTAL and AUTOMOTIVE INFORMATION SUMMARY Attempting to diagnose some vehicle thoutaDSOcanoftenresultinguessworkandtheresultinginstallationofunnecessaryrepairparts. thoutaDSOcanoftenresultinguessworkandtheresultinginstallationofunnecessaryrepairparts. ithoutaDSOcanoftenresultinguessworkandtheresultinginstallationofunnecessaryrepairparts. systems without a DSO can often result in guesswork and the resulting installation of unnecessary repair parts. 25% IS STUFF YOU NEED TO KNOW EF HISTORY OF ELECTRICAL DIAGNOSIS: many years, (beginning in the 40’s), the use of a 12V test light was the standard diagnostic tool commonly used oughout the automotive service industry. Diagnosis consisted of primarily asking the question: “Is there voltage here RIEFHISTORYOFELECTRICALDIAGNOSIS: RIEFHISTORYOFELECTRICALDIAGNOSIS: RIEFHISTORYOFELECTRICALDIAGNOSIS: BRIEF ELECTRICAL DIAGNOSIS: not?” Then, weHISTORY realizedOFthat test lights could also test for grounds and even “voltage drops” if we could visualize For many the 40’s), use of12V a 12V test light was thebulbs standard toolrelative com- large w dim the light was.years, Most(beginning early testinlights werethe simple incandescent light thatdiagnostic consumed rmanyyears,(beginninginthe40’s),theuseofa12Vtestlightwasthestandarddiagnostictoolcommonlyused rmanyyears,(beginninginthe40’s),theuseofa12Vtestlightwasthestandarddiagnostictoolcommonlyused ormanyyears,(beginninginthe40’s),theuseofa12Vtestlightwasthestandarddiagnostictoolcommonlyused monly used throughout the automotive service industry. Diagnosis consisted of primarily asking the question: ounts of current when considered with sensitive electronic circuits. We learned the term “impedance” and realized roughouttheautomotiveserviceindustry.Diagnosisconsistedofprimarilyaskingthequestion:“Istherevoltagehe roughouttheautomotiveserviceindustry.Diagnosisconsistedofprimarilyaskingthequestion:“Istherevoltagehe roughouttheautomotiveserviceindustry.Diagnosisconsistedofprimarilyaskingthequestion:“Istherevoltagehe “Is high there impedance voltage here test or not?” we realized thatdamage test lights also test for grounds and even “voltt we needed lightsThen, to prevent circuit tocould sensitive electronic components as technology age drops” if we could visualize how dim the light was. Most early test lights were simple 12V incandescent not?”Then,werealizedthattestlightscouldalsotestforgroundsandeven“voltagedrops”ifwecouldvisualize not?”Then,werealizedthattestlightscouldalsotestforgroundsandeven“voltagedrops”ifwecouldvisualize rnot?”Then,werealizedthattestlightscouldalsotestforgroundsandeven“voltagedrops”ifwecouldvisualize rting usinglight computers and other solid state devices. Even today, it is possiblewith to still find “low impedance” bulbs that consumed relative large amounts of current when considered sensitive electronic circuits. test lights owdimthelightwas.Mostearlytestlightsweresimple12Vincandescentlightbulbsthatconsumedrelativelarge wdimthelightwas.Mostearlytestlightsweresimple12Vincandescentlightbulbsthatconsumedrelativelarge owdimthelightwas.Mostearlytestlightsweresimple12Vincandescentlightbulbsthatconsumedrelativelarge hough theyWe should be the avoided for use on any modern vehicle. learned term “impedance” andrelatively realized that we needed high impedance test lights to prevent cirmountsofcurrentwhenconsideredwithsensitiveelectroniccircuits.Welearnedtheterm“impedance”andrealized mountsofcurrentwhenconsideredwithsensitiveelectroniccircuits.Welearnedtheterm“impedance”andrealized mountsofcurrentwhenconsideredwithsensitiveelectroniccircuits.Welearnedtheterm“impedance”andrealized cuit damage to sensitive electronic components as technology starting using computers and other solid state atweneededhighimpedancetestlightstopreventcircuitdamagetosensitiveelectroniccomponentsastechnology atweneededhighimpedancetestlightstopreventcircuitdamagetosensitiveelectroniccomponentsastechnology atweneededhighimpedancetestlightstopreventcircuitdamagetosensitiveelectroniccomponentsastechnology devices. Even today, it is possible to still find “low impedance” test lights although they should be avoided for artingusingcomputersandothersolidstatedevices.Eventoday,itispossibletostillfind“lowimpedance”testlight artingusingcomputersandothersolidstatedevices.Eventoday,itispossibletostillfind“lowimpedance”testligh artingusingcomputersandothersolidstatedevices.Eventoday,itispossibletostillfind“lowimpedance”testligh use on any relatively modern vehicle. thoughtheyshouldbeavoidedforuseonanyrelativelymodernvehicle. houghtheyshouldbeavoidedforuseonanyrelativelymodernvehicle. thoughtheyshouldbeavoidedforuseonanyrelativelymodernvehicle. consulab.com 2 INTRODUC TION TO THE DSO Then,astheybecamemorecommonlyavailable,theanalogandthenthedigitalmulti-metersbecamemorecommon. Then, as they became more commonly available, the analog and digital multi-meters were more often used by Theyhavebeenthediagnostictoolstandardformany,manyyears. as they became morebeen commonly available, the analog and then digital multi-meters repair Then, technicians. They have the diagnostic tool standard for the many, many years. became more common. They been the diagnostic tool standard for many, manyand years. Then,have as they became more commonly available, the analog then the digital multi-meters became more common. They have been the diagnostic tool standard for many, many years. ANALOGMETER DIGITALMETER IMPEDANCE (CIRCUIT & TEST EQUIPMENT) IMPEDANCE(CIRCUIT&TESTEQUIPMENT) DIGITAL METER For use on today’s cars, Theterm“impedance”isimportanttoknowwhenusinganaloganddigitalmulti-meters.Foruseontoday’scars,most The term “impedance” is importantANALOG to knowMETER when using analog and digital multi-meters. ANALOG METER DIGITAL METER digitalmetershaveaminimumof20MegOhmImpedance. most digital meters have a minimum of 20 MegOhm Impedance. IMPEDANCE (CIRCUIT & TEST EQUIPMENT) ELECTRICALIMPEDANCE oftestequipment The term “impedance” important to know when using analog and digital multi-meters. For use on today’s cars, most IMPEDANCE (CIRCUIT TEST EQUIPMENT) ELECTRICAL IMPEDANCE of&istest equipment • term Impedanceisfundamentallyresistance digital meters have a minimum of 20toMegOhm Impedance. The “impedance” is important know when using analog and digital multi-meters. For use on today’s cars, most • Impedance is fundamentally resistance • Highimpedancereferstoahighresistancewhich“Loads”acircuitlesswhentesting.IfIhookupahigh digital meters have a minimum of 20 MegOhm Impedance. impedancetestlightormeteritwillloadthecircuitless(ifatall)andwillnotaffectthemeasurementmuch. • High impedance refers to high resistance which “Loads” a circuit less when testing. If I hook up a high ELECTRICAL IMPEDANCE of atest equipment • Lowimpedanceindicatesalowresistancewhich“Loads”acircuitmorewhentestingandwillaffect(change) impedance test light or meter willresistance load the circuit less (if at all) and will not a major affect the measure• Impedance is fundamentally ELECTRICAL IMPEDANCE of test it equipment themeasurement.(Insomecases,usinglowimpedancetestequipmentcanresultincircuitdamage) ment readings. • Impedance is fundamentally resistance High impedance refers to a high resistance which “Loads” a circuit less when testing. If I hook up a high • OxygenSensor–Testwithhighimpedancemeter impedance test light or meter it will load the circuit less (ifaatcircuit all) and will not affectand the High impedance refers to a high resistance which “Loads” less when testing. If will Imeasurement hook up a(change) highmuch. • Low impedance indicates a low resistance which “Loads” a circuit more when testing affect • Injectorpowersource–Highorlowimpedancemeter impedance test light or(In meter will load the circuit less (ifa at all) will not affect the measurement much. Low impedance indicates asome lowitresistance which circuit more when testing and will affect dam(change) the measurement readings. cases, using low“Loads” impedance testand equipment can result in circuit the measurement. (In some cases, using low impedance test equipment can result in circuit damage) Lowdamage impedance indicates a low resistance whichby“Loads” more when testing and will affect (change) CIRCUITIMPEDANCE: age circuit from excess current flow caused the testa circuit equipment) Oxygen Sensor – Test high impedance meter the measurement. (Inwith some cases, using low impedance test equipment can result in circuit damage) •Circuitimpedanceisbasicallydescribingthe“resistance”oftheentirecircuit.Circuitswithhighresistancesinthem Oxygen Sensor – Test with high impedance meter Oxygen Sensor – Test with high meter Injector power source – High or impedance low impedance meter •arecalled“highimpedance”circuitsandcircuitswithoutmuchresistance,arecalled“lowimpedance”circuits.Ifa Injector power source – High–orHigh loworimpedance meter Injector power source low impedance meter lowimpedancetesterisconnectedtoahighimpedancecircuit,thetestercanprovideatemporarypathtoground CIRCUIT IMPEDANCE: andcauseexcessivecurrentflowinthecircuitwhichmaycausedamageorskewmeasurementreadings.Connecting CIRCUIT IMPEDANCE: CIRCUIT IMPEDANCE: ahighimpedancetestertoeithercircuittypesusuallydoesn’tpresentanyperformanceorcircuitdamageproblems. CircuitCircuit impedance is basically describing the “resistance” of the entire circuit. with impedance is basically describing the “resistance” of the entire circuit.Circuits Circuits withhigh highresistances resistancesin inthem them are called “high impedance” circuits and circuits without much resistance, are called “low impedance” circuits. are called “high impedance” and the circuits without much are called “low impedance” circuits. If a Circuit impedance is basicallycircuits describing “resistance” of theresistance, entire circuit. Circuits with high resistances inWhat them determines whether circuit a high ortolow impedance circuit is the of current flowing in it.path If acircuits. low impedlow impedance is is connected a high impedance circuit, theamount tester can provide a temporary to ground are called “highatester impedance” circuits and circuits without much resistance, are called “low impedance” If a and cause excessive current in to thea circuit which cause damage measurement Connecting low impedance tester isa connected high impedance circuit, the testerorcan provide a temporary path to ground ance tester is connected to highflow impedance circuit, themay tester can provide askew temporary path toreadings. ground and cause aand high impedance tester either circuit types usually doesn’t any or circuit damage Connecting problems. cause excessive current flowwhich in themay circuit which may cause damage orperformance skew measurement readings. excessive current flow in the to circuit cause damage orpresent skew measurement readings. Connecting a high a high impedance tester to either circuit types usually doesn’t present any performance or circuit damage problems. impedance tester to either circuit types usually doesn’t present any performance or circuit damage problems. TESTER IMPEDANCE: 3-wire Throttle Position Sensor TESTER IMPEDANCE: 3-wire Throttle Position Sensor TESTER IMPEDANCE: 3-wire Throttle Position Sensor TESTER IMPEDANCE: 3-wire Throttle Position Sensor 5.00 v 5.00 v CURRENT LIMITING 1.90 v CURRENT LIMITING 1.90 v 12v 12v 12v DMM: High impedance meter = no loading Test Light: Low impedance = loading DMM: High impedance meter = no loading 2 Test Light: Low impedance = loading TESTER IMPEDANCE: 3-wire Throttle Position Sensor TESTER IMPEDANCE: 3-wire Throttle Position Sensor TESTER IMPEDANCE: 3-wire Throttle Position Sensor TESTER IMPEDANCE: 3-wire Throttle Position Sensor 3.20 v 0.02 v 3.20 v 0.02 v 12v 12v 2 2 12v 12v 12v DMM: High impedance meter = no loading Test Light: Low impedance = loading DMM: High impedance meter = no loading Test Light: Low impedance = loading consulab.com 3 I N T R O D U C T I O N T O T HAsadvancesweremadeindiagnostictools,theGRAPHINGandPOWERG E DSO Asadvancesweremadeindiagnostictools,theGRAPHINGandPOWE wereableto“display”awaveform(sortof)thathelpedincertaindiagno As advances were made wereableto“display”awaveform(sortof)thathelpedincertaindiag in diagnostic tools, the GRAPHING and POWER GRAPHING meters were available. These tools were able to “display” a waveform (sort of) that helped in certain diagnostic tests. Now, the need for a diagnostic tool that can capture and display very fast signals is greater than ever. As the frequency (speed) of electrical signals on today’s vehicles continue to increase, oscilloscopes are the only tool that can “record” Now,theneedforadiagnostictoolthatcancaptureanddisplayveryfas and display them for diagnosis purposes. All digital meters “average” or samples the signals they are measuring. (speed)ofelectricalsignalsontoday’svehiclescontinuetoincrease,osci Most do not show “live data”, but based on their update rate, they average all of the signals they measure. For an Now,theneedforadiagnostictoolthatcancaptureanddisplayveryf anddisplaythemfordiagnosispurposes.Alldigitalmeters“average”or example, suppose that you connected a digital voltmeter to a heater blower motor that was pulse width modulated controlled by the BCM. The(speed)ofelectricalsignalsontoday’svehiclescontinuetoincrease,o HVACdonotshow“livedata”,butbasedontheirupdaterate,theyaverageall controls are set to run the blower motor at “half-speed” or a 50% PWM duty cycle. If a digital voltmeter is connected to the blower motor, it will display between 6.5 to 7.5 volts depending on the anddisplaythemfordiagnosispurposes.Alldigitalmeters“average” supposethatyouconnectedadigitalvoltmetertoaheaterblowermoto charging voltage of the running vehicle. In reality, the blower motor is running on full charging voltage (vehicle rundonotshow“livedata”,butbasedontheirupdaterate,theyaverage theBCM.TheHVACcontrolsaresettoruntheblowermotorat“half-sp ning) of about 13.5-14.5 volts but available only 50% of the time. PWM circuits are best diagnosed with oscilloscopes voltmeterisconnectedtotheblowermotor,itwilldisplaybetween6.5t as the voltmeter cannot seesupposethatyouconnectedadigitalvoltmetertoaheaterblowermo or measure minor glitches or circuit abnormalities and especially intermittent problems. therunningvehicle.Inreality,theblowermotorisrunningonfullchargi The digital storage oscilloscope (DSO) is the only diagnostic tool that can read, store and replay signal waveforms that theBCM.TheHVACcontrolsaresettoruntheblowermotorat“halfare invaluable in determining causes of circuit problems. There are many brands and types of DSO’s on the market voltsbutavailableonly50%ofthetime.PWMcircuitsarebestdiagnose voltmeterisconnectedtotheblowermotor,itwilldisplaybetween6. and technicians have many choices. Using multiple channels, scopes can be used to compare two or more signals seeormeasureminorglitchesorcircuitabnormalitiesandespeciallyinte on vehicle systems to checktherunningvehicle.Inreality,theblowermotorisrunningonfullcha such things as the proper mechanical relationship between cam and crank (timing chain wear or out-of-time). ADVANTAGES: • • • • • • • • • • voltsbutavailableonly50%ofthetime.PWMcircuitsarebestdiagno Thedigitalstorageoscilloscope(DSO)istheonlydiagnostictoolthatcan seeormeasureminorglitchesorcircuitabnormalitiesandespeciallyin areinvaluableindeterminingcausesofcircuitproblems.Thereareman Capable of measuring signals very quickly (in micro or milli-seconds). technicianshavemanychoices.Usingmultiplechannels,scopescanbe Displays the signals over an adjustable period of time. Thedigitalstorageoscilloscope(DSO)istheonlydiagnostictoolthatc systemstochecksuchthingsasthepropermechanicalrelationshipbetw Multiple signals can be displayed together and compared for proper operation. areinvaluableindeterminingcausesofcircuitproblems.Therearem of-time). Can “record” signals for playback and evaluation. Can also be used to display and measure: Pressure, Vacuum, Temperature and others. Very precise information technicianshavemanychoices.Usingmultiplechannels,scopescanb can be viewed. ADVANTAGES: systemstochecksuchthingsasthepropermechanicalrelationshipbe The advantage of a DSO over a DMM is that it can display voltage, current (and other signals) over a period of time. • Capableofmeasuringsignalsveryquickly(inmicroormilli-seco of-time). DSO’s capture very fast and subtle signal changes that DMM’s can not “see” or measure. • fall, Displaysthesignalsoveranadjustableperiodoftime Scopes also show signal “trends”. Rise, abnormal signal (hash & static) and others. • Multiplesignalscanbedisplayedtogetherandcomparedforpr Many of today’s electronic components (especially CAN Bus) are more quickly and accurately diagnosed using signals viewed only onADVANTAGES: DSO’s. • Can“record”signalsforplaybackandevaluation Students learn more effectively “hands-on” method of learning by observing circuit signal waveforms “live”. • using Capableofmeasuringsignalsveryquickly(inmicroormilli-se • Canalsobeusedtodisplayandmeasure:Pressure,Vacuum,Te • Displaysthesignalsoveranadjustableperiodoftime USEFUL APPLICATIONS OF AN OSCILLOSCOPE: informationcanbeviewed • a DMM Multiplesignalscanbedisplayedtogetherandcomparedfor • The advantage of a DSO over it can display voltage, current (and other signals) over a period of time. • is that TheadvantageofaDSOoveraDMMisthatitcandisplayvolta • DSO’s capture very fast and •subtleCan“record”signalsforplaybackandevaluation signaltime. changes that DMM’s cannot “see” or measure. • The use of “transducers” can turn the DSO into a very powerful diagnostic tool. • DSO’scaptureveryfastandsubtlesignalchangesthatDMM’sc • Canalsobeusedtodisplayandmeasure:Pressure,Vacuum, • Capable of measuring signals very quickly (in micro or milli-seconds). • evaluation. Scopesalsoshowsignal“trends”.Rise,fall,abnormalsignal(ha informationcanbeviewed • Can “record” signals for playback and • Manyoftoday’selectroniccomponents(especiallyCANBus)ar • Can also be used to display and Pressure, Vacuum, Temperature and others. Very precise information • measure: TheadvantageofaDSOoveraDMMisthatitcandisplayvol can be viewed. signalsviewedonlyonDSO’s. time. • DSO’scaptureveryfastandsubtlesignalchangesthatDMM’ 4 consulab.com USEFULAPPLICATIONSOFANOSCILLOSCOPE: • Scopesalsoshowsignal“trends”.Rise,fall,abnormalsignal INTRODUC TION TO THE DSO WHAT SCOPES CAN MEASURE: WHAT SCOPES CAN MEASURE: Voltage characteristics: Voltage characteristics: • Amplitude – Amplitude is a measure of the magnitude a signal. There a variety amplitudemeasure• Amplitude – Amplitude is a measure of the magnitude of aofsignal. There areare a variety ofof amplitude measurements including peak-to-peak amplitude, which measures the absolute difference high ments including peak-to-peak amplitude, which measures the absolute difference between abetween high andalow and low voltage point of a signal. Peak amplitude, on the other hand, only measures how high or low a signal voltage point of a signal. Peak amplitude, on the other hand, only measures how high or low a signal is past 0V. is past 0V. • Max Min – The– The scope can can tell tell youyou exactly howhow high andand lowlow thethe voltage of of your signal gets. • & Max & voltages Min voltages scope exactly high voltage your signal gets. • Mean & average voltages – Oscilloscopes cancan calculate thethe average or mean of of your signal, and it itcan • Mean & average voltages – Oscilloscopes calculate average or mean your signal, and canalso alsotell tell youaverage the average of your signal’s minimum maximum voltage. you the of your signal’s minimum andand maximum voltage. Time characteristics: Time characteristics: • Frequency and period – Frequency is defined as the number of times per second a waveform repeats. And • Frequency and period – Frequency is defined as the number of times per second a waveform repeats. And the the period is the reciprocal of that (number of seconds each repeating waveform takes). The maximum period is the reciprocal of that (number of seconds each repeating waveform takes). The maximum frequency frequency a scope can measure varies, but it’s often in the 100’s of MHz range. a scope can measure varies, but it’s often in the 100’s of MHz range. • Duty cyclecycle – The percentage of of a period positiveorornegative negative (there both positive • Duty – The percentage a periodthat thataawave wave isis either either positive (there areare both positive and and negative dutycycles). cycles).The Theduty duty cycle a ratio a signal “on” versus how negative duty cycle is aisratio thatthat tellstells you you how how long along signal is “on”isversus how long it’slong “off” it’s “off” period. eacheach period. • Rise and fall – Signals can’t instantaneouslygo gofrom from 0V 0V to rise. TheThe duration • Rise and fall timetime – Signals can’t instantaneously to 5V, 5V, they theyhave havetotosmoothly smoothly rise. duraof a wave going from a low point to a high point is called the rise time, and fall time measures the opposite. tion of a wave going from a low point to a high point is called the rise time, and fall time measures the TheseThese characteristics are important when considering how fast a how circuit canarespond to signals. opposite. characteristics are important when considering fast circuit can respond to signals. Today’s cars are run orrun operated by computers. All systems consist of either input andand output signals sentsent to or Today’s carsbasically are basically or operated by computers. All systems consist of either input output signals or from computers. scope is the only method of detailed both the electrical and mechanical from to computers. The scopeThe is the only method of detailed checkingchecking of bothofthe electrical and mechanical systems for systems for proper performance. also measures the electrical integrity the circuit in which abnormal proper performance. It also measures Itthe electrical integrity of the circuit in of which abnormal conditions suchconditions as high or such as high or low resistance, opens, shorts and grounds can be “seen” by scopes. low resistance, opens, shorts and grounds can be “seen” by scopes. ONLY OSCILLOSCOPES ARE ABLE TO “CAPTURE” AND VIEW VERY FAST SIGNALS ONLY OSCILLOSCOPES ARE ABLE TO “CAPTURE” AND VIEW VERY FAST SIGNALS ACKNOWLEDGED DISADVANTAGES OF OSCILLOSCOPES: • Requires some practice to obtain a usable pattern using voltage, time and trigger controls. • Requires time and study to learn what the displayed “squiggly” lines actually mean. • Requires a solid knowledge base of “interpreting” waveforms to determine abnormal conditions and make diagnosis. 4 • DSO’s can vary between brands regarding features, controls and displays. There is a lack of “consistency” between brands. • Some scopes are more difficult to use than others. consulab.com 5 INTRODUC TION TO THE DSO TELL ME WHY I SHOULD LEARN HOW TO USE A DSO: • • • • • • • • SCOPES ALLOW SIGNALS TO BE “SEEN” IN DETAIL IT MEASURES SIGNALS VERY FAST (NOTHING IS FASTER) RECORDS PATTERNS FOR LATER EVALUATION ABILITY TO COMPARE MULTIPLE SIGNALS (MULTIPLE CHANNELS) ONLY TOOL THAT CAN “CATCH” INTERMITTENT GLITCHES & PROBLEMS ALLOWS “LIVE” CURRENT MEASUREMENT WHICH IS VERY VALUABLE TRANSDUCERS FOR PRESSURE/VACUUM and OTHER TESTS STUDENTS LEARN MORE EFFECTIVELY BY “SEEING” THE CIRCUIT OPERATE USING A SCOPE SCOPE HISTORY In 1897, Karl Ferdinand Braun invented the oscilloscope, which was an adaptation that he made to the cathode ray tube. He worked with and made improvements to Marconi’s wireless telegraphy. In fact, he and Marconi shared the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1909. One of the interesting things to note is that these tubes were the precursors to the tubes used for television and radar systems years later. The reason that the oscilloscope that we know today exists is the invention of the cathode ray tube. These tubes are instrumental in the scopes. Braun invented the scope, almost as a curiosity as much as a tool. Two years after the invention, Jonathan Zenneck added beam-forming plates to the tube and utilized a magnetic field along with it for “sweeping the trace”. An interesting piece of the history of the oscilloscope is that it was once quite common to see them as props in television and in the movies. They were stand-ins that represented scientific equipment in the lab. It was actually quite common to see them in the 1950s and 1960s. The old television show The Outer Limits actually made use of the device in their opening credits. OSCILLOSCOPE BASICS Oscilloscopes are either “analog” or “digital”. Both types are in use today. The analog scope displays “live” signal patterns, but do not have the capability of “storage” for later playback. Digital scopes convert the “live” signals by using an analog-to-digital converter which displays a representation of the original live signal. Digital Storage Scopes (DSO’s) provide a recording feature that allows playback to view the signal in detail after the vehicle has been turned off. Most digital scopes today used on vehicles are the DSO type. BASIC DEFINITION TIME OSCILLOSCOPE – Originally called “oscillograph” Didn’t always have a cathode ray tube. ANALOG – Uses a CRT (old tube type styles) & signal is “live”, but lacks ability to “store and replay” signals. DIGITAL – Signal is converted into an electronic graphic display usually using a Liquid Crystal Display readout. STORAGE – Ability to put signals into memory to be recalled on the device or networked to a computer later. GRATICULES – “graph” like layout of lines on the screen. consulab.com 6 INTRODUC TION TO THE DSO ITEMSTOBEADDEDTOTHEDSOCLASSHANDOUT “THE OSCILLOSCOPE SCREEN” DRAWING#1INSERTONPAGE7 DRAWING#2INSERTONPAGE7 DRAWING#2INSERTONPAGE7 DRAWING#1INSERTONPAGE7 DRAWING#2INSERTONPAGE7 DRAWING#2INSERTONPAGE7 Oscilloscope screens are laid out much like a graph paper. There are lines forming boxes called “graticles”. In this case, the screen has eight rows of vertical boxes and twelve columns of horizontal boxes. The scope screen is defined as having “divisions”. For example, the drawing above identifies one vertical division and one horizontal division. Divisions are used to “measure” voltage and time displayed on the screen. Most oscilloscope screens have either 8 x 10, 8 x 12, 10 x 10 or 10 x 12 graticle screens. Actually, a 10 x 10 screen is a bit easier to calculate measurements of voltage and time, but either can be easily used. Any signals displayed “UP” on the screen represents VOLTAGE, and any signals displayed “ACROSS” the screen is a measurement of TIME. A oscilloscope is in reality a voltmeter with a clock. In other words, a scope displays a measured voltage within a specific period of time. The voltage and time settings are adjustable by the operator. Some scopes are designed with controls that change how much voltage the scope can measure. This is called Volts per Division and is expressed as “V/Div”. Other controls can adjust the amount of time the scope can display on the screen. This is called Time per Division and is expressed as “T/Div”. Other scope designs have the same type of adjustments, but use a “Per Screen” instead of a “per division”. Different voltage adjustments allow us to measure different voltages and also to “zoom in” on a particular portion of a pattern. consulab.com 7 The voltage and time settings are adjustable by the operator. Some scopes are designed with controls that change how much voltage the scope can measure. This is called Volts per Division and is expressed as “V/Div”. Other controls can adjust the amount of time the scope can display on the screen. This is called Time per Division and is expressed as “T/Div”. Other scope designs have the same type of adjustments, but use a “Per Screen” instead of a “per division”. Different voltage adjustments allow us to measure different voltages and also to “zoom in” on a particular portion of a pattern. INTRODUC TION TO THE DSO Let’s use scope withwith a 10 x 10 example.If Ifthethe controls were set.5on .5 V/Div and 2ms/Div. full Let’sause a scope a 10 x 10screen screenas as an an example. controls were set on V/Div and 2ms/Div. The full The screen screen capacity of the measurements be and 5 volts and the timewould displayed would be 0.020 milliseconds. capacity of the measurements wouldwould be 5 volts the total timetotal displayed be 0.020 milliseconds. If the If thecontrols controlswere were changed 2 V/Div 1 S/Div, the would range change would to change toand 20 volts and 10 of display changed to 2toV/Div and 1and S/Div, the range 20 volts 10 seconds of seconds display across the acrossfull the full screen. screen. SO, MEASUREMENT ARE VOLTS PER DIVISION UP = VOLTAGE – Y axis The other typetype of scope adjustment fullscreen screencapacity. capacity. Therefore, the voltage 10 x 10 The other of scope adjustmentstates states the the full Therefore, if theifvoltage controlcontrol of a 10 of x 10a screen screen were displayed asthe 5V,screen the screen could measure a maximum of 5each volts and each linevolts. would be were displayed as 5V, could measure a maximum of 5 volts and horizontal linehorizontal would be 0.2 If the time If adjustment was set to 2 sec, sweep 2 seconds andbe each vertical line 200 milli0.2 volts. the time adjustment wasfull setscreen to 2 sec, fullwould screenbesweep would 2 seconds andwould each be vertical line would seconds. This type This of measurement adjustment isadjustment called “GAIN” full screen capacity “SWEEP” for fulland be 200 milli-seconds. type of measurement is for called “GAIN”voltage for full screenand voltage capacity screen time display capacity. Either scope adjustment style is more or less the same. The difference is in how the “SWEEP” for full screen time display capacity. Either scope adjustment style is more or less the same. The difference setting is interpreted. is in how the setting is interpreted. ACROSS = TIME - X axis SO, MEASUREMENTS OF TIME ARE “TIME PER DIVISION” An oscilloscope displays signals on a screen. Signals are obtained from one or more “channels” each having a signal test lead attached to the circuit being measured. Any signal that goes UP on the screen represents a change in voltage. UP An oscilloscope a screen. SignalsThe aresignal obtained from one orscreen morefrom “channels” eachThis having a signal means moredisplays voltage,signals DOWN on means less voltage. moves across the left to right. movement test lead attached to theofcircuit being measured. Any signalbythat UPthat on very the screen represents a change in voltrepresents a period time. The time period is adjustable the goes user so short time or very long time spans canmeans be displayed. The square gridsmeans are called the moves way thatacross accurate are to made. in age. UP more voltage, DOWN less“divisions” voltage. and The are signal themeasurements screen from left right.If This the above example, the scope was set for 2ms per division, the total amount of time displayed would be 2 seconds with movement represents a period of time. The time period is adjustable by the user so that very short time or very long each division .200 seconds or 200ms. time spans can bebeing displayed. The square grids are called “divisions” and are the way that accurate measurements are made.7 If in the above example, the scope was set for 2ms per division, the total amount of time displayed would be 2 seconds with each division being .200 seconds or 200ms. consulab.com 8 INTRODUC TION TO THE DSO One must understand the many abbreviations used with oscilloscopes. Terms like: “milli”, “micro” and “nano” are often used when adjusting the scope screen to obtain a desired pattern. UNDERSTANDINGTIME/DIVNUMBERSETTINGS(10horizontalgriddesign) TIMEPERDIVISION MAXIMUMTOTALTIMEDISPLAYED 50ns(nanosecond)(fastest) 500ns .1us(microsecond) 1us .2us(microsecond) 2us .5us(microsecond) 5us 1us(microsecond) 10us 2us(microsecond) 20us 5us(microsecond) 50us 10us(microsecond) 100us 20us(microsecond) 200us 50us(microsecond) 500us .1ms(millisecond) 1ms .2ms(millisecond) 2ms .5ms(millisecond) 5ms 1ms(millisecond) 10ms 2ms(millisecond) 20ms 5ms(millisecond) 50ms 10ms(millisecond) 100ms 20ms(millisecond) 200ms 50ms(millisecond) 500ms .1Sec(Second) 1sec. .2Sec(Second) 2sec. One must understand the many abbreviations used with oscilloscopes. .5Sec(Second) 5sec. used when adjusting the scope screen to obtain a desired pattern. 1Sec 10sec. 2Sec 20sec. 5Sec 50sec. 10Sec 100sec. INSERT 20Sec THE TIME CHART (ITEM # 1) HERE 200sec. 50Sec(slowest) 500sec. Terms like: “milli”, “micro” and “nano” are often ITEM#1 This chart showsamount the totalofamount of displayed on awith scope 10 horizontal this case, there a total of This chart shows the total displayed time on time a scope 10with horizontal grids.grids. In thisIncase, there are are a total 28 different time/div selections that can be made. Some scopes do not have all of the above time choices. of 28 different time/div selections that can be made. Some scopes do not have all of the above time choices. 8 consulab.com 9 INTRODUC TION TO THE DSO Voltage (V/Div) and time (T/Dv) adjustments are made to set up the screen to read the signal being tested and also can be used to “zoom in” on a pattern for very detailed examination of the signal. Follow the below chart for typical V/Div settings for testing various components. TYPICAL VOLTAGE/DIV SETTINGS BATTERY AND SYSTEM VOLTAGE TESTING: 2 V/Div ANY SENSOR OPERATING ON A 5 V (ECT, MAP, MAF, TP, Hall Effect, etc): 1 or 2 V/Div ZIRCONIA OXYGEN SENSOR: 0.2 V/Div MAGNETIC RELUCTANCE SENSORS: 2 V/Div MAGNETIC ABS SENSORS: 1 or 2 V/Div IDLE SPEED CONTROL DEVICES @ SYSTEM VOLTAGE: 2 or 5 V/Div KNOCK SENSORS: 0.2 V/Div IGNITION COIL PRIMARY: 20-40 V/Div FUEL INJECTORS: 10 V/Div ALTERNATOR AC RIPPLE: 50 mV/Div TYPICAL TIME/DIV SETTINGS A GOOD STARTING POINT FOR MOST CIRCUITS: 1-2 ms/Div FOR SLOW CHANGING SIGNALS (OXYGEN SENSORS, TP & MAP): 0.1 s/Div (100 milli-sec/Div) Primary ignition: 1 ms/div 50 V/div. Trigger around 75V with a positive slope Secondary ignition: 1 ms/div 2kV/div. Trigger around 2kV with a positive slope AC sensor: (Magnetic) 10ms/div 1-5 VAC/div. Trigger ½ the positive voltage generated with a positive slope Hall type sensor: 10 ms/div 2V/div. Trigger ½ the positive voltage with a positive slope Fuel Injectors: 1 ms/div 10V/div. Trigger just above zero with a negative slope Fuel Pump: 2 ms/div 1 amp/div. Trigger float until pattern stabilizes Relative compression: Depends on year. Older engine higher amp/div (20 A/div) Newer = lower (10 A/div .1 ms/div.) Trigger float until pattern stabilizes. Alternator ripple: 1 ms/div 100 mV AC/div No trigger, use freeze to analyze CAN Bus: 50 μs/div 1 V/div Trigger lower than wake up pulse or ½ the positive voltage either CAN H or CAN L O2S: .5 ms/div .1 V/div No trigger used Make sure you understand Time/Div settings and how to determine how each setting affects how much time is being displayed across the screen. consulab.com 10 INTRODUC TION TO THE DSO WITH PERMISSION Time/Div are often adjusted to “zoom” on displayed patterns. Time/Div are often adjusted to “zoom” on displayed patterns. UNDERSTANDING SCOPE CONTROLS UNDERSTANDING SCOPE CONTROLS T/Div V/Div D dD ADJUSTME NT What do you see in d common with ADJUST these numbers?? MENT VOLTS PER DIVISION 10mV, 20mV, 50mV, .1V, .2V, .5V, 1V, 2V, 5V, 10V TIME PER DIVISION 1us, 2us, 5us, 10us, 20us, 50us, 100us, 200us, 500us, 1ms, 2ms, 5ms, 10ms, 20ms, 50ms,…….etc It is important that you understand how to adjust V/Div and T/Div on the scope you are using. Refer to the above chart It that is important that you understand adjust V/Div and T/Div on the scope you are using. Refer to the above lists suggested starting points forhow sometocommon components typically tested on vehicles. chart that lists suggested starting points for some common components typically tested on vehicles. All oscilloscopes all have some type of V/Div and T/Div adjustments. They can be buttons, tool bars, computer menu (if11 PC based), rocker switches or knobs. It really isn’t important what type of adjustment control there is, just that you know how to select proper voltage and time settings. consulab.com 11 All oscilloscopes all have some type of V/Div and T/Div adjustments. They can be buttons, tool bars, computer menu I N T R O D U(ifCPCT Ibased), O N Trocker O T Hswitches E D SorO knobs. It really isn’t important what type of adjustment control there is, just that you know how to select proper voltage and time settings. DSO SAMPLING RATE – REAL –TIME & EQUIVALENT all have some type of V/Div and T/Div adjustments. They can be buttons, tool bars, computer menu ker switches or knobs. It really isn’t important what type of adjustment control there is, just that you ect proper voltage and time settings. Generally speaking, the higher the sampling rate, the better the DSO Generally speaking, the higher the sampling rate, the better the DSO is. Generally speaking, the higher the sampling rate, the better the AMPLING RATE – REAL EXAMPLE: –TIME &OTC/Bosch EQUIVALENT Tech-Scope sampling rateDSO is 40is.MS/s EXAMPLE: OTC/Bosch Tech-Scope sampling rate is 40 MS/s EXAMPLE: OTC/Bosch Tech-Scope sampling is 40 per MS/s. Interpreted as: “40 millionrate samples second” Interpreted as: “40 million samples per second” Interpreted as: 40 million samples per second. Scopes form patterns on the screen by “drawing” the sampling “dots” that are recorded on the screen. The more dots that are available (higher sampling rate), the more accurate the pattern will be. Purchase the highest sampling rate scope that your money can buy. Scopes form pattern “dots” that are reco are available (highe pattern will be. Pur your money can buy SCOPE TRIGGERS – WHAT ARE THEY AND HOW DO WE USE THEM?? A scope trigger or level is an adjustable voltage “set point” at which the scope will start to display a aking, the higher the sampling rate, the the DSO pattern. Youbetter can choose the is. voltage the pattern must reach before it is displayed. C/Bosch Tech-Scope sampling is 40represented MS/s It rate is usually by a diamond or plus mark on the screen. s: “40 million samples per second” If the trigger level voltage is adjusted higher than the voltage of the pattern being displayed, the screen will not show a pattern. This is because the “trigger level voltage” has not been “met”. (Unless the AUTO trigger mode is selected.) 12 Scopes form patterns on the screen by “drawing” the sampling “dots” that are recorded on the screen. The more dots that are available (higher sampling rate), the more accurate the pattern will be. Purchase the highest sampling rate scope that your money can buy. SCOPE TRIGGERS – WHAT ARE THEY AND HOW DO WE USE A scope trigger or level is an adjustable voltage “set point” at whi pattern. You can choose the voltage the pattern must reach befor consulab.com It is usually represented by a diamond or plus mark on the12screen INTRODUC TION TO THE DSO SCOPE TRIGGERS — WHAT ARE THEY AND HOW DO WE USE THEM? A scope trigger or level is an adjustable voltage “set point” at which the scope will start to display a pattern. You can choose the voltage the pattern must reach before it is displayed. It is usually represented by a diamond ◊ or plus mark + on the screen. If the trigger level voltage is adjusted higher than the voltage of the pattern being displayed, the screen will not show a pattern. This is because the “trigger level voltage” has not been “met”. TRIGGERS (Unless the AUTO trigger mode is selected.) The AUTO TRIGGER setting will allow a pattern to be displayed. Most scopes use a = sign or a diamond icon to indicate where the trigger level is on the screen. If a trigger point is set higher than the displayed pattern, a pattern will not appear UNLESS the scope trigger mode is set to AUTO. AUTO trigger will display a pattern regardless of where the trigger level voltage point is set. If the trigger mode is set to “NORM” or “SING”, the trigger level voltage must be met by the pattern in order for a pattern to be displayed. DRAWING#3=INSERTONPAGE15 A trigger adjusts a set point at which the scope will start displaying a pattern. The trigger level detects when a certain voltage level has been reached and at this point sets the time-base in operation to sweep across the screen. In effect, the trigger level is like a comparator which switches the time-base to start when a voltage level has been reached. The trigger slope, as the name indicates, determines whether the time-base sweep is triggered on a positive or negative going edge or slope. consulab.com 13 INTRODUC TION TO THE DSO TRIGGER LEVEL ADJUSTMENT Trigger level is a manually selected adjustment that sets the voltage point that the pattern MUST cross before a pattern is displayed. (This is not true for AUTO trigger mode). The trigger level is selecting a voltage and time point where the pattern must pass through before a pattern is displayed. AUTO TRIGGER The scope will always display a pattern no matter what the trigger level is adjusted to. It may drift across the screen until you adjust the level somewhere in the pattern. NORM TRIGGER Normal trigger will not display a pattern until it passes through the adjusted trigger level setting. No pattern will appear if the trigger level is adjusted above the highest voltage of the pattern. If the trigger level is adjusted below the lowest voltage of the pattern, no pattern will be displayed. SING TRIGGER Single trigger will display one single pattern when the pattern passes through the adjusted trigger level and will then “freeze” the pattern for detailed examination. HOLD TRIGGER Some scopes have a “HOLD” feature. Selecting this mode will “freeze” the pattern on the screen even though the signal is still active. This allows for closer viewing and examination of the signal. Releasing the HOLD feature will allow the pattern to return to “live data”. For beginning scope users, it is often recommended that the AUTO trigger feature be selected so that a pattern will appear on the screen. If it “drifts” back and forth, adjust the trigger level until it “locks” the pattern still. TRIGGER SLOPE Trigger slope is an adjustment that causes the scope to display a pattern either on the first “upward” or “downward” movement of the signal. In other words, if you chose “positive” (up), the scope screen would start displaying the pattern on the very first upward voltage movement. On the other hand, if you chose “negative” (down), the pattern would start displaying on the first voltage movement in the “down” direction. Trigger slope is helpful when diagnosing specific components and patterns. WITH PERMISSION SCOPE SIGNAL COUPLING: consulab.com 14 INTRODUC TION TO THE DSO SCOPE SIGNAL COUPLING Scope signal coupling is basically how the signal pattern displays on the screen. There are two basic types that most scope have and some may have an additional signal coupling mode called “GROUND COUPLED” The most common methods of signal coupling are: DC and AC. DC COUPLED When the scope is set for DC signal coupling, both DC and any AC signals appear on the screen. With the scope set to DC coupling, most scopes have the “ZERO” horizontal line at or near the bottom of the screen. The position of the zero or “ground” line is adjustable. DC coupling is the most common coupling used with automobiles and many technicians commonly use this feature. AC COUPLED When the scope is set for AC signal coupling, internal scope electronics block all DC signals from being displayed and only AC signals are shown. The “ZERO” line appears exactly half-way up on the vertical graticles. This is to allow an AC signal to be displayed. Remember than an AC signal goes both positive (up) and negative (down), thus, we need the zero line to be in the middle of the screen to show typical sine waves from AC signals. There are certain tests where AC coupling is advisable. For example, when checking an alternator for leaking diodes, a test called “AC RIPPLE VOLTAGE” is performed. The DC voltage output of the alternator is blocked from being seen and only the actual AC ripple voltage (which is really what the alternator is putting out) is shown. This pattern will be deformed if one or more diodes are leaking or defective. Other examples of AC coupling use is testing of AC output sensors as is used in some newer WSS sensors. NOTE- Some components, especially newer wheel speed sensors may output an AC signal, but are designed to “ride” on a DC voltage. This allows the PCM to determine if the connector or wiring is open or shorted and can set an appropriate DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code). Be sure you fully understand the circuit you are testing in order to choose the most correct scope coupling setting. This slide shows the same signalsignal in DCin(top) andand AC AC (bottom red) ACripple ripplepattern pattern This slide shows the same DC (top) (bottom red)coupling couplingmodes. modes. The The alternators alternators AC is visible using AC coupling. is muchmuch moremore visible using AC coupling. MULTIPLE CHANNEL SCOPES: Oscilloscopes can be designed with only one channel, but can also have additional channels. Single channel scopes are15 consulab.com the least expensive with the cost going up proportionally as more channels are added. Multi-channels scopes have the This slide shows the same signal in DC (top) and AC (bottom red) coupling modes. The alternators AC rip much more visible using AC coupling. INTRODUC TION TO THE DSO MULTIPLE CHANNEL SCOPES: MULTIPLE CHANNEL SCOPES: Oscilloscopes can be designed with only one channel, but can also have additional channels. Single chan Oscilloscopes canexpensive be designed withthe onlycost one going channel, can also have additional channel scopes the least with upbut proportionally as morechannels. channelsSingle are added. Multi-channels s are the least expensive with the cost going up proportionally as more channels are added. Multi-channels scopes advantage of being able to display more than one signal at the same time. For example, the battery volt have the advantage of being able to display more than one signal at the same time. For example, the battery voltage amperage could both bebe displayed enginecranking cranking detailed analysis of the starting and starter amperage could both displayed during during engine for for detailed analysis of the starting system. system. In coilsignition or fuelcoils injectors can be evaluated usingusing multiple channels. arescopes scopes available today with ei Individual or fuel injectors can be evaluated multiple channels.There There are available today with eight channels that provide awesomepower, diagnostic power, but somewhat can be somewhat prohibitive. that (8) provide awesome diagnostic but can be cost cost prohibitive. CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL 2 CHANNEL 3 CHANNEL 4 TYPICAL 4-CHANNEL SCOPE DISPLAY TYPES OF SCOPE SIGNALS: Oscilloscopes are capable of displaying all different kinds of electrical signals. Today’s automobile has many different types of electrical signals used in all of the operating systems. In the past, technicians measured electrical signals with a volt or ammeter and evaluated the numeric display. Scopes go light years beyond that because they allow to OF SCOPE SIGNALS: “see”16 the actual signal and from that you canTYPES measure its amplitude, time and also see any abnormalities that may be present. Most common terms for these problems “glitches” and cannot observed using a DMM. Oscilloscopesare are called capable of displaying all different kindsbe of electrical signals. Today’s automobile has many differe types of electrical signals used in all of the operating systems. In the past, technicians measured electrical signals w Scopes go light years beyond that because they allow to “see” actual signal and from that you can measure its amplitude, time and also see any abnormalities that may be presen Most common terms for these problems are called “glitches” and cannot be observed using a DMM. The electrical signals in the vehicles are classified theand following volt or into ammeter evaluated categories: the numeric display. ANALOG: Analog scope signals are best described as aThe pattern that alternates upare and downintointhe any fashion with a predictable electrical signals in the vehicles classified following categories: and repeatable display. An analog signal can display a gradual voltage increase and/or decrease in signal changes. Any automotive component that generates ANALOG: an AC voltage signal displays an ANALOG signal. The example below shows a “sine wave” which is an analog signal. Allscope analog signals not have to bethat called a sine wave. Analog signals are bestdo described as a pattern alternates up and downA in magnetic any fashion with a predictable repeatable An analog signal cansensor display aand gradual voltage increase and/or decrease in signal changes. Any two-wire reluctance crankshaft position sensor woulddisplay. be called an analog thus would generate an analog automotive component that generates an AC voltage signal displays an ANALOG signal. The example below shows signal. This type of sensor is an AC voltage generator and isitsanoutput would be a signals “sine do wave” like display. There are “sine wave” which analog signal. All analog not have to be called a sine wave. A magnetic two-wire many other types of analog signals in the automobile with ABS, Traction Control, Cam/Crank and and VSSthus sensors being an analog signal. reluctance crankshaft position sensor would be called an analog sensor would generate type of sensor is an AC voltage generator and its output would be a “sine wave” like display. There are many other the most common. of analog signals in the automobile with ABS, Traction Control, Cam/Crank and VSS sensors being the most commo DIGITAL: Digital scope signals are best described as an “on/off” display of the circuit turning on and off. There is no other di 16then gradually other thanconsulab.com ON and then OFF. In comparison, an analog signal can gradually rise to its highest point, decrease its intensity to the point of turn off. Digital signals are often called “square wave” because they are eithe of analog signals in the automobile with ABS, Traction Control, Cam/Crank and VSS sensors being the most common INTRODUC TION TO THE DSO DIGITAL: DIGITAL: Digital scope signals are best described as an “on/off” display of the circuit turning on and off. There is no other disDigital scope signals aresignal best described as an “on/off” the circuit turningthen on and off. There is no other dis play other than ON and then OFF. In comparison, an analog can gradually risedisplay to itsofhighest point, graduother than ON and then OFF. In comparison, an analog signal can gradually rise to its highest point, then gradually ally decrease its intensity to the point of turn off. Digital signals are often called “square wave” because they are decrease its intensity to the point of turn off. Digital signals are often called “square wave” because they are either either on or off. Many components on vehicles a digital signal.generate Common examples are Hall Effect or off. generate Many components on vehicles a digital signal. Common examples aresensors, Hall Effect sensors, CAN Bus signals, some newer and WSS (wheel speed sensors), and any modulation) PWM (pulse width modulation) signals. CAN Bus signals, some newer WSS (wheel speed sensors), any PWM (pulse width signals. AIN: PULSE TRAIN: ain is a variation of the digital square wave pattern consisting of a repeatable display of ON A pulse train is a variation of the digital square wave pattern consisting of a repeatable display of ON and OFF signals. mple ofAtypical a pulse train would a bePWM The of amount of on and off time example of a pulse train be would a PWM circuit. circuit. The amount on and off time can and does vary based can on and do circuitthe operation and the changes be observed on thethe pattern. 17 ration and changes can becanobserved on pattern. PULSE WIDTH MODULATION PULSE TRAIN PATTERN (PULSE WIDTH MODULATION) consulab.com 17 INTRODUC TION TO THE DSO AC SIGNALS (ANALOG) WITH PERMISSION AC SIGNALS (ANALOG) WITH PERMISSION consulab.com 18 INTRODUC TION TO THE DSO DC SIGNALS (DIGITAL) WITH PERMISSION DC SIGNALS WITH PERMISSION consulab.com 19 INTRODUC TION TO THE DSO DC SIGNALS (DIGITAL) WITH PERMISSION DC SIGNALS (DIGITAL) WITH PERMISSION consulab.com 20 INTRODUC TION TO THE DSO FREQUENCY DUTYCYCLE 100% 20% 100% 60% DUTY CYCLE AND FREQUENCY: 100% 50% SHORTDUTYCYCLE LONGDUTYCYCLE DRAWING#4INSERTONPAGE21 ADDTHISTEXTJUSTBELOWTHEABOVEDRAWING: DUTYCYCLEANDFREQUENCY: WhenevaluatingPWM(PulseWidthModulation)signals,thetermsFREQUENCYandDUTYCYCLEmustbeclearly understood.Asignalsfrequencyistheamountoftimesinasecondthatthepatternidentically“repeats”itself.Onthe scopescreenwewouldlookforarepeatingwaveformandsetourmeasuringcursorsatthebeginningedgesoftwo When evaluating PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) signals, the terms FREQUENCY and DUTY CYCLE must be clearly understood. A signals frequency is the amount of times in a second that the pattern identically “repeats” itself. On the scope screen we would look for a repeating waveform and set our measuring cursors at the beginning edges of two adjacent patterns on the screen. To express the measurement of a value between the cursors, the Delta symbol (∆) is normally used. Therefore, the frequency of between the two cursors would be shown on the screen as ∆ 5.01Hz for an example. All signal frequencies will be different based on what signals you are measuring and is often required when making detailed diagnosis. The DUTY CYCLE or PULSE WIDTH is the amount of time of the signals frequency that the circuit is turned on (or off if ground switched). If the circuit was on all the time, it would have a 100% duty cycle. If it was off exactly as much as it was on, it would have a 50% duty cycle. Duty cycle is often automatically calculated by some scopes by using the frequency and “on” time. A readout of the duty cycle is often provided, but you can also use cursors to determine duty cycle. CURSORS: CURSORS: Using cursors on scopes can provide very accurate measurements of voltage, time, frequency and duty cycle. Not all Using cursors on scopes can provide very accurate measurements of voltage, time, frequency and duty cycle. Not all scopes have cursors, but most do. scopes have cursors, but most do. A cursor is an adjustable “line” shown on the screen. be either a on vertical horizontal line. Most scopes use use two A cursor isIt ancan adjustable “line” shown the screen.or It can be either a vertical or horizontal line. Most scopes two vertical and two horizontal cursors. Cursors can also be turned on and off based on your testing strategy at the time. vertical and two horizontal cursors. Cursors can also be turned on and off based on your testing strategy at the time. VOLTAGE CURSORS As shown in the opposite scope screen shot, both vertical (voltage) and horizontal (time) cursors have been turned on. The top of the scope screen now shows a Δ time of 13.3ms and a Δ voltage of 3.84V. Measurements using cursors on scopes measure both the voltage and/or time between the two cursors. Cursors are totally adjustable as to where they appear on the screen. To examine the sample above, if you observe the graticles between the vertical and horizontal cursor lines, you will be able to roughly “count” the divisions to come up with approximately what the scope is TIME CURSORS displaying very accurately in the Delta Δ Time and Δ Voltage. Cursors are very helpful in diagnosing duty cycle, frequency, coil saturation, fuel injector operation, PWM circuits, etc. Cursors take a bit of practice to master, but they add a huge feature of As shown in the above scope screen shot, both vertical (voltage) and horizontal (time) cursors have been turned on. The diagnostic information to the scope. top of the scope screen now shows a ∆ time of 13.3ms and a ∆ voltage of 3.84V. Measurements using cursors on scopes measure both the voltage and/or time between the two cursors. Cursors are totally adjustable as to where they appear on the screen. To examine the sample above, if you observe the graticles between the vertical and horizontal cursor lines, you will be able to roughly “count” the divisions to come up with approximately what the scope is displaying very accurately in the Delta ∆ Time and ∆ Voltage. Cursors are very helpful in diagnosing duty cycle, frequency, coil saturation, fuel injector operation, PWM circuits, etc. Cursors take a bit of practice to master, but they add a huge feature of diagnostic information to the scope. consulab.com 21 10us(microsecond) 100us 5us(microsecond) 50us 20us(microsecond) 200us 10us(microsecond) 100us 50us(microsecond) 500us 20us(microsecond) 200us .1ms(millisecond) 1ms500us 50us(microsecond) I N T R O D U C T I O N T O T H E D S O .2ms(millisecond) 2ms1ms .1ms(millisecond) .2ms(millisecond) .5ms(millisecond) 5ms2ms .5ms(millisecond) 5ms SCOPE HOOKUP: 1ms(millisecond) 10ms 1ms(millisecond) 2ms(millisecond) It is necessary to “hook up” the scope to a circuit in order to20ms have10ms it displayed on the screen. Think of doing this exactly like you hook up a voltmeter to a circuit. There is a positive and 2ms(millisecond) 20ms 5ms(millisecond) 50msnegative lead. The same is true with a scope. The 5ms(millisecond) “signal wire” is usually the positive test lead. The color of the test 50ms lead can be of many colors especially if the scope 10ms(millisecond) 100ms has multiple channels. In addition to the positive lead, there will be a ground test lead. This lead is connected to the 10ms(millisecond) 100ms 20ms(millisecond) 200ms ground circuit that you wish to reference from. A common location is the battery negative cable, but can also be the 20ms(millisecond) 200ms 50ms(millisecond) 500ms ground circuit for the device being tested. Most multi-channel scopes has only one ground lead on channel 1, and 50ms(millisecond) 500ms each other channel test leads will have only the positive. (Some scopes have dedicated grounds for each channels). .1Sec(Second) 1sec. .1Sec(Second) 1sec. .2Sec(Second) 2sec. CIRCUIT ACCESS: .2Sec(Second) 2sec. .5Sec(Second) 5sec. .5Sec(Second) 5sec. Whenever using a scope, it is essential that you have an OEM level wiring diagram available to you. The schematic 1Sec 10sec. 1Sec can identify the specific wire color and connecter view you need in10sec. order to properly access the desired signal. Some 2Sec 20sec. 2Sec 20sec. scopes have internal software that identifies this information and may also show you a picture of the connecter and wire access point. 5Sec 50sec. 5Sec 50sec. 10Sec to test.100sec. One of the most common methods is to use test 10Sec There are various methods of accessing the circuit you wish 100sec. “probes” which are small diameter pins that are designed to back probe 20Sec 200sec. 20Sec 200sec. the connector of the circuit. Other methods use common alligator clips to access signals. There is a wide assortment of scope leads available depending on the 50Sec(slowest) 500sec. 50Sec(slowest) 500sec. type of signal being tested. ITEM#1ITEM#1 ITEM#2(5PICTURES) ITEM#2(5PICTURES) consulab.com 22 I N T R O D U C T I O N T O T H E D S O AMP PROBES: Oscilloscopes can also measure amperage by using the same devices that make a DMM into an inductive ammeter. inductive devices that convert the Amp probes are available in micro, low and high amp versions. They basically are strength of the voltage. This voltage is then displayed magnetic field surrounding a current carrying wire into a small ITEM#2(5PICTURES) correct amp probe can be used for on the screen and the screen graticles are scaled in amps instead of volts. The all things from checking parasitic draw to starter cranking amps. The scope must be capable of having amp probes 5PICTURES) ITEM#2(5PICTURES) connected to ITEM#2(5PICTURES) it for proper operation. Amperage testing is a very important element in the diagnosis of today’s auITEM#2(5PICTURES) ITEM#2(5PICTURES) tomobiles. ITEM#3(3PICTURES) ITEM#3(3PICTURES) ITEM#3(3PICTURES) ITEM#3(3PICTURES) INDUCTIVE PROBES: Although inductive probes are similar to amp probes, they perform different functions. Inductive probes for scopes for triggers on spark plug wires, or a pickup to obtain primary ignition patterns on COP (coil-on-plug) can be used ITEM#3(3PICTURES) systems. ignition Inductive probes are connected to the scope the same way the test leads are. 3PICTURES) ITEM#4(3PICTURES) ITEM#4(3PICTURES) ITEM#4(3PICTURES) TRANSDUCERS: ITEM#4(3PICTURES) devices made to allow the scope to accurately measure other things besides voltage. Although, Transducers are somewhat expensive, transducers are now available that gives your scope the ability to measure with high accuracy such things as Vacuum, Pressure (low and high), Temperature, Noise Vibrations and many other things. ITEM#4(3PICTURES) 3PICTURES) TRANSDUCERKIT ITEM#5(1PICTURE) consulab.com 23 INTRODUC TION TO THE DSO Many technicians, instructors and students have put off learning how to use the scope for the diagnosing of vehiclesystems. The reasons that this happens are many including: • A scope is not owned • Haven’t felt that it was needed at the present time • Felt it was too complicated to learn for the perceived benefit that would be obtained by doing so • Not many good resources available for learning scopes • No time to do learn this • Scopes are too expensive to buy As has been stated earlier, DSO’s are rapidly becoming an “essential” tool in the technicians and instructors tool boxes. As system signals become more sophisticated and are transmitted at higher speeds that much of the current test equipment can measure, the only method of accurately measuring and viewing these signals is with scopes. Choose to position yourself in the company of the leading technicians and/or instructors today. They all share the knowledge and use of oscilloscope together. There are many oscilloscope discussion forums on the Internet and on Facebook. Get involved and learn. BEST METHOD OF LEARNING: Clearly, the best method of learning how to use an oscilloscope is to first learn the fundamentals of scope set up, adjustments and basic patterns. Then, begin to set aside some time to hook up your scope to running vehicles that do not have any problems to see what “normal” patterns look like. Practice with voltage/div, time/div settings, trigger’s and trigger slope to determine the differences between them and what adjustments are best for each signals. After that, the only way to become proficient with scopes is to: PRACTICE, PRACTICE and PRACTICE some more. YouTube has a great number of instructional videos covering many scope topics and use. Get into the habit of watching some on a regular basis. As with anything on YouTube, you must be careful to watch only reputable video’s, but there are many such resources available today. (see only a very partial list below). consulab.com 24 INTRODUC TION TO THE DSO consulab.com 25 INTRODUC TION TO THE DSO THIS BOOK IS FOR SALE FROM ATTS TRAINING FOR $59.95 EACH G" Jerry Truglia A.T.T.S. 10 Lupi Plaza Mahopac, New York 10541 845-628-1062 FAX 845-628-9109 EMAIL – gt@attstraining.com www.attstraining.com consulab.com 26 INTRODUC TION TO THE DSO SCOPE VIDEO LINKS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9iY8D_Lxus Measuring voltage on an oscilloscope using cursors. — 5.16 min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1igSgwtFzxA Measure time on an oscilloscope using cursors. — 4.49 min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcJp-ktx0ec Understanding basic oscilloscope triggers Level 1 — 2.34 min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWdrQzgzRwg Measuring voltage using cursors on a scope. # 1 — 3.51 min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7cljLyc-94 Measuring voltage using cursors on a scope. # 2 — 3.03 min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LKD0qlwWjk Setting time and voltage on an oscilloscope. — 3.23 min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DB-XdBNwcc8 Using cursors to measure frequency on a scope. — 6.53 min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVclMxUWJ20 Introduction to the AES Wave UScope — 16.00 min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bitDC4YgtX0 Using cursors to measure AC voltage on a scope. — 3.36 min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmIEbnglVj0 Using a pressure transducer to measure compression (Motor Age – Pete Meier) — 24.34 min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kwy72aaAFvo Understanding compression waveforms. — 6.51 min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kO91s0CoM_4 Testing for exhaust restriction and plugged converters using a scope (Scanner Danner). — 29.26 min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81AGbZcgCZs PICO Scope Basics (Scanner Danner). — 39.58 min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nq-54h7z9uU How to test a COP ignition system (4-wire) (Scanner Danner). — 42.08 min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4r5OcHN5Lg Ford COP ignition testing (Scanner Danner). — 34.19 min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCchGNQEMdE Ignition Waveform Diagnosis (Jim Morton). — 92.14 min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUShO72Grq8 Secondary Ignition Waveform Diagnosis (Scanner Danner). — 11.29 min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGaHaIXZioA Alternator Diode Testing with a scope (Scanner Danner). — 8.23 min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKdZsWU2ZmI Doing a compression test with an oscilloscope (Scanner Danner). — 12.57 min consulab.com 27 INTRODUC TION TO THE DSO SCOPE VIDEO LINKS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iq27aO-zfgs Compression Testing w/oscilloscope Variables (2005 Buick LaCrosse) (Scanner Danner). — 28.47 min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XlrOr7tNqw ADP Reading and Analyzing Waveform Patterns — 48.02 min https://www.youtube.com/user/ScannerDanner Introduction to Scanner Danners YouTube channel contents — 1.42 min https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs2NZ_wQFDFvV0QOhoZgASA Introduction to Scanner Danners YouTube Premium channel contents — 1.56 min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txk6livWp28 Jim Morton’s YouTube video on “G’s and P’s” — about 4 hours long Search YouTube for lots of related oscilloscope instructional video’s by: Scanner Danner – Jim Morton – PICO Scope – Tons of other resources Go to www.youtube.com, then, search for “AES Wave uscope”. You will find over 25 videos on this product. Go to www.youtube.com, then, search for “Basic oscilloscope operation”. You will find hundreds of video’s with some valuable titles and many, either to complex or advanced to not having much to do with automotive applications. Remember, the basics of an oscilloscope are the same regardless of whether you are talking about a lab scope or an automotive scope. 4210 rue Jean-Marchand Quebec City, QC G2C 1Y6 Canada Phone: 1-800-567-0791 (Canada & USA) 810-222-4525 (USA) 418-688-9067 (Canada) Fax: 418-843-3444 Email: info@consulab Internet: www.consulab.com consulab.com 28