HTM -430- Specialty Event Management SDSU Fall 2015 Instructor: Lisa DeFino

HTM -430- Specialty Event Management
SDSU Fall 2015
Instructor: Lisa DeFino
Office PSFA 433
By appointment/ Thursdays 1:00-2:00 pm
Cell Phone: 619 415-1915
Email is to be used for assignment clarification and to schedule an appointment ONLY. I
will not respond to inquiries about grades over email. Grading questions will only be
addressed during office visits.
Course Description
This course is a comprehensive study of the event project management process and its
application to the production of all types of events. The phases of event project
management will be examined in depth, including an overview of the tasks and activities
associated with each phase, the management functions employed, and the responsibilities
of event managers as they relate to the professional knowledge required; which includes,
technical knowledge, specialized skills, and ethical standards.
By the end of the course each student should be able to:
 Understand categories of events and the context of specific events.
 Be able to recognize the components and requirements of different events.
 Create a strategic plan for an event.
 Develop an event project plan based on the event requirements.
 Apply strategies and methodologies for event planning and management.
 Utilize documents and tools used in event planning and management.
Instructional Format
Class periods will be a combination of lecture, discussion, and case study analysis.
Readings : readings and handouts will sometimes be provided. Research: students will be
required to obtain data and information through research. Students are expected to be
responsible for this material as additions or addenda to lecture material.
Standards and Expectations
 Be on time.
 Regular attendance is required. Absences will result in lower grades. If you are ill
or have a family emergency, you must notify the department prior to your
 Take notes and pay attention. Material from lectures, site visits, guest
presentations and additional readings will be covered on exams.
 Complete all required written assignments ON TIME! This means at the
beginning of the assigned class period. You may turn assignments in early, but
never late. Late turn-ins will result in a grade of “0.”
 You must thoroughly document all of your work and cite sources in proper
format. Failure to do so constitutes plagiarism and will result in a failing grade.
SDSU Specialty Event Management
Lisa DeFino,@2015
There will be 2 exams worth 75 points each. If you miss an exam you
will receive a “0.” The exams will be a combination of T/F, multiple
choice and short answer, and will cover material from the handouts,
lectures, guest speakers, research, and site visits.
Each student will create and develop a project charter. This project is an
individual project that will require time and effort outside the classroom.
Please refer to the project charter instructions and criteria for complete
project requirements.
Students will be assembled into groups of 4-5. There will be 3 group
assignments due throughout the semester. Each Assignment is different
and will require time and effort outside the classroom, as well as in the
classroom. Assignment instructions will be given in class with due dates
for the deliverables for that particular assignment.
Grade Percentages:
Exams-150 points (30%)
Project Charter- 100 to 150 points (30%)
Assignments- (1)=50, (2) =50 points, (3)=100;
Total 200 points (40%)
If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your responsibility to contact Student Disability
Services at (619) 594-6473. To avoid any delay in the receipt of your accommodations, you should contact Student
Disability Services as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive, and that accommodations
based upon disability cannot be provided until you have presented your instructor with an accommodation letter from
Student Disability Services. Your cooperation is appreciated.
100-95%= A
94-90% = A-
89-87% = B+
86-84 = B
83-80 = B-
SDSU Specialty Event Management
Lisa DeFino,@2015
79-77 = C+
76-74 = C
73-70 = C-
69-67 = D+
66-64 = D
63-60 = D
<59 =F