TECHNICAL ARTICLE Kevin M. Tompsett Senior Applications Engineer, Analog Devices, Inc. | Share on Twitter DESIGNING SECOND STAGE OUTPUT FILTERS FOR SWITCHING POWER SUPPLIES | Share on LinkedIn Input VSW Current A On-Time Output B Current Load Input Current VSW Off-Time Output Load Areas Are Same in Steady State VSW VOUT VIN TON T These days switching power supplies are nearly ubiquitous and used throughout every electronic device. They are valued for their small size, low cost, and efficiency. However, they have the major drawback in that their outputs can be noisy due to the high switching transients. This has kept them out of high performance analog circuits where linear regulators have ruled the roost. It has been shown that in many applications an appropriately filtered switching converter can replace a linear regulator for production of a low noise supply. Even in those demanding applications where an extremely low noise supply is required, there is probably a switching circuit somewhere upstream in the power tree. Therefore, there is a need to be able to design optimized, damped multistage filters to clean up the output from switching power converters. In addition, it is important to realize how the filter design will affect the compensation of the switching power converter. In this article, boost circuits will be used for the example circuits, but the results will be directly applicable to any dc-to-dc converter. Shown in Figure 1 are the basic waveforms in a boost converter in constantcurrent mode (CCM). B A |Email TOFF The issue that makes an output filter so important for a boost or any of the other topologies with discontinuous current mode is the fast rise and fall in the current time in Switch B. This tends to excite parasitic inductances in the switch, the layout, and the output capacitors. The result is that in the real world the output waveforms look much more like Figure 2 rather than Figure 1, even with a good layout and ceramic output capacitors. ISWA ISWB Fast Current Changes IL VOUT Figure 2. Typical measured waveforms of a boost converter in DCM. Figure 1. Basic voltage and current waveforms for a boost converter. Visit 2 : The ESR of the chosen output capacitor. ESR Designing Second Stage Output Filters for Switching Power R Supplies FSW : The switching frequency of the converter. CRIP : The output capacitor calculated assuming all of ΔIPP rip flows into it. The switching ripple (at the switching frequency) caused by the change in charge of the capacitor is very small compared to the undampened ringing of the output switch, which we will refer to as output noise. Generally, this output noise is in the 10 MHz to 100+ MHz range, well beyond the selfresonant frequency of most ceramic output capacitors. Therefore adding additional capacitors will do little to attenuate the noise. TRAN : The change in VOUT when ISTEP applied to the output. ΔVOUT ISTEP : An instantaneous change of the output load. TSTEP : The approximate response time of the converter to an instantaneous change in the output load. There are a couple of reasonable choices for different types of filters to filter this output. This article will illustrate each type of filter and give a step-by-step process to a design. The equations are not rigorous and some reasonable assumptions are made to simplify them somewhat. There is still some iteration required since each component will affect the values of the others. The ADIsimPower design tools get around this problem by using linearized equations for component values, like cost or size, to do an optimization before actual components are selected, and then optimize the outputs once real components are chosen from the database of thousands of parts. However, for a first pass at a design, this level of complexity is not necessary. With the provided calculations and possibly using a SIMPLIS simulator like the free ADIsimPE™ , or some bench time in the lab, a satisfactory design can be found with a minimal amount of effort. Fu : The crossover frequency of the converter. For a buck it is generally FSW ⁄10. For a boost or buck boost type converter it is generally about a third of the location of the right half plane zero (RHPZ). The simplest type of filter is just an RC filter as shown attached to the output of a low current ADP161x-based boost design shown in Figure 3. This filter has the advantage of low cost and will not need to be damped. However, due to power dissipation it is only useful for very low output current converters. For this article, ceramic capacitors with small ESR are assumed. Design Process for an RC Second Stage Output Filter Before designing the filter, consider what is achievable with a single stage filter RC or LC filter. Typically with a second stage filter it is reasonable to get the ripple down to a few hundred μV p-p and the switching noise down below 1 mV p-p. A buck converter can be made somewhat quieter since the power inductor provides significant filtering. These limitations are because once the ripple is down in the μV the component parasitics, and noise coupling between filter stages starts to become the limiting factors. If even quieter supplies are required, then a third stage filter can be added. However, switching power supplies do not generally have the quietest references and also suffer from jitter noise. These both result in low frequency noise (1 Hz to 100 kHz) that cannot be easily filtered out. Therefore, for extremely low noise supplies it may be better to use a single second stage filter and then add an LDO to the output. Step 1: Choose C1 based on assuming the value output ripple at C1 is approximately ignoring the rest of the filter; 5 mV p-p to 20 mV p-p is a good place to start. C1 can then be calculated using Equation 1. C1 = RIP : The approximate out voltage ripple at the switching frequency ΔVOUT of the converter. RESR : The ESR of the chosen output capacitor. FSW : The switching frequency of the converter. L1 VIN TRAN : The change in VOUT when ISTEP applied to the output. ΔVOUT ISTEP : An instantaneous change of the output load. SS COMP TSTEP : The approximate response CC1 time of the converter to an FREQ FB instantaneous change in the output load. RC1 VIN Fu : The crossover frequency of the converter. For aENbuck it is generally FSW ⁄10. For a boost or buck boost type converter itGND is generallySW about a third of the location of the right half plane zero (RHPZ). CV5 RF2 RF1B (1) 2 Step C22can then Equation 2 through a =3:AR R2LOAD C 21ωbe4 +calculated AR2LOADωfrom (3) Equation 6. A, a, b, and c are just intermediate values to simplify calculation and have ω2C1 –These 2ARLOAD C1ω2 assumes R <<(4) = 2AR2LOAD nobphysical meaning. equations RLOAD and the ESR IPP forCeach capacitor is small. These are both very good assumptions and = (1) RIP+ A – 1 ω2C c 1= AR (5) R 8F ΔV LOAD 1 – OUT SW error. PP ESRbe the same or larger than C1. The ripple introduce little C2ΔI should in Step 1–bcan be adjusted + √b2 – 4ac to make this possible. C2 = (6) RIP 2a ΔVOUT (2) A= ΔIPP RLOAD ΔIPP: The approximate peak-to-peak current coming into the output filter. For the calculations we assume that this is sinusoidal. The value will depend on the topology. For a buck it is the peak-to-peak current in the inductor. For a boost converter it is the peak current in Switch B (often a diode). CRIP : The output capacitor calculated assuming all of ΔIPPVrip IN flows into it. IPP RIP 8FSW ΔVOUT – ΔIPP RESR Step 2: R can be chosen based on power dissipation. R must be much RIP larger thanΔV RESR for the capacitors and for this filter to be effective. This OUT (2) 50 mA or so. A =the range of output currents to something less that limits ΔIPP RLOAD Before diving into a more detailed design process for each type of filter, some values that will get used in the design process for each of the types of filters are defined as follows: ADP161x a = AR21R2LOAD(C C 21ω+4 C+2)AR2LOADω2 FRES ≈ 2�2 √ L 2 C1C2 ωFILT C1 – 2ARLOADC1ω2 b = 2AR LOAD (3) (7) (4) +A–1 c = ARLOADω2C1ΔI PP C1 = RIP –bSW +ΔV √b2 – –4ac 8F ΔIPP RESR OUT C2 = 2a (5) (8) CBW = D1 FRES ≈ ISTEP �F – I)STEP RESR) (C + C 1 u(ΔV 2 RIP 1 R OUT 2� √ LFILT C1C2 C1 C2 (6) (9) VOUT (7) RLOAD 2(C1 + C2) ωO = C2PP ) (LFILT C1ΔI √ C1 = RIP 8FSW ΔVOUT – ΔIPP RESR L FILT R LOAD LFILT (C1 + C2) – ω O RFILT = I + C2) RLOAD(C1STEP CBW = RIP –L C �Fu(ΔVOUT ωO– ISTEP RESR) FILT 1 (10) (8) (11) (9) CSS R 1 +ωICPP2) L 2(C – LFILT ω – RLOADC1RFILT ω (12) = FILT LOAD (10) aω= O RIP CC) (L √ ΔV FILT OUT 1 2 LFILT R I ΔVOUT O RFILT = 2 RLOAD(C1 + C2) + RLOADC1LFILT ω – LFILT C1 ω –ωRO R C L ω3 c=R R R R LOADL PP (C + C ) – 2 +2 R LOAD = FILT FILT – 1filter Figure 3. ADP161x low output current boost converter bdesign with anRIP added RCR the output. FILT on FILT ωLFILT C1ω , (13) (11) (14) Visit Damping Technique 1 RFILT Damping Technique 2 L1 VIN D1 VIN CD Damping Technique 3 LFILT C1 RD FB RC1 FREQ ADP1621ARMZ COMP CC1 RLOAD RE IN SDSN GND CE C2 VOUT CS RS PIN GATE Q1 PGND RFREQ RF2 RF1 Figure 4. ADP1621 with an output filter with several different damping techniques highlighted. Theb feedback or after 2 C1 –before 2ARLOAD C1ω2the filter inductor. = 2AR2LOADisωtaken (4)The thing that is most surprising to people is how much the open-loop Bode plot changes 2 even theωfilter C1 +isAnot – 1“in” the feedback loop. Since c =when ARLOAD (5) the control loop is affected with or without the filter in the feedback loop, one might as well –b +for √b2 – 4ac compensate it appropriately. In general this will mean C2 = (6) scaling back the target crossover2afrequency to a maximum of a fifth to a tenth of the filter resonant frequency (FRES). FRES ≈ C1 = (C1 + C2) 1 2� √ LFILT C1C2 ΔIPP RIP 8FSW ΔVOUT – ΔIPP RESR (7) (8) Gain The design process for this type of filter is iterative in nature since each component selection drives the selection of the others. 40 20 0 –20 –40 –60 –80 –100 Gain (Feedback Before Filter) Gain (Feedback After Filter) C1 10 = 100 Phase (Degree) For higher current supplies it is beneficial to replace the resistor in the pi filter with an inductor as shown in Figure 4. This configuration gives very good ripple and switching noise rejection in addition to low power loss. The issue is that we have now introduced an additional tank circuit that can resonate. This can result in oscillations and an unstable power supply. Therefore, the first step to designing this filter is to choose how to damp the filter. Figure 4 shows three viable damping techniques. Adding RFILT has the advantage of adding little extra expense or size. The damping resistor typically has little to no loss and can be small for even large power supplies. The drawback is that it significantly reduces the effectiveness of the filter by reducing the parallel impedance with the inductor. Technique 2 has the advantage of maximizing filter performance. If an all ceramic design is desired, RD can be a discrete resistor in series with a ceramic capacitor. Otherwise a physically large capacitor with a high ESR is required. This additional capacitance (CD) can add significant cost and size to the design. Damping Technique 3 looks very advantageous since the dampening capacitor CE is added to the output where it might help somewhat with transient response and output ripple. However, this is the most expensive technique since the amount of capacitance required is much larger. In addition, the relatively large amount of capacitance on the output will lower the frequency of the filter resonance, which will reduce the achievable bandwidth of the converter—therefore Technique 3 is not recommended. For the ADIsimPower design tools we use Technique 1 because of the low cost and relative ease of implementing it in an automated design process. IPP Another needs to be dealt with is compensation. It may be C1 = issue that (1) RIP RESR always better to put the filter inside the 8FSW ΔVOUT counterintuitive, but–it ΔI is PP almost feedback loop. This is because putting it in the feedback loop helps damp the filter somewhat, eliminates dc load shift and the series resistance of RIP ΔVOUT theAfilter, (2) ringing. Figure 5 = and gives a better transient response with less ΔIPPBode RLOADplot for a boost converter with an LC filter output added shows the to athe= output. AR2R2LOADC 21ω4 + AR2LOADω2 (3) A= 0 IPP 20 40 RIP 200 400 R 8F ΔVOUT100– ΔI SW PP ESR 1k 2k 4k 10k 20k(1) 40k 100k Frequency (Hz) RIP ΔVOUT ΔIPP RLOAD 400k 1m 400k 1m (2) –100 a = AR2R2LOADC 21ω4 + AR2LOADω2 –200 Phase Margin (Feedback Before Filter) 2 ω2C1 –(Feedback 2ARLOADAfter C1ω2Filter) b = 2ARPhase –300 LOAD Margin 40 ω2C1100 + A200 – 1400 c =10AR20 LOAD (3) (4) 1k 2k 4k 10k 20k(5) 40k 100k Frequency (Hz) Figure 5. Phase and gain plots for a boost converter with an LC filter on the output. –b + √b2 – 4ac C2 = (6) 2a Design Process for an LC Filter Using Parallel Resistor Damping (Technique 1 in Figure 4) + C2) 1 C(C 1 Step 1: ≈Choose 1 as if there was not going to be an output FRES (7) filter on the 2� C C2 is a good place to start. C1 can then be L output. 5 mV √ to 20 FILTmV1 p-p calculated using Equation 8. C1 = ΔIPP 8FSW ΔV RIP OUT – ΔIPP RESR (8) Step 2: Select the inductor LFILT. Based on experience, a good value is ISTEP between 2.2 μF. The inductor should be chosen CBW = 0.5 μF toRIP (9) for a high self�Fu(ΔVOUT(SRF). – ISTEP RESR)inductors have larger SRFs, which means resonant frequency Larger they are less effective for high frequency noise filtering. Smaller inductors will not have as much effect on ripple and will require more capacitance. + C2) frequency is the smaller the inductor can be. 2(Cswitching The higher the 1 ωO = (10) When comparing with the same inductance, the part with C C inductors ) (L √ FILT two 1 2 higher SRF will have lower interwinding capacitance. The interwinding LFILT R acts Llike a(C capacitances circuit the filter for high frequency noise. +C ) – around LOAD FILT short 1 2 ωO (11) RFILT = RLOAD(C1 + C2) – LFILT C1 ωO a= LFILT RLOADωIPP – LFILT ω – RLOADC1RFILT ω (12) RIP ΔVOUT R R I 3 4 LOAD 1I 1 RIP PP – ΔIPP RESR C1 = 8FSW ΔVOUT (1) –b + √b2 – 4ac RIP – ΔIPP RESR 8F ΔV –b + √b2 – C2 = (6) OUT 4acStage SW Second Designing Output Filters for C2 = (6)Switching Power Supplies 2a 2a RIP ΔVOUT (2) A = ΔV RIP ΔI R OUT LOAD Step 3: As PP described previously, adding the filter will affect Step 8: When1choosing C2) components to match the calculated values, (C1 +actual (2) the compensaA= ΔIPP C2) 2 the (C21 +by 1RR2 LOAD FRES ≈to derate the capacitances of any ceramic capacitors (7) 2converter 4 reducing 2 achievable crossover frequency (Fu). tionaFof remember to account = the AR C ω + AR ω (3) ≈ LOAD 1 (7) 2� √ LFILT C1C2 LOAD 2 2 2 conversion, 2 maximum achievable F is the lesser C4 1+C2AR2 ω ForaaRES the for dc bias! √ LCFILT =current-mode AR2� RLOAD ω (3) u 1 LOAD 2 2 ω2C1 –frequency, 2ARLOADCor1ω1/5 b = 2AR of 1/10 of the switch the FRES of the(4) filter as calculated LOAD 2 2 2 As stated previously,ΔI Figure 4 gives two viable techniques for damping ω C1 – 2ARmost C1ω loads do not (4) b = 2ARLOAD in Equation 7. Fortunately, require an excepLOAD analog PP 2 ΔI (8) the filter. If instead of choosing a parallel resistor, a capacitor CD can C = ω C + A – 1 c = AR (5) PP 1 RIP LOAD 1 tionally transient response. Equation 9 calculates (8)the approximate C1 = high 8F –filter. ΔIPPThis RESRwill add some cost, but it provides the ΔVOUT 2 RIP SW be chosen to damp the ω C + A – 1 c = AR8F (5) – ΔI R ΔV LOAD 1 OUT(CBW) required output capacitance –b SW + √b2 – 4ac PP ESR on the output of a converter to provide best filter performance of any technique. = –b + √b2 (6) forCa2 specified transient – 4accurrent step. 2a ISTEP C2 = (6) 2a ISTEP CBW = Process (9) Design RIP for an LC filter Using an RC CBW = (9) �Fu(ΔVOUT – ISTEP RESR) RIP �Fu(ΔVOUT – ISTEP RESR) Damping Network (Technique 2 in Figure 4) (C1 + C2) 1 Step 4: ≈ Set1C2 as(C the+minimum of C and C . FRES (7) Step 1: As in the previous topology, choose C1 as if there were not going BW 1 C2) 1 FRES ≈ 2� √ LFILT C1C2 (7) +C 2(C to be an output filter. 102) mV p-p to 100 mV p-p is a good place to start, 1 2�2(C C2 +the CC2)1approximate Step 5: Calculate damping filter resistance using √ L1 FILT ωO = (10) depending on the final target output ripple. C1 can then be calculated C C ) (L ω = (10) √ FILT 1 2 O Equation and Equation C C ) 11. These equations are not absolutely accurate, √10(L FILT 1ΔI2 using Equation 8. C1 can be smaller in thistopology than the previous PP thing to a closed form solution without the need butCthey the closest LFILT (8) = are ΔIPP R 1 LFILT topologies because filter RIP Lthe (C + isC2more ) – effective. 8F – ΔI R ΔV LOAD FILT 1 to C use extensive algebra. The ADIsimPower design tools calculate R by (8) ωO = FILT OUT SW PP ESR) – L (C + C R 1 LOADRIP FILT 2 ωO (OLTF) of the converter with the 8FSW – ΔI1PP RESR ΔV (11) R = OUT calculating the open-loop transfer function Step 2:FILT As in theRprevious (11) R = (C1 topology + C2) an inductor between 0.5 μH to 2.2 μH is LOAD (C + C ) filterFILT and withRthe inductor shorted out. R values are then guessed until – L C chosen. 1 μH is a good value for converters between 500 kHz and 1200 kHz. FILT LOAD I1 2 FILT 1 ωO STEP – LFILT Cfilter 1 = of the converter (9) theCpeak OLTF with the is only 10 dB above the OLTF I RIPω BW O STEP – ISTEP RESR) Step 3: As before, C2 can be chosen from Equation 16, but with RFILT set to = �Fu(ΔVOUT (9) of C the RIPthe inductor shorted. This technique can be used in a BWconverter with �Fu(ΔVOUT – ISTEP RESR) something large like 1 MΩ since it will not be populated. The reason this is simulator like ADIsimPE or in the lab using a spectrum analyzer. ωIPPC having an additional capacitor is that in order to LFILT Rdespite LOAD the same 1– L LFILT RLOADωIPP ω – RLOADC1RFILT ω (12) a = value RIP – L ω – R C R ω 2(C + C ) a= (12) ΔVOUT RD will FILT provide good damping, be made large enough that CD will not signifiFILT LOAD 1 FILT 1 2 RIP ΔV ωO = (10) 2(COUT+ C ) cantly reduce the ripple. Set C2 as the minimum of the calculated C2 value, ωO = √ (LFILT1 C1C22) (10) R RLOADIPP 2 CI C ) R√FILT(LRFILT CBW and It can RIP be useful this+ point return 1 and adjust the – RatFILT RFILTto LFILT C1ωto , Step (13) b = C1.FILT LOAD 1PP 2 2 L – R + R L C ω , ΔVOUT (13) b= FILT RIP FILT FILT FILT R 1 ripple assumed on C to get a calculated C that is closer to CBW and C1. L (C + C ) – ΔV 1 2 LOAD Lω 1 2 OUT FILT + RLOADC1LFILT ω2 FILT 2 O L – LOAD C ω (11) RFILT = RLOAD LFILT (C1 + C2+) R ωO 1 FILT Step 4: CD should be set to the same value as 3C1. In theory you can achieve c = RFILT RLOAD ω – RFILT RLOADC1LFILT ω (14) (11) RFILT = RLOAD(C1 + C2) 3 – L C more damping of the filter using a larger capacitance, but it needlessly adds ω – R R C L ω c = RFILT RLOAD (14) C2)LOAD 1FILT RLOAD(C FILT 1 ω1O+FILT – LFILT C1 to thed cost size, ω = –Rand R and ω2 it can reduce converter bandwidth. (15) LOAD FILT d =6:–R ω2 O (15) Step C2LOAD can Rnow FILT be calculated using Equation 12 through Equation 15. Step 5: R can be calculated from Equation 17. F is calculated using D RES a, b, c, and used to simplify Equation 16. a2 + b2 the presence of C . This is a good approximation LFILTd2Rare 2 ωIPP LOAD Equation 7, ignoring D + b a (16) C = a ==L R RIPωI – LFILT ω – RLOADC1RFILT ω (12) 2 c2 + c2 large enough that CD will have little effect on the (16) C PP √ typically 2 LOAD since Rd is – LFILT ω – RLOADC1RFILT ω (12) a 2= √FILTcΔV + OUT c2 RIP ΔV location of the filter resonance. R R OUTIPP 2 – R + R L C ω , (13) b = R FILT R LOAD 1 RIPI FILT FILT FILT 1 PP 1LOAD (17) RD = OUT – RFILT + RFILT LFILT C1ω22, (13) bR= = FILTΔV RIP F �C (17) + RLOADC1LFILT ω 1 RES D FOUT �CΔV 1 RES + RLOADC1LFILT ω2 Step 6: Now that both CD and RD have been calculated either a ceramic c = RFILT RLOAD ω – RFILT RLOADC1LFILT ω3 (14) c = RFILT RLOAD ω – RFILT RLOADC1LFILT ω3 (14) capacitor with a series resistance can be used, or a tantalum or similar d = –RLOAD RFILT ω2 (15) capacitor with large ESR should be chosen that matches the calculated d = –RLOAD RFILT ω2 (15) specifications. a 2 + b2 (16) C2 = a22 + b22 Step 7: When choosing actual components to match the calculated values, (16) C2 = √ c2 + c2 remember to derate the capacitances of any ceramic capacitors to account √ c +c for dc bias! Step 7: Step 31 through Step 5 should be repeated until a well damped (17) RD = 1 Another filter technique is to replace the L in the previous filter with a filter that meets the required ripple RES (17) and transient RDdesign = �Cis1Fcalculated ferrite bead. However, this arrangement has many drawbacks that limit F �C specifications. It should be noted that these equations ignore the dc 1 RES its effectiveness at filtering switching noise and does almost nothing for series resistance of the filter inductor RDCR. This resistance can be quite switching ripple. First is saturation. The ferrite bead will saturate at a very significant for lower current supplies. It improves filter performance low level of bias current, meaning that the ferrite will give much lower by helping to dampen the filter, which increases the required RFILT and increases the impedance of the filter. Both effects can significantly improve impedance than shown in the zero bias curves shown in all data sheets. It may still need damping since it is still an inductor and therefore can the performance of the filter. It can therefore be very helpful for low noise resonate with the output capacitance. However, now the inductance is requirements to trade off a small amount of power loss in LFILT for improved variable and poorly characterized in the very minimal data provided in noise performance. Core loss in LFILT also helps to attenuate some of the most data sheets. For this reason ferrite beads are not recommended for high frequency noise. Therefore, high current-powdered iron cores can be a use as a second stage filter, but can be used downstream from one to good choice. They also tend to be smaller and cheaper for the same current further reduce very high frequency noise. capability. ADIsimPower of course factors in both the resistance of the filter inductor in addition to the ESR of the two capacitors for maximum accuracy. Visit Conclusion This article has laid out several output filter techniques for switching power supplies. For each topology, a step-by-step design process has been devised to reduce the amount of guess and check required for filter design. The equations have been simplified somewhat so that they are useful to an engineer looking to do a quick design by understanding what is achievable from a second stage output filter. About the Author Kevin M. Tompsett is a senior applications engineer for Power Management Products in ADI’s Customer Applications Group in Fort Collins, Colorado. He earned his B.A. in 2000, his B.E. in 2001, and his M.S. in 2004, all from Dartmouth College and Thayer School of Engineering. He has been with Analog Devices since 2007. He can be reached at Online Support Community Engage with the Analog Devices technology experts in our online support community. Ask your tough design questions, browse FAQs, or join a conversation. 5 Analog Devices, Inc. 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