DLE 653: Sched # 25399 Location: NE 175 Thursdays 4:00-6:40, Spring ‘15 Instructor: Tamara Collins-Parks, PhD. E-mail: biliterate@gmail.com Mail: c/o DLE Office + call Phone: (760)758-1324, (619) 594-3330 Office: EBA 214, Th 3-4 (call 1st). DLE 653: Language Development in K-12 Multilingual Classrooms Language is our means of engaging in culture, communication and learning. Knowing how language works and how it is learned is particularly critical to teachers working with English Learners and/or bilingual students. For bilingual teachers, it adds to the knowledge base that will authorize you to teach ELD (English Language Development) classes as well as classes in your content area. Language Development in K-12 Multilingual Classrooms focuses first on academic language. It includes issues related to language structure and use as well as language acquisition, and assessment (Teacher Performance Expectation [TPE] 3: Interpretation and use of assessments). Our critical pedagogy theme is language rights. We also build on the base from DLE 915 and the Project CORE Institutes to explore the new CA 2012 ELD standards, and address (TPE 7.1: Know and apply effective ELD strategies leading to English literacy. Each week, a pair of students teaches a hands-on, demo lesson using a variety of ELD techniques [Language Lesson and Reflection] to teach a 3rd language or dialect (not English or Spanish). This experience allows the teachers to practice making content comprehensible and the participants to gain fresh insight into the experiences of nonnative English speakers in ELD classes. Both ELD and instructional strategies are informed by our understanding of students needs, the language functions incorporated into the lesson and ongoing language assessment [Academic Language Project]. Our exploration of ELD strategies culminates in a synthesis of the factors involved in language learning and acquisition [documented in the final illustration & position paper]. Throughout the course we will be touching back on the theme of human dignity and social justice as expressed via language rights and policies [TPE 14]. We examine the variety in between and within languages. Recognition of language rights and language variation (particularly in the context of culture, ethnicity and gender) is one of the foundations for a democratic classroom [TPE 12.2: Resist racism and acts of intolerance and maintain a non-hostile academic environment]. It is also key to the integration of bilingual families and communities with schools [TPE 16]. GOALS 1. Describe how language & language acquisition work (structure, use, theories, factors). (CTEL Domain 1) 2. Use understanding of language and language acquisition theory to guide instructional choices (relates to edTPA-TE analyzing teaching rubrics 3, 10 & 151). 3. Create an additive classroom environment that values the students own varieties of speech while teaching them the codes of power. (TPE 11.5 1 On the World Languages TE, these are rubrics 3, 9 and 13. 1 4. Assess student language proficiency (CTEL Domain 2) and the academic demands of the classroom in order to design appropriate support and scaffolding (relates to EDTPA rubric 2: and academic language rubrics). Collaborate with specialists and para-educators (TPE 7.3) to reach this goal. (TPE 3; 7.2; 8.2) Required Texts: Lightbrown & Spada. (2013). How Languages are Learned 4th edition (Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers) ISBN-13: 978-0194541268 ($31 Amazon) Trumbull, E. & Pacheco, M. (2005). The teacher’s guide to diversity: Building a knowledge base. Vol. II: Language. The Education Alliance at Brown University. Free access at http://www.brown.edu/academics/educationalliance/publications/teachers-guide-diversity-building-knowledge-base-volume-iilanguage. Internet access (see list of internet sources & DLE 653 Blackboard site). For Students with Disabilities If you are a student with a disability (differing ability) and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your responsibility to contact Student Disability Services at (619) 594-6473. To avoid any delay in the receipt of your accommodations, you should contact Student Disability Services as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive, and that accommodations based upon disability cannot be provided until you have presented your instructor with an accommodation letter from Student Disability Services. Your cooperation is appreciated. Assignments & Grade Weights (A) Academic Language Project (*Signature assignment - post on TS) (B) Class Assignments [various TPEs] -- graded by % out of total points possible. (C) Language Lesson and Reflection [TPE 1, 7]. Due week after lesson. (D) Language Acquisition Illustration & Position Paper [TPE 7] 30% 20% 20% 30% * Handouts with detailed descriptions of assignments will be available on BlackBoard. Quality Descriptors: work should be . . . . (1) creative, (3) detailed, (2) thorough, (4) well organized, (5) insightful, (6) clearly written. Standards. Note: Class work may be completed in Spanish or English A 95-100 Exceptional rigor and conceptual understanding. A- 90-94 Very high level of conceptual understanding and rigor. B+ 87-89 Meets requirements with good rigor and conceptual understanding. B 83-86 Covers main points. Rigor and conceptual understanding are satisfactory. B- 80-82 May not quite meet all requirements but rigor and conceptual understanding are adequate. At least 2 quality descriptors apply. C and below: Missing some components. Rigor and conceptual understanding may be weak or flawed. &/or quality descriptors do not apply. 2 DLE 653 Topics & Readings for Spring 2015 Please read assignments prior to date indicated -> READING Review Syllabus. 1. Jan 22: Course Overview. http://www.unesco.org/most/ln2nat.htm Language Rights are Human Rights. CA 2012 ELD standards; 2. 29 de enero: Competencia Comunicativa Language: sect. II-B (pp. 60-67 (y la Pragmatica) 3. Feb 5: Analyzing Assessments, CELDT, ELD standards; CELDT info Language: sect III (pp. 95-114) Assessing ELs (edTPA 1.5 or WL 1.4) 4. ONLINE 12 de febrero: ONLINE TPE 7 8 3 7 7 Factores en la Adquisición de Lenguaje (L). L&S (Lightbrown & Spada) Cap. 3 1,5 5 Feb 19: Communicative Competence Cont.: Language Demands & Support. 6. 26 de Febrero: continuación y práctica. 7. ONLINE March 5: Morphology & Semantics -- Acquisition & dev. of vocab. 8. 12 de marzo: Repaso de Adquisición de Lenguaje. Etapas teorías. (edTPA 2.5) 9. March 19: Analyzing Language Use L&S Ch. 5; edTPA Teaching Event: Planning Task #1.3, + 1.4 (non WL) L&S Cap. 6. ONLINE. CA 2012 ELD Standards. L&S Ch. 2: vocabulary section. L&S Ch.1 & 4 .; 7 Stages in Writing Acquisition *Bring in student writing samples to analyze* Child Language Acquisition. 7 L&S Ch. 2: “Contrastive analysis, error analysis and interlanguage” 7. 6 EdTPA. Assessing a Language Function. http://plaza.ufl.edu/kakasha/Syntax1.ppt 10. 26 de marzo: Sintaxis: Self-assessment & Revision of Academic Language Project. March 30-April 3, 2015 SPRING BREAK 11 April 9: Linguistic history of English and Spanish (explaining language). Guest Speaker: Maha Essini (on Arabic) 12 ONLINE 16 de abril: Fonética y fonología; universales fonológicas y diferencias; habilidades para hablar. CA 2012 ELD Standards. Part III: Using Foundational Literacy Skills (can be found on last page of any set of ELD standards). 13 April 23: Socio-Linguistics & Language Varieties: Socio-cultural Factors in language acquisition. (African American): 14. 30 de abril: a continuación . . . + Trastornos en el lenguaje oral. Guest Speaker: Yue Yu (on Mandarin) 15 May 7: FINAL 7, http://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/el/er/eldstan 16 dards.asp (Select your grade level.) Due: Academic Language Project* English Spanish: http://spanish.about.com/od/historyofspanish/ ONLINE L&S Cap. 2: “Phonology” CA 2012 ELD Standards; Fonética: 3 7 7 http://webspace.ship.edu/cgboer/phonetics.html Fonología: Alfabeto fonético en español: http://neobabel.org/archivo/54 Language: Sect. 1E-J (p. 29, or pdf p. #37) “Do you Speak American”(Chicano English: TPA “Dialect Education” - 1, 4 http://www.asha.org/public/speech/ disorders/ChildSandL.htm 7, 8 Language Acquisition Position Paper & Illustration DUE in class Thursday, May 14th, 8- 4 SDCOE, C 16 Last Pre Service CORE Institute: TPE = Teacher Performance Expectation, 7 7 TBD = to be determined 3 L = language Acq = Acquisition 7