Italian 211: Intermediate Italian I– SDSU, Fall 2014 Class time: T-TH 2:00-3:50pm Classroom: AH 2112 LARC Lab: SH 204-205 LARC Hours: M-TH, 8-8 p.m.; F, 8 -4:30 pm Final Exam: Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2014, 1-3 pm Instructor: Rosamaria Ruggeri Office: SH 226B Office hours: T 12:45-13:45 or by app. Phone: (619) 594-8875 e-mail: NOTE: This course is managed through Blackboard ( and Moodle at Goals and Outcomes: 1) The main goal of Italian 211 is increased proficiency in Italian at the intermediate level. The course is designed to promote your reading and writing competency as well as to improve oral proficiency and listening comprehension through the use of a variety of media, including audios, videos and the internet. 2) You will be able to make comparisons between your home culture and Italian culture by analyzing some of their differences and similarities. 3) You will begin to acquire a general knowledge of diverse Italian-speaking communities in Italy and abroad and be able to identify some aspects of these cultures. Course Description: Italian 211 is a third semester course in Italian language and culture. It is the first course of the second-year Intermediate sequence in Italian. You will review, practice and expand on the grammar acquired in firstyear Italian. You will be introduced to vocabulary that will prepare you to successfully handle a variety of communicative tasks and social situations and a number of practical writing and speaking needs, such as writing letters and express opinions. Italian 211 is taught entirely in Italian with occasional translation exercises when appropriate. While main grammar points are explained in class, you are expected to practice the material outside of class, to prepare regular written and oral homework assignments, and to review on your own those basic grammatical aspects that cannot be covered in class. Texts: 1. Immagina, Vista Higherl Learning, 2011; 2. Immagina Supersite for WebSAM: 3. Moodle for your course, online through the LARC website at Grading: Preparedness and Participation:……………………………………………………………………….10% Homework (WebSAM workbook, lab manual and other assignments)…………………………….....15% Oral activities (presentations, interviews, recordings)……………………………………….….…….15% Quaderno di scrittura (3 composizioni):………………………………....…...……………….…..…...15% 3 Tests: ……………………………………………………..………………………………….……....30% Final exam:………………………………………………………………………………...…………..10% Three Italian Cultural Activities (i.e. Italian Program, Circolo Italiano, SDIFF)…………………...….5% 1 This course requires online access: only buy books that include the online access code. If you buy a used book, you will need to buy a code separately which costs as much as new packages. You can purchase all of Immagina’s components here: A A- 93-100 90-92 B+ B B- 87-89 83-86 80-82 C+ C C- 77-79 73-76 70-72 D+ D D- 67-69 63-66 60-62 Prerequisites SDSU’s Italian 100B, two semesters of college Italian elsewhere, an accredited intensive Italian course, or 3 years of high school Italian. Note: Anyone having completed 4 years of high school Italian may not take this course for credit Class preparation and participation Regular class preparedness and participation are a requirement for this course as they are essential for language learning and a very important part of your grade. Both your grade and your progress in Italian will reflect your commitment, on a daily basis, to this course. Class participation will include brief in-class writing and occasional skits. More than 3 unexcused absences will result in a lowered grade. Homework Homework consists of assigned exercises from Immagina’s Textbook and Practice site, as well as the WebSAM (Student Activity Manual: Workbook and Lab Manual). Most exercises are automatically corrected and graded and you will have an instant evaluation of your work and progress. It is very important that you do each activity as they will aid you in studying for all tests and exams. Final due dates from WebSAM exercises are on your syllabus. This homework is usually due on the review day before the end of each chapter, but you should immediately complete exercises after each new item covered in the main book. Additional homework will be announced in class and posted on Blackboard. Homework is due at the beginning of class for the day it is assigned. Quaderno di scrittura For this portion of the coursework, you will need a bluebook to function as a quaderno di scrittura for your compositions. Presentazioni/Role plays/Oral recordings In this course, you will be frequently asked to participate in group activities. You will prepare skits and/or other presentations drawn from the course material to perform in class in Italian. In addition, the class will visit the LARC lab (SH 204-205) to complete and record oral exercises individually or in pairs that will improve your oral skills. These activities will count toward your final grade. Cultural Activities You are required to attend at least three cultural events and write a two paragraph review/response following your instructor’s directions. The Italian Program collaborates with the Circolo Italiano, SDSU’s Italian Students Club, and the San Diego Italian Film Festival to provide a variety of activities meant to enhance your exposure to Italian language and culture. Participating in all or some of these activities will benefit your learning experience. Please visit your Blackboard, the Italian Program website at or SDIFF’s at for further details. Students with Disabilities If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your responsibility to contact Student Disability Services at (619) 594-6473. To avoid any delay in the receipt of your accommodations, you should contact Student Disability Services as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive, and that accommodations based upon disability cannot be provided until you have presented your instructor with an accommodation letter from Student Disability Services. Your cooperation is appreciated. 2 Code of Conduct It is understood that all of your assignments are meant to be your own individual work unless indicated otherwise (e.g., group activities, role-plays, peer editing etc.). Plagiarizing someone else’s work (i.e. copying from books, the Internet or other sources) or asking a proficient speaker (e.g. tutor, friend, native speaker etc.) to complete or correct your work before it is evaluated is unacceptable and may result in disciplinary actions taken. If you are not sure about what is acceptable according to the Code of Honor please do not hesitate to see your instructor or your academic advisor. A document on “Cheating and Plagiarism” is posted on your Blackboard. You can test your knowledge of what constitutes plagiarism through a tutorial offered by the SDSU Library: General Education This course satisfies part of General Education Foundations C requirement in the Humanities and Fine Arts. The Humanities and Fine Arts encompass works of the imagination, such as art, literature, film, drama, dance, and music, and related scholarship. Students better understand human problems, responsibilities, and possibilities in changing historical contexts and diverse cultures, and in relation to the natural environment. Students acquire new languages and familiarize themselves with related cultures. They gain the ability to recognize and assess various aesthetic principles, belief systems, and constructions of identity. Students acquire capacities for reflection, critique, communication, cultural understanding, creativity, and problem solving in an increasingly globalized world. Programma - Italiano 211 - Autunno 2014 This schedule is subject to change. All changes will be announced in class and posted on Blackboard. It is students’ responsibility to stay informed. PRIMA SETTIMANA martedì 26 agosto Programma Compiti Benvenuti! Introduzione al corso Presentazioni giovedì 28 agosto SECONDA SETTIMANA martedì 2 settembre giovedì 4 settembre Lezione 1 – Sentire e vivere Lezione 1 – Sentire e vivere Lezione 1 – Sentire e vivere 3 TERZA SETTIMANA: Last day to add or drop classes lunedì 8 settembre Lezione 1 – Sentire e vivere martedì 9 settembre giovedì 11 settembre QUARTA SETTIMANA martedì 16 settembre giovedì 18 settembre QUINTA SETTIMANA martedì 23 settembre Lezione 1 – Sentire e vivere Lezione 2 – Vivere insieme Lezione 2 – Vivere insieme Lezione 2 – Vivere insieme SESTA SETTIMANA martedì 30 settembre Lezione 2 – Vivere insieme Ripasso SETTIMA SETTIMANA martedì 7 ottobre giovedì 9 ottobre Composizione 1 Lezione 2 – Vivere insieme giovedì 25 settembre giovedì 2 ottobre Completare WebSAM Lezione 1 TEST 1 (Lezioni 1 e 2) Lezione 3: Distrarsi e Divertirsi Lezione 3: Distrarsi e Divertirsi 4 Completare WebSAM Lezione 2 OTTAVA SETTIMANA martedì 14 ottobre giovedì 16 ottobre NONA SETTIMANA martedì 21 ottobre giovedì 23 ottobre Lezione 3: Distrarsi e Divertirsi Composizione 2 Lezione 3: Distrarsi e Divertirsi Lezione 3: Distrarsi e Divertirsi Lezione 3: Distrarsi e Divertirsi Completare WebSAM Lezione 3 Ripasso per il Test DECIMA SETTIMANA martedì 28 ottobre giovedì 30 ottobre UNDICESIMA SETTIMANA martedì 4 novembre giovedì 6 novembre DODICESIMA SETTIMANA martedì 11 novembre giovedì 13 novembre TEST 2 (Lezione 3) Lezione 4: Il Valore delle Idee Lezione 4: Il Valore delle Idee Lezione 4: Il Valore delle Idee Composizione 3 VETERANS DAY NO CLASS Lezione 4: Il Valore delle Idee 5 TREDICEDICESIMA SETTIMANA martedì 18 novembre Lezione 4: Il Valore delle Idee giovedì 20 novembre Complete WebSAM Lezione 4 TEST 3 (Lezione 4) QUATTORDICESIMA SETTIMANA martedì 25 novembre Lezioni 5: Le generazioni in movimento giovedì 27 novembre NO CLASS BUON RINGRAZIAMENTO QUINDICESIMA SETTIMANA martedì 2 dicembre Lezioni 5: Le generazioni in movimento giovedì 4 dicembre SEDICESIMA SETTIMANA martedì 9 dicembre Lezioni 5: Le generazioni in movimento Completare Lezione 5 Ripasso ESAME FINALE: Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2014, 1-3 pm 6 WebSAM