Graduate School of Public Health San Diego State University

Graduate School of Public Health
San Diego State University
Joint Degree Program (PhD) in Public Health
Professional Seminar
Fall 2013, 2 Units
Class day/time: Thursdays, 2-3:40pm
Class location: PSFA 113
Schedule number: 22344
Instructor: Thomas Novotny, MD,
Office hours: T & Th 1-2:00
Office location: Hepner Hall 136B
Phone: 619-594-3109
Learning Objectives. This seminar will:
1. Assist students with integration into the JDP program and the field of public
health in general.
2. Help students formulate a plan (a ROADMAP) to get the most from their doctoral
program, graduate in a timely manner, and prepare for their professional careers.
3. Facilitate students’ professional socialization and career development.
4. Help students understand several career options including academia,
government, the private sector, and non-governmental organizations.
II. Text and Required Readings:
1. Sindermann, CJ. Winning the Games Scientists Play, Revised Edition. Basic
Books; 2001: 320pp. ISBN #: 978-0738204253.
2. Skloot, R. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. Crown Books; 2010: 400pp.
ISBN #: 978-1-4000-5217-2.
3. See course schedule for additional readings. These will be updated
periodically on the course Blackboard tool.
III. Course requirements and assignments
1. Plagiarism Tutorial (10% of grade): Due Date September 19
All students in this class are required to complete the online information literacy
tutorial, "Plagiarism: The Crime of Intellectual Kidnapping," a 30-minute tutorial that
teaches students about plagiarism, paraphrasing, and citing sources. Students are
to take this tutorial outside of class time and take the quiz that follows it. Students
will receive a score on screen that they can print, and this printed screen must
be submitted as proof of completion by September 19th. The tutorial is at
2. Research Ethics Tutorial (10% of grade): Due Date October 31.
All students should take the SDSU online tutorial on research ethics and submit the
certificate through Blackboard. See: for link to tutorial and
additional resources.
3. Seminar Discussion (40% of grade)
You are expected to become fully familiar with the weekly readings, to prepare
questions and comments to share with other seminar participants, and to actively
participate in discussions. The following short assignments will be used as part of the
seminar discussion student evaluation:
 Attendance (10%): One absence ok, others with notification of instructor
 Research report in the media (10%) Due Date: October 10
 Develop a draft roadmap for your program (10%) Due Date: October 24
 Research on public health organizations for membership (10%) Due Date:
December 5
4. Curriculum Vitae (20% of grade) Due Date: September 26
Prepare your own CV. Identify areas that need strengthening depending on your plan
for your career. The JDP track directors will provide feedback on these to each of
their program students.
5. Assessment of presentation (20% of grade): Due Date December 12
Have one of your other class presentations video recorded by one of your
colleagues. Watch and write a one-page critique of your presentation skills. Submit
both the video recording and your critique by the last day of class (earlier is better).
IV. Grading Scale
Total Points
Assigned Grade
Course Calendar
Week 1
Aug 29
Week 2
Sept 5
Topics/ Speakers
Introduction to course (Drs.Novotny,
Shaffer, Arredondo)
 Come prepared to introduce yourself
and your career goals to students in
the other tracks (Ice Breaker)
 Review of syllabus and course
The Academic Profession (Dr.
 How this crazy life works
 Making career choices
OPTIONAL: Library Orientation to be
scheduled depending on student
 U Michigan, Rackham School of
Graduate Studies: How to Get
the Mentoring You Want: A Guide
for Graduate Students at a
Diverse University
 Read your Program Handbook!
Located on JDP website:
 Sinderman Preface and
 Bourne PE, Barbour V. Ten Simple
Rules for Building and Maintaining
a Scientific Reputation. PLoS
Comp Biol 2011;7(6)e1002108
 National Institutes of Health:
14, 2012
CV Development (Dr. Hala Madanat)
Week 3
Sept 12
Week 4
Sept 19
CV: Developing your CV
More on how the academic life
All school symposium with Dr.
Vanessa Kerry (Harvard
University): The Global Health
Service Partnership - A New
Health Diplomacy
 Model CVs on Blackboard
 See:
 Turn in Plagiarism Tutorial to
Blackboard (10% of grade)
Venue: Peterson Gym 242. Invite
Fellowships, funding, and futures (Dr.
Week 5
Sept 26
F31, R36, Minority Supplements
Intro to the wonderful world of R
 Turn in Draft CV (10% of grade)
 Review R 36, F31, Minority
supplements, R03, R21, R01, K
awards on NIH Websites
 Quick Guide for Grant
Applications, Revised 2010. (on
 https://attendee.gotowebinar.
Week 6
Oct 3
US Government Careers in Public
Health (Dr. Novotny and guests):
 HHS (Other agencies)
Research in the media (Dr. Novotny
and Guests—Tom Fudge, KPBS
and Greg Block SDSU press
Week 7
Oct 10
Talking to the press, developing
relationships with press office
Find an article from the lay news that
discusses a public health research
report (Submit article and post for all
to read on BB).
 Koo D, Thacker SB. In snow's
footsteps: Commentary on shoeleather and applied epidemiology.
Am J Epidemiol 2010;172(6):7379. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwq252.
 Sinderman Chapter 11
 Sindermann: Chapter 12
 AAAS. Media Interview Tips
 Atkinson RL.White hat bias: need
for authors to have the spin stop
with them. Int J Obesity 2010;
34:83. doi:10.1038/ijo.2009.269
 White hat bias: examples of its
presence in obesity research and
a call for renewed commitment to
faithfulness in research reporting.
Int J Obesity 2010;34:84–88;
 Submit one page critique of
news article (10% of grade):
 Does the reporting make sense?
 Is there bias in the way the
reporter described the
research? Is the article
 How does the article reflect the
published scientific report?
Dissertation planning (Dr. Novotny):
Week 8
Oct 17
Week 9
Oct 24
JDP road map development
Bring a road map for your academic
program to discuss in small groups
Senior JDP Students (TBD) will help
lead these discussions
Research Ethics (Dr. Novotny):
Book discussion on Skloot.
Service as the Third Leg of the
Academic Career (Dr. Shaffer):
Week 10
Oct 31
Week 11
Nov 7
What is University, professional,
community service?
Further discussion on Retention,
Tenure, and Promotion,
The Publishing Game (Dr. Kevin
 Review Handbooks for your
respective programs
 Turn in a Draft Road Map
Document on BB (10% of
 Skloot, R. The Immortal Life of
Henrietta Lacks
 Sindermann: Chapter 9
 Provide copy of Human
Subjects Research Training
Certificate to BB (10% of grade)
 Read RTP guidelines for GSPH
 Sinderman Chapter 6 and 7
 American Association of University
Professors: Statement on
Professional Ethics
 Sinderman Chapter 1
 Plemmons D. Memo on NIH
Public Access policy (on BB)
 Lovejoy TI, Revenson TA, France
CR. Reviewing Manuscripts for
Peer-Review Journals: A Primer
for Novice and Seasoned
Reviewers. Ann Behav Med
2011;42:1–13, DOI
Week 12
Nov 14
Effective Presentations (Dr. Novotny)
Week 13
Nov 21
No Class! Happy Thanksgiving!
Week 14
Nov 28
The NGO Career Track (Guests)
 Private voluntary groups (ALA, ACS,
AHA, etc)
 WHO, PAHO, etc
 Local: Project Concern, Survivors of
Torture, etc.
 Private sector
Dec 5
Professional Development: Joining
Organizations and Attending
Meetings (Dr. Novotny):
 Research two public health
organizations you may want to join.
Identify their mission, fees,
conference schedule, and benefits
 Conferences and Presentations: oral
vs poster: identify at least two that
you should attend
Dec 12
Course Wrap Up
 Sinderman Chapter 3
 Sinderman: Chapter 2,5
 Provide a summary of your
research on two public health
organizations (10% of grade).
For Final: Videotape one of
your presentations (short!) and
submit with your one-page
critique to BB
DISCLAIMER: Every effort will be made to follow the syllabus content and schedule;
however, if circumstances dictate there may be modifications necessary during the
semester. If such is the case the professor will make every effort to notify students in a
timely manner.
IV. Course policies
1. Attendance. Attendance is mandatory. Students are allowed one excused absence
during the semester after which points will be taken from the “Seminar Discussion”
grade. In addition, professional behavior will be expected including arriving to class on
time and not leaving early.
2. Religious holidays. According to the University Policy File, students should notify the
instructors of affected courses of planned absences for religious observances by the end
of the second week of classes.
3. Academic misconduct
Academic Integrity. Academic dishonesty is an affront to the integrity of scholarship at
SDSU and a threat to the quality of learning. Violations of academic integrity are noted in
the SDSU Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities:
Cheating shall be defined as the act of obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for
academic work by the use of dishonest, deceptive, or fraudulent means. Examples of
cheating include, but are not limited to (a) copying, in part or in whole, from another’s
test or other examination; (b) discussing answers or ideas relating to the answers on a
test or other examination without the permission of the instructor; (c) obtaining copies of
a test, an examination, or other course material without the permission of the instructor;
(d) using notes, cheat sheets, or other devices considered inappropriate under the
prescribed testing condition; (e) collaborating with another or others in work to be
presented without the permission of the instructor; (f) falsifying records, laboratory work,
or other course data; (g) submitting work previously presented in another course, if
contrary to the rules of the course; (h) altering or interfering with the grading procedures;
(i) plagiarizing, as defined; and (j) knowingly and intentionally assisting another student
in any of the above.
Plagiarism shall be defined as the act of incorporating ideas, words, or specific
substance of another, whether purchased, borrowed, or otherwise obtained, and
submitting same to the University as one’s own work to fulfill academic requirements
without giving credit to the appropriate source. Plagiarism shall include but not be limited
to (a) submitting work, either in part or in whole, completed by another; (b) omitting
footnotes for ideas, statements, facts, or conclusions that belong to another; (c) omitting
quotation marks when quoting directly from another, whether it be a paragraph,
sentence, or part thereof; (d) close and lengthy paraphrasing of the writings of another;
(e) submitting another person’s artistic works, such as musical compositions,
photographs, paintings, drawings, or sculptures; and (f) submitting as one’s own work
papers purchased from research companies.
Academic and Punitive Sanctions: Cheating and plagiarism in connection with the
academic program at The University may warrant two separate and distinct courses of
disciplinary action that may be applied concurrently in response to a violation of this
policy: (a) academic sanctions, such as grade modifications; and (b) punitive sanctions,
such as probation, suspension, or expulsion.
4. Writing Style for Assignments. All assignments are to be MS Word documents and
double-spaced. Use APA style for title page, headings, margins, spelling, grammar,
references, figures, tables, and appendices. Ariel 11-pt type, one inch margins.
5. Blackboard. Students are required to check blackboard at least once a week for
announcements and additional required readings. Assignments will be accepted by
“Students agree that by taking this course all required papers may be subject to
submission for textual similarity review to for the detection of plagiarism. All
submitted papers may be included as source documents in the Turninit database solely
for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers. You may submit your papers in
such a way that no identifying information about you is included. Another option is that
you may request, in writing, that your papers not be submitted to Turninit. However, if
you choose this option you will be required to provide documentation to substantiate that
the papers are your original work and do not include any plagiarized material.”
6. Nondiscrimination Policy. San Diego State University is dedicated to a safe,
supportive and nondiscriminatory environment. It is the responsibility of all students to
familiarize themselves with University policies regarding nondiscrimination, misconduct
and academic honesty. San Diego State University complies with the requirements of
Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as well as other applicable federal
and state laws prohibiting discrimination. No person shall, on the basis of race, color, or
national origin be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be
otherwise subjected to discrimination in any program of the California State University.
SDSU does not discriminate on the basis of sex, gender, or sexual orientation in the
educational programs or activities it conducts. More detail on SDSU’s Nondiscrimination
Policy can be found in the SDSU General Catalog, University Policies.
SDSU does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to, or
treatment or employment in, its programs and activities. Students should direct inquiries
concerning San Diego State University’s compliance with all relevant disability laws to
the Director of Student Disability Services (SDS), Calpulli Center, Room 3101, San
Diego State University, San Diego, CA 92128 or call 619-594-6473 (TDD: 619-5942929).
Student Conduct and Grievances
SDSU is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy living and learning environment for
students, faculty and staff. Sections 41301, Standards for Student Conduct, and
Sections 41302-41304 of the University Policies regarding student conduct should be
reviewed. If a student believes that a professor’s treatment is grossly unfair or that a
professor’s behavior is clearly unprofessional, the student may bring the complaint to the
proper university authorities and official reviewing bodies. See University policies on
Student Grievances.
Attention Students with Disabilities
If you have any disability which may impair your ability to successfully complete this
course, please let me know during the first two weeks of class. Accommodations are
coordinated through the Student Disability Services and require documentation. The
SDSU office is located at the Calpulli Center, Suite 3101, Phone: (619) 594-6473.