NURS 312: Concepts in Professionalism SDSU-IV Campus 60036 Spring 2015 COURSE INFORMATION Class Days: The class is hybrid. Fridays from 0800-1000 (1/23, 1/30 & 2/6) in N102 Saturdays from 0800-1200 (4/25) & 0800-1300 (5/9) in N102 Total Lecture Hours=45 (on-campus 20 hours/online 25 hours) Professor: Helina Hoyt RN, MS, PHN Contact Information: Office Hours Days: Available by Appointment Office Hours Location: EF # 116 760-768-5680 (Office) Course Overview COURSE DESCRIPTION This course provides an exploration of selected concepts in professional nursing practice. It focuses on the differentiation of socialization to professional practice. Emphasis is placed on concepts of stress theory, therapeutic communication, values clarification, and legal aspects. COURSE OVERVIEW This course provides the framework for success to students entering the RN-BS program. On-ground and online activities will guide students to learn key aspects of professional nursing. Focus will be given to time management, oral and written communication, the RN scope of practice, utilizing SDSU resources, and the concepts of evidencebased nursing practice. COURSE OUTCOMES Level III Outcomes Upon completion of the course the student will: Compare and contrast models of professionalism to nursing. Analyze the contribution of nursing to society from a historical perspective. Apply principles of communication theory and therapeutic techniques to individuals, families, and groups. Examine legal and ethical issues in professional nursing practice. Critique models of ethical decision-making and the role of the nurse as advocate. Apply the stress/adaptation model to the care of clients across the lifespan. Discuss selected cultural beliefs and practices affecting the delivery of nursing care. Utilize resources and strategies for implementing evidence-based practice and producing scholarly work. Identify sources of role stress and role strain during the process of socialization into professional nursing. Describe factors influencing the teaching-learning process. 1, 10 13 2, 4, 5 7 7 2 3 9 10 8 1 Level Outcomes Level II Level III Level IV Upon completion of the first year the student will: Upon completion of the second year the student will: Upon completion of the second year the student will: 1.2 Relate liberal educational experiences to core competencies in professional nursing practice. 1.3 Recognize the application of liberal education experiences into professional nursing practice. 1.4. Apply an integrated liberal educational experience in developing clinical judgment. 2.2 Utilize selected scientific professional and contextual knowledge in the application of the nursing process. 2.3. Analyze selected scientific, professional and contextual knowledge in the application of the nursing process with families and groups. 2.4. Use the nursing process, scientific, and contextual knowledge in the delivery of nursing care. 3.2 Understand human diversity as it applies to health and illness. 3.3 Use knowledge of human diversity in planning care for individuals and families. 3.4 Demonstrate the ability to deliver nursing care in a variety of settings among diverse populations. 4.2 Begin to demonstrate fundamental nursing care based on the central professional value of caring. 4.3 Incorporate the central professional value of caring in planning care for individuals and families. 4.4 Demonstrate the central professional value of caring by delivering compassionate, appropriate and culturally sensitive care. 5.2 Demonstrate critical thinking, communication, assessment, and technical skills in the provision of nursing care. 5.3 Integrate critical thinking, communication, assessment, and technical skills in the planning of care for individuals and families. 5.4 Consistently use critical thinking, communication, assessment, and technical skills in the delivery of nursing care. 6.2 Develop an awareness of one’s ability to perform as a professional nurse and seek assistance when necessary. 6.3 Demonstrate and accepts responsibility for contributing to one’s own learning and critically appraises ability to perform as a professional nurse. 6.4 Demonstrate accountability for nursing practice. 7.2 Develop an awareness of the professional values of altruism, autonomy, human dignity, integrity and social justice as the foundation for professional practice. 7.3 Demonstrate in clinical practice professional values, behaviors and standards. 7.4 Incorporate professional values and standards of practice as the foundation for nursing practice. 8.2 Develop an understanding of teaching learning theory in its application to patient care. 8.3 Incorporate teaching learning theory in the delivery of nursing care to individuals and families. 8.4 Use teaching-learning theory appropriately in nursing practice. 9.2 Develop an awareness of research based knowledge from nursing and the 9.3 Analyze the relationship of research based knowledge to the delivery of nursing care. 9.4 Incorporate research as a foundation for evidence-based practice. 2 sciences as the foundation for professional nursing practice. 10.2.1 Develop an awareness of the roles of the professional nurse as provider of care, designer/manager/coordinator of care and member of the profession. 10.3 Demonstrate an understanding of the present and emerging role responsibilities of the professional nurse. 10.4 Accept responsibility for professional growth and life-long learning in consonance with the emerging role of the nurse in a changing society. 11.2 Identify the role of the professional nurse and the various members of the health care team and describe their functions. 11.3 Participate as a team member in providing health care to patients utilizing the knowledge and principles of interdisciplinary models of health care delivery. 11.4 Collaborate with patients and interdisciplinary health care teams to plan, manage and influence health care standards, methods, and systems. 12.2 Recognize the leadership role in the nursing profession. 12.3 Develop beginning leadership skills in clinical settings. 12.4 Demonstrate leadership behaviors within one’s scope of practice. 13.2 Gain awareness of health care resources available within the community. 13.3 Identify social, economic, and political agendas affecting the delivery of health care. 13.4 Support agendas that enhance awareness of the social, economic, and political agendas that influence health care delivery. 10.2 Recognize the practice of professional nursing requires a commitment to lifelong learning. Approved Level Outcomes July 12, 2005 Enrollment Information Admitted students must email Professor Hoyt ( to request an add code after online registration closes. Please provide your name and Red ID. Cross Enrollment & Open University options are available. Please provide the SDSU approved forms to Professor Hoyt and complete registration by the University deadlines outlined on the website. Completed Cross Enrollment forms are to be submitted to Student Affairs for processing. Students will be contacted once forms are approved and it is the student’s responsibility to take forms to the Cashier’s Office for payment & final registration by 2/3/15. Completed Open University forms are to be submitted directly to the Cashier’s Office for payment and registration finalization by 2/3/15. Once registration is finalized, students will be registered within the SDSU online classroom system Blackboard. Course Materials There are no required textbooks for this class. Weekly, you are responsible for completing all readings assigned through Blackboard. Weeks #1: All materials will be provided in class. Starting Week #2, materials will be emailed. After 2/3, materials will be posted on Blackboard. Recommended text: American Psychological Association. (2009). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC. 3 Please ensure you have the appropriate technology to meet online class components through Blackboard. Computers are available on campus in the Computer Lab & Library (SDSU ID card is required). Email system Internet browser such as Mozilla Firefox Microsoft Office (WORD, Excel & PPT) High-speed internet connection Course Structure and Conduct This course will provide a combination of learning experiences. There will be “face to face” on-campus meetings, and online learning assignments through Blackboard. Students are responsible for completing all requirements provided during “face to face” on-campus meetings and learning assignments through Blackboard. During this professionalism class, students are expected to manage time efficiently, be actively engaged, and openly communicate. Course Assessment and Grading GRADING Grades are based on the quality of the student’s thinking as demonstrated orally and in writing. Being on time, being prepared and being ready to actively engage in learning are qualities highly valued. All students start out with 100 points. To earn full credit for each assignment, follow the directions, produce quality work and turn assignments in on time. A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF =93.0-100% =90.0-92.9% =87.0-89.9% =83.0-86.9% =80.0-82.9% =77.0-79.9% =73.0-76.9% (A 73% or better is required for satisfactory course completion.) =70.0-72.9% =67.0-69.9% =63.0-66.9% =60.0-62.9% =59.9% and lower “A” Work Defined: Clearly stands out as excellent performance. Has unusually sharp insight into material and initiates thoughtful questions. Sees many sides of an issue. Articulates well and writes logically and clearly. Integrates ideas previously learned from this and other disciplines; anticipates next steps in progression of ideas. Example: “A” work should be of such a nature that it could be put on reserve for all students to review and emulate. The “A” student is, in fact, an example for others to follow. APA Formatting All work must be written and cited in APA format as summarized in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition). LATE WORK You are encouraged to turn in work by the deadline. I gladly accept work prior to the due date. There will be a 10% deduction, per late day from the total grade. Late assignments will only be accepted within 3 days of due date. 4 PLAGIARISM Plagiarism is a serious breach of academic integrity. All sources used in the paper should be properly cited. The assignments should reflect original synthesis of ideas. Please refer to the University policy on plagiarism. Faculty is required to turn in all suspected works of plagiarism to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities. COURSE REQUIREMENTS AND GRADE DETERMINATION: 1. A grading rubric for the PPT Poster Project will be posted in Blackboard under the Assignments Tab beginning 9/6/14. 2. Please check the following tabs in Blackboard weekly: Course Documents, Assignments & Discussions. Requirement Points Possible Due Date Attendance/Participation 5 points/week (Total: 25) 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 4/25 & 5/9 You must be on time, be engaged, and not leave early. Attendance will be taken. Learning activities will be the measure of participation. In-Class Activities Blackboard Learning Activities 4 points/week (Total: 40) Starting Week #4 (2/14) Grading Criteria Full points earned if you: Exam #1 10 2/6 Exam #2 10 5/9 PPT Poster Project 15 5/2 Total Points Possible 100 Follow directions Turn it in on time Other Course Policies CLASSROOM GROUND RULES Please turn off cell phones Please do not use technology during class that is not directly related to the in-class activities Be respectful of one another Come prepared! Please be ready to actively participate & take full advantage of the resources provided to you. ACCOMODATIONS “If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your responsibility to contact Student Disability Services at (619) 594-6473. To avoid any delay in the receipt of your accommodations, you should contact Student Disability Services as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive, and that accommodations based upon disability cannot be provided until you have presented your instructor with an accommodation letter from Student 5 Disability Services. Your cooperation is appreciated.” On the SDSU-IV Campus, please contact Norma Aguilar at 760-768-5637 or Student Affairs at 760-768-5502. SYLLABUS CHANGES While changes to the syllabus will be avoided as much as possible, I reserve the right to make changes to the syllabus at any time during the semester. If changes are made, they will be posted to Blackboard. Be sure to check Blackboard on a BI-WEEKLY basis in the event that changes or announcements are posted. CLASS SCHEDULE Students are responsible for the content in “face to face” on-campus meetings, online articles/materials through the Blackboard classroom (starting 2/14). These exercises contribute towards the class attendance & participation grade. Please check Blackboard Announcements weekly to ensure you are aware of any updates and use all provided tools for success. WEEK DATE TOPIC LEARNING ACTIVITY ASSIGNMENT #1 Fridays 1/23 Introduction/Syllabus The Profession of Nursing EBP & Nursing In-class Writing Assignment: Describe the following: 1) 1 event that led you to becoming a nurse 2) your philosophy of nursing 3) your concepts of being a professional nurse Due Wk #2 (1/30) at start of class. Directions: Hard copy (1 page)/Name on top Times New Roman 12 pt font 1 inch margins Double-spaced 0800-1000 N102 On-Campus #2 1/30 0800-1000 N102 On-Campus The Essence of Nursing The Nursing Image Professional Formation In-class #3 2/6 0800-1000 N102 On-Campus In-class EXAM #1 (bring green scantron) #4 Switches to Online 2/14 Blackboard Week #4 Learning Activity DUE: 2/21 by 2359 via BB Discussion Board #5 2/21 Blackboard Week #5 Learning Activity DUE: 2/28 by 2359 via BB Discussion Board #6 2/28 Evidence Based Practice Utilizing the Library APA EBP: Evidence Hierarchy Informatics Evidence Based Practice Utilizing the Library APA EBP: Evidence Hierarchy Informatics Nursing Education: QSEN IOM Core Competencies PCC QI EBP Collaboration Informatics Health Policy & Politics Critical Actions for Nurses Blackboard Week #6 Learning Activity DUE 3/7 by 2359 via BB Discussion Board #7 3/7 Ethics & Legal Issues Blackboard Week #7 Learning Activity Due 3/14 by 2359 via BB Discussion Board 6 #8 3/14 Health Promotion, Disease Prevention & Illness Blackboard #9 3/21 The Healthcare Delivery System: Acute vs. Community Blackboard #10 3/28 Patient-Centered Care Blackboard #11 4/4 SPRING BREAK #12 4/11 Quality Improvement Blackboard #13 4/18 Critical Healthcare Issues Blackboard #14 4/25 0800-1200 N102 On-Campus The Future of Nursing in Imperial County In-class #15 #16 5/2 5/9 0800-1300 On-Campus A CALL to ACTION Imperial Valley Nursing Council Evidence Based Practice Nursing Conference Blackboard In-class Week #8 Learning Activity Due 3/21 by 2359 via BB Discussion Board Week #9 Learning Activity Due 3/28 by 2359 via BB Discussion Board Week #10 Learning Activity Due 4/11 by 2359 via BB Discussion Board Week #12 Learning Activity Due 4/18 by 2359 via BB Discussion Board Week #13 Learning Activity Due 4/25 by 2359 via BB Discussion Board PPT Poster Projects DUE: 5/2 Posters via Discussion Board EXAM #2 7