COURSE TITLE: JMS 460 SPRING 2014 Principles of Advertising Monday / Wednesday Section PROFESSOR: DR. BARBARA MUELLER Office: PSFA 342 Office Hours: Thursdays 9:30 – 10:45 And by appointment Office Phone: 594-5451 or 594-5450 E-Mail: PREREQUISITES: Junior standing (60 units completed) TEXT: J. Thomas Russell and Ronald Lane Kleppner's Advertising Procedure 18th Edition (18th International Edition OK) OBJECTIVES: This course is designed to provide an overview of the advertising industry and the role it plays in our society. More specific objectives: 1) trace the history and development of the institution; 2) outline the relationships among agencies, advertisers and the media; 3) examine the function of advertising in the marketing of goods and services; 4) outline the shift from impressions to engagement; 5) explore the role of traditional and emerging media; 6) discuss advertising theory and research; 7) examine formal and informal regulatory controls governing advertising; 8) explore the creative aspects of advertising, and 9) study advertising as a social force. COURSE WEBSITE: This course has a website on blackboard. Please visit it often as related course materials (such as exam scores) will be posted on the site throughout the semester. ATTENDANCE: In this class, participation is considered important. Be prepared to talk and contribute thoughtfully and critically about the lectures and readings. Attendance is important, as exam questions will be drawn from lectures and other material presented in class. Given the size of the class, roll will not be taken. If you miss a class for any reason, it is up to you to obtain lecture notes from your classmates. GRADING: 4 Midterms @ 100 pts each Ad Research Assignment TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS: Course is graded on a curve 400 points 50 points 450 Points EXAMS Exams have 50 multiple choice and/or true/false questions. Each question is worth 2 points. Exam questions will be based on lecture, text and any video content. Each regularly scheduled exam covers only the material discussed during that segment of the semester. IMPORTANT STUFF Should you miss a midterm, you must request, in writing, no later than the class period following the missed exam, a chance to take a make-up exam. You may only make up ONE exam. If your request is approved, you will be allowed to participate in a make-up exam. This make-up exam will be comprehensive and is scheduled during final exams week. It is to your benefit to take midterms when scheduled. NO EXCEPTIONS TO THE ABOVE. ACADEMIC HONESTY: University policy provides severe penalties for plagiarism, which is defined as “any activity wherein one person knowingly resorts to the published or unpublished work of another in order to represent it as one’s own.” Plagiarism in the context of this class would occur, for example, when two individuals hand in identical assignments. The minimum penalty for plagiarism is a “zero” on the assignment and the lowering of the final earned course grade by one full letter grade. Similarly, cheating will not be tolerated. Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to a) copying, in part or in whole, from another’s test or examination; b) discussing answers or ideas relating to answers during a test; c) using notes, cheat sheets or other devices considered inappropriate under the prescribed testing condition. The minimum penalty for cheating is a “zero” on the exam and the lowering of the final earned course grade by one full letter grade. Repeated acts of plagiarism or cheating will result in a failing grade or more severe penalties, such as expulsion from the university. RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT: Class time on Wednesday March 12th has been set aside for you to explore academic journals related to advertising. Please find a current article that interests you in one of the following journals: Journal of Advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, International Journal of Advertising, International Marketing Review, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Psychology and Marketing, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, or Advances in Consumer Research. Read the article and in a short 2 - 3 page paper, summarize the study that was conducted and the primary findings as well as the contribution it makes to advertising research. Please also include recommendations for future research in the area. Be sure to include a complete cite for the article. Papers are due in class on Wednesday April 30th. Late papers will be docked 10 points. GENERAL COURSE OUTLINE Week Topics Readings 1 Course Introduction Historical Perspectives Ch. 1 2 Historical Perspectives cont. Ch. 2 3 Role of Advertising Ch. 3 & 4 4 The Role of Advertising Cont. The Agency Ch. 5 5 The Agency Cont. Midterm #1: Wednesday February 19th 6 Subliminal Advertising Theory Ch. 7 & 8 7 Theory Cont. Ch. 9 & 10 8 Advertising Media Ch. 11 & 14 th NO CLASS: Wednesday March 12 (Time set aside for Ad Research Assignment) 9 Midterm #2: Monday March 17th Media and Creativity 10 Creativity Ch. 13 & 16 11 SPRING BREAK Ch. 17 & 19 12 Why we Buy Advertising Regulation Ch. 20 Pages 749-779 13 Self-Regulation Midterm #3: Wednesday April 16th 14 Marketing to Kids Marketing to Teens Ch. 15 15 Marketing to Teens Cont. International Advertising Ch. 21 & 22 Advertising Research Assignment due in class Wednesday April 30th 16 International Advertising Cont. Social and Economic Implications Midterm #4: Wednesday May 7th MAKE UP EXAM: May 12th 1:00 – 3:00 Ch. 23 Pages 727 - 749