Latin American Studies 101 Latin American Heritage/ Introduction to Latin American Studies Fall, 2014 Instructor: Anthony Jerry Office: AL 377J Email: Office hours: Tuesday, 1-3pm; and by appointment. Goals for this course: Latin America is a diverse part of the world, comprised of a number of similar and contrasting nations and cultural regions. We will engage a number of topics that I hope you will find enjoyable, intriguing, and worth investigating further. After finishing this course, you will have a good foundation for exploring a number of different fields, including linguistics, geography, economics, political science, anthropology, and sociology. Required books 1. Chasteen, John Charles. Born in Blood and Fire: A Concise History of Latin America; Third Edition. 2. Carpentier, Alejo. The Kingdom of This World: A Novel (paperback). 3. Wolf, Eric. Sons of the Shaking Earth: The People of Mexico and Guatemala – Their Land, History, and Culture. Course Objectives The objectives for this course are as follows: 1) To introduce students to the basic concept, theories, and approaches that are foundational to Latin American Studies 2) To give students a basic understanding of the effect of colonization and its continued legacy on the on the Latin American region and its peoples 3) To help students build and academic foundation that will allow them to understand and approach problems in local and global environments 4) To improve students ability to think critically and analytically 5) To improve students skills in reading, writing, communication, and research General course guidelines: My hope is that you will enjoy this course and decide to learn more about Latin America. I will be taking attendance each class period, and I will allow up to three excused absences during the semester. You will enjoy the course more and find it much easier if you do the readings and assignments as scheduled, therefore, I suggest that you arrive prepared to be called upon to contribute to our weekly discussions. The classroom environment is relatively informal and you are encouraged to speak out, ask questions, and raise issues. I use the Blackboard site for the course to make announcements, post assignments, and some readings, and to let you know where we are in the readings. I also give that information in class, but it is good to have a place to go in case you forget. Exams (2 midterms and a final) are a mix of essay and multiple choice/short answer. I will distribute study questions during the semester. The exam itself will be a subset of the study questions. I do not give make-ups except under the duress of an extraordinary situation. Written assignments are due at the start of class. They should be typed using APA style. We will go over the APA style in class. Plagiarism will lead to an F in the class. I will not tolerate plagiarism for any reason. You should all realize the seriousness of plagiarism and how it can hurt your progress towards a degree. Grading: Your grade is based on the following assignments. 2 midterms @ 25pts each = 50pts 1 final @ 25pts Map quiz @ 10pts Academic citation assignment @ 5pts Group presentation @ 20pts 2 Analytical Film Reviews @ 10pts each = 20pts Final grades are based on the following: A range: 90-100% B range: 80-89% C range: 60-79% D range: 50-59% Late assignments: I will accept late assignments. I take off points, but you will still get some points if it is late. If you do not turn it in, you get no points. Course outline: Please note that I reserve the right to change the reading schedule as I see fit, according to the direction and tempo of our class discussions. Week 1 Wed: Intro to class Week 2 Mon: Wolf 1-33 Wed: Wolf 34-68 Week 3 Mon: Wolf 102-152 Wed: Map Quiz Week 4 Mon: Begin Film – Apacalypto Wed: Finish Apacalypto Week 5 Mon: Chasteen 1-46 group 6 Wed: Chasteen 49-84 group 3 Week 6 Mon: Begin Film – The Mission Wed: Finish Film – The Mission Week 7 Mon: Midterm 1 (In Class) Wed: Chasteen 87-114 group 1 Week 8 Mon: Carpentier Part 1 Wed: Carpentier Part 2 Week 9 Mon: Carpentier Part 3 Wed: Carpentier Part 4 Week 10 Mon: Film (to be determined) Wed: Film Continued(Midterm 2 Due) Week 11 Spring Break Week 12 Mon: Chasteen 117-147 group 8 Wed: Chasteen 149-176 group 4 Week 13 Mon: Chasteen 181-215 group 7 Wed: Chasteen 216-247 group 2 Week 14 Mon: Begin Film – Soy Cuba (I am Cuba) Wed: Continue Film – Soy Cuba (I am Cuba) Week 15 Mon: Chasteen 253-284 group 5 Wed: Chasteen 285-316 Week 16 Mon: Chasteen 319-340 Wed: Class Wrap Up *Final during Finals week. We will discuss further. Disability Statement "If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your responsibility to contact Student Disability Services at (619) 594-6473. To avoid any delay in the receipt of your accommodations, you should contact Student Disability Services as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive, and that I cannot provide accommodations based upon disability until I have received an accommodation letter from Student Disability Services. Your cooperation is appreciated."