Syllabus for ME 656 Conduction Heat and Mass Transfer Fall 2013 Prerequisites: ME 452 or equivalent; Engineering 510 Instructor: Fletcher J. Miller, Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, UCB 1988. Class Hours: Monday/Wednesday 17:30 – 18:45 p.m., Engineering E-300 Course Attendance Students are expected to attend each class and to participate in discussions and answer occasional questions. Attendance is not the same as participation; active engagement is encouraged. Repeated absences or non-participation may result in a lowering of your grade. Absences Please notify me in the first two weeks of the course if you will miss a class period due to a religious holiday or a University approved event (e.g., a sporting event, field trip, etc.) Credit: 3 units credit Contact Info: E 323J Engineering Building Tel. 619-594-5791, fax 619-594-3599 Office Hours: Tues./Thurs. 2:30 – 3:30, or other times by advance appointment (please send email or call). Textbook: Heat Conduction, David Hahn and Necati Ozisik, plus scanned material from other books. Other books may be put on reserve in the library, and will be announced in class if/when needed. Software: Matlab (or, at worst, Excel). Students are expected to have access to Matlab (or Scilab), since some assignments will be given that require calculations or graphs best done with a program. Homework: Homework will be assigned approximately weekly during the semester and count toward your grade as below. Homework should be undertaken on your own, but I encourage you to ask questions of me or your classmates as needed. Direct copying an assignment from someone else is, of course, not permitted and will result in a zero score for both of you. Examinations: There will be one midterm examination during the semester and a comprehensive final examination. Final Exam: Friday, Dec. 13th, 15:30-17:30 (3:30 PM to 5:30 PM) 1 Grading: Homework Midterm examination during the semester Final examination (See also statement about participation above) 30% 30% 40% Course Description from the Catalogue: Conduction heat transfer analysis of multi-dimensional and transient processes using both classical analysis and numerical methods. (Formerly numbered Mechanical Engineering 671.) Course Purpose: The purpose of the course is to prepare the student to recognize where conduction heat transfer is important, identify the proper analysis approach for a particular situation, and to obtain quantitative results for the rate of conduction heat transfer. Students will learn conduction heat transfer terminology, understand thermophysical properties of real materials, and master mathematical techniques to analytically solve for steady state and transient heat transfer in Cartesian and other coordinate systems. The latter part of the course will focus on numerical methods for more complicated geometries or variable properties. Diffusion mass transfer will also be covered. Classroom behavior: Use of portable electronics (laptops, cell-phones, music players, etc.) is prohibited during class time, except as approved as part of the lesson. Please turn cell-phones off during the class; advance permission to keep them on with a justifiable reason can be requested. Eating during class is also prohibited. Water bottles or covered drinks are allowed. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accommodation: The University is committed to providing reasonable academic accommodation to students with disabilities. The Students Disabilities Services office provides university academic support services and specialized assistance to students with disabilities. Individuals with physical, perceptual, or learning disabilities as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act should contact Students Disabilities Services for information regarding accommodations. Please notify me in private or via e-mail so that reasonable efforts can be made to accommodate you. If you expect accommodation through the Act, you must make a formal request through Students Disabilities Services Calpulli Center, Suite 3100, Telephone: (619) 594-6473 or (619) 594-2929 (TDD/TTY). Computer/internet access requirement: At San Diego State University, computers and communications links to remote resources are recognized as being integral to the education and research experience. Every student is required to have his/her own computer or have other personal access to a workstation (including a modem and a printer) with all the recommended software. In the curriculum and class assignments, students are presumed to have access to a computer workstation and the necessary communication links to the internet and the University’s information resources. 2 Syllabus is Subject to Change: This syllabus and schedule are subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances. If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to check on announcements made while you were absent. Student Learning Outcomes 1. Appreciate the breadth and importance of conduction heat and mass transfer in many real situations and industries. 2. Understand the physical and mathematical aspects of conduction heat and mass transfer. 3. Use separation of variables to solve 1-D transient heat transfer problems in standard geometries. 4. Recognize and use special functions that arise in conduction heat transfer such as the Bessel Function or the Error Function. 5. Understand the use of Heissler charts to determine transient heat transfer. 6. Determine the 2-D temperature field in steady state using separation of variables. 7. Apply heat transfer equations to mass transfer situations. 8. Calculate transport properties of gases based on simple kinetic theory. 9. Know the limitations of continuum heat transfer and be able to calculate conduction heat transfer at the microscale in planar geometries. 10. Formulate a numerical solution to a conduction heat transfer problem using the control volume approach with a tridiagonal matrix solver or Gauss Seidel Iteration. Topics to Be Covered 1. Introduction to conduction heat transfer (1 weeks.) 2. Heat conduction in 1-D with heat generation (2 weeks) 3. Heat conduction in variable area fins; Bessel’s equation (2 weeks) 4. Transient heat conduction in 1-D; separation of variables (2 weeks) 5. Steady state conduction in 2-D (1 week) 6. Diffusion Mass transfer (2 weeks) 7. Transport properties from kinetic theory (2 weeks) 8. Microscale conduction heat transfer (1 week) 9. Numerical Methods (2 weeks) 3 4