Course Syllabus (abbreviated) WMNST 382: Gender, Science and Technology

Course Syllabus (abbreviated)
WMNST 382: Gender, Science and Technology
Fall 2014
Tuesday/Thursday, 9:30am-10:45am or 2:00pm-3:15pm
Office: AL 342
Dr. Sara Giordano
Office: AL 342; Office hours: Wednesdays/Thursdays, 12noon-1pm and by appointment
Phone: 619-594-6460
Teaching Assistant: Gabi Gadbois,
Office hours: Tuesdays 12:00-1:00pm and by appointment
Location: AL 316
Course Description:
This course is an introduction to feminist science studies with a particular focus on participatory
possibilities for engaging with scientific knowledge production. We will explore questions such as – What
is science? Who gets to participate in science? What is the relationship between culture and science?
How have, can, and should feminists engage with science? In this course we will cover topics such as
gender, race, sexuality, the environment, genetics and disability. Readings will be from theoretical and
activist perspectives. We will read and analyze primary science articles, as well as science news from the
NY Times and other popular media.
Required Texts:
Hubbard, Ruth and Elijah Wald. 1999. Exploding the Gene Myth. Boston: Beacon Press. (You must bring
this book to class on days when chapters from it are assigned.)
* Additional readings will be posted on Blackboard (BB). You must print out the readings and bring them
to class on the date indicated or bring a copy on your laptop.
Attendance will be taken at each class session. If you miss more than two sessions your final grade
will be negatively affected and you may receive an F if you miss too many classes. Attendance is not
optional; it is required! If you have a legitimate reason for missing additional class sessions please
discuss this with me as soon as possible. If you are planning to miss classes for sports teams or religious
reasons you must give me a list of dates during the first week of class. Lateness or leaving early from class
will also negatively affect your final grade. You are expected to be at class on time and stay until the end.
Participation 10% (participating in class discussions, participating in group activities, participating on
blackboard discussion boards)
Reading Assessment: Quizzes and Discussion Questions 20%
Introductory Essay 5% (due Jan 30th)
End-of-Semester Final Thoughts Essay 5%
Science Journal 15%
Reading Response Papers 30%
Final Project 15% (hard copy in class Dec 10th)