Writing p.1 TE 640: Assessing and Teaching Writing in Elementary Schools Spring 2014 NE-85 Tuesdays 4:00 pm-6:40 pm Marva Cappello, Ph.D. Phone: (619) 594-1322 Office: BAM 215 E-mail: cappello@mail.sdsu.edu Office Hours: by appt. Course Overview: This course offers teachers a broad perspective on the teaching of writing at the elementary level. The class is designed to address three general strands of writing pedagogy: process (includes methods and assessment), craft and convention. You will participate in theoretical and practical readings and discussions. I will present several approaches to writing pedagogy but it is only fair to equip you with some of my underlying assumptions about writing. I believe writing is fundamental to learning in all disciplines, yet should not be consumed by other content areas. Writing deserves constant attention and direct instruction in every grade, beginning in kindergarten. Writing is a crucial element of the language arts and takes differentiated instruction. Writing curriculum must be appropriate for academically, linguistically and culturally diverse student populations. Course Objectives: Students will learn to 1) teach writing through understanding literacy and language development. 2) assess writers’ strengths and weaknesses and then facilitate literacy growth through informed and evidence-based instructional strategies. 3) choose effective instructional strategies which meet the needs of linguistically and culturally diverse students. 4) explore the Common Core State Standards for Writing across the curriculum. 5) make critical decisions about content, structure, and assessment in language arts classrooms. 6) find ways to integrate theory into practice. Required Texts: You will choose one of the following books for book club. Book Clubs must have at least three participants. Bradbury, Ray. (1996). Zen and the art of writing. Santa Barbara, CA: Joshua Odell. King, Stephen. (2000). On writing. New York: Scribner Books. Lamott, Anne.(1995). Bird by bird. New York: Anchor Books. Steinbeck, John. (1969). The journal of a novel. New York: Penguin Books. Welty, Eudora. (1942). On writing. New York: Random House. Writing p.2 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers (2010). Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers, Washington D.C. Free Download: www.corestandards.org Additional articles provided by the instructor on Blackboard. Recommended Texts: Fearn, L. & Farnan, N. (2002). Interactions: Teaching writing and the language arts. Strunk, W. & White, E.B. The Elements of Style Assignments and Grading: 1) Participation (10 points): Come on time and prepared for class having completed the assigned readings and the appropriate literacy strategies. Your participation is vital to your learning and to the success of the course. If you have an emergency and cannot attend class, please notify your instructor. 2) Standards Based Writing Unit (30 points) CCSS Anchor Standard 8. Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess the credibility and accuracy of each source, and integrate the information while avoiding plagerism. CCSS Anchor Standard 9. Draw evidence from literary or information texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. You will create a unit for teaching writing in your classroom that grows from the above CCSS for writing (Anchor Standards 8 & 9). • Choose a topic for your unit from your grade level science, social science or other curricular standards. • Gather at least three relevant and varied texts to support students’ investigations. Assess each text for credibility. • Refer to your grade level standards to create a unit plan. Students must create a written product whether it be a report of information, an opinion or evaluation, or biographical text. 3) Book Club and Displays (30 points) Students will participate in Book Clubs organized around the titles listed above. Your groups will keep a log of the reading and discussions each meeting as well as plan a final project to share with the class. Each group will establish their own expectations as well as pacing. The final project must demonstrate what you want to share from the book you read. Writing p.3 4) Research Article Review (30 points) You will write a 2-3 page article critique for an article that focuses on addressing one of the essential ideas of this course (see below). You must choose a recent (post 2007) peerreviewed article that focuses specifically on the philosophical and/or methodological aspects of writing or writing instruction. You will present your analysis to the class in a (no more than) 15-minute presentation on your chosen date. Written Critique: Please elaborate on the following components. •Review article and create a summary (1/2 page) that highlights key, innovative or interesting ideas. • Comment on the review of the literature and survey the references. Identify the key perspectives (theoretical or conceptual frameworks), the methods used, and setting and participants. •What are the findings/implications for writing instruction? How does this connect to your own classroom or educational setting? Presentation: Feel free to structure your presentation as best suited to the topic/article explored. For example, you may create a power point, share student work, or engage us in an activity. Essential Ideas: Self-selection vs. Prompts, Voice, Role of Grammar, Genre, Text Structure, Digital Literacies, Disciplinary Literacies, Multicultural Writing Experiences NOTE: In addition to these FOUR main course requirements, you will also be responsible for completing the assigned readings posted on Blackboard as well as engage in written experiences in and out of class. Grading Grid Participation Writing Unit Book Talk & Display Article Review Translation 10 points 30 points 30 points 30 points 100 points 100-94 93-89 88-85 84-80 79-77 76-70 69-65 Less than 64 A AB+ B BC CF I do not use a curve to grade. Everyone has the potential to earn an A for the course! Writing p.4 NO WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER 5/6/14! NO EXCEPTIONS Expectations: Attendance and participation are essential since so much of this class involves peer discussion. When individuals are absent, it not only impacts their learning, but also that of their peers. Absences and tardies will lower your overall grade dramatically. If an absence is unavoidable, you are responsible for calling others in the class and coming to the next class fully prepared. Grades on late assignments will be negatively impacted. Writing Style Guidelines: It is not typical for me to correct your papers for grammatical errors. HOWEVER, I am not your editor. I consider papers that have not been spell checked disrespectful. In addition, I would prefer short, well thought out papers to long ramblings. With that in mind, please follow these guidelines on all papers: •Always include a title page with your name, date, course and contents. •The paper clearly and explicitly meets the requirements of the assignment. •The writing displays thoughtfulness and in-depth understanding of the concept(s) being addressed. •The writing reflects use of standard English and appropriate conventions, with errors only a practiced writer might inadvertently and infrequently make. Always use your spell check. •Font should not be larger than 14 pt. Margins should not exceed 1 inch. • Be sure to cite your sources. All formatting (e.g., references and citations) follow APA format. Writing p.5