PA 630 Fall 2014 SEMINAR IN PUBLIC PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION Tuesdays 19:00 – 21:40 INSTRUCTOR: OFFICE: OFFICE HOURS: TELEPHONE: Professor Darrell L. Pugh, Ph.D., J.D. PSFA 173 Wednesdays 3:00-4:00 (619) 594-4546 COURSE DESCRIPTION Public Personnel Administration is a course designed to introduce students of public administration to the functions, contexts and issues that constitute the field of personnel administration as practiced in the public sector. By the conclusion of this course, students should be able to identify and discuss a wide variety of personnel activities; be knowledgeable about contemporary issues; and understand the values and contexts that compose the public personnel management system. Because effective human resource management is essential to organizational productivity, growth and survival, one of the aims of this seminar is to provide an advanced examination of major issues in the field with an emphasis on practical, theoretical and legal perspectives. COURSE TEXTS Public Personnel Management, Klingner, et. Al Public Personnel Administration, N. Joseph Cayer Public Personnel Management, Riccucci, N. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Class Group Assignments: Each student will be pair with other students and be responsible for answering a set of questions that pertain to the module assigned for that week. Questions along with directions for completing the assignment can be found in each of the course modules. (80 points) Class Quizzes Each student will take a modular quiz for each of the eight modules. Quizzes will be given in class. Each quiz will consist of 15 multiple choice or true false questions. Once you begin the quiz you will have 30 minutes to complete your answers. You may use your books and notes to help you answer the questions but, fair warning, you will not have enough time to look up or find every answer. So do the readings, review the lectures and power points, and BE PREPARED! (120 points) Any student requiring special accommodations through Disabled Student Services should process the proper paperwork well in advance of the scheduled test date. If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your responsibility to contact Student Disability Services at (619) 594-6473. To avoid any delay in the receipt of your accommodations, you should contact Student Disability Services as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive, and that accommodations based upon disability cannot be provided until you have presented your instructor with an accommodation letter from Student Disability Services. Your cooperation is appreciated. Semester Team Research Project and Paper: Each student will be paired with another student and be responsible for preparing a coauthored semester research project and paper. The paper is to be based on a contemporary issue in public human resource management that demonstrates the importance of human resource management and its implications for organizational effectiveness. Examples of such issues include but are not limited to topical areas such as Classification, Compensation, Affirmative Action/EEO Policies and Enforcement, Composition of the Workforce/Diversity, Changes in Labor Relations, Downsizing/Layoffs, Employee Benefits, Merit Pay, Recent Changes in Labor and Employment Laws, Managing Employee Productivity, and Human Resource Information Technology. The paper should be based on both a thorough literature review (e.g. a review of the pertinent literature/legislation) and field research (e.g. personal research that you do in the field to collect data such as interviews, case studies or survey instruments) assessing at least three local jurisdictions. The literature you review should be thoroughly discussed and provide background for your specific research question. Your field research should either substantiate your hypothesis regarding your research question and/or explain how your finding did not support your assumptions. Your paper should include specific conclusions and recommendations on how human resource management can increase organizational effectiveness/productivity based on your research findings and conclusions. Papers should be no more than 20 typewritten, double-spaced pages of text (excluding references and endnotes). Your papers should be thoroughly and accurately footnote/endnote according to an accepter format (e.g. University of Chicago Style Guide). Papers will be due on November 18, 2014. Papers may be handed in early in but no late papers will be accepted, except for unforeseen, documented, medical reasons. (100 points) COURSE OUTLINE Aug. 26 Sept. 2 & Sept. 9 Sept. 16 Introduction Understanding Public Personnel Frameworks and Their Origins. Kingner Ch. 1 & 2; Cayer Ch. 1; Riccucci, Article “How we get where we are today”. Klingner Ch 3&4; Cayer Ch. 2; Riccucci, Article “Building Public HRM Capacity in Fragile and Transitional States: Linking theory, research, practice and teaching”. Review Power Point Lectures on Blackboard and take the quiz on Monday, September 9, 2014 between 6:00 am and 11:00 pm. Understanding Labor-Management Relations Klingner Ch. 14; Cayer Ch. 8; Riccucci, Article “Public employee unions in a new era”. Review Power Point Lectures on Blackboard and take the quiz on Monday, September 15, 2014 between 6:00 am and 11:00 pm.. Sept. 23 Understanding Employee Rights and Organizational Justice Klingner Ch. 12 & 13; and Cayer Ch. 7; Riccucci Article “Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered employees in the public sector workforce.” Review Power Point Lectures on Blackboard and take the quiz on Monday, September 22, 2014 between 6:00 am and 11:00 pm.. Sept. 30 INDIVIDUAL TEAM MEETINGS Have your paper agreements ready for review and signature (See Blackboard for Paper Guidelines and Paper Agreement.) Oct. 7 Understanding Employee Motivation and Compensation . Klingner, Ch. 4 & 6 Cayer, Ch. 4 ; Riccucci, Article “Public sector pensions and Benefits: Challenges in a new environment.” Review Power Point Lectures on Blackboard and take the quiz on Monday, October 6, 2014 between 6:00 am and 11:00 pm. Understanding Position Management. Klingner Ch. 5; Cayer Ch. 3; Riccucci, Article “Strategic Human Resource Management”. Review Power Point Lectures on Blackboard and take the quiz on Monday, October 13, 2014 between 6:00 am and 11:00 pm.. Oct. 14 Oct. 21 Understanding Recruitment, Selection, and Equal Employment Opportunity: Klingner, Ch. 7 & 8; Ch. 3 and Cayer Ch. 5; Riccucci, Article “Affirmative action and the law?” Review Power Point Lectures on Blackboard and take the quiz on Monday, October 20, 2014 between 6:00 am and 11:00 pm.. Oct. 28 Understanding Training and Development Klingner Ch 10; Riccuci, Article Generational differences and the public sector work force”. Review Power Point Lectures on Blackboard and take the quiz on Monday, October 27, 2014 between 6:00 am and 11:00 pm.. Nov. 4 Understanding Performance Management Klinger Ch. 9 & 11; Riccucci, Article “Managing human resources to improve organizational productivity: The role of performance evaluation”. Review Power Point Lectures on Blackboard and take the quiz on Monday, November 3, 2014 between 6:00 am and 11:00 pm.. Nov. 11 No Class Nov. 18 RESEARCH PAPERS DUE Nov. 23 Thanksgiving Break (No Class) Dec. 2 Research Paper Presentations Dec. 9 Research Paper Presentations