School of Art, Design and Art History San Diego State University

School of Art, Design and Art History
San Diego State University
Three Dimensional Design
Fall 2014
ARTN 106 T/TH 12:30-3:10
Seth Papac
Email –
Office # 406 hours – M/W 11-12pm
Art 103 Sec2 Design II Schedule # 20194
Introduction and investigation of design and theory, and practice in three dimensions.
This course will introduce you to the concepts, applications and historical references related to threedimensional form in visual art and design. We will explore the expressive potential and conceptual possibilities
of three-dimensional forms through lecture, image presentations, written assignments and studio projects using
a variety of tools, materials and techniques.
Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
o Demonstrate a working knowledge and understanding of the basic elements of three
dimensional art and design including point, plane, volume, mass, space, line, light, color,
texture and the organizing principles of repetition, emphasis, balance, economy, variety
and proportion
o Demonstrate an understanding of three dimensional visual thinking as distinguished from two
dimensional design.
o Independently produce problem solving projects that successfully incorporate the basic concepts of three
dimensional design.
o Make individual and aesthetic decisions and judgments related to their own artwork.
o Effectively use a variety of three dimensional techniques and tools.
o Demonstrate skills in additive, subtractive and modeling methods to generate geometric and organic
three dimensional forms
o Discuss and write a critical evaluation of three dimensional art, using the appropriate vocabulary and
o Discuss, critique and evaluate their own three dimensional forms, as well as those of others.
o Examine, compare and analyze historical and contemporary examples of three dimensional art and
design within a global context
Creative activity requires thought, research, and planning to develop ideas and solutions, PLUS disciplined time
to master technical skills. Expect to spend a minimum of six hours a week working outside of class. This is a six
hour lab, which is designed to allow for sustained focus on your work with an instructor present for
consultation. Please take advantage of this concentrated studio time; prepare questions in advance of class time,
so that the instructor can be the most helpful to you. Do not be misled by the term “work session” - there is a lot
of essential information exchanged in a work session. Each project will be graded on specific criteria
established when it is assigned. Projects which are submitted on time with all criteria met will meet the
expectation of an average grade. Projects which illustrate creative, thoughtful and rigorous investigation, an
interesting concept, quality craftsmanship, original resolution and a supportive portfolio are necessary in
achieving a higher grade. Additional time, effort, and enthusiasm both in and out of class are necessary for an
above average grade. Students who listen, ask questions, work hard, take risks, explore concepts and media, and
actively engage in constructive criticism and the exchange of ideas will benefit the most from this class, and
earn an above average grade. Late projects or incomplete projects will receive reduced grades. Late assignments
will be reduced by one grade for each class day that it is late. Work created entirely outside of class will not be
accepted for a grade. It will not be discussed at the review or receive any points. Only finished work will be
discussed at the review (finished at the beginning of the class). Professional preparedness (effort, participation,
and presentation) also affects your grade. Conduct in the studio (clean-up and safety) will also affect your
Studio Assignments - There will be 4 multi-part projects assigned throughout the semester. Each project will
focus on particular design elements and principles that will progressively build on one another – allowing for
the knowledge and experience necessary for developing three-dimensional forms and compositions. We will
discuss and actively investigate, through demonstrations when appropriate, each design element and principle as
well as the objective of each assignment. Work that is complete, on time, which demonstrates an understanding
and application of the investigated design elements and principles, demonstrates an effort to illustrate quality
craftsmanship as well as illustrates a unique and personal approach is the only work with the potential to earn an
A. All late work will be reduced by one grade per class period after the due date.
Written Assignments - You will write a research paper as well as make a short presentation on a threedimensional artist or designer. You will also visit a three-dimensional art exhibition and write a review. You
will receive more specific information on separate handouts.
Portfolio – For the first day of class you must print out all handouts(schedule, syllabus, readings, project
descriptions…) and place them in plastic sheet protectors in an 8.5x11” portfolio. For the Linear Rhythm,Surface
Transition and In Situ Projects it is expected that you will thoughtfully develop your ideas and designs and present
them with your finished project. Evidence of linear development and progress is helpful for you to fully understand
and appreciate your creative endeavors. It is required that you not only keep a proper sketch book but that you keep
track of all sources (visual/text) that are used in the early stages of each project. You will be required to hand in a
folio that contains sketches, drawings, relevant notations / research and a typewritten reflective statement. Use a
8.5x11” portfolio. All materials must be placed in plastic sheet protectors. Materials to be reviewed must be easily
visible. NOTE: Folios not presented according to specifications will not be reviewed for a grade until they comply,
they will be deemed late until properly completed and turned in.
Sketches, drawings, models, and notation - In this portion you will neatly present all of your design work.
Everything made and used in your design process, even the unsuccessful or unused ideas, should be included as
it illustrates the whole design process. All design material should be presented in sequential order.
Research- Every project will require you to research the subjects that are relevant to your understanding and
development of the intended work. The research portion should include both visuals and photocopied readings (if
appropriate) that were important to your rendering of the assignment. If lengthy reading was required highlight the
most influential parts. I will be reading any information provided and am not interested in material used for padding
the folio.
Please remember that the folio is a large part of every grade and should be taken seriously and put together correctly.
All required information should be neatly presented.
Sketchbook - You are required to maintain a sketchbook during the extent of this class. Your sketchbook
should be used for visual and technical notes relating to the course content. Much of the information gathered
here will support documentation required in your project portfolios. You will present all project proposals to me
using your sketchbook so it should illustrate an exhaustive and broad inquiry into the given concept/project.
Participation - Attendance is essential. Each project will be presented with slide lectures, written directions,
and technical demonstrations. Students are responsible for all information presented. Punctuality is also critical
and will be reflected in your daily participation points. If you are absent for a class you will not receive any
participation points for that day – regardless of circumstances. If you are late for 6 or more classes you will not
receive above a C grade. Attendance is taken at the beginning of each class and you are expected to be present
for the entire class. I always expect your best efforts and thoughtful solutions. Focus, planning, and long hours
both in and outside of class are a given in creative activity, but the rewards are worth the effort! There will be
assigned due dates for samples, design + research, and projects. On project due dates there will be a group
critique in which all students are required to participate by: (1) Presenting their finished project and discussing
it, (2) submitting a portfolio when appropriate. Attendance at critiques is mandatory. I expect everyone to be
engaged, attentive, critical and supportive in group critiques. If you miss a class, you are responsible for
obtaining all information covered during that class and to arrive prepared for the next class. You are advised to
exchange telephone numbers with individuals in class to obtain information.
Clean-up: 5-10 minutes before the end of class, return all tools to their proper place. Sweep up debris and scraps
from your work area. Studio use is a privilege. Respect the studio facilities and community.
SDSU Grade Definitions
A-outstanding achievement, available only to the highest accomplishment
B-praiseworthy performance, above average
C-average, satisfactory performance. Most common grade
D-minimally passing
Your grade will be based on the following point structure:
Volume Compositions
relationship of volumes 5pts, proportion 5pts,
static axes 5pts, craftsmanship pts
Rectilinear Volume DUE Sep. 11
Curvilinear Volume DUE Sep. 11
Combination Volumes DUE Sep. 16
Planar Construction
DUE Oct. 2
Linear Rhythm
DUE Oct. 23
Surface Transition
DUE Nov. 18
In Situ
DUE Oct. 7
Artist Research Paper and Presentation
DUE Mar. 11
Exhibition Review DUE Nov. 25
positive/negative space 5pts, visual balance 5pts, proportion 5pts,
craftsmanship 5pts
group movement 5pts, visual balance 5pts, proportion 5pts,
craftsmanship 5pts
Group movement/directing the viewer 20pts
complimentary contrast in types of planes and proportion 15pts
harmony between the edges of the planes and their axes 15pts
visual balance 10pts
space as position 10pts
craftsmanship 10pts
proportion, visual balance, positive/negative space
proportion, visual balance, positive/negative space
Illustration of understanding of basic design principles/elements
proportion, visual balance, positive/negative space
paper(quality/depth of research, use of class vocabulary)
use of class vocabulary in evaluating and reflecting on
physically encountered work 20pts
Class participation and preparedness x 10 weeks 100pts
Required Readings – There will be required readings for some of the projects which will provide vital
information about specific 3-dimensional design elements, principles and techniques related to those projects.
These readings will be available for download on Blackboard.
Materials/Tools – Each project will require different tools and materials which you must bring on the due date
as noted in the class schedule. Most of these can be found at the hardware store, craft stores like Michael’s and
art supply stores.
Exacto knife and extra blades
Cutting matte
Glue gun and extra glue sticks
Masking tape
Needle nose pliers
Flat nose pliers
Wire snips
2-90 degree triangular rulers
36” Ruler/straight edge
Cerated knife
Sand paper
White Paint
Bristol/Crescent board
16 gauge galvanized wire or other heavy gauge wire
Carvable floral foam (soft green foam which can be found at Michael’s)
Elmer’s glue
Roll of tracing paper
Drawing implements
Dust mask
Heavy duty gloves
Additional materials and tools may be needed ……
o This room is a community workspace. Studio work will always stop ten minutes before the end of the
class for group cleanup and returning tools to proper place.
o Claim a locker to securely store tools and materials. SDSU is not responsible for theft.
o You may work in the studio during posted studio times as long as no other class is in progress.
o Appropriate footwear and attire must be worn at all times – NO OPEN TOED SHOES.
o Cell phones must be turned to silent and not used during class. NO TEXTING.
This course has a Blackboard site where you will find copies of the syllabus, schedule, assignments, other
course documents, as well as announcements, project grades and reminders throughout the semester. You can
access Blackboard through the SDSU home page, Current Students link. Please make certain that your email
address is current with SDSU in order to make the use of this resource successful. You can update your contact
information through Web Portal.
All projects assigned, unless otherwise expressly stated, are individual assignments to be completed entirely by
each student; doing otherwise is considered academic dishonesty, misconduct, or plagiarism and is subject to
disciplinary action. This policy applies specifically to the physical completion of projects and writings;
meaningful dialogue on assignments is encouraged between students.
For questions regarding this policy, as well as other issues of conduct, please refer to the SDSU Center for
Student Rights and Responsibilities:
If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your
responsibility to contact Student Disability Services at (619) 594-6473. To avoid any delay in the receipt of
your accommodations, you should contact Student Disability Services as soon as possible. Please note that
accommodations are not retroactive, and that I cannot provide accommodations based upon disability until I
have received an accommodation letter from Student Disability Services. Your cooperation is appreciated.