EDL 755: Governance and Policy development in PreK-12 Educational Organizations Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership Spring 2014 Learn, Lead, Transform CONTACTING THE INSTRUCTORS Dr. Ian Pumpian and Dr. Nancy Frey 162-F and 162-G North Education Bldg. Telephone: 619-528-9070 x. 224 (Ian) 619-528-9070 x. 226 (Nancy) Fax: 619-528-9084 Email: ipumpian@mail.sdsu.edu nfrey@mail.sdsu.edu Office Hours: By appointment Department of Educational Leadership 5500 Campanile Drive NE 166 San Diego, CA 92182-1190 Department Web: http://go.sdsu.edu/education/edl/ DEPARTMENT VISION San Diego State University’s Department of Educational Leadership endeavors to enhance public school systems by developing exceptional leaders committed to learn, lead, and transform in ways that improve the educational attainment of all students, especially historically underachieving students. COURSE RATIONALE This seminar is organized as three interrelated lines of inquiry regarding the alignment (and misalignment) of policy, governance, and practice: Inquiry #1: What are the conditions necessary for aligning policy with best and emerging practice? Policies are adopted and programs are implemented. Form follows function, or at least it should. But does it? How often in education, healthcare, and business do we observe a total disconnect between policy and practice? How often does policy lead practice? Can well intended policy lead to unintended practice? Do unacceptable practices lead to unnecessarily restrictive policies? What happens when advances in practice make policy obsolete or restrictive? How do effective leaders work to understand and effect changes that realign policy and practice? And perhaps most importantly, what can leaders do to ensure these realignments push progressive policies that result in most effective practice? We will use a case study format to support a majority of this inquiry. The cases you will explore will focus on the topic of school discipline policy and practice. It would be difficult to argue that all of us will not benefit from expanding our understanding of this topic as few of us will escape the impact of discipline on our careers as educational leaders. We will be examining alignment and misalignment of district and site discipline policies as well as the alignment of disciplinary practices at the site level with those school and district policies. Inquiry #2: How is policy put into operation through Professional Development? Policies can be no greater than our capacity to implement them. Capacity depends on many things including but not limited to finances, expertise, and will. Expertise depends on enough people having enough knowledge, skill and a commitment to change practice in ways that effectively implement policy. Assessing and developing this expertise is a EDL 755 Governance and Policy 2 major responsibility of educational leaders. As such, we must have knowledge of ideological and technical issues surrounding the new policies and practices and the skills and disposition to be able to build the capacities of others. Generally speaking, this falls under the expectation that we must be capable of facilitating professional development. New practice will not emerge from new policy without well planned and delivered professional development, and that fact has implications for each of us leaders. Inquiry #3: How can educational leader best interact effectively with policy makers? Another whole area of policy is our ability to effectively respond to, work with and influence policy makers. Most notably, school board members and elected officials represent policy makers that will have significant impact on policies and practices you will have major responsive responsibilities and opinions. Your role as a constituent, leader and/or employee requires skill and strategy. We must understand how policy is developed and what influence we can have on that development. In addition, as an education leader you need to have a working knowledge of school board procedure and structure. STUDENTS LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Organizational Strategy: Organize strategies to improve the quality of education and promote the success of all students, while sustaining their institutional mission. The demonstration of this outcome is based on knowledge of the organizations, their cultures, environments, and future trends. Learning Indicators: 1.1 Recognize the policy-making role of organizational boards and work effectively with these boards to advance the mission of the institution or district. 1.2 Develop strategies to create sound and sustainable organizational reform efforts, 1.3 Project changes on the horizon that will affect your governance and leadership in Pre-K-12 education in years to come. 2. Resource Management: Equitably and ethically sustain people, processes, information, and assets, to fulfill the mission, vision and goals of their institutions. Learning Indicators: 2.1 Develop and manage resource assessment, planning, budgeting, acquisition, and allocation processes consistent with a college, school or district master plan, the California Master Plan and local, state and national policies. 2.2 Analyze the historical and current political landscape for school accountability measures in a variety of arenas including standards implementation, assessment results, budget reporting, and organizational reform efforts. 4. Communications: Use scrupulous listening, speaking, and writing skills to engage in honest, open dialogue. Learning Indicators: 4.1 Create and maintain open communications regarding resources, priorities, and expectations among all constituents. 4.2 Communicate clearly and appropriately to internal and external constituencies orally and in writing. 5. Collaboration: Demonstrate the ability to develop responsive, cooperative, mutually beneficial, and ethically sound internal and external relationships; ones that nurture diversity, foster student success, and promote the organization’s mission. Learning Indicators: 5.1 Embrace and support shared governance and the role of trustees, administrators, faculty, staff and students in institutional governance. Spring 2014 EDL 755 Governance and Policy 3 5.2 Build and leverage networks and partnerships to advance the mission, vision, and goals of PreK-12 education. 5.3 Facilitate shared problem solving and decision-making. 6. Organizational Advocacy: Recognize, commit to and advocate for the mission, vision, and goals of the organization. Learning Indicators: 6.1 Represent the educational organization in the local community, in the broader educational environment, and at various levels of government. 6.2 Investigate the role of mass media and public scrutiny on your leadership and your decision making 6.3 Assess your role in the policy-making arena and how to navigate the political decision making arenas. 8. Financial and Legal Forces: Identify the financial and legal forces affecting leadership in PreK-20 Education. Learning Indicators: 8.1 Evaluate the impact of various legislative initiatives on governance and the roles of administrators, faculty, staff, and boards in shared governance. 8.9 Compare the structure of governance in larger and smaller school districts including mayoral control modifications in some urban districts and the impact of charter school competition. REQUIRED TEXTS/SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS: American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Elmore, R. (1979). Backward mapping: Implementation research and policy decisions. Political Science Quarterly, 94(4), 601-616. [Posted on BlackBoard] Fisher, D., Frey, N., & Uline, C. (2013). Common Core English Language Arts in a PLC at Work, Leaders Guide. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree. [Distributed in class] Fisher, D., & Frey, N. (2013). Common Core English Language Arts in a PLC at Work, Grades 9-12. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree. [Distributed in class] Freedberg, L., & Chavez, L. (2012). Understanding school discipline in California: Perceptions and Practices: Results of a Statewide Survey of California School Districts. Oakland, CA: EdSource. [Posted on BlackBoard] Gemberling, K. W., Smith, C. W., & Villani, J. S. (2000). The key work of school boards guidebook. Alexandria, VA: National School Boards Association. [Posted on BlackBoard] Pickeral, T., Evans, L., Hughes, W. & Hutchison, D. (2009). School Climate Guide for District Policymakers and Educational Leaders. New York, NY: Center for Social and Emotional Education. [Posted on BlackBoard] San Diego Unified School District. (October 2012). Uniform Discipline Plan. San Diego, CA: Author. [Posted on BlackBoard] Spring 2014 EDL 755 Governance and Policy Policy Inquiry #1: What Are The Conditions Necessary For Aligning Policy With Best And Emerging Practice? Case study: Backward Policy Analysis of Student Discipline Policies and Site Practices Leading to Recommendations for Progressive Changes I. Essential Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. II. Are State, District and Site discipline polices well aligned? Do those policies reflect research-based positive and restorative practices? Are site disciplinary practices aligned with stated policies? Do site-based practices reflect research-based positive and restorative practices? What steps can be taken to better align policies and practices? What steps can be taken to have research-based positive and restorative practices more represented in policy and practice? Required Activities 1. Read Education Code, District, and Site Student Discipline Policies. a. Are they aligned? Explain these findings. b. Are positive and restorative approaches promoted in these policies? Explain these findings. c. Please summarize implications of this backward review. 2. Conduct a review of site disciplinary records. a. Are site practices aligned with policies? Explain these findings. b. Are site punitive actions above or below district averages and are they changing over time? c. Is there evidence that alternatives to using only punitive actions are being used? 3. Attend Restorative Practices or Positive Behavioral Supports Workshop. 4. Review two specific disciplinary actions from the office documents. a. Is there evidence of any positive or restorative practice involved? 5. Review staff development plan and activities. a. What time has been allocated to the school disciplinary plan? b. Is there attention and investment in promoting proactive and restorative practices? III. Deliverables: Complete an Executive Summary Report (approximately 5 pages) and a 5-slide Power Point Presentation on your Case Study. 1. Answer each of the 6 essential questions listed above. Phrase Question 6 in the form of recommendations. 2. The Executive Summary should be submitted to instructors no later than May 3. 3. Be prepared to deliver a 10-minute presentation in class on May 3 using your 5slide power point. Spring 2014 4 EDL 755 Governance and Policy 5 Policy Inquiry #2: How is policy put into operation through Professional Development? Case study: Lead a professional study group and reflect on the challenges and successes you experience. I. Rationale: With the adoption of the Common Core State Standards and its initial implementation this year, educators all over California are eager to better understand the implications on their practice. Yet in many cases, teachers do not have experience at closely examining standards for the purposes of linking them to classroom instruction and formative assessment. The need for such professional development far outstrips available resources, and many administrators are addressing these needs through the use of professional learning communities. II. Activities You will host a series of professional learning community sessions with a small group of educators currently enrolled in the Preliminary Administrative Credential program at SDSU. There are two cohorts (Regional and SDUSD Collaborative). You will select one cohort. Regional (Tuesdays 6:15-7:15) HSHMC, 3910 University Ave. March 11 March 25 (online) April 8 April 15 April 22 SDUSD (Wednesdays 6:15-7:15) Mission Bay Professional Development Center, 2475 Grand Ave., Pacific Beach March 12 March 26 (online) April 9 April 16 April 23 To prepare you for this work, you will receive two books at our first class meeting: o Fisher, D., & Frey, N. (2013). Common Core English Language Arts in a PLC at Work, Leaders Guide. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree. o Fisher, D., & Frey, N. (2013). Common Core English Language Arts in a PLC at Work. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree. You do not need to be a content expert in English language arts, or even within the grade band of educators you will be leading. Rather, the purpose is for you to hone your leadership and facilitation skills such that you can promote the learning of others. As an educational leader preparing for work at the district, state, and national levels, you will not be an expert at all things. Rather, you will be charged with creating environments such that others can learn. To further prepare you for this work, Nancy will meet with all of you for the first hour of your February 22, 2014 class with Dr. James-Ward. Please bring your books with you to this meeting. III. Deliverables: Complete a professional development log detailing your planning, implementation, and reflections of these 5 PLC sessions using the PLC worksheet (posted on BlackBoard) and a reflection on the process (2-3 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font). Spring 2014 EDL 755 Governance and Policy 6 1. Complete logs for each of the five sessions. These should be completed during the PLC process, and not after all the sessions have been completed. The purpose of recording your thoughts on these logs is to assist you with planning. As such, they do not need to be elaborate or polished. 2. When the PLC cycle is complete, reflect on the overall successes and challenges of leading a PLC. Consider your role as a facilitator, and how your leadership style contributed or detracted from the goals you identified. Finally, consider the skills needed to lead professional development. How will you continue to develop your skill set? 3. Submit the completed logs and your reflection by May 3, 2014. Policy Inquiry 3: How Can Educational Leaders Best Interact Effectively With Policy Makers? I. Rationale Another important area of policy concerns our ability to effectively respond to, work with, and influence policy makers. Most notably, school board members and elected officials represent policy makers that will have significant impact on the policies you will enact. Your role as a constituent, leader and/or employee requires skill and strategy. We must understand how policy is developed and what influence we can have on that development. In addition, as an education leader you need to have a working knowledge of school board procedure and structure. II. Activities 1. Read The Key Work of School Boards Guidebook (Gemberling, Smith, & Villani, 2000) which is posted on the course BlackBoard site in the Course Documents folder. 2. Attend class on March 19, 2014. In class, we will examine key strategies lobbyists use to influence policy makers. Why would we do this? It is because you are an expert in educational practices and key policy makers can benefit from your expertise. You must be an advocate for programs and services, and garner the publicity and resources you need to promote effective practices and eliminate unacceptable ones. In the case of interactions with legislators, you are an informed constituent and there will be times when significant opportunities and challenging circumstances will be best handled through well-established relationships. As well, in the case of interactions with Board members, they are your employers. Finally, we examine these key strategies because these they also describe a generic skill set that will facilitate your effectiveness communicating with the public and with your school partners. 3. Field work assignment. At the heart of the “lobbyist strategies” we will discuss the notion of proactively establishing key contacts and relationships before you may need to rely on them. Key to building those relationships is by locating common ground, i.e., beliefs or support for initiatives that you share. To that end, the field component of this inquiry is to hold a meeting with a strategically chosen board member or legislator. It could be a hosted visit to show off your school or a coffee to introduce yourself and learn more about his or her major educational priorities. Simply said, it's a “get to know” meeting. The invitation script could be as simple as, “I am an administrator at…. or I am one of your constituents… and I am also a doctoral student in the Educational Leadership program at SDSU. I want to [invite you to/ schedule a time with you] so I can introduce myself, share my professional goals and learn more about your educational priorities. I Spring 2014 EDL 755 Governance and Policy 7 am interested in meeting with you because I am impressed with the work (or public statements) you have made regarding…” This last item would be based on pre-contact work you have done to find out something about this policy maker. In the case of a legislator, you may end up meeting with an aide, which is fine. Some of you may find this activity actually leads to some new EDL 760 ideas. If you are contacting a board member, make sure you follow district protocol for informing your immediate supervisor of your intentions. III. Deliverables A reflection paper for this experience is due on May 3, 2014. This 4-5 page paper (doublespaced, Times New Roman 12-font) must include: 1. An explanation and rationale regarding the policymaker you selected. 2. What preparation did you do prior to contact? 3. What was your method of setting up the contact and the nature of the interaction? 4. Describe the actual encounter in detail, including your purposes for meeting with him or her, and the extent to which your purposes were met. 5. Reflect on the interaction. In what ways were your initial perceptions about the policymaker’s work confirmed and/or disconfirmed? How will you follow up with him or her? What are or next steps in building this relationship, if any? 6. Summary of your thoughts. STUDENT EXPECTATIONS Students are expected to attend all classes and actively participate in class discussions in a manner that deepens the learning experience for all the class members. Students are expected to complete assignments in a timely manner, striving for consistency in the quality of their ideas and their writing. ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION Students will be expected to engage in self-reflection and provide meaningful input related to their ability to demonstrate competency in meeting course outcomes. Grading Scale 93 % - 100 % = A 87 % - 89 % = B+ 80 % - 82 % = B73 % - 76 % = C 90 % - 92 % = A83 % - 86 % = B 77 % - 79 % = C + 70 % -72 % = CDisability It is the policy of SDSU to make reasonable accommodations for qualified students with disabilities, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If a student with disabilities needs accommodations, the student must notify the Director of Student Disability Services. Procedures for documenting student disability and the development of reasonable accommodations will be provided to the student upon request. Students will be notified by the Director of Student Disability Services when each request for accommodation is approved or denied in writing via a designated form. To receive accommodation in class, it is the student’s responsibility to present the form (at his or her discretion) to the instructor. In an effort to protect student privacy, the Department of Student Disability Services will not discuss the accommodation needs of any student with instructors. Faculty may not make accommodations for individuals who have not been approved in this manner. Spring 2014 EDL 755 Governance and Policy 8 Plagiarism Students may be suspended, placed on probation, or given a lesser sanction for one or more of the following causes which must be campus-related: (a) Cheating or plagiarism in connection with an academic program at a campus. (b) Forgery, alteration, or misuse of campus documents, records, or identification. Absence for Religious Observances It is the responsibility of the student to notify the instructor within one week of the beginning of the course about any religious holidays that will require an excused absence. Instructors shall reasonably accommodate students who notify them in advance of planned absences for religious observances. Field Trips and Liability Coverage Should this course require students to participate in field trips, research or studies that include course work that will be performed off-campus, it is important to note that participation in such activities may result in accidents or personal injury. Student participating in the event are aware of these risks, and agree to hold harmless San Diego State University, the State of California, the Trustees of the California State University and Colleges and its officers, employees and agents against all claims, demands, suits, judgments, expenses and costs of any kind on account of their participation in the activities. Student using their own vehicles to transport other students to such activities should have the current automobile insurance. Spring 2014 EDL 755 Governance and Policy COURSE OUTLINE All EDL 755 class meetings will be held at Health Sciences High and Middle College, 3910 University Ave., San Diego, CA 92105. In addition, Tuesday evening book club meetings are held at HSHMC. Wednesday evening book club meetings are at the Mission Bay Professional Development Center, 2475 Grand Ave., in Pacific Beach. 2/8/14 8:00 AM-12:00 PM HSHMC Class Topics Inquiry #1: What Are The Conditions Necessary For Aligning Policy With Best And Emerging Practice? Assignments Read and Study BEFORE class: Elmore, 1979 SDUSD Uniform Discipline Plan California Ed Code sections 48900-48910 (posted on BLACKBOARD) 2/22/14 8:30-9:30 AM (Start of Dr. James-Ward’s class) SDSU NE-171 3/19/14 8:00 AM-12:00 PM HSHMC 5/3/14 8:00 AM-1:00 PM Class and celebration lunch HSHMC Preparing for Inquiry #2 (book clubs) Bring books to class meeting! Inquiry #2: How is policy put into operation through Professional Development? Read and Study AFTER class: Freedburg & Chavez (2012) Pickeral, et al., (2009) Read and Study BEFORE class: Fisher, Frey, & Uline (2013) Leader’s Guide Read and Study BEFORE class: Fisher & Frey (2013) Gradeband specific book Inquiry #3: Gemberling et al., (2000) How Can Educational Leaders Best Interact Effectively With Policy Makers? In-class presentations and DUE 5/3/14 discussion of the three Inquiry 1 deliverables: inquiries Executive summary discipline report In-class presentation of the summary report Inquiry 2 deliverables: 5 PLC logs Reflection paper Inquiry 3 deliverables: Policy maker interview and reflection Spring 2014 9 EDL 755 Governance and Policy 10 Spring 2014