Back & Neck Questionnaire (to be filled in by the physician / treating doctor) ]pdhpw, Igp¯pw tNmZymhen (NnInÕn¡p¶ tUmIvSÀ ]qcn¸nt¡­Xv) Name of Life to be insured: ___________________________________ sse^v C³jzÀ sN¿s¸tS­p¶ BfpsS t]cv Date of Birth: Policy/Application Number: P\\ XobXn: 1. 2. 3. t]mfnkn /At]£m \¼À: Please state the precise diagnosis, or nature of the disorder e.g. simple back strain, degenerative disk disease, herniated disk, lumbago, sciatica, spondylosis, spondyloarthropathy, whiplash, etc.: IrXyamb Ubtámknkv Asæn tcmK¯nsâ kz`mhw Zbhmbn {]kvXmhn¡pI. DZm. sNdnb ]pdw thZ\, UoP\sdbvänhv UnkvIv Unkokv, slÀ\nsbbvänUv UnkvIv, epw_mtKm, kvInbmänI, kvt]m¬Untemknkv, kvt]m¬UntemBÀt{¯m]Xn, hn]vemjv XpS§nbh When was the condition diagnosed or when did you first experience symptoms? F¶mWv Cu AhØbpsS tcmK\nÀ®bw \S¯nbXv AsænÂ, F¶mWv \n§Ä¡v Cu tcmKe£Ww BZyambn A\p`hs¸«Xv? / / What was the underlying cause (e.g. accident, degeneration, recreational or sporting injury etc.)? CXnsâ A´Àeo\amb ImcWw F´mWv (DZm. A]ISw, UoP\tdj³, hnt\mZ¯n\nSbntetbm, Asæn kvt]mSvkn\nSbntetbm ]cn¡v XpS§nbh)? 4. Please advise which part of your back is or was affected, e.g. cervical spine (neck), thoracic spine (upper middle) or lumbar spine (lower) and describe your symptoms including details of any radiation down either the arms or legs: \n§fpsS ]pd¯nsâ GXp`mKamWv _m[n¡s¸«Xv, DZm. skÀÆn¡Â kvss]³ (Igp¯v), sXmdmkn¡v kvss]³ (apIÄþa[yw), Asæn ew_mÀ kvss]³ (Iogv)? \n§fpsS tcmKe£W§Ä, ssIImepIfnte¡v Ah hnIncWw sN¿p¶XpÄs¸sSbpÅ, hnhcn¡pI: 5. a) Are symptoms ongoing? Yes No tcmKe£W§Ä XpSÀ¶p sIm­ncn¡pIbmtWm? AsX Aà If yes, are the symptoms decreasing, remaining stable or worsening in severity? D­v F¦nÂ, e£W§Ä IpdbpIbmtWm, DÅXvt]mse XpScpIbmtWm, Asæn ImTn\yw IqSnhcnIbmtWm? b) When did you last experience symptoms? / / tcmKe£W§Ä Ahkm\ambn \n§Ä A\p`hn¨Xv Ft¸mgmWv? Please also advise how often or how many times you have ever experienced symptoms and how long the symptoms have persisted on these occasions? \n§Ä Ft¸msgms¡bmWv, Asæn F{X{]mhiyamWv, tcmKe£Ww A\p`hn¨Xv F¶pw, C§ns\bpÅ Hmtcm Ahkc¯nepw, tcmKw F{X t\cw \o­p\n¶p F¶pw Zbhmbn hnhcn¡pI. c) 6. Have your daily activities ever been affected or restricted in any way? \n§fpsS \nXyhr¯nIÄ Ft¸msg¦nepw, GsX¦nepw hn[¯n _m[n¡s¸SpItbm, Asæn ]cnanXs¸SpItbm sN¿s¸«n«pt­m? If yes, please provide details: D­v F¦nÂ, Zbhmbn AXnsâ hnhc§Ä \ÂIpI: 7. Please provide details of any medication taken for this condition: Cu tcmKmhØbv¡v \n§Ä D]tbmKn¨n«pÅ acp¶pIfpsS hnhc§Ä \ÂIpI: Name of medication acp¶nsâ t]cv 8. Name of practitioner or clinic {]mIv«ojWdptStbm, Asæn Ivfn\n¡nsâtbm, t]cv Address taÂhnemkw Have you ever had any tests or investigations carried out in connection with this condition, e.g. x-ray, MRI, CT scan or nerve conduction studies? \n§fpsS Cu tcmKmhØbpambn _Ôs¸«v \n§fn Fs´¦nepw sStÌm, Asæn tcmK]cntim[\tbm \S¯s¸«n«pt­m? DZm. knSn kvIm³, FwBÀsF Asæn s\ÀÆv I­£³ ]T\w XpS§nbh? If yes, please provide details including dates, procedures, locations and results: D­v F¦nÂ, XobXnIÄ, \S]Sn{Ia§Ä, Øew, ^e§Ä XpS§nbh AS¡w, hniZmwi§Ä \ÂIpI: Name of test or investigation sSÌnsâtbm, Asæn sshZy]cntim[ \bptStbm, t]cv 10. Frequency {^oIz³kn No Aà Date last taken Ahkm\w FSp¯ XobXn Please provide details of any other treatment that you have had for this condition, e.g. surgery, treatment by a physiotherapist, chiropractor, osteopath, massage therapist, acupuncturist etc.: Cu tcmKmhØbv¡v \n§Ä FSp¯n«pÅ aäv NnInÕIsf¸änbpÅ hnhc§Ä \ÂIpI. DZm. kÀPdn, ^nkntbmsXdm¸nkväv, Nntdm{]mIvsSmÀ, HmknHm]¯v, sakmPv sXdm¸nÌv, FIyp]MvNdnÌv XpS§nbhcpsS NnInÕ XpS§nh: Type of treatment NnInÕbpsS Xcw 9. Dose tUmkv Yes AsX Location Øew Date XobXn Date of last consult Ahkm\ambn I¬kÄ«v sNbvX XobXn Yes AsX No Aà Results ^e§Ä Have you ever been admitted to hospital for this condition? Yes Cu tcmKmhØbv¡mbn \n§Ä Ft¸msg¦nepw Bip]{Xnbn {]thin¡s¸«n«pt­m? AsX If yes, please provide details including dates, procedures, locations and results: D­v F¦nÂ, XobXnIÄ, \S]Sn{Ia§Ä, Øew, ^e§Ä XpS§nbh AS¡w, hniZmwi§Ä \ÂIpI: No Aà Yes AsX No Aà 11. Has any future treatment or investigation been discussed or contemplated? `mhnbn \ÂIm³ asäs´¦nepw NnInÕtbm, Asæn tcmK ]cntim[\tbm, NÀ¨sN¿s¸SpItbm, Asæn BtemNn¡pItbm sNbvXn«pt­m? If yes, please provide details: D­v F¦nÂ, Zbhmbn AXnsâ hnhc§Ä \ÂIpI: 12. Please provide the name and address of the doctors and/or specialists you see in relation to this condition: \n§fpsS tcmKhpambn _Ôs¸«v \n§Ä I¬kÄ«v sNbvX tUmIvSÀamsc¡pdn¨pw Asæn kvs]jyenÌpIsf¡pdn¨pw DÅ hnhc§Ä \ÂIpI Name of doctor, hospital or clinic tUmIvSdpsS, Bip]{Xn Asæn Ivfn\n¡nsâ t]cv Address taÂhnemkw Dates XobXn 13. Have you ever taken time off work with this condition? Yes Cu tcmKmhØImcW¯m \n§Ä Fs¶¦nepw sXmgnen \n¶pw Ah[nsbSp¯n«pt­m? AsX If yes, please provide details including dates and durations: D­v F¦nÂ, hn«p\n¶ XobXnIfpw Ah[nbpsS ssZÀLyhpw DÄs¸sSbpÅ FÃmhnhc§fpw \ÂIpI No Aà 14. Have your working duties ever been affected or restricted in any way, e.g. restricted ability to drive, lift, carry objects, bend or sit for prolonged periods? \n§fpsS sXmgn IÀ¯hy§Ä Ft¸msg¦nepw _m[n¡s¸SpItbm, ]cnanXs¸SpItbm sNbvXn«pt­m? DZm. h­ntbmSn¡m\pÅ Ignhv IpdbpI, km[\§Ä hln¡m³ IgnbmXmhpI, IqSpX t\cw Ip\nbmt\m Ccn¡mt\m BhmXmIpI If yes, please provide details including dates and durations D­v F¦nÂ, hn«p\n¶ XobXnIfpw Ah[nbpsS ssZÀLyhpw DÄs¸sSbpÅ FÃmhnhc§fpw \ÂIpI Yes No AsX Aà 15. Have you experienced any associated anxiety or depression? Yes \n§Ä¡v Ft¸msg¦nepw D¡WvTtbm, hnjmZ tcmKtam, D­mbn«pt­m? AsX If yes, please provide details including dates and durations: D­v F¦nÂ, hn«p\n¶ XobXnIfpw Ah[nbpsS ssZÀLyhpw DÄs¸sSbpÅ FÃmhnhc§fpw \ÂIpI No Aà 16. Please provide any additional information that you feel is important: {]m[m\yapÅXmbn \n§Ä¡v tXm¶p¶ IqSpXembpÅ hnhc§Ä Fs´¦nepw Ds­¦n Ah Zbhmbn \ÂIpI UWQuest_BackNeck_Ver1.0 Declaration {]Jym]\w I confirm that the answers I have given are, to the best of my knowledge, true, and that I have not withheld any material information that may influence the assessment or acceptance of this application.I agree that this form will constitute part of my application for insurance(s) and that failure to disclose any material fact known to me may invalidate my insurance(s). Fsâ Gähpw \à AdnhnÂ, Rm³ \ÂInbncn¡p¶ D¯c§Ä kXyamWv F¶pw, Cu At]£bpsS kzoIcn¡ens\tbm, Asæn AXnsâ aqey \nÀ®bs¯tbm _m[n¡p¶ bmtXmcphnhchpw Rm³ ad¨v h¨n«nÃm F¶pw, Rm³ ØncoIcn¡p¶p. Cu t^mw, C³jzd³kn\mbpÅ / C³jzd³kpIÄ¡mbpÅ Fsâ At]£bpsS `mKw Bbncn¡pw F¶pw, CXn Fsâ AdnhnepÅ Fs´¦nepw `uXnIhnhc§Ä \ÂIm³ hn«pt]mbn«ps­¦nÂ, Fsâ C³jzd³kns\ /C³jzd³kpIsf AXv Akm[phm¡pw F¶pw Rm³ k½Xn¡p¶p. Name & Signature of treating doctor NnInÕn¡p¶ tUmIvSdpsS t]cpw, H¸pw Name & Signature of the Life to be insured sse^v C³jzÀ sNt¿­p¶ BfpsS t]cpw, H¸pw / / Date XobXn A Joint Venture between Dabur Invest Corp. & Aviva International Holdings Limited Aviva Life Insurance Company India Ltd Head Office: Aviva Tower, Sector Road, Opp. DLF Golf Course, DLF Ph- V, Sector 43, Gurgaon-122003. Haryana India. Registered Office: 2nd Floor, Prakashdeep Building, 7 Tolstoy Marg, New Delhi-110001. India Um_À C³shÌv tImdpw, Ahnh CâÀ\mjW tlmÄUn§vkv enanänUpw X½nepÅ Iq«pkwcw`w Ahnh sse^v C³jqd³kv I¼\n C´y en. Bhnh ShÀ, skIvSÀ tdmUv, UnFÂF^v tKmÄ^v tImkn\v FXncmbn, UnFÂF^v s^bvkv 5, skIvSÀ 43, KpdmtKm¬þ122003. lcnbm\ C´y dnPntÌUv Hm^nkv: cm­mw \ne, {]ImivZo]v _nÂUn§v, 7 tSmÄtÌmbn amÀ¤v, \yq UÂln þ 110001, C´y Tel/ sSen:+91 (0) 124 270 9000 Fax/ ^mIvkv: +91 (0) 124 257 1210. Email/ CuþsabvÂ