Introduction to Logic San Diego State University

Introduction to Logic
Philosophy 120 / Section 1 / Sched #22564
San Diego State University
Fall Semester 2014
Dr. Peñafuerte-Neuner (Dr. Neuner, pronounced noy-ner)
Mon and Wed 11:00-11:50am at PSFA 325
at AL444 Tues 10:00 am–12:00 noon and by appointment
We shall try to abide by the conditions set forth in this syllabus; however, we reserve the right to
make changes as needed to ensure that we fulfill our course objectives. You will be given fair
notice about such changes.
Are you ready for a hybrid course?
This hybrid course is a blended class where we have face-to-face class meetings twice a week. The
third meeting of the week will take place online. On Fridays, students will view a prerecorded
lecture through blackboard and/or complete online homework assignments.
1) To see whether you meet the distance learning prerequisites, please take SDSU’s “readiness
survey” at
2) Download Mozilla’s Firefox is recommended (however, some students claim
that Safari or Chrome work better for them).
3) Download (for free) all necessary software, including the latest versions of:
Adobe’s Acrobat Reader and Flash Player, QuickTime Player, and Java.
4) Have a backup plan for fulfilling course obligations when/if your computer malfunctions. For
example, to find out about computers at the library; go to
5) If you need to learn how to use Blackboard, go to:
The instructor cannot provide IT support. You are responsible for your computing needs. When
problems occur on the SDSU end (blackboard crash, our clerical errors), you will not be penalized.
However, when problems occur on your end, you must fix them prior to any deadlines. Student
IT problems are not an acceptable excuse for non-completion of work. You can go to Student
Computing Center in Love Library for help or to use their computers; call (619) 594-3189; email; or click
Computer Problems? Go to Student Computing Center at Love
Library for help or to use their computers or call (619) 594-3189
This course is designed to teach students how to distinguish correct from
faulty reasoning. Philosophy 120 is lower division Foundations of Learning
course which satisfies The Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning
general education requirement. Logic provides us with the principles for
identifying the common fallacies in our thinking and can equip us with the
formal tools for analyzing and critically evaluating arguments. During this
course students will be asked to do some or all of the following:
a) distinguish arguments from non-arguments
b) distinguish deductive arguments from inductive arguments
c) identify the premises and conclusion of arguments
d) identify types of informal fallacies
e) test arguments for validity using Venn diagrams and/or truth tables and indirect truth tables
f) distinguish necessary and sufficient conditions
g) translate sentences into propositional logic
h) apply the techniques of natural deduction to proving arguments (e.g. conditional proofs)
Logic and Critical Thinking Workbook (available in SDSU bookstore only)
Week 1, Aug 25, 27
(Online lecture, Aug 29 )
TOPICS/READINGS (subject to revision)
Basics of Arguments, Inductive Arguments
Chapter 1, Read pp. 1-12.
Week 2, Sep 3
(Online lecture, Fri 9/5)
Deductive Arguments
Chapter 2, Read pp. 13-26. (No Class -- Mon, Sept 1, Labor Day!)
Week 3, Sep 8, 10
(Online HW 1, Fri 9/12)
Argumentative Writing vs. Rhetoric
Chapter 3, Read pp. 27-38.
Week 4, Sep 15, 17
(Online lecture, Fri 9/19)
Emotional Appeals; Chapter 3, Read pp. 38-52.
EXAM ONE on Wed, Sep 17.
Week 5, Sep 22, 24
(Online lecture, Fri 9/26)
Informal Fallacies
Chapter Four, Read pp. 53-71.
Week 6, Sep 29, Oct 1
(Online HW 2, Fri 10/3)
Two-Circle Venn Diagrams, Square of Opposition
Chapter Five, Read pp. 72-83.
Week 7, Oct 6, 8
(Online lecture, Fri 10/10)
Conversion, Contraposition, Obversion; Categorical Translations
Chapter Five, Read pp. 84-92.
EXAM TWO on Wed, Oct 8.
Week 8, Oct 13, 15
(Online lecture, Fri 10/17)
Categorical Syllogisms, The Charts Method
Chapter Five, Read pp. 93-98.
Week 9, Oct 20, 22
(Online HW 3, Fri 10/24)
Three-Circle Venn Diagrams, The Rules Method
Chapter Five, Read pp. 99-116.
Week 10, Oct 27, 29
(Online lecture, Fri 10/31)
Propositional Logic Translations
Chapter Six, Read pp. 121-137.
EXAM THREE on Wed, Oct 29.
Week 11, Nov 3, 5
(Online lecture, Fri 11/7)
Truth Tables for Statements and Arguments
Chapter 5, Read pp. 138-149.
Week 12, Nov 10, 12
(Online HW 4, Fri 11/14)
Deduction Proofs (Rules of Implication)
Chapter 7, Read pp. 162-174.
Week 13, Nov 17, 19
(Online lecture, Fri 11/21)
Indirect Truth Tables: Chapter 6, Read pp. 152-156.
EXAM FOUR on Wed, Nov 19.
Week 14, Nov 24
Thanksgiving Holiday!
Deduction Proofs (Rules of Replacement)
Chapter 7, Read pp. 173-182.
No Classes between Wed 11/26 to Fri 11/28.
Week 15, Dec 1, 3
(Online HW 5, Fri 12/5)
Indirect Truth Tables; Deduction Proofs (Replacement)
Harder problems from Chapters 6 & 7: pp. 156-161 and 182-187.
Week 16, Dec 8, 10
Moral Fallacies
Chapter 8, Read pp. 196-206.
Finals Week
FINAL EXAM: Monday, Dec 15, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Exams (4 out of 5)
Homework (4 out of 5)
20% each; Subtotal 80%
5% each; Subtotal 20%
The grading scale:
A week prior to the homework due date, students will be assigned logic problems to work on at
home. The directions for the homework problems will be explained in class and in Blackboard.
Each homework assignment is worth 5 points or 5% of the course grade. Late penalties will be
applied to homework submitted after the deadline. Unless the student has a good reason for not
turning in homework on time, the penalty is 1 point off per day the homework is late. After three
days, late homework will no longer be accepted. Four out of 5 homework assignments count.
Most exams (except for the final exam) will test you on material covered since the last major
exam. An exam is worth 20% of your course grade as compared to homework which is weighted
as 5%. Exams will usually be closed-notes and closed-book. Exams will take place in class on the
date indicated on the course syllabus. We will not change this date but may adjust the materials
covered on an exam because of time constraints. Please bring a green scantron #882 and a no. 2
pencil to an exam.
If a student can offer good reason for missing an exam (documentation needed), then a makeup
exam will be given during the semester. Sometimes, students do not have documentation to
verify their excuse. In such cases, Dr. Neuner may still allow a makeup exam but may add a late
penalty. As a rule, makeup exams will be different in format from the exam taken by the rest of
the class and will consist of written questions rather than scantron questions. Due to the format,
makeup exams will probably be more difficult than the regular exam, but students will be given
additional time to prepare for it. Makeup tests can be deferred until the end of the semester; this
would give students time to see how well they do with their other scores before determining
whether a makeup test is needed to raise their grade.
It is recommended that students attend all classes and participate occasionally. Students who
miss class are responsible for acquiring the material and keeping pace with the course. Although
regular attendance and keeping up with the reading does not count as part of a student’s final
grade, students will find that these things have a positive impact on their exams and papers. No
extra credit will be offered to just a single student any time during or after the semester.
If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need
accommodations for this class, it is your responsibility to contact Student
Disability Services (Calpulli Center Room 3101) at (619) 594-6473. To avoid any
delay in the receipt of your accommodations, you should contact Student
Disability Services as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are
not retroactive, and that I cannot provide accommodations based upon
disability until I have received an accommodation letter from Student Disability
Services. Your cooperation is appreciated.
The CSU Office of the Chancellor defines a learning disability as “... a generic term that refers to
the heterogeneous group of disorders manifested by significant difficulties in the acquisition and
use of listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning or mathematical abilities. These disorders
occur in persons of average to very superior intelligence and are presumed to be due to central
nervous system dysfunction. Even though a learning disability may exist concomitantly with other
handicapping conditions (e.g., sensory impairments) or environmental influences (e.g.,
cultural/language difficulties), it is not the direct result of these conditions or influences.” If you
think something might prevent you from doing well in this course, you should discuss this with me
so that proper arrangements may be made to accommodate your needs.
Students with disabilities or religious needs who require special
accommodation must give us at least one weeks’ notice.
Disability accommodation requires documentation from SDS.
RELIGIOUS OBSERVANCES, ATHLETICS, ETC. By the end of the first week of classes, students
should notify instructor of planned absences for religious observances. This also holds for student
athletes and supportive groups (like the marching band, not fans). They must inform faculty
members within the first week in order to be excused from scheduled tasks on scheduled days.
Use of lap top computers in class is allowed for the purposes of note-taking
only; other computer activities can prove distracting. Students should also
refrain from any behavior that may be disturbing to other students who are
making the effort to be attentive. Cell phones and other electronic devices
should be turned off and stored away. PLEASE RESPECT OTHER STUDENTS
by NOT TALKING to one another during class. Certain students may be
asked to leave the lecture hall due to their disruptive behavior or
technological devices may be taken away.
Students should try to be punctual, but are encouraged to show up to class even if they may be a
little late due to unforeseen circumstances. The instructor will never keep the class beyond the
allotted class period and requests that students wait until class has been dismissed before they
begin closing notebooks and packing away their school gear. If class must be cancelled on a given
date, an announcement will be made by the instructor or a note will be posted on the classroom
door or via Blackboard. If the instructor is more than 15 minutes late, please assume that the
class is cancelled and that advance notice was not possible.
September 8 is the last day to add/ drop classes or change grading basis.