Chapter 7 - Steady-state Laminar Flow of Homogeneous Fluids 7.1 Horizontal, 1D, Steady-State Flow Steady state condition The steady state flow regime can be characterized by pressure and fluid velocity distributions that are independent of time; therefore, the continuity equation can be simplified to: v 0 (7.1) An application of Eq. (7.1) is the measurement of permeability in laboratory samples. For linear, horizontal flow of an incompressible fluid through an isotropic porous media the diffusivity equation becomes; k 0 (7.2) Consider the example shown in figure 7.1. A long cylindrical core of length, L, and cross-sectional area, A, has applied pressure of p p(0) p( L) . The flow rate, q, is constant and follows Darcy’s Law. Also allow permeability to be a function of position as well as pressure. P0 PL q X=0 X=L Figure 7.1 Schematic of flow through a horizontal core The solution is: q k A p L (7.3) where L L dx k 0 k(x) where k is the harmonic mean permeability of the sample. 7.1 (7.4) Chapter 7 - Steady-state Laminar Flow of Homogeneous Fluids Ideal Gas Flow As a second example, let’s use gas as the flowing fluid; therefore, we must account for both compressibility and gas-slip effects (Collins,1961). The diffusivity equation becomes b dp d k p1 0 dx p dx (7.5) where the Klinkenberg Effect is given by kk b 1 ( x ) p (7.6) Note the equivalent liquid permeability is a function of distance, x. Integrating twice results in b p k p1 c p L where c is a constant, p (7.7) p(0) p( L) and average permeability is given by Eq. (7.4) 2 with k replacing k . Comparing with Darcy’s Law yields, c q p , where the flow A rate is evaluated at the mean pressure. Radial Geometry The equivalent form of the continuity equation in radial geometry for steady state condition is, 1 r v 0 r r (7.8) Assuming an incompressible fluid, isotropic media, and constant fluid properties results in the following continuity equation. 1 r 0 r r r (7.9) (r ) C1 ln(r ) C2 (7.10) The general solution is 7.2 Chapter 7 - Steady-state Laminar Flow of Homogeneous Fluids where C1 and C2 are constants to be determined from the boundary conditions. if assume Pwf at rw and Pe at re then obtain Darcy’s steady state flow equation. q 2kh ( re rw ) r ln e r w if source located at (a,b), in Cartesian coordinates, 2 q ( x, y ) ln x a 2 ( y b) C 4kh (7.11) if anisotropic, ( x, y ) k 2 q ln x a 2 x ( y b) C ky 4 k x k y h (7.12) 7.2 Streamlines, Isopotentials, source/sink A streamline indicates the instantaneous direction of flow for a fluid particle throughout the system. For steady state, this direction of flow is constant for all time, however, for transient conditions the streamline is valid only for an instant in time. Streamlines must be orthogonal to the equipotential lines throughout the region of flow. An exception to this rule will be shown later for anisotropic media. Isopotential or equipotential lines indicate lines of constant potential. A streamtube defines the area between two adjacent streamlines. A Flow net is a set of equipotential lines and streamlines. A simple example is shown in Figure 7.2. Figure 7.2 Flow net for a simple flow system (Freeze and Cherry, 1979) Constant hydraulic head, h, of 100 m and 40 m, exists at the left and right boundaries, respectively. No flow boundaries occur at the top and bottom. As can be seen, the 7.3 Chapter 7 - Steady-state Laminar Flow of Homogeneous Fluids flowlines indicate the direction of flow from higher potential to lower, i.e., to the right. The equipotential lines (dashed lines) are orthogonal to these flowlines. For homogeneous, isotropic media, flow nets must obey the following rules. a. flowlines and equipotential lines are normal to each other b. equipotential lines must intersect impermeable boundaries at right angles c. equipotential lines must parallel constant potential boundaries Notice the boundary conditions are special forms of flowlines or equipotential lines. For a closed boundary the fluid velocity normal to the boundary is zero (See figure 7.3). Since there is no flow across the boundary, the flowlines adjacent to the boundary must be parallel to it, and therefore the equipotential lines must meet the boundary at right angles (See fig. 7.2 as an example). ln Flux normal to boundary is zero Figure 7.3 Schematic of a closed boundary Mathematically, this boundary can be expressed as: vn 0 0 ln (7.13) where n is the unit vector normal to the boundary and ln is the distance measured parallel to n. In the case of an open boundary, flux is continuous, therefore, the boundary is an isopotential line, (= constant) and no flux exists tangential to the boundary. Figure 7.4 represents this condition. 7.4 Chapter 7 - Steady-state Laminar Flow of Homogeneous Fluids Flux normal to boundary is constant Figure 7.4 Schematic of an open boundary Effect of anisotropy on flow net An example of an anisotropic system is illustrated in Figure 7.5. The vertical section represents flow from a surface pond at h = 100 toward a drain at h = 0. The drain is considered to be one of many parallel drains set at a similar depth oriented perpendicular to the page. h=100 h=0 Figure 7.5 Flow problem in a homogeneous, anisotropic system. The vertical impermeable boundaries are "imaginary"; they are created by the symmetry of the overall flow system. The lower boundary is a real boundary; it represents the base of the surficial soil, which is underlain by a soil or rock formation with a conductivity several orders of magnitude lower. If the vertical axis is arbitrarily set with z = 0 at the drain and z = 100 at the surface, then from h = p + z, and the h values given, we have p = 0 at both boundaries. The soil in the flow field has an anisotropic conductivity. The influence of anisotropy on the nature of groundwater flow nets is illustrated in Figure 7.6 for the previous problem. The streamlines are shown as the solid lines, the lines of equipotential are dashed. Note, the most important feature of the anisotropic flow nets is the lack of orthogonality. 7.5 Chapter 7 - Steady-state Laminar Flow of Homogeneous Fluids kx ky kx ky kx ky 1 4 1 4 Figure 7.6 Flow distributions for various permeability anisotropies (Freeze and Cherry, 1979) 7.3 2D flow, superposition Consider horizontal (xy) plane flow in a homogeneous media, with upper and lower impermeable boundaries as illustrated in Figure 7.7. Permeability is anisotropic and aligned with the principal directions. In this example, no vertical flow exists; i.e., vz = 0. impermeable z x impermeable y vz = 0 Figure 7.7 Schematic of horizontal flow in a homogeneous media 7.6 Chapter 7 - Steady-state Laminar Flow of Homogeneous Fluids From the definition of potential, p dp gz po it is evident that pressure and density are dependent on the vertical direction, z, therefore dp g dz (7.14) The continuity equation for this problem becomes, k x p k y x x y p 0 y (7.15) where the horizontal components of velocity are given by Darcy’s Law. For the ideal liquid case the pressure becomes, p ( x, y,z) p ( x, y,0) gz , where z=0 occurs at the bottom of the flowing layer. To simplify the problem, apply the following coordinate transformations, x x kx y ky y (7.16) The result is a Laplace-type equation, 2 2 p p 0 2 2 x y (7.17) This solution is valid on the xy plane at a given depth, z. However, pressure is a function of z as well, therefore to account for this dependency, introduce a new variable U’ (Collins, 1961). U kxk y p gz (7.18) The solution is: 2 2 U U 0 2 2 x y 7.7 (7.19) Chapter 7 - Steady-state Laminar Flow of Homogeneous Fluids Both Eqs. (7.17) and (7.19) are Laplace-type equations. Numerous solution techniques have been presented in the literature for these equations and the associated boundary conditions. Multiwell systems The Superposition principle defines the net potential at any point in the multiwell system as the sum of the potential contributions from each well computed as if it were alone in the system. The linear combination of n source/sink terms in an isotropic and homogeneous media can be expressed as; ( x, y ) 2 n qi ln x xi 2 ( y yi ) C 4kh i 1 (7.20) For example, Figure 7.8 illustrates a two well system, a source and a sink. The desired location for potential is at (x,y). Sink (x2,y2) Source + (x,y) (x1,y1 ) Figure 7.8 Schematic of a two well system for the principle of superposition The flux in the x and y directions can be determined by using Darcy’s Law, vx k ? x (7.21) Flow potential near a discontinuity As a special 2D problem consider a horizontal layer of uniform thickness and infinite in areal extent. This layer is separated by a vertical plane; with differing permeability on opposite sides. Figure 7.9 illustrates the problem and the differential equations on the surface of the discontinuity and in the two regions. incompressible…thus density and viscosity are invariant. 7.8 The fluid is Chapter 7 - Steady-state Laminar Flow of Homogeneous Fluids kb 2 2 (-d,0) x y cq b 2 b 0 2 ka (d,0) d q 2 2 a a 0 2 2 x y At discontinuity: a (0,0) b (0,0) a b ka x kb x Figure 7.9 Schematic of a 2D problem with a linear discontinuity A well of fixed point source strength q is located at (d,0). To satisfy the boundary conditions at the discontinuity, another point source of strength cq is located at (-d,0) in medium (b). This procedure is known as the method of images. From the principle of superposition, the system of equations becomes, a ( x, y) q 2 2 2 2 ln x d y c ln x d y 4ka h b ( x, y ) 2 q 2 ln x d y D 4kbh where c and D are constants to be determined. Applying the boundary conditions at the discontinuity (y=0) we have k 1 C D a kb and 1 C D combine and substitute in Equations (7.22) and (7.23), results in 7.9 (7.22) (7.23) Chapter 7 - Steady-state Laminar Flow of Homogeneous Fluids a ( x, y ) q 2 1 kb ka ln x d 2 y 2 2 ln x d y 4ka h 1 kb ka b ( x, y) 2 2 kb ka q 2 ln x d y 4k h 1 kb ka b (7.24) (7.25) Two limiting examples illustrate the utility of the above equations. If kb = 0, there exists no potential in region (b) and therefore the discontinuity reduces to an impermeable boundary. If kb , then the discontinuity becomes an equipotential boundary. 7.10