Child and Adolescent Development: TE 170 Course Syllabus—Fall 2014

Child and Adolescent Development: TE 170
Course Syllabus—Fall 2014
Instructor: Dr. Kris Rodenberg
Meeting Times: Mondays 4:00-6:40 PM
Email: Office: EBA 213
Course Description:
We’ve grown in many ways since we were born. Our development has been mental, physical,
and communicative. We once struggled to ride a tricycle down our neighborhood sidewalk, but now
drive in rush-hour traffic or navigate public transportation. We once described things as blue or red,
big or small. Now, we use words such as turquoise, amber, gigantic and miniscule. We reflect about
who we are and think complex thoughts. How did this happen to us?
In this course, we examine multiple facets of human development including: cognitive growth,
language acquisition, emotional/social growth, and physical development. Questions we may answer
are: What growth patterns are universal across all humans? What are the roles of culture and
community? What might be expected of children at any given age or stage of development?
Course Goals & Objectives:
Future teachers are able to associate key theorists to relevant theories regarding multiple aspects of
child development with the following specific skills/knowledge expectations:
Cognitive Development
1. Future teachers understand the ways children and youth express their knowledge.
2. Students understand that definitions of normalcy are constructed in terms of prevailing social
values and child/youth characteristics.
3. Students apply Gardner’s and Sternberg’s models of intelligence in responding to questions
regarding cognitive development in a third grade classroom observation.
Psycho-Social Development
1. Future teachers be introduced to the dynamics of social development in a culturally pluralistic
2. Future teachers be able to analyze and describe the various types of family patterns.
3. Future teachers be able to explain how the environment of the home, school and community, as
socializing agents, influence the development of children.
4. Future teachers understand patterns of moral development in children.
Language Development
1. Future teachers examine gender, historical and sociological factors that help them draw
connections between linguistic and other influences in child language development.
2. Future teachers identify universal elements in a developmental continuum of language
Physical Development
1. Teachers are able to identify normal patterns of both fine and gross motor skill development in
2. Teachers understand the physical, cognitive and social impacts of puberty on adolescents.
Required Text: A Child’s World: Infancy through Adolescence 12th Edition. Diane E. Papilia,
Sally Wendkos Olds, & Ruth Duskin Feldman. McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2008.
August 25
October 6
Course Overview
Domains of Child Development
Assignment: Read Chapter 1 in text and type a one paragraph (@ 5-7 sentences) response
to the “What’s Your View?” question (note there are 2 parts to this question) on page 17 -due via Blackboard by 12 noon on 9/2. Print a copy of this syllabus and bring it to class
with you on 9/8.
Labor Day – No class session
Assignment: Read Chapter 2. View the power point and video link “theorists from Freud to
Erikson to Spock and Beyond” (you may want to take notes). Post an explanatory response
to “What’s Your View?” on page 55 – due on Blackboard by 12 noon on 9/14.
Developmental Theories in Child Development
The Case of Genie & “Critical Period in Language”
Bioecological framework: Bronfrenbrenner
Assignment: Review Chapters 1 & 2 and complete Quiz #1 (on Bb) due by noon on 9/14
Infant Development: The Brain
The Brain (video: “Wider than the Sky”) & Piaget + Schema & Cognitive Stages
Assignment: Read Chapter 5 and post your response to “What’s Your View?” on page 123
by noon on 9/21. Read Chapter 6
Infant to Toddler Development
Temperament, Behaviorism, & Linguistic Development
Assignment: Read Chapters 7 & 8 and post your responses to “What’s Your View?” on
pages 191 (purchase a toy); 8.2 on page 239 (handling sibling conflict), and page 249 (when
and how to use child care) – post responses by noon on 9/28.
Infant to Toddler Development
Attachment, siblings/family constellation, Erikson’s Stages (case study video)
Assignment: Read Chapter 9 Review (content from Chapters 5 - 8 plus notes) and then
complete Quiz #2 (on Bb) by noon on 10/5
Infant to Toddler Development
Vygotsky (ZPD & Gradual Release), types of memory & information processing; language
development issues
Assignment: Go to (Hint: if you have
problems opening this site, just search “Exploratorium” then “memory”). You will find a
“Memory” worksheet on Bb under “Assignments” and completed work is due via Bb by 12
noon on 10/12. Read Chapters 10 & 11
October 13
Early Childhood Development
Developing Self-Concept; Preschool Curriculum; Types of Play, Aggression , & Parenting
Assignment: Carefully read text box 11-2, The Case against Corporal Punishment. Find
two other sources of information, one in favor of spanking and one opposed to spanking,
and then write a 3 paragraph argument in which you identify pros, cons, and your own
opinion regarding spanking. Submit your (1-2 page) paper (on Bb – under “Discussions”)
by noon on 10/19. Review course content to-date; Complete the (online) Midterm exam!
October 20
Online Class
Complete the Midterm Exam (on Bb) – available from noon on 10/17-noon on 10/21
Assignment: Read Chapters 12 & 13; Write responses to “What’s Your View?” 13.1 (page
382/Homework Debate), 13.2 (page 383 Teaching Method), page 387 (Treatment for
ADHD), and 389 (Funding Special Ed.). Post your work on Bb by noon on 10/26.
Read Chapters 12 & 13
October 27
Middle Childhood Development
Children who process differently and childhood disorders
The Hidden Curriculum (Autism video)
Assignment: Research a learning disorder. Using a minimum of two different resources
(NO Wikis allowed!), write an informational paper that you might hand to a parent in which
you explain:
1. The difference between a behavioral and learning disorder
2. Characteristics of this learning disorder (at home and at school)
3. How parents can help their child (activities, further resources, school supports…)
Post your “Information Sheet” on Bb (under “Discussions”) by noon on 11/2.
Read Chapter 14
November 3 Middle Childhood Development
Physical health/academic achievement; free play vs organized sports
Social development: concept of “self” and peer groups
Multiple Intelligences (MI), VARK & Memory Pegs
Assignment: Read Chapters 15 & 16 and post your response to 16.2 “What’s Your View?”
on page 463 by noon on 11/9.
The Adolescent Brain; Inside the Teenage Brain
Assignment: Review course content up through Chap 15 in preparation for Dear Abby task.
No in-class session today
Complete the “Dear Abby” task (see detailed directions posted under “Assignments” on
Bb). You will open a thread on the course “discussion board,” post a letter that presents a
Online Class problem or concern, and then tag a classmate’s letter, writing a response to his/her letter
with your knowledgeable insight and advice. Your “problem/issue/question” letter is due by
noon on 11/19 and your “response/solution/answer” letter is due by 6:00PM on 11/24.
Assignment: Read Chapter 17 and then post your response to “What’s Your View?” (Youth
Violence on page 498) by noon on 11/30. Quiz #3. Complete Quiz #3 (content from
chapters 15 – 17) -- available from noon on 11/15 until 7:00PM on 11/18.
Read through directions for the Adolescent Issues assignment (posted under “Assignments”
on Bb) and select a topic to investigate in preparation for a roundtable discussion on 12/1.
No in-class session today – Growing Up Online (PBS)
Assignment: View Growing Up Online
Online Class Then, respond to the prompts and participate in an online discussion of this documentary
(on our course “Discussion Board”)-posted response due by noon 11/30.
Complete a 2-3 page technical report of information gleaned from your research on a topic
related to adolescent issues. Be prepared to share your paper (*bring a “hard copy!!!) in
class on 12/1.
December 1 Adolescence: Moral Development & Issues Roundtable/Research Papers due
Knowledge revisited, Moral Development; Issues Roundtable (discussion groups, sharing
information/research on key concerns that present themselves during adolescence.
Assignment: Skim your notes and be prepared to ask questions in our course review session
December 8 Comprehensive Course Review
Comprehensive Review of Course Content – open for questions
Assignment: Review your course notes and power point supports posted on Bb and then
take the final examination.
December 8 Comprehensive (cumulative) Final Exam – no formal class session
(the exam will be posted on Bb)
– 15
The (timed!) final exam will be available from 6:00PM on 12/8 until noon on 12/16
Good Luck!
Attendance Requirements:
Attendance is expected. If you are unable to attend a class, make arrangements with a classmate to
obtain missed notes. There will be 5 “pop” (aka “surprise”) quizzes that cannot be “made up.” All
assessments include content from class presentations as well as the assigned readings. Note that class
assignments and exams are conducted online via our course Blackboard (Bb) site. It is your
responsibility to meet online deadlines and in-class tasks. Late work will be scored with a 15% grade
reduction and will not be accepted after 7 calendar days of the due date. There are no “make up” or
“extra credit” opportunities!
Use of Online course component:
There are several tasks aligned with this course that require your access and understanding of the
SDSU Blackboard. If you have a problem at any time, send me an email notice ASAP. Often a “glitch”
for you affects others as well.
Your Grade will be determined as follows:
Reading Responses “What’s Your View?” (x 12)
Memory Worksheet (Exploratorium)
Spanking – Position Paper w/data support
Learning Disability Info Sheet
Growing Up Online Discussion
Pop Quizzes (in class only; no “make ups”) (x 5)
Unit Quizzes (x 3)
Dear Abby Letter and Response
Midterm Exam
Comprehensive Final Examination
Course Total
Grade Points
10 points each = 120
10 points
20 points
20 points
20 points
25 points
Points vary/total = 55
10 pts letter/20 pts response = 30
50 points total
50 points
400 Points Possible