1 San Diego State University School of Nursing NURS 608 Syllabus Nursing in the Healthcare System Spring 2014 Faculty: Willa Fields, DNSc, RN, FHIMSS H: 858-756-5642 C: 619-925-0450 Email: willa.fields@sbcglobal.net 2 COURSE SYLLABUS COURSE: NURS 608 – Nursing in the Healthcare System CREDIT: 3 Semester Units PLACEMENT: Spring Semester FACULTY: Willa Fields, DNSc, RN, FHIMSS PREREQUISITES: None LOCATION: Hardy Tower 183 Thursdays, 7:00 to 9:40 PM COURSE DESCRIPTION Examination of current and evolving health care issues and policies. Analysis of ethical, political, and social forces underlying delivery of health care. Focus on role of professional nursing. COURSE OVERVIEW The course examines the role of the professional nurse in today’s society. The focus is on the specific concepts, theories, and issues that confront the nurse in the dynamic health care system. Emphasis is on the right and responsibility of the professional nurse to be informed about and an active participant in the development of nursing and the health care system. COURSE OUTCOMES Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Utilize concepts and theories from nursing and other disciplines in the analysis of issues in nursing and health care systems. Describe the development and structure of the health care delivery system in the US. Analyze and critique current models for organizing nursing care delivery across health care settings. Analyze the implications for nursing of the changing role of women in society. Analyze principles of ethical decision-making in nursing practice and health care. Examine the activities of professional nursing organizations. Analyze social, economic, cultural and political factors in contemporary society that affect the practice of nursing, the delivery of health care, and the formation of healthcare policy. 3 8. 9. 10. Synthesize knowledge of power and the political decision-making processes as they relate to nursing and healthcare policy and reality. Using theories of leadership, problem solving, and decision-making, identify strategies for achieving changes in nursing and health care. Analyze current roles and contemporary issues in advanced practice nursing. TEACHING METHODS This is a discussion/seminar course. Students are expected to come to class prepared to discuss the topic of the day. Spirited debate, based on facts, is both expected and desired. Some class sessions will be on-line. During these sessions there will be readings and exercises for you to complete. REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.) Washington, DC: Author. o APA Publication Manual Online tutorials: http://www.apastyle.org/learn/index.aspx Mason,D.J., Leavitt, J.K., & Chaffee, M.W. (2012). Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care. 6th Ed. St.Louis: Saunders. REQUIRED HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE Access to a Windows or Macintosh multimedia computer. Preferably one that meets the SDSU minimum computing standards (see http://wwwrohan.sdsu.edu/~mwssls/nws.html) In addition, the following will be needed to support course participation: E-mail system Microsoft Word, version 7.01 or higher, as your word processing software High-speed connection to the Internet Computer headset Blackboard Student Support: http://wwwrohan.sdsu.edu/dept/its/blackboard/student/ Netiquette: http://wwwrohan.sdsu.edu/dept/its/blackboard/student/gettingstarted/netiquette.html 4 STUDENT DISABILITY SERVICES If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your responsibility to contact Student Disability Services at (619) 594-6473. To avoid any delay in the receipt of your accommodations, you should contact Student Disability Services as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive, and that I cannot provide accommodations based upon disability until I have received an accommodation letter from Student Disability Services. Your cooperation is appreciated. PLAGIARISM Students are responsible for abiding by the University policy on plagiarism, written below and found at http://arweb.sdsu.edu/es/catalog/2013-14/Graduate/060070_University%20Policies.pdf. Papers with plagiarized content will have the grade reduced by 25 points. I also strongly encourage you to take the paraphrasing and plagiarism tutorials on the SDSU library website: http://library.sdsu.edu/guides/sub2.php?id=336&pg=354. Plagiarism Plagiarism is defined as the act of incorporating ideas, words, or specific substance of another, whether purchased, borrowed, or otherwise obtained, and submitting same to the university as one's own work to fulfill academic requirements without giving credit to the appropriate source. Plagiarism shall include but not be limited to (a) submitting work, either in part or in whole, completed by another; (b) omitting footnotes for ideas, statements, facts, or conclusions that belong to another; (c) omitting quotation marks when quoting directly from another, whether it be a paragraph, sentence, or part thereof; (d) close and lengthy paraphrasing of the writings of another; (e) submitting another person's artistic works, such as musical compositions, photographs, paintings, drawings, or sculptures; and (f) submitting as one's own work papers purchased from research companies. Disciplinary Action Cheating and plagiarism in connection with an academic program at the university may warrant two separate and distinct courses of disciplinary action that may be applied concurrently in response to a violation of this policy: (a) academic sanctions, such as grade modifications; and (b) punitive sanctions, such as probation, suspension, or expulsion. Academic sanctions are concerned with the student's grades and are the responsibility of the instructor involved. Punitive sanctions are concerned with the student's records and status on campus and shall be the responsibility of the university president or designated representative. The Coordinator of Judiciary Procedures shall be the president's representative in matters of student discipline. 5 COURSE REQUIREMENTS AND GRADE DETERMINATION For successful completion of NURS 608, students are required to complete the course requirements listed below. Grade determination and due dates are specified. For late written assignments, the grade will be dropped a half letter grade for each day late unless prior faculty approval for an extension has been obtained. All assignments are to be on different topics. REQUIREMENT PERCENT OF GRADE DUE DATE Current Events 5% (pass/fail) Student sign up Outside Session 5% (pass/fail) No later than 5/8 Policy Letter 5% (pass/fail) No later than 5/8 Comment on Federal Rule 5% (pass/fail) No later than 5/8 Paper 60% No later than 5/8 Editorial 5% (pass/fail) No later than 5/8 World Cafe 5% (pass/fail) 5/8 Presentation 10% Student sign up GRADING SCALE A AB+ B B- = = = = = 100-93 92-90 89-87 86-83 82-80 C+ C CD+ D F = = = = = = 79-77 76-73 72-70 69-67 66-63 62 or less 6 FACULTY APPOINTMENTS AND COMMUNICATION Dr. Willa Fields can be contacted by phone or e-mail listed below. All meetings are by appointment and can be scheduled directly with the professor. Students are encouraged to use e-mail for scheduling appointments and communicating with the professor between regularly scheduled class meetings. Office Hours: By appointment Phone numbers: Home/Office: 858-756-5642 Mobile: 619-925-0450 E-mail address: willa.fields@sbcglobal.net This course may require students to participate in field trips, research or studies that include course work that will be performed off-campus. Participation in such activities may result in accidents or personal injury. Students participating in the event are aware of these risks, and agree to hold harmless San Diego State University, the State of California, the Trustees of the California State University and Colleges and its officers, employees and agents against all claims, demands, suits, judgments, expenses and costs of any kind on account of their participation in the activities. Students using their own vehicles to transport other students to such activities should have current automobile insurance. Web Sites of Interest: California Healthcare Foundation: http://www.chcf.org/ Commonwealth Fund: http://www.commonwealthfund.org/ Health Care Reform: http://www.healthcare.gov/ Kaiser Family Foundation: http://www.kff.org/ Pew Charitable Trusts: http://www.pewtrusts.org/ Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: http://www.rwjf.org/ Portal for Federal rulemaking: www.regulations.gov 7 WEEKLY SCHEDULE DATE TOPIC/CLASS ACTIVITIES Introductions ASSIGNMENT (to be completed prior to class session) Bring to class: Personal goals and priorities for N608 Course Overview Identify personal goals and priorities for N608 Ethical Theories for Biomedical Decision Making 1/23 Current Events Historical Perspective on Nursing The Future of Nursing Report How Government Works 2/6 ANA Code of Ethics: http://nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategori es/EthicsStandards/CodeofEthicsforNurses. aspx Policy, Politics, and Nursing Finding Government Documents in the SDSU Library Guest Speaker: Marilyn Hall, School of Nursing Librarian, 1/30 Mason, Leavitt, & Chafee Unit 1 Guest Speaker: David Roberts, San Diego County Board of Supervisor Current Events Student Presentations Epstein, E.G., Delgado, S., (Sept 30, 2010) "Understanding and Addressing Moral Distress" OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 15, No. 3, Manuscript 1. doi:10.3912/OJIN.Vol15No03Man01 Available at: http://www.nursingworld.org/MainMenuCa tegories/EthicsStandards/Courage-andDistress/Understanding-MoralDistress.html Mason, Leavitt, & Chafee Unit 1 continued Political exercise The Future of Nursing IOM Report http://www.iom.edu/Reports/2010/TheFuture-of-Nursing-Leading-ChangeAdvancing-Health.aspx Mason, Leavitt, & Chafee Unit 5 Bring peer review forms to class. 8 DATE TOPIC/CLASS ACTIVITIES Current Events 2/13 ASSIGNMENT (to be completed prior to class session) Mason, Leavitt, & Chafee Unit 6 State Boards of Nursing Bring peer review forms to class. Professional Nursing Organizations Student Presentations Current Events 2/20 2/27 Advanced Practice Nursing/Nursing Education Bring peer review forms to class. Student Presentations Attend a Center for Ethics forum, webinar, or some other forum during the semester on an issue related to course content. Submit a brief summary of presentation, what you gained from the experience, and how the session related to the course content. Current Events 3/6 Status of Healthcare/Health Disparities in the USA Student Presentations Health Insurance in the United States: Affordable Care Act/Covered California 3/13 Mason, Leavitt, & Chafee Unit 7 Becca Karpinski, Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest Student Presentations Current Events Email summary to willa.fields@sbcglobal.net. Mason, Leavitt, & Chafee Unit 2 Bring peer review forms to class. Mason, Leavitt, & Chafee Unit 2 continued Take ACA quiz: http://kff.org/quiz/healthreform-quiz/ Review video: http://kff.org/healthreform/video/youtoons-obamacare-video/ Bring peer review forms to class. Mason, Leavitt, & Chafee Unit 2 continued ICD-9/ICD-10 3/20 Bring peer review forms to class. Medicare Prescription Drugs Student Presentations 9 DATE TOPIC/CLASS ACTIVITIES Research and Politics ASSIGNMENT (to be completed prior to class session) Mason, Leavitt, & Chafee Unit 3 3/27 online Bring peer review forms to class. 4/3: Spring Break Current Events 4/10 Mason, Leavitt, & Chafee Unit 2 continued International Health Systems Bring peer review forms to class. Student Presentations Current Events 4/17 Mason, Leavitt, & Chafee Unit 4 Nursing Workforce Issues Bring peer review forms to class. Student Presentations Current Events 4/24 Mason, Leavitt, & Chafee Unit 4 continued Nursing Unions Bring peer review forms to class. Student Presentations Current Events Bring peer review forms to class. 5/1 Nurse-Physician Relationships Student Presentations Health Policy: The World Café 5/8 Review course materials. Bring snacks to share with class. Paper and Editorial due by 7:00 PM. 10 Current Events Oral Report Purpose: The purpose of the current events report is to facilitate the student’s application of course content to what is being reported in the news (print, radio, TV, or internet based). Requirements: The student is expected to summarize and critique a current event related to the week’s course content. Critique to include source, summary of issue, impact on health and health care, and ethical considerations. Preparation: Review news related to weekly class content. Grade: 5% Pass/Fail. Evaluation will be based on the student’s ability to analyze, synthesize, apply, and critique discussed concepts. Paper Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to facilitate the student’s ability to analyze, synthesize, apply, critique, and answer ethical questions and current issues in nursing and health care with professional experience and literature based evidence and thought. Requirements: Choose a nursing/health care issue that you consider important. In approximately ten pages, introduce the topic, state your purpose and position, describe the ethical system upon which your position rests, and provide a reasoned, logical argument for your position that also addresses opposing opinions. Provide evidence to support your position from the professional literature. Your purpose is to persuade others to your point of view using fact, logic, and ethical decision making. Follow guidelines in the APA Publication Manual. The paper must be submitted by email to the instructor on or before the due date. Grade: 60% The paper will be evaluated on the clarity of writing, presentation of the overall concept to be discussed, organization of the content into topical sub-headings, and incorporation of evidence-based literature addressing the problem/issue. Evidence of critical thinking and analysis is expected. Correct spelling, punctuation, sentence/paragraph construction, and APA style are expected. See grading rubric for specific point allocation. Late papers will be accepted, but the overall grade of the paper will be dropped five points for each day late. 11 Editorial Purpose: The purpose of the Editorial is to facilitate the student’s ability to analyze, synthesize, apply, and critique an opposing view to a current issue in nursing and health care. Requirements: In two double spaced pages or less, on the topic written about in your paper, write a persuasive editorial arguing the opposite point of view. Include the editorial at the end of your paper, after the references and on a new page The editorial must be submitted by email to the instructor on or before the due date. Grade: 5% Pass/Fail. The editorial will be evaluated on the clarity and persuasiveness of writing. Evidence of critical thinking and analysis is expected, as well as your own interpretation, inferences and rationale about the issue. Correct spelling, punctuation, and sentence/paragraph construction are expected. Since this assignment is an editorial, you do not need to use APA style. Late assignments will not be accepted. Students not submitting a letter by the due date will receive no credit for the assignment. Policy Letter Purpose: The purpose of the Policy Letter is to facilitate the student’s ability to analyze, synthesize, apply, and critique a specific health care policy at the local, state, or federal level. Requirements: Identify a health care policy/bill/issue currently progressing through the state or federal government. Write a persuasive letter to an elected official on your position which may include encouraging the passage or defeat of the policy/bill. Include evidence to support your position which may include economic, ethical, and societal implications of the policy/bill. Include any changes you recommend to the policy/bill and your rationale. You are encouraged to use references beyond the professional literature such as the Congressional Record or Congressional Committee Testimony. A copy of your letter and an email receipt from the elected official must be emailed to the instructor on or before the due date. 12 Grade: 5% Pass/Fail. The letter will be evaluated on the clarity and persuasiveness of writing. Evidence of critical thinking and analysis is expected, as well as your own interpretation, inferences and rationale about the policy/bill. You are strongly encouraged to complete the assignments throughout the semester. Summaries are due no later than 7:00 PM on the last class. Late assignments will not be accepted. Students not submitting a letter by the due date will receive no credit for the assignment. Comment on Federal Rule Purpose: The purpose of requiring students to comment on a Federal Rule is to facilitate the student’s ability to analyze, synthesize, apply, and critique a specific health care policy at the federal level. Requirements: In a group of no more than three students, identify a Federal Rule open for public comment at www.Regulations.gov, identify a rule of interest that is open for public comment, and submit your well thought out comments. Email the instructor a copy of your submission, with group member names, no later than the last day of class. Grade: 5% Pass/Fail. The submission will be evaluated on the clarity and persuasiveness of writing. Evidence of critical thinking and analysis is expected, as well as your own interpretation, inferences and rationale about the Federal Rule. You are strongly encouraged to complete the assignments throughout the semester. Summaries are due no later than 7:00 PM on the last class. Late assignments will not be accepted. Students not submitting a letter by the due date will receive no credit for the assignment. 13 Class Presentation Purpose: The purpose of the student presentation is to facilitate the student’s speaking ability to analyze, synthesize, apply, and critique a specific aspect of the course content. Requirements: In no more than 15 minutes, utilizing PowerPoint slides, students will present on an assigned topic related to health policy, nursing, and the health care system. Grade: 10% Letter Grade. Evaluation will be based on instructor and peer ratings of the presentation. Peers will use the Peer Evaluation Form. A half letter grade will be deducted for going over the time limit. You are strongly encouraged to complete the assignments throughout the semester. Summaries are due no later than 7:00 PM on the last class. Outside Session Purpose: The purpose of attending an outside session is to expose the student to the broad range of public policy and health care issues available beyond NURS 608. Requirements: Attend at least 2.5 hours of a professional conference, webinar, governmental hearing, or other online education on a topic related to public policy and health care issues. Email a brief summary of the presentation, length of session, what you gained from the experience, and how the session related to the course content to willa.fields@sbcglobal.net. Grade: 5% Pass/Fail. Evaluation will be based on completeness of summary information. Grading will be pass/fail. You are strongly encouraged to complete the assignments throughout the semester. Summaries are due no later than 7:00 PM on the last class. Late assignments will not be accepted. Students not submitting a letter by the due date will receive no credit for the assignment. 14 N608 Paper Grading Rubric – Student: Description Pts APA Citations written correctly per APA Manual 5 References listed correctly per APA Manual 5 Paper formatted per APA Manual 5 Content Introduction 5 Clear, concise purpose statement 5 Well developed, referenced, body of paper 20 Ethical discussion 5 Pro/Con discussion 5 Clear, concise conclusion 5 Paper logically developed 10 Clear writing style, use of good grammar and punctuation 10 Synthesis of material 10 Content grounded in current evidence 10 TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS: 100 Your Score 15 Peer Evaluation Form Class Presentations Presenter: ______________________ Date: _______________ Presentation Title: _____________________________________________ Please complete the following information about your classmate’s presentation. This information will be used to provide positive feedback and areas for growth for executive level presentations. Thank You. Needs Improvement Please rate the presentation in the following areas. 1 2 Excellent 3 Innovative ideas Logically and clearly developed Synthesized classroom and evidencedbased materials Included relevant and current references Professional and articulate presentation PowerPoint slides enhanced material Answered questions well Please comment on what you particularly liked about the presentation? What areas could the presenter improve upon? 4 5 NA