Developing Understanding Skill, Mathematical Representation and Belief in Mathematical Learning Using Cognitive Conflict Strategy Heru Sujiarto1, Tatang Herman2, Jozua Sabandar3, Jarnawi Afghani Dahlan4 ABSTRACT The skill of mathematical understanding and representing, and student’s belief to mathematic are an important elements one student should have, to help students to solve mathematic problems, along with daily problems. One of the ways to develop this is through a learning process where a situation, fact, and condition that polarize student’s cognitive structure are involved. In such situation, conflict between student’s knowledge and designed situation happened. The main problem of this research is about how the developing understanding skill, representing, and student’s mathematical belief, are reviewed based on learning method (cognitive conflict strategy and conventional), and school rank (high and middle). This research is an experiment with pretest-posttest control group design. Cognitive conflict strategy is given to the experiment group, while conventional learning is given to control group. This research is involving 140 seventh grade students in Kotamadya Bandung that represent schools in high and middle rank. The instruments of this research is Mathematical Understanding Skill test, Mathematical Representing Skill test, and Mathematical Belief scale. Data analysis used in the hipotesist test is t-test, two way Anova, and Scheffe test. Keywords: cognitive conflict strategy, mathematical understanding, mathematical representation, mathematical belief. 1 Student of Mathematics Education Doctoral Program, Indonesia University of Education. Postal address: UNINUS BANDUNG, Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 530 Bandung. Email: 2 Professor of Indonesia University of Education, Department of Mathematics Education. Postal Address: ______________________________________________________________________. Email: 3 Emerita Professor of Indonesia University of Education, Department of Mathematics Education. Postal Address: ________________________________________________. Email: . 4 Doctor in Mathematics Education, Indonesia University of Education, Department of Mathematics Education. Postal Address: . Emails: INTRODUCTION Realize it or not, cognitive conflict often shows up in mathematic studying and lucturing activities, it is caused by varied cognitive skills from each individu and the characteristic of the material that is given. It means that cognitive conflict can happened in studying process when student’s information and knowledge is unbalanced with the information they faced when in studying scene. In mathematical problem situation, student usually facing challenges and they oftenly facing an impasse. By providing a designed congnitive conflict, it is one of the efforts to make students accustomed to such situation and giving them an experience on how to handle an unwanted situation, giving them challenge and opportunity to stabilize their mathematical knowledge and skill. Knowledge inventing according to constructivity sees active students creating cognitive structures in their interaction with environment. With the help from their cognitive structure, subject arranges the definition of the reality. Cognitive interaction will happened as far as the reality are arranged through cognitive structure that the students made their own. Cognitive structure had to be changed constantly and be adjusted based on environmental pressure that changing. An adaptation process is happened continually through reconstruction process (Piaget, 1988). In constructivism theory, the most important thing at the learning process is that the students themselves had to be active developing their knowledge, and had to be responsible to their learning result. The emphasizing in this student’s active learning process is got to be developed. Student’s creativity and liveliness will help them to stand alone among student’s cognitive life, so that studying could be directed more into concrete experience, discussing with classmates, then become contemplated idea and new concept development. Mathematical understanding is important to learn mathematic in meaningful way, of course the teachers hope an understanding that student can reach is not limited to an understanding that only can be connected. According to Ausubel (1978), a studying process will become meaningful if the information that will be learned by student is arranged matching to student’s cognitive structure, so that the students can link their new information to their own cognitive structure. It means, the students can link between knowledge they have with another situation so they understand while studying. The importance of understanding is realized in mathematic teaching, that there are two understandings that can be learnt in mathematic, they are conseptual understanding and procedural understanding. Both understandings have the same important role and both understandings need to be taught in school. Hiebert and Carpenter (1992) stated that understanding process in mathematic means to make a conncetion between ideas, fact, or procedur that all of them is a part of the system. Therefore, the problem that once was understood can be solved by understanding the connection between ideas, fact, or procedure that are there in the system. In studying mathematic, the important goal in using representation is to be able to communicate with the others using representing manifestation. Representing means to make another form from the idea or the problem, e.g. one table is represented into diagram shape or vice versa. Representing could help student explain concept or idea and make them easier to get the strategy to solve mathematical problem. E.g, graphic can be used as a tool to communicate information and understanding and make definition in mathematical way. By using graphic, student can dig invisible aspect in one context; representing process could lead a question about the context itself; student can construct something new and concepting the first context by graphic’s important character; so that students can elaborate their understanding about graphic and the context through mathematical representing that they do, Monk (in Wu, 2004). Goldin (2002) explain that one’s belief is shaped by his attitude to mathematic, then the belief will form mathematic value in that person. Regarding another role of beliefs, Greer, Verschaffel, and Corte (2002) emphasized that to be able to do mathematic is not enough by knowing on how to do it, but had to be along with the belief of concept truth and its procedure. E.g. when doing a manual counting or counting with a tool, the belief element is there (Nunokawa, 1998). In order to create an optimal learning process, rank factor or school qualification is also necessary to be concern and consider. It has several reasons: (1) the fact that shows that school rank is very related to student’s mathematical skill in general; and (2) diverse student’s background is oftenly show varied responses as well. It could be seen from several research result in middle rank school just like the report result in the research by Suryadi, D (2005); Herman, T (2006) that stated that school rank is significantly influential to the improvement of student’s mathematical skill. It can be understood because the problems the teacher served in mathematic learning with cognitive conflict strategy needed the teacher’s role as facilitator that will help student have a more active role in the studying process. Meanwhile, the skill of mathematical understanding, the skill of mathematical representing, and mathematical belief inside the students can be improved to be more optimal because student’s role in class can be proceed even more. Therefore, mathematical learning with cognitive conflict strategy is potential to be able to interact with the skill of mathematical understanding, the skill of mathematical representing, and student’s mathematical belief. This is possible to happen when a studying process that been applied to students gave significant influence compare to conventional learning approach. Based on briefing above, the needs to do a study that is focused on applying mathematical learning with cognitive conflict strategy is allegedly could develop the skill of mathematical understanding, the skill of mathematical representing, and student’s mathematical belief, is seen by the authors to be very urgent and prime. In this correlation, the researchers conduct a research that linked to mathematical learning process with cognitive conflict strategy. By considering that: (1) the research that relate to such problem in Junior High School rank is still rare; (2) the skill of mathematical understanding, the skill of mathematical representing, and student’s mathematical belief are important to student for a stock to come to higher education; That is why, a research for Junior High School rank is so important and urgent to be done soon. Therefore, the title that is proposed for this research is “Developing The Skill of Understanding, Representing, and Belief in Mathematic on Mathematical Learning Using Cognitive Conflict Strategy (Eksperimental study to Junior High School student)”. METHODS Design and Research Procedure This research is a quasi experimental research, with research design by pretestposttest control group design, that can be describe as follows: O X O --------------O O Notes: X = Mathematical learning with cognitive conflict strategy O = Measurement of mathematical understanding skill and mathematical representing skill before and after learning process ----- = Subject is not picked randomly In this design, every group is given pretest (O), then one group is given a mathematical learning process with cognitive conflict strategy (X), and one group which the class control is given a conventional learning approach or any special treatment. After each attitude is applied to each group, then posttest is held. Pretest and posttest that are given is a mathematical understanding skill and mathematical representing skill. Procedure of this research is consist of three steps: preparation step, doing step, and data analysis step. These three steps is elaborated as follows: 1. Preparation Step Activities that is done in this step are: a. Designing learning tool and research instrument, also asking expert’s valuation. b. Analysing the validation result of learning tool and research instrument with a purpose to improve learning tool and research instrument before field test is held. c. Socializing mathematical learning design with cognitive conflict strategy to the teacher and observer that will be involved in the research. d. Held the field test and observe didactive situation and pedagogical during testing process is occured. e. Analysing test result of learning tool and research tool with a purpose to improve learning tool and research instrument before experiment is held. 2. Doing Step Activities in this step are: a. Giving pretest to experiment class and control class. This test is held to measure mathematical understanding skill, and mathematical representing skill in student before mathematical learning is occured. b. Doing the mathematical learning with cognitive conflict strategy to experiment class (during this activity, an observation about the didactive and pedagogical situation that happened is held). c. Doing the conventional learning to control class (during this activity, an observation about the didactive and pedagogical situation that happened is held). d. Giving posttest to experiment class and control class. This test is to measure mathematical understanding skill and mathematical representing skill in student after the mathematical learning is held. 3. Data Analysis Step Activities in this step are as follows: a. Doing data analysis and hypothesis testing. b. Doing a session that relates with data analysis, hypothesis test, observation test, and literature research. c. Data analysing so that findings can be found and to arrange research report result. Population and Sample Population in this research are all of the Junior High School students in Kotamadya Bandung. The determination of this research’s sample is previously done by classifying schools in two rank, which are school with high rank and school with middle rank, based on the data of Bandung’s passing grade this last three years. Randomly, SMPN 30 Bandung is chosen to represent the school with high rank, and SMPN 27 Bandung is chosen as representation of the school with middle rank. In each school rank, two classes are chosen randomly as the class who have mathematical skill in relatively general, one class is given the mathematical learning with cognitive conflict strategy (experiment class) and another class is given the conventional class (control class). In SMPN 30 Bandung, VII-4 class is chosen to be the experiment class, with 35 students, meanwhile VII-1 is chosen to be the control class with 35 students. In SMPN 27 Bandung, VII-J is chosen to be experiment class, with 35 students, meanwhile VII-I is chosen to be control class with 35 students. In total, there are 140 students that become the research’s sample. Variable and Operational Definition 1. There are several variables that have to be concern in this research, which are independent variable (X) and dependent variable (Y). Independent variable in this research is the learning variable that consist of mathematical learning with cognitive conflict strategy (X1) and conventional learning (X2). And the dependent variable are mathematical understanding skill/ KPM (Y1), mathematical representing skill /KRM (Y2), and mathematical belief /KYM (Y3). 2. Mathematical learning with cognitive conflict strategy Cognitive conflict is a consciuous situation where an individu facing an imbalance. The imbalance is made of the consiousness of informations that are contradict to the informations that are saved in his cognitive structure. To deal with it, researchers use cognitive conflict strategy in mathematical learning which consist of these phases: First phase: exposing alternative frameworks; Second 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. phase: creating conceptual conflict; Third phase: encouraging cognitive accomodation. Mathematical Understanding Skill Mathematical understanding is a cognitive level that is more complex than a knowledge to mathematical concept. So an understanding is a definition of a relationship between factor, concept, causation relationship, and conclusion deducting. Mathematical understanding skill is measured to student’s skill in: (1). Re-declaring a concept; (2). Classifying object according to its concept; (3). Giving example and non example from a concept; (4). Serving concept in mathematical representation; (5). Developing the needed requirement or adequate requirement from a concept; (6). Using certain procedure or operation; and (7). Applying concept or algorhytm of solving problem. Mathematical Representing Skill Mathematical representing is a description, translation, disclosure, symbolization, or even a modelization of ideas, mathematical concept, that are contained in one construction, or certain problem situation that student shows in varied form as an effort to get a clear explanation, or finding solutions of the problems he handled. Mathematical representing skill is measured on student’s skill in: (1). Interpretating mathematical ideas into visual representation form (pictures, diagram, graphic, or table); (2). Interpretating mathematical ideas into symbolic as representation form (mathematical declaration/ mathematical notation, numeric / aljabar symbol); and (3). Interpretating mathematical ideas into verbal representation form (written text / words). Mathematical Belief Mathematical belief is student’s affective factor that related to mathematic and mathematical learning. Mathematical belief in this research is a positive belief that will trigger motivation. The scale of this mathematical belief is consist with three aspects: (1). Beliefs about mathematics education; (2). Beliefs about the self; and (3). Beliefs about the social context, i.e., class context. The instruments of this research are Mathematical Understanding Skill test, Mathematical Representing Skill test, and Mathematical Belief scale. Data analysis techniques are: a. Testing statistical analytic requirements that needed to be the fundamental of hypothetical tests, which are normality test of each group and varriants homogenity test in both paired or entirety. b. Testing all of the proposed hypothesist with stastical test that suit the problem and the requirement of statistical analysis. c. Data analysis in hypothesis test is using uji-t, two way Anova, and Scheffe test. RESULT AND DISCUSSION 1. Result Analysis of Mathematical Understanding Skill Data analysis result shows that in general both studied from learning method and school rank, the average of student’s mathematical understanding skill that is given the cognitive conflict strategy are better than student’s with conventional learning. For the school with high rank, on the class that is given cognitive conflict strategy has the average of 15,56 and on conventional class the average is 15,32. For school with middle rank, the class with cognitive conflict strategy learning has an average of 15,27 and conventional class has the average of 15,11. This founding is in line with the research that conducted by Priatna (2002) to students in third grade of Junior High School at Banding, that found the quality of mathematical understanding skill was not satisfying, which only about 50% from the ideal score. But if studied from the school rank, mathematical understanding skill on students with high rank is quite satisfying, meanwhile for the school with middle and low rank are still unsatisfying. The description of mathematical understanding skill is served on Table 1. Table 1 Description of Mathematical Understanding Skill based on Learning Method and School Rank School Mathematical Rank Understanding Total Middle High High Medium Low Sub Total High Medium Low Sub Total High Medium Low Total Metode Pembelajaran Cognitive Conflict Conventional Strategy Mean SD n Mean SD n 19,75 15,36 11,57 15,56 19,32 15,12 11,36 15,27 19,54 15,24 11,47 15,42 1,49 1,47 0,52 3,48 1,18 1,45 0,79 3,42 1,34 1,46 0,66 3,46 8 20 7 35 7 18 10 35 15 38 17 70 19,50 15,14 11,32 15,32 19,19 14,94 11,20 15,11 19,35 15,04 11,26 15,22 1,43 1,41 0,45 3,29 1,11 1,43 0,72 3,26 1,27 1,42 0,59 3,28 10 20 5 35 7 18 10 35 17 38 15 70 Notes: Ideal score is 25 Before doing the average difference test between each sample group, normality and homogenity test is firstly conducted. Normality test on mathematical understanding in school with high rank and middle rank is using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, served on Table 2 below. Table 2. Tests of Normality Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. * KPM SKK PA ,113 35 ,200 ,963 35 ,289 * KPM KV PA ,120 35 ,200 ,952 35 ,131 * KPM SKK PM ,123 35 ,200 ,957 35 ,186 KPM KV PM ,144 35 ,064 ,954 35 ,155 *. This is a lower bound of the true significance. a. Lilliefors Significance Correction Based on the counting result served in Table 4.2 above, shows that SKK class and conventional class has a significant level or probability value of each group are all bigger that 0,005, so that it can be conclude that the result data of mathematical understanding on each class is distributed normally. Next, homogeneity test to variant’s score of mathematical understanding for two sample group on each school rank is using the Levene test. The result is served on Table 3 and Table 4. Table 3. Test of Homogeneity of Variances KPM PA Levene df1 df2 Sig. Statistic 1,709 11 57 ,095 Tabel 4. Test of Homogeneity of Variances KPM PM Levene df1 df2 Sig. Statistic ,801 9 58 ,617 Based on the counting result that is served in Table 3, shows that Levene test result for mathematical understanding score in high rank school is 1,709, and Table 4 with middle rank school is 0,801, meanwhile the significance value are all bigger than 0,05. Therefore, it can be conclude that two sample group (cognitive conflict strategy class and conventional class) in high rank and middle rank are homogenous. After discovering that the two groups are distributed normally and homogenous, then for the difference test will be using t test on each school rank. The counting result with t test is served on Table 5 and Table 6. Mean PRE KPM Pair PA - POS 1 KPM PA -4,70000 4,28124 ,51171 Mean PRE KPM Pair 1 PM - POS KPM PM Table 5 Paired Samples Test Paired Differences Std. Std. 95% Confidence Deviatio Error Interval of the n Mean Difference Lower Upper -5,72082 df Sig. (2tailed ) -3,67918 -9,185 69 ,000 Table 6 Paired Samples Test Paired Differences Std. Std. 95% Confidence Deviatio Error Interval of the n Mean Difference Lower Upper -6,62857 2,81904 ,33694 -7,30075 -5,95639 t t df 69 19,673 Sig. (2tailed ) ,000 Based on the counting result that is served in Table 5, the t test result shows mathematical understanding score in high rank school is thitung = -9,185, and ttabel = t(0,025;69) = 1,995 with significance value of 0,178. Because of thitung<ttabel then H0 is denied. Therefore, it can be summarized that in comparation of high rank school with student’s mathematical understanding in cognitive conflict strategy learning and student’s mathematical understanding in conventional learning is significantly different. Table 6 with the score of mathematical understanding in middle rank school is thitung = -19,673, and ttabel = t(0,025;69) = 1,995 with the significance value of 0,001. Because thitung<ttabel then H0 is denied. Therefore it can be summarized that in comparation of middle rank school with student’s mathematical understanding in cognitive conflict strategy learning and student’s mathematical understanding in conventional learning is significantly different. After knowing that the collage group of school with those ranks is distributed normally and homogenous, then two way ANOVA test is conducted to discover the role of learning factor, school rank factor, and the interraction between those two factors. The result of two way ANOVA test is served on Table 7. Table 7 ANOVA Counting Result on The Score of Student’s Mathematical Understanding According to Learning Method and School Rank Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: Mathematical Understanding Source Type III Sum df Mean F of Squares Square Corrected Model 467,486a 3 155,829 29,175 Intercept 36612,114 1 36612,114 6854,691 SCHOOL 291,457 1 291,457 54,568 LEARNING 120,714 1 120,714 22,601 SCHOOL * 55,314 1 55,314 10,356 LEARNING Error 726,400 136 5,341 Total 37806,000 140 Corrected Total 1193,886 139 a. R Squared = ,392 (Adjusted R Squared = ,378) Sig. ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,002 From the ANOVA result that is served on Table 7 above shows that significance value from Learning factor, School factor, and interaction factor (School * Learning), all of them is smaller than 0,05 which is 0,000. Therefore it can be concluded that: (a) student’s mathematical understanding skill with Cognitive Conflict Strategy learning is significantly different to students with conventional learning; (b) there is a significant difference of student’s mathematical understanding skill in two school rank groups; (c) there is an interaction between school rank factor and learning factor to student’s mathematical understanding skill in general. Interaction between school and learning factor to student’s mathematical understanding skill can be seen from Table 7. On the table, it is shown that interaction between school and learning factor have F value as 10,356 and its significance is smaller than 0,05 which is 0,002. So it can be conclude that there is a significant interaction between school factor and learning factor to student’s mathematical understanding skill. This also shows that cognitive conflict strategy can be applied to high rank school and middle rank school to improve student’s mathematical understanding in mathematical learning. This interaction can also be seen graphically in Image 1. Image 1. Interaction of School Rank and Learning Method to Mathematical Understanding Skill 2. Result Analysis on Mathematical Representing Skill Data result analysis shows that whether to be reviewed on learning method or on school rank, the average of student’s mathematical representing skill with cognitive conflict strategy given is better than student’s with conventional learning. For high rank school with the class that is given cognitive conflict strategy, has the average of 15,55, and in conventional class, the average is 14,93. This discovery is in accordance with research conducted by Rahman (2004), that in the research, he observed about how the students choose representing way to communicate their problems and investigate the relation between representing way and achievement level. The description of mathematical representing skill is served on Table 8. Table 8 The Description of Mathematical Representing Skill Based on Learning Method and School Rank Learning Method Cognitive Conflict School Mathematical Conventional Strategy Rank Representing Mean SD n Mean SD n Middle High High Medium Low Sub Total High Medium Low Sub Total 19,78 15,15 11,71 15,55 19,27 14,82 11,36 15,15 1,29 1,61 0,55 3,45 0,76 1,52 0,69 2,97 9 20 6 35 9 15 11 35 19,57 15,03 11,56 15,39 19,03 14,61 11,14 14,93 1,32 1,49 0,49 3,30 0,71 1,49 0,67 2,87 9 19 7 35 8 16 11 35 Total High Medium Low Total 19,53 14,99 11,54 15,35 1,03 1,57 0,62 3,22 18 35 17 70 19,30 14,82 11,35 15,16 1,02 1,49 0,58 3,09 17 35 18 35 Notes: Ideal Score 25 Before testing the average difference between sample groups, normality test and homogeneity test is conducted firstly. Normality test to mathematical representing in high rank and middle rank school is using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, served on Table 9. Table 9 Tests of Normality Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. KRM SKK PA ,140 35 ,080 ,939 35 ,052 * KRM KV PA ,122 35 ,200 ,952 35 ,128 KRM SKK PM ,148 35 ,052 ,921 35 ,015 KRM KV PM ,139 35 ,084 ,928 35 ,024 *. This is a lower bound of the true significance. a. Lilliefors Significance Correction Based on the counting result in Table 9 above, shows that for SKK Class and conventional class have significance level or probability value of each group are all bigger than 0,005, so it can be conluded that the data result of mathematical representing in for those class is distributed normally. Following it, homogeneity test to variants’ mathematical representing score for two sample groups in each school rank is conducted by using Levene test. The counting result is served on Table 10 and Table 11. Table 10 Test of Homogeneity of Variances KRM PA Levene df1 df2 Sig. Statistic ,923 9 57 ,512 Table 11 Test of Homogeneity of Variances KRM PM Levene df1 df2 Sig. Statistic ,545 9 58 ,836 Based on the counting result in Table 10, shows that Levene test’s result for mathematical representing score in high rank school is 0,923, and Table 11 for middle rank school is 0,545, meanwhile the significance value are all bigger than 0,05. Therefore it can be concluded that the two sample groups (cognitive conflict strategy class and conventional class) on each high rank school and middle rank school is homogenous. After knowing that those two groups are distributed normally and homogenous, then the difference test is conducted by using t test to each school rank. The t test counting result is served on Table 12 and Table 13. Table 12 Paired Samples Test Paired Differences t df Sig. (2Mean Std. Std. 95% Confidence tailed Deviatio Error Interval of the ) n Mean Difference Lower Upper PRE KRM Pair 1 PA - POS -5,11429 3,05762 ,36546 -5,84335 -4,38522 -13,994 69 ,000 KRM PA Mean Pair 1 PRE KRM PM - POS KRM PM Table 13 Paired Samples Test Paired Differences Std. Std. 95% Confidence Deviatio Error Interval of the n Mean Difference Lower Upper -5,77143 2,42075 ,28934 -6,34864 -5,19422 t df Sig. (2tailed ) -19,947 69 ,000 Based on the counting result at Table 12 above, shows that t test result for mathematical representing score in high rank school is thitung = -13,994, and ttabel = t(0,025;69) = 1,995 with significance value of 0,000. Because thitung<ttabel then H0 is denied. Therefore it can be concluded that on high rank school, the result of student’s mathematical representing with cognitive conflict strategy learning compare to the result of student’s mathematical representing with conventional learning is significantly different. Table 13 on middle rank school with the t test to show the score of the mathematical representing is thitung =-19,947, and ttabel = t(0,025;69) = 1,995 with significance value of 0,000. Because of thitung<ttabel then H0 is denied. Therefore it can be concluded that in middle rank school, the score of student’s mathematical representing with cognitive conflict strategy learning compare to the score of student’s mathematical representing with conventional learning is significantly different. After knowing that the combination of those school ranks are distributed normally and homogenous, then two way Anova test is conducted to discover the role of learning factor, school rank factor, and the interaction between those two factors. The counting result of two way Anova test is served on Table 14. Table 14 Counting Result of ANOVA to The Score of Student’s Mathematical Representing According to Learning Method and School Rank Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: Mathematical Representing Source Type III Sum df Mean F Sig. of Squares Square Corrected Model 687,486a 3 229,162 36,533 ,000 Intercept 39111,429 1 39111,429 6235,193 ,000 SCHOOL 460,829 1 460,829 73,466 ,000 LEARNING 173,829 1 173,829 27,712 ,000 SCHOOL * 52,829 1 52,829 8,422 ,004 LEARNING Error 853,086 136 6,273 Total 40652,000 140 Corrected Total 1540,571 139 a. R Squared = ,446 (Adjusted R Squared = ,434) From the ANOVA counting result on Table 14 above, shows that the significance value from Learning factor, School factor, and interaction factor (School * Learning), all of them are smaller than 0,005 which are 0,000. Therefore, it can be concluded that: (a) student’s mathematical representing skill with Cognitive Conflict Strategy learning is significantly different to students with conventional learning; (b) there is a significance different in student’s mathematical representing skill on two groups of school rank; (c) there is an interaction between school rank factor and learning factor to student’s mathematical representing skill in general. Interaction between school factor and learning factor to student’s mathematical representing skill can be seen at Table 14. On the table, shows that the interaction of school factor and learning factor has F value of 8,422 and its significance is smaller than 0,005 which is 0,004. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a significance interaction between school factor and learning factor to student’s mathematical representing skill. This also shows that cognitive conflict strategy can be applied on high and middle rank school to improve student’s mathematical representing in mathematics learning. This interaction can be seen graphically in Image 2. Image 2. Interaction of School Rank and Learning Method to Mathematical Representing Skill Middle High 3. Analysis Result of Mathematical Belief Data analysis result shows that in general, whether reviewed from learning method and school rank, the average of student’s mathematical belief with cognitive conflict strategy is better than students with conventional learning. For high rank school with cognitive conflict strategy learning, the average is 200,27, and in conventional class, the average is 199,88. For middle rank school, the class with cognitive conflict strategy has the average of 199,36, and the average in conventional class is 198,44. This discovery is in line with the research result about belief to mathematics, which was conducted by Schoenfeld (1992), showed that there is a strong correlation between the result of mathematical test that students expected and their belief to their skill. Description of the mathematical belief in table form is served on Table 15. Table 15 Description of Mathematical Belief According to Learning Method and School Rank Learning Method Cognitive Conflict School Mathematica Conventional Strategy Rank l Belief Mean SD n Mean SD n High 220,42 Medium Low Sub Total High Medium Low 198,58 181,82 200,27 219,73 198,08 180,27 6,27 5,57 8,00 19,84 5,64 6,09 8,20 12 12 11 35 11 13 11 220,36 198,46 180,82 199,88 218,91 197,15 179,27 5,61 6,20 8,00 19,81 5,41 5,87 7,73 11 13 11 35 11 13 11 199,36 220,08 198,33 181,05 199,82 Total Sub Total High Medium Low Total Notes: Ideal score 250 19,93 5,96 5,83 8,10 19,89 35 23 25 22 70 198,44 219,64 197,81 180,05 199,17 19,01 5,51 6,04 7,87 19,42 35 22 26 22 70 Normality test for mathematical belief scale in high rank school and middle rank school is using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The counting result for each school rank is served on Table 16. Table 16 Tests of Normality Kolmogorov-Smirnova Statistic KYM SKK PA KYM KV PA KYM SKK PM KYM KV PM df ,095 ,095 ,086 ,097 Shapiro-Wilk Sig. Statistic df Sig. 35 ,200* ,966 35 ,351 35 ,200* ,966 35 ,351 35 ,200* ,966 35 ,354 35 ,200* ,966 35 ,347 *. This is a lower bound of the true significance. a. Lilliefors Significance Correction Based on the counting result served in Table 16 above, shows that for Cognitive Conflict Strategy class and conventional class have significance level or probability value on each group are all bigger than 0,05, therefore it can be concluded that the result data for mathematical belief score on each class is distributed normally. Next, homogeneity test is conducted to discover the mathematical belief variant’s score to two sample groups on each school rank using the Levene test. The counting result is served on Table 17 and Table 18. Table 17 Test of Homogeneity of Variances KYM PA Levene Statistic df1 1,721 df2 16 Sig. 30 ,097 Table 18 Test of Homogeneity of Variances KYM PM Levene Statistic 1,560 df1 df2 18 Sig. 27 ,144 Based on the counting result served on Table 17, shows that Levene test result to score mathematical belief on high rank school is 1,721, and Table 18 for middle rank school is 1,560, meanwhile the significance value are all bigger than 0,05. Therefore, it can be concluded that the two sample groups (cognitive conflict strategy class and conventional class) in each high rank and middle rank school is homogenous. After knowing that the combination of these school rank are distributed normally and homogenous, then two way ANOVA test is conducted to discover the role of learning factor, school rank factor, and the interaction between those two factors. The counting result with two way ANOVA test is served on Table 19. Table 19 The Counting Result of ANOVA to The Score of Student’s Mathematical Belief based on Learning Method and School Rank Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: Mathematical Belief Source Type III Sum of df Mean Square F Sig. Squares 107,907a 3 35,969 ,122 ,947 5575626,579 1 5575626,579 18904,899 ,000 SEKOLAH 75,779 1 75,779 ,257 ,613 PEMBELAJARAN 32,064 1 32,064 ,109 ,742 ,064 1 ,064 ,000 ,988 Error 40110,514 136 294,930 Total 5615845,000 140 40218,421 139 Corrected Model Intercept SEKOLAH * PEMBELAJARAN Corrected Total a. R Squared = ,003 (Adjusted R Squared = -,019) From the ANOVA result served on Table 19 above shows that significance value of Learning factor, School factor, and interaction factor (School * Learning), are all bigger than 0,05 which is 0,988. Therefore, it can be concluded that: (a) student’s mathematical belief with Cognitive Conflict Strategy learning method is not significantly different with students that learning with conventional way; (b) there is no significant different on student’s mathematical belief on the two groups of school rank; (c) there is no interaction between school rank factor and learning factor to student’s mathematical belief in general. Interaction between school factor and learning factor to student’s mathematical belief can be seen on Table 19. On the table, shows that interaction between school and learning factor has the F value of 0,000 and its significance is bigger than 0,05, which is 0,988. So it can be concluded that there is no significant interaction between school and learning factor to student’s mathematical belief. CONCLUSION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The summary of this research is as following. In general, student’s mathematical understanding skill that is given the cognitive conflict strategy is significantly different than student that is given the conventional learning. There is an interaction between learning method (cognitive conflict strategy and conventional) and school rank (high and middle) to student’s mathematical understanding skill. In general, student’s mathematical representing skill that is given the cognitive conflict strategy is significantly different than student that is given the conventional learning. There is an interaction between learning method (cognitive conflict strategy and conventional) and school rank (high and middle) to student’s mathematical representing skill. In general, student’s mathematical belief that is given the cognitive conflict strategy learning is not significantly different than student that is given the conventional learning. 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