COURSE SYLLABUS ENV E 101 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SEMINAR COURSE DESIGNATION Required for ENVE majors Elective for CIVE majors COURSE DESCRIPTION Breadth and depth of environmental engineering field through presentations by invited faculty, graduate students, guests and seminar enrollees; including individual library research with written and oral presentations on selected environmental topics. PRE-REQUISITE None TEXTBOOK None COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Outcome 3: Outcome Outcome Outcome Outcome 11: 12: 13: 14: Incorporate specific contemporary issues into the identification, formulation, and solution of a specific engineering problem Demonstrate the ability to learn on their own, without the aid of formal instruction Explain key concepts and problem-solving processes used in management Explain key concepts and problem-solving processes used in business, public policy, and public administration Explain the role of a leader, leadership principles, and attitudes conducive to effective practice of environmental engineering TOPICS COVERED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Engineering and environment Sustainable development and green engineering Global and Regional Air pollution Water and Wastewater Management Water Conservation and Recycled Water Program in Southern California The role of the local and state governments in environmental management Humanitarian projects in developing counties to provide safe drinking water The role of private sector in environmental responsibility Storm Runoff Control measures through contemporary hydromodification management Engineering Economics Renewable Energy Frontier thinking in water sciences The future of automobile and alternative energy sources. Engineering and environmental ethics. LECTURES/LABORATORY SCHEDULE Lecture – 2 sessions per week, 75 minutes per session RELATIONSHIP OF COURSE OUTCOMES TO PROGRAM OUTCOMES In this introductory course, the students were introduced to several engineering, environmental, management and economic concepts, all dealing with current and immediate problems, such as global climate change. Thirteen professionals practicing in environmental engineering related areas made presentations to the class in their area of expertise. The students were assigned to 9 teams and each team was asked to conduct research on a contemporary environmental subject and make a class presentation as well as write a report on the topic. The students were also given two mid-term exams HW = Homework / SP = Special Paper / PR = Project / MT = Mid Term / FE = Final Exam / LR = Lab Report Outcome # HW SP PR MT 3 X X 11 X 12 X 13 X 14 X FE LR QZ CONTRIBUTION OF COURSE TO MEETING THE PROFESSIONAL COMPONENT Engineering Topics: 2 units Engineering Design: 0 units Prepared by: Mirat D. Gurol Date: May 5, 2009