022290 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES NASSAU COUNTY, NEW YORK Agenda for the Meeting of May 6, 1993 Salisbury Center.. 8jOO p.m. I. DETERMINATION OF A QUORUM AND CALL m ORDER II. APPROVAL OF MINtITES April 29, 1993--Regular Meeting III. COMMUNICATIONS IV. ITEMS FOR ACTION A. Facilities 1. Approval or Aam:menlS The Board is asked to authorize the President to sign the following lease agreements. which have been approved by Counsel: a. An agreement with the Manhasset School District for classroom space at the Mul\.t;Cy Park Elementary School. to be used by the Special Education DivisionIs District-Bnscd Program for Elementary Developmentally Impaired Children. The lease covers the period from 9/1193 through 6130194 at the tenn rent of S3.955--the same as the prior year. See atlached lease data sheet b. An agreement with the Plainedge School District for classroom and office space at the Plaincdge Community Center at Nonhcdge. to be used by the Special Education DivisionIs Early Childhood Program. The lease covets the period from 9/1193lhrough 6/30194 at the tenn rent ofSI3.487.5Q..-the same as the prior year. See attached lease data sheet. i c. An agreement with the Nonh Bellmore School District for classroom space at the Newbridge Road School. to be used by the Special Education Divisionis District-Based Class for Vision Impaired. The lease covets the period from 9/1193 through 6130194 at the tenn rent of S2~205--the same as the prior year. See attached lease data sheet , 0 ' •• d. An agreement with the Long Beach City School District for classroom and office space at the Black Heath Complex, Building A, annex--to be used by the Special Education Divisionis Preschool Noncategorical Program. The lease covets the period from 9/1193 through 6130196 at the term rent of $13,226 per year. See attached lease data sheet • , '- 7'i - EF? f P: J Ja $ rw . o :...) ) 2 Agenda-May 6. 1993 022291 B. Fmance 1. Appmyal of Blanket Pun:base A&reements ffiPAsl The Board is asked to approve the award of the following blanket purchase agreements to the lowest responsible bidders meeting specifications. as recommended in the attached blanket pun:hase agreement resume repons: tla.. Description Period 92193-056 Reroofmg, Roof Maintenance & Repairs (Cooperative BPA) Microcomputer Software (Cooperative BPA) Microcom~uter Supplies (Coopert!bve BPA) Printing Supplies sn193· S/6194 sn193 .. S/6/94 sn193· S/6/94 S/7193· S/6194 93194-003 93/94-004 93194·007 TOTAL: Amount $750,000· 500.000·· 500.000··· 17.500 $1.767.500 , .$250,000 for BOCES ••$100,000 for BOCES •••$ 96,000 for BOCES 2. Authorilltion for Additionpl Expendjwms (rom nn Exislim: Blpnket PUrchase AgRcment (BPA) In accordance with the attached correspondence. the Board is asked to authorize additionoJ expenditures from an existing blanket purchase agreement as indicated below: Hil. Description Period AmQunt 93194-006 School & Classroom Furniture (Cooperative BPA) Sn1933/12194 $66.729 3. Acceptnnce of Treasure(s Repoa , 0' 4 i The Board is asked to accept the attached Treasurer's Report for the month of March 1993. 4. a. Budget Awustmeo15--Prlo[ Approyal (oyer S5Q.QOO) In accordance with Board Policy No. 3160 "Budget Adjustments." the Board is asked to approve the attached budget adjusunent requests: • 1 Description Nsl.. Budget 92193-11 Microcomputer Suppon- Decrease in revenue and Computer & Communica- related expenditures of $125.000 due to discontinuations Technology tion of funding of the Model Schools Grant. 3 Agenda-May 6, 1993 022292 Decrease in revenue and related expenditures of $687.236 due to fmancing of computer hardware over multiple years for various school districts. 92/93-12 NCODE-Computer & Communications Technology 92/93-13 Increase in revenue and related Computer ServicesComputer & Communica- expenditures of $207.711 due to additional participation by various tions Technology districts in Schoolware Pupil Personnel Service and various other programs. b. Ratification (under 550.000) In accordance with Board Policy No. 3160 "Budget Adjustments," the Board is asked to ratify budget adjustments for the month of May 1993. as listed on the attached schedule. and to authorize the District Superintendent or his designee to reflect such budget adjusunenas in the accounts and records of the Board. S. 1993/94 Annunl Bud=t As required by Sc!ction 1950 of the New York SlAle Education Law, the Board is asked to adopt the 1993194 Annual Budget as set Conh in the "Nassau BOCESll993 Annual Meeting Handbook." and to authorize submission of the Annual Budget to the Stale Education Commissioner. C. Personnel 1. Personnel Actions Repan The Board is asked to approve the leaves of absence. resignations. change in employment status. appointments. salary adjusunenlS. extension of probation. rescission. tenninations. and tenure appoinunenlS. as detailed In the attaehed PersoMcl Actions ReporL 2. o ' 1 •• I!mPQsed Policy Reyisions The Board is asked to approve the attached policy revisions which were discussed at the meeting of April 29. D. Other 1. Approyal of Aereements The Board is asked to authorize the President to sign the following agreements, all of which have been approved by Counsel: • a. An agreement with the County of Nassau. Department of Merta! Health, Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities. under which BOCES will provide itinerant instructional services to certain preschool children, ages 3 to 5. as designated by the County. For services provided during the period September 1. 1992 through August 31. 1993, BOCES will receive the sum of $35 per one-half hour session for a total not to exceed $3,080. o j . , , N J , : o .:t ) Agenda-May 6, 1993 b. An affiliation agreement with Long Beach Memorial Nursing Home and Hospital which will enable certain students from BOCES Center for Community Adjustment to gain valuable supervised work experiences in a natural work environment for the academic year September 1992 through August 1993. c. A renewal agreement with the New York State Office of Vocational and Educational Services for Individuals with Disabilities (VESID). under which BOCES will supply supponed work services for eight severely disabled aging-out special education students during the 1993/94 school year. For services provided. BOCES will receive the sum of S68,486 during this period. 2. Acceptance of OUts The Board is asked to adopt the following resolution: RESOLYEO. that the Board of Cooperative Educational Services of Nassau County, gratefully acknowledges and authorizes the administration to accept the following gires: A large quantity of 4' by 8' boards of various thickness. with an approximate value of $3.500 as indicated by the donor. Mr. Jeff Goldman of Faceliflers. Brooklyn, NY. (0 be used in our Carpentry Program. A wheelchair with an approxim,ue value of $400 as indicated by the donor. Mrs. Roseanne Vitiello of Bellmore. NY. (0 be used in our Cannan Road School. The following automobiles. donated by Mr. Don Brennan of the Chevrolet Motor Division. Flushing. NY. to be used in our Auto Occupations Program: A 1992 Beretta with an approximate value of$12.241 A 1993 Lumina with an approximate value of S13.284 A 1993 Cavalier RS with an approximate value of $9.628 A 1993 Cavalier with an approximate value of $9.628 .1 I v. nEMSFOR~OruMAnON A. Facilities 0 ., B. rmance ~• 1. Schedule of BiUs I The Schedule of Bills for the month of March 1993 is attached for the Board's information. C. Personnel D. Other C VI. SUPERINTENDENTS INFORMAnON REPORT (Attached to Cover) VU. REPORT OF COUNSEL Vill. AUDIENCE TO VISITORS (LIMITED TO 1 HOUR) '-0-<-'.............:;;;a,;:;;;=~;_.'ri• .-•1IIiiiiIiI·_!JiIj~••-.- 1 •• _ -••_•••• t - .....-_u_---o-_·.~~J ) Agenda-May 6. 1993 822294 IX. OLD BUSINESS x. NEW BUSINESS XI. ADJOURNMENT DS:tfo Attachments ) • . , • • I i~. , , ~ ( 25Xlo 022295 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY INTEROFFICE MEMO April 26, 1993 TO. Dr. Ira J. Singer FROMs William P. Rafter SUBJECT. Lease Data forI Munsey Park Elementary School--2 Classrooms (Renewal of prior 10 month lease at S8me rental rate, terms and conditions) Lessee. BOCES of Nassau County Lessora Manhasset School District Facility. Munsey Park Elementary School To be used fora Division of Special Education--District-Baled Program for Elementary Developmentally Impaired Children Leale reviewed and approved by BOCRS attorneya 1I G ., l Budget provilionl $3.955 Leale agreementl 10 monthl 9/1/93-6/30/94 , Square ft.1 1.130 Rental rate per aq. ft. per year. $3.50 Term rentall $3,955 Option to renewl By Ieaaorl 1 ten month terml 9/1/94 to 6/30/95 at no increaae in rental rate; written notification from leaaee by 4/1/94. Inaurance, $1 million general liability and $10 million umbrella ~ WPR:dm L23 5/6/93 Bd. Htg • • C~ · Yel : : : : : ' : : ,:,:: ' : : : 4 ) 022296 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY ,- j INTEROFFICE MEMO April 26, 1993 TO. Dr. Ira J. Singer FROH. William P. Rafter SUBJECT. Lease Data for. 4 Classrooms and an Office at the Plainedge Community Center at Northedge, Plainedge School District (Renewal of prior 10 month lease at same rental rate, terms and conditions> Lesleel BacES of Nassau County Lessor. Plainedge School District Facility. Plainedge Community Center at Northedge To be used fort Division of Special Education--Early Childhood Program Leale reviewed and approved by BOCES attorney. , Budget provisionl $13,488 Leale tenDl 10 months 9/1/93-6/30/94 I Square ft •• 3,250 Rental rate sq. ft.1 $4.15 p~r Term rental. $13,487.50 Hainstreaming Costs: To be paid to Center Island preschool firm at a rate to be agreed upon by BOCES and Center Island preschool. Option to renew: By lessor; 1 ten month term. 9/1/94 to 6/30/95 at no increase in rental rate; written notification from lessee by 3/1/94. Insurance: $1 million general liability and $10 million umbrella c ' •• • ( ) Yes WPR:dm L21 5/6/93 Bd. Mtg r IS- :::.::: :::::. :::' :: : I) :.') 022297 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY INTEROFFICE MEMO April 26, loJ93 TO, Dr. Ira J. Singer FROHI William P. Rafter SUBJECT. Lease Data fori J~ Newbridge Road School--l Classroom (Renewal of prior 10 month lease at Bame rental rate. terms and conditions) Leaaee, BOCES of Naasau County Leasort North Bellmore School District Facilityt Newbridge Road School To bo used fori Division of SpecIal Education--Dlstrict-B.sed Class for Viaion Impaired Lealo reviewed and approved by BOCKS attorneys Budget provisiont $2.205 Loase agreementl 10 month. 9/1/93-6/30/94 , Square ft.t 630 Rental rate per sq. ft. per yearl $3.50 Te\~ $2.205 rentall .~instreaming COStSI ) Yos $900 Option to renew I By lessor; 1 ten month term; 9/1/94 to 6/30/95 at no increase in rental rate, written notification from lessee by 4/1/94. Insurance: $1 million general liability and $10 million umbrella WPR:dm L18 5/6/93 Bd. Mtg. :n: : : .: : :: ::::::~ - U :4 .-" o :,) 022298 , BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY INTEROFFICE MEMO April 26, 1993 TO. Dr. Ira J. Singer PROM. William P. Rafter SUBJECT. Lea.e Data fort te..... Lellor. 'acillty. Black Heath Comp14x--4 Cla •• rooma plug 2 Office. BoeBS of Na.aau County Lool Beach City Scbool Diatrict Black H.atb Complex, Bulldlna A. Annex To b. uI.d for. Dlvl.1on of Special Bducation--Pr•• chool NODcate.orlcal teal. revleved and approved by BoeES attorney. \. Budaet Provl.lon. $13,226 Lea.e tenDl. 3 yearl. , Square ft.1 3,112 Rantal rate per Iq. ft. per yearl TenD rent.l, Kainatre.ming Per Pupil CoatI Option to renew. Inaurancel c Pro.~. . Y•• ) 9/1/93-6/30/94 9/1/94-6/30/95 9/1/95-6/30/96 $4.25* $13,226 $750 By leslor, written notification from lelsee by 4/1/96. $1 mill10n general liability and $10 million umbrella *Rental Rate Increase: The rental rate laat year waa $4.00 per sq. ft. for a 10 month lease. The School District haa agreed to a l year lease with a rental rate of $4.25 per sq. ft., per year. WPR:dm L24 5/6/93 Bd. Ktg. 022299 Page 1 of 4 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY / -----.- -, ~ - f-":) .-" I BLANKET PURCHASE AGREEMENT RESUME REPORT TITLE: #92/93-056 Re-roofing, Roof Maintenance , Repairs (Cooperative BPA) DATE: November 9, 1992 - 2:30 P.M. GENERAL STATEMENT: To provide BOCES and 5 component districts with re-roofing, roof maintenance , repairs as needed for the period 5/7/93 thru 5/6/94, and may be extended by mutual consent for two additional one-year periods at the same prices, terms, and conditions. Number of vendors to whom specifications were issued: Number of vendors who submitted bids: BIDDER 8 5 AMOUNT qi,2gg,ggp r Gatco Construction Inc. Hygrade tnsulators, Inc. Hy-Tech coatings Statewida Roofing Inc. 7 500 : $ 297,500 ) Of the 5 vandors who submitted bide, 1 i. not listed above for the following reason: o .. \ •• e « Yeroush corporation --Disqualified· RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that--based on the detailed information included in the bid (i.e. item specifications, unit price where applicable, etc.)--the bid be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications for an amount not to exceed $750,000 ($250,000 for BOCES as indicated above). Anticipated date of award: Provision in 1992/93 budget: 1993/94 budget: Account to be charged: FUnd: May 6, 1993 Yes Planned 702-7410-472 General ·See attached memorandums gp 5/6/93 bel. mtg. 33 : 5 o ,-' '. , Page 1a of 4 022300 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM April 26, 1993 TO: Dr. Ira J. Singer FROM: William P. Rafter SUBJECT: SPA #92/93-056 Re-roofing, Roof Maintenance , Repairs (Cooperative BPA) It is the joint recommendation of the Facilities Services Department and the PUrchasing and Materials Department, with the approval of Counsel, that the Yeroush Corp. be declared in breach of a prior roofing contract awarded under Bid 190/91-038 and, in addition, be disqualified as a non-responsible bidder on the above captioned bid (192/93-056) and that the bid award be made to the second lowest bidder as indicated on the bid resume report. Included with this material is a copy of a Notice to Show Cause/Notice of Claim which provides Yeroush Corp. with an opportunity for due process in explaining why this action should not be taken. The Notice to Show Cause, drafted by Mr. Macklowe with the assistance of Mr. Kay, raises serious concern a regarding BOCES' position that the contractor failed to comply with bid specifications on the prior bid which directly impacted the quality of the job as well as the contractor's cost. Damages will be assessed against a $5,000 cash bond which is being retained by the Purchasing and Materials Department. We obtained a report from Monte Scott Leeper, an independent registered architect, which verifies the failure by Yeroush Corp. to comply with specifications on the prior roofing bid. That report concludes: "None of the repairs was done according to professional standards, manufacturer's recommendations or specifications referred to by BOCES or the professional roofing organization manuals. I would not recommend the use of this contractor without better adherence to the specifications ......... .. Mr. Macklowe has spoken to Mr. Yeroushalmi--who is a principal in the company--on several occasions in an attempt to resolve these problems related to contract specifications but no appreciable improvement has resulted from these efforts. WPR:gp 5/6/93 bd. mtg. :;:---.-~ ,; l -, -. ~ tdf~~- --? I , : Wi P: " 11- . ) 022301 Page Ib of 4 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY DIVISION OF BUSINESS SERVICES April 15, 1993 Yeroush corporation 683 Middle Neck Road Great Neck, NY 11023 Attn: Mike Yeroushalmi Re: lotio. to Shoy Caul./lotio. of Clai. Dear Mr. Yeroushalmi: I am writing in order to clear up what appears to be your misunderstanding with regard to BOCES position and to formalize a Notice to Show Cause why Bid #92/93-056 should not be awarded to the Yeroush Corporation. As I informed you, Keith Scott--BOCES' Director of Facilities, Gwen Glass--BOCES' Architect, and Tony Fierro--BOCES' Supervisor of Facilities, expressed their serious concerns about your firm's failure, under the previous award, to comply with specifications. These failures included but were not limited to inferior workmanship, overbilling, failing to obtain aigned work receipts, or submitting detailed service tickets for work alleged to ~ava been completed. o "\ • This agency retained an independent architect specializing in roofing 4 months ago because of our concerns. He has evaluated the work performed by the Yeroush corporation at the Carman Road School, Fern Place School and Salisbury center and has found that the work did not meet the cited standards of the National Roofing Manufacturers Association's Roofing' Waterproofing Manual, as well as the Roof Maintenance and Roof Repair Manual as specified in the bid. A copy of the independent architect's report is enclosed for your review and reference. Additionally, you are advised that there is some concern that invoicing has exceeded by a sizeable margin actual work performed and paid for by BOCES. Accordingly and as a result of this inspection and other indicators, a further survey will take place to assess damages. t Salisbury Center. Valentines Rood and The Plain Rood • P.O.Box 1034 • Westbury. New York 1159().O114 • 516-997-8700 -.7_. .1",_2__,.r." /;::.="'"~ =~=':;;';::'-~;;;;l .. ff'f:d'-=~iiiiifiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iI!5"'--"&"_.11.. q.I_.JII.' --,"''', 0 ~----------------~~~====================--~~/ ! ) ,->-----.,~~--~------.-- Page Ie of 4 Paqe 2 022302 As a result of the foreqoinq, it is the combined recommendation of Facilities Services and the office of Purchasinq , Materials that your submission of BOCES bid #92/93-056 Re-roofinq, Roof Maintenance , Repairs (Cooperative BPA) be disqualified as a nonresponsible bidder and rejected for failure to perform to the previous bid #90/91-038 Roofinq, Roof Repairs' Maintenance (Cooperative BPA) for substantially the same services. Botio. to ShOW Caul./Hotio. of Cla i • AD opportunity i., th.r.for., .xt.nd.d to Y.rou.h corporation to ,.bow caus. why this bid 192/93-05' should not b. awarded to the 2Dd low•• t bidd.r a. the low.at r.spon.ibl. bidd.r .e.ting .p.cification. and furnishinq the required s.curity. Your response should be received in this office no later than April 22, 1993 outlininq your intent. After we receive your response we will make a recommendation to the Board for action at its meetinq of May 6, 1993 scheduled to take place at Salisbury Center, Valentines Road' The Plain Road, Westbury, NY. Sincerely, cZ:a~t:J,t;.....·.,---..... . .. ) ~llan A. Macklowe Executive Hanaqer tor Purcha.ing , Mat.rial. AAH/qp Ene. cc: Dr. J. Forte Mr. W. Rafter Mr. K. scott Ms. G. Glass Counsel o , Via Fax and First Class Hail ~ • I • \ C'. ~" · :.... :, ::: _: 1:1 4 I.IIJ :": E LI Page 2 of 4 022303 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY BLANKET PURCHASE AGREEMENT RESUME REPORT TITLE: #93/94-003 Microcomputer Software (Cooperative BPA) DATE: March 31, 1993 - 2:30 P.M. GENERAL STATEMENT: To provide BOCES and 37 component school districts with access to a vast variety of microcomputer software items for the period 5/7/93 thru 5/6/94 and may be extended by mutual agreement for 2 additional one-year periods at the same prices, terms, and conditions. Number of vendors to whom specifications were issued: Number of vendors who submitted bids: 67 29 NO. OF ITEMS BIDDES AMOUNT Campus Technology Compucon Corporation Eberhard Engineering P.C. Educational Activities Inc. Educational Resources Focus Electronic, Inc. Geoworks J. L. Hammett Company Learning Technology Group Loyd Technologies Mathsoft Inc. Mecc Meizner Business Machines, Inc. Scholastic Inc. The Byte Shop -12 300 43,200 1,700 300 4,500 4,000 300 3,400 2,500 2,000 600 1,400 32,500 400 2.900 TOTALS: III $100,000 1 153 6 1 16 15 1 12 9 7 2 5 115 1 $ Of the 29 vendors who submitted bias, 14 are not listed above for the following reasons: o . \ • Aquarius Instructional I Beckley Cardy Company Berqwall Productions, Inc. Computerware Unlimited • Didatech Software Limited Electronic Courseware Systems Focus ,Media, Inc. ;;:----~ /, \.. - • ~.. --as o - . 1 . a 5 c .. . e --Bid higher than lowest bidder on items bid upon. --Bid did not meet specifications. --Bid higher than lowest bidder on items bid upon. --Bid higher than lowest bidder on items bid upon. --Bid higher than lowest bidder on items bid upon. --Bid higher than lowest bidder on items bid upon. --Bid higher than lowest bidder on items bid upon. $ all all all all all all ) Page 2a of 4 02230~ BPA 193/94-003 Microcomputer Software (Cooperative Lexia Learning Systems, Inc. Opportunities For Learning Pasco Scientific Queue Inc. Society For Visual Education South-Western Publishing Co. WNI Sales RECOMMENDATION: Anticipated date of award: Provision in 1992/93 budget: 1993"/94 budget: Accounts to be charged: Funds: BPA) --Bid· did not meet specifications. --Bid higher than lowest bidder on items bid upon. --Bid did not meet specifications. --Bid higher than lowest bidder on items bid upon. --Bid higher than lowest bidder on item. bid upon. --Bid higher than lowest bidder on items bid upon. --Bid did not meet specifications. all all all all item. were included in the bid specifications. It is recommended that--based on the detailed information included in the bid (i.e. item specifications, unit price where applicable, etc.)--tha 354 items be awarded to the lowest and/or sole responsible bidders meeting specifications for an amount not to exceed $500,000 ($100,000 for BOCES as indicated above). 65 of auch items are recommended to sole bidders. Attached is a listing which includes a summary of 80le bidders. See attached memorandum. 380 ) May 6, 1993 Yes Planned Various General, Special Aid CJP 5/6/93 bd. mtg. 2 • • -, .; "~ :1 c -; .. Paqe 2b of 4 022305 BPA 193/94-003 Microcomputer Software (Cooperative BPA) •••••••••••• SUMMARY OF SOLE BIDDERS BIDDER HO. OF ITEMS AMQUNT campua Technology Compucon Corporation Eberhard Rngineering P.C. Educational Activiti.a Inc. Educational Reaources J .. L. Hammett Company Maizner Busin••• Machine., Inc. ...l 300 13,300 850 300 600 550 2.500 TOTALS: .u $18.400 WPR 5/6/93 bel. mtc). 1 47 3 1 2 2 $ < '.h~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• _ _ Paqe 2c of 4 02"~06 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM April 26, 1993 TO: Dr. Ira J. Singer FROM: William P. Rafter SUBJECT: 8PA 193/94-003 Microcomputer Software (Cooperative 8PA) Of the 380 ite.s listed in this bid, 26 wera not bid upon. It i. not anticipated that annual requirement. in this category will exceed an additional $10,000. Therefore, as approved by Counsel, the •• requirements will be procured a. authorized by General Municipal Law and Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 3310 "Purchaaing--General" (competitive quotations will be obtained where appropriat.). CJP 5/6/93 bet. mtg. , ~ a ;:5 = 0 .J ) Page 3 of 4 02230';J BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY BLANKET PURCHASE AGREEMENT RESUME REPORT TITLE: #93/94-004 Microcomputer Supplies (Cooperative BPA) April 2, 1993 - 2:00 P.M. DATE: GENERAL STATEMENT: To provide 11 districts and BOCES with access to a variety of microcomputer supplies for the period 5/7/93 thru 5/6/94, and may be extended by mutual consent for two additional one-year periods at the same prices, terms, and conditions. Number of vendors to whom specifications were issued: Number of vendors who submitted bids: NO. OF ITEMS BIDDER 23 12 AMOUNT Alltal supply Inc. AM Exclusive Budinesa Machine. Eaatland Sale. Inc. Global Computer Supplies Group 516 Inc. Learning Technology Group Manchester Equipment Co. Inc. Phoenix Busineas Products Inc. Skyline Ribbon Corp. The Byte Shop Weber Audio Visual Inc. Westwood Computer Corp. --2. $ 9,500 300 500 18,000 10,600 7,800 1,700 3,000 12,000 17,600 13,500 1.500 TOTALS: III $96.000 RECOMMENDATION: 39 1 2 75 44 32 7 12 49 73 56 433 items were included in the bid specifications. It is recommended that--based on the detailed information included in the bid (i.e. item specifications, unit price where applicable, etc.)--the 397 items be awarded to the lowest and/or sole responsible bidders meeting specifications for an amount not to exceed $500,000 ($96,000 for BOCES as indicated above). 90 of such items are recommended to sole bidders. Attached is a listing which includes a summary of sole bidders. See attached memorandum. Anticipated date of award: Provision in 1992/93 budget: 1993/94 budget: . Accounts to be charged: Fund: May 6, 1993 Yes Planned Various General qp 5/6/93 bd. mtg. o . 5 : . :: ':: :! Ii ) Page 3a of 4 022308 8PA #93/94-004 Microcomputer Supplies (Cooperatiye SPA) ***** ** *** * * SUMMARy or SOLE BIDDERS BIDDER HO. or ITBMS AMOUNT Alltel supply Inc. Eastland Sale. Inc. Global Computer Supplies Group 516 Inc. Learning Technology Group Manche.ter Equipment Co. Inc. Skyline Ribbon Corp. The Byte Shop Weber Audio Visual Inc. ....! 250 3,600 4,800 3,400 200 500 2,900 1.000 TOTALS: .til $21.750 21 1 15 20 14 1 2 12 \, WPR 5/6/93 bd. atg. \. , • ~ -" T - :: :::h~::·::: :::: :: : $ 5,100 ) Page 3b of 4 022309 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM April 26, 1993 TO: Dr. Ira J. Singer FROM: William P. Ratter SUBJECT: SPA 192/93-004 - Microcomputer Supplies 'J~ (Cooperative BPA) ot the 433 it... listed in this bid, 36 wera not bid upon. It is not anticipated that annual requirement. in this category will excead an additional $10,000. Theretore, aa approved by Counsel, the.e requirements will be procured a. authorized by General Municipal Law and Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 3310 "Purcha.ing--General" (competitive quotations will be obtained where appropriate). ) WPR:gp 5/6/93 bel • •tg. j .U2&., j; :. III! 3 P t ..: . 4 ;e , 4 n D ::) I 25X ij~ Page 4 of 4 022310 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY BLANKET PURCHASE AGREEMENT RESUME REPORT TITLE: 193/94-007 Printing supplies DATE: April 16, 1993 - 2:00 P.M. GENERAL STATEMENT: To provide printing supplies for the Technical Support Services' Graphics Department for BOCES and component school districts for the period 5/7/93 thru 5/6/94, and may be extended by mutual consent for two additional oneyear periods at the same prices, terms, and conditions. Number of vendors to who. specifications were issued: 7 Number of vendors who submitted bids: 3 BIDDER NO. OF ITEMS AFM printing Equipment , Supplies Co. American Printing Equipment , Supply Co. Progressive Graphic Supplies Inc. TOTALS: I Ii • c 1 a .u $17.500 spacifications. It is recommended that--based on the detailed information included in the bid (i.e. item specifications, unit price where applicable, etc.)--the 57 items be awarded to-the lowest and/or sole responsible bidders meeting specifications for an amount not to exceed $17,500 as indicated above. 2 of such items are recommended to sole bidders. Attached is a listing which includes a summary of sole bidders. See attached memorandum. ~ ~ $11,900 300 5,300 58 item. were included in the bid RECOMMENDATION: o 41 Anticipated date of award: Provision in 1992/93 budget: 1993/94 budget: Accounts to be charged: Funds: May 6, 1993 Yes Planned 706-7010-300, 516-6313-300 General qp 5/6/93 bd. mtg. /~~ "-- AMOUNT ;.. -O· ) . A. : «) .2 ) c Page 4a of 4 022311 BPA 193/94-007 Printing Supplies * * * * * * * * * * * * SUMMARy or SOLE BIDDERS BIDDD NO. Or ITEMS AFM printing Equipment , Supplies Co. 2 WPR 5/'/93 bel. atCJ. c· ~.:-:: ::':::: :"Ii : :,' : : 22 ::::' : AMOUNT $615 c Page 4b of 4 022312 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM April 26, 1993 TO: Dr. Ira J. singer FROM: William P. Rafter SUBJECT: BPA 193/94-007 printing Supplies ot the 58 it••s listed in this bid, 1 was not bid upon. It is not anticipated that annual require.ants in thia category will exceed an additional $10,000. Therefore, a. approved by Coun.el, the.e require.ent. will be procured a. authorized by General Municipal Law and Board Policy/A~ini.trative Regulation 3310 "Purchaaing--General" (competitive quotation. will be obtained where appropriate). WPR:gp 5/6/93 bd. mtCJ. :: is u,; ) Page 1 of 1 022313 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY INTEROFFICE IWIOBAHDUH April 26, 1993 TO: Dr. Ira J. Singer FROM: William P. Rafter SUBJECT: Authorization for Additional Expenditure. trom an Exi.ting BPA 193/94-006 School , Classroom FUrniture (Cooperative 8PA) It i. reco. .ended, aa approved by Counsel, that the Board--at the May 6, 1993 Board Meeting--approve additional expenditure. totalling $66,729 to enable the purchase of furniture needed in conjunction with the renovation of the Data proce •• ing Center, which i. a budgeted capital project this year. The turniture purcha •• was a180 included in the 1992/93 budgat, but the •• require.ants were inadvertently o.itted fro. the authorization amount for this bid submitted to the Board for approval at its .eeting ot February 25. The vendor shown--J.S. McHugh, Inc.--wa8 low bidder on the ite.s naeded. Orders for the furniture will be placed i ...diately upon Board approval, for delivery before June 30th. yendor Amount J.S. McHugh, Inc. $66,729 WPR:qp 5/6/93 bel. lDtg. : ) 022:114 ~1of3 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTy TREASURER'S REPORT MARCH 1993 General Fund • ca... all.,.. per Boob Add: AIoeIpta (8M attacMd ~ 1 and 2J 101,213.14 • ".I1'.I2I..n TCltII .,. lAM: DfIbulMfMntl ca... a.a.nc. per Boob Inwttrllolftta 0UbUncIinQ TCltII CeIh - 0enenI Fund • ''.172.Il0l.12 (1'.111."".14) Special Aid Fund Trust and Agency Fund '.442.111._ • 1.301.112.1' • 13.1....71.13 e,13O.I31.. , School lunch Fund • • • 101.828.03 122.11 ".015.141." • • ......MI., .. • • '.833."31 110.'-.01 • '.172.715.31 2.111.1'7.43 RIsk Retention Fund 12.....01 N.141.4I '.101.830.21 ( • 102.141.11 0.00 • ".633.III.J1 • 102.141.01 • •.l3Iue (1'.714.50) 10.142.01 • GIMttI Fund Ceth allanoe PIf Boob II JI'J'. c-nu.1iCCNoII) ball. 1110••.01 fton ..... of When maJor .... bebIr . . conlldlnd. blllnH on en IIOCfUII bali. bocomH ~ .1.1......... Add: AI:ooufM. ~ Due from 0Chtt Fund. - 8cMof Lunoh Due from 0Chtt Funde - ..,.., AId ...:IJon'CMftIQ. ~ Mdc __don HolM) • ,........ ".743,101.10 1~1.01"'" ...... ( (SU.IOO.00) l.JII)My Due 10 New YOftt .... Aedt...na 8ytCeme. oto. O\M to 0Chtt Funde : (1."'.000.00) ~Fund (11 ......) .... AettnUon 0.00 0.00 &ped.tINd Trult & Aoenoy (Rltkemtnt 1nc4Indw) (1.121.11:2..21) Oue 10 Vtnetor.1of Equtpcnent. SUppilN. ItO. Oue 10 School Oflblct, (5,051.511.41) (111,344 .. , (5.051.11~1O) • z:: J : : :::: ::: 1.211.4». • >:: .: .::: ::.' : ) 02231.5 Ptlge2of3 BOARD OF COOPBBATIYE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY RECEIPTS MARCH 1993 • PItytMnta frcm CIrInCt fat 8IMoH. .eo. PnMcMd MoMy Martret AIdMmed InwIlrMnte ~I"" AlOIhret .,....Inoame. 1~_.' • .t4 4.eoo,000.OO 1• •.100.• 72.011.1' Net -,..,., , . I_ • 1.111.31 1I.171,-.u I _ I MaY fundi I,.,... from CIeMtII FuM: ~ 1oIId . . . IoIId .... 1oIId . . . . IoIId ...,. - HMIdt tn. . . . 80cW IIGuftt1 ...... tn..,.,. • .-,. ..... ,. Malott , . Malott , . ) ......1.... 111.441.70 4Q. 11 0.11 1S.1OI.1I • ....07 DtntaI tnlUf.,. 80IId ...,. - HMIdl tnlUfMOe '*'*11_ Ma.rd\ , . eo.td ...,. - Ute InlUfanoe Culural Alb 8cho&u1hlp Fund Contpentlttd Ab~t Rt...w. ,.... -Intefetl..... - Fftt'uuy 'lIS ...... tnoome..... - FebNIIy 'lIS Contpentlttd AbllnCet Rt...w. CMmIMl-Inttf........ - FebNuy 'lIS AMirt4Mnl1nolntM Plan• ...,........ - '*uuy 'lIS Ie)'mout WtlMf IohoIuthip Fund . , .... tnoome..... -F.tINaIy 111S SI.BUt 1.001.'4 '-114.00 ,-114.1,114.02 '.III.Q 711.u It.• Total • 7.-..a." o :::) 25X 022:116 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE' EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY RECEIPTS (cont'd) MARCH 1993 ... """"PNecI100I AId Bmdj ,...,... £MpIo,.,,*,, "..,.,.cIon Edn".... • ua.•.41 -. , 2'5.111.02 101.71'.• lUI1.1 1 ......00 ••-'00 27.411.• 11.4101.00 UoIMed".... NunIng 0.. tnfllnt Plogr.., Adult Ewnlng HM CetMte In TNIChIng CIM8-~Am""".' eo.ided v.. Pt • .., .. Pre 8oMoI l"I!,t.tMntary 8Uppcwt lIMo......'., ...... !ducMIon Tr.Inlno AttcMot Qt. (-.., ...... AC)- n.ao.OO 10,-,_ AdultCenW Profeat . . Indullry & Celpo;f ..... Union 11.100.00 11.1'12.00 "'MQnnI 1oeI 11.»1.00 UoIMId flreoCIMI NunIng - Ewnfng Trwmllia linin ~ GIMt ',SoIO.tO 1...1.00 POII8IooncWy EdlIiMtIon Pr • .., tot ...... alPped ,....... . . . . lAQ.., ..... ProtecC CNpMf a. a.oaon'll Mull . . . MIOIIIon n.. )Ott (AlA ".lIt, 1,"'.00 1,110.00 "mer PI • .., ......00 . . . .00 cad Pr. . . . ('MI:ItI & . . . ., Ut'.OO Mull MtMIIon tot the ........ 1.710.00 1.,01.00 .... • tfn.MIntUIufa HIe .. ,."." • • Od."",,,- 0fMng . . . . . AMId Otane Y.e.I.•.o. .,.,...1noomiJ. • .I1UI ,,-,00 ,.a'I.. ..... ti..son 1.111.GO ......"MMef ..... & . . . . . ~ 1....00 1,10'.00 wa.~ UIenIoy MOdMf '10.71 Talli "'" "'",." Fwtdi Total •• 8shooI Lunch Fund: ~Tren"', .... AIImbut.....nt .. Lunch .... AIImbut.....nt .. 81...... School Lunch ToIII o .. ::: $ • • • 4.0'1.14U1 • .11 • 24.2IU1 • 11.741.41 17.243.17 10.,aM 5.021.77 , .. ... PIIge 1 of1 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUN'l'Y 022317 EXTRA-CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES FUND - TREASURER'S REPORT MARCH 1993 • CetIa IIIIfIOI PI' Boob 17."1.01 Add: AIMIpCt • LMe:~ CMh I,h __ PI' Ioob 41._.41 ",101.47 (U.1D.!! .1. • 47....." , 25 x ~ [J Oi!2Jld ----! l)V. BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY Budget Adjustment Request (BAR) FIscal Year Original Budget ot i ~ ~/ L BARI 92193-11 CoSer No./T'1t1G 5141Microcomputer Support 1992J93 AA,uJAo!Itfed Bu ro. It Adiustm!1!1 Approved Adjusted Increase AdJusted Budget Decrease Budget REVENUE saiOOt DCSTRICTS Adult Tuftlon Other ooces DMsIons Other Funding en. Contracts Comp. AbMnce RaalNe Othor I Patton SaIea TOTAL REVENUE EXPEMlmJRES STAFF COSTS: 8Al.ARJES: ADfYL PROVlSIONS ~Al. SA1.AR&ES FRINGE BENEFITS 1roTAl. SA1.AR&ES & BENEfJTS EQUtPMENT 620,007 1) Dacr8asa In nwanue and 620.007 related ~due 125.000 20.884 3.488 125.000 644.379 1 83.618 254.638 1 400.722 63.678 17.742 81.418 254.638 64.666 319.304 84,827 12.091 72.736 20.884 lam 1 769.379 318.314 318.314 82.408 SUPPllES SuppIoa (Patton SaIeI) AU.OCAllONS & tNTt:RDMSION 8..2S3 6.253 48.882 49.882 ununES 17.100 17.100 PROGRAM 175.097 1 5.841 2S.65O 1 25.650 to tho Model Schools Grant not funded as antfdpated during the budget pteplnltlon process. ) 169.256 PAYMENTS TO ornER BOCESI saiOOl DISTRICTS CROSS CONlRACT , INSURANCE RES. FOR RET. INCENT. PLAN ANllCtPATBl REFUND I TOTAL EXPENDrTURES o ' • 8.848 9,848 769,379 125.000 Signature APPROVAlS: • 644.379 DivisIon Head t , Tr...... \ Au't SUpt. for Board Meeting May 6, 1993 ~~~~~--------~~~------------ 7fi9~ District Sup't =- 7 $ o -) # r-/i 7(jj • • Page 1 of 2 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY Budget Adjustment Request (BAR) BARf 92/93-..... 16&.2_ _ _ __ Rscal y.., _ _92J93~,-,,--_ Cos. No./T11fe --=532=../L...;..:NCO==D=.E_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Original Budget Of AppnMId Adjultod AlrQunt8d 8udaet Adf~tment Adjusted o.cr.... Ina.... I ~get ~aet REVENUE SCHOOL DISTRICTS Othet 80CES OM. . . Ohr Funding 887'-1 1 1.870.159 18._ 2.700 I Cfoa Contra. Othet TOTAL REVENUE ..... ... -. ! ••!teu .. 887,238 I 27.273 2 354.81. SALARIES: ADD'l PAOV18tOHS TOTAl SAlARIES 354.8'. 12.101. ......824 FmNOE BEHEm'8 TOTAL SAlARIES A IENEF1T8 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES AllOCATlONS AIHTERDMSIONS 27.273 2 5.000 5.000 eos.ml 3 544,78' 12.7"1 200 4 " .. 27.273 PROGRAM INSURANCe 382.081 ·~:;I 258.1'. 53.753 es.S7I 7S.oea , I2.HSS • 11.088 sa.7M 7 88,051 27••733 -iG.OOO • 3.752 ••248 14.447 8 1.3" t3· 0A3 1 PAYMENTS TO OrnER BOCE8I SCHOOL DISTRlCT8 -1 12.01. " HO.l:12 UTI LfTlES UNU I4S 27473 714.708 APPAOVA1.8: , 1.204.801 I EXPENDrruRE8 STAFF COSTS: TOTAL EXPENOflURES I I 1.182.923 18.He 2.700· 1.204.108 SIgnature o ' 4 DMalonHead Tr...ur• • f Board Meeting May 6, 1993 , . -~-'~- o .. . : :~ :; 3 o '~ :~ .. ) 022320 Page 2 of 2 532 explanation (1) The first budget adjustment to 532 provided for the outright purchase of $700K for hardware for Farmingdale and oceanside's Regional Objectives Project. Net decrease in this adjustment is due to financing of this hardware over multiple years, loss of Glen Cove's participation in WlCAT service and suspension in Valley stream CHSO's lSI expansion plans, offset by increased participation by Hempstead in lSI service, Lawrence in Edunetics program and Oyster Bay, Oceanside and Farmingdale in Regional objective project. (2) Increase in salary line due to reallocation of staff to support increased activities as a result of Regional Objective Project offset by decrease to fringe benefits based upon revised estimated actuals from Business Services. (3) Decrease in equipment expenses primarily due to plan to finance Oceanside and Farmingdale's hardware for Regional Objective program over multiple years. (4) Additional supplies needed to support Edunetics in Westbury. (5) Reduction in hardware support tor Wicat systems in Glen Cove (Educational Communications) (6) utility costs reduced based upon revised estimated actuals trom Business Services. (7) Reduction in service contracts associated with WICAT systems in Glen Cove and suspension of lSI network expansion plans in Valley Stream CHSD. Travel and business expenses also reduced as a result. (8) Decrease in workman's compensation as per revised estimated actuals from Business services. :::,::..::: :::::::: ::.:: :: ) , Page 1 of 2 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY Budget Adjustment Request (BAR) Cos. BAR# I Incr.... I ! i ! ! o.cr.... I I ! ~ i R£VENUE SCHOOL DISTRtCTS Othef OOC£S Dhtalone 0ttMW Funcftng 4.870.209 533.515 70.... 82.570' 1 134.1541 2 10.987! 3, TOTAl REVENUE 5.274.283 207.7111 I Cfaa eon.ac:ta 0Ittet I I I i j I Adjwted Budget I I 4.732.179, :1 0 . I I, 8G7.731 i 81.4581 II EXPENDITURES 5.48'.0741 t• . I ! ! ! •I, I STAFf COSTS: SAlARIES: ! ADQ'L PAOV18toHS I TOTAl SAlARIES FRSNQ£ BENEfTT8 TOTAl SAlARIES & BENEfITS I 1 2.48'. ,58 EQUIPMENT 107••71 I 385.01' ISUPPlIE8 I i 81 .~ 55,8$41 i ! ~ i ~ PROGRAM 1.1 I ~ . 1.939.0001 . If 22.080 1 21.5I:! ! , ... f44. 582 1 78. . . 1 2.017.0481 474~1 2.482.2081, . I! 283.2441 7( 1IOG31 ! ! , ! 10 ; ao.5051 ! 1 111 I 84.720 INSURANCE 71.812 2'''.158 I 148.104 ".101 II f TOTAl EXPENOmJRE8 5274283 448 12881 APPROVAlS: . 1, I I I H·e.1 "'h21 113 ) I _.054 f I I ~ I 352.755! I PAYUEHT8 TO OlllEII BOCE8I SCHOOL DISTRICTS I 051 :188. 1 ! 82'' _1 'I , i 1 23117' • I 8~ i 263.112 . ~ , UT1LmES 22.0801 al, 55,854 , 55.8$41 ! 270.2tO AUOCATION8 & INTERDMStON8 ! 4' 1.102.008 23.305 t.II5.3" 485.143 92/93-13 No./Tltle 602/Computer Services I R.qunted Budget Adtust...6'" Original Budgetcw Approved AdjuNd Budaet 022321 8.038 83.844 1 , 258.5781 5.481 18741 $g,..... • T'...... AIa't SupL for 8, ~, ~~~~~----~~~~~-------------Dia1ric:t Sup"t Board Meeting May 6, 1993 .[ ::::: : ::,:::, s o ::) 25 >< 022322 Page 2 of 2 602-2 EXPLANATION (1) Increase in School District Revenue due to additional participation in Schoolware Pupil Personnel service (Baldwin, Great Neck, Hempstead and Hewlett) BUSLINK (Jericho), PC-Link Networks, Test Scoring Services and Pentamation Program, offset by decrease in BUSLINK participation in Herricks and Manhasset. (2) Increase in billings to Instructional support (Library Automation and DIPS Network) , to Personnel for PAR enhancements and Business services for COMPASS license. (3) Increase in funding due to Schoolware support to BOCES 2 component districts. (4) Decrease in salaries due to open positions for part of year. (5) Additional provisions for retirement Reserve and increase in overtime appropriation to support new revenue as stated in 11. (G) Reduction in Fringe Benefits based upon revised estimated actuals from Business Services. (7) Increase in Hardware Purchases to support new revenue as stated in '1. (8) Increase in Supplies primarily Schoo1ware participation. (9) Increase due to DP share of D. Hupo retirement and Cablevision service - 1 data circuit. to (10) Net reduction in utilities based upon actua1s from Business Services. , o ' •• support additional 12 mos revised estimated (11) Net reduction in cost of Sun Valley Systems service contracts to support Schoolware users and loss of HerricKs and Manhasset BUSLINK service. (12) Net increase in payments to other BOCES due to elimination of FAME/SIS charges, reduction in INET to Albany fee, TNT training fees, offset by addition of AIME Network Security (TNT) and MV204 software maintenance. (13) Insurance costs reduced based upon revised estimated actuals from Business Services. : 4Z:~ : ::: a: o -.......... ", r- " ,;'- Page 1 of 2 .~ , II BOARD OF COOPDATIVB BDUCA1'JONAL SBl.VlCBS OIl NASSAU COUNTY BUDGET ADIUS'BIBNTS BY 0BJBCr OF BXPBNSB HAY 1993 RudpAtAd IDcrouO ill Objoct of Bxpoaao or SUIp)",. or <Docrouo) jp Boyopvo COSBRIBUOOBT , 431 DOICription ICodo Marine 1980 Biology/ Oceanography (Summer) DoIcriptigD AmouDI ($~7 ,348) Revenue ~oreign Language Immersion Consortium (FLIC) o 400 800 Revenue ($lS,875) ProfessioDal Svcs./Consultants 3,800 Microcom'Puter Support 100 300 800 980 Salaries Supplies fringe Benefits Revenue 602 Computer Services 980 Revenue School Lunch 100 300 400 800 514· , r~ 980 446 100 200 300 .. 433 I.1::aaIO fA . . . . . or Delicia. or IJ.\omgol ip 0bIacc ofBxppt AmouDC ICocSo Da:drt- 200 473 Equipment Eq~ipment Salaries Equ1pMDt Supplies Contractual Fringes ($ 8,702) ($ 221) Salariea Supplies Contractual FriDge Benefits ($13,732) ($ 1,762) ($ 2-,132) ($ 2,049) / /'\ ,;:;;;:fJ1:hlLiI:; ~ ., .. ' ~,.., doD Decrease in district participation, therefore requiring decreased expenses. Reallocation of budget line items due to reduction in anticipated revenue which requires reduced expenditures. ISee attached. $18,497 4,146 100 2,670 200 1400 Equ.1pment Contractual ($15,291) ( 10,122) ($45,000) 1100 200 400 500 800 Salaries Equipment Contractual Other Boces Fringe Benefits ($29,794) ( 722) ( 2,400) ( 4,000) ( 8,084) Budget Adjustment needed to separate general funds tB60~) and Part 200 Grant (F982). Fund Balance ($16,161) Reallocation of budget line items in order to purchase equipment for the school lunch program. Additionally, repairs needed on kitchen equipment. $12,681 Repairs 3,480 = ~ c..= ~ \t-V~\ . Board Meeting May 6, 1993 "r . ~I '--•. f'.)- ()'1 " ($ 2,439) ($ 4-,656) ($ 1,330) w. ____ .. " ~ 022324 Page 2 of 2 , '- 514 explanation \ , o ., •• . (1) Decrease in pass-through money for districts to purchase hardware from Microcomputer Hardware Bid and decrease in participation in Micro Support Service, offset by increased revenue from miscellaneous services provided for Model School's training, Multimedia and Instructional Networks. (2) Increase in Interdivisional Revenue due to: Health Services for installation of software, training and supplies, Adult Education lSI LAN - 8 IBMs - maintenance on Networking only and reimbursement of PROFS account expense from F936 - elMS Maintenance grant. (3) Salary increase due to additional in service training provided by BOeRS staff to support Model Schools Program participants. (4) As stated in above, expenses reduced due to decrease in paaa-through money and Microcomputer support service participation offset by additional equipment and software needed to support new revenue. '1 (5) Increase due to purchase ot tools needed to support expansion of networking services. (6) Reductions in allocations to Ed. Co... and Purchasing due to decrease in district participation in Hypermedia and Micro Support Service. (7) utilities reduced based upon revised estimated actuels as per Business services and in-depth analysis of expenditure patterns to date. (8) Program costs are lower due primarily to decrease in district participation in Microcomputer Support Service and decrease in conference expenses. (9) Insurance costs reduced based upon revised estimated actuals as per Business Services • , I ) o G ---.-..--\' 'I J r I ( ",. ( ,." o )1 , IJ .~ ~ BOIltD OP COOPERUIW BDOCAnOlllL SDtV'%C&S a. r .lr.il~~:~till~~' Dum C01Drft I , ":i q : Kay 6. 19'3 :1 ~·I I. r,r'opn,l MAtt,r. - t ••ehipg apd Admipi.trtti,., A. g,.el •• lon(.): BB IT RBSOLVBD that the following per.ODD.fl letioo t.kau B. .... Leave (.) of Smithwick, Amanda Ab"ne. CD I&u'ch 25. 19'3 i. Mreby r ••ciDded: Without p.y: Bff.ctiye ~ 5/12/93 5/31/93 • Length of S.rrie• T1Pure4 AI.i9DI'D t/Loq.tiop/Diyi,ioa R•••OR " years, Yes Maternity/ Child Care Teacher - General Special Bducation - AIDes Special Bducation 8 months o Q ~ ~ ~ ~ c.n • See page 47 for revised dates. r') \"""'""-\" ","C" I '-, ,'. Page 1 of 61 "" , G (~ o - ..... --- j ." -' 11 r I o ;'l' '" BOARD OP COOPBU.'1'%VB BDUCATIODL SDVICItS I I ( a. DSSAU COUIi'fI ~ ] . .y 6. lJ'3 I. ~ P'E'opntl Matt.E' - 1'e.chlpq ap4 AdaJ.pi'tnS;iD: B. R.,ianatiop(,): of Bff.cti... Length 111M ~ S.rriC;' Almeleh, Lazar 03/25/93 1 lfooth teqund 50 M'icnwptlLoeAS;iqplPiri,iqp R•• ,OA Part-time Adult Bducator Personal - ABE • - He.AU Tech/carle Place Occupatiaoal BducatiOD Burton, James 04/01/93 1 Year 110 Substitute Teacher Special Educatioa To Accept Another Position Finn Cox, Mary 04/21/93 5 IlaDtbs •• 50 Program Assistant OUtdoor/BDviraamental Education - Salisbury Center - In8tructional Programs/Services Family Circ:umatances Higgins, Anne 05/01/93 1 Year 110 Part-time Instructor Clinical - Adult LPN Nassau Tech/Westbury Occupational Education Personal No Part-time Instructor Clinical - Adult LPN Nassau Tech/Westbury Occupational Education To Accept Another position o 7 Months Muxphy, Nancy 03/06/93 1 Year 3 lIonths • Federally funded program. •• On leave of absence 5/28/92 to present and additional five years service a& Naturalist. Q ~ N ~ S; Page 2 of 61 "'" G \ o --~ r r ( 0" BCWlD OF COOPBR.&.Tr98 moc.a.nODL 1'I:R.SOMI". sanc::u 01' DSSAD COUfiI ACfIc:.s May 6, U'3 I. ~, r.r.opp.l . . tt." - teaghing apd adptni'tratiytz B. .... Rt.igpatiop(.): Ryan, catherine Bff.cti". ba LeDgtb 12/11/92 1 ltcxltb of Sardg. 'hpgnd 110 AI.i"""pt/Loc;atigo/Piyi.igo I •••op Part - time lDatJ:uctor Clinical - Mult LPII - Per.onal . . . . .U Tech/We.tbury - Occupatioaal Bducatica Sullivan, Patricia A 03/21/93 .. Ibltba 110 Te.cher - Practical Buraing - Naa8lu Tech/Weatbury - To Accept Another Position Occupational Bducatica o Q l\:) ~ ~ Page 3 of 61 "" o G , _ , . . . ...... ttl ~ .r· ,r ( , o BCWtD OF COOPBlt.U'1VB J:DOCA!'IODL SI:IlV%CU a. a"lV coam'I' Mal" 6. 19'3 I. 'er'OM!I Mattlr. - _chipq apeS AdIIip,.tratiDI c. Chang. in "PPloyMRt Statui: ttha following inc:Uvidual i . being reduc.d &c. .... Gcmez, Julio balf-t~ aplov.allt .tatu.: a•• ,OA for Chango of Bffective Length of ba Berrie• t&yq4 M.iqpMllt/Loqati=Jpbi,icm Ccaptp.aticm Statu· 5/1/9~ 5 months· flo Part-time Teacher Introduction to Occupatioaa (12 boura/week) Nassau Tech/carle Place 1la88au Tech/Bethpage lla8aau Tech/Pine Hollow Occupational BducatiCD $38.49 per bour Reduced Need o • Served eigbt years aa teacher prior to his October 26, 1992 reiostatement as half-time teacher. Q l\j l\j ~ ~ CD Page 4 of 61 '"'" o I G ~_6 _ .... . . . - \, Ii 0 III ..J r /'" ( ! 1 BQI.1U) ()lP COOPBltM.'I'n DUCAnODL aavJ:c:18 a. D88A'CJ COUWiI Kay 6, 1993 I. ',r.opnel Hatter. - !'JachiM apeS MIIiqi.t:ratID: D. Appolnt1lltDt (.) - Ada1pl.tratqr(.) - IcIuca tlopal: Area/ C,rtlflcatlaa Statu. '1'lIlurt lIB Bff,ctlve pat,(.) Finnan, Patrick 5/7/93 Program Associate - Bducational COllllluni catiaaa "J.'eaurt ba Proa'· CQlMRt O.-P"511 5/7/96 Program A8aociate Bduc:atioaal Camnmic:atioaa carle Place Caaputer/CCJnm.mic:atiOD8 TecbDology Replacement for Alan per amlum $53,500.00 Jacobs o :> N 1\, ~ ""'" Page 5 of 61 "" o G _ .......... ,tJi ...) ," \' 'I o ", ,. ( b • IJ ~ BOARD OP COOPEIlATl:VB IDOC.U"%OD.L SD.VICU 01' DSSAU COOl1'!I " 1 ,~ .11,II o May 6, 1993 Program Associate - Educational COlllllunications Divisioa of COmputer/Communications Technology Recommended candidate Dr. Patrick Finnan Effective Date Tenure Date lfay 7, 1993 lfay 7, 1996 Recommended Salary $53,500.00 per aaaua Number of Applicants Number Interviewed 20 I am pleased to recommend the appointment of Dr. Patrick Finnan to the position of programlAssoclate' for Educatiaaal Communications in the Division of Computer &xi Communications Technology. Previously, Dr. Finnan had advanced from the positions of teacher, department head and assistant principal to Principal of lJnmaculata High School. Dr. Finnan t s sound administrative practices restored the school financially after it had been scheduled to close. He also developed a Dew student a8sessment program, techniques to improve teacher accountability, and expanded course offerings and media service programs. Dr. Finnan is currently a Research Associate for COrbin Bnterprises and specializes in school program evaluation. Concurrently, he is an Adjunct Professor of Adm.inistration and Supervision at The Graduate School of Education at the College of New Rochelle. In his prior position as Assistant Principal at Southold High School, Dr. Finnan spearheaded the implementation of the Distance Learning Program which links Southold, Greenport and Riverhead into a full motion tvo-way video interconnecting network. This included the complex scheduling and all curriculum activities involved, as well as teaching lessons via the telecommunications network 80 that future teachers could observe and model after h~. 8 Dr. Finnan holds a Bachelor of Science from Fordham Uni varsity. He vas awarded a Master of Arts degree by Teachers College, Columbia Oniversity and earned his Doctor of Education degree in Bducational Administration at Fordham University. His diverse experience and broad expertise in program developmeDt and distance learning make him uniquely qualified for this position. It is therefore my pleasure to recommend Dr. Finnan for appointment as Program Associate. Q REVISED N Page 6 of 61 C""" l'~ '-' Q "'" I ... G \~- - -. - ..• ----. , -.. _...._._----"'" o . I, r ( o 80IRD OP COOPBU.n:vB BDVCATIODL sanc:a 01' DSSaD' COUftI May 6. 19'3 PBOGMI MSOCIAD • IDVCU'IOML COINDIIlc;aTIOIS Job De,giptiop Tbe position of Program Associate - Educational Communi~tioaa is a certificated position. Appointment to the position shall be by the Board as reCO"lMnded by the Diatrict SUperintendent in accordance with Board Policy 4111.1 and 4112.1. Compensation and fringe benefits shall be set in accordance with the agreement between the Board and the educational administrators' bargaining unit. Onder the general supervision of the Executive Administrator or the Bducational Communications Center the Program Associate - Educational Communications is responsible ror the development and implementation of those activities (curriculum and software) necessary to effect the interconnection or school districts in Nassau County through a network designed for audio and video interactive activities or communications. Primary to thia efrort will be the overall design and support of school district programs identified as areas of high interactive inter.at by participating districts. o Specific duties will include but not be l~ited to: 1. Serve as a consul tant to school district administrators and teachers in the development of interactive curriculum and design. 4. Assist in the development and distribution of television program schedules for use by the ITPS systems operated by Nassau BOCBS. 2. Assist in training activities for Mon camera- teachers in an interactive network. s. Attend conferences and professional meetings directly related to ~Oistanc. Learning" and its curriculum areas; disseminate information. 3. Coordinate school district technical needs as related to the operation of both program and data transmission. Q i.\j ~ ~ ..... Page 7 of 61 - G \\ -..... o ---~ ..J (" ( (' ", o 8CWLD 01' COOPDI!l'I'VB BDUCAUODL SDVICJrS OW allDO COUJI'ft PDSCIIIBL AC'n0llS Kay 6# 1.9'3 ROQRNI ,ysocIAU • lDVCA'l'IOML cqMOllICAUOIS Job Dt.criptiga Coptiagcl 6. 7. 8. Assist school districts in the implementation of curriculum objectives in areas of needs that are identified.. 11. Chair the Distance Learning Advisory Camnittee. 12. Coordinate the Distance Learning Course Schedule with participating districts. Periodic visits to school d.istricts involved in interacti ve pilots to assist them to satisfy projected goals. 13. Research nev technologies related to curriculum used on the TeleCOlllllUnications Network that will be in the District Learning Classroom. Assist school districts in interactive programming transmission both technically and educationally. 14. Liaison with cablevision concerning the Telecommunications Network and the Distance Learning Program. Assist the Executive Administrator in the preparation of any material related either to grant or funding proposals. 15. Coordinate the Teleconference Service. 16. Develop (vi th the Executive Administrator) Distance Learning Budgets for participating districts. 17. Perfo~ Develop print/non-print materials concerning the Telecommunications Network and the Distance Learning Program. other related assignments as requested by the Executive Administrator of the Ccmnunicati.ons Center. Q l\j ~j Page 8 of 61 ~ N "" o G \' I 0 - ........... ., , J r I" ( 1 BCWlD OP COO,B1t.U'%V8 BDOCA!'IODL SD:VlCU 01' Dsa&1J COUftI liar 6, 19'3 I. '.r.opp.l IItt.r. - T••cbJ.aq E. agd Idllipi,tntiu, ARpoiptatptl.) - M4Qaa.rill apd Copfi4tptial ldp#pi't;wtoc',1 - Offic. of tbt Pi'tric' Igptriattp4tpt: Ttnur. Arta/ IMt. Bff.ctive Plt.l,) C.rtificatiOD Statu. ».aY lroaaa CQ"tat Op"ptiq,l Kuncham, Kishore 5/7/93 Field Accountant lI/A Kxecutiva Manager of Audit and Syat_ (IRt.mal Auditor) Salisbury Center (Poxmerly Senior AcCOUDtant Senior KaDager - AcCOUlltiug Replacement $54,000.00 for Donald per annum Range T-8 (Provisional penciing examination) 'l'tI1ura Ottanano Syat_) o D Page 9 of 61 "'" o G _ \' ! .... _ til ~ r /'" I' • O! BOJRD PIRSOmDL ACTIOIIS Kay 6, 1993 o Bxe cut i va Manager of Auc1it and Systems (Internal Auditor) Office of the District Superintendent Recommended Candidate Kiahore Kunchua Bffective Date Hay 7, 1993 Recommended Salary $54,000.00 per annum Number of Applicants Number Interviewed 4 I am pleased to recoamend the appointment of Hr. Kishore Kuncham to the position of Bxecutive Manager for Audit and Systems and Internal Auditor. accounting and audi ting experience in the banking sector vith Anchor Savings Bank as well as with the Indian Overseas Bank and the State Bank of India. Hr. Kuncham began his career at Nassau BOCES in 1989 as Hr. Kuncham possesses both a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and a Bachelor of Law from OSmAnia University in Hyderabad, India. He was awarded a Master of Business Administration with a concentration in Kanagement by Dowling College and anticipates completing the School Business Administrator program at Dowling this month. Manager of Accounting Services. Two years later he was promoted to Senior Manager of Accounting Services. In that title he was responsible for all management and financial accounting funclions of the business office. He supervised both administrative and support staff, oversaw the year-end closing of books, the annual audit and assisted in the design, planning and ~lementation of the computerization of the business office. Hr. Kuncham has been instrumental in automating and streamlining the annual budget development process. Prior to joining BOCES Mr. Kuncham had extensive 5 It is a pleasure to recommend a candidate whose training and experience in the areas of accounting and auditing, coupled with his in-depth knowledge of BOCES' financial operations, make him an excellent choice for this position. Q l\:J t'" ~ ~ ~ Page 10 of 61 "" G \' I o o ...... --- ~ J r " r I' I BOARD OJ' COOPERATIVE EDUCATIODL sancas OF •• &SAD CUUftS PDSOD"BL ACTIOIUJ Kay 6, 1"3 \-li; Job D1t'eriptioa The position of Bxecutive Hanager for Audit and Systems is a clusifie4 position certified by the Public Bmployment Relations Board as Hanagerial pursuant to Article 14 of the Civil Service Law of the State of New York. Appointment to the position shall be by the Board as reccameade4 by the District Superintendent in accordance with rules and regulations governing competitive positions of the Nassau County Civil Service Commission. Compensation and fringe benefits shall be set by the Board of Educatioa upon recommendation of the District Superintendent in accordance with Board Policy 4154. Genera1 pescription: Under general supervision and direction of the Deputy Superintendent~ the Executive Hanager for Audit and Systems, supervises, plans, and directs the Office of Audit and Sy8tems in c:oaducting internal audits and systems function studies. Specific duties shall include but not be l~ited to: 1. Serves as Internal Auditor to the Board of Cooperativa Educational Services. 2. Reviews, interprets, and applies controlling laws and administrative procedures and regulations to the audit of financial and fiscal records of the countywide installations and divisions of BOCKS. o 3. 4. equipment, buildings, or manpower to determine the degree to which they are utilized. 6. Conducts systems function studies in all divisions of BOCBS. 7. Analyzes data obtained for evidence of deficiencies in controls, duplication of effort, extravagance, fraud or lack of compliance with the Board's established policies or procedures. 8. Prepares reports of findings and makes recommendations to administrators. Examines books of original entry, ledgers, and supporting records to insure proper recording of transactions. Inspects accounting systems to determine their efficiency and protective value. 9. 5. Reviews records pertaining to material usets, such u Directs and supervises subordinate staff. ~ "'~ :r~ ~ Page 11 of 61 C~ r..11 "" G , 'I ,I ,I 0 o - .... ..-- . ~ r ( 1 BOARD OP COOPDA!'IW muca.UODL aanca c. DSsaU COUIIfI - 7 6. 1993 Job Pt,criptigg CogtiaPM o 10. Assesses the audit implicatiCXUI of accounting guidelines issued by the State Bducation Department and the State Department of Audit and Control. 11. Serves on or acts as chairman of various task forces to design efficient and economical systems and procedures. 12. Perfor.ms all other duties as assigned by the Deputy Superintendent. , Q N ~ C!".j Page 12 of 61 Q') ""'" G (-'I -... o ---~ i .J" r ~ (' o BCWlD 0' COOPBItAn:ft IDDCA.Uc:.u, aanca OW DSIAV COWli Dy 6, 1993 I. f,r'oppel Matter, - Teaehipq apd AdPI'ai'tratiD: F. Appointment(,) - Adult proqraa - Divi,iOQ of Qceupatiopal I4gq.,iopl .... Tenure Eff,ctivt Pat.(,) Arlal Certification StatUI 1'tDun bSa ProalM CCWMAt C!-?M.atiop Hoey, Peter 04/01/93 06/30/93 Non-tenured Area S/A S/A Part-cime Iascructor Oil Burner - Honeywell Evening Program Raa,au Tech/westbury Adult Enrollment $17.00 per hour 50 hours $850.00 maximum Kessler, Ellen 04/12/93 06/30/93 Non - tenured. R/A Part -cillle Adult Educa tor - ABE • rcaaaau Tech/carle Place Replacement for Lazar Alraeleb $20.00 per hour 165 hours $3,300.00 maximum 03/08/93 06/30/93 Son - tenured Area R.N. Licensed S/A Part· time Instructor • Adult Enrollment $25.00 per hour 350 hours $8,750.00 maximum Murray, Patricia o Area - Certified - Clinical - Adult LPN flaasau Tech/Westbury :> l\:J ~ ~"., • Federally funded program. -.J Page 13 of 61 "" o G .J \' 'I r ( ( 0' BCWt.D OF COOPBRATIVE BDtJC.U'IOIIAL SDVIc:as Mar x. o••asaau ,...,...., 6. 19'3 r.r.opp.l Hatt.r, - T.,ching apeS Aclaipi'tr.tiyt: G. APpointmept (,) - Divi.ioa of Speci.l Bdua tiog : 111M Abes, Lisa Bffective pate(.) Tenur. Area/ Certificatioa St.tu. Tenw:. IlaY. rroq,. Cmr'Rt Ccap·R··tiog Replacement for Angela Rosado $31,039.00 per annum. Replacement for Stephen Honig $35,000.00 per annum Reinstatement Increased Enrollment $37,930.00 per annum $19,500.00 per annum. 03/29/93 06/30/93 Non-eenured Area Cereifieaeion Pending B/A Bailey, Thomas 05/01/93 Uncertified Approval Requested 05/01/96 Brown, Kathleen 04/01/93 Special Subject • School Social Worker - Certified 11/13/94· School Social Worker BOC •• - Jericho/Ames (CUrrently School Social Worker (.5)) Brunn, Lisa 04/20/93 Non-tenured Area Certified M/A Increased Half-time School Enrollment Poychologist - BOC • Jericho (CUrrently School Psychologist (.2» Labelson, Linda 05/01/93 - Non-tenured Area 06/30/93··· Certified M/A Temporary Teacher Bagle Avenue (CUrrently Temporary Teacher) o TeaIporary Teacber - Hearing I.lllpaired Bethpage (CUrrently Sub.titute Teacher) Teacher Food Preparaeion • CCA Rosemary Kennedy Center Replacement for Eileen Wallace * Has served one year, four months and eighteen days probation as School Social Worker. ** Nassau Couney funded program. *** Extension of appointment aa reported on December 17, 1992 Personnel Actions Report. $31,039.00 per annum :> N ~ c.." ex> Page 14 of 61 v G o _............ ..J '" \: I 0' 8CWtD OJ' COOPJalAUVE f DUCAftc.u. saanca 0. IIa7 x. ". ( ( 'II' IlUSlU eOUWfI 19'3 'er.oppel MAtter. - "lgh!Pa ap4 !detpi't;atiytl .... B. AppolAtMAt. - '\lb.t1tutt Jackson, Robert TMqbKt s Iffectin paa CCWlRHtiOA 04/15/93 - 09/08/93 ,68.00 per day • o Q ~ * Subject to negotiations. ~ C.,.j e.c Page 15 of 61 '" G 'I o _.... o -- ~ ~ r ( (' <. BOalD OF COOPERA.n:Va BDOCAt'IODL SDVIC2S OJ' •• 88AU COUJI'f1' May 6, 1993 I. '.nopp.l Hatt.r, - T••chlpq ap4 Me'pi,t:ratiD: I. Appointptptl,) - COD,ultapt.: COISVLTAMTS - Offic. of tbt Pi'trip; SuP.rtpt.pdlpt: Dattl,) lIB ,eeeptiy! Kurz, Shirley 04/05/93 - 06/30/93 Liebert, Diane 04/06/93 - 05/03/93 CqIIzM.·tiOll M·i""=pt; Develop:aent of Data ProceaaiDg 793 Plan - Inatitutioaal Reaearch/BvaluatiOll Develop the Continuation Grant for Projecta With Induatry - IDatitutiaaal $325.00 per day 11 days $3,575.00 maximum Performance Contract $2,000.00 maximum Reaearch/Bvaluatioa o Q ~ l\,j ~ ~ o Page 16 of 61 "'" G \' I o \ ---~ ~ (. ;J~ I - ..... o BCWlD 0' COOPI'RATIU J r ( 1I:D1JCAU..u. 8DV1c::a a. a.SUD COUWli ~I ~i May 6, lJ'3 ,I I' I. P,r'opnel latter. - T,achipq yd Me'ai.tntiD: 1. Appointmept t,) - COIl,ultant,: .... COISVL'l'AM'J.'S - Divi.ion of Copput9r apeS CoMuaiCAtiou S1In1.C1I'1 Seck, Mildred affecti,. PItef,) 04/01/93 - 06/30/93 Cswpta.atioa At·i9PMP t COUr.. - Ina.rvice Facilitate math •••• iona with local teaChera CIHS Hath • - lIicrOCClllPUter SUpport Services $200.00 per day 3 days $600.00 maximum o Q • State funded program. N t" c:,..., .... ~ Page 17 of 61 '"' o G ... ( \j ___ t# I .../ r I o ~ :j r ( BOUD OF COOPDATIVB BDOC&'f'IODL &aaV%C'JIS 01' _SSW COUWfI ~ l1 J , 19'3 )lay " I. '.r'ODpIl . . tttr, - T"ehiaa apeS Ad-tpi't;atiyls I. Appoiptment (., - CODlultaRt.: COMStlL'r,yrrS - pivi.ion of Ip,trvctiopal PrMTIP' apeS s.rnC9'1 CcwpID·,tioa IIIH Bff.ctive P.t.(" AI.iqp=pt Alverez, Zulma 04/19/93 • 06/01/93 Erlric:b:le.nt Caaaultaat - Great Neck/Hanbaaa.t/BOCBS Parent OJild HaDe $50.00 per day Program $50.00 maximum Inaervice Courae • -Cooperative $700.00 per day Learning sasic Level Training- Lawrence - CUrriculum St~f 3 days $2,100.00 maximum Development Plus expenses Archibald Marcus, Sue 04/1S/93 - OS/26/93 . . .1 1 day $1,500.00 maximum Baldwin, Joyce 04/28/93 - OS/28/93 o Balka, Donald S. 06/29/93 . 06/29/93 Workshop Leader - ·Writing About Science- - Grade. 9-12 - Roalyn - Arts in Education $200.00 per day InserviC8 Course - -Manipulative Mathematics- • Port washington - $800.00 per day 2 days $1,600.00 maximum Cooperative Staff Devlepmept 1 day $200.00 maximum Plus expenses $900.00 maximum Barahona, Bva 04/19/93 - 06/01/93 Enrichment Consultant - Great Neck/Hanhasset/BOCES Parent Child Home $50.00 per day Program $50.00 maximum 1 day Q ~ ~ Page 18 of 61 "" G (- , \' 'I I o d o ..) /" ( acwm OP COOPBR.lnVB SDUCH%ODL SDVtc::a OP DSS&U comr.rr J ~~ Kay 6, 1"3 J ~ :1 ~~I I. '.r.ogpel Hatter. - f.aching apd Adptpi.trlt'.,: I. AppolDtMDt(.) - Cop.ultapt.: CQMSQLTAITS - Divi.iop of Ip.trvctiopal o 'roar',' ag4 Strtict.: C!WlIp.atioa lUI. Iff.ctiye Dat.,.) AI.icmMpt. BeAudrie, Charles 04/02/93 - 04/30/93 Workshop Leader - •Abracadabra 1 It's Hagic- - Bellmore/Herrick - CCDference for Kids - Gifted and TaleDted $200.00 per day 2 days $400.00 maximum Brennan, Maureen 03/01/93 - 06/30/93 Staff Development Training - Plainedge - Compact Implementation Program $132.78 per hour 16 hours $2,124.48 maximum Buckner, Janice 03/26/93 - 04/26/93 Performances - -Songs of the Differently Abled- - Grades K-S Bethpage - Arts in Bducation 1 $600.00 per day ~y $600.00 maximum Buckner, Janice 04/20/93 - OS/20/93 Performance· -Everybody's Special- Grades K-S - Wantagh - Arts in Bducation $450.00 per day 1 day $450.00 maximum Buckner, Janice OS/28/93 - 06/28/93 Performance - .. Everybody's Special- Grades K-l - Hevlett-W~re - Arts in Bducation $400.00 per day 1 day $400.00 maximum Buckner, Janice 04/02/93 - 05/02/93 Performances • -There Are Many Ways to Tell a Story- - Grades K-S Hicksville· Arts in Education Performance Contract $500.00 maximum Q N ~ Page 19 of 61 ~ v G '\, o I. t 1:1 (') ) (. ," ( BOIJU) or COOPDAttIW 1m00000ODL SD:VICU 01' DSSA1J COUIIif! ~ I ~ II II i i Kay 6. 19'3 I. P.E'ODD.l Hatt.E. • Tt.ebipq &ad AdP'pi.tratiY': I. AppoiPtMpt('). Coa,ultaDtl: COIStlL'l'AMTS • piyi.iop of In.tructiop.al Proqr'.' &ad Serdqelt COIptR1 • tioa II!!A .ff.ctiye Dat,«,) AlliClDMllt Buckner, Janice 06/10/93 - 06/30/93 Perfonunce - "l!Iuaic Show" - Grades Pre-K-K - Hevlett-Woodmere - Arta in Educatioo $500.00 per day 1 day $500.00 maximum Cariola, Robert 04/01/93 - 04/30/93 Workshop Leader - "Watercolor World" • Conference for Kids - Gifted and Talented $225.00 per day 1 day $225.00 maximum Carter, Panchita 04/27/93 - OS/27/93 Workshop Leader - "Jewelry Demonstration" . Grades 9 -12 - Roslyn $200.00 per day 1 day $200.00 maximum - Arts in Education ;0 Collins, Christina 04/02/93 - 05/02/93 in Educatioo $300.00 per day 1 day $300.00 maximum Workshop Leader - "000 Diego Dance Troupe" - Grades K-5 - Wantagh - Art. Connors, Mary 03/01/93 - 06/30/93 Staff Development Training for Shared Decision-Making • Cc=pact Implementation Program $132.78 per day 16 days $2,124.48 maximum CUllinan, Bernice 03/27/93 Inservice Course • ·Uaing Literature in the Reading and Writ.ing Program" • Port Waabington • CUrriculum Staff $1,000.00 per day 1 day $1,000.00 maximum Develcxxnent ::> N 1\, c:..= ~ Page 20 of 61 ~ v G (') "~ ( ( o I BCWlD OP COOPDATIVB BDOC&T'IOIIIL saVlCU 01' DSSID CUUh'Z ~ I, " Kay 6. 1"3 J I P,r'Oppll Hattlr. - Te,chlpg apd "slplpi,tntiD: I. 11 \.m,I I. Appointpltnt (.) - COD.vltaatr': CONSULTANTS - Diyi.ion of In.trvctiopal 'rogr',' IA4 o ItE!iQl'1 IIH Efflctiye Datr'(') AI·iCIIIMRtr CUnningham Bertocci, Susanmarie 04/23/93 - OS/23/93 Performance - -A Family Album- • Grades JIC-5 - Wantagh - Art. in Education 1 day CcaRID'ltioa $450.00 per day $450.00 maximum DeHauro, Karen 04/13/93 - 05/16/93 Workshop Leader - -Acting Re.idency· Grade 5 - FaDliDgdale - .tn. in Education $350.00 per day 4 day. $1,400.00 maximum DeMilo, Ingrid 03/01/93 - 06/30/93 Staff Development Training for Shared Decision-Hating - Compact Implementation Program $132.78 per day 16 days $2,124.48 maximum Doboe, Chet 04/14/93 • OS/28/93 Workshop Leadex - -Percu.sion Clinician- - Grades 9-12 - Bast Headow - Arts in Education Dumas, Charles 04/01/93 • 04/30/93 Workshop Leader· -All the World'. A Stage - Section 2- - Conlerence for Kids - Bellmore/Kerrick • Gifted and Talented Dumas, Josephine 04/01/93 - 04/30/93 Workshop Leader· -All the World'. A Stage - Section 2- - Conference for Kids • Bellmore/Kerrick • Gifted and Talented Performance Contract $175.00 maximum $250.00 per day 1 day $250.00 maximum '\ $250.00 per day 1 day $250.00 maximum Q ~ ~ Page 21 of 61 ~ CJ1 "" ~"- ( :1 - ...... - o ... ~ r I' ( o 8OAIt.D OP COOPBRATIVB EDUCAUODL SD'1lCU a. aASSAD c:omrft' pa6t.WOI. AC'I'lOllS May 6. 1993 PIE'OPPIl Mattlr, - I. i ~':l I. ""chlRq apeS AdaJpi,mtlD: Appoiptment(,) - Con,ultapt,: COMSQLTNfl'S - P1v1,1oD of IR'truct1optl ';parM' apd IKrict'l HIH Ifflctivl Datt(" AI ,iqpMR I; Fallon, Debbie 03/01/93 - 06/30/93 Staff Development Training for Shared CQlllHtP'Al;ioa Decision-MAking - Carapact Impleme.ntacioo Program Fauci, Paula Fix, Bill o Fix, Bill 04/19/93 - 06/01/93 04/23/93 - OS/23/93 OS/28/93 - 06/28/93 $132.78 per day 16 days $2,124.48 maximum Enrichment Consultant - Great Neck/Manhasset/BOCIS Parent Child HOme Program $50.00 per day Performance - -Bxploring OUr Wild World- - Grades K-6 • Bellmore Arts in Education $330.00 per day 1 day $50.00 maximum 1 day $330.00 maximum $300.00 per day Performance - -Exploring OUr Wild World- - GrAdes K-6 • Valley Sream #30 - Arts in Education 1 day $300.00 maximum Franceschini, Frank 03/01/93 - 06/30/93 Staff Development Training for Shared Decision-Making - Compact ImplementAtion Program $132.78 per day 16 days $2,124.48 maximum Goldman, Dave 04/23/93 - OS/23/93 Performances - -Multi-CUltural Music Program- - GraeSes 7 - Farmingdale Arts in Education 1 day $300.00 per day $300.00 maximum o ~ ~ Page 22 of 61 O"'J """ I\ 0 ~- .........- .. - ... - o .. .... . , .".".. ...) o :1 r ( I" I BCWtD OP COOPDAnvB BDD<'!U'1ODL aaVlCU , ., ~ '1 1 ·1 .~I May 6. 1993 I. r,r.opn.l Natter. - Teaebipq ap4 A4a'pl.t;atlyts I. Appointmept(.) - Coplultapt.: CONSUL'.l'Nrl'S - pivi.ion ot Ip.truetiOQll o DSSAD COCJii'tI PDSOIIII, AC'fl0ll8 l ~ ow ,;ogr". apd lenin.s IIHJ. stteetly! Dat,(., AI·lq"Mpt cs-wea.atioa Golub, 'lbelma 04/19/93 - 06/01/93 Enric:bIDeDt Coaaul taDt - Gr.at Neck/Hanhaaaet/BOCBS Parent Child HCII'IIe Program $50.00 per day 1 day $50.00 maximum Grossman, Florence 05/02/93 - 06/22/93 Workshop Leader - -Poetry- - Grades 6-8 • Great Reck • Art. in Bducation Performance Contract $1,900.00 maximum Hess, Diane 03/01/93 - 06/30/93 Staff DavalOS-Dt Training • PlaiD'dge - Ccapact l.aIplementation Program $132.78 per hour 16 hours $2,124.48 maximum Hotaling, Brenda 04/19/93 - 06/01/93 EnrichmeDt Coosultant . Great Neck/Hanhass.t/BOCBS Parent Child Home Program $50.00 per day 1 day $50.00 maximum Infantino, Robert 04/01/93 - 04/30/93 Workshop Leader· -Abracadabra! It's Hagic- . Bellmore/Merrick . Conference for Kids • Gifted and Talented $200.00 per day 1 day $200.00 maximum Johnson, Betty 04/13/93 - 04/15/93 Inservice Course - -Reading Teachers w . Freeport/Fa,nrlingdale • National Transitional Reading Program . $400.00 per day 2 days $800.00 maximum Plus expenses $700.00 maximum Curriculum Staff Development Q l'-' M ~ ~ Page 23 of 61 ........ G o _...,... _ _ ( . o .J J I' , ( ( ! j:! BOARD 'I " or COOPDATIVB BD1JCAUODL saVlca OF Dsa&U couey ~ tl ) ,"i Hay 6. 19'3 P.rponnel Hatter. - 'l'.aehlpg ap.d aa'pl,tnti".: I. Appoiptmentl.) - Con.ultant.: I. CONSULTANTS - Divi.ion of In.tryctiopal Pr99T'P' tAd ServiCl'z CCPp.p.ltiOQ ~ 'fl.etlY' pat.l.) AI,lQRMPt Jorg, Liz 04/20/93 - OS/20/93 Workabop Leader - -Liz Jorg- - Grade 7 - Garden City - Arta in Bducation $500.00 per day 1 day $500.00 maximum Jorg, Liz ,0 04/27/93 - OS/29/93 Performance Contract Workshop Leader - • Storyboards· Grades 9-12 - Plainedge - Arts in Bctucation $1,300.00 maximum Joyce, Joanne 03/01/93 - 06/30/93 Staff DevelqaeDt Training • Plainedg. - Ca:apa~ laIplementatioo Program $132.18 per hour 16 hours $2,124.48 maximum Katz, Rachel 05/12/93 - 06/12/93 Perfo~ces • ·Storytelling with Origami- - Grade K-6 - Baldwin - Arts in Bducation $350.00 per day 1 day $350.00 maximum Kaufman, Barbara 04/13/93 - 04/15/93 Inservice Course - -Reading Teachers- Freeport/Farudngdale . National Transitional Reading Program . $400.00 per day 2 days $800.00 maximum Plus expenses $1,000.00 maximum Curriculum Staff Development Kobray f Dennis 04/16/93 - 05/16/93 . -Heet the Musician- • Grades K·5 - Bethpage - Arts in Education Perfo~ceG $550.00 per day 1 day $550.00 maximum o ~ ~ ~~ Page 24 of 61 CO ....., o 'I o -.) r oj I /' ( BOARD OP COOPBRAnvB mDCAnODL SBRVXCU OJ' DSDU COUttl :i ~ ,: II ~ lCay 6. 19'3 Per'opnel Matter•• Te.chipq apeS AdaiRi.tntiD: I. I. 011 Appointmept«,) - Cop.ultapt.: Ccpp.p.atioa IIJg Sffectiv. Datt«.) At.iSllllllpt Korman, Gordon 06/15/93 - 06/30/93 Performance. • -Author Grade 6 - Bethpage Arts in Bduc:ation lCrafchik, Pamela 03/01/93 - 06/30/93 Staff Development Training for Shared Decision-HIking - Compact Implementation Program $132.78 per day 16 days $2,124.48 maximum Lawrence, Stella 05/01/93 - 05/31/93 Spanish Speaking Consultant - Great Neck/Hanhaaset/BOCBS Parent Child Heme Program $100.00 per day 5 days $500.00 maximum Lipsite, Robert 05/01/93 - 06/30/93 Workshop Leader - -Writing Lecture- Grades 8-9 - Va.lley Stream CHSD - Arts in Bducation $800.00 per day 1 day $800.00 maximum Mahler, Paul 04/01/93 - 04/30/93 Workshop Leader - -You Be The Doctor Section 2- - Conference for Kids Bellmore/Merrick . Gifted and Talented 1 day Mauro, Celeste 03/18/93 - 06/30/93 ~arance· • lnaervice Cou~se . -Base Yourself Into Computers: Microsoft Word on the Macintosh- . Roslyn - CUrriculum Staff Development $1,000.00 per day 1 day $1,000.00 maximum $200.00 per day $200.00 maximum $40.00 per hour 6 hours $240.00 maximum :> N ~ Page 25 of 61 ,>l.:,. ~ "'" (;) ~~ \1 o .... o - .............. ~ r •i 1 I ( .1 :1 8CWlD OP COOPDA!'IVB muc.a.UODL SDVlC2S 1~ a. WISDIJ COOJIft ~ 'I ~ xay 6. 1993 'er.apnel Hatter. - 1e.chipq lAd A""ial.tratl".: I. I ,Ill! I. AppoiPtmept«.) - Cop.ultapt.: COHStlL'l'M'l.'S - Divi.iQA ot Ip.tructiop.al hwr_ apd SHria': Ccpp.Q•• tiop HHR stf.ctlY' Dat.«.) AI.iqQMRSi Murphy, Victoria 03/01/93 - 06/30/93 Staff Developaent TraiDiDg for Shared $132.78 per day Oeciaion-HaJtiDg - Ccmpac:t. 16 days Implementation Program $2,124.48 maximum Staff Development Training for Shared $132.78 per day Orland, Scott Razvin, Alexandr 03/01/93 - 06/30/93 04/30/93 - 05/30/93 Oecision-KakiDg - Caapac:t. 16 days Implementation Program $2,124.48 maximum Presentation - -Ru.sian CUlture- Farmingdale - Arts in Education $500.00 per day 1 day $500.00 maximum o Razvin, Alexandr Reilly Giff, Patricia 04/26/93 - OS/26/93 03/11/93 - 04/11/93 Performance - ·Session CD Ru •• ia- Grades 7 - 8 - Manhasset - Arts in $250.00 per day Education $250.00 maximum Workshop Leader - ·Author Visit e Bethpage - Arts in Education - 1 day $1,300.00 per day 1 day $1,300.00 maximum Revels-Bey, Napoleon Revels-Bey, Napoleon 03/30/93 - 04/30/93 03/26/93 - 04/26/93 Performances . -Revella the Clown- and -The Joy of Jazz· - Hempstead - Arts $885.00 per day in Education $885.00 maximum Performance . -Rhyt.hm Kings- Hempstead • Arta in Education $350.00 per day 1 day 1 day $350.00 maximum ':'!> i:\.j l'~ ..' C,11 o Page 26 of 61 " G ( 'I J I ( ( o L \ ____~ BCWtJ) OP COOPBRATIVB BDOCA'f'IOIaL SDVlCSS CW .&SSAU COUftI /,t, ;; PDSOII'Imr. .IC'!'lOll8 I' ,I " Kay 6. 1993 1:. R.r,onp.l Matter, I. 'l'•• ch.1pq apd A"aSpi,tr'tiD: Appointment (,) - Con,ulttat.: CQHSQLTANTS - Dlvl.lop of In.trvctiopal r;ogr'" apd St;yiCl': CQIIR9p•• tioa BII!I. Ifflcti. . D'tt") AI.1S!R"Pt. Rich, Anna Of/26/93 - OS/26/93 Performance. - -Book Illustrating- Grade. 9 -12 - Ro.lyu - Arts in lducatioa Shall, Michael Of/Ol/93 - Of/30/93 Workahop Leader - "Origami Paperfolding for Bveryone" - Grades 5-6 • Conference tor Kids - Gifted and Talented $250.00 per day 1 day $250.00 maxiDlUlll Smirnov, Natalia Of/28/93 - OS/28/93 Performance. - "Moiseyev Dancer." • Grade 8 - Hanhasset . Arts in $550.00 per day 1 day $550.00 maxiDlUlll Education o $200.00 per day 1 day $200.00 maxiDlUlll Stolzenberg, Mark 03/23/93 - 04/23/93 Perto~ce - ·Pieroute , Pieroutte" Hicksville • Art. in Bducation $550.00 per day 1 day $550.00 maximum Taylor, Lucy OS/25/93 - 06/28/93 Workshop Leader· • Watercolor " Grades 7 -12 - Manhas.et - Art. in $200.00 per day 3 days $600.00 maximum Education Taylor, Lucy 04/20/93 - OS/20/93 Workshop Leader - "Watercolor" • Grade. 7 - Bellmore/Herrick • Art. in Education $200.00 per day 2 days $400.00 maximum o N l\' CrJ C:.J'1 Page 27 of 61 ~ "" G ( ':j () I ----......,..~-~ r oJ I ',1 " BCWtD 01' COOPBlATIVB DUCA'l'IOUL SIIlVIc.a .,t 'I'. a. DSSAD COUIIft PDSOIDL ACnOllS I ~ II May 6, 1993 " 1~ 1:. Per'onne1 Hatter. - Teacbipq apd A4alqi'tEatl,., \ \Jlj I. Appointment'.) - Cop.ult.apt.: CQlSULTAH'J.'S - pivi.ion of 1:p.trvctiopal Proar'p' apd Serric;e'l Cqapu·atioa B.IH scc'ctlY' Dat.e.) Aa·lqgMllt Tobeni, Jennifer 04/19/93 - 06/01/93 Enrichment Consultant - Great Neck/Manhaaset/BOCBS Parent Child Heme Program Tobias, Carol 03/01/93 - 06/30/93 Staff Developaent Training - Plainedge COIIIpact Implementation Program $50.00 per day 1 day $50.00 maximum $132.78 per hour 16 hours $2,124.48 maximum Winowitch, Robert o Yu Ellsworth, Blizabeth 01/13/93 - 02/13/93 04/01/93 - 04/30/93 $150.00 per day Workshop Leader - -Artifacta of the Revolutionary War- - Grade 1 • saat 1 day Williston . $150.00 maximum Ar~a in Education Workshop Leader - -Oriental Brush $230.00 per day Painting - Section 2- . Conference for Kids - Bellmore/Merrick - Gifted and Talented 1 day $230.00 maximum Q l'\.j 1\' ~ en l\:) Page 28 of 61 - G ( '\ o -... ...,.., .. J r I' ( 0 Ii" BCWlD OP C:OOPIDtAUV'B I:DUCArIODL r. savxas 01' D8S.l1J comr.rr " "J 1,I . .y 6, 1993 f' :1 I l> I. '.r,opn.l Hatt.r, • T"chiRq ap4 Jdplpi.t;atiyt, I, \.lIi\ I. Appoiptmegt (,) • Con,ultut. % CQMSULTNI'l'S • Lapgu.ge 'roanu . piYi,iop of lplmagtiopal boa'_ ap4 SHrin'l CQIR'p'ltiop 11M. ICCectiye pat' I" M.iqgMDt Baptiste, Yves Richard 03/29/93 • 06/30/93 Bducatioaal Bvaluatioaa • Haitian/Creole $180.00 per evaluation. 10 evaluations $1,800.00 maximum DiBenedetto, Bnza Haria Ot/19/93 • 06/30/93 Psychological. Bvaluatioa8 - Italian $260.00 per evaluation 10 evaluations $2,600.00 maximum Roca, Eva 03/30/93 - 06/30/93 Worksbop Leader· ·Counseling and the Culturally Linguistically Diverse Special Bducatioo Student" . SETAe .. $150.00 per day 10 days $1,500.00 maximum o .:::> N t·~, ~ • State funded program. c.n '-"' Page 29 of 61 ...., I "',"... 'I 0 • - . . PC ", I .,.", ... ( j o I!.: \ 0 /" BO.Ut.D OP COOPBRATIW BDucu-IODL n " "II PB'RSOIIIIKL aaancu op .ass.au COO'.ftY .acrIoa I ~ Kay 6. 1"3 P,r'opp,l Matt,r•• 'l',achlpa apd adaJpi'tr.tiD' I. 1 .al: I. Appointment'" - Con.ult.apt.: COHSVL'l'ANTS • Outdoor Educatiop • pivi.iop of lpItrvctiopal 2;oa"" apd lIryiCl" CoIIp.D •• tiOD HIH 'ff'ctive pat,e" lI.iqgMpt Arluck, Richard 05/17/93 - OS/21/93 Overnight SUpervision· Resident CUp Program - last Williston $90.00 per night 4 nights $360.00 maximum Avenoso, cathleen 05/10/93 - 05/13/93 Overnight. Supervision· Resident camp Program • Lynbrook $95.00 per night 3 nights $285.00 maximum Bassin, Blaine OS/20/93 • OS/21/93 Overnight. Supervision· Resident Camp Program • Bast. Williston $90.00 per night 1 night $90.00 maximum o Belardi, Diane 05/17/93 - OS/21/93 Overnight Supervision . Resident Camp Program . Bast Williston $90.00 per night 4 nights $360.00 maximum Blanchfield, Linda 03/09/93 • 03/13/93 Overnight. Supervioion • Resident Camp Program . Syosoet $63.00 per night 4 nights $252.00 maximum Bodnar, Brigitte 05/17/93 • OS/21/93 Overnight Supervision . Resident Camp Program . East Williston $90.00 per night 4 nights $360.00 maximum Carney, Anna 05/02/93 • 05/06/93 Overnight Supervision . Resident Camp Program . Ticonderoga $45.00 per night 4 nights $180.00 maximum o l\j I'll' '"" ~" Page 30 of 61 ~ - G '\ o - ........... I JI r 0, I: \ Ii ,r I' BOARD OP C:OOPBR.U'nB mUCAnOllAL aancu a. DSSm COUJft'1 " t. I PDSOIDIBr, ACnOllS May 6. 19'3 P.r'QMel Matte,. • T.,chW lAd Mzetpi.tntlD' I. I. Appoiptment'.)· Cog.ultlnt.: COHSULTANTS • Qutdoor Bducation • pivi.iog of IRltrvctiopal "ogle" apd Stryiq'" III!Ul Bffectiv, pat".) AI,iCUlMRt Davis, Nancy 05/17/93 • OS/21/93 Overnight SUpervisioo - Resident Camp Program - Eaat Villistoo CQllPtp.'tiOD $90.00 per night 4 nights $360.00 maximum DeChristopher, Darlene 03/09/93 • 03/13/93 Overnight Supervision· Resident Camp Program - Syoa.et $63.00 per night 4 nights $252.00 maximum Dederick, Jenn 05/02/93 • 05/06/93 Overnight Superviaioo - Reaident Camp $45.00 per night Program - Ticaaderoga 4 nights $180.00 maximum o Fitzpatrick, Thomas 05/17/93 • OS/21/93 Overnight Supervisioo - Resident Camp Program • Baat Villiston $90.00 per night 4 nights $360.00 maximum Goldstein, Anita 03/09/93 • 03/13/93 Overni.ght Superviaioa • Reaident Camp Program • Syo••et $63.00 per night 4 nights $252.00 maximum Haag, Bernard 05/10/93 • 05/13/93 Overnight Supervision • Resident Camp $95.00 per night Program· Lynbrook 3 nights $285.00 maximum Kiely, Brian 05/02/93 • 05/06/93 Overnight Supe.rviaioa - Resident Camp $45.00 per night Program • Ticonderoga 4 nights $180.00 maximum 1-:':) "" l\j '-' '..11 Page 31 of 61 CJ1 '" f \ ~ 0 "eM • ~ J i .. ==..- \1 ,. ( ~ / BCWlD 01' COOPBUTIVB BDOCA'nODL 1:1 t: saancu op DSSl.U comrrr • I, " llay 6. lJ'3 f,r'ODp,l Matt," • ,...eblpq I. I. lAd a.'pi,t;r.tiuz Appoiptmept',). Cop.ultapt.: COBSOL'l'Nrl'S • OUtdoor Sducation - Dlvl,iog o( Ipttructlogal p.t,«,) BAH Stt,ctly! Kraeger, Judith 05/10/93 - 05/13/93 'rog'_ ap4 SHyic;e,z Cqp!pR,.tioa AI·iClDMQt Overnight Supervi.ioa - Re,ident Camp $95.00 per night ProgrUl - Lynbrook 3 nights $285.00 maximum Levy, Karen 03/09/93 - 03/13/93 Overnight Superviaion • Reaident Camp Program - Syoa.et $63.00 per night 4 nights $252.00 maximum MacDonald, Thomas 05/10/93 - 05/13/93 Overnight Superviaioa • Reaident Camp $95.00 per night Program - Lynbrook 3 nights $285.00 maximum o Mattera, Josephine 05/10/93 • 05/13/93 Overnight Superviaioa • Reaident camp $95.00 per night Program • Lynbrook 3 nights $285.00 maximum May, Linda 03/09/93 - 03/13/93 Overnight Supervision • Resident Camp Program • Syosset $63.00 per night 4 nights $252.00 maximum McMahon, James 05/10/93 - 05/13/93 Overnight Supervision - Resident Camp $95.00 per night Program • Lynbrook 3 nights $285.00 maximum Mohrman, Sheila 05/17/93 • OS/21/93 Overnight Supervision . Resident Camp Program- East Williston $90.00 per night 4 nights $360.00 maximum .::-J ~ l\' ~ ~J1 Page 32 of 61 0" - I ~~ ~ (~I .. o o -........ J I ( ~ I:! / ( BOUD OP COOPBRATIVK mtJO.UODL sav.ICKS 0. RISSAU Couafl ',.: " I I~ lCay 6. 19'3 . -, I. I. ,.r'OM.l Matt,r. - 'l'9aehipq apeS A""'pl'tratiD: Appointm.nt (.) - Con.ultut.: COBSUL'l'Nfl'S - OUtdoor Bducltiop - piyi.ion of Iu"»ctiqpal 'I'OCII_ ap4 Bvy!q.,s CQIR.D.ltlop JIIH Sff,ctlY' Dat,(.) M·lcuw.a~ Padilla, Luis 05/17/93 - OS/21/93 Overnight Supervision - Resident Camp Program - Bast Williston $90.00 per night 4 nights $360.00 maximum Pribek, Beverly 05/17/93 - OS/21/93 Overnight Supervision - Resident Camp Program . Bast Williston $90.00 per night 4 nights $360.00 maximum Rhinehart, Maureen 03/09/93 - 03/13/93 Overnight Supervision - Resident Camp Program - Syoss.t $63.00 per night 4 nights $252.00 maximum o Russell, Mary Gail 05/02/93 - 05/06/93 Overnight Supervision - Resident Camp Program - Ticonderoga $45.00 per day 4 days $180.00 maximum Sellers, Deborah 05/17/93 - OS/21/93 Overnight Supervision - Resident C3mp Program - Bast Williston $90.00 per night 4 nights $360.00 maximum Stoeber, Louise 05/17/93 - OS/21/93 Overnight Supervision - Resident Camp Program - Bast Williston $90.00 per night 4 nights $360.00 maximum Tsaousis, Mary Irene 05/17/93 - OS/21/93 Overnight Supervision • Resident Camp Program . Bast Williston $90.00 per night 4 nights $360.00 maximum o N ...,-" .....I ~ C:)1 -..l Page 33 of 61 - o ~'- \1 o .) ( o I: I / BOARD OF COOPDA1'IVB BDUCATIODL SlRVICU OF DSSAU COUft1' ~ i' ,i .! Kay 6, 1993 f.r,opp.l Hatter, - 1'eachipg ape! A4aipi,tratm, I. I. Appoiptment (,) - Con,ultapt.: CONSULTANTS - OUtdoor Education - Divi.ion of IRItrvctiopal Proq;_ lAd s.rnc•• : ,01 IlIH Bff.ctiy! Dat.(.) AI'iSJ'RMPt Vaughn, Rosemarie 05/17/93 - OS/21/93 Overnight Superviaioo - Reaident camp Program - Eaat Nilliatoo $90.00 per night " nights $360.00 maximum Vitelli, Harie 05/10/93 - 05/13/93 Overnight Supervisioo - Resident Camp Program - Lynbrook $95.00 per night 3 nights $285.00 maximum Walsh, Joseph 05/10/93 - 05/13/93 Overnight Supervisicn - Resident Camp Program - Lynbrook $95.00 per night 3 nights $285.00 maximum Whi t tam, Dennis 05/10/93 - 05/13/93 Overnight Superviaicn - Resident Camp Program - Lynbrook $95.00 per night 3 nights $285.00 maximum Yosca, Patricia 05/10/93 - 05/13/93 Overnight Supervisicn - Resident Camp Program - Lynbrook $95.00 per night 3 nights $285.00 maximum Zumbrunn, Sllen 05/10/93 - 05/13/93 Overnight Suparvisicn - Resident Camp Program • Lynbrook $95.00 per night 3 nights $285.00 maximum Comp.p,ation Q N l'~' ~ '.;1 Page 34 of 61 CO "'" G 0 _ ( I JM...."". ..4 I _~,,~.... ~_.J r (. I 0. \ t, BCWt.D OP COOPBRA1TV8 BDoc&nOlttL SlRVICU OP D88AIJ COUftI • I, " i '1(; 1 ,I liar 6, 1993 P.r'cmn.1 Hatt.r•• 'l'9aehipq and Ada1pl.t;ratiDs I. I. ARpointMpt (.) - Con,ult.aat.: CONSULTAlfl'S - Piyi,lon of Sp.eial Idvcratlops o Coap.p,atlop HID 'fl.etlY' Pat.I.) AI·iQR"At Cloud, Nancy 05/18/93 Worksbop Leader - -Doing the Right Thing-Working with the CUlturally Diverse Stu~aDt· - SBTRC • $40.00 per hour 5 hours $200.00 maximum Corso, Marcia 05/12/93 Workshop L-dacLer • -ADD and Pamily Issues- - ~~rjcho - SBTRC • $40.00 per hour 2.50 hours $100.00 maximum Fernandez, carmen 05/18/93 Worksbop Leader - -Doing the Right Thing - Working with the CUlturally Diverse Student- - SBTRC • Ferrin, David 04/19/93 Workshop Leader - -Understanding and Su.rviving Adolescence- - Plainedge SETRC • $40.00 per hour hours $160.00 maximum .f, $40.00 per hour 2.50 hours $100.00 maximum Ferrin, David 06/05/93 Workshop Leader . -Pamilies in Crisis- Haaaau County • SBTRC • $40.00 per hour 5 hours $200.00 maximum Feuer, Ezra 03/11/93 - 03/31/93 Re-examination of BOCSS employee preparatioa of reports $250.00 per hour 5 hours $1,250.00 maximum ,:::;, ('-' * State funded program. t"~' ~ c..J1 Page 35 of 61 - ~ (;) \~ . _..... ("I I, ../ (' o II l I' 8CWlD OF C:OOPDtAt'IVB J:DtJCAUc:.u, SDVlCU a. DS8&U COUJl'f! • ..y 6. 1993 I. '.rIOnnll Mattlrl - Telehipq apd Maiailt:ntlD: 1. Appointment (,I - Coalqltaatl: COHSQLTAHTS - Divilion of SR.cial Iduc.tiOQ: HIH Eff.cti,. Dlt.(,) l.I,l9"_t Gerenser, Joanne 04/26/93 - OS/24/93 Workshop Leader -Strategies/TechDiques for TeacbiDg Autistic Students with Mental Disabilities" - SBTRe • COIIp9DI.tiOD $40.00 per hour 25 hours $1,000.00 maximum Haller, Mary 04/27/93 - 05/04/93 Workabop Leader . "Classroc:m Strategiea/Bebavior Management Working with Young Disabled Students Westbury - SBTRC • $40.00 per hour 5 hours $200.00 maximum Hrubes, Joseph W. 04/28/93 - OS/26/93 Workshop Leader • -Roles/Reapoosibilities of Guidance Department in the Special Bducaticu Process" - Hempstead . SBTRC • $40.00 per hour 7.50 hours $300.00 maximum McKnight Taylor, Mary 03/29/93 WorJcahop Leader . "Working vi th Parents" - Nassau County • SBTRC • $40.00 per hour 1.50 hours $60.00 maximum Metcalfe, Linda 03/30/93 - 04/01/93 Workshop Leader . "Strategies for Teaching Secondary Special Needs Students" . Baldwin . SBTRC • o $40.00 per hour 5 hours $200.00 maximum ~ ~ l\' c.." 0-' • State funded program. o Page 36 of 61 - '\;;;;;- '\ o _ ... o o -............ J I r l~ I' I' 8CWU) alP COOPJalA!"IVB I:DUCATIODL SDVICU a. DSS&17 COUll'ft' " ~ I, I, . .y 6 •. 1993 I. P,r'opnel Natter, - THeblAq apd Adaiai.tnt;iD: I. \.1:, Appoiptment«,) - Cop.ultapt.: COHSQLTAUTS - Divi,iop of Speci.l BdueatiOpI o CQIIPID.atlOA ilia EffectiY' Dat,(.) M·lWI"At Metcalfe, Linda 04/21/93 Worksbop Leader - -Good lducaticn for All Students- - Adelphi University SBTRC • $40.00 per hour 1 hour $40.00 maximum Middendorf, Alyee 04/13/93 Workshop Leader • - Role and PlmctiOD of csa and Special Education Proceas'" • Port Washington • SBTRC • $40.00 per hour 2.50 hours $100.00 maximum Middendorf, Alyee 04/27/93 Workshop Leader - -Preparing tor Your Aanual Rei ve" - lBP • Nev Hyde Park SBTRC • $40.00 per hour 2.50 hours $100.00 maximum Milch, Linda 04/22/93 Workshop Leader • -IBP and the Annual Reviev· - Herrick • SBTRC • $40.00 per hour 2.50 hours $100.00 maximum Radwell, Harriet 04/29/93 Workshop Leader • -Onderstanding/Management of ADD" • Merrick - SBTRC • $40.00 per hour 2.50 hours $100.00 maximum Zipkin, Judith 04/27/93 Workshop Leader - -Parent's Peelings About Their Disabled Child'" - New Hyde Park • S£TRC • $40.00 per hour 2.50 hours $100.00 maximum * .::;, State funded program. N ........ " 1,.1 Page ~ 37 of 61 e-, ,.. "" ... G .. ( _. __ . _. 0 '. " I .... _......--""""----"" \1 ( ( " 0 , BOARD /1~ or COOPDATIVB IDOCU'IODL SlRVICU ow .ISSl.U C01DI'.n' r I! I I i llay 6, 1993 ~ 1• .' I I. \..ij P.r.oppel Hatt.r. - T9achipq lAd adatpi.t;atiyta J. Appoiptment. - McUtioyl AI.ismMpt.: IIIH RIa Annarella, John 05/19/93 OS/21/93 03/25/93 03/28/93 Bender, Irma Bff.ctive AI.iqgatDt p••qriptiop BoareS M.ln"at Ina Cqwptp.atloa Overnigbt Superriaiexa - Rocking Horae Ranch - CCA atudenta Special Education Teacher - $65.00 per night 2 nights $130.00 maximum Overnight Supervisiexa - Frost Valley - Eagle Avenue students - Special Education Teacher Special Bducation Overnight Supervisioo - Frost Valley - Bagle Avenue students - Special Bducation Teacher - Special Education $65.00 per night 3 nights $195.00 maximum .0 Bohan, Karen 03/25/93 03/28/93 Special Education $65.00 per night 3 nights $195.00 maximum Q ~ ~ ~ l\j Page 38 of 61 - (;) ( ;1 - .... - o ~ J r I I ( I' 0] BOUD OP COOPBRAnvE BDOCA'rIODL 8.lRVICU 01' _SDD , IJ co• .,! I," ,. I I' ~ May'. 19'3 I. \1Il! ',r.oa,l Katt,r. - teaghiaq ap.d i4llipi.tn!;iDa J. Appointmept. - Additiopal AI.iqp.MQt.: Bfflcti", AI.iqpa!Qt pe.eriptiop BoU'cl "..ismMQ!; k'M ComplD'ltiOA Overnight Supervisioo Greenkill - C&rmaD Road students - Special Bducatioo Teache:t' - $65.00 per night 2 nights $130.00 maximum 05/03/93 05/05/93 Overnight Supervision Greenkill - CArman Road students - Special Bducatioo Teacher - Special Education $65.00 per night 2 nights $130.00 maximum Cohen, Donna 04/28/93 04/29/93 Overnight Supervision CAumaett - carman Road students - Special Bducatioa. Teacher Special Bducation '$65.00 per night 1 night $65.00 maximum Oreaper, Robert 03/23/93 03/26/93 Overnight Supervision - Frost Valley - Bast Broadway studentG - Special Educatioa. Teacher Special Bducatica $65.00 per night 3 nights $195.00 maximum Flynn, Joan 03/19/93 09/08/93 Substitute Teacher • Special Education Substitute Teacher Aide Special Bducation $60.00 per day • 40 days $2,400.00 maximum HIH ~ Campbell, Bllen 05/03/93 05/05/93 Cesaretti, Ralph o • Special BducatiOD .:;:, t\j l\.j Subject to negotiations. ~ ~ '-W Page 39 of 61 "'" (1 (;) I -' \1 (" ( I o BOARD 01' COOPDAnvB IDDCAnODL SDVICU OJ' DSB.A.U ComrrY JCay 6, 19'3 I. ~uo, Per.opn.l Hatter. - " ••chlDg apd astalAi.mtiD z J. Appoiptm.pt. - Add.itiopal AI.ismatpt,: Board Bffecti" AIp.lcmatpt Dt.cdptlog COIIp.p •• tioa lID ~ Gatti, Lisa OS/26/93 OS/28/93 Overnight Superviaioo - Proat Valley - Baldwin Harbor Park students - Special Bducatioo Teacher· Special Education $65.00 per night 2 nights $130.00 maximum Hopkins, Jovanna 05/01/93 06/30/93 Trainer - Adult Educatioo Consor'tium for Long Island • • Occupational Bducatioo Adult Educator oc:cupatioaal Education $27.80 per hour 25 hours $695.00 maximum Hutter, William 01/15/93 06/30/93 Part-time Instructor • Building Maintenance - IDduatry Baaed Program - Short-term Training Occu.pational Education Part-time Instructor • oc:cupatioaal Education $30.00 per hour 200 hours $6,000.00 maximum Izzo, Dennis 05/19/93 OS/21/93 Overnight Supervisioo - Rocking Horse Ranch - CCA students Special Educatioo Teacher Special Education $65.00 per night 2 nights $130.00 maximum .0 M.i9P"D t ArM .* ol\:j • State funded program. •• Based on 1/200th annual salary. 1'\' OJ """ ~ Page 40 of 61 '" G f \::--_ ( \1 • c 0 J Me __ " ../ r o r ( BOU.D Ol' COOPERATIVE BDOCAT'IODL savlCU OW DSSAU COUIIII Mar I. ~ 6, 1993 P,rsonn,l Matt,rs • Telch1aq apd Ada'pi,t:ratiD S J. Appointmepts • additional AI.iqpatDt.: Bff.cti". Aslimaae.Dt D'lcriDtioo b,iClDlleut .ar.. Boud COIIIDeDsaticm. IIIH ba Jacobsen, William 05/03/93 05/05/93 Overnight Supervision Greenkill - carman Road students - Special Education Teacher Special Bducatioo $65.00 per night 2 nights $130.00 maximum Kennedy, Betsy 03/23/93 03/26/93 Overnight Supervision - Frost Valley - Bast Broadway students - Special Education Teacher Special Bducatica $65.00 per night 3 nights $195.00 maximum MacMillan, Leslie 05/19/93 OS/21/93 Overnight Supervision - Rocking Horse Ranch - CCA students Special Education Teacher Special Bducatioo $65.00 per night 2 nights $130.00 maximum Mandel, Blissa OS/26/93 OS/28/93 Overnight Supervision - Frost Valley - Baldwin Harbor Park students - Special BducatiOD Teacher Special Education $65.00 per night 2 nights $130.00 maximum Paul, Honi 03/25/93 09/08/93 Substitute Teacher - Special Education Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education $60.00 per day • 40 days $2,400.00 maximum 0 ,) o N r,., * Subject to negotiations. ~ OJ CJ1 Page 41 of 61 - o G ( ':1 o J r ( /' 'I , j:: BOARD OP COOPBRATl:VB BD1JC.U'IOIIAL SDVIc.as OP DSSAD ~ t: PBIl.SO&Il. ~OU :I lCay fi. 1993 i ,I x. ~-' P.,.opn.l Kltt.,. - T.achipg J. apeS ,......nwua. *'4a'a,.tr.tiD, AppoiPtmept. - Additional A!.igpaapt.: AI.i9P"pt Ana Board COI!p.p.ation Bff.eti.... II!Y I!G.t. AI.icmatpt P•• qiptiop Pendl, Al ison 03/23/93 03/26/93 Ovexnight Supez:viaion - FroIIt Valley - Eut Broadway 8t.udeDt.. - Special Educat.ioa Teac:her - $65.00 per night Special Education 3 nights Reid, Arlene OS/26/93 OS/28/93 Overnight Supez:visioo - Frost. Valley - Baldwin Harbor Park students - Special Educat.ioo School Social Worker Special Education $65.00 per night 2 nights $130.00 maximum Reilly, Paul 05/01/93 12/31/93 Part - time Adul t Educator ABE/HSE • - Salvation Army Occupational Educatioo Teacher Special Bducat.ion $17.88 per hour 306 hours $5,471.28 maximum Theodorellis, Beth 06/14/93 06/18/93 Overnight Supervision Teacher Fairview Lakes Conference Center Special Bducat.ion - S.A.V.E. students - Special Education $65.00 per night 4 nights $260.00 maximum Townsend, Arthur 06/14/93 06/18/93 Overnight Supervision Teacher Fairview Lakes Conference Cent.er Special Bducation - S.A.V.E. students - Special Education $65.00 per night 4 nights $260.00 maximum II 0 H $195.00 maximum o • State funded program. N l\' t;.; OJ Page 42 of 61 en '"" ('1 G ( ...) ------- r ( o j''I 8CWU) ~ I OP COOP.lRATnB B'DDCATIODL saVlCU Of' DSS.lU C01lftY \ I'1 ~ Jky 6, 1993 P,r'ODp,l Matt,r. - T••ehipq tAd Admtpi,u.t.in s l: • J. AppoiPtm'pt. - Additiopal AI.iaptpt.: JIIH I!aa Bff.cti". AI.iqgagt p••eriptios Wall, Walter 03/23/93 09/08/93 Substitute Teacher - Special Education Sub8titute Teacher Aide Special Bducation Whited, Jane 11/23/92 06/30/93 Part-time Adult Sducator - ABS ** - Nassau Tech/carle Place Occupational Educatioo Adult Bducator Occupational Bducation Zimmerman, Michele 02/01/93 06/30/93 Teacher - French I Tutorial Clus - Instructional Programs/Service8 Part-time Teacher • In8tructional Programs/Service8 Board AI.i9R"Rt. kM COIIplPI.tiOD $60.00 per day • 40 days $2,400.00 maximum $21.73 per hour ••• 186 hours $4,041.78 maximum $24.47 per hour ••• 200 hours $4,894.00 maximum .0 * ** *** Subject to negotiations. State funded program. Based on 1/200th annual salary. o ~ t~, ~ t:n Page 43 of 61 ~ - o ~- ( o - ..... --- ..J .", ;\ / ( ( o I, BOARD OF COOP~IVB BDUCATIODL SIIaV1CU OJ' palAU COUMt! ~ " ",:I PIR~I, ~OIIS . i, Kay 6. 1993 ,I :1 I. Per'onn. l Action. - Te'ching ap4 ldi'gi.trati,.: It. S.l.ry M1u.tMpt (.) : Bffective CUrnDt Adju.t.d Salan HII!I. ~ AI.igpaeptlplyi.iqg Salu:y Falcone, Renee 01/01/93 Teacher Ames • Special Education $34,045.00 $34,987.00 per annum per annum Adult Educator . Nassau Tech/carle Place Occupational Bducation $33,360.00 per annum $34,302.00 per annum Teacher Ames Special Education per annum $45,665.00 per annum Movement from Level IB to Level II Hopkins, Jovanna Kropf, Anne 01/01/93 01/01/93 B ••• OA Completion of 12 Academic Credits Completion of 12 Academic Credits $44,696.00 Lamson, Dina 01/01/93 Teacher Ames Special Education $38,284.00 per annum $39,253.00 per annum Movement from Level IB to Level II Lehecka, Charles 01/01/93 School Guidance COUI1Belor Baldwin Harbor Park Special Education $54.525.00 per annum $55,467.00 per annum Completion of 12 Academic Credits Pendl, Alison 01/01/93 Teacher East Broadway Special Education $31.426.00 per annum $32,368.00 per annum Completion of 12 Academic Credits Petricca, James 01/01/93 Teacher Baldwin Harbor Park • Special Education $41.375.00 per annum $42,344.00 per annum Movement from Level IB to Level II o ~ , .'-' ~.. ~ Page 44 of 61 ~n GO "" o G .. _ _ .J. ..._ _ (- ..JI \1 /' ( ( o 8QU.D OP C:OOPDA'fIVB BDOCU'I01II.L saVlCU a. DSSAU C01DI'I1 May 6. 1993 P.r'OM.l Aqtion' - ,...chlgq lAd .alat.Uatiy.: I. I \.,.t' ~. Salary Ad1u.tmtptC.): Bffective c:azzut Mia.teeS B.,.oa lAD ~ aa·iqgatpt/DiTi·1op WHY Salary Plug, Nardina 09/01/92 Teacher - $42,872.00 per aDDUII $43,814.00 per annum Canpletion of 12 Academic Credit 8 $35,735.00 per aDDUII $36,677.00 per armum Canpletion of 12 Academic Credits Brookville P.A.C.B. - Occupational Bducatioa Rosenthal, Barz:y 01/01/93 Teacher Nas8au Tech/carle Place Occupational Bducatioa o := l\:) r~ c:.w (" t.:) Page 45 of 61 "'" G "- ( I o o - ..... .. -- I -' ( /" ( I. 8CWtD 01' COOPDATIVE 1I:D1JC:AnOD.L SDVIC:U Ii~ or DB8AD "*lI'fII1III9 II I 1 .. :\ il Ii ,-' May 6, 1993 I. ,.raoppel IAtt.ra - T"cb!pq apd adplpiatrati,.: L. L.,v, (a) of Abaln;' Without 'IV: Bff.cti".. lID Oil ~ LeDgth of hl:'Yic:. ~ ~aiCll2lle1ltJLoc:.tioaJ])in.iaD B•• lOR Brottman, Barbara 06/04/93 • 04/30/94 5 Years 9 Hontba Y•• Teacher· General Special BducatiOD • Bagle Avenue • Special Bducation Katemity/Ch!ld Care Gaon, Pelicia 04/12/93 - 4 Years Y.a 04/13/93 6 ltoDtba School Guidance Counaelor - P.A.C.S. Brookville Occupational Bducation Religious Observance Kotliar, carol 04/20/93 04/23/93 9 Yeara 2 tIontba tto Adult EduCAtor . ABS .. • Nassau Tech/Carle Place . Occupational Education To Complete Educational Requirement Leifer, Ira 04/12/93 04/13/93 3 Yeara 7 Months Yea School Psychologist . Nasaau Tech/Westbury • Occupational Education Religious Observance Quirk McGloin, Jennifer 11/16/93 01/31/94 6 Years Yea Teacher - Speech/Hearing Handicapped - EAgle Avenue • Special Education Matemity/Child Care Teacher . Speech/Hearing Handicapped - Itinerant/CCA Rosemary Kennedy Center Instructional Programa Services/ Special Education Maternity/Child Care Scelfo, Rosemarie 05/12/93 05/11/94 7 Hontba 8 Manthe No ;::, ~ r~' "'" -..l o Page 46 of 61 "'" ,---- - ( G o J J ( o /'- / Ij BOARD OP COOPDA'1TVB BDUCAfiOUL DIlV%C3S OF BSSAU coan •~ I' I I' 1.1 llay 6. UJ3 dI' 'I r,r'opp,l latt,r. - I. I Ii L. ~ '4a Sgi'tnttnu L,ave (,) of Abl'Dc, Without by: BIU Bff,ctive ba LtDgth of S,rvic. TtDured ~.iaa.eDtJLoc.tiODJDly~.1aD B ••• oa Scimone, Thomas 04/12/93 4 Years 4 Hontha Yes Teacher - Auto Body Baaaau Tech/Carle Place - Occupational Education Religiou. Observance Smithwick, Amanda 05/13/93 05/31/93 4 Year. 8 Month. Yea Teaeber - General Special Education Ames - Special Education Maternity/Child Care Wallace, Bileen 05/01/93 06/30/93 • 3 Years Yea Teacher - General Special Bducation Bagle Avenue - Special Education MAternity/Child Care Yea Teaeber . General Special Education Baat Broadway . Special Education MAternity/Child Care Wilson, Linda 011 • T"~1Ra apd 09/01/93 06/30/94 " IIoDtha 8 Years 7 IIoDtha Extension of leave of absence as reported on December 17, 1992 Personnel Actions Report. ot\:j l\.' ~ ,.... Page 47 of 61 '-l '""' G o -~---~ \1 o ..J r I' ( I, BOARD OP COOP&:ItU'%VB BD1JCA.UODL sa;nC'a8 0. IIISS&U COUii'fI J ~ ~ I Kay 6. 1993 ,I II I ~1l1, I I. R.r.onp.l Katt.v. - "',cb'nq tAd. AcII!ipi.mtiDI K. 'ht.R.iop of rrobltiOD: BAU IfftctiD Dlte Schumer, Sandra Extension of probationary period to November 19 f 199. • _un ArM Teacher - Bducatioa of Children with HaDdiC4pping Coaditioaa/ Bducation of Speecb/H8ariug Logltloq/Dlyl.lqg Bethpage • Special Bducation HAndicapped o Q ~ • Pursuant to letter of agreement dated April 1, 1993. l\j ~ ,1 l\j Page 48 of 61 "" G ( I! o - ......... I -' r I I"" I" 011 ~ BCWlD f, I or eooPBIA'nVE BDtJCAftODL aanc:a a. DSDO CUUII'OtX 'I ~ PBIt.SOIIDEI ACnOllS '! ,\ llay 6. 19'3 :1 Ii "Bii '.reopp.l Matt.r. - Iop-IHching: II. A. Re.ci •• i on (.): BB IT RESOLVED that the following par.ODDel actiOD tatea A. aD IIaz'ch 25, 19'3 i. blxeby n.ciDdecl: Terminatiop(.): HIH Eff.ctiv. RIa Length of Slttlc. Tta»rtd AI.i9RP'pt'Loe.tiop/Divi,iop B•••OR Lanier, Sherman 3/1/93 * 3 weeks no Part· time Teacher Aide • Harbor Park . Special Bducation unsatisfactory Performance Baldv~ 10 Q l\j * See page 50 for revised effective date. 1'''' ~ '-l ~ . Page 49 of 61 "" o o _ ( \\ o , ..... ...--J J r I:I I' (' i BCWlD 01' COOPBRM'l:VB BDUCATIOIII.L SDVIC3S 01' IWIS.&D COUWtI ~ I I, PDSOJIDL AC'f'IOU 'I I . .y 6. 19'3 II. I,I h P'E'oppel MattIE' - 1op~"'Cb1nq: I llll! B. I 'l'eraip.tiop (,): III!!!. Hammond, Michael Bffect!... bY 04/17/93 Close LeDgth of Sarvice 'I'eDured Aa.iaa..ntLLocatioa/Divi.iOQ 8"'00 1 I!IoDth Ifo Part - time Teacher Aide Eagle Avenue - Special Education Civil Service Requirement of day Lanier, Sherman 03/03/93 3 Veaka 110 Part-time Teacher Aide Baldwin Harbor Park Special Education Unsatisfactory Performance Mazza, Susan OS/21/93 Close of day 1 Year 110 Stenographer - Ames Special Educatioa Unsatisfactory Performance 03/31/93 4 Years • Teacher Aide e&umaett - S.A.V.B. - Special Bducation Unavailable for Assignment Prisco, Joseph ,0 6 I!IoDtha No 7 I!IoDtha • (::> On leave of absence without pay from 3/31/93 to 3/30/93. l\j tv ~ -.J M.a Psge 50 of 61 '" (;) "" II 0 o .) , ( /" 'i BCWlD OF COOPBRAUVB BDtJC.U'IODL SDVXCU OJ' DSIWJ IJ comrrr "t. II I: 1 .' ~, ;1 I' Kay 6. 1993 II. P"'OM.l Matt.r. - loa-.,.aebipqs i ; lm~ c. R•• ignation (.) : II!H Cancellare, Ann Bff.eti.... IlAY 05/01/93 LtDgtb of Sarn e • TMuacI AI,iCQJMPt/Loc;atiop/Piri,iog R•••OD 3 Years No SUbstitute Teacher Aide - Special Education Personal 9 HOotha Cataldo, Virginia 04/17/93 6 IIontha No Stenographer Provisional - Vision lIIIpaired - Rosemuy Kennedy Center - Special Education To Accept Another Position Foti, Patricia 04/16/93 5 Years No Part - time Teacher Aide Ames - Special Education To Accept Another position No Part-time Teacher Aide Alternative Learning Program - C.W. Post Special Education Personal 6 IIontha I II Greenberg, Hali 04/24/93 10 2 Years 6 Montha Molaro, Katherine 04/01/93 2 Hontha No Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education Personal Shave 1 , Janet 04/01/93 7 Months No Typist/Clerk - Carman Road - Special Bducation Personal Turner, Patricia 05/08/93 5 Konths No Junior Accountant Salisbury Center Oc:c:upational Education Personal ,::, i:\j l'..' -..l CJ1 ~ Page 51 of 61 "'" I\~ _"" ~.... ______ -' . ' _____0.......'--...........,,1_i \\ o /' f ( I, BCWlD OP COOPERATIVE EDUCA1'IODL savlCU OW DS8AU COUII"fI PDSOI.II. ACTIC*S May 6" 19'3 P,r,oM,l Hatt,r. - Hcm-,..achW. II. \.R:; D. Appoiptmtpt(.) - Cla •• ifi.d: BAH Bff,cti". pat,(,) Brown, Daniel 04/16/93 Capone, Roseann Catania, Joyce o Dean, Nathaniel Dorst, Diane • •• 04/16/93 04/01/93 04/01/93 06/30/93 04/01/93 06/30/93 Saluy, Clu.ter Tenure ba AI·iapPlpt/Locttiqp/piyi.iog IRd Rlpq. 10/15/93 Senior Duplicating Nacbine Operator HaBk.ett Drive Adminiatration (FOrMrly Proviaicaal) $22,500.00 06/15/93 R/A R/A R/A Cluster Range Data Proceaaing Service Representative Westbury Computer/Communicationa Technology (Formerly Proviaional) Cluster Range Stenographer • Provisional • Rosemary JCennedy School Special Education Replacement for Mary Bllen Hillman Cluster Range Teacher Aide Baldwin Harbor Park . Special EducatiOD • Replacement for Kathleen McGuire (Formerly Substitute Teacher Aide) Teacher Aide • • Rosemary Kennedy School • Special Bducation ** T 3 ** $26,000.00 C 8 $19,500.00 C " $12,600.00 Cluster Range I 2 $13,900.00 Cluster Range I " o One to one teacher aide excessed 3/31/93. Subject to negotiations. ~ tv ~ -J Page 52 of 61 C? - o ( :1 - ...... - o J ~ ( ( " o. BOARD 0' COOPBRAttVB BDOCAnc:.u. SDVlCU 01' D.S8AD COUJl'lY I:: • 'I 'i I' . I May 6, 1993 I r" 'i ~! II. P,rlong,l MAtt,rl - Hon-Ttagbipqs 'I • D. AppoiPtMpt (,I - Clallifi,ds BHm Bff,cti". pat,f,) Greene, Hi ldred 04/16/93 Salary, Clu,t,r TaD.un ba AI,i9lJMPt/Loqatiga/plyi't.op yd RUa' 06/15/93 Senior Data Procel.ing Service R.epreaentati va • Westbury - $44,226.00 ••• Cluster C Range 10 I I Computer /CC1IIZIUDi cation. Technology (Formerly Proviaional) II Hillmann, Maryellen 03/29/93 R/A Senior Stenographer - Proviaional Rosemary Kennedy School· Special Education· Susan ICAtulka Replacement for $22,500.00 Cluster C Range 6 (Formerly Stenographer - Proviaional) II I Irizarry, Adam 04/01/93 R/A Cleaner (Rights) • Rolemary Kar.medy School • Special Education· '0 Replaceaaent for $17,750.00 • Cluster H R4nge 1 Alfred Otter (Formerly Part· ti. . Cleaner) Leone, Virginia 04/01/93 R/A Teacher Aide • Pre-School·· Rosemary Kennedy School • Special Education $12,600.00 Cluster I Range 2 (Formerly Part-time Teacher Aide) • •• ••• Includes $500.00 night differential. Nassau County funded program. Subject to negotiations. .~ l\:j l',' ~ :J Page 53 of 61 "" o G _ ..... _ J 46 ( o 1'. f ,'I BCWtD OJ' COOPKRATl:Va BDUCATIODL :1 1.,~ saanc::u Of' .sam counr "Ii I! J ,i ., :'1 'I May 6, 19'3 II. P.r.onntl Hatt.r. - MoA-Ttaqbtpq: 'i .i D. \.111 Appointmept(,) - C1I"ifi.d: Bff.cti"" 111M pat,«,) McElwee, Matthew 04/01/93 TeDu.ra ba AI·iarltpt/LocltloqJplyi.lqg Ii/A Teacher Aide/8W1 Driver c&umaett - S.A.V.B. Special Education - I ** $14,000.00 Cluster I Range 4 Replacement for J08eph Pri8co (Formerly Temporary Teacher Aide) II I Salary, Clu.ttr Ad Rtaq. Patti, Christene 02/22/93 OS/22/93 Ii/A a Teacher Aide • Fem Place Special Education $12,700.00 Cluster Range I 2 (Formerly Part-time Teacher Aide) Spellman, Nicole II 04/01/93 06/30/93 Ii/A Teacher Aide • • $12,600.00 Ro.emary JCennedy Sc:bool Clu8ter Range Special Education 10 I 2 (FoCDerly Part-time Teacher Aide) * One to one teacher aide per district request and district ** Subject to negotiations. funded program. .::> i\:J r~ "" -J CO ,Page 54 of 61 """ G o -.......... ~ ( "1 o ..J I" ( ( Ii ! BCWtD OF COOPDATIVB Ja)lJ(!AUQUL saVICU a. DfJSIU COUWfi ~ .! .~ May 6, lJ93 .! j. ,,_I: II. P.r,opp.l Matten - Iop-TMcb1 pq: E. Appoiptment f,) • Sub'titute ap4 pm-tiMs lIlY Bff.ctive Pat.(,) AI.lqpptgt/Loqatlqafplyi.lqa Cqlpta.atlQD carlucci, Deborah 4/14/93 Part-time Clerk - $7 .00 per hour Tempo Pool - Pereoanel Downing, Rosemarie 4/1/93 Part-tilDe Stenographer Teqx) Pool· Peraoa.nel $9.66 per hour Moses, Marc 4/21/93 Substitute Teacher Aide • Special Education (Fo~rly Part-time Teacher Aide Seaaooal) $8.86 per hour Resch, Patricia 4/1/93 Subatitute Regiatered Profeaaional Nurse - Health/Allied Servicea lnatructioaal Programs/Servicea $13.13 per hour ! I I; I 0 ,~ {\j i'., ~ -.j (.:) Page 55 of 61 "" o . "\ o - ... .-- - ~ (. , ( o I: ," BOARD OF COOPBRATIVI: EDUCAnODL Sl:RVICU 01' JllSSAO COUl1ft' I; . .,. 6. 1993 II. Per.oppel Katter. - Hop-.,..chiaq: F• AppoiPtmept. - Additional AI.iQ'IIMRt.: Bffecti". Board RAY AI.iggaept D•• criptiqp AI,iqpMQt Apt. CQllRH·atiop OS/26/93 OS/28/93 Overnight Supervisioa - Frost Valley - Baldwin Harbor Park students - Special Bducatiaa Teacher Aide Speci.al Bducatioa $42.50 per ni.ght Bedoya, Fidel 05/03/93 05/05/93 Overnight Supervisioa Greenkill - CArman Road students - Special Educatioa Teacher Aide Special Educatioa $42.50 per night 2 nights $85.00 maximum Brister, Michele 06/14/93 06/18/93 Overnight Supervisioa • Fairview Lakes Conference Center - S.A.V.E. students Special Education Teacher Aide Special Bducatioa $42.50 per night 4 nights $170.00 maximum Chasanoff, Blayne 05/03/93 • 05/05/93 Overnight Supervision . Greenkill . carman Road students . Special Educatiaa Teacher Aide • Special Education $42.50 per night 2 nights $ 8 5 . 00 maximum Coachman, Juanita 05/01/93 06/25/93 Occupational Therapist Homebound Program • • Special Education Occupat iorual Therapist (.6) • Special Education $40.00 per hour 2 hours $80.00 maximum HIJg Aiken, Darrell 2 nights $85.00 maximum I I :1 I! 1° .::" • -.\'j Nassau County funded program. 'l:Io~ ....J ~ Ct'J o Page 56 of 61 - o Q ... ~' '-.. ( !I " .i ( I' ( o (!,'; BOARD OP COOPERATIVE BDDCM"IODL SDVICU OJ' DSSAU IJ~ comrn ''II I, i i Kay 6. Ut3 " " 'I II. Per'OPPel Matter. - 1Icm-,...cbJ.pcu F. Appoiptmept. - additiogal AI.iqgatptJI Effective ,h.1C1DMDt Dt.criRtiop BoaX'd AI.lcmMpt AnA CQIIR.p.ltion Overnight Supervisioo - Froet Valley - Baldwin Harbor Park students - Special Bducatioo Teacher Aide Special Bducatico $42.50 per night 2 nights $85.00 maximum 03/23/93 03/26/93 Overnight Supervisioo • Frost Valley • Bast Broadway students - Special Education -reacher Aide Special Educatioo $42.50 per night 3 nights $127.50 maximum Dodenhoff, Thanas OS/25/93 OS/28/93 Overnight Supervision - Frost Valley - Eagle Avenue students - Special Education Teacher Aide Special Bducation $42.50 per night 3 nights $127.50 maximum Doonan, Rhonda 04/28/93 04/29/93 Overnight Supervision caum.aett - Carman Road students - Special Education Substitute Teacher Aide • Special Education $42.50 per night 1 night $42.50 maximum Kozlowski, Ellen 05/03/93 05/05/93 Overnight Supervision . Greenkill . carman Road students - Special Education Physical Therapist Assistant . Special Bducation $42.50 per night 2 nights $85.00 maximum HIH ~ Cole, Francis OS/26/93 OS/28/93 DiSilvio, Debra o :;:, .'" l\' 1:r:J '~ Page 57 of 61 i--' \,J I o o ,,'- ( :\ 0 I . ../ ( ( I :, 11. BCWt.D OP COOPBRATIVB 11D1JC&U0IQ.L SDVlC3S 01' DSSAU ,.. ........... "I' PDSOIDIBL ACnOllS " I ~: Kay 6. 19'3 ,i :1 , P,r.onn,l Matt,r. - Iop-Te,cbJ.pq: II. I' F. Appointment. - Additional a..iQ1lMPts: Bff.cti". HIH ~ ~.icn.eDt. Luchtenberg, Patricia 03/23/93 03/26/93 Overnight Supervisioo - Frost: Valley - But Broadway studeDta - Special Bducation Teacher Aide Special Bducatiao $42.50 per night 3 nights $127.50 maximum Magner, Maureen 05/19/93 OS/21/93 Overnight Supervision - Rocking Horse Ranch - Rosemary Kennedy Center students - Special Bducation Teacher Aide Special Bducation $42.50 per night 2 nights $85.00 maximum Maniscalco, Jack 05/19/93 OS/21/93 Overnight Supervision - Rocking Horse Ranch - Rosemary Kennedy Center students - Special Education Teacher Aide Special Education $42.50 per night 2 nights $85.00 maximum McBlwee, Matthew 06/14/93 06/18/93 Overnight Supervision Fairview Lakes Conference Center - S.A.V.E. students Special Education Teacher Aide/Bus Driver Special Bducation $42.50 per night 4 nights $170.00 maximum McKenna, Mischelle OS/25/93 OS/28/93 Overnight Supervision - Frost Valley - Eagle Avenue students - Special Education Teacher Aide Special Education $42.50 per night 3 nights $127.50 maximum ~I I .1 II I !i I I il I' I 0 I JJ Board COIID.D ••tiOD ~.iaaa.Dt_De.cr1DtiOD Are. .~ ~ t" '-' Cl> Page 58 of 61 Z·'" "'"' o o - ........ ~..,- ~- ( ~ J o /' l (" I·, BOARD OF COOPBRA"l'n'K BD'OCATIODL SDVICU OJ' BSSAD COOJI"fY r, " "I' J ~ Kay 6. 1993 fer.onn,l Hatter. - Hop-t.lchipq: II. F. '-, II i J. I, I il I, It i 0 ,B Appointment. - Additional AI.iggaapt.: Bff.ctive A8.icmae.Dt . . O'.criotioa. AaI.iGlllMUlt A:Ha Board COIIII)'D.aticm. ilia ~ Mills, Charles OS/26/93 OS/28/93 Overnight Supervi8ion - Froat Valley - Baldwin Harbor Park 8tudents - Special Education Teacher Aide Special Education $42.50 per night 2 nights $85.00 maximum Ottley, Scott 06/14/93 06/18/93 Overnight Supervi8ion • Fairview Lake8 Conference Center· S.A.V.E. 8tudent8 Special Education Teacher Aide Special Education $42.50 per night 4 nights $170.00 maximum Petroro, Joanne OS/25/93 OS/28/93 Overnight Supervi8ion • Frost Valley - Eagle Avenue 8tudent8 - Special Bducation Teacher Aide Special Education $42.50 per night 3 nights $127.50 maximum Resemini, CArol 05/03/93 05/05/93 Overnight Supervi8ion Greenki 11 - carman Road 8tudents - Special Education Teacher Aide • Special Education $42.50 per night 2 nights $85.00 maximum Robinson, Alonzo OS/26/93 OS/28/93 Overnight Supervision· Fr08t Valley - Baldwin Harbor Park students - Special Education Teacher Aide • Special Education $42.50 per night 2 nights $85.00 maximum .:> i:\j l'V ~ CO Page 59 of 61 ~ """ .\:;-~ .- ( .. (;) - ... o ...",. - ~. 'I " I I ( ( 0 t. f. I i ~ I May'_ 1993 .! :\ II. P.r'PDP.l Matt.r. • lon-Tgehlpcn ill \ i;':; F. APpointment. . Ad41tlopal 1!.1qgaapt., BoareS Bff.etive l!.iQlJMpt Dt'qiptioa aa.i9PMRt kM, CQIR.p •• tioa $42.50 per night 2 nights $85.00 maximum BIH l!A.a Sapp, Charles OS/26/93 OS/28/93 Overnight Superviaioa - Froat Valley • Baldwin Harbor Park atudents • Special lduC'atiaa Teacher Aide • 05/03/93· 05/05/93 Overnight Supervi8ioa - Teacher Aide - ,-.! Special &dueation II Savastano, Michael Greenki11 • ca~ Special Bducatioa Road 8tudents • Special BduC'atioa Smith, Marjorie I!'I 05/03/93 05/05/93 Overnight Supervi8ion • SUbstitute Teacher Aide • Greenki 11 • Special Education ca~ Road students • Special Bducatiaa $42.50 per night 2 nights $85.00 maximum $42.50 per night 2 nights $85.00 maximum \: 0 i ! Versichelli, Michele Wall, Kathleen 04/28/93 04/29/93 Overnight Supervision caumsett . ca~ Road 8tudent8 • Special EduC'atiOD Teacher Aide - 05/03/93 05/05/93 Overnight SuperviaiOD Greenkil1 • ca~ Road students • Special BduC'atioa Pu't.-time Teacher Aide • Special Education Special Education $42.50 per night 1 night $42.50 maximum $42.50 per night 2 nights $85.00 maximum :> N 1\' ~ CD Page 60 of 61 ~ "" G ( '\ o 0 I eAo.... ../ r /' ( I, BCWlD I;, • or COO'DATIVB mao.1'Ic:..&L s.aanc:u ......SSID COUJI'II Hay 6, 1993 II. ,,,, o G. P.r'ODP.l M4tt'FI - Mgp-TtaebSpq: T.pw;e: HIu Bff.etiD Date ,..,.. kM LocatiopJpiyi,iop Cotten, Otis 6/16/93 Cleaner (Bights) Carman Road Special Education Gurtman, Wendy 6/21/93 Occupatioaal Therapi8t ECC • . Jericho . Special Education Locicero, Annette 6/1/93 Senior Stenograpber Westbury Ccmputer /Canmunication8 Services McCann, Brendan 7/2/93 Project HaiDtaiDer Haskett Drive • Technical Support Services * Nassau County funded program. o \\j ..-, ~ ....J c:..: r.o c.n Page 61 of 61 - - Ji 02238£ 02- 4153 1 of 4 FRINGE BENEFITS FOR MEMBERS OF THE CABINET The Board of cooperative Educational Services of Nassau County wishes to make it clear that in its view, it is not appropriate to guarantee, nor will it guarantee to employees covered by this policy, that BOCES will necessarily continue to maintain in effect current policies governing salaries and fringe benefits. BOCES wishes to make it clear that it is not now and never has been its intention to eliminate or reduce any salaries or benefits retroactively, that is, to the extent any salary and/or benefit has already been earned by employees pursuant to BOCES policies. BOCES also wishes to make it clear that if salary and fringe benefit policy changes are made in the future, it is BOCES' intention to make such changes pt'ospectively. BOCES believes it is in its best interest to clarify its prerogatives and intentions so as not to encourage. by inadvertence, the resignation or retirement of valued employees. ) This policy of the Board of Cooperative Educational Services of Nassau County governs the positions of Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent for Business Services, Assistant Superintendent for Instructional programs and Services, Assistant Superintendent for Occupational and Continuing Education, Assistant Superintendent for Special Education, and Director of Computer and Communications Technology (hereinafter referred to as the Cabinet), all of which have been designated as Managerial by the Public Employment Relations Board of New York, and sets forth specific fringe benefits which shall be available to each individual covered while an employee of the Board. o· I. Leayes A. Sick Leave 1. • ,,-~- I' ... -:;a 0 ~~1IiI . '--:r !!I Each Cabinet member shall be entitled to eighteen (18) days sick leave with pay for each fiscal year employed. Such leave may be accumulated from year to year up to a maximum of two hundred fifty (250) days. : • : •. • I 0 J' -~ ',;.: .......... 1,-.., .3; , .~\~ / ,'-. -- 022387 4153 2 of 4 ~. Upon retirement or death, the Cabinet member shall 2. be entitled to payment of accumulated, unused sick leave up to two hundred (200) days at a rate of 1/240 per day. a. B. Each Cabinet member entitled to the foregoing benefit may elect, during the term of his/her employment, to execute a document signed by him/her that protects a beneficiary or beneficiaries to receive said benefit in the event of his/her demise. If any Cabinet member fails to select a beneficiary, the foregoing benefit shall be paid to his/her estate. Annual Leave (Vacation) 1. Cabinet members shall be entitled to twenty-two (22) days annual leave (vacation) for each fiscal year employed. Such leave may be accumulated from year to year. up to a maximum of forty-four (44) days. 2. Upon termination of services, annual leave earned, but not used, will be paid for--based upon the last annual compensation received--to a maximum of forty-four (44) days, at a rate of 1/240 per day. ) II. INSURANCE Life Insurance A. The Board shall provide to each Cabinet member fullypaid group term life insurance of $30,000 for each Cabinet member, obtained through an insurance carrier selected solely by the Board. In addition, at their own expense, Cabinet members may purchase additional group term life insurance at group term rates. Cabinet members will receive no less of a life insurance benefit than is provided by the Nassau BOCES to any other employee group . o '1 4 I • :,;,.--~ -~- • .-. 0 i::;;;Itj~ .. - -] : eo , : ,e .. . 4 0 J "#'" r:- .-"< "/ K :! \.',<. " 022388 ~. 4153 3 of 4 B. Health Insurance The Board shall provide for each Cabinet member individual or family health insurance coverage via the New York State Employees Health Insurance Program--or its equivalent. Each Cabinet employee shall pay a portion of the annual cost of his/her health insurance premium which shall be equal to ten (10) percent of the premium applicable to the health insurance option selected by the Cabinet member. c. Dental Insurance The Board shall continue to provide fully-paid group dental insurance individual coverage for each Cabinet member--with family coverage available on a partial employee contribution basis--as provided in contracts with employee bargaining units. D. , o ' •• •• /: :.;=--=. , . .. ft"~ E. Other Insurance (e.g. Liability, Malpractice, Errors & Omissions, and Travel) 1. Errors & omissions insurance shall be provided in the same amounts and coverages provided for members of the Board. 2. Travel insurance shall be provided at a three times annual salary, maximum coverage per person $100,000 total, when such travel has been approved by the District Superintendent or his/her designee as being on official Nassau BOCES business. On-the Job Injury Insurance Whenever a Cabinet member is absent from employment and unable to perform his/her duties as a result of personal injuries or illness occurring in the course of his/her employment, for which injury he/she is eligible to receive workers compensation payments (as certified by the Workers Compensation Board), said Cabinet member shall for any period for which compensation payments are made, be paid full salary for the duration of such time--provided that he/she pays or endorses over to the BOCES all payments in lieu of salary made on the case by the Workers Compensation insurance carrier. 5 , C > 9 5 0' , ~____ o_.________-=~~=_~.==================~~_. , r 022389 " .} \l. _ 4153 4 of 4 1. o ' 1 • • Adopted 11/29/84 • Revised 5/6/93 / "- • t·.... o . • ti The foregoing benefits shall be paid for each separate and distinct injury suffered by each Cabinet member, subject to the approval of the District Superintendent. 022390 4154 1 of 3 MANAGERIAL AND/OR CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEES The Board of cooperative Educational Services of Nassau County wishes to make it clear that in its view, it is not appropriate to guarantee, nor will it guarantee to employees covered by this policy, that BOCES will necessarily continue to maintain in effect current policies governing salaries and fringe benefits. BOCES wishes to make it clear that it is not now and never has been its intention to eliminate or reduce any salaries or benefits retroactively, that is, to the extent any salary and/or benefit has already been earned by employees pursuant to BOCES policies. BOCES also wishes to make it clear that if salary and fringe benefit policy changes are made in the future, it is BOCES' intention to make such changes prospectively. BOCES believes it is in its best interest to clarify its prerogatives and intentions so as not to encourage, by inadvertence, the resignation or retirement of valued employees. Certificated and classified Civil Service employees in the employ of the Board, whose job titles have been designated by the Public Employment Relations Board of the State of New York as Managerial and/or Confidential job titles pursuant to Article 14 of the Civil Service Law of the State of New York, shall receive compensation and fringe benefits (which fringe benefits are more particularly described below) pursuant to the following: a. , o . •• o . Any employee whose job title falls within the aforementioned category of Managerial and/or Confidential job titles shall receive fringe benefits as provided for in the collective bargaining agreement of the bargaining unit his/her job title would otherwise be a part of, but for the above mentioned designation of such job title as Managerial and/or Confidential. For managerial administrators, said fringe benefits shall be limited to the following: insurances, termination pay, annual leave, sick leave, personal leave, bereavement leave and holidays, when applicable. With respect to health insurance, each managerial administrator shall pay a portion of the annual cost of his/her health insurance premium which shall be equal to ten (10) percent of the premium applicable to the health insurance option selected by the employee. j & 4 $ 5 P 4 a ) 022391 4154 ~._ 2 of 3 b. The compensation paid to said employees shall be as follows: 1. Classified Civil Service Employees (excluding technical administrators) Any employee whose job title has been designated as confidential and whose job title would otherwise fall within the bargaining unit represented by the noninstructional collective bargaining representative shall be paid a salary as set forth in said noninstructional bargaining unit labor contract. In the provisions in said agreement referable to the determination, computation of salary shall be applied to said employees in determining their salaries. 2. All Other Employees The compensation paid to those employees designated as Managerial whose job titles would otherwise fall within the bargaining unit represented by the collective bargaining representative of certificated educational administrators or by the collective bargaining representative of non-certified administrators, shall be determined as follows: Said employees shall be paid a salary as recommended by the District Superintendent of Schools and approved by the Board of Education, based solely upon merit and pursuant to the Board Graded Salary Plan. In making said recommendations. the District Superintendent shall consider the salary paid to those certificated educational administrators and those non-certificated administrators who are represented by collective bargaining representatives. , 3. Ie' In the event the above referred collective bargaining agreements have expired, those employees designated as Managerial and/or Confidential, shall be paid a salary as recommended by the District Superintendent of Schools and approved by the Board of Education. 4 I 0 . 79' ) _. )11 a 42; : I did b > .4 : 1 0 .J' !.1 ~-~,: 9J-' J>.... !f,""~"" ,,~J • -!; '-. :~i f"'''~ • --.--,--, . --.~--- - - ~ 022392 .. t. '-_ 4154 3 of 3 c. This policy is not intended to cover those employees of the Board having the following job titles: 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 7. District Superintendent of Schools Deputy superintendent of Schools ASsistant Superintendent for Business Services Assistant Superintendent for Instructional Programs and Services Assistant Superintendent for occupational and Continuing Education Assistant Superintendent for Special Education Director of Computer and Communications Technology Adopted July 27, 1978 Revised 5/6/93 & T o -} 022393 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES NASSAU COUNTY, NEW YORK SUPERINTENDENTS INFORMA nON REPORT May 6,1993 Workplace Literacy Grant I am pleased to inform you that the Nassau BOCES Division of Occupational Education has been awarded an extremely prestigious and competitive Workplace literacy Grant from the United States Department of Education. The a\vard is an 18-month grant for $318,687 to establish a partnership with Long Island businesses. It calls for the development of job-specific curriculum materials and training for 250 workers who have inadequate reading, math, communication or English language skills. Four local companies have joined with Nassau BOCES and will be providing release time for employ6?es to be trained: Alarm Device Manufacturing Co. (ADEMCO) of Syosset, General Instrument Corporation of Hicksville, Marriott Corporation of Uniondale and Sid Tool Company of Plainview. The grant represents national recognition for Nassau BOCES' pioneering work in workplace literacy. Along \vith 50 other recipients of similar awards, Nassau BOCES was to be honored at a reception in Washington, D. C. on April 29. USIA GrantlArts in Education Program The United States Information Agency has awarded the Nassau BOCES Arts in Educaion Program $60,000 to conduct exchange programs between students and teachers in Nassau County and their counterparts in Russia. Three school districts are partners in the grant: Port Washington, Farmingdale and Hewlett-Woodmere. Students and teachers from Long Island will visit Russia in the early spring next year; students and teachers from Russia will visit Long Island during the following fall. Beween now and the time of the exchanges, students and teachers will be developing joint projects and communicating in a variety of ways, so they will get to know each other before meeting. , o " •• • •. • ~_~. __ , .,. o . .. a 3 & ac >4 au ) 022394 Conferences for Kids Once again this year, the Gifted and Talented Program has organized successful "conferences" for youngsters from various Nassau districts and several private schools. These events feature morning and afternoon workshops on subjects not generally included in traditional elementary school classroom work-for example, inventing, archaeology, drama and chemistry. The conference for third and fourth graders was held on April 1 and was attended by approximately 200 children from seven public school districts and five private schools. More than 500 fifth and sixth graders attended a conference on April 15, which attracted students from 15 school districts and four private schools. About 130 seventh and eighth graders were scheduled to participate in a similar day of workshops on April 29. Staff Honor-SBAI Steven Goldstein, coordinator of the School Business Affairs Institute, and members of the Institute's advisory board have been invited to make a presentation about the service at this year's New York State Association of School Business Offidals Conference, to be held May 16 to 18. They \vill be describing the genesis and growth of the Institute and reviewing the projects it has undertaken. , t ... o .. 3 , 022395 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board authorize the President to sign a Memorandum of Agreement with the District Superintendent of Schools for services for the period July 1, 1993 through June 30, 1995, fixing the annual salary for 1993·94 at $155,183, and for 1994·95 at $170,700, together with other fringe benefits and subject to other terms and conditions therein set forth. It is understood that should the State Education Department continue to compensate the District Superintendent at the current 1992·93 amount for the next two years (1993-94 and 1994-95). the Superintendent's Nassau BOCES salary will remain at its current level of $141.075 for the next two ) years. t .... o .. $ .