!" - JM\, l v iiS
iComniandcr Dougheri
To March At Teaneck
I JO Boys Leave To Take|
Marine, Navy, And
Air Training
Ten Bergen County boys lcil|
iorgcn College, Teaneck, this mornlg for colleges in the East lo train I
'ith the Marines, Navy, and Air I
oixes with the now college training j
rograins. Eight other students I
ram the college, not residents of!
iergen County, also left today.
One of the Marine recruits is John I
. Low, son of Rear Admiral Fran-1
is F. Low, who lias been living I
x the past 8 months with hisl
lother at 125 Prospect Avenue,!
[ackensack. The Lows' home is in I
Vashinglon. He will report at I
Tinceton. The other County resi-I
cnts leaving today are Richard I
, ihtert of Biver Edge; David Chad-l
;ick of Rutherford; Ralph Denies
I Hackensaek; Albert Deydier off
joonia; Daren J. Flitcroft of Mayi rood; Prank O. Morris ot Ridgeield Park; Jon Rosenthal of Clilfidts Park; James Trnbek of Tca-j
iech and Roy Weston of Oradell.j
Trubiik, son of Mr. and!
ta S o Subel. of S60 Lincoln!
'lace, Teaneck, reported to Colum-1
,ia University this morning to t u r n
rtth the Navy Air Force. He at-1
ended Teaneok High School before |
.tending Bergen College.
r n e s t P. Meyer J r .
I inishes Course
Private First Class Ernest P. Mey-1
• Jr,, son of E. Penninglon Meyerl
• 764 Victoria Road, West Engle-i
ood has been graduated from the!
rmy Air Forces Technical Train-I
ig Command School at ChanuleP
ield, Illinois.
S. n . Filch Graduated
T?ort Riley, Kan,, July 7—Stephen!
Fitch of 48 Park Avenue, Tea-1
3k, N. J., has been graduated from j
.B Cavalry Officer Candidate I
tool and commissioned a second!
Ion of Mr. and Mrs. Arie Fitch,!
is well-known in Bergen County I
isical circles as a baritone soloist, j
IT s wife, the former Miss Edith I
I r iis, lives with her parents, Mr. I
d Mrs, Ellsworth Reis, on Summit ]
enue, Bogota, N. J.
Grano Finishes Phase
|i i evens Goes To Syra-f
euse For Training
ecjal to Hie Ecrsen Evpnlufc Recoidl
•acuse, N. Y., July 3—Ensig,
am D. Stevens of Teanec
, has reported here for speciilj
• training with the Navy after con - j
jpletion of his indoctrination ar ij
i engineering course at Cornell Un
Ensign Stevens, son of Mr. ar
I Mrs. William B. Stevens of 4!
istandish Road. Teaneck, was grat
jualed from Teaneck High School i
11938 and in 1940 he received a d(
Igree of bachelor of science in ni(
I chauical engineering from Rem
Isallaer Polytechnic Institute j
| Troy, N. Y.
He was married to the formi
| Miss Maiy Elizabeth King of TroIN. Y., in 1940 and he has 1 year-oi
I daughter.
Fahnestock Graduated
(Special to the Bergan Evening Record)
Avon Parlc, Fla., July 7 — Avia-J
jtion Cadet Walter D. Fahnestocl [
I Jr. of 330 Warwick Avenue, Wes I
•Englewood, N. J., has been gradu-fl
iated from the Sixty-first " • - ' - "
jTraining Detachment here.
Fahnestock took his prefligh I
Itralnlng at Maxwell Field, Mont-|
jgomery, Ala., and then was orderei f
jto this primary flying school. Hi [
has been transferred to an advance! I
laying field in the Southeast Train [
ling Center. Fahnestock is the soi j
lof Mrs. Ernestine Fahnestock.
Specinl to the Bereen Evening Record)
Montgomery, Ala., July 7—Avia-j
ti Cadet Ralph H. Grano of 16771
17 nsselaer Road, Teaneck, N. J,, has!
npleted the second phase of hisl
fht training at this Army Aii'S
rce Basic Flying- School at Gunterl
3efore transferring here, Grand
lie primary flight training" at|
ala, ,Fla. He was appointed
ation cadet in May, 1942.
Hie son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralphi
ano, he will take his advanced]
!ht training at a Southeast!
lining Center school. After the!
-' H - - • • • • •
Ten At Ohio State
(Special to the Bergen Evening Record)
Columbus, O., July 7—Ten Ber-|
I gen County, N. J., men have arrived!
Ihere at Ohio State University for!
1 work in the Army's specialised j
•training program as follows:
I THAKXCK—Jaok V. Christie of 33- Sher-1
1 wan Avenue.
• 'WEST ENGLEWOOD-aordon 0
I 410 Churchill Road.
In this group of recruit specialists I
iBallenbaoh is a corporal; Haupt, a |
I technician fifth,grade; Nanus, Park-1
Navy Commander William Doug
Serly of Teaneck will lead the mei
ibei's of Post 14a9, V. F. W., of Te
• neck in tomorrow's Tnwnship p*
jade which will begin at 2 P.
| from Queen Anne Road at. DeGri
3 Avenue, it was announced tod
\ by Post, Commander Francis
* Kelly. Commander Dougherty is
•j regular member of the Post.
Sserved with the British Navy diiri
I World War 1, came to the Unit
I States later and joined the Unit
I States Navy. He was captain of t
9U. S. S. Roosevelt before the w
land was retired when the Japs £
Stacked Pearl Harbor. He was call
(back to active duty immediately a:
J was in the battle at Cabablan'
I He has been in the Solomons batt
I and will return on a leave tod
a to his home at 995 Teaneck Rot
STeaneck, where he and his w
iniakts their home.
Thomas J. McCaffrey, director
I the Post's Drum and Bus>le Cor)
I will lead the Corps in the para
a tomorrow and lie will give a PHI
Sat Post Headquarters Tuesd
anight lor 3 of the Corps meinbi
Swho are leaving for the arm
BforceK. The boys are Robert Dodr
IRobert Mansfield, and Jose;
a Grater. McCaffrey will prese
i them with the insignia of t
j branch of service they are enterii
Commander Kelly said that t
BPost has been notified that t
• 40,000 cigarettes purchased by t
Spost are now an their way to t
•South Pacific area for our fighti
Former Post Commander Fi
Slemm is chairman of a commlti
Hwhich is making arrangements
Shave every member now servi
•with the armed forces receive
ileast one letter a month fr<
gmembers of the Post.
Joseph Barbalinardo, veteran
BWorM War 1 has been accepted
jmember.ship in the Post.
Two Complete Course
(Specitil to the Bertren Evening Record)
Chico, Calif,, July 7—Two Berg
•County, N. J., Army aviation cadi
Shave completed basic flight trai
ling at this Air Force field. Tfc
1 are John Warren Ziegler, 24,
11009 Garrison Avenue, Teaneck, a
J James Louis Lepis, 20, of 735 SUT
|mit Avenue, Biver Edge.
During their nine weeks at Chi
I the pair took night, formation, err
I country and instrument flying,
I well as ground school subjec
I They now are in advanced sch<
I on the last leg of their training.
Lepis is the son of Mr. and M
I t . A. Lepis, Ziogler's parents i
I Mr. and Mrs. John Keller Zi<
T f"
* 'J" \t 'H Ussier, Cartoonkfs Son,
Will Enter Service July 23\
oy And Ayers, West Point Alternates, Also Slated |
To Go In Teaneck Board's Selections
Harry B. Bressler Jr., son of Harry Bressler, cartoonist I
ir the Bergen Evening Record, is listed among men who!
•Jrom Local Board 6, Teaneck.
Brosslcr was graduated from Tea-1
neck High Schol in 1940. After talc-1
ling post graduate work he entered!
ithe University of Missouri where h e l
Swinlmi At Greensboro
•completed his second year this!
Ui'fen&boro, N. C, July 8—Private I •spring.
•William M. Swinton of Teancck.l
IN. J., who was recently graduated I Two Teaneck boys who held first!
Hal Fordham University with a bach- •alternate West Point appointments,!
iclor of science degree, has arrived •Albert Joy, son of Mr. and Mrs.!
Iliere lor special technical training! JDonald Joy, and William Ayers, son!
|with. UIP Army Air Force.
I [of Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. AyersJ
Shortly before he entered scrvirel •will leave for the armed forces soon.I
I he marri"d the former Miss Helpnf BJoy will go into the Army July 23I
I P Dohcrty of Honcsdale. Pa., a rojr- land Ayers will leave for the Naval!
lifitered nurse and .supervisor nl the!•Air Corps in August.
g delivery room at Doctor's Hospital,! I Joy was graduated from Teaneckl
•High School in 1942 nnd was a t - i
I New York City.
His younger brother, Loudonl • tending New York: Military Acad-1
jSwinlon, was recently graduated! iemy when he received his call.l
I from Si. Cecilia's High School.! I Ayers was graduated from Teaneckl
lEnglewood, N J., and is a members I High School, Class of '42, and w a s !
Inl the Naval Reserve and is await-1 • attending Annapolis Prep School i n l
• Ing call to a college lor officerf |New York City.
• training. They arc sons of the M e l Gordon Jefferson, son of Mr. a n d !
ILoudon Swinlon, veteran of the last! iMrs. Henry Jefferson of West En-I
iwar, and Mrs. Gencvieve Swinton-f Iglewood, one of Teaneck High!
|Davis of 1264 Overlook Avenue, I School's gridiron stars last year, also!
Vest Englewood.
I will leave July 23. He tried to get!
I into the Air Corps prior to his cal'I
I by the Draft, Board but failed i:
I the eye tests.
Military Student Called
Finishes Course
Sanford, Fla., July S _ Second!
A Citadel student, Robert W
lafs Petty Officer William Knfiu.stl I Dodds, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roben j
|of Teaneck, N. J,, has returned tol |M. Dodds of West Englewood, ha
Hhis duties as an aviation mtt*]-f • been called by his Draft Board t
•smith at this Navy air base after! I report July 23.
• completing R month's course at, t h e !I He was graduated from Georgi:
[Lockheed Naval Training School! J Military College, in Milledgevilli
Bin Burbank, Calif. HE is the son!iGa., after attending Teaneck Higl L
Hof Mr. and Mrs. Henry Knaust ofl J School for 2 years. After graduation j
[ho went to Citadel, Charlestor |
1188 DeGraw Avenue, Teaneck.
IS C, where he had completed hi
I first year this spring,
I Bruce Losche, son of Mr. and Mrs •
JQeorgo P. Losche of Tpaneck, whrl
I will leave for the Navy soon ha< ]
ESI TO ANNAPOLISl I completed his third year in engi
Ineerins at Rutgers in New Bruns
iwick, N. J. He was graduated from!
N Teaneck High School in '40, Hi I
jj will enter the Navy as an apprentice |
I seaman.
Accepted for the Army are:
TEANECK— William A. Sheehcm Geora:
j r . Solomon. Ralpli T. Wetmoic', Harr ,
1 Pierre, Harold Sfceinbruck, Jacques Val
j per Weghe, Albert Joy, Oharta oltmei
I iVilliam J. Koi'nfield, Cbarlea P. Lowen
11 hal J r . Antbonv Chevant, John P. Maurei
jlovd E. Kennedy, Jaoqiles Du Bois, Lewi
:. stem, and Thomas H. Kindle.
. WEST ENGLEWOOO—Harry B. Brcss i
I er, Harold Victor Reilly Jr., Robert W
1 3odd?( Goi-rien Jefferson, Thomas J. Llcata
I 3arnet; Goldberg, Clifford L. Pindcr, Don
FLUSHING, H. Y—Kayroonii E u u e n .
TEANEOK'-Airred a. Tiindeweehe, Ed ,
I vard T Tulle, Loudon J. Swinton Jr.
I Vesley P. carduck William Ayera, An !
Ireiv Bnreer, Clarence Vormtlker, WilHan |
1. Farley, Bruce H, Losche, Arthur 8 L
Janahorn, Walter Patrick Rellly Jr., Fret j
V. Stafford, Edward J, Mnloueen, Stanley I
)wen, wan-en Schmidt. Reber P. Clark Jr.' f
,nd Joseph T. Zarenko.
(Special to the Screen Evening Record)
John A. Schomaker, son ofl
I Mr. ana Mrs. August, J. Scho-[
• maker o£ 1015 Warren Park-1
I way, Teaneok, who has entered!
I the V. S. Naval Academy at I
I Annapolis as an. appointee of!
J Senator Barbour. The 18-ycar-S
I oIS graduate of Horace Mann I
I School, and Emerson High. |
I School, Union City, was study-1
ling engineering: at Manhattan!
J College. While at Annapolis for!
(his physical examination hel
iwas notified by the Coast I
• Guard that he had passed the I
I competitive examination for!
I entrance In the Coast Guard!
l A d y at New London, Conn. 1
I Geneva, N. Y., July 8—Warren A
post, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. POE
pf 1108 Lambert Road, West Engle j
ivood, N. J.; and Elmer W. Mueggen
burg, husband of Mrs. Edna Mueg
Igenburg of 118 Ayers Court, Tea
•neck, have completed'boot trainln
Jat the Sampson, N. Y,, Naval, Train
ling fetation near this city.
(Special to the Bergen Evening Rpcord)
Miami, Pla,, July 8—Edgar Ro
Iwengenroth, son of Mr. and Mr; j
I Edgar R. Wengcni'oth of 1372 Rjvc
I Road, West Englewood, N. J., wh I
I just graduated as an ensign fro*
I Midshipman's School here at Co) j
jumbia University, has reported f
[this Submarine Chaser Trainin
J Center for active duty.
Wengenrotli was graduated froi 1
iTeaneek Hig'h School and froi
I Georgia Institute of Technology la.' |
K A . U l i l l N E MENGES
[iss Menges? PhysicalEd
Teacher Here, Wins Wingg
feaneck Instructor Is Graduated At Randolph FieldJ
Joins Flying Command To Ferry Planes
(Special to the Bergen Evening Record)
Sweetwater, Tex., July 9—Miss Katherine Menges, former
reanecte High School physical education and hygiene in-1
Istructor, has received her silver wings at Randolph Fieldl
Ihere as a graduate of the nation's third class of Army-trainedi
iwoman flyers. She 'yas graduated from the Flying Train-i
ling Command's School for Women Pilots. She will report!
•immediately to"'relieve combat-ready men o£ the job of ferry-|
ling military planes from factories to fields.
Miss Menges, who made her After graduating froiri Sargent 1
ihome on Carlton Terrace in Tea-College In Cambridge, Mass., Miss I
I neck while she taught to the High Menges went to Boston University I
I School, served a s faculty advisor for her B, S. degree and to New I
Bfor many extra-curricular activi- York University for her M. A. d e - l
I ties, namely sports and dancing, gyee In psychology, While at col-1
I for junior and senior high school lege she was prominent in journal- §
istic and athletic activities and i n l
1 girls.
student government work. She took!
graduate courses a t Columbia TJra-i
Interested in flying for several versity and Boston University and I
lyears, this 34-year-old flyer began special dancing courses under Tedl
Jher studies to be a pilot at Bergen Shawn, Pauline Cliellis, and Dr.J
1 College, Teaneck. She became a Anna S. Dugan.
•member of the Civil Air Patrol-in Miss Menges, with Miss Claire!
•Rutherford and later became a Guerber, physical education d i - I
•Lieutenant and Group Public Re- rector a t 4he High School, was i n - 1
lations Officer in «ie_ New Jersey s trumental in having square danc•Civil Air Patrol. She is a member ing and other types of popular danc-1
jof the New York - New Jersey ing mads a regular part of t h e !
JNinety - Ninors, national women's physical education program a t t h e "
lying organization.
Before her Army training she and jfer home is at Begreganset, Mass.l
I a friend bought their own plane, an
iAeronca Chief, and she got much where her mother, Mrs. Harry I
of her 225 hours of.flying time on Preston Linnell, lives. She is th'el
J cross-country flights in her own daughter of the later, Dr. Oliver!
j plane. She once flew to a physical A. Menges, who was an Army Cap-j
tain, and her uncle, William Meii-I
I cdueati
iHackensaclc Ancl Teaneck Boys Tn
Fieltl Artillery
(Special to Iho Bergen Svculng Record)
Port Bragg, N. C, July S—Law-1
jjrenoe K. Williams of 112 Hudson!
istreet, Hackensack, N. J., and Ray-f
Imond J, Garrison of 170 Larch!
HAvenue, Teaneci, have reported!
|here for basic training with thef
y's field artiller:
ges of Oolumtms, Ohio, is a retired!
Colonel. Her brother, Wilbur S.I
Manges, is an Army Lieutenant and!
has been serving to
the South P a - |
oifie fighting area1 for 18 months,
Ill kOuks, bilkbl.i Sl.llliul
(Sprcitil to the Bergen Evening Record)
Toledo, Ohio, July 12—Ernest M.
lyhren, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. G
i. Wyhren of 48 North Prospect
'errace, West Englewood, is cnolled here in the Naval Training
ichool for cooks and bakers at the
taval Armory.
Miss Tamborelle A Wavi
Special Lo the Bergen Evening Rec
Northampton, Mass., July
[Iss Verna Holle Tamborelle, 20,1
lughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Frank!
amborelle of 419 Sagamore Ave-r
tie, Teaneck, N. J., has been in-|
ucted as an officer-candidate in
le Waves for training here at the
aval Reserve Midshipmen's School!
. Smith College. She attended Tea-J
eck High School and Barnard [
Dantlrow A Sergeant
Charles Dandrow, son of Mr. and!
:rs. C. Pred Dandrow, 642 Mait-g
,nd Avenue, Teaneck, won his chev-|
ins as a sergeant, U. S. Army, lastl
lonlh at Camp Hood, Tex. A g r a d - |
ate of Teaneck High School, Dan-i
row won three scholarships to t h e !
ulhard School of Music, New York!
ity, for his proficiency on the clar-f
let. Following his graduation I
lore, he gave private music lessons!
t his home, prior to entering t h e !
jrvice last September.
| Bergen Men Quanlied
|Fov Army Clerical Work
(Special to Uu BoiEen Evening Hreord)
, „ Ohaoute
Field, 111,, July 14-Coraeorse M
- Patterson, son of
I ^ r S l , G i , P a t t e r s t m of 83 Garden
I Street, West Englewoocl, N. J has
| been graduated here as an eled
J tacian-technician for duty with (he
I Army Air Fn
(Special to the Bergen Evening Kecol II
|ln.FrefUghl Training
(Special to the Bergen Evening Record)
Chapel Hill, N. C, July 15—Navall
J Aviation Cadet William Platt, 8 « |
I Garrison Avenue, Teaneck, N. J.,
I has completed the intensive 11-1
I week course at this Navy Freflightl
1 School. He has been ordered to the I
I Naval Air Station at Peru, Indiana,!
I for primary flight training.
Platt was graduated from the I
J Teaneck High School in the class!
I of 1940 and attended Paterson State I
• Teachers College where he partici-§
jpated in basketball and baseball.
The course he just completed i n - |
I eluded physical conditioning ath
iletics, military drill, instruction i n i
i t h e essentials of Naval service andi
I ground school subjects.
After 3 months of primaly flying!
1 and 3 additional months of ad-1
ivanced flying, Platt will be eligible!
I for a commission either as an en-1
gn in the Naval Reserve oi as a I
I second lieutenant in the Maiinei
I Corps Reserve and "will receive t h e |
gold wings of a Naval aviator
Qreeley, Colo., July 15 — ' f
iBergen County, N. J., men 1 1
• just completed an Intensive com
iof study in Army Force del 1 1
[duties here at the Technical Trr
ling Detachment, on the campu,' I
jfcolorado State College of Edi 1tion.
They are Privates First Class V 1
jgliam L. Breckwoldt, 20, of 77 C
idene Avenue, Teaneck, N. J.,
iwilliam K. James, 34, of 54 BeU' •
|Place, Bergenfield,
The graduates were awarded »
•diploma of the Army Air Forct b
ilhe detachment commander an 1
IcerUflcate on behalf of the col
1 which signified that the institu 1
I will accept for full college creaii
I work done in classrooms here b:
Ithe trainees.
Breckwoldt Is the son of Mr. an
[Mrs. W. L. Breckwoldt of the Te:
I neck address and James' parents!
iare Mr. and Mrs. George M. JamBs|
Iof the Bergenfield address.
to Prance without the loss of a l
The Susan B. Anthony was a soldier. Some 50 or move of the!
1,187,500 liner of 8133 gross tons, 400 n a val personnel aboard stiHj
ilt in 1930. She was 483 feet a r e unreporled, but most are be-1
lieved safe.
The American destroyers were survivors said few of the soldiers j
leven got their feet wet and they I
iwere sav,ed with their field paqksl
land srfiall arms by rescue ships!
•which swarmed to the scene.
Lt. W. H. Hutchison, 7832 222nd,I
'lushing, N. Y., a navigator, said!
•the rescue job "certainly rates!
Iwith that of the President Coolidgej
Jin the South Pacific.
Only United States skipper lost I
jas Lt. Cmdr. Allard Barawelll
aleyward of the 890-ton mlne-j
bweeper Tide. His mother lives In I
" " itnh. S. C.
The other survivors included I
1 Cmdr. Thomas L. Gray, 878|
I Grange Boad, T.eanaQk, H
J commanding the Susan B. AnI thony.
J Elaborate preparations hadbeenl
II made by the Navy Department far!
} release of the news here at 2:301
1 p. m., EWT, supposedly coincidentf
Iwith release of British losses in
} London. But Gen. Elsenhower!
{made the announcement of bothl
j United States and British navall
• losses nearly 90 minutes ahaa^dl
Iof the time scheduled here anwl
> the first naval authorities knev/I
j of It was when they saw the news I
I come over bickers.
1 c
Teaneck Resident Named!
Master Sergeant
[15 Allied $hips Lost
in Invasion Landings
the Corty and Glennon, built ini
the Associated Press.
LONDON, July 13.—Six Ameri- the 1940-41 program, and the!
i and British destroyers were Meredith. President
t in landing operations in announced soon alter the land-1
ings that two destroyers had been j
»nce, the U. S. Navy Departlost. He did not name them.
nt and the British Admiralty
Three British destroyers an-|
nounced tonight.
Total naval losses announced nounced lost by the Admiralt;
re 15 vessels, seven American were the Boadicea, Swift and
d eight British. Several thou- Svenner. The British also anl
nounoed the loss of the frigated
ld ships were involved in the
Mourne, Blackwood and LawfordJ
The former Grace liner Santa the trawler Lord Austin and the!
u-a, renamed the transport'auxiliary Minster.
san B. Anthony, also was lost
Troops Savefl As Ship Sinks.
American naval forces along T [ l e g u s a n B . Anthony,sank ini
th.the minesweeper Tide, t h e t h e c n a n n e l w n l l e carrying troopsi
(Special to the Bergen Kvenins Record)
_ Fort Worth, Tex,, July 17 — Beicently commissioned Ensign Jamesl
•A. Boughton of West Bnglewood, J
I N J., has reported here for further!
•training as a pilot with the Navy!
iAir Force. BoughtQn, son of Mr.l
land Mrs. James P. Boughton of 79|
ishepard Avenue. West EnglewoodJ
I N J received his primary train'
I at Chapel Hill, N. C, and was co
• missioned at Corpus Christi, t1
• He is a graduate of Teaneck H
• School, attended Bergen Colic
• Teaneck, and later New York U
Ryan In India
. Corporal Bichard James Ryan 0
iTeaneck has arrived somewhere ii
• India, according to a letter receivec
• yesterday by his wile, who lives a 1
1183 Walnut Street, Teaneck. It wa
J t h e first letter she had receive!
I from him in 6 months.
|Vandeweghe, Teaneck,
fade A Lieutenant
(Special to the Bergen Evening Record)
Fort Washington,Mcl., July I S - 1
Ernest J. Vandeweghe of 1022 Gar f
li'ison Avenue, Teaneck, N. J. ha j
Tbeen commissioned a- second lieu [
nt in the Army after complet S
ling a course of training at the Ad-j
ljulant General's School here.
Vandeweghe was one of a selected!
j p of enlisted men drawn iron r
virtually all arms and branches o I
l service and designated to ftt-l
nd the OHic6r OandMa-te School j
Harry G. Carroll, son of Mr. and!
|Mrs. William G. Carroll, 8 Livings-!
iton Place, Teaneck, who is serving!
las a non-commissioned officer lul
icharae of the A-2 section of t h e !
|13th A/A.P. Fighter Command ini
ithe South West Pacific, has beenl
Ipromoted from technical to master!
I In August of 194(1 Sergeant Car-1
jroll voluntarily took a break from!
Isergeant to corporal 50 he couldl
•ship into the overseas theater.!
•Since that time he has risen stead-I
lily to his present rank,
I Sergeant Carroll has been in onei
jmajor campaign against the Japa-j
|ness and is authorized to wear a l
Battle Star on his Asiatic Pacific!
rheater ribbon. He holds the Goodi
Donduct Medal.
While at one South Pacific basel
iergeant Carroll's unit was shelled!
y Jap artillery. He has been the!
Itarget of Japanese bombs at fouri
'different bases.
A graduate of Federalsburg High!
School, Sergeant Carroll was for-1
Bmerly an International Business I
jMaohine operator tor the Chemical I
lEnglewood Flier Well,|
Officer Reports
Lieutenant Wifflam Mikolasy, 24,1
son of Mr. and Mrs. Sandor A.j
Mokolasy of 305 Webster Avenue,!
Englewood, now prisoner In a Italian 1
camp near Chieti has sent a mes-|
sage to his wife and family through I
Captain Alan B. Stuyvesant of Al-I
lamuchy, who returned to this!
country as an exchange prisoner.
The first thing Captain Stuy-I
vesant did on his arrival was toi
relay by phone or letter news off
five New Jersey boys to their par-i
ents. Now resting at his home, hel
said the five and he made upi
the largest group in the camp who!
came from one State.
Lieutenant Mikolasy has been ani
Italian prisoner since December. E n - |
listed in the Air Corps, he wa
awarded a medal by General James!
Doolittle for attacking Sfax, an im-i
portanl port in Eastern Tunisia, in I
a daring low-level raid. In this hel
was wounded, but according to Cap-1
tain Stuyvesant these wounds havej
Lieutenant Mikolasy has been I
iinarried more than a year, and isl
the father of a 7-weeks-old son,!
|His wife, the former Margaret Flan-1
nery of Teaneck, is living with her I
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Flan- 8
nery, at 71 Garden Street, Teaneck. I
|Mrs. Mikolasy, mother of three sous I
in the service and three daughters,'!
laid she is glad to know that her I
m is living and there is yet a |
nee of his coming home.
14 Teaneck Pilots Now
I At Field In. Alabama
(Special fo the Bcigpn Evening Record)
Montgomery, Ala., July 20—Four!
j Teaneck, N. J., Army Air Force 1
1 pilots in training and a dozen other I
I cadets from nearby communities i
I have reported here to Maxwell .Field!
I for the third phase of instruction. I
8Local men are:
TEANECK—MfHon Goldln nf 984 Queen ft
iune Road, Marvm Bennett Lander 01H
1110 Sherman Avenue, Aithur Philinl
l o ' H a i * J r . of 2 " a r a s o n Hoce. and I
iJainci Joseph McLauehlln ol 856 Ester J
These cadets are' receiving 9 |
• weeks of physical, military and a c a - |
Idemic instruction preparatory lot
ibeginning actual flight training at!
lone of the many primary flying|
I schools located in the Army Ail
BPorce Southeast Training Center.
E. B. gmith At Knox
(Special to the Bergen Evening Becoid)
Galeaburg, 111, July 21—Private
lEdward Bruce Smith, 18, son oil
jMr. and Mrs. E. A. Smith of 470|
BOgden Avenue, West Englewood, NT
j j . , has arrived here at Knox Colleges
j to qualify as an Army Air Force|
ition cadet.
Mrs. RagcJt
New York, N. y., July 32—Mr"
I Alberta Louise Rasch of Madiscnl
•Avenue, Teaneck, N. J., daughter i rI
SMaJor and Mrs, B. C. Martlndar T
a of the same address, and wife
• Corporal George Henry Rasch, «
I pects to go to the U. a. Coast Guai
[Station in Palm Beach, Pla., shortl
I where she will receive her trail
Sing for the Spars. Mrs. Rasch ei
I listed in the Spars here July 1
I A graduate of Teaneck High Sehoi '
[Teaneck, N. J., she was employed
i typist for Newman and Blsco, Ne
I York Oity, before entering the Coa
II Guard.
I Army Artillery Sergeant
Cited For Gallantry
To Wounded Mates
Sergeant Charles J. (Jafkie) Mor16, 25-year-old Army Held artilleryman of Cumberland Avenue,
iTeaneck, wears the Silver Star toiday, the first carnival, circus, or
lamusement park man to be decoratled in this country for gallantry in
Morris, then a corporal technician
Ififth Rrade, was in the infantry
•battalion advancing on Graaav
IKIIDII of Guadalcanal last DpcemIber N when the battalion comman|der was wounded.
"Corporal Morris," the citation
:ontinues, "and companions adminlistered first ai-1 to him in the face
ot a heavy concentration of enemy
ifire and remained with him until
•his death 3 hours later, at which
Jtime they withdrew to their own
Ilines. Later that afternoon a patrol
I went forward to pick up the body.
"Corporal Morris and another,
jjwithout regard to personal safety,
I voluntarily followed and brought
I back the body under cover of fire
• from the patrol, Then they obJtalned a litter and went back for
1 another soldier who was wounded.
I When they had loaded the wounded
1 man on the litter it was found it
I could not be dragged. Corporal MorIris and his companion then picked
iup the litter and walked back with
lit, thus displaying outstanding
I courage."
Morris worked as assistant to his
ifather, Charles C. (Doc) Morris, at
• Palisades Amusement Park, where
I the elder Morris is promotion
irector. The Sergeant's parents live
| a t the Cumberland Aveni-c address.
Morris volunteered in the draft
|Nov. 3, 1941, and when he went
• overseas last March 2 he was in the
Ifirst American regiment ashore at
I New Caledonia and the first later
| t o relieve Marines on Guadalcanal
Whatever fighting he did must be
I told when he returns home. Mr.
I Morris said today his son never
Iwrote much home.
Latest note indicates he is on rest
Jiurlough in the Fiji Islands and
I that he is looking for the pass day
I when he can hunt up a good glass
I of beer.
"He wrote home", said Morris,
"they eat steaks morning, noon, and
I night."
J. ,T. Corris Promoted
(SnrrlfU In thr Bflfsoll Bvenlns ItfTni
Sergeant Charles J. Morris
of Teaneck, sets the Silver Star
for gallantry in action. His I
commanding' general identified j
only as "the old man" is shown I
in photo pinins the medal to |
Ciunp Crowdei'. Mo,, July 23
John Joseph Con-is, 20, son o£ Mr.l
and Mrs. Joseph W. Corris of 3 4 |
State Street, West Englewood, N.I
J., has been promoted here Ii-oml
private t" corporal in a communlca-l
tions service unit of the Army Air I
Corris has boon in service 61
months. Before thai he was s i
newspaper reporter. Ooi-ria went l o l
Fort Dix and Atlantic City for nisi
training and he is here studying 1
;pecial phases of signal urork
Harry Hoene Qualifies
Special to tlia BerKen Evening Becoid!
Chanute Field, 111., July 23—Priv-I
late First, Class Harry Hoene, son!
Miner In Training
lot Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Hoene o i l
(flneoial Lo the Bpi'gen EvenliiR necctd)
ITeaneck, N. J,, has qualified here!
Bainbrklge, Oa,, July SI—With I las an airplane machinist for duty|
pre-flight and primary training in I iwith the Army Air Force
the Army Air Force completed, Avi-1
,tion Cadot Reginald R. Miner, son I
of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Miner!
634 Linden Avenue, Teaneck, J
N. J., is now assigned here to basic I
flight training. Miner was a stu-1 l e a n R a b b i n o H o m e
dent at Alfred, N. Y. University,! Da Leave F r o m F l o r i d a
when he joined the Air Force on I
Private First Class Jean L. RaaMarch 6. Prominent in sports, hel Ibino,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles.1
played a guard position in football, r
of HI Cane Street, Tea-i
both at high school and at college,I
is horns on, 10-day furlough.!
and was a wrestling instructor a t j
Alfred. He is a member of Delta! |He is on duly at the LeeiburK, Pla,,|
Sigma Phi and was its president forj I Army Air Force base with a flgntei|
a year.
He has a cousin, Robert Rabbiiaol
Jwho has enlisted in the Air Force!
land is at Kelly Field, Texas. Robert!
laabbino is a graduate of Caseyl
I Jones School in Newark and laatj
lyear served the Army as instructor!
fat its Borne, N. Y., post.
7- 3'- ¥-3
GhftMy Mechanic
(Special to the Ecrficn Evening Rpcorcl)
, Sheppard Field, Tex., July 21-1
John M. Gliazey, son of Mr. and]
flrs. Gabriel Ghazey of 413 Teaneck
-Jload, Teaneck, N. J., has beenl
•graduated here as an airplane maichanic in the Army Air Force.
jr. M. Jnlwiison To Training'
New York, July 23—Private John!
J M . Johausen of 45 Franklin Koad.I
IWesl Englewood, N. J,, reported onj
I Wednesday to the College of the!
I Oity of New York as a candidate forl
I admission, to the Army Specialized!
iTrainlng Program for specialized!
finstrucUon in such fields as engiii-I
leering, foreign languages, and psy-j
•* s,
IjS Berffen Pilots
| Will Get Wings
(Special to itic BefEen Evening Recor
, Camp Davis, N. C, July 28—Lc
firri Mrrks Jr., of West Englew
J., was graduated here
Thuvwiay as a second licutel
llrom the Coast Artillery Ant:
•craft Officer Candidate School.
alias boon assigned to Camp Hi
1 Texas. His sister, Barbara Jo M
l i s n staff Borgeant with the W
I in Headquarters Company at Al]
• Texas. She has been selected
§ Officer Candidate School and av
I assignment. Their parent's livr
11351 Dickerson Bead, West El'
1 wood.
(Special to the Bevgon Evening Record)
Columbus, Miss., July 27—Five!
SiBergen County, N. J., pilots will bol
BU'aduated here tomorrow as second I
lieutenants at this Southeast Army!
I Mr Force Training Center. Thcyj
Hoyer trained at Gunler Field,!
|Montgomery, Ala., before he was!
issiened here; the others at Bain-g
Ibriciep. Oa,.. Airfield.
Finish PraHlght TrainlnK
(Special to the Bcti.cn ^S^finlllE Rctniill
Athens, Ga., -July 2!) — Two lociil
uaval aviation cadets have rnmipleted 3 months of physical c-onCamp Croft, S. C, July 27—Pil-I iditionraB nnri eround school wore
ivate Donald E. Rowe, 18, of West ihere at the Navy Prefliglit School.
lEngelwood, N. J., a member of the iTliey are John T'HUI Barton of 16
• circulation staff of the Bergen Eve- isha'icr Placr, H,K,kcnsaclt, N. J.,
Ining Record, has arrived hGre forj Iwho goes to the Memphis. Tenn.
ibasic training with the Army. Hej I Air Station, and Edward Norman
lis the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. V< iBaur oi 1283 Beaumont Avenue,
IRowe of 3083 Summit Avenue, West| I West EiiRlrwood, who will report to
lEnglewood. Rowe enlisted June 25. I the Olathe, Kan., Air Station.
IROWP.'S brother, Seamaii First Class
jBichard H. Rowe, 20, is at Miami,
I Pla., at the sub-chaser school in
I training for the Coast Guard. Ha
I enlisted last September 10.
D. E. Rowe At Camp Croft
tdljuiual iu triL- Jaergeii Evening Record)
Long prominent in Eepubliin politics here, Harold V.
eilly of Teaneck (above) t
cek hesan active service
. S. Army. He holds rank
ta.1or, expects to svo overs
tier 4 months training.
Mineola, N. Y., July 27—Corporal!
BDean M. Williams of 100 Washing-i
gjton Place, West Englewood, N. J.,|
•reported here at Roosevelt Heidi
Blast Saturday for assignment to a d - |
Hvanced studies in technical opera-l
fitions for the Army Air Force.
8 His wife, the former Miss Win!-,
Sired Romkey of West Englewood, I
fllives at the Washington. Place ad-i
Heiress. His parents, Mr, anci Mrs I
I Dean R. Williams, live at 361 Elm I
I Street. Oradall.
2 Are CommlssloiiBil
fSpccial to Uie Eci-Ecn EveniiiB Record)
T Boat Skipper Tells Hoi
11 aaneck Lieutenant Says His Craft Picked Up Flier
A Day After Plane Spotted His Raft
Lieutenant John Morrison, TJ. S. N. R., of Teaneck, who:
is in command of one of the two PT boats that picked up
iptain Eddie Eickenbacker, described the rescue to mem-!
rs of Teaneck's Rotary Club yesterday afternoon in Bern-|
irdt's Inn.
3aptain Edward Cherry, pilot ofl
ckenbacker's airplane, who was o n l
different raft, was discoveredi
st related Morrison. From t h e !
iations he gave, an obseryatio:
plane finally spotted Rlcken-I
ulcer's raft. A day alter this, the
' boats made the rescue. By that|
le Bickenbacker and his crew
d been 21. days on open sea. Al-I
sugh he was Iho oldest of the|
nip rescued, ho was in the besi
ape physically, said Lieutenant|
liieulenant Morrison, who was tn-l
iduced by Dr. Charles Steel, prin-1
lal of Tcaneck High School, i s !
0 son of Mrs. James Spencer, 1560
jarch Avenue, Teaneck, and t h e !
I late John Morrison. He was gradu-1
I ated from Teaneck High School!
I with honors and is a graduate of!
I Williams College, where he made!
I Plii Beta Kappa. Recently he mar-J
Ivied Miss Betsy Brown, daughter ofl
I Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown, 202 j
] Ogden Avenue, West Englowood.
He attended the Midshipmen's I
I School, U. S. S. New York, New!
I York City, and was made an ensign.I
I After 4 months in San Diego, he I
1 was ordered out on the U. S. ST
j Nevada, which was at Pearl Harbor!
I when the Japanese attacked. Later!
I transferred to PT boats, in 1943, he j
] was made a lieutenant, j . g. I n j
j March of this year, he became , a |
1 full lieutenant.
(Special to tho Berseii Evening Becord)
•Alberta Rasch To Go
|xo Florida To Train
Mrs. Alberta Louise Rasch, daughller of Major and Mrs. E. C. MartinJdale of 485 Marion Avenue, Tcaneck,I
iwho enlisted in the Spars July 15 inl
INew York City, will leave shortly forl
I the Coast Guard Station in Palmi
1 Beach, Florida, for basic training.[
She is the wife of Corporal George!
• Henry Rasch, She is a graduate!
• of Teaneck High School and was|
• employed as a typist.
Papazian In Armored Forces
(Special to.tha Bergen Evening Record)
Fort Knox, Ky., July 27—Frivatff I
1 Leon H. Papazian, son of Mr. a n d !
•Mrs. Leon Papazian of 12 Oakdene I
I Avenue, Teaneck, N. J., has report,
led here for training in communica*
• tions lor the Armored Force of thai |
Ceaneck Specialist
With Air Forces
(Special to the Borgen Evening Record)
Miami Beach, Pla., July 27—Johnl
JF. Daly of Teaneck, N. J., ear, nose (
land throat specialist, has been proJmoted to captain in a medical deitachment of the Army Air Forcaj
land is on duty here at its Surgical!
• Hospital. His home is at 877 QueenI
JAnne Road
Mrs. Margaret Mikolasy shows a model plane to he
son, William Jr., 8 weeks old, in their home at Engle-I
wood, N. J. Bill's daddy, Lieut. William Earl MikolasyJ
is now a prisoner of war in Germany. He does not know!
his son has been born. The lieutenant, a TJ. S. flier!
was decorated for exploits performed before his eap*l
Pcnsacola, Fia., July 29—Frederick
IV. Lind, son of Mr. and Mrs, Fred
ILind of 1359 Sussex Road. West Enjglewood, N. J,, and Bichard A. How
Inrd, son of Mr, a nand Mrs. A. J,
j Howard of 121 V
Orden Avenup.
B Leonia, won their Navy wings this
J week at the Naval Air Station. Lind
jwas commissioned a second lieu ten.
I ant in the Marine Corps Air Force
I and Howard was commissioned an
I ensign in the Navy Air Force.
< from
ire Commissioned
ur Qualify AI Chanule
Aircraft Machinists
(Special to Ihr BerBen Evellins liecordl
Bpecial to the Bergen Evening Recoid)
Uianute Field, 111., Aug. 2—Th(|
owing group ol local men havq
ilified here as aircraft machinist*
the Armv Air Force:
'EST ENQLEWOOD—Elmei UnM of 1 1 ! |
iview Avenue.
Ul of the men have ratings asl
vates first class and will be as-1
ned to active duty at home
Hclmslettef Assigne
peclal to the Bergen Evening Becottl)
reat Lakes, 111., Aug. 2—George!
nstetler, 26, husband o( Mrs.I
herine Helmstetler of 48 Park!
nue, Teaneck, N. J., has beenj
h'ned to the Navy school
ikeepers at Toledo, O. Upon]
pletion of a 16-week course h<
be eligible for ft third cla
y officer rating.
Kandolph Field, Tex., Aug. 3—
• Headquarters of the Army Atrl
• Forces Gulf Coast Training Center
• here has announced the graduation
I of five Bergen County men in a
I consolidated ceremony transpiring!
lal, Aloe Field, Ellington Meld, and
I Poster Field, all in Texas. The men
I have completed their advanced IlyI ing courses and have Been commtsisioned second lieutenants in the
I Army Air Corps. The list includes
Ithe following:
TEANECK—David S. RothenbergTi
985 Teaneck Road.
The Gulf Coast Training Center!
turns out one of the largest classes!
in the country at regular Intervals.!
The mm will now be assigned to I
active duty.
(Sppclal to the BeigpnEvpnlnE Retold
Kast St. Louis, 111, Aug. 4 — Bill
jKatz of Teaneck, N. J., lias comipletcd his Piimary Flight Training
§here at, the Contract Flying School.
He is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
I Paul E. Katz of 119 Edgernont
IPlace. Katz has been assigned !o
I Independence, Kan., lor his basic
I flying course.
50 Take Training
In College Course
(Special to Ihe B«SPil EVPninB BcruKll
Allentown, Pa., Aug. 4—Training
to become officers in the Navv, nine
men from Bergen County have been
assigned to the V-12 unit here, on
Ihe campus of Muhlenbcrg CollegeThe unit has been in training since
July 1, and the course lasts for a
minimum of 32 weeks. Men inrtuclect
in the Rroup_jjre as follows:
I Thomas H. Jones
Boccard, 1356 Tafl. Road, and Poiil
I Takes 5-month Course
Hamilton, 108 West Kngk-wood Ave(Siipi Ul to (he Bfigren Evening Record)
Waukpsha, Wis., Aug. 4 — Thomasl
Men assigned to the Miituroini m
| H Jonrs of Teaneck, N. J., Is now .station
apprenI taking a five-month course here at] tice seamen in thp Navy or privates
I Carroll College prior to his Rppoint- in
the Marine Corps. All of inem
iment as an Aviation Cadet In the,
» sclroted from either college
I Army Air Forces.
I ••£•
' '
.Tones is Ihe son of Mr, and Mr
iThomas H. Jones of 20 Argonn'
Engaged To Wed
(Special to the Beigen BvpninK Rrcoi'd)
I'ergen Pilots Given
nber Aircraft Wing's
Great Lakes, 111., Aug. 5—Pivf!
I Bergen County, N. J., men havri
I reported to the Naval Training Sla-I
9 tion here lor instruction in the fun-1
Idamentals of seamanship. The lisi !
I Includes the following:
TEANECK—Edward A. Garreau, J
§432 Claromont Avenue.
Upon graduation the men will be j
I assigned to a school lor specialized \
• training or will immediately enter |
1 active service.
peclal to the Bergen Evenine Record)
iytheville, Ark. Aug. 2—Three!
*en County, N. J., pilots were!
luated here last Wednesday as I
md lieutenants for duty in Army I
Force twin-engine bomber air-1
't. Local men are:
ANECK—Hrinert E. Taylor,son o i l
and Mis. H. L, Taylor ol 149 Mor-j
IcNome'e was graduated from!
sr College in 1941 and was em-1
'ed as munitions worker. Rochati
1938 graduate of Dickinson High!
ool, Jersey City. He was a me-1
nlcal inspector at Wright, Aero-1
tical Corporation. Taylor was!
dilated from Teaneck HighJ
ool In 1936.
Goldin A Corporal
Special to the Bergen Evening Eecord)
'obyhanna, Pa., Aug. 2—Abra-|
n a. Golden, 26, of Teaneck.i
J., has been promoted from pri-I
e to corporal here. Goldin isi
lerk In an Army Chemical War-I
e Section. He is the son of Mr.|
i Mrs. Samuel Goldin of 9841
een Anne Road. A graduate oil
icoln High School, Jersey Cityl
Idin attended Columbia Unlver-j
•f where he was graduated in
17 and earned his master's d e - |
je 4 years later.
Complete Training
I \ i School In Alabama
[Special to the Bergen Evening Record)
Oourttand, Ala., Aug. a—Three!
rgen County, N. J., men havef
mpleted basic flight training here
• duty with Army Air Force
-EANECK— Aurelf R. Vim DeWeshe o l |
2 Gatrlson Avenue.
. fl
They have been assigned t o |
lools for advanced training. Van
Weghe has been sent to Craig|
•Ad, Ala. Taylor and Thompson
! at Columbus, Miss.
Alter completion of advanced!
lining, the men will be appoinledT
her flight officers or second lieu-J
onr Here Instructors
[ U Gulfport Air Field
(Special to the Bergen Evening Record)
Gulf port. Miss., Aug. 2 ~ Four I
en from the Bergen County, N. J . , |
ea are instructors at the Army!
r Force technical school for air-1
ane mechanics. The local group |
'EArlECK— yereeant Sr
or 4S0 Beverly Roafl,
f Gets Flight Work
Kubie trained at GuHport, t h e !
lers at Keesler Field, Biloxi, Miss. I
ttVIGATOR, 26,
Lowcnfeldt Of Teaneck I
Awaited Furlough
Miss Audrey Blackledge, twin
daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Frank A. Blacliledge of Teaneck, whose engagement to
Midshipman Edward George
Hoch, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.
G. Hoch, also of Teancck, ivas
announced today.
\Audrey Blackledgel
\Engaged To Marry]
{Midshipman Hoch\
Announcement has been made of I
Ithe engagement of Miss Audrey!
jBlackledge, daughter of Mr. a n d !
I Mrs. Frank Ackerman Blackledge I
I of Cedar Lane, Teanock to Mid-. I
jshipman Edward George Hoch. s o n |
lot Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hoch oil
I Cumberland Avenue, also Teaneck, |
The betrothal was made known at j
i tea for 30 guests held in t h s j
iBlackledge home.
The bride-elect was graduated!
jfrorn the Teaneck High School a n d !
l a business school in New York City.l
•Her fiance, also a Teaneck High!
ISchool graduate, is m his third year j
lat the United States Naval Aca-|
Idcrny at Annapolis. He served m l
• the Navy for a stretch following!
•his graduation from the local HighJ
J School, later attending the Naval I
I Academy Preparatory School atf
gNorfolk, Va.
The wedding Is planned for next!
1 June following Midshipman Hoch'sj
I graduation from the Naval Aca-j
I demy.
Second Lieutenant Victor Alfred!
iLowenfeldt, 28-year-old Army Airl
lorce navigator, whose wife ex-1
:cted him home in Teaneck byf
iturday for a 2-week furlough!
iterday was reported killed in a|
-17 bomber crash over Cape Look-|
it in southern Oregon.
His wife, the former Miss Floi'-l
ice Graff, in her home at 2B4f
im.es Street, Teaneck, said last
ght that she still can't believe he'sL
ien killed, In the morning malll
isterday she received a letter frornl
m saying that he'd arrive In Toa-1
:ck by Saturday for a furloughi
I !fore leaving for overseas duLy.
I have the feeling that I'll seel
1 im walk in the door", she said. " I t l
ist doesn't seem real."
The telegram said lie was killed I
which was just 9 months!
and 2 days after bis marriage onl
October 31, 1942 at Ban Antonio,!
Tex. Mrs. Lowenfeldt returned t o i
Teaneck in June when he was sent!
Goorae W. Campbell, son of
land Mis. George W. Campbell »f|
1143 Copley Avenue, is training at I
• Newport, R. I., with the Navy. Svn-1
Iman Campbell graduated from Tpa-1
ineck High School in June
ihe was active in athletics. He was!
• catcher lor the baseball team, a n d !
l a member of the soccer, basketballj
land track teams.
\Viatl011 uaaet
i of William G. Rathe of Pleas-1
1, Place,1 is in Lrainmg with t h c |
mv An Force at Miami, Florida. |
gj'hree New Trainees
fMart At Aberdeen
(Special to the Bcigen Evening Rrcoid)
\berdeen Proving Ground, Md.,|
tag. 10—Among the new traine
• • be assigned to the Ordnance Re-i
• icement Training Center here a r e |
: men from Bergen County.
117 From Bergen
lift PHol Course
(Special lo the Bore™ Evening
, Montgomery, Ala , Aug. 16—The I
I Army Air Force school for pilots I
I has accepted 17 Bergen County, I
I N . J , youths for training at Max-[
• well Field as follows:
_ "IES'11 EiJQLlWoon — Lawrence W.j
B'- u ol 136 Hieheate Terrace. . .
| (1 They will receive t h e i r training i
~ flnance soldier3.
Rich Made Serjeant
or 12B9 DiokercDn Ron.il.
1 These men are beginning
| o l instruction before flight
(Special to tile Bersen Evening Kecord)
Wi^-; '*'?*>% r**^- ."4i%ii;<'.-* '
Fort Kuox, Ky., Aug. Id—Donald!
J Rich, son of Mrs. A. A. Bich off
•<0 West Bnglewood Avenue, West!
ll.nglewood, N. J., has been promot-|
1. I here at G-odman Field to rank|
i sergeant.
He is a graduate of Teaneck Hig-h|
l-ihool and a local table tennis
lampion. He attended Fordhaml
|""niversity three years ago before!
|< Uistina in the Army Air Forcos.i
worked for a time with a New!
ork City firm of patent attorneys.!
i .Itlin Watson Morrison of Teancck, commanclei of
• 'ii .lir I1] li. ..Is that rescued Cautaln Eddie Rick en backer and I
In* u i i 1 i-1 .1 *\.\ above leaving the Grace Cathedral Chapel in ]
s.ui b i.i. i in .••tli his bride, the former Miss Betsy Brown of
\t< -I I.n i< r.' • i" Lieutenant Morrison was on the U. S. S. Nevada
AI LVHI Mi mr when the Japanese attacked.
. -i -'I
Gordon Havens James Morrison, uncle of the bride-1
!l •/ • i l. 1 ' • •- \ Avenue, West groom, was best man.
The wedding was followed by a I
11 : - c, " * . *i i: iE3 the marriage reception
at the St. Francis HnlrtJ
I -r 1
iij- r 1 jtsy, to Lleuten- Alter a honeymoon on the West I
t i n \Vi Morrison, XT. S. Coast, the couple vislied at Wpstl
Englewood. Lieutpnant find Mrs,!
•- i . . . James Spencer Morrison
are now at Newport., R. 1,1
i i1 .i "orrison erf Tea- Mrs, Morrison is a graduate nf|
•!• . » • i • L of Grace Oa- Bergen Junior College. Lieutenant I
i1 "•»! r> . 30. Dean Wright Morrison was graduated in 19401
from Williams College, whei'p hra 1
• L iany,
. in1 L
ii ile of Hayward, was a member of Phi Delta Thofaf
• • • • the bride and and Phi Beta Kappa.
ll.iinl ii<l<it Comedy
3 - , u Evening Record)
. ,i • i M. Aug. 9 — T w o !
-n ' u ii
t- J., m e n , LouisB
•!] -• : : A. - Englewood a n d !
Ijoseph Le Donne of Dumont, now!
| a l the Naval Training Station here,!
Jtook part recently in "See My I
•Lawyer", a'Broadway comedy, t h e !
•first presentation of the Bainbridgej
•Theater Guild. Le Donne played§
• the role of a Blackstone occupying
Idesk space in the offLo of the law-j
lyers. Ostermeier directed the show.f
Naval Aviation Cadet Albert Via-1
I dillo of Cumberland Avenue lias I
I completed his preflight training at j
IcolBttte University, Hamilton, N. Y . |
t t . Bolinde^
Ends His Training
Lieutenant Robert G. BollnderJ
I son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Harry
iBolinder of 123 Evergreen Street,!
I West Knglewood, has just completed!
I his transitional training at the Laj
[Junta, Colo., Army Air Field where!
j he recently was awarded his wings.1
Lieutenant Bolinder is a graduatel
I of Teaneok High School and at-j
Itendod Newark College pf Engineerling. He was a technician before
Jreceiving his appointment aa an av-[
liation cadet.
jLamberson Gets
JCourse At Albimuercjue
Recruits Leaving f
August 23
Selective Service Board No. 12, j
lovering' Ridgefield Park, Ridgefield,!
|and Bogota, today announced t h e !
ames of men who passed theirf
Hphysical examinations in Newark!
[August 2. Men inducted into t h e !
>Javy left for assignment Monday.!
|Arrriy recruits will leave August 23.f
Those entering' the Navy were:
_ RIDQEPIEIiD PABK- Chalks Williaml
iHuncbc, John James Nash. William Orif-r
ifm OvVens. Oscar Frederick Paulso
HKewton Binest Price
R1DQEFIEU)' Charles Leonard Wlrsf\ I
GPuANTWoOD: Chailes Warren Bren-j
TEANBCK: Theodore Alexander Baird. I
_ William Henry McLeester of Bogota |
Band Chester Bernard Harms ox Teanecicn
ihave been aligned to the Marines.
The list ol those 11110 will
' as follows:
lAllriy •
Ackwlcy, Alulliinc At Scott
(Special to tile Bereen Evenins Becortl)
Scott Field, 111., Aug. 11 — T w o l
iTeaneck Resident
|Is Tech Sergeant
(Special to the Be:gen EveninK Fferord)
.Eglin Field, Fla., Aug. I S — H e n r j !
I s . Rutherford, son of Mr. and Mrs.I
JJ. Rutherford of Tea neck, has beent
[promoted from staff sevseanl t r j
I technical sergeant at this Armyr
I Aiv Force Proving Ground COHV
Rutherford has been in Ihe ArmyJ
I since Jan. 28, 1941.
Donald Hai'Ri'eaves at ,Ju
jBuren Avenue left Saturday
I camp to ."••tart training as an avia-j
Ition cadet in the Army Air Force. |
jComplete Basic
jWorlc In Kentucky
(Special lo the Bpisen Evenins Recotri)
Fort Knox, Ky., Aug. 17—TlirccE
JBergen County, N, J., enlisted meng
Ihave completed basic trainng horrS
Ifor duty wth the Armored Force a;f
TEANECK—PrivaLe Nicholas J.S
iMtnginourch, son of 'Mrs. J. M i n - |
|ginourch of 162 Edgemont Place.
This training Is preparatory
I combat duty.
I Bergen County, N.1 J., men have!
Ibeen assigned t6 the Array Air I
1 Forces Training Command here I o r |
linstruction in radio operation andB
Smeclianics. Walter J. Ackerley Jr.I
I of Teaneck and William J. Mullanel
I of Oradell are in training for duty!
l a s members of a bomber crew. Ack-I
lerley il the son of Mrs. H. S. Dei
l B a n 7 of 34 Jasper Street, and Mul-1
I lane is the husband of Mrs. N. J . j
iMullane of Lake Street. Both men!
• are privates first class.
iThornley, Teaneck,
| Qualities At School
(Special to Ihe Bergen Evening Rftord)
Detroit, Mich., Aug. 17—Corpo) " 1 |
J George H. Thornley, son of Mi
land Mrs. G. S. Thornley of Teanc 1 ':.
IN. J., has qualified liere as alrorr... f
Jtechnleian in one o£ the schO'i' '
lof the Army Air Force. He worki
I at the Edgewater, N. J., plant ^i I
I the Aluminum Company of Amfi-j
lica until ten months ago when ti-j
ienterEd the service.
(JSpeclal to (li^ Bergen Evening Record)
Among township men recently j
[completing preflight training in thel
j Naval Air Force at Colgate Univer-1
Isity, Hamilton, N. Y., are Williaml
I Hill, Leo Mazer, William Thieaaen,]
I Alfred Schmidt, and Robert Krais.
Albuquerque, N. M,, Aug. 9—Navalj
lATiation Cadet George fRed) Lam-j
Iberson of Beech Street, Teaneckl
has arrived here at the pniversityj
•of New Mexico for war traininf
iseiTice, Latnberson completed
iNaval flight preparatory course reloently at Colgate University, Ham|uton, N. Y.
_ Lamberson, a graduate of TeaIneck High School in June, 1943, at-1
itended AlbrigM College, Reading,!
He left for active service Iroml
• the college this year. He starred at
1 center on the Teaneck High School]
varsity football team.
Cac(et w
| D a v i s of 1288 Hudson Road, Westl
a n k Of C o r p o r a l
lEnelewood, left yesterday for Atli-I
lens Ga., after spending a two weetel | G o e s T o N e l s o n
Camp Crowder, Mo., Aug. n —
•leave visiting his parents, M r . |
i J. Nelson Jr. 20, son of Mi\
1 and Mrs. F. W. Davis.
nd Mrs. Edwin Nelson of 1308
Hastings Street, West Englewood,
has been promoted from private to
Walter Kruse of Maitland Ave-1
Inue, West Enflewood, is stationed!
Corporal Nelson is with the Array
• at Cape May with the 0 ° ^ ° ^ " S J
iAir Forces taking a high speed
jradio operator course at Central
jsignal Corps School here. He at'•tended Bergen College for a year;
Sergeant Chai'les Dandrow <
aMaitland Avenue is home qn a twoj Bmajoring in accounting.
Iweeks furlough from his Army sta-j
l in Texas.
lEs&ling2i 01 Teaneck l
major In Antilles Command]
JHe's On Patrol At Gateway To 3 Americas; Thre<>
Other Bergen Officers Win Promotion
Arthur C. Esslinger of Teaneck has been promoted fron
|captain to major in the Antilles Air Command of the Arm.
I Air Force out of its San Juan, Puerto Rico, headquarters.
day promotion of three other Ber- J
'ii County officers.
Nicholas T. Kuzmack, attorney |
id former president of the Gar-1
2ld Board of Education, was an-1
her to gain his majority. Major!
uamack is a member of the Army!
,r Force Intelligence Service.
Alfred Embrey Carhart of 2651
rant Avenue, Grantwood; andj
iclwd Philbrook Varnum of 2861
lerman Avenue, Teaneck, each I
is advanced from first lieutenant!
captain in orders of the day, I
u-hart Is with the Dental Corps I
the Army Medical Department ||
id Varnum is with the Corps of J
Esslinger is a former advertising jj
presentative for McCann-Erick-1
n, Inc., in New York City.
An ordnance officer on duty with I
i Air Force unit in the West In- [
=s, Esslinger was commissioned a I
3ond lieutenant in the Officer ][
serve Corps in 1934 and was pro- J
rted to first lieutenant October]
, 1937. He entered active duty
bruary 1, 1941 and was promoted j
captain last January 6.
Born May 9, 1912 at Lansing, I
ich., Esslinger is the son of Mrs. |
A, Esslinger of 943 Prince Street, I
laneck. His wife lives in New!
irk City. He received Ills bachelor
science degree in 1934 at the Mas- J
tfiusetts Institute of Technology J
d was representative for the New 1
irk firm for six and one-half years j
fore joining the armed forces.
Planes of the Antilles Air Com- I
md, of which Esslinger is a mem-1
i", fly daily patrols over an area 1
tending- from the western Up of I
iba to the equatorial belt of South f
nerica, an area 259 times that of |
w Jersey.
?alni-fringed air bases are located!
ategically on small volcanic |
inds and in the midst of Caribin jungles at this gateway to the I
;ee Americas.
If ts Assignment
Engine Department
Special to the Bersen Kvenlng Record)
heepshead Bay, N, Y., Aug. 17— j
3ph P. Kelley of Teaneck, N. J.,
been assigned to the Engine I
jartment here at the Maritime
vice Training Station. Recently
completed his preliminary train*
Celley is the husband ol Mrs. |
•is C, Kelley of 653 Mai'tense Ave!. He was graduated from Tea*
k High School, where he was ac*
i in sports and student governit.
rior to entering the service, Kel™
was employed by the I. T, E.
cult Breaker Company as manist.
"he Sheepshead Bay Station is
largest training center for mer•nt seamen in the world.
Sergeant Albert Laber is liomf »»j
• furlough accompanied by In* v " e - j
• the former Miss Lee SullPrlield oil
I Leslie, Ark. Sergeant Labor, r.onl
I of Dr. and Mrr,. A. Labor, k
• charge of the Slalion Haspilal Eyc|
|Climc al Camp Chalice, Ark.
Lieutenant Roger W. Vincrntrai
and his wife, tlio former Mih.s ,1RHO|
• Cross, have just an'ivprl rmmBoiseJ
• Idaho, snrt are ipc-ncllng their VR-I
• cation with Mrs. Ethel CITI.SK sil I
|481 Maple Avenue. Liciileiiant Vin-|
Iccnlcz will report for duty toinor-l
Brow. Mrs. Cross is Mrs. Vmccnlez'p]
uU6, UH.UiClb,
| Is A Staff Sergeant
William H. Herzog, son o '
1 and Mrs. Herbert H. Herzog i.
j James Street, Teaneck, has •
I promoted from sergeant to stal
jflgeant in the Marine Corps.
Sergeant Herzog is station- .
i the South Pacific and has I"
I overseas since December. H'
I listed in the Marine Corp.1I August. His wife is the formci ''
inette Hess.
Sergeant Hprag is a gradu
I Teaneck High School, Class a', ii:
llbig Graduates
jAs Motor Mechanic
(Special to the Bcrtren Evening Recu
Port Crook. Nebr.. Aug. 17—Fri-1
Ivate First Class George L. Albigl
• Jr., son of Mrs. Grace Albig of 5151
• Linden Avenue, Teaneck, N. J., has!
I been graduated here from t h e !
I Army Ordnance Automotive School!
las a motor mechanic.
| New Milfora, West Englewooclf
Physician Now First Lieutenant
Dr. Prank J. Bchaberg, practicing!
[physician in New Milford and West!
I Englewood the last 3 years, was to I
I leave before noon today for duties I
las a first lieutenant in an Army I
I base hospital at Camp Grant near!
I New Milford, 111.
He is 29 years old and lives at I
1731 Wondel Place, West Englewood [
I His wife, the former Miss Helen I
I Baenziger of Ridgewood and their i
Catherine |
I Ann, were to accompany him.
Until last March Dr. Schabergi
| had practiced in New Milford lorj
J s ^ years at 154 Boulevard. In t h e !
[last 4 months he engaged In his I
[general practice from the West|
| Englewood address.
Dr. Schaberg was born in New I
I Milford and attended New Milford I
I Public School and Hackcnsaclc Highj
[School. He prepared for Columbia!
1 University's College of Physicians!
| and Surgeons at Brown University, j
I Providence, R. I., where he was!
I selected to Phi Beta Kappa, nation- [
| a l honorary scholarship society.
He interned for a year to 1940 j
I at Holy Name Hospital.
His mother, Mrs. Catherine Scha-|
| berg, lives in Teaneck.
Schaberg's duties at Grant begln|
I Saturday.
Sergeant William Herzog of James
J Street has been advanced to stafl
[sergeant in the pacific theater or |
I operations. He served with the Mairine Corps oh Guadalcanal.
A. Slanley Johnson, son of Mr, I
II and Mrs. E. S. Johnson of S9o|
jTilden Avenue, has arrived at t h e !
|Naval Training Station, Newport,!
gR, I., according to word received!
his mother yesterday. He cn-1
jjtered service last Wednesday.
' i I 111 \ r
LU Penney In Africa
Lieutenant Ethel M. Penney, I
daughter of Tax Collector and Mrs. I
Henry A. Penney of Grayson Place, [
J Teaneck, is now In Africa with the!
1 Army Nurse Corps. Her picture ap-i
I peared in a recent issue of Look!
j magazine with a group oX array!
j nurses as they landed in Africa. A i
j graduate of the 1937 class at Tea-1
I neck High School, Lieutenant Pen-1
I ney studied nursing at Lenox Hilii
I School of Nursing in New York City I
I and the Margaret Hague Maternity!
I Hospital, Jersey City. She prac-|
I ticed for a year as a private
at Holy Name Hospital in TcaneclcI
before enlisting in the Army Nursei
Corps Dec. 1, 1942. She received?
her Army training at Port Mon-|
I mouth.
iPcxraud To Study
|Naval Aviation
(Special to the BerueH Bvettlnfr Ttetjord)
New York, Aug. 18—George Oscar!
iPerraud Jr., of Teaneck, N. J., lias I
•been ordered to Rctlve duly with I
| t h e Navy.
He is the son or Mr. and Mts.i
•George O. Perraud of 272 Fra-ncesi
•Street. Ferraud will receive In-1
Jstructlon in naval aviation.
He attended The Citadel College I
[in Charleston, S. C,
[Albert Joy Goes In Army, Then Out]
To Re-Enter Bui As Cadet At Point]
Prom Fort Dix to the West Point permission came from Washington, I
I Military Academy within a few short and Joy is now at the Point,
I weeks wont one of Teaneck High Joy, a 1942 graduate, starred
• School's former star athletes, Albert basketball and football. He was cap- 1
I Joy, 19-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. tain of the football team in his]
[Domimck Joy of 105 Minnell Place, senior year and president of the I
I Teaneck.
senior class. His name is on the
Joy, who was a first alternate honor plaque in the lobby of the j
ifor an appointment to West Point, school as the student in his class!
I volunteered for the regular Army who most satisfactorily lived up to]
land was called to duty July 23. He the ideals of good citizenship, char- j
Jwas stationed at Fort Dix. Two acter, and leadership. A member of 1
I weeks later his' parents received a the National Honor Society, Joy j
j telegram notifying them that his won a scholarship to New York Mili- I
1 marks on the examinations for en- tary Academy and left there to re-1
| trance to West Point were so high port to Fort Dix for Army training, I
I that he had been accepted as a His brother, William Joy, whoj
If cadet along with the boy for whom starred m athletics at the High E
||he was an alternate.
School during the past school year, I
Authorities al Fort Dix were has passpd examinations lor t h e !
II called and had to get permission Marine Corps and reports lo Parrlsl
I from Washington to release Joy. Island, s, C next week for boot!
llAnother week or so passed, then training. He was graduated in June. I
••£."• •/•?.:-•#•
I Sheard, Van jS I
lAri Platoon L
(Special to the Bergen Evening Refold)
:>' |
Hamilton, N. Y., Aug. 19—Wan-en I
| E . Sheard, son of Mr. and Mrs.I
I Henry S. Sheard of 94 Munn Ave-|
fnue, Teaneck, N. J., has been ap-i
1 pointed platoon leader to serve at I
I Colgate University under the Navy|
IV-12 program.
Edits Cadet Magazine
(Special lo the Bergen Evening Rrcoid) I
Hamilton, N. Y., Aug. 20—-A Naval]
1 cadet Irorn Bergen Count v m on]
I the staff of the Colgate Hunter, a l
gjmagasine covering activities at t h e !
a Navy Flight Preparatory School a i l
I Colgate University. Jo^npli A. Vad-1
lillo, son of Mr, and Mus. Eustace!
jVacUllo of 554 Cumber'?nd Avenue,!
iTeaneck, N. J., is manager editor!
• for the new issue. Vadillo w i
I active on .student publications at I
I Teancck High School and Mont-§
Iclair Academy.
|Lt. Florman, Teaneck,
I On Bombardier Duty
Denver, Colo., Aug. IB—Recently!
I commissioned Second Lieutenant!
• Donald Florman, 22, of 515 Standishl
jRoad, Teancck, N. J., is on duty!
I here at Lowry Held as a bombardier|
I in the Army Air Force.
His father, Irving Plonnan, of I
ithe/Standish Boad address, served!
lin the last war as a corporal with!
I the 38th Infantry of the 3rd Divi-g
i n and saw action at the Marne,|
*•' Mihiel and the Argonne.
irthur Miller ot 333 Warwick I
snuD, West Englewood, a Navy I
12 trainee stationed at the Perm-1
l/ania State College, has been!
:ted to membership in Sigma I
i n ! la Chi, national professional|
\ i rnalism fraternity.
iLind Is Commissioned
j At Navy Ah* Station
(Special Lo the Bpigen Evpiiinr Kecnid)
Pensacola, Fla., 'AUK. 20—Fred-i
lericlc Valdemar Lind of West Englc-1
I wood, N. J., has completed h i s !
I training here at this Naval Air!
I Station and has been commissioned!
I a second lieutenant in the Navy,
He is thft son of Mr. and Mrs.!
I Frederick Lind of 1359 Sussex Road.I
I Lind was graduated from Teanecki
I High School and. attended Stevens!
1 Academy, Hoboken, where he was!
I active in football, soccer, and track.!
Prior to entering the service h e !
1 was attending Stevens Institute,!"
I majoring in engineering. He is a i
I member of Beta The da Pi socialf
Paul V. Whitecraft of 349 EdgeJ
iwood Avenue, West Engiewood, hast
I been promoted to corporal in the!
I South Pacific theater of operations,!
I He trained at Fort McClellan, Ala.J
land at Drew Field, Tampa, Fla.,
J signal air warning. He is the son ofl
I Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Norris White-|
1 craft.
Private First Class Harry Hoenf '
1 who recently wa.s graduaterL as al j
I aircraft machinist at Chanute Fielc
illl., is homo on furlough visiting hi
|parcnts, Mr. and Mrs. H. B, Hoen
of Williams Avenue. He is now sla
itioned at Mobile, Alabama.
Paterson Ranks Hijrh
(Special to the Berfreti Evening BeirortO
DeStefano, 33, son
ii' Mi , and Mrs. Charles BeMefauo of 1M9 Beaumont
i fcnuc, West Englewood, who
Ii is ,iust been promoted lo the
I4,nk of first lieutenant follow| ingf a 6-week course of training
at A. P. Hill Reservation in
Virginia, ljieutenanl BeStefano
was inducted into service in
February, 1911, and received
his commission as second lieutenant in November, 1942. He
is now stationed at Fort George
G. Meade, Mil.
Charles Sands Dedqn. of 87 Shep-I
lard,Avenue, West Englewood, wasl
J advanced from second lieutenant t o l
Middlebuty, Vt., Aug. 23—AvlaI'tion Student Waller A. Peterson
I Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Peterson
lot 629 Winlhrop Road, West
g ^
I wood. N. J., has been ranked schol-?j
Jastically here with the top five per
I cent of his class at Middleburyt, I
I! College where he is one of 500 offi-» f
• cer candidates in tile Nayy V-13
I program.
Peterson was graduated from1
I Teaneck High School in 1941 and 1 !
I attended Washington and JeHer- f
I son College until July 1 when ha
(was transferred here for training.
Burby, Armstrong At Center
{Special to the Bel-gun Evening Record)
Nashville, Teun., Aug. 23—Avu-I
] lion Students John Burby of Tea-i
(neck, U, J., and—Ht)B8rt Armstron"|
I of Ridgefield Park, have cntero'l
1 this Army Air Force Classificatio •
J Center. Burby is a former 1sport".
I writer for the Bergen Evening BeeI ord, His parents, Mr. and Mir!
I James Burby, live at 360 De MoHB
I Avenue, Teaneck. Armstrong' is "I
I son of Mr, and Mrs. R. Araslron..!
lot 120 Fifth Street, Ridgefield Park |
1 Each is 19 years old.
Wounded In Battlel
hen Shot Down In Tunisid
fast Englewood Navigator Well, Gets Good Food At]
Concentration Camp, His Kin Told
Lieutenant William Mikolasy of "West Englewood, Army I
Air Force navigator shot down over Tunisia in his fifth raid I
lover enemy territory, and a prisoner of war in Italy since!
•December, suffered flesh wounds from that last raid, his I
•wife learned yesterday.
Mrs. Mikolasy, the former Mare|aret Flannery, 71 Garden Street,
Vest Englewood, received this addled information about her husband
•from Captain Alan R. Stuyvesant
•of Allamuchy, N. J., who was re.
lleased in April from the same con™
|ccntmtioii camp at Ohieti, Italy,
where Lieutenant Mikolasy remains.
Captain Stuyvesant, at a lunicheon he gave for the relatives of
•men at that camp at the Princeton
IClub in New York City, told Mrs.
•Mikolasv that her husband is in
•good spirits and he assured all the
irelatives that the men are rcceivins
|good food through the Red Cross.
As a result of the luncheon, relf
Mathieson Graduated
(Special to the Bei'Een Evening accord)
Jackonsville, Pla., Aug. 24—Dou
lias James Mathieson, son of Mr. al
I Mrs. James A. Mathieson of
•West Forest Avenue, Teaneck, N.
•has been graduated from this Na\
•Air station's school as a xadiomi
•for duty with the Marine Cor
I Air Force with promotion as cc
Iporal. He enlisted in the Corps If
•November 14 and trained al Pan
• Island, S, 0., before he was order
I here.
Weber Awarded Medal
Arcadia, Calif., Aug. 24 — T
1 Army Good Conduct Medal w
iawarded at Camp Santa Anita
I Private First Class Harry A. Web
I of Teancck, N. J., at this west cO£
• Ordnance Training Center for fait
Iful and efficient performance
I duty and for meritorious conduct.
\ r I Mlnmrd
{Special to the Bergen Evening Becot
, Denver, Colo., Aug. 34—Priv
I Hrafi Class Robert Anthony Sle
I of West Englewood, N. J., and F
1 mond Joseph Wadsworth of En
wood, have been graduated her
J armorers at Lowry Field for '
•with the Army All- Force. Sfceink
| 2 1 years old and the son of Mr. £
• Mrs. Bernard H. Steinke of 17 Wi
lervelt Place. His wife, Mrs. J 1
• Steinke, lives at 396 Hickqry A
Inue, River Edge, Wadsworth's i
ients, Mr. and Mrs. James P. Wr
| worth, live at 308 Windsor Boad
tives of men al that camp IIRYPI
formed a club known as "Cauipi
Concentramento P. G. 21" and they!
will enchange all informal-ion thcyj
hear from their men in Italy.
A baby son was born to Lleuten-1
ant and Mrs. Mikolasy on July 28i
and Mrs. Mikolasy does not know!
if he over received the cablegram!
notifying him that he is the lather"
of a son, William Jr.
Lieutenant Mikolasy was reported!
a prisoner of war by the War
partment on January IB, but
wife learned from the wife of Major!
David M. Jones, pilot of Ins ship, I
that thev were shot down December!
„ l*n ' i i 1 i n O (
* i nnui
I r
i I " T
/ , -
11170 Sussex Road, West Englewood,
I now stationed at the San Diego,
I Calif., marine base, has been seIlected to attend Officer Candidate
I School.
. The son of Mr. and Mrs. FredI crick C. Foley, he was graduated
• from Teaneck High School in 3 939.
I Foley followed up his aviation stall dies at the local school by attendjing the Roosevelt School of Aero1 nautics on Long Island, After aradI uatlng he was employed by AmerIclan Airlines in the mechanical
| service department,
Prior to enlisting in the Marines
I last month, Foley was an instructor
I for 15 months In the Army Air
I Force flying: school at Corsieana,
1 Kansas.
. . .
Gaston At Michigan Slate
(Special In (he Bel gen Evening Rncoirt)
East Lansing, Mich., Aug. 26 —
I George M. Gaslon of 190 Oak Street,
I Teaneck, N. J., has been enrolled
I here at Michigan State College as
Ian engineering student under the
I Army training program. He atI tended St. Cecilia High School, EnJglewood, and Fordham and New
jYork Dnljrersilies. At high school
Jhe was editor of the student newsI paper. He has been in the Army
1 since February.
n minis S r m
| l n I s Mm*
i ii
i n
i i
I Corporal Mathieson
jln Bomber Squad
I 11 1 1
I 11
1 \1 NT M IN Jl SN1 I I
Vai'num is afc Army Corps head-1
Jiuarters st Camp Forrest near!
• Nashville, Tenn. He has been in I
j ;he Army since Sept. 16, 1940, when!
h 104th (TEaneck) Engineers off
j New Jersey National Guard was!
1 nustered into federal service. H e i
1 s ft company commander in the I
I 79th Division bivouacked at Forrest. I
His parents said Vamum went to I
J i x with his regiment and then!
j vas selected Jor the Army Engineer [
(Officer Candidate School at Fortl
j Belvoir, Va,, where hen was com-1
inissloned a second lieutenant Mayj
j ! last year.
His next assignment was to Oampi
iPickett, Va., to join the engineer!
1 Dattalion which moved first to Fortf
JBlanding, Pla., and finally to F o r - |
I rest.
At Blanding, last September 4,1
lie was advanced to first licuten-I
lint. He won his captaincy Satur-f
Varnum's mother teaishes at Tea-j
I leek High School where the com-1
I sany commander was graduated 61
ago and where he caught, o n |
| ,he varsity baseball team.
He was an undergraduate a t j
J Newark School of Engineering when j
l i e left for Army service. His wife,!
j ,he former Miss Betty Blood of I
Ireaueclc, is at Forrest with Var-I
I lum.
He has a sister with the Army I
j STurse Corps somewhere in England,!
I-She is Lieutenant Ruth E. Var-I
1 mm. Their parents, Mr, and Mrs.j
Jeon E. Vamum, live at 286 Sher-[
nan Avenue.
2 Are Graduated
(Special to the Bergen Evening Rec'
- Clemson, S. C, Aug. 25 — -l'i
1 A. Allison of 104 Main Street, Fort|
HLee, N. J., and Henry J. Zenorinil
l o t 717 Palmer Avenue, Teaneck, were I
I graduated here from the Clemson I
I College Army Air Force aviation I
• student course and have been as-J
•signed to the Nashville, Tenn., I
• Classification Center to take tests!
l a s pilots, bombardiers, or navigators.!
I Also advanced from second lieu-1
I tenant to first lieutenant was John!
I H locenski of 1167 Kensington!
I Road, West Englewood.
Corporal Douglas J. Mathieson of II
I West Englewood, recently promoted I
I to that rank in the Marine Air I
• Force at Jacksonville, Fla., has e n - |
Itered aerial gunnery school at that I
Jbase where he will graduate as a I
I Marine aerial radio-sunner to be I
I assigned to a Marine Bomber |
J| Squadron.
Corporal Mathieson enlisted in I
lithe Marine Corps Nov. 14, 1942, andj
| was called io active duty Jan.
11943. He received his boot train-j
ling at Parris Island, N. C, and was!
• assigned to duty with the Marine I
j Air Force at the Naval Air Technl-1
I cal Training Center in Jackson-1
Ivillc, Fla. He studied aviation ra-J
Idio and radar operation. Upon I
I completion of the required 18 weeks]
1 of radio school he graduated eighth!
|in his class.
Corporal Mathieson is the son of j
I Mr. and Mrs. James A. Mathieson I
• of 65 West Forest Avenue, West, I
jEnglewood. He is a graduate off
1 Teaneck High School and Morris- j
jville Agricultural School at Morris-I
jville, N. Y., where he majored in I
I dairy technology. Before his e n - j
j listment he was employed by the I
I Aluminum Company of America at I
[Masbeth, L. I.
u mi p
i ink V* Crtillli
(Special to the Bergen Evening Ftecoid)
Fort Knox, Ky., Aug. 30— Private!
First, Class Philip C. Hamm, son of I
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hamm of 146j
N. J., has been graduated here
a mechanic for duty with the AnnyJ
tank force.
jl'ielu Aiullbij \v«nk
(Spcrlal Io Lhe Bergpn Evening KPI
Fort Sill, OWn., Aug. 30—Recently J
I commissioned Second Lieutenants |
lEarl M. Skinner of Teaneuk, N. J.,1
land James Yeaman of Ridsefleldl
I Park, are continuing their training!
I for active duty with field artillery I
limits of the Army. Skinner is at I
I Camp Roberts, Calif,; and Yfamanl
|Is at Fort Bragg, N. C.
- I
They were commissioned July 151
at this Field Artillery Officer C a n - |
lldldate School.
Skinner entered service in Fcb-1
Iruary 1942 and went tn Fnrt Bragg!
I from Fort Dix. His final training I
• was at Camp Shelby, Miss. He I
j passed rannths in the southwest I
I Pacific and was on the President I
] Coolidge when it wa.s mined. Hel
] is the m(i oC Mrs. Martha S. John-1
jjsoii of 183 Maplfi Street, Tranrek. I
Yeaman has bf>en in the Army I
jjsince November, 1941. He went loi
I Fort Dix, Fort Bragg and .several!
• other camps before he was shlppedf
I overseas for 6 months. He's the son!
I of Mr. and Mrs. James Yeaman of I
• 39 Arthur Street, Ridsefield Park.I
(Special lo the BciEeu Evening HccortlJ
Daytona Beach, Fla,, Aug. 31*.
i Promotion of Evelyn Zahn oZ Tea- 1
| neck, N. J., Irom private to techni-j
J clan flfLh grade has been announced I
• here at the Second Wac Trainmcl
1 Center. She is the niece of Mrs. J. I
jMcCarthy of 488 Teaneck Road, f
aneck. Before enrolling in the |
|Wao, she worked for the Multitonc j
ngraving Co., Fairview, N. J. She I
larrived here April 12, a nd directly I
I after her i weeks of basic training, j
• was assigned to the Drafting Ds- I
Ipartment of the Publications Di-1
J vision of Second Training Center.
Werle Commissioned
(Special to the Bsrcen Evening Becort)
Port Washington, Md, Aug. 27
rederick ,C. Werle o£ 53 West
Transferred To San Diego
P. F. O. Walter J. Folker Jr., U, S.i
iMaiine Corps, son of Mr. and Mrs.j
I Walter J. Folker of TeRneck, nowl
• home on furlough, lias completed!
I the aerology course at Lakehurst,!
• He has been transferred to Paoificl
1 Marine Corps Air Base at Ssml
I Diego, Calif., and will report forj
[duty there.
tr A S
[Candidate School.