SECTION V: EXHIBITS AND ATTACHMENTS Exhibit A - Open Space Advisory Committee Regions Exhibit B - Nonprofit Grants Program: Priority-Scoring System Exhibit C - List of County-owned Structures of Historic Significance Attachment I - Municipal Grants Program Application Attachment II - Nonprofit Grants Program Application [the rest of this page intentionally left blank] 28 Exhibit B Nonprofit Grants Program Priority-Scoring System This priority-scoring system has been developed to evaluate the relative merits of project applications for the acquisition of lands for recreation, conservation and general open space purposes, including Farmland Conservation Areas • . This system has been designed to reflect the priorities, objectives and goals of the Hunterdon County Open Space, Farmland and Historic Preservation Trust und Plan and the County of Hunterdon acting by and through its Board of Chosen Freeholders. Each evaluation factor that applies to the project application should be addressed with a concise narrative description or explanation, and supported with pertinent documents, reports, plan excerpts, and maps (if available). 1. Regional Significance. This factor evaluates the degree of meeting key objectives of the Hunterdon County Park and Recreation Master Plan (2000); Hunterdon County Farmland Preservation Plan (July 2000); municipal Plan documents; State and Regional Plan documents, and/or locally significant plan documents, reports or studies. (20 points maximum) a) the project site is located within a proposed County “Bioregion Preserve” b) the project site is directly adjacent to existing lands for public recreation and conservation or general open space purposes c) the project site is located within a designated County “Special Conservation Zone” (not associated with a Bioregion Preserve) d) the project site provides linkages to County “Major Existing Trails” or creates opportunities for County “Major Proposed Trails” e) the project site is identified in a municipal Open Space and Recreation Plan and map f) the project site is directly adjacent to Preserved Lands or community facilities (not associated with (b) above) g) the project site buffers preserved farmland, without introducing potential public access and use conflicts h) the project site is located within an existing County Agriculture Development Area (Farmland Conservation Areas projects only) i) the project site enhances scenic view-sheds of preserved farmland or farmland preservation projects approved for SADC/CADB funding 5 points 5 points 3 points 2 points 2 points 1 point 3 points 2 points 1 point 2. Development Pressure Influence. This factor evaluates the correlation between population estimates and net change of growth to land development pressure, including legislated transfer of development rights, utilizing official Hunterdon County Planning Board estimates and available census data information, etc. (Refer to Schedule B-I, Table II, last column. 20 points maximum) a) the project site is within a municipality with the latest population estimate and percent change of growth greater than or equal to (≥) 20% 15 points b) the project site is within a municipality with the latest population estimate and percent net change of growth greater than or equal to (≥) 10% but less than 20% 10 points • Farmland Conservation Areas, as used here, also means land subject to an application for Open Space Trust Funds for agricultural uses and conservation (and/or historic preservation) purposes by easement purchase. B-1 2 c) the project site is within a municipality with the latest population estimate and percent change of growth less than (<) 10% d) a project site that is located within the designated Highlands Planning Area shall be awarded five (5) extra points (Refer to Schedule B-II) 5 points 5 points 3. Site Suitability Use. This factor evaluates the project application’s opportunity to provide a variety of suitable outdoor recreation uses and activities, utilizing the New Jersey Open Space and Outdoor Recreation Plan. (see Table I - 10 points maximum) 4. Ease of Preservation Opportunity. This factor evaluates the project application’s likely success of open space preservation. (15 points maximum) a) the owner has signed a Contract For Sale or purchase agreement within the meaning of Imminent Preserved Land (see section 4. Definitions p.7) b) the owner has signed a purchase or option agreement (with the nonprofit) for the acquisition of land based on conditions, requirements or approval contingencies c) the owner or owner representative has submitted an “Application for Sale of Real Estate to N.J.D.E.P. Green Acres Program” form (indicating the property owner is a willing seller) 15 points 5 points 3 points 5.A. Funding Support. This (sub)factor evaluates the applicant’s ability to leverage other available funding sources and demonstrate land acquisition cost efficiency. The applicant must provide letters of award or commitment, or landowner donation acknowledgment. (22 points maximum) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) approved state funding participation approved federal funding participation approved municipal funding participation approved private foundation funding participation agreement by landowner to donate (or discount) a portion of the eligible land’s value (not less than 10% of the Accepted Appraisal) 5 points 5 points 5 points 5 points 2 points 5.B. Cost Effectiveness. This (sub) factor evaluates the level of funding support in relation to the amount of County Open Space Trust Funds requested. (5 points maximum) 1) 10% or less of total land cost 2) 15% or less of total land cost 3) 20% or less of total land cost 6. 5 points 3 points 1 point Natural and Cultural Resource Values. This factor evaluates the natural, historic and cultural resources that the property exhibits in relation to the project’s preservation objective(s). (38 points maximum) a) the property is located within a state-designated Natural Heritage Site B1 (outstanding significance) B2 (very high significance) B3 (high significance) B4 (moderate significance) B5 (of general biodiversity interest) 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point B-2 6. b) the project site enhances or preserves land that is identified in the New Jersey State Development and Redevelopment Plan or municipal plan documents as Critical Environmental Site(s) Special Resource Area(s) 3 points 1 point c) the project area is vital for maintaining species habitat (please reference document and source of information) plant/animal identified on site and appears on US Fish & Wildlife Service’s list of endangered and threatened species or plant/animal identified on site and appears on NJ Department of Environmental Protection’s list of threatened/endangered species 3 points plant/animal identified on site and appears on The Nature Conservancy’s Global Element ranking or plant/animal identified on site and appears on The Nature Conservancy’s State Element ranking 2 points plant/animal on site is acknowledged as a species of concern in municipal master plan (must provide supporting documentation) 1 point d) the project’s level of historic/archeological significance site or structure is listed or meets the criteria for listing on the national or state register of historic places or identified in the State Development Redevelopment Plan as a Critical Historic Site site or structure is included in the Hunterdon County Master Plan Sites of Historic Interest site or structure recognized for local or regional importance in municipal master plan 3 points 2 points 1 point e) the project area contains steep slopes (please indicate approximate acreage excluding overlaps with stream corridors and flood plains, etc.) greater than or equal to (≥) 50% of project area greater than or equal to (≥) 25% but less than 50% of project area less than (<) 25% of project area 3 points 2 points 1 point f) the project area contains a significant stream corridor (please indicate approximate acreage or area, including map illustration) trout production trout maintenance 3 points 2 points g) the project area contains significant freshwater wetlands (please indicate approximate acreage excluding overlaps with stream corridors and flood plains.) exceptional resource value intermediate resource value 3 points 2 points h) the project area enhances water quality protection efforts on lands adjacent to C1 designated streams (must reference applicable plan document, report, study or investigation) 3 points i) j) the project area is included in the Wild and Scenic River Designation property site is associated with a Designated National Wild & Scenic River property site is associated with a river/stream under study for National Wild & Scenic Designation 1 point the project area is exemplary of a woodland community 5 points 3 points B-3 7. Public Support. This factor evaluates the level of public support, other than funding support, to achieve beneficial and desired land preservation goals – consistent with applicable plan objectives, demonstrated public participation opportunities, and broad-based community consensus. (7 points maximum) a) Municipal support (by the municipal Governing Body) b) Public support (demonstrated by public meetings, notices, petitions, or other forums that may have been held on the subject matter) c) Other letters of support (by community and civic organizations, charitable conservancies, and other governmental entities 3 points 3 points 1 point The nonprofit organization is invited to submit any additional information in support of its project application request. Glossary (supplement) Steep Slopes means slopes greater than or equal to (≥) 15%. Significant means the state or quality of the identified resource feature that is of contributing importance to the overall project site or area. Woodland Community means an area not less than 50 acres, which is predominately forest-covered and integral to its surrounding environment, and essential to maintaining or enhancing water quality, soil erosion and storm water control; native species habitat; energy conservation and pollution control; and sustaining forest economy. TABLE I Activities Points Hiking or Boating/canoeing 4 Biking or Nature Study/observation 3 Picnicking or Camping 2 Horseback Riding or Skating 1 B-4 03/24/05 NPG Priority System OSTF*doc Schedule B-I TABLE II CHANGES IN MUNICIPAL AND COUNTY POPULATION MUNICIPALITY Alexandria Bethlehem Bloomsbury Califon Clinton Town Clinton Twp Delaware East Amwell Flemington Franklin Frenchtown Glen Gardner Hampton High Bridge Holland Kingwood Lambertville Lebanon Boro Lebanon Twp Milford Raritan Readington Stockton Tewksbury Union West Amwell Hunterdon NJ 1990 2000 CHANGE PERCENT 3,594 3,104 890 1,073 2,054 10,816 4,512 4,332 4,047 2,851 1,528 1,665 1,515 3,886 4,892 3,325 3,927 1,036 5,679 1,273 15,616 13,400 629 4,803 5,078 2,251 4,698 3,820 886 1,055 2,632 12,957 4,478 4,455 4,200 2,990 1,488 1,902 1,546 3,776 5,122 3,782 3,868 1,065 5,816 1,195 19,809 15,803 560 5,541 6,160 2,383 1,104 716 -4 -18 578 2,141 -34 123 153 139 -40 237 31 -110 230 457 -59 29 137 -78 4,193 2,403 -69 738 1,082 132 30.72 23.07 -0.45 -1.68 28.14 19.79 -0.75 2.84 3.78 4.88 -2.62 14.23 2.05 -2.83 4.70 13.74 -1.50 2.80 2.41 -6.13 26.85 17.93 -10.97 15.37 21.31 5.86 107,776 7,730,188 121,987 8,414,350 14,211 684,162 13.19 8.85 Source: 1990, 2000 U.S. Census; Calculations by Hunterdon County Planning Board Hunterdon County Open Space Advisory Committee (as of 2005) Lawrence Coyne, Lebanon Borough–Region A Frederick Gardner, (Alt.) East Amwell Township–Region B Donald Goehe, (Alt.) Clinton Town-Region A Debra Hirt, Union Township-Region A (Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Representative) Kimberly Testa, Frenchtown Borough-Region B Rob Tucher, High Bridge Borough-Region A George Wickard, Clinton Township-Region A (County Planning Board Representative) Suzanne Wilder, Bethlehem Township-Region A John G. Trontis, Ex-Officio (Hunterdon County Department of Parks and Recreation) Honorable Marcia A. Karrow, Freeholder-Liaison With Special Thanks and Appreciation to Former Members Barbara Thurgarland, Kingwood Township (County Parks and Recreation Advisory Board) Helen Ringus, West Amwell Township John Gattuso, Holland Township Patricia Hilton, Readington Township (County Agriculture Development Board) Leilani Hershey, Kingwood Township all contributing to preserve Hunterdon County’s rural character and its natural, cultural and historic resources Hunterdon County Open Space, Farmland and Historic Preservation Trust Fund Plan ______________________________________________________ Contact: Address: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Website: Kevin Scott Richardson, Open Space Trust Fund Program Route 12 County Complex, Bldg. 1 P.O Box 2900 Flemington, NJ 08822-2900 908.788.1490 Voice Mail: 908.806.5171 908.788.1662 click on Open Space Trust Fund Program