kt% Viayr.t? County, New YurV Stete, beetnning of the offloinl year, sa New«rfr,N.Y. Courier-Gazette on. or{fJ before Angu.t ---------. thI UWined By Section 43 C7)_ of the * * - - -‘U - (l. *V965 VitlASf^ T395ylSg.-€Be *nexf regni-. Thursday, Feb. 11, 1965 not b e. presented and filed ae P¥n- t*iT election at which, time the? term vtded herein and on., gu before the of1 ijhe' Mayor and members a? the SKIS, POLES, BOOTS—P ark as, date herein specifierd shall, ber .forever 'BcWtd of Trastes. is increased to four pants and imparted sweaters;' birred ,es agrainst the Q£Ft&or*iw ^ * ^Oarf«,tt,nd be it farther 1 Its. propertjr and assets and Its that, this resolution be nURlER-GAZETTE WANT ADS reach an estimated 15,000 priJr Bihdhigs installed. Re- tors, offftiarsL and s^QckhotueKa* •sabiect- to pftXTnUsiVe referendum as l>ated: January reftuued by Article . 5-A: of. \th e‘ VIIX9G5 . d is at the low c o st'o f 75c minimum (15 words or less). law. \ jGhitrles, W, Stuart (vl Resort . information, books and ■1L, K, Stuart ,h\ l>ated Febnmrsv 2. 1965 ILjional words 3c a word. Send’ your WANT ADS to the magazines. U sed skis. Zolans* Mewarlc, New York *. L. J. Enaleson BY ORgER 0 ^ THE BOARO OF J. 51 Beale fa walk Courier-Gazette or phone DE 1-1000. Copy deadline, Ski Shop, Newark Country clu b ‘ TRUSTEES [OF THE VBLIAGE T. Si Knight ............... 1 Phone 331-2911. 45c46tf OF NEWARK. NEW YORK ^ Directors of L-Want Ads is Tuesday neon, week of publication. M arion—Sixty-four p in ts of blood were given toy Marion resi­ €. A, HAUSMANv JR. Newark, N.Y. GdmmercTal Village Clepk « Enterprises Inc. dents on (Monday when th e Rochester Regional Blpodmobile visitSKIS IN ALL sizes w ith safety release bindings, ski poles, ski’ td Marion. Seventy-seven people reported and1 th ere were 13 re ­ Miss Bertha G reer is a p a ­ NOTICE o r rUILIC HEARINOt . MOTfCE O F SUMMONS ' Tourists, T railers For Rent P ri­ boots by Sandlers of Boston, ski tient in the Lyons Community jects. M arion’s quota was 5 0 ' StJPREMJE COURT N » r VtUAGE OKDINAiNCI v STATE OF NEW YORK I vate Property, - No Trespassing ! wax and car- top carriers. Fine- .NotiCte is heteby givien. that a Pub­ Annou n c e m e n ts Hospital. .. , pints. hearing will b e held by the Board .COUNTY OF WAYNE Rooms fo r Rent. Also regula­ wood’s Western Auto, 119 West lic Douglas Topping, son of- MQ Gene Miller was chairm an ofo f Trustees of the Village of Neiyark^ CAN NOW PURCHASE tion , “ Posted" signs. Newark Union S t, Newark, phone 331- N Y. :at City Hail on. 'March 2, X $ m FLORENCE 'RUSSELL • and Mrs. Clifford Topping oh a . the blood bank for Marion and . afe 8:00 P.M./ op proposed *•OT*' tiape Valley^ Rhode Island l m s milk anytime day Courier-Gazette, 104 e. Miller 2729: Main St., ’has been nam ed "to . 45c3tf dinance regulating stordge o f •aban­ / Plaintiff, Harland Silliman was co-ohair* doned and1iunked autonrohiles a« fo l­ l i r a t our vender .located St. the- High Dean’S1 list at the Col- . man. R eg istrars were j Missj, IcMtf mVUAM RtlSSBLL3^ ^ s lows: ,v & o s Gulf Station. ;on fege of Wooster, Wooster- Ohid; M argaret Curtis, M rs, John New York “A H ' 0RDIMAN; mi/CNI • Instructions in precision Wdlpoper, Paint 46 TO" THE" OUTDO' 1->1: • • Defendant where he is a m em ber of th e Vanderprook, Mrs. H erm an G arlc-g M drum m ing, ACTION FOR ABSOLUTE DIVORCE Vibes, Marimba sophomore class. , 1 * llpp, Mrs. Arnold Jansen, -Mrs. index JS fu* lp is rfK o-w ali carpets an d T raps, ete. Call DE 1-2040. W A L L T E X PAPERHANGING HICLES” ! ^ Plaintiff designates Wayne "Gounty Thomas Em m elkam p and Mrs. Mr.' and Mrs. Robert DeRidlMire cleaned, Stair carpets Section 1in view. The as* the place of trial: 7c6t2p and painting a specialty. E ffi­ S^eriQijs-neas der of Bridgeport,.Conn. p re-re - ' The basis of the vertue is Place of Roger A driaansen. o f the matter of th$ out­ cient, neat workmanship. Phone door storasce f ed and shifted. Burns and of ftbandoned^ junked, tpe Adultery. ceiving congratulations on th e ', R ecruiters w ere M rs. William -- StfMl&ONS TImage repaired. Only reDE 1-2625, A drian M. Boerman, discarded and urdicensed mc^trr birth of a d au g h ter T racy J a y Plaintiff reside# at Fairview Avenue, White, M iss Em inie White, Mrs. ST. GREGORY’S id es upon privatetly owned propertfjea Help Wanted 10 Newark. ..experienced workmen will 46c3tf ,hwithin Spe Valley, Rhode tst'and. County o f Douglas. O rbaker, Mrs. George weighing 5 lbs. 4 oz. on J a n .-29 the Village increases, with the Rev. G. S t u u t Q pean rishingiori. I,, vour work. Call dolleet. of time. It is a s&urce-oJ:’ a t St. Vincent’s Hospital. M rs, Brenaner, Harland SilUman, M rs. Thursday, Friday arid S atu r­ vexation and" annoyance, not only to OFFICE POSITION in expand­ • Davie Ontario '524-8402. DeRidder is the form er Ja n e t Stanley Bushart, Mrs. George day, 11 a.m, — Mass. !tbe memberis of th e tfatveUnK public,, To the above named Deefendant lclOtf ing Allstate. Insurance Co., Office. YyOU ARB HEREBY SUMMONED to bat to the owners and occupants o f Saturday, 7 to 7 :40 p.m., Con­ Zegers pf P alm y ra. The fattog; Single high school graduate, adjoining lands. The outdoor storage pnsyrer the complaint *in this, action Garlock, Abram. C. Boerm an is the son of Mr. and M rs, Ad* 1 of su?h vehicles ppon privity and j;o.;.serye a copy- of your answer, and Harold Spencer. fessions will be heard. HILL DRIVING School. ’perm anent, position, good start-if . the complaint is not served Inpds is unsightly. It- constitutiH •o^ Hostess was Mrs. Harold W.w.h, th is summons, to serve a notice, S un d ay Masses a t 9 an d I I rian DeRidder of P a lm y ra Rd,. JlvBay Hill. 124 Rose ing salary. Apply in person 3141 an nttractiye. nuisance t o cHH-* .o NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE f .gppearaneei on the Plainttff-s At­ Spencer ahd canteen' w orkers a.m. Marion. ' . ’• * • dren, and a . peril to ' their* safety, torney V a rls . N. Y. Phone DE Monroe Ave., Rochester, N, Y, a!n d s a l e 20 days after the service case of fire ariffc explosion whenever ofcfthis within Miss Shirley Merton under* OF NEW YORK i in Daily Masses a s announced. s\pnmons, exclusive of, the day were Mrs. P hilip Miller, M rs. ■x lc lltf gasoline is left *tp the fuel tanks'of ................... 10c6tl STATE SITRKME COURT: service tor wibhln; 30 „days *Tiftef Clifford Smock, M rs, .Frank V an went a tonsilectomy a t the Lyr such vehicles. ‘It denfeolates the vail? thevsei’vice* is complete if this sniiiCOUNTY OF WAYNE ons Community H oipitai lg sj u e of rieigrbborinjf properUeS,: r.OF FUN" put on by the BUS DRIVER WANTED: contact mons Is not nerSonaTIv ‘delfvbred tp Eanegfem, Miss Arndrey K aper ^reeervatron o f peace -and gtnxl— or<1( UNITED PRESBYTfHRIAN week. ' ' ' within the State o f New Yoa;k>; ar.d Mrs, Ralph Collier. ^ Business and Politicians, Ray- DeWanclel, School Bus G ar­ HERBERT J, CROmCFORD. „ th^ suppression of vice, the bonefit/pjf ybri'1 anu im case of your failure td> appdaY Plaintiff Rev. Dean K. Young trade the preservation of pu^ Miss Donna Crouch'er, daughr ’ Publicity com m ittee was .Mrs. Lvons Jr -Sr. High Audi- age, West Union St. Ext. 10c6tl or -un'swer, judgment will be. .taken the protection o f prop[5rty', th© agsainkt >ou by default for the relief Thursday, 7 p.m. choir r e ­ t6 r of. Mr. arid Mrs. BUfdtett JAMES J. HART ~7hd HELEN A., health, 1200 seats, on Sat., Feb. John J . Murdhy, 'M rs. William and extinguishment of firea demanded in the complaint. HART, his wife;, G-ENEVA FEDERAL.' pi-evention Croucher Of Union St., vi§|ted explosions, compel the. Board of :Dated. G. Rafnel, Mrs. Philip Miller hearsal, i> 8 30 p.m. Adults SI, January 6, 1965. SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION: and Trustees of the YHjage, of Newark, to. Saturday, 10:30 a.m. Cherubim her classm ate in- Jerieo, /L ,L Help Wanted— Male 11 WOI.K APPAREL. INC.: UNITEP legrislate HAROLD A: KOSOFF U 50c Can get Tickets, a t and Gene Miller. upon this subject matter. .H Attorney for Plaintiff STATES,: NB5VARK MEDICAL CEN-, is hereby declared that- th# adoption When she returned home she.w.ps N urses were Mrs. Donald Hoke choir* rehearsal. loor or Mrs Meehie and Bill APPLICATIONS BEING taken TER. O/fic# and Post Office Address a partnership composed of o f this ordinance has for its purpose Sunday, 10:36 a.m., Morning one of the passengers aboard 120 West Union Street Mrs. Jacob DePolnt, Mrs. Victor | M have tickets at the for position of doorman a t Cap­ James I.. Davis. M.D. and others: JO,' the effective termination oii^uoh ob­ NewarK, New YQrk » wokship; 1:1:30 a.m.j Ghurqh SEPH M. BONEY; ELY it LEEN.E. noxious the first jet plane to la n d ^ in Mason, Mrs, Joseph Amero, and practice. irk State School. Benefit of itol T heatre. Apply in person to INC EDGAR H. BACKUS. Sr. and TOi WILLIAM BUSSELLL School and Senior H igh Sem­ Rochester. She is a second y e a r ' Section 2. O utdoor Siorag# of These. The ,foi-6going summons is served 11. BACKUS, JR. ' d /b /a IjioloT fer.'s College and Loan Mr. Pearson. Vehicles’ oh Private L ands. sIt upon you by publication -pursuant to Mrs. C arl N ortier. licStl EDGAR inar; 7 pan. — Ju n io r High FelBACKUS AND COMPANY, THE PEO­ shall be usTawfi^t n fop- any perapn, student a t Geneseo State Tegfib,Those who reported to give ' Master of Ceremonies EdPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK: firm or c6iT>oration, either as rAvhet1, afi order of the Hon. Jacob Ark. ikjusers College. . ' tice of ,th« Supreme Coutt of the State blood’were Allen Walker, Cornel­ lowsKip. ‘ lapp twenty-one- acts. Lovand CARR LUMBER. INC.; occupant, lessee, agent, tenant, or of New York dated the l*St day Tuesday, 7:30 p m . Women’s ■Defendants L 0jd time harmonies can otherwise, to store or deposit pi' February.. 196‘» and filed With ihbv ius VanderWoude, Mrs, Helen Farm Machinery 14 NOTICE OF JUDlCiAL SALE OF cause or permit to be stored or de­ American; consumers are. bujfr and other -papers, in the E ast, M rs. Mary Ellen Luchiman, Misslpnary Society will meet a t (the North Lyons Mt. PleaREAL PROPERTY— Index No. 1612 posited. an' abandoned junked dis« complaint Office of the CierlT of the County of Mrs, Alene Miller, M rs. Allen the home, of Mrs. W. E, Perduyn. ing 80 per cen t more cottage carded or unlicensed motor_^glvteles, Wayite ^at l.yons. New York.' [ Texans. Levi Lane, Silver AUTOMATIC BALERS—Reduced In pursuant of a judgment of r motor vehicles upon any private Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Adult cheese th a n d u rin g the imrrier • The object of this action ia for Walker, Ross VanSlyck, Rev. 0. Ed Pesarek, Accordion prices on bale throwers. Bale foreclosure and sale, duly made, arid1oland, surface of such land, with-’ divorce. K entered to the aboverontttled .action in theupon Dean K. Young, Mrs. Helen Study Group tyill m eet a t th e diate postwar years. ' n.ird Sehieede. R hythm niow conveyors — Vibra & cycle -and corporate limits of the Village . HAROLD. A, KOSOFF. . betu.fig dale *lht* 1.1th day of. Newark,. “ Attbcliey for Plaintiff D ingm an’ M rs. Lois- Johnson, home o f Mr, .and Mrs. Cornell Aboard. Jena Harp etc. They bunk feeders. All types of new JaJiuary, 1965, 1, the undersigned.; o f Section 3.N#ticb Tf the provisions . ’ Office and Post Office Address Mrs. Betty Miller,' Rene Gobeyn, .Claeysen. referee in saici judgment named.. o f the foregoing uiay as many melodies as a n d used elevators now in stock. the section arp violated 1*20 West* Union- Street -------p W ill sell at public auction at the front thp Building Inspector shall serve ’ C arl Hutchinson, M rs. M ary FilNewark, New Yoik hie - ■lc 6 tlp New, 120 bn. PTO spreader — door of. jhc 'BJuse.. |Qcn,tecl at-. BATj written*- notice, -either personally or by ibert, Mrs. Joyce Boss, Mrs. FIR ST REFORMED $850. New Owatonna wlndrowers Ea^.i M*ller--Street in the Village of mail, upon the owner, occupant op; VILLAGE OF NEWARK I and sca llop p o t a t o —$3500—New' Holland Haybine. Newark, fnunt’y of Wayne and State person having charge of any such G ertrude Collier:, Rey. Ron 3. Bckkering the Perfect Diamond ’ of N ew York, on the 20th day of land, to comply with the provisions of TAX SALE Jr. Feb 20th at th e Moose, S ee Don Howard for your equip­ Kelii uui >, i96.'» at 10:l>O .o'clock in. th Also, Mrs. Olive H am m er, Al­ Saturday, 10:30 am*., Junior is ordinance. The notice shall be in, G R BOYNTON "the forenni*Ti of said day. the premises substantially Newark, New York |i n Palmyra, NY'., 7 p.m. b ert DePape, Daniel Filibert, the fallowing form: choir rehearsal. Formerly" B oudU tte's m e n t needs now, Canandaigua, directed by said juagmSnt to be aold ”To the owner, oecu-pant,' or-'per­ Fehruary 9,' 1965 Mrs. Jan ette Losey, Mrs.. Shirl­ . Sunday, ■ ......... per person sponsored by N. Y. JEW ELERS described as follows: 8 a.m., “Temple son having charge land known on ’ 14c6tl and.Mtherein 107 E Union S t Nevifprli WHEREAS, arrears for taxes ey Rafnel, Roger Peterson, Mrs Time” will, be h eard over radio I. THAT TRACT 6R PARCEL OF the Assessment ’Roll o f . the Village, |ea of Moose Membership .I.ANp, Hituute in the Village of New o f Newark as vacant located men. There will be a baiid NEW FORD 6000 DIESEL^-Get ark. County of Wayne and State M on the ............. aide of . ..................... Dor th e year 1964 charged and Sarah P eterson, William C. P e ­ station WACK 1420; TO a.m., lg the evening for enter- ou r price before you deal. 2 Allis New Yoi.k. bounded end described as Street ............... * or imposed bjj the Village of New­ terson, Donald Hoke, M rs. Ann Morning worship; 11:15 a.m„ On the North by East Miller houhp and lot number or Avenue; . located. ark, pursuant to law, remain pike, M rs. Helen Hotel, M rs. Sunday school; 7 p.m. Evening >ier.t Euryone welcome. Chalmers D-19 tractors, Oliver ‘tfollmw Stiepi in said Village; on the East on the side of .................. due and unpaid on several par­ Betty VanderWoude; James worship. Its on sale now call Palm yra 1800, Massey-Fergusori Super 90 by Colton Avenue, formerly Norton, .S^>oot or Avenue. ., • *>n th«» South by laride formerly “Notice is hereby given that an cels of land all situated in the 697-j72l or Newark Diesel—Allis Chalmers 190 Trac­ Stie'ei. Wednesday, 7 p.rn.. Senior owned bj Thomas Bourne. Jr.; on ahahdoried. junked, discarded and titv Yillage of Newark described in White, Miss Sally Waples, E d ­ win Stevens C arl N ortter, Ralph choir rehearsal; 8 p.m., M id­ 1818 le6tl. tor. Good selection of all types the VVe.st by a line running parallel licensed^'motor vehicle, has been found with the. east line and. four rods dis­ stored or deposited, upon tl\e rihove th e following list: of Oliver plows. Don Howard, tant — ID theiefrom Being,, the premises described property in the village of K u r t , Behncke, House and lot, Dintvuff, Caleb Hall, M rs. Je a n week service. M ander, Kenneth T rautm an, Ella A. Brevvbr Newark. This automobile must be re­ Canandaigua, N. Y. 14c6tl conveyed to •hv Marietta W.hitebeck by deed dated moved within, five (o i days from 3 For Rent 528 E ast A v e n u e $230:34 Richard Schultz, Minnie VanBAPTIST \pnl I-, and recorded in Wayne the date of this notice. GEMCO & SPEEDY sugar beet Count> K ur t Behncke, V acant lots, L are, L ester VanKouwenberg, Clerk's Office in Book 162 of “In case you fail or .refuse to Rev. William G. Rafnel. RENT. One or two bed- m achinery—work best in local Deeds at page 2.32. EXCEPTING and comply with this notice on or before , East Avenue .................../$20.72 Thursday, 7:90 p.m., Choir* r e ­ aJwavs RESERVING." however, from the expiration of the sriid five (5) K u rt Behncke, V acant lots. Harold Spencer, Richard W it­ furrushed Mobile Homes. New zone conditions. These m a- the ter-, Donald Naeye, Robert Cow­ hearsal. premises above described a parcel days from the date of this, notice, Brook Farm , Yellow cines have the original patents of land 1flfty ?two (T*2i feet in width the Village _ of Newark, acting East Avenue ..........., $39.43 ley, Marv Lannon, Leland Stew­ Friday, 3 p.m., M embership fGur 14> rods in depth- -off-2___ -t h rough—tfcr—duly - authorized agents, [ltd . Palmyra, New York. arid prices are - lower. Den How- andthe south end .of said premises and servants, officers and employees, will Seguard Keerps; Mouse and 'lot,, a r t, M rs. Nancy Brooks, Ron­ class a t th e parsonage. • ad , C anandaigua, N. Y.' 14c6tl being the lands conveyed by Marjorie enter 759 East Union St. . . . . $114.30 ald Dieck. Doris O rbaker, M rs. upon your land' and remove Sunday, 9:30 a m , Sunday and George Breweri infants by Jessie and cause .the same to be* destroyed, Lucy Provoost Hpuse and lot, Betsey Nortier, Ralph DeCook. PHONE DE 1*1004 7 B. Ii.udtev. Special Guardian, to Fred Th* expense incurred by the Village” school; 10:30 a.m.. Morning Wanted to Rent 789 East Union S t $76.87 Clark Dingman, Gerald Peelen, worship; 2:45 p.m, Audio Visual O 1'ipa 1>v deed dated May 1. 1919 will be ' assessed, against the above 229 W . Union Newark in Wayne County described land, and shall constitute Dogs 19 and • srecorded tiffice on September 15. 1919 a lien thereon,and be collected ps Bruno Lagana, .Vacant lot, M ar- Dennis Neal. Linda Collier, conference a t th e Greece B ap­ TED AT ONCE: 2 or 3 bed,tjn Street^-.:___r,’’.......... $3.87 in I.iber 2*iti of Deeds at page 244 prnyided by law. Hugh Staalduinen. tis t church. ■‘ hust- or aparhpept. R e t­ POODLE GROOMING, bathing, ami as conveved by James A. Brewer Dated: Bruno Lagana, Plumbing Shop ■ Also, H arrv Cotlperous, E u ­ . .Monday, 1 p ro«,,.Rele,psed tim e ies. Write Box^ D, Newark e tc . Also other breeds. Call 331- ar»«(, -1'hpf* t«» the said F-red C. Frey. Building Insptoctot’ -hv' deeri dat ed Mdreh *12, "arid Section 4. “P w iiliy. Any owner, . sad* T railer Court, Emmons gene Miller, John Hotel, M arjor­ for Religious Education, Jer-Givi'tte * 4c5tf 1789 for appointment. 19cltf ,recunled in oaid clerk’s office on Sfep.r occupant, lessee, agent, or tenant Ave...................... $316.05 Tuesday, Circle meetings at tember 1’. 191.9 and Liber 250 of who shall neglect arid .refuse to re- Carleton Pulver, House an d lot, ie H aak, Jake H aak, John B ak­ er Mabel Apple-man, William 10 a.m. a t th e home o f Mrs. ■ED TO RENT; For April FOR SALE: German Shorthair Deeds at page 246. mayo stud abandoned, junked. dis­ the same premises cohveyed carded and unlicensed motor vehicle, 1024 Plain St, ............ $88:09 Phillips. Curtis Howell, J . F ran k William Rafnel and a t 7:30 p.m. i 2 - 3 droi.iii iiouse.. G arage Pointers; Male-female, 5 months to Being dame* .! Hait and Helen A. Hart s directed by this Ordinance, or who* Clara Pulver, V acant lot. Plain Ub Miller, Theodore LeClair -at -the. home_jof Mrs! George 'f'fit riff'tpvrea. Write old. Excellent hunting stock. hts wrfp. 1W Irtarvtrt S. TiTnmpson anci ashall fall, or reifhsb ter Corirpty With M 'ai> 1 1 . Thompson, his wife,., by deed Street ............. $13.23 Nancy VanHall, Ellsworth Al­ Shoales. the provisions o f any notice herein (tre C rrncr-Gaaette, Box A. Beautiful markings. Reasonable. dated February 13, 1952 and recorded, provided for. or who shall violate 4e6t3eow WA 3-7018, Clyde, N. Y. 19c6tlp m Uqyne C<»unty Clerk’s office Fobru- any of the privisidps of this Ordi­ Joseph M artin Hotel, 145 Rail­ len ; T erry Weston, Larry Levar.v 1" 1952 and in Liber 3T»G of nance. or who Shall resist or obstruct the road Ave ......... $200.39 lezer, Harold Sem m ler, Sandra SECOND REFORMED deed* at pace 431. duly authorized agents, servants, of­ Domingo O’Quendo, House a n d Allen, Gordon Thurston, and Dated January 1,6. 1960. Rev. 0. A. VanderWoude ficers and employees of the V illage In lot, 155 W ater S t.$46.92 Lester DeFisher. EDWARD H. LOMBER the removal and destruction thereof, To pay bills, buy something you j Thursday; 7:00 p.m., Junior 21 Wanted Referee Real Estate shall be, upon conviction thereof, Deri Hinkab V acant lot, W est The doctor in charge was D r. an d Senior choir rehearsal; 7 J1AKGLD J. STILE» ’ need, or for a cushion of cash. fined a sum of not ^exceeding One ....Sherman—A.ve ......... $13.23 •Szuke of Newar k- State Sehool- p.m .T'BlbTe'H tm jrat'Tl'iF'm nTlr“ Aiiluqqa Cur P.UwnuXf. Hundred —Dn)tuy"r ’’rrf|<V”i:tft''irvib~' -rugsr—iron:— coppefr get a Personal Loan Irom Lincoln tlff.ee a«!«iielis ation. thereof. In addition to the S arah , Schinsing, Farm , Vienna Those who helped unload the S cripture Jo h n 5.; 8 p.m. | 63 4 South. Main Street [s. 9 r - -ms 2 baths, gas fu r- brass, radiators, lead, etc. Hymie penalty herein provided, the violationRochester-Jow rate, Ipng term St. R o a d ............................$91.84 equipment w ere Edwin Stevens Women's P ray er Gr.oup at th e Ne.wark. New Y«»«k thereof shail constitute disorderly r^derr, kitchen, large Port. 224 West Union St. conduct, and . th e persons violat'inv NOW THEREFORE, notice is and Ross VanSlyok. with Blanket' Protection against ch u rch ; Teen’s P rayer Group at . 21cl ltf the same shall be a disorderly per­ hereby given in pursuance of I-'for'profession, garage, lot NOTICE Mrs. John J. Murphy is M ar­ th e church. .any income emergency.' - . . New York State Electric & Gas son, |00 r Going, for $10,500. Section The invalidity of any law and in pursuance of th e ion Branch chairm an and Gene Coiimratton has filed to become efSunday, 8 a.m., “Temple ARE YOU CLEANING out your p C-iunrry home, 3 bedWtey.et ir’j .? mills' of money, took to fetitev Maich 1-. !96.*>. subject to ac­ section, provisdon or portion of this powers vested in me toy law th a t Miller is Blood,JBank chairm an. ■ i Time" will be heard over WACK ordinance ' ahull not invalidate any '.'i"!’. oil floor furnace, a ttic or garage? Convert your ceptance by. the Public Service,Com- other secti'on.-.provisiort or rein:: in inr I shall on Thursday, March: 4, mission, revisions in its Electric Rate 1420 radio; '10 a.m.. Morning L in c o ln ' water, good well, lpw unw anted and unused tools, a p ­ Schedule PS.C. No. lt»9. appllcable-in portion thereof 1965 a t ttvo o’clock in the a fte r­ Worship, th e Sacram ent of B ap­ -Section G. This Ordinance shall take furniture, antiques, its Binghamton. Elmira, Cornmg-Hor;; .n re. S3.700. Possible pliances, noon in my office a t 100 Wood R o c h e s te r effect immediately npoh due publica* neii*Pert>. Ithaca. Auburn, Geneva tism will 'be adm inistered; th e dishes, etc., into cash. Bring all and Oneonta Dstncf*-. -as follows* tion .and ppstinsr thereof, hut such Lane, Newark, N. Y. commence TRUS T C O MP A N Y Nursery will be in charge of I s a ­ Ordinance shall take effect from* the Item s, td o r call C. Cornwell at Service Classification No I. appli­ : Mammoth big home. date of its service ns against a per­ selling a t public auction a s j. cable to to .residential service belle B ushart with Elaine S on­ Northside Exchange Auction M a r i o n nursing- home. Profesthroughout The entire t territory, is the' son served '-pesonally with a copy much of each of the several NEWARK OFFICE ne ville a s 'h e lp e f ; 11:15 a.m., 21c42tl same as at present except the energy thereof. "Certified1. by the Viiiuuo ■:a:,ion. large lot. Lot Of. House ife 1-5629. above described parcels of fend Sunday school hour; 7 p.-m„ 120 S. M ain—-N ew ark P la z a charge for . the second block-of43 Clerk, tinder the corporate seal of the r h:tle price, $11,000, RWH has been reduced fiom 4.6c to village, aiid showing the\date o f its as shall be sufficient to dis­ Evening worship; Youth Group passage and entry in the minOtes. MEMBER FD1C t. td- 55 500 for 7 rooms w ith SEATING MACHINES TO RE­ 4.4c net per KWH. oald for the next 45 "Doted charge th e taxes assessed th ere­ February 2' tPG.-", meets a t th e church. PAIR. Cleaned, oiled and ad* KWH it has been reduced, from 3.5 to Pf nft' hen and all other justed $5:00. P arts extra. Phone 3.4c net per KWH. F. A. HA.USM»\N JR. on fo r th e y ear 1964 together 1 Village ClerkService Classification. No. -2. apfer.rry. < Anxious to sell; with fe6s, interest and charges .WH 6-6676, Lyons from 1 to 8 wsmall general service P ’ Murengo section, large p.m. th a t may th en rem ain due o n throughmuttne entire territory, is the .NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Ten years ag o -'F e b. 10, 1955; 2lc6tl same as at present for the demand, ‘ 7.eri i-• with improveThe Annual meeting of the Newark- each thereof respectively an d Stanley Phillips of the Marion charge andthe first 12 KWH use per AVavnc Community Hospital. , Inc... $4 500 month: the rate for over 1,2 KWHuse Newark . New York, will be held nn th a t 1 shall sell and continue to Central School Will preside a t the: F u r n a c e C l e a n i n g per Infrnth has been changed to pro­ Monday. February 2 2, Id 66, \7:30 sell a t th e sam e h o u r and place Id? Fix for home, large gavide th# following net energy charge P.M. at the Hospital for the purninse until said sale shall be com­ first general meeting of the New' 22 per mornth; nest For Sale ^sr.d large lot, good well,KWH at J:^r>c per of: ©AS EQUIPMENT SAFETY C H EC K ED ’ York State Council .fo r Social Pay. S500 down. Sorry ho KWH. next 230 KWH at :i.3r,c per pleted, however, n o t later th a n Studies when it convenes in: 1— Receiving reports, KWH. next 1.650 KWH at 2.2.5c per 2— Electing foar directors in place March 5, 1985. s bj phone Call 946-6676 FOR SALE: 3 year old Electric KWH, KITCH EN DRAINS CLEAN ED nexj 2.000 KWH at 1.4 Sc per of Mrs. W. R. Noonan, Mr. Ray .DeHew York Friday. |ff:ee appointment from 1 to G u ita r w ith case and amplifier. KWH, over 4,000 KWH at 1.20c per’ Nagie. vhir. C. M. Montgomery, and C. A. HA.USMAN, JR. Twenty years ago—Feb. 8, . ^ Mr. B. I.. Turner, Whone terms of SM ALL PLUM BING JO B S Frank Phillips, Broker, P ric e very reasonable, Call 946* O T T reasurer of the Special provision (a) applicable office expire and. to appoint a repiacc1945: Due to the present em er22c4t3 Cn St Lyons 5c6t,I 6358, a fte r 5 p in . «mall general oe-wice ^pac© heating ‘ __ Village of Newark J ____ g c ney fuel- shortage created, fay has been changed by Ridding the" pro­ 3— Transact such other business the w ar the Marion B aptist SOUP’S, on, the. rug th a t is, so vision that the monthly minimum which might com e before the meeting. charge for scho.ots and premises used Emma I. Chittenden c le a n the spot with Blue Lustre. for religious Church, and the M arion P resb y ­ purposes w ill be waived Secretary terian Church have united for a R en t electric shampooer $1. BaJ> for the’ months of June through Sep­ Miscellaneous tember. . . . . . . . 306 W . Union St. Phone 331-2771 Newark .ker Bros. Hardware, HO South three months period of union No t i c e t o b i d d e r s Service Classinaa^iori No 3, ap­ Sealed bids ’ for th e sale of the Ric MOTOR repairing. 'Main St., Newark, N. Y. 22c6tl plicable t e ’ large genera! service services. follovrtng eQDipment vfill be received throughout the entire territory, is | and used motors. M ichael Thirty years ago—Feb. 7, the sam> as at present except for by the Board o f Trustees. Newark. P 447 Lake Ave., William*Means a t Marlon Central 1935: Annual White Ribbon Tea the energy charge which has been N. Y. until 7:30 P.M. on March 2. hanged to provide the following net 1965 in the City Hall. ■N Y ’ 7c7ttf 24 rates 1— 1956 Model Mississippi Mud School cafeteria for Feb. 11 w as held in th e Second Reform ‘per month: First 10.000 KWH W e Fix It ed Church Tuesday evening. four wheeled, rubber tired through F e b .-19 will be: at l.HOc per KWH. next 190.000 Puppy, RAL TRUCKING, prompt, KWH at 1.2hc per KWH. next 1,3.00.* bull dozer. Thursday, Feb. 11: Barbecued Rev. W. Walvoord of PultneyREPAIRING, UPHOLSTERING Said eaaipment may he examined ooh KWH at 1.03c per KWH. over eoas, ^ dependable* service. fcbe - -Vljfage^ Car Barns. Wood chicken^ -carrots and peas, b u t­ v|He gave- th e address. AND REFINISHING furniture. 1 , 100,000 KWH at’ 0.9“»c per KWH, at Qxrept over 200 hours' use'anrj up to Lane. Newark, N« Y. Iv!e a" a ash®s alP - R ich tered rjDll, apple^ milk. Forty y ears ago-—Feb. 12, W ho can set up and operate standard machines (drills, lathei, — information for bidders m ay be 6b* l-CIarenee Tyler’ s , both Ttro ttmmr tr?r and -2OO.D0ir I* orsen, 309 Coiton Avenue,* Friday- Tnnabiirtrer. b u tte r- t&35^-AbBHt-$130 was, realized.hy. , ther -,VU1arta .Offi —-i tfdr K.VVIt. '■overVboti miffs,'“grinders,‘ etc.) to produce small quantities of precision' Lane, Newark, N . Y 400 bourn use and 200(000 KWH at ed corn, yellow cake with pine­ th e senior class for their Wash­ C. A. ffAUSMAN> JR. o “Oc per KWH. parts. Must b e capable of faying out job with improvised toot­ apple topping/m ilk. ington Trip as' the result of th e YAN KOEVERLNG REFRIGER­ Village Clerff’ In the Fuel Adjustment . effective ^ A L AND LONG DISMonday: H ot dog on a bnn, play “ Getting Acquainted with Service .Classifications No. 2 and ing and of working with mrnirnum supervision.; ue MOVING can A rthur ATION SERVICE: Domestic and in No. 3 thd TSbtor of adjustment has NOTICE O F ADOPTION O F RESOLU* buttered' beets, peach slices, Madge ** enter, DE 1-1414, or DE 1- commercial, phone Lyons, N. Y. been reduced from $.000123 td TIO TO CHAMGE TERM O F OFFICE Fifty years ago—Feb. 12, 191)5-: S.0001 1*3 and the base rate o f the O F fiTHE_ milk. vj ’ 9 46-9487. . 24c6tlp VILLAGE C LE ?K AND V l £ j _ ' 7cl6tf average cost* of filed htls “heeh reduregd LACE TREASURER, . V, , Tuesday:. Chicken . chow der/’’ “ Child Life of, the World’’, a from 3^:.5c to- 26.5c per million Bfcu. Notice is hereby given that The peanUtbutter sandwich, apple­ st'eroptiean lecture, will be giv­ ( airway Sales tkid Service, Full details may bei obtained by of Trastee^ of the Village of reference to- the c.omplete ra^e sched­ Board en a t the Second . Reform ed Newark, N.Y. jjtfopted at a rdsular sauce cake, milk. fcrrUL' Sbel1- 218»WdSt iffilOffice Equipment 28 ule ‘dni‘ fil'e ,,at ’^bV ForpD^ati^ri ,-9^ meetmg hild lod Febrpary 2. 1065' the Wednesday: 'Spanish rice,, Church on.F rid a y . F eb . 19 un­ p Newark. Phone DE. 1fice. . . - . __ resolution published herewith, Such \*FW YORK STATE ELECTRIC ■!Un Lave gooq recondl- TYPEWRITERS, adding paaresolution: does not tafce-effect until Wholewheat bread ahd butter. d e r th e auspices o f the M en’s fi CIS CORPORATION ta "i.. ar.ers; thirty day# ajter fts adoption, nbr lettuce an d dressing, pear half, Brotherhood Bible Class. Hoover, Elec­ chines;' 'cash registers*. SoJd,, -,-V *-— n until approved by the affirmative vdte t Airof a majorty ' o f the Qualified elec­ milk. L- ' TO PRESENT CLAIMS ON n r i J ^ ^ e a s e d , rented, repaired. Office NOTICE tors of $ueh ■> village voting on a DISSOLUTION O F COftPORATlOW Thursday: Turkey arid gravy and Kirby. Will sell furniture and supplies. Special for Ite approval* if Cornell Brothers Pace Tn all Creditors of and Claimants propositon. ■ciL db budget paym ents. stu d en t prices on portables, jir- apainst -Newark. N. Y. Commercial within thirty days after its adoption oh hom em ade biscuit, sweet po­ If you five south or east o f Rochester arid" are looking for a there is filed .with the Village Clerk tato, apple, milk.. Eoteti,rises tnd, Club In Bowling W heel cadia Business Machine Co. a petition signed and acknowledged’ place to worfc that is oufside the metropolitan area of traffic YOU ARB HBREBY NOTIFIED that a SICAL c o n t r a c t in g -F rid ay : F ish portion, ta rta r . required by Section 1.vrins Rd'. Newark. N Y 28c41tf Cei-t,fir ate of Disardutipn of Newark, A 212-560 by Ken Carnell and congestion, that pays well, and that offers, liberal benefits, dn.f No i°b too small, N. Y. Commercial Enterpriaes Inc . a 139.A of the Village Law. protesting sauce, potato chips, bread an d a 564 by C. Carnell led Figure I tar free estimates. Gol­ TYPEWRITERS — New and Re­ Men- Y ed oorporation, with its office against such resolution and request­ butter, green toeans, milk. don’t Ihesitate to investigate the possibilities of wbrleing a t that it be submitted to the electControl to a s w e e p over Sunf s Electric Shop> 118 W. built. Late models fo r ren t and place om business at 16R East ing 0,f such village for their approval Union Ntreek. Newark. Wayne County, sweet in th e Wayne" XC Business N w Ym-lc State.-w.-B-WI«U*n--the* ofc Lor. DE 12785, ■ Overhauls, Cleaning, - Reason­ fiee o f tho Secretary of State at Al- SESSIONS FOR GIRLS RESOLVED.* that th© Board • of RESOLVED. League. G R A FLEX , IN C . . able. Rebuilt. $30 up. Year Hanv. New York on December 3 1. 1961 Trustees having adqp£ed a resolution The Clapps took three from f ri'rHK SIGNS: Large guarantee. AH makes o f Porta­ pursuant to Section 1003 of the: tp change the -term 'o f office of Tram poline sessions for girls 3750 Monroe Ave. Mayor and Members o f ‘ t he Board of Business Corporation Law. the Motts, whose Al Skajlan Was | £e ,5c « a „ 2- for Yo?? ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED Trustees tor authorized by SeetidH 43 will be scheduled Tuesday a t I •• ..mowing are in stock: bles!, Rene Heckler, Jr., Newark -pursuant Pitisford, N . Y. t o ' Section 1007 of the said <41 of the Village Law, from two- 3:30 p.m. in th e Community high With 560 and in other sets Slclltf DE 1-3281. gitsirreos Corporation Law that all years to “four years, on Janimrv 2.i. cen ter gym. th e CoaantS’ won three and "the iRert r P ° utl For Kent, 4 „an“ suti« resolution did become creditors and claimants, inc Udine but \ n.‘ Squire, Rooms For Valvanos dropped three points pot limited to claimants and creditors; effective .oii February* 20. 1964. and Coll, write or See G , H. Gardner, with un+rquidated. o r continf^nt be it further j, ? . f’ ir Rent, F urnished F red Ring listed a 20.6-541, Abe HOOF WORKOUT RESOLVED, that the term of office claims and any with olaims of unfulHome Appliances 32 filled -contradis.- agjainst Newark. N. Y.. of the Village Cleric and Village urnished Rooms For T ellier a 5^7 and F red Mazzei Employment Manager ^ Commercol Enterprises, are - hereby Treasurer of the Village 6 f Newark, The N ew ark C enterettes will a 550 tn their m atches.*'T he Id an/ rlment For Kent, .ahall be four years, as authorized by required -to present their respective, l . p R o o m s . House For ELECTROLUX Sales and Serv­ cia’ms o d d ' demands against sajd Section 43 f4*A) of the Village Law. hold, a basketball practice on p etes pace the loop With 53 ------- -Graflex is an equal opportunity employer chec.R- coj-poraiion in writinR- and in detttJI. and he It furtther I Friday a t 3:30 p.m. in the Center wins followed by the Motts with I For Q;1i‘e' ^Iouse For Gale. ice: new and used. Free ,a il| Mace- . »h^ **v T6B Brat 'RBSOLVBI).that such, four the .m.t,j.rnn directors thpr^f at 51. L m l e,t Lots F®c Sale, up. Alfred N. W esterman, utUgyis.-. 32e44tf€Owf-n,tm r of offftn ghalL F 0r Rent, Rooms For lo n . YTU-5625. 45 a£F claims and denianda whfeh iM ll Personal N otes Tn M arion Area Marion Churches Slate Services, Club A ctivities Legal Notices A U TO G LA S S ROSE CITY U SE O U RS! Marion Menus C. Eldon Nary Wanted Machinists Also 1st Class Tool and Die