TE 903: Student Teaching & edTPA Seminar Linked Learning Cohort Spring 2014

San Diego State University School of Teacher Education
TE 903: Student Teaching & edTPA Seminar
Linked Learning Cohort
Spring 2014
Emily M. Schell, Ed.D.
(619) 756-5346 (cell)
EBA 211
Mondays, 4:00 – 6:40 p.m.
EBA 441
Section 26
edTPA Due Date: April 5, 2014
Course Description:
This seminar is designed to provide you opportunities to explore, reflect upon, and share
ideas concerning second semester student teaching and to develop your philosophy and
competence as a novice teacher. During the course of this semester, you will be required
to successfully complete and pass the edTPA. Support for this assessment will be
provided in this seminar as the requirements align with Teacher Performance
Expectations (TPEs) for the California single subject preliminary teaching credential.
This is a two-unit credit/no credit course. You are expected to attend all class sessions
and submit all required assignments by the due dates. If you have an emergency and are
unable to attend class for any reason, you must contact me before the class meeting and,
within one week, meet with a classmate to review notes from the missed class and submit
a written summary of that class by e-mail.
Online Requirements:
 Blackboard (https://blackboard.sdsu.edu): TE903 readings, assignments, TE970CX-01-07
 eSupervision (https://www.esupervision.net): lesson plans, discussions, student
 ConnectEd Studios (http://www.connectedstudios.org): Linked Learning
information, discussion forum, sharing instructional information/plans
 TaskStream (https://www.taskstream.com): edTPA & TE933 ESA
 Pearson -- edTPA: (http://www.edtpa.com): register for and submit edTPA
Required Reading:
 Fires in the Bathroom: Advice for Teachers from High School Students
(Cushman, 2003)
 Secrets of the Teenage Brain (Feinstein, 2009)
 Teacher Performance Expectations (online)
 edTPA Handbook – for your subject area (online)
 Making Good Choices (online)
 Assigned Readings made available through Blackboard and/or ConnectEd Studios
1) Externship: Working individually or collaboratively within/across schools, you will
integrate a community/industry partner into your instructional plans for your student
teaching assignment. This may or may not be the partner identified during the Fall
semester for your Externship Assignment. A one-page write-up will be presented in class
May 5th explaining your partner, how and why you integrated this partner into your
instructional plans, what the results were (specifically in relation to your subject-matter),
and how you might improve/extend/build upon this in working with this (or another)
partner in the future. (20 points)
2) ConnectEd Studio: You are required to participate in 2 discussion forums in
ConnectEd Studio. The discussion forum topics will relate to learning and teaching in
Linked Learning schools and/or with Linked Learning principles. (20 points)
3) Readings: Reading assignments will be announced in class and you are required to
prepare for in-class or online discussions based on these readings. (20 points)
4) edTPA Task 1: Submit in Blackboard by March 3rd (earlier is acceptable, but please
e-mail me to alert early submission). Indirect feedback will be provided in class sessions
Mach 10 & 11. (20 points)
5) PBL Showcase: Participate in the SDUSD CCTE PBL Showcase as a teacher
supporting students, judge, or guest observer on 5/22/14. (10 points)
6) Class Participation: Attend and participate in class learning activities. (10 points)
Course Grade:
75-100 points = Credit
0-74 points = No Credit
Welcome Back! Spring Overview
Reviewing Linked Learning Principles
TPE Review
edTPA Big Picture, Timeline, Supports
Context for Learning & Permission Slips
Mon., 2/3/14
Knowing Your Students
IEP/504 Plans; CELDT data
Planning for Instruction & Assessment
(Task 1)
Work-based Learning & Externship
ConnectEd Studio Discussions
Mon., 2/10/14 Concept Development; Brain-based
Studies on Learning
Instructing & Engaging Students in
Learning (Task 2)
Tues., 2/11/14 edTPA Workshop: Academic
Language in TBD
Mon., 2/17/14 Assessing Student Learning (Task 3)
Advice from Students
Subject-alike Plans & Feedback
Mon., 2/24/14 3:00 Music (or 6:30 p.m. or ??)
arrive at
4:00 Math
assigned time 4:45 English
5:30 Science
6:15 Social Sciences
Mon., 3/3/14
Field Trip: Del Lago Academy, Escondido
Guest: Keith Nuthall, Principal
Mon., 3/10/14 3:15 Music (or 6:30 p.m. or 3/11)
arrive at
4:00 English
Mon., 1/27/14
eSupervision review with
Guide Teacher;
Cushman, Ch. 1-3
Review Feinstein
ConnectEd Studio review &
Work-based Learning in
Cushman, Ch. 4-7
Bring plans for learning
Bring plans, questions,
Task 1: Due on
assigned time
Tues., 3/11/14
arrive at
assigned time
Mon., 3/17/14
5:15 Social Sciences
SSW Room 2512
4:00 Science
5:15 Math
College & Career Readiness
Cushman, Ch. 8-9;
Advice from Students
ConnectEd Post Due
ConnectEd: College & Career
Rubrics: Assessment, Academic
Readiness (choose article)
Language, Instruction, Academic
Bring video clips to
Tues., 3/18/14 Optional: Video Conversion
Workshop with Tamara Collins-Parks compress and transfer to
(must e-mail to reserve space:
NE 278A
Mon., 3/24/14 edTPA: Putting it All Together
Bring video clips to share
for peer feedback
Mon., 3/31/14 SDSU Spring Break
Submit edTPA, then relax
Sat., 4/5/14
& enjoy...
Mon., 4/7/14
Externships: No class meeting
Mon., 4/14/14 Preparing for the Profession
Cushman, Ch. 10
Guest: Chris Reising, SDCOE
Mon., 4/21/14 Student Voice in the Classroom
Guest: Dan Alba, Facing History &
Mon., 4/28/14 PBL Showcase Scoring & Prep
Guest: Ralph West, SDUSD CCTE
ConnectEd Post Due
Mon., 5/5/14
Externship Sharing
Externship Write-up
Final Pieces... Celebration!
Mon., 5/22/14 SDUSD PBL Showcase
Participate & learn
* Course schedule subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.
Student Teaching Overview
Expectations for Spring semester Student Teachers (ST) include:
 Being on school campus for 5 hours per day, Monday - Friday, until the school's
(not SDSU's) academic year ends
 Teaching 2 classes each day while consulting with Guide Teacher and developing
plans of his/her own design (or participating in co-teaching)
 Supporting and/or observing Guide Teacher (or CTE/other teachers) when time
 Communicating regularly and appropriately with your Guide Teacher and
University Supervisor to review your progress, strengths, challenges, and
opportunities to grow
 Continuing to learn about your students collectively, individually, and their
 Preparing your students for college, career, and citizenship
 Continuing to learn about, observe, and practice Linked Learning principles
 Participating in all school professional development, department meetings, and
activities required of teachers
 Becoming involved in school community and attending events whenever possible
 Signing in at school each day (per school requirements) and notifying Guide
Teacher, School, University Supervisor, and Team Leader (in that order) as soon as
possible if an absence is necessary (students may not exceed 2 excused absences
during semester)
Coming to school prepared, in appropriate attire, willing to help all students learn
Supporting Guide Teacher in eSupervision online communications system
Making reflective notes throughout the semester in eSupervision to be shared with
Guide Teacher and University Supervisor; responding to feedback provided in that
Communicating concerns, questions, etc. with Guide Teacher and University
Supervisor (and Team Leader if necessary) in a timely and professional manner
Scheduling observations and meetings with University Supervisor
For each observation, providing lesson plan (loaded in eSupervision Private Forum
in advance of observation date) for the Guide Teacher and/or University Supervisor
Reviewing SDSU Teaching Credential Handbook for complete list of
Working to achieve California Teacher Performance Expectations
Communicating expectations and timeline for edTPA requirements
Credential candidates at SDSU must pass the edTPA, which replaces the PACT and entails
tasks in Planning, Instruction, and Assessment. Candidates will develop, teach, assess
student learning, and analyze a learning segment tailored for their students to provide
evidence of competence in Planning, Instruction, Assessment, Analyzing Teaching, and
Academic Language. More information about edTPA will be provided in the Seminar. See
attached timeline.
Go on TaskStream to enroll in both your edTPA program and for the Authenticity &
Authorization Form by entering the appropriate program codes below. This is the first
of several things you will need to register for as part of setting up the edTPA Teaching
Event enrollment and scoring. Once you are enrolled in your edTPA program, click on
Task 1A and download the edTPA handbook, context for learning, and evidence chart.
You will also need to download the pre-formatted commentary docs found in your
TaskStream edTPA programs under task sections 1E, 2B & 3C.
2014 Spring Teaching Event -- edTPA Self-Enrollment Codes for Single Subjects
Authenticity and Authorization form*:
History/Social Studies:
All edTPA candidates must also add the Authenticity and Authorization form drf. EdTPA
scores are released solely via the Authenticity and Authorization form drf (not in the
edTPA program itself).
Next, go to www.edtpa.com to register at the Pearson site for scoring. Use the voucher
code provided on the sheet circulated in class. This pays for the $300 fee. Register for the
Integrated edTPA Platform Provider System and follow directions to register for your
subject area. Your due date is close to April 5th (depends on your subject area). Scores are
typically received within one month from submission.